
Young Writers Society

The Hunger Games - Done

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:47 pm
pinkangel54123 says...


I'm happy that Izzy believed my story. Of course I still have both daggers, my water bottle, the first aid kit, and my sleeping bag. But I can't use any of it in front of those two. They let me have the bow and arrows. Now I will never go hungry.

When Izzy fell asleep, I went to hunt. Since we were right next to a stream, I got some fish for myself. If the other two wanted to eat then they could hunt for themselves. I drink some water so that I don't get dehydrated. Suddenly, the sky is black and thick with bugs. I swat at them, but it doesn't help at all. I dunk myself into the water and stay there as long as I can. When I come up for air, the bugs seem to be thicker over my head. A few of them go into my mouth and I immediately spit them out.

Stupid Gamemakers, I think. The bugs bite me all over and cold air pushes at me from all sides. Right then, I wish that I could just cover myself in my sleeping bag. But then Izzy would know that I was lying the whole time, and my plan would fail. In her eyes, I'm a vulnerable, small girl that just doesn't want to die. I begged her to help me and in return she gets nothing. But at the very least there is a lot of clean water in the Animal Kingdom. I'm sure that we'll be at the big tree by morning, but right now I'm tired and itchy and sore from carrying the supposedly empty bag.

I'm almost positive that I can whine my way into getting Izzy to carry my bag. Ha.
Last edited by pinkangel54123 on Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:48 pm
ultraviolet says...

Jeremy Michaels

"Sleeping bags? Great!" I said. I could go with not having to sleep so close to Acacia; she kind of scared me, even more so with her teasing.

"We're not going for the sleeping bags, you idiot," Acacia said. Harsh.

"Why not? It was freezing last night," I said, starting to get sick of her bossiness.

"Think about it," she said, tone very condescending. "Three sleeping bags. Eleven tributes. We aren't very close to the Cornucopia. I can next go guarantee that we won't be the first there. Why get caught up in the fighting? It's stupid."

Why did she always have to be right about this stuff? It would be a lot easier to hate her if she wasn't keeping me alive.

"Okay, that makes sense. I suppose," I added, grudgingly.

"We should probably go back to the Muppets place and find Falco, make sure he hasn't gotten himself killed. And make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like go for the Cornucopia."

I agreed and we set out. By the time we passed by Blizzard Beach, the sun was beating down and sweat was glueing my white shirt to my body. If it stayed this hot, the water would not last long. It took a long while to get to Hollywood Studios. I just hoped Falco hadn't screwed up; I wasn't in the mood to watch Acacia yell at someone else.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:26 am
Junglelover says...

Izzy Fox--5

Where is Ryan!?I asked myself. He didn't come back last night. I hope it wasn't too cold. I mean, I had Chase to huddle with, and he was all by himself. "Ryan!" I yelled. Oops, maybe I shouldn't of done that, I don't want to draw attention. The cold last night was quickly warmed by the bits, that itched like crazy. Getting no answer, I walked over to Chase, "I'm going to find Ryan, can you find something for us to eat?" My nose was stuffed, and my throat was soar, I sounded terrible.

I walked around for him, but couldn't find him. Just when I was about to give up, he popped up of nowhere. "You scared me to death!" I said with a gasp.
"Well, sorry!" He said, the sarcasm dripping from his mouth.
"Still upset about last night, eh?"
We argued about it for a bit, when we heard the Game Maker. "Come on, we need those bags. You can have the dagger, and I'm sure Chase would share with you. Let's go." We ran back to where we stayed the night, Chase was back with a rabbit. " No time for that, we need to get those bags."
"Wait," Ryan interrupted me, "You still haven't found out the cure for the bits?"
"No, I can see you have. What is it?"
"Well...It's urine....."
"Seriously?" He nodded, "How did you find that out?--Wait, I don't want to know." After we cured are self's, we ran off. I was also carrying Chase's bag, poor kid, so weak. Ryan didn't like it of course.

We got to the Cornucopia, but we were a little late. There were a couple other people there, we would have to fight for them.

**Ahh, I don't care if I don't get the sleeping bags.**
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:44 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Ivan Istor

We weren't the first ones to arrive at the cornucobia like I thought we would be. As we approached the large round building that housed the cornucobia, someone stepped in front of the entrance with a bow cocked with an arrow aimed straight at me. She was a short girl looking to be only 16 years of age and had long messy jet black hair and stunning green eyes that seemed to glow out from behind the grime on her face. I took a step forward and instantly recognized her. She was the one person I did not want to meet under bad circumstances such as this. It was my fellow district 1 tribute. Samantha.

I looked back at Andi and jerked my head telling her to hide. She obviously knew that it was Samantha, so she backed off without another word. We had made a plan if we met anybody at this point. I would stay back and distract them as she went to get the sleeping bags and any other resources we could use. I had my work cut out for me. I had to lure the one person I was afraid of away from the entrance without dying in the process. Fun.

"Nice to see you, Sammy." I said cheefully.

"Do not call me that, Ivan." Samantha replied coldly. She did not take her eyes off of me. I half hoped for more tributes to show up, but I knew that that wouldn't happen for a little bit. We must have had a good lead on them seeing that we didn't go very far at the beginning.

"Do you really want to fight her, Samantha?" I asked, "Why don't you team up with Andi and I. You can have your chance later on and make it more exciting for the fans on the Capitol."

"Why should I care about them?" She said without emotion.

"Well, I would believe this is the fight they are waiting for." I said, "If we fight to the death here at the beginning, we are sure to be interrupted by the game makers. The fans want a fight between the two former allies turned enemies."

"Then why not give it to them now, Ivan?" She said. This wasn't working, but I didn't expect it to. I just needed to stall for a little more and give Andi the chance to get into position to bolt when Samantha is distracted. And perhaps give the other tributes a chance to intervene. Well, I wasn't getting any more time out of her. I had to act.

"The let's fight!" I yelled and drew my foil. Samantha let an arrow loose and I dove to the side. Her accuracy was dead on, and she still ended up scratching my arm with her arrow. God, I hoped it wasn't poisoned. I jumped up and dove behind a concrete barrier at a nearby fountain. I saw behind me another tribute approach but backed off when she saw me and Samantha. Probably waiting for one of us to kill the other and attack the remaining. I had to finish this.

In jumped out of my cover and bolted off to the side. Samantha gave chase parallel to me trying to get a solid bead on my movements, but I was making it hard. I closed the distance on her gradually and swiped the bow out of her hand with one swing of my foil. She easily dodged another swing and grabbed her bow. She got an arrow loaded and pointed it at my face just as I pressed the point of my foil to her heart. We froze. One movement from either of us would probably mean the death of both of us. The fight was getting interesting.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

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Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:30 pm
Junglelover says...

It's okay to kill Andi, right?

Ryan Hunt--5

The two just stood there, with their weapons at each others body, wondering who would do the next move. I was ordered to creep to the sleeping bags, and Izzy had my back.

It was hard to keep my eyes off of them, No, keep an eye on where I'm going. I crept silently towards the bags. I had my dagger drawn, and my eyes peeled. When I reached the bags, there was a red headed girl about to take them. When she saw me, she jumped. There was a nasty look in her eyes and started walking slowly towards me. My heart was beating, I can't kill her, I can't! What am I going to do? An arrow shot past me and went into the girl. I looked behind me to see Chase, she had a mad look in her eye. The red headed girl was bent over the arrow and was about to fall over. I ran up to her before she could and let her down slowly. She mumbled a few things, that I couldn't make out. I felt sorry for her. She was scared, and there was tears running down her cheek.

I waited for her to died before getting back up to retrieve the bags, which Chase already got. I went back to Izzy, Chase was already there, holding the bags. There was something about her that made me wonder, Is she really this helpless? Or is there something under those big scared eyes that's strong and brave.
"Come on, let's try to get out of here with out being seen." Izzy said. The image of the girl stayed in my head, I couldn't get it out. I didn't look to see what happened to the other two that were fighting, I didn't want to see.
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:33 am
TheGreatIthy says...

*Junglelover, that was Andi that was killed, right? If so, that's fine it just makes it easier for me to not have to think about her.*

Ivan Istor

I stood, foil to Samantha's heart and with an arrow aimed at my head. Neither of us moved our hands, but we started to circle each other. It was mostly to not be blindsided by another competitor, but we were also waiting for the other to drop their guard. Each of our eyes darted around our surroundings to look for danger, then back at the immediate opponent. We were still circling like this when I spoke.

"Well," I said, "looks like neither of us will go down so easily."

"So it seems." Samantha said. She had a hint of a smile on her face. She was enjoying this. To be honest, so was I.

"I don't think this fight will ever end if we stay like this."

"Nope." Samantha replied. Even though we both knew we had to move to finish things, we didn't. We were worried about what the other would do. Then, I noticed that the other tributes had made a move, but not towards us like I had expected. They had gone to the cornucobia where Andi was and had already returned with the sleeping bags. All three of them, but that wasn't what worried me. I didn't see Andi among them.

"Andi." I whispered. Samantha gave me a weird look, and I took the chance when her guard was down. I twirled around Samantha and gave her a sharp hit with the butt of my foil knocking her over. I then bolted to the cornucobia. I had to know if Andi was alright. I didn't want the guilt of her death so soon. She was under my protection and I may have failed her and that hurt more than anything Samantha could do to me. Before Samantha could recover enough to shoot at me again, I was inside and out of her range for the moment.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:02 am
Junglelover says...

Yeah, that was Andi.

Is anyone going to challenge them for the sleeping bags? If not, I will post more(But not tonight).
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:39 am
pinkangel54123 says...


I feel no remorse. She's dead, and I killed her, but I feel nothing. I was expecting to feel horrible, sharp, stabbing guilt rushing through me for as long as I'm in the arena. But there's nothing. I hadn't even wanted a stupid sleeping bag, but I'd be damned if someone killed my ally before I got the chance to.

I'm a bit worried that Ryan can see through my act. I know that he doesn't trust me, but Izzy does. And whatever Izzy agrees to, Ryan will go along no matter what. Just to make sure Ryan doesn't get any more suspicious, I start to bawl. I crumple in on myself, not worried at all that I'll get killed. The thought itself is laughable. The only person that scares me is Ivan. But even he isn't enough for me to worry about.

All that matters is keeping up my facade no matter what the cost. I'll even give up my allies lives which isn't saying much considering I could kill them right now and feel no guilt. The cruel thoughts begin to build and I squash them with another round of tears. "Ryan, pick her up," Izzy says. He leans down, but I kick out at him with a hysterical scream.

"Don't hurt me," I scream. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." I don't know why I'm stalling, but some morbid part of me wants to see the panic and horror on Ivan's face when he finds out that I did it. The doe-eyed child whose hysterical cries can be heard whenever the going gets tough. The stupid foil in his hands isn't enough of a threat to me.

"Chase, we need to go now," Izzy says in a placating voice. "Let Ryan pick you up." I don't have to stall any longer because Ivan races up to us. I finger the dagger hidden in my belt just in case he gets too close.

His eyes flicker from Andi's lifeless body to my patheticly useless allies. "Who did this?" he says in what can nearly be called a calm voice. But I know better. I can hear the storm brewing just beneath the surface.

Izzy opens her mouth to take the fall for me, but I immediately interrupt with a wail. "I'm so sorry," I say, putting my hands on his cheeks and making my eyes dart around his face. I want him to feel like he's in the presence of a lunatic, and he very well may be. "I was just so hungry, and I thought..." I trail off letting him finish in his mind. I wrap my arms around him, making sure to keep his arms pinned. "She looked so alive and juicy and like meat," I whisper in his ear. "But you can't mind now that she's dead, can you?" I look to the body, but I haven't heard the canon yet, so she must not be dead. "She's not dead yet though. I bet we could get some meat for dinner and be full tonight before they come and get the body." He wriths in my arms, but I just grip him harder. Ryan and Izzy are looking on helplessly. Shielding my belt, I pull the dagger out and hold it up to his chin. I'm glad that Ryan and Izzy are stupid enough not to come closer; I don't want them to know I still have the daggers. The dagger slices through his skin so easily, it's like butter. As I bring the dagger down, I slice his arm and leg in one swoop. Before they can react to the seemingly anonymous blood, I grab Ryan and Izzy's arm, false tears streaming down my face, as we haul ass back towards Animal Kingdom.
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Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:41 am
TheGreatIthy says...

Ivan Istor

I barely had time to react before the girl cut both my arm and my leg with her dagger and bolted. There was something in her eyes that stalled me. Something that told me that she may be the one to watch out for in the games, not Samantha. She was the one who killed Andi and her allies looked clueless about the demon they possess. I swore loudly as the pain registered. The cut on my leg wasn't too bad, easily bandaged up with my shirt, but there was already an injury on my arm from Samantha's arrow, and the dagger didn't make it any better. Luckily, both injuries were on my wrong arm. Unluckily, the dagger cut was long and looked like it would cause some trouble later on. I needed bandages for it.

It was then that the girl's words registered on me. She said that Andia wasn't dead yet. Then she suggested cannibalism, but I chose to ignore that. It was true though. Andi layed there, mortally wounded by an arrow, but not dead. I guess she was leaving me with the choice. Do I let her bleed out, or do I finish it myself. In a way, that was a worse punishment. I knew what I had to do though. There was no way that I could save Andi and still get out of the area alive. Samantha was probably waiting outside for me, and my arm was useless. I had to finish it, but it went against all that I stood for. Andi was helpless. I wanted her to have a fighting chance against me and to die or kill me honourably. That was the plan. The last death would be the honourable one. But there was nothing honourable about this.

"Andi," I whispered, "I am so sorry. I will avenge your death. I swear that the girl will die by my hand, and no other. I swear it." I shead a tear for her, and drew my foil readying it over her heart. I quick death. Then, I brought the foil down into her heart killing her instantly.

I stayed with her for a few minutes before getting up and walking outside. Samantha was gone, thankfully but I had no clue where the girl and her team went. That was when I noticed the water rising on the ground at an alarming rate. Without another thought, I ignored the great pain in my arm and leg and bolted across the court yard to the buildings on the other side. If it was another trap by the game makers, I was not about to fall for it. Not before I killed who I was to kill.

Andi is dead Sorry, forgot to bold that so everybody knew.
*There is still that flood that is supposed to happen, right? Just making sure before I go any farther with it.*
Last edited by TheGreatIthy on Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:13 am
Calligraphy says...

Yep guys, the fun begins! This is what I posted before about the water. When the reaches it's high on the second day. All the water is going to start to rise quickly. You will have about 7 minutes to get somewhere high, before a huge wave makes its way across the whole park from typhoon lagoon. Izzy is going to die during the wave somehow. Got it. Any questions. Please ask them in the DT.

A. S.

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:22 am
ultraviolet says...

>Yeah. Me and Cal talked about it at her house--the reason I haven't posted yet--and we decided that the water would rise to about average chest height, then a big tidal wave would come from Typhoon Lagoon. Also, we thought that some of the characters scheduled to die might lose their lives in that<

Acacia Lane

As we walked in the hot, sticky sun, I realized a few things that had taken back seat. One; during my fight with the District 8 girl, I had skidded a good ten feet on hard, gritty concrete before flying into a murky pool. Now, my entire left arm and left hip and part of my left leg were all stinging. I looked down and saw that blood had dried on me, but the humid air was making it sticky and uncomfortable, even more than it would be.

Two; I hadn't eaten anything since before the games. I had gotten strong pangs in my stomach. The water was also running out. That little water bottle wouldn't last one person for long, nonetheless three. Maybe we should camp out at Animal Kingdom instead, for both reasons.

Three; The bites. Festering. That was the word to describe them. They both itched and hurt, and if you itched them they hurt more. I now realized that the gnats were for more than temporary annoyance. There was something mutated about them, something not right. There had to be some way to fix this--the capitol would get bored with death by bug. There had to be some way. And I would figure that out.

Jeremy, beside me, didn't look much better, though he didn't have the skid wound. Sweat was beading on both of our foreheads, only furthering our misery.

After what seemed like hours--and probably was longer--we made it to Hollywood Studios. Then the Muppet place. The tweezer wasn't stuck on the door, but we entered warily anyway. It was dark when we entered. That was what tipped me off. Guided only by the sparse window light, we tiptoed in, peering around each corner cautiously, almost paranoid. But it's the paranoid ones that survived.

As we entered the main auditorium, I saw a vague outline of a body, lying face down, blood pooled around his body. I walked over and knelt down by the body, hoping that it wasn't Falco. Of course, that was naive and stupid. I turned him over. It was Falco.

"Oh..." Jeremy said when he saw him.

I checked Falco out. Whoever killed him took all of our stuff. At least the stuff he had.

"Let's go." Whoever was here, they could still be around. We had to go. To Animal Kingdom, obviously.

Jeremy just followed quietly, like he couldn't talk. I wondered if he had ever seen anyone dead or die before, other than on tv. Probably not--he wreaked of innocence. He wouldn't win this, I could tell. You had to had a certain amount of determination and unrelenting drive that not even guilt can break, and he didn't have it. Sure, it was possible to get it late, but most people died before that point.

When I walked out the door and stepped out, I heard a splash. I looked down; three inches of water was on the ground and was steadily rising. In about ten seconds it was up to my lower calf.

"This is bad," I said. "Very bad."

"Why?" asked Jeremy. "It's just a little water. Besides, it's about ten degrees cooler now."

I rolled my eyes. "Because, this won't be a little flood. This is torture. We need to find high ground before this goes above our heads, maybe higher than any of the buildings."

"You're being paranoid," Jeremy said.

"And if it weren't for me you would be dead at the Cornucopia trying to a retrieve a not necessary sleeping bag."

I looked around, trying to decide the best thing to climb. A little ways away I saw what looked like maybe a radio station; on top was a giant radio antennae. Boo ya.

By the time we ran over there, the water was to my waist. Now how to get to the roof....

Aha! I climbed on a small garage-type place. Then I helped Jeremy up. Then we jumped onto a slightly taller building, then to the main building. The water would have been over my head, by then.\

That's when I saw it, from on the roof. A tidal wave, taller than a three story house, wider than, well, the whole park. It grew and grew and grew and drew nearer and nearer.

"Climb!" I yelled, and started scaling the antennae. Jeremy looked confused, then turned around and saw it. A look of pure terror encased his face as the wall of water started towards us. Why couldn't we have been on the other side of the park, away from Typhoon Lagoon, which, I could see from there, was where it originated.

I reached the top, and the tidal wave was nearly upon us. I wrapped my arm around the metal bars and grabbed Jeremy's hand.

The wave of water crashed on us. The water hit us with such a force that Jeremy was pulled away and was dragged behind me, me as his anchor. We dug our nails into each other's wrists, but the pain was washed away with the rush of water streaming by me with the force of a semi truck barreling along the road full steam ahead. I could feel Jeremy's nails scrape into me and he slowly slid away. I tried to grip tighter, but it wasn't possible and it wasn't good enough.

He slipped away into watery oblivion.

Ten more seconds. That's how long it took before the water stopped, how long it took before the wave fell away, how long it took before the water subsided. Ten seconds. If I had lasted that much longer, Jeremy would still be here. And now... Well, now he was gone and who knew how long he would be carried by the wave, maybe till he reached the other side of the forcefield. Maybe he would crash against a building first. Maybe he would die.

He was an idiot, but I felt that this was wrong. It wasn't how he was supposed to die.

More importantly, I wasn't supposed to care.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:56 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Leon Echelon


I was at home, under the covers of my bed. That was my mother's voice. The games are over, and I had somehow survived and made it back to district 6 to continue on my life like nothing ever happened. The bed was so warm and comfy, that I pretended not to hear her and tried to get more sleep. Surely, I was entitled to it. Everybody said that I would lose the games. I came dead last on the polls, I had no physical strength and many doctors had told me that my genious could easily lead to mental problems if I was under stress. Well, I prooved all of them wrong, and now I had more money than I could ever need and could live my life the way I always wanted to. The chameleon had his day and was able to survive against all odds.

Leon. Wake up.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled. Surely my mother would give me that.



You're wet.

No I wasn't. I was in bed at home. Dry as a... Wait. I was wet. That wasn't my mother. The voice was that of the spear that had been speaking to me in the games. The games. I was still there. I had passed out from exhaustion near the monorail station. But there was no water there. I opened my eyes and saw that the ground had been taken over by water. I grabbed my spear and used it to try and hoist myself up. It was no use, I was too eshausted. Too thirsty. Every part of me ached. I think I may have urinated on myself. The bug bites still stung, except the ones on my legs for some reason. I looked at the water. It looked clean enough. Certainly cleaner than what I had. I emptied my water bottle and refilled it. I drank the water and felt a little better. Enough to get up. I topped it off and hoisted myself up.

"What is this?" I asked the spear.

Trap. We must get inside to higher ground.

I nodded. The water was rising at an alarming rate. I walked inside the building and stumbled up the staircase.

We should get a few floors up. To the train.

I did just that and as I reached the train floor, I saw the wave.

Get away from the windows. Against the wall.

I obeyed and the wave hit the building smashing in all the windows with the force. The water hit me and pinned me against the wall. I held my breath, but the pressure pressed against me making me gasp. I thought I was about to drown, but as that thought hit me with full force, the pressure died and the water drained out of the building only leaving the floor and myself wet. I stumbled to my feet. I had survived, now if only I could make the itching stop.



You urinated yourself in your sleep and the pain died with it. That's the secret.

Of course. So simple. I stripped off my shirt and used it to wiope myself down. Dignity had been stripped long ago, so there really was nothing to lose in that respect for me. After I finished, I followed the spear's directions in making some traps to protect me against the other tributes. Hopefully, the games weren't going to last much longer. I needed food and fresh water badly.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:54 am
pinkangel54123 says...


I need that sleeping bag. Kace is on his own when it comes to this, and he doesn't want to go for them. We're still close enough to the cornocopia that it makes sense to go back. He says he refuses to come with me, so I'll just go it alone. Three bags. There are only three bags, and I can see them in front of me. I've come way earlier than everyone else. I could go right now without getting myself hurt.

I run as fast as I can and grab one of the bags off of the table. Suddenly, a girl appears and takes a swipe at me. I hold my side as blood spills through my fingers. But I don't stop. I refuse to stop until I get to high ground, the place where I always feel the most comfortable. I tie myself to the tree as my vision begins to fade for the second time during my stay at the arena. The last thing I register is the sound of water lapping at the roots of the tree.

**Echo desperately needs some first aid things. Gift maybe?**
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Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:25 am
ultraviolet says...

Jeremy Michaels

I tried to hang on, desperately tried. But I couldn't. The force of the water was too strong. When I was let free, I immediately started free flying through the giant wave. I tumbled around like I was in a washing machine. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't go up for air. Once I was thrown out and I started gasping for breath as I flew through the air, but a few seconds and I was back in the liquid monster, and I had breathed up water, which only made it worse.

How much longer I could last, I didn't know. Not long. My lungs were burning, All around me swirled in a mass of clear swirling liquid wind.

Just when I thought my lungs would burst, I fall out of the back of the wave. I skipped across some body of water like a rock across a pond. Finally, though, I started to sink. Then I went into survival mode. I kicked my arms and legs mindlessly, refusing to give up. Somehow, some miraculous how, I managed to stay afloat.

Once my body started to register that I wasn't going to drown, my limbs slowed, but were still kicked to keep me above water. I gasped for much needed air. I jerked around, trying to figure out where I was, where the nearest land was. About thirty feet to my right was an island, fair in size though holding to comparison to the land mass that was Disney WOrld. I doggy paddled over there, not enough energy to do any sort of stroke.

I pulled myself onto land and collapsed on the beach. I tried to slow my uneven breathing. Soon I fell into unconsciousness.

Acacia Lane

After the water subsided, I slowly climbed down the antennae. WHen I reached the bottom, I sat down, back against the antennae base. For a while all I could do was sit there and tell myself In, out, in, out, just keep breathing, it's going to be okay, just keep breathing, in, out, in, out.

My body was soaked, but my throat was raw from thirst. I climbed down the building. The water looked clean enough, and even if I had the resources to purify it, my thirst was so much that I needed water now. A sip told me it was clean. A dozen gulps told me it was refreshing. About a foot of it was still on the ground, so I filled my water bottle with it.

My bites were only worse. But how would I fix them? Maybe a sponsor would send something...? No. If they were going to they would have by now. Obviously there was something about them my mentor knew that I didn't. Something that would allow me to fix it on my own. I just had to figure out what...

In the mean time, my arm was bleeding again and it felt on fire and I was dead tired. I decided to rest in the radio station, even if it was only midday. I wouldn't make it till nightfall if I didn't get some sleep.

As I curled up on the floor in a recoding booth, I couldn't help thinking that it was so much better knowing you weren't alone, having someone, anyone, there....

Stop, I mentally scolded myself. He's gone. And while your this tired, you have no chance of finding him.

I made myself fall asleep. It was hard, but eventually sleep did come.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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45 Reviews

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Points: 3320
Reviews: 45
Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:06 am
TheGreatIthy says...

Ivan Istor

My running slowed more as the water rose to my knees. I was nearing the building, but my progress was slow and the rising water was making it more difficult by the minute. When it got to my waist, I dove in and did a front stroke ignoring the pain in my arm where it was cut. Ignoring the blood as the water turned red around me. The water made it look worse than it was. I saw the cut, it was bad but not life threatening. I made it to the building and swam through an open window into a narrow staircase. I got out of the water on the stairs and started to run up the flights. I paused when I heard something.

I went out of a nearby doorway into a hall. What I saw almost made me fall over and feint. I massive tidal wave heading straight for me. I had to ancor myself, there was no way the building was big enough to survive allow me to get above it. Like I had the time. I went back into the stairway and grabbed onto the railing. Hopefully that would hold. I closed my eyes as the wave crashed into the building. For a moment, it seemed the doors would hold, but the wave inevitably won and they burst letting the water cascade into the stairway. The water hit me from both sides and tried to suck me into the current, but I used all the strength from the training I went through before the games to hold on.

I held my breath for what seemed like an eternity as the water threw me around trying to take me with it. I held on, but the current forced itself into my mouth and I thought that I was going to drown. Then, the current stopped and the water drained out of the stairs leaving me to collapse and choke out whatever had gotten into me. I struggled to get my breath, but I was able to and I struggled to my feet. I slowly descended the stairs to find that the water was still there, but only about a foot deep. It looked clean enough, so I took a drink before going back inside to take stock of what I had.

There was no use in going back to my hideout now, as I was pretty sure that our room was on the first floor and our supplies would be long gone by now. Like the wave was equalizing the field and elimintating any stockpilers from the beginning. On me, I had one apple, my foil and my lamininated map that had one cut through it courtesy of the crazy girl that cut me, but it was still usable. That was it. I had nothing left. Just great.

I addressed my injuries. The cut on the arm was the concerning one and it probably needed stitches, and the cut on my leg didn't seem nearly as bad. It came at the downswing, so it was more like a paper cut at that point. I stripped off my shirt and wringed it out to get it somewhat dry. I then folded it a little, and tied it around my upper arm covering the cut. I tied it tight to close the wound. I knew that all I needed to do was keep the pressure up and stitches wouldn't be needed. It would also stop the bleeding. I would just have to favor my other arm for a while so I wouldn't make it any worse.

I looked at the map again. I was near Hollywood studios, so I thought that would be a good place to go. I put the map away and walked out of the building I was in. I would be there in about 30 minutes if I proceed cautiously. I still had to keep an eye out for Samantha. There was no way she would let a wave kill her.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

You won't know the outcome of something unless you try it.
— manilla