
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang 4: The Hunted (Ended)

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:04 pm
Kaywiia says...


"No," I said, at the same time Eve said, "Yes,"

"Your unwelcome here," I said to her, not bothering to disguise the hate in my voice. I wasn't sure if I hated Eve or Alis more right now, though Riley was up their with them. To be honest, I didn't really like anyone in this gang. I couldn't wait until I had an excuse to go back to England. But, right now, Riley needed me.

"Stop, Tia, please," Eve was almost begging now. I rolled my eyes at how pathetic they all were.

I looked at Alis, and narrowed my eyes. I really hated her right now, but I needed to prove I was better than her. Somehow...I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and dialed. Using my moms credit card, I got us another limo.

As I saw headlights pull up the road, I hid the others the others behind a bush. The limo driver stepped out. He gave me a look, and whistled. I took out my gun and shot him. "Thanks a ton," Alis's sarcastic voice came form the bushes behind me.

"Your welcome," I said in an equally sarcastic tone. "Now, let's go find Riley."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:30 pm
Fox says...


"Your welcome. Now let's go find Riley." Tia said, hopping in the driver's seat to the limo. Alis got in the passenger's seat while the rest of us got in the back. I didn't say a word. I was very angry at Tia right then, but it wasn't the time to argue. Her attitude was just...UGH! I couldn't stand people like her. Who did she think she was, rolling her eyes at me? I mean, I've been in this gang longer than her!

"You know, we really didn't need this. Plus, weren't you the one who was mad at me for not hiding the body?" Alis asked her angrily.

"We're in a rush now. We didn't have time. The cops already have the fingerprints from the captain, so they're already after us. Another found body won't make a difference." Tia said. Alis just rolled her eyes. There really was no point in arguing with people like Tia...or Alis. If they think they're right, let them think that even if they aren't. Most of the time, Alis is right, though.

"Let's just find Riley." I said. I knew Tia had rolled her eyes again, but I just ignored it. It was silent while we drove, until I spotted someone walking in the shadows of the road. "Hey, stop for a second. I think that's Riley." I said, looking out the window. Every head turned to see.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:44 am
ridersofdamar says...


It took us ten minutes to get out of the compound and into my truck. I hopped in the drivers seat while Reg looked at it appreciatively.

"Where'd you find this?"

"Mexico. Figured you would need a new one some time soon."

I tossed a bag of clothes to the back seat for him to change into, but there was nothing for the colonel so I told her she would just have to wait.

For the first two hours we made no stops, then we stopped at a small town with a gas station and pawn shop. While Reg pumped the car and the Colonel went to get some clothes I picked up a newspaper. There was nothing in it about our escape, but that was to be expected. There was however an article about a speach being made in mexico. By a guy who wanted us dead. Suddenly I realized where Riley was, and how much trouble she could really be in if she hadn't pulled it off perfectly.

I ran back to the car where both Reg and the girl were waiting, "Come on! Let's go! I think Riley might be in trouble."

Reg of course hopped in the drivers seat and the colonel hopped in the back, making room for me to dive through the window into the passenger seat. "We need to get to Mexico. There's a speech being given by an army executive about how to get rid of the rest of us. Right before I left Riley took off with murder in her eyes. I think thats where she went- and I think she went alone."
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:29 am
Vanadis says...


Alis had thrown me a gun before hurrying out the door; whatever. Now I had two of them. Good riddance to her, anyway. The only people I really missed out of the bunch were Maitea and Eve...and maybe Howard--he didn't seem like a bad guy. However, I supposed someone had to stay and watch the feed. Riley was long gone from the cameras' view, but it would still give me a bit of an idea of what the police were doing.

I lay down on my right side on the couch, wincing at the pain in my chest, and the discomfort of lying on all the bruises I had. However, my left side was much worse off.

The computer was still there. After situating it in front of me, I panned through the feeds, trying to pick up any bit of suspicious or curious movement. They'd already taken fingerprints. One of the cops, armed with the plastic bag they'd labeled "EVIDENCE," stepped into his patrol car when the valet brought it up and drove off. I didn't even have to wonder where he was headed.

I scratched my head, thinking. The first thing they were going to do was compare the prints to all of the Fishers--except of course the males. So, really, there was no way to keep them from finding out that Riley was the one who'd crashed their little party. In my opinion, they should've figured something like that would happen, but none of them were remotely as smart as any of us. Or at least, they didn't act like they were.

It seemed, however, that Riley had gotten out with ample time. I just hoped that the gang found her before the police did.

And where the hell was my mother, anyway?

Gracie Finn

I made a note to myself to tell Ace that yes, there was indeed a god somewhere. (Of course, he'd probably still look me in the eye and say, "BS, Ma.")

But we were out of that prison, and that had to count for something. I was so grateful that I didn't even get mad when this--Reg's friend whose name I never caught--kept calling me Colonel. That was the wrong branch of service, not to mention a demotion. The first time, I'd raised my eyebrow and corrected coolly, "I'm an admiral." After that, though...whatever. He probably had better things to do than remember the rank of an officer who was probably going to be stripped of her rank anyway.

"You'll have to wait for clothes," he told me. "I didn't expect to be rescuing two."

"It's all right," I said, slipping off my jacket and my neck-tabs and untucking my white button-down. That way, I looked like I was maybe a businesswoman or a flight attendant. However, I'd probably pick up different clothes whenever I could, as wool didn't feel too great after being worn for three days in a dingy cell. Probably didn't smell like a rose garden, either. I had a bit of cash slipped into a secret pocket I sewed into all my uniform shirts; no way I could use a credit card with a warrant out in my name.

He did stop, and I managed to pick up a pair of jeans and a new shirt. But as soon as I'd gotten changed and back to the truck, we were off on another mission.

"I'm getting too old for this," I joked as I settled myself in the back seat.

Reg grumbled something that I only caught the tail end of.

"Please, Carter," I laughed. "I've got a good fifteen years on you. At least. All right, let's do this."
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:15 am
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

I accelerated with speed towards Mexico. I noticed from the few shops and small towns we passed that we were already in a Southern state, and most probably Texas. I looked again at the News article James had stripped off in a hurry and cursed pointing to the location of it. "That's in Texas town, not Mexico," I laughed, "'Old tight!"

With that I stamped on the breaks and pulled the 4x4 around in a U-turn, it's heavy backside oversteering significantly but keeping balance. I then went for the Meeting's location. Speed seemed to be important by James' constant uneasyness. It made me feel relatively uneasy too, but the very idea of being free still hung over me like an overdose of drugs. Finally we were in the more built up area of the Texas city, the roads began to be polluted with ugly muscle cars and wanna-be cowboys staggered up the pavements drunk as day. I heard shooting and thundered off in that direction.

All of a sudden I had to break and the three of us were thrown forward in the 4x4. Out the front was a overly dressed young girl taking several shots at the cops. She barely took a look at us before running around the corner away from them. James got out and ran after her. He recognised her. I looked into the back of the 4x4 and grinned, "C'mon Miss Finn, we got'a scoot." I jumped out of the vehicle, with Finn on my heels and noticed two armed cops running from the direction the previous batch had. It provoked an unesteemed anger and taking my gun, I shot them both in the arm and then in the leg before running after James.

James and the girl stood there half lit by street lamps, half dressed in shadow, and I edged closer.

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Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:57 pm
Kaywiia says...


I took a deep breath, and then I heard more footsteps behind me. I turned around and shot, and heard someone cuss. The voice was familiar, very familiar. "James?" I asked.

"Next time, look before you shoot. But, anyway, you missed," he said. I narrowed my eyes. Of course, this was good, but I really had more confidence in my aim. I took a deep breath, now aware I was out of danger. I lowered my gun.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded after a minute.

"I could ask you the same thing," he said, gesturing to my outfit. I half wanted to throw my purse at him, just to make a point, but I didn't. My hands clenched into fists by my side.

"Look, if you have to know, I had a little mission. Sort of an assassination. Personal reasons, though." I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly. Then, I saw something that made me sure I had gone mad. Reg, sunken and pale, stepped into the light. My eyes widened, and I began to shake a little. A woman was with him, and I noted she looked a bit like Ace.

Reg looked me over like he was trying to decide who I was. I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Either I've gone crazy, or I'm dead." Reg's face went from surprise to confirmation. Like he was now sure of my identity.

"Riley, your not dead, and I don't think your crazy." James said. He looked at my unbelieving face and said, "Reg never died." I stared at the two of them, still not processing. So all the pain I had been in the last two months was for nothing? I took two careful steps towards Reg. As much as he obviously wasn't in the best state, I couldn't help myself. I pulled him into a quick hug. Feeling him flinch, I backed off.

"I can't believe your alive," I said, my voice barely above a whisper in the cold night air.


"Hey, stop for a second. I think that's Riley." Eve called from the back.

"No, that's not. Riley's dress was light pink, remember?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. The girl in the dark pink dress didn't even seem to notice us. She just trotted along by. Then again, limos were probably a common sight to her.

"It looked like her," Eve protested. I shook my head, trying to ignore her. She really bugged me.

"Yeah, kind of. Not really," I said, looking out into the night, hoping for some sign of my cousin. This wasn't going to be easy, in fact, this was some crazy wild goose chase. For all we knew, she could be dead right now. The cops could have caught up with her.

I wouldn't be upset.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:43 pm
Fox says...


"Yeah, kind of. Not really," Tia said. Anger rushed through me, and I clenched my fists. What was with her?!

"Well excuse me. Better safe than sorry. Besides, it's not like I'm an expert on pink!" I said defensively. "The picture on the computer screen wasn't even that good, so I didn't know. Do you always have to be such a jerk about simple things?!" There was no reply, just a simple rolling of the eyes and a small chuckle. If she rolled her eyes at me one more time, I swear, I'll kill her...okay, maybe not, but I'd do something.

"We're never going to find her." Maitea said. I sighed.

"Why'd you come along if you're just going to be so negative and annoying? Same goes for you Tia! It's not like you actually want to find her." I said. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I was supposed to be kind and nice, but get on my nerves, and you'll see my dark side. I knew this was probably going to make a lot of people hate me, but I didn't care. That wasn't the point of all this.

It was quiet for a long time. Maitea probably was right, but I didn't give up. I wondered if this was even worth the while. Riley could be back at the house by now, and we might not know it. She could also be surrounded by a bunch of cops with guns. That's probably the only reason we kept going, just to make sure.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:36 pm
MayApple says...


I looked at all of us, my eyes falling on each person in turn. So this was what we had come to. Fighting, bickering, hating, for two months straight. I realize now what Riley meant when she had said Reg was the glue. He really did hold us together, and he would never know how much he meant to all of us.

"How many people, people close to you, have you seen die?" I asked after a minute to the general gang.

"More than I could count," Alis said.

"Only a couple, for me," Eve said.

"I would say around fifty," I said after a minute.

"Some, I don't have a real number," Howard said.

"Why do you care?" Tia demanded.

"This is my reason, Tia. So we've all seen important people in our life die. Why is it, when Reg dies, we suddenly can't hold ourselves together. Alis, you didn't even like him. He hated me, and yet look at where we are. Am I the only one who thinks this is really sad?" I looked at each person as I said this, and wondered silently what got into all of us.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:07 am
ridersofdamar says...

AAAAAAH!!! Vanadis I meant to appologize for the rank mix up. I'm reading a school book where a character is referred to as Colonel a lot and its gotten stuck in my head. Sorry :(
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:21 pm
RedSun says...


"This is my reason, Tia. So we've all seen important people in our life die. Why is it, when Reg dies, we suddenly can't hold ourselves together? Alis, you didn't even like him. He hated me, and yet look at where we are. Am I the only one who thinks this is really sad?" Maitea looked really angry at all of us.

"This is why," I explained, "we all rely on Riley because she leads us. When we have a crazy leader, what are we supposed to do?" I looked out the window. Searching in the darkness, and then I saw what I was looking for, "Or maybe she's not crazy. Stop the car!" The limo lurched to a stop, and I climbed out. The others looked confused, but followed me. I pointed to two shoes, worn and thrown near a wall.

"She's close," I said. I zippered up my jacket, and then looked around. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot a few blocks away. I waved my hand in that direction, as if to say 'I-told-you-so'.

We began to walk in that direction, and then we picked up to a run. We passed a few cops, lying dead on the ground. I heard muffled voices down a street and turned down there. I saw Riley, standing with James and two other people. Though I didn't recognize the woman, I suddenly realized why the man looked so familiar.

"Reg?" I asked, completely in shock.

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Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:32 pm
Fox says...


It took us all a while to register everything, but then we realized just who was standing in front of us.

"Reg?" Alis asked in confusion and amazement. I couldn't believe it. A smile spread across my face.

"Reg!" I said in a whisper. Was it even possible. I looked at Riley. Her face was red, and she looked happier than ever. We were all in shock. "But...you were dead!" He chuckled, but it looked hard for him. He was bruised and torn up, and my smile faded into a frown. "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing." he said, but of course I wasn't going to believe him. I would fix him up later. Right now, there was a lot to talk about, and I knew Riley would want to be with him a lot. It was silent while everyone stared at Reg in wonder. We had all thought he was dead, but here he was!

"Let's get you back to the house." Riley said, helping Reg into the limo, then getting in next to him. No one spoke the whole ride home, or what was going to be our home until we had to move again. When we finally reached the house, we helped Reg onto a couch and I started to take care of his wounds. Riley didn't move from his side. I was really happy that he was alive, and that Riley was happy. Now, at least I hoped, there would be a lot less arguing around here.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:48 am
Vanadis says...

((haha, Riders. It doesn't really matter. I knew it was probably something like that, so I had Gracie play it off so you wouldn't have to worry about going back and changing it.))


If Ma knew what I'd done a few months ago, she might have killed me. Before I had to start lying even lower, I'd taken my entire college fund (I was going to go to MIT--forget that now) out of a private bank and dropped ten thousand of it on something that...

Well, there was probably no point in buying the ring in the first place, really.

Besides, I'd envisioned it happening much more romantically than in a ratty place with the entire gang present--because they would be when she showed up, wouldn't they?

I twirled the ring in my fingers, watching the light bounce off the diamonds, giving it a glittery life of its own. Why had I even done it? I couldn't propose to her and then die a couple months later. That would be...tragic? Was there even a word for that? But then again, I couldn't return the ring. For one, it was custom-made, and for another...I couldn't show my face anywhere without being arrested on the spot. So it had to go to her. It was for her, and no matter what happened, I wanted her to have it, at least as a token of our love after I was gone.

I shoved it in my pocket as soon as I heard the doorknob turn and pulled out my gun, just in case it wasn't the gang. I held my aim toward the doorway, but seeing a few familiar faces, I dropped it and clicked the safety on.

"Skittish much, Ace?" Riley asked; the anger and nastiness in her voice was nearly gone. She must have got her revenge.

"Well," I answered, "what if it wasn't you guys at the door, and I didn't have my gun? Hm?"

Then I saw Reg come in--he looked bad. Worse than me, even. "Reg," I greeted. "You have no idea how--Ma?" I bounced toward the door and grabbed my mother in a hug that nearly knocked her over. She wrapped her arms around me and leaned her head on my shoulder, a smile plastered on her face.

"Ace, I was so worried about you--when you weren't with the rest of them--well, Maitea said you weren't feeling great so you stayed to hold down the fort--I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. I got caught."

"Caught what?" I asked.

"Helping you, of course. But I'd do it again, if given the choice. I always would."

That brought tears to my eyes, but I tried to hold them back. Once, when I was twelve, I'd asked her if, knowing that she was going to have a kid who was so sick he could hardly eat, sleep, or move, would she still have gone on that first date with my father? And she said she would have.

I let Ma go. "I have to do something. Now. Before I chicken out."

I found Maitea sitting on the couch; she was smiling. I leaned over to give her a kiss, and then just stood there. I turned to look at Ma; 'Do it,' she mouthed. The woman could always read my mind--not such a good thing when I was younger, but...

Taking Maitea's hand, I dropped to one knee and fished the ring out of my pocket to show her. "Maitea...will you marry me?"

My body trembled all over; I'd never been so nervous. But I held her gaze and waited for the answer. I wondered, if she said no, if I could convince her to take the ring as a gift anyway. I wanted her to have it, but even more so, I wanted her.
Last edited by Vanadis on Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:45 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

The house seemed newer than the mansion, and although small, it was far more settling than the white expanse thatI'd recently spent my hours in. Eve had done a pretty good job of patching me up, like always, and even brought me some baked beans that I munched out of a can as I listened to Ace nervously ask for Maitea's hand in marraige. At first I was surprised he'd bucked up the courage, but then I thought it was fair game to him. I didn't like weddings anyway, not to mention my own personal experience of one with Bree had ended in tragedy.

Riley had been surprisingly quiet, although she stuck close to me. It was unusual for her, to dive into a hug like she did when she saw me. I was more dismayed at their surprise I was alive. I mean, after all, was James the only one who doubted I was dead? He was definitely the only who'd come looking for me, but then again, he did owe me, that was for sure. The most important thing was that Riley was alive, but the rest of the gang looked an absolute wreck. Alis was excited, which was too wrong for words, Maitea and Ace seemed more uncomfortable than ever and Eve seemed to be nervous. Well... we were on the run.

I pressed on Riley's hand to indicate I was okay for a few minutes and then walked out of the room, leaving her with Ace, Maitea, the Admiral and Eve. When I got into the hall I noticed a new character. She was female and about the height of the top window behind her. As she turned and walked towards me, I could tell their was something in her stride; an undissolved sense of pride perhaps. Great. That's what the gang needed, a first class snob. Then again, I was merely making judgements.

"Ah, you must be Reg," she said, staring me down as if it were a game of cat and mouse. Her hand outstretched.

I ignored the hand and walked past her towards the window with a minor limp. "Reg is my name, you're pretty right there, love. But unlike you, I dun' have a clue what yours is. I've never been'a guy suited for pleasantries, but for the sake'a introduction, you might as well enlighten me."

She raised an eyebrow to me and her eyes burned into my back as I looked out of the window onto the street below. "Tia. My name is Tia. Riley's cousin."

I laughed. "You tryin' to make sure I know you're her cousin, 'cause you think that gives you a sense'a authority over the rest'a us, eh?"

"Perhaps," she replied teasingly.

I grinned and turned to face her, slacking my weight against the bottom window pane. "Well, don't you expect me to bow down to you just yet, Miss Tia. I am still Riley's number two."

She ignored me and walked into the room with Riley and the others. I returned to look out over the street, just in time to avoid the glare from Alis as she walked in the front door beside me.

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Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:38 pm
ridersofdamar says...


I crossed the street and stood next to Reg, "What were they doing to you in there?"

He shrugged, "Mostly torture."

I nodded- if he had wanted to talk about it he would have given a longer answer.

"Well" I said, "Riley really hasn't been fit to lead, and I'm not sure now will be better, no matter how much {I hate to say it. For the time being I think you might have to take over."
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:12 pm
Fox says...


"Maitea...will you marry me?" Ace asked, taking her hand in his. I wanted to hear what she would say, but I decided to give them some privacy. I knew she would say yes anyway. I walked out of the room, trying not to make a sound. Unfortunately, I ran into Tia. We glared at each other as we passed.

I wandered around the house when I realized that I hadn't yet looked it over. There wasn't a library, and that was one thing better about the mansion, but it was much newer. Other than that, it was just normal. That wasn't necessarily a good thing, but it wasn't suspicious at all. A good place to hide.

I finally walked into the room I was looking for. It had a bookshelf (unfortunately filled with children books), a couch and foot rest, rocking chair, and finally, a TV. The remote was on the couch, so I picked it up and flipped it to the news. It might be good to know what's going on.

Alis walked in the room and sat down in the rocking chair. We didn't talk, we just watched the news, waiting to see if anything about the gang would come up.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.
— David Foster Wallace