
Young Writers Society

Project L.I.F.E

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Wed May 12, 2010 1:39 pm
sunstarfrozenlife says...


I walk out in the forest, alone. Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound. "...hello?" I whispered, turning around.

There stood a creature. It looked human, but had fur on it. The scream stuck in my throat. Maybe the thing wasn't hostile. It ran towards me, it's teeth gleaming- ok, it was hostile.

I pressed my hand to the ground, willing this to work. I concentrated as hard as I could, and suddenly from the ground ice crystals popped up- sharp, hard ones. I grabbed one and threw it at the wolf-human. I growled and ran back towards me. I pressed my hand against the ground again, feeling panicked now. Suddenly, water began to rise everywhere except where I was- deep water. The wolf-human tried to swim across it, it's fur getting damp. It was now that I cried, "Help!"
When your life is based around the face of Sawyer from Lost you know you're officially obsessed.
Join Isha's SB, the Shadows!
And mine, Lament of Innocence!
And LDR's, Dark Fey!
And- ok, I'm going to shut up now.

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Wed May 12, 2010 2:25 pm
Day says...


As I awoke I could feel the sensation of warmth, and it sure felt good. The next thing I distinguished was Lucas, the boy with the big bag a food, talking to a girl. Opening my eyes I looked over to see him sitting on the ground, and a cute black haired girl sitting a few feet away from him. Just then my stomach rumbled, and Lucus and the girl looked over at me.

"I think Farix is waking up, and he is hungry," Lucas said. He reached into his bag and pulled out a loaf of bread throwing it at me.

Sitting up I managed a quick thank you before delving into the delicious bread. It tasted really good, and I didn't talk for a few minutes. "How long was I out and what did I miss?" I ask them.

"You've been out for a while now although I can't tell the time. I had to drag you over here, and then shortly after Lucas showed up and started a fire for us. Thanks for saving me by the way," the black haired girl said.

"Oh, so you were the one that was screaming for help?"

"Yea, and I would have been in trouble if you hadn't showed up."

"I watched the whole thing you ripped the beasts apart, and you were moving so fast all I saw was a blur. Extreme speed must be your power thing because I know that I can light fires out of nothing which is kind of cool. It was a good thing you showed up though because I watched from nearby, but I couldn't help without a weapon," Lucas said.

I sat in silence for a few minutes, and they didn't say anything. They must have known I needed to think. The sun was starting to set, and I could tell it was getting late. Alexander, Iffy and Fanta would be wondering where I was. Hopefully they were smart enough to find shelter for the night. It seemed like a good idea if all of us met up and worked together. Then I realized I didn't know the black haired girl's name.

"What's your name?" I ask her.
"If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

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Wed May 12, 2010 3:22 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

I smiled at him. "Sara. Sara Mark." I replied. "And you are?" I asked him politely. "Farix." He replied. "Nice to meet you and thanks again." I said
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed May 12, 2010 3:30 pm
ArahniaSiddel says...

KKSomeone is calling for help. I struggle to open my eyes Ashes are all around me and the smoke is thick. Pain rips through my back. I whimper and roll over. There is the beast before me, I jump up panicking. But, it is dead, lying on the ground. Eyes blank. I shudder if I hadn’t killed that thing I would be dead.
There is another scream. I start to jog ignoring the pain. My body goes into overdrive. I am not thinking only doing. Randolyn is screaming for help. A beast is there wadding towards him. This is really weird. Randolyn is up to his waist in water. It is surrounding him. I start to run, but I am slowed down by the water. The beast sees me, but keeps going. I grab a dagger from my bag. Wishing I had practice I throw it my hardest. Perfect. The dagger hits the beast’s eye. It hesitates. Randolyn kicks in the mouth. He grabs a bottle than pours some of it down the beast’s throat. As he does so the water disperses soaking back into the ground, only leaving an ankle deep puddle.
The beast lurches, foaming at the mouth. “Come on” I scream “get out of there.” He doesn’t hesitate. We run to the edge of the pond I visited earlier. Randolyn helps me into a tree fallowing after. For the moment we can rest.

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Wed May 12, 2010 6:16 pm
Rydia says...


It hadn't been long into the fight when I realised that having an arrow and a couple of daggers was all very well if you could actually use them. Idiot. It just hadn't occured to me that I wouldn't be trained in the cool weapons either so I'd been pretty useless and keeping the couple of injured people warm and well fed seemed to be the best I could do. That was rather sucky.

"I wonder how the others are doing," Sara said. She was sitting with her knees tucked up and looked quite apprehensive. I'd wondered the same thing. This place was weird. People were getting hurt, we didn't know who we were and it was just... weird.

"This is like some sick sort of game," I mused aloud. "I mean, someone must have brought us here right? And set those, those things on us." These were gloomier thoughts than I was used to thinking. Farix looked up from his thoughts and nodded thoughtfully.

"Something strange is going on," he agreed. "Do you think the fire will keep the animals away?"

I grinned as an idea struck me. "Maybe this is supposed to be my weapon," I said. "Anyone up for barbecue wolf?"

"You're going to try and cook them?" Sara asked. She sounded like she didn't like the sound of that and frowned, or maybe it was that she didn't get what I meant.

"I want to see if I can set one on fire," I explained. "The eating would be optional." Farix laid back against the grass but kept his hands by his weapon. He wasn't going to risk leaving the creatures to me and I didn't blame him. It wasn't like I'd killed any so far.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed May 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

"I think we should try and set up camp for the night near a stream before we do anything." I said slowly and carefully. Luke and Farix looked at me and I turned red. "What?" I snapped trying to hide my embarrasment. "That's a really good idea." Luke said almost reluctantly. I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically "Thanks I get them only about all the time but no one listens." I flipped my hair out of my eyes. "Well how can we do that?" Luke asked and I sighed apparently camping wasn't my strong point but I had a good idea. "Well we can make a lean-to and someone can be a look out for anymore of those wolfy things shows up again." I said.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed May 12, 2010 8:02 pm
MathisSiddel says...

Schera said she would take care of the fire so I went back in to shoot some more fish. When I had three nice big fish for both of us I broke off one of my arrow heads. I left about half a foot of wood on the makeshift knife for a handle. I hated doing it because I only had so many to spare. I cleaned the fish and then went over to where Schera was making her fire. She had a nice pile of dry grass, twigs, and then logs set up ready go. She was trying to smash two rock together but it was not going to well. They did not give off enough sparks or they cracked into little pieces.
"Hey, not to say you can not do it but think I am going to try a different way." I said. "You do that." I setup a piece of dry wood and some fine grass. I then took the longer part of my broken arrow and made a make shift bow drill. I did not know how I knew to do any of it. It was like I had saw it before somewhere. I started to go back and forth as fast as I could. I was amazed when I saw smoke. I tried and tried for ever! This was not working. On about the tenth try I got flame! "Well, I never expected that!" I said to Schera. "I guess you can be useful at times", she said smiling.
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Wed May 12, 2010 8:12 pm
ArahniaSiddel says...

KK - sorry I didn't write better. I didn't have much time.“You alright?” Randolyn asked in a worried voice. “I’m o.k.” I didn’t want to seem like a wimp, and he probably couldn’t do anything for me anyway.
“Wait you’re bleeding. Let me see”
I sighed. There was no use in trying to hide it. I slipped down from the tree, careful to put all my weight on my right foot.
“Come-on might as well get this over with.
I turned around and pulled up the back of my sweatshirt and t-shirt.
“You have lots of ashes in the cuts and you are still bleeding” he said “I’ll go get some water in the woods. Just in case I make a lake again. While I’m gone you should probably change into just your sweatshirt so I can use your T-shirt as a bandage.”
He almost seemed to know what he was doing so I obeyed, but the whole time I was wondering if he was going to make it hurt even worse. He came back in a minute with a corner of his shirt soaked. I sat down and again showed him my wounds.
“This is going to hurt a bit” he said as he rubbed. It did. I managed to only clench my teeth and whisper curses under my breath. After about ten minutes he tied my T-shirt tightly around them.
I jumped as soon as his hands dropped.
“You know it’s not that bad. I would have been just fine if you didn’t do anything. We don’t have very much time. We need to make camp for the night. I can start a fire while you make a shelter.”
“I think I saw some logs when we were coming here. I’ll be back in a sec.” He said walking off.
Once, he left I began to pile up dirt, leaves, and sticks. I got enough to last at least a few hours. The forest was silent. I could see some smoke in the distance and assumed everyone else was doing the same as us. I wondered if they were all there. Maybe, there had been about 15 beasts. I wondered why we were all here too. Why would someone put us here? I hoped it was all just a dream, but I knew it wasn’t true.
Just before I started to get worried about Randolyn he came back with tons of branches. We worked for about an hour; finally we were sitting dry and worm surrounded by sticks. The opening looked out on the pond and the fire that kept the misquotes away. Now that we were safe all I wanted to do was sleep and I was defiantly glad the Randolyn offered to take the first watch.

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Wed May 12, 2010 8:51 pm
foxfire says...


He's just Lucky he can see. I thought as i felt smoke. Soon the smoke seemed to be bubbling from the fish. I wondered for myself if the smell of fish would attract them again. There must be more of them. Those 7 were just scouts probably and there are bound to be more but then again it was early to think.
"I'll be resting," i whispered as i lay on the ground.
I cannot yet risk myself. I do not yet trust the guy so i place one hand in my robe and took hold of my knife.
"I'll be finishing it when I'm done." he said and i twirled my finger above my head in response.
I ease my breathing trying to listen if any creatures were near here. Any twig break, rustle in the bushes or rumble on the ground...there was nothing unless they have a very far sight. I loosen my blindfold for it was getting my eyes itchy. When i open my eyes,i was not surprise to see nothing. oh well...at least hearing is better
Then i was thinking if I would rather sit here or go around the forest. This must be huge. I could ask the guy to explore the forest with me or i could just go by myself. But then again...I'm a wee bit hungry for now, i might do it after i'm done with eating.
John McClane: Drop it. It's the police.
Tony: You won't hurt me.
John McClane: Oh, yeah? Why not?
Tony: Because you're a policeman. There are rules for policemen.
John McClane: Yeah. That's what my captain keeps telling me

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Wed May 12, 2010 10:50 pm
sunstarfrozenlife says...


I offered to take the first watch. What else could I do? KK had just saved me and she was really beat. I watched, careful- I didn't want to be caught off guard by the beast-things again.

Night fell. The fire wasn't going as strong as before- I put some more wood in. Suddenly, I heard a howling. I quickly turned around. Were the creatures back?

KK was still sound asleep. I'd let her stay that way until I was sure this wasn't another werewolf-thing- a Luman, I called it, even though I wasn't sure where the name had come from.

I quickly snuck away from teh camp, ready to look.;
When your life is based around the face of Sawyer from Lost you know you're officially obsessed.
Join Isha's SB, the Shadows!
And mine, Lament of Innocence!
And LDR's, Dark Fey!
And- ok, I'm going to shut up now.

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Wed May 12, 2010 11:05 pm
Jas says...

They have the girl. The blind one. She went one a walk and we took her, her screams pleasing the Queen. We must bring her to the King. She would be a good snack.

Note: So Shera *fox's character* has been taken by the Lumans. Oh and to answer questions, they are as tall as a normal man, with fangs, cannot talk well and have a thirst for the humans. Telling you guys now, it's not going to be that easy to get rid of them. I let it slide last time but you ARE going to get hurt by these guys, maybe killed. If I don't think you guys are giving yourselves proper injuries, then I will make a list of who got what by my account. :D Help find Shera! :D
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Wed May 12, 2010 11:08 pm
sunstarfrozenlife says...

RE: Note: Ok! :D We'll get hurt, Jasmine!
When your life is based around the face of Sawyer from Lost you know you're officially obsessed.
Join Isha's SB, the Shadows!
And mine, Lament of Innocence!
And LDR's, Dark Fey!
And- ok, I'm going to shut up now.

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Wed May 12, 2010 11:09 pm
Jas says...

Awesome :D
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Wed May 12, 2010 11:17 pm
ArahniaSiddel says...

Hey, I am already hurt a ton . . .:(

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Wed May 12, 2010 11:19 pm
Jas says...

I mean like deep, deep cuts and broken bones. Like blood posioning and starvation. This is a survival test. Has anyone here read the Hunger Games? It's basically that without you wanting to kill each other...yet.
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


Think of all the beauty still left around you, and smile.
— Anne Frank