
Young Writers Society

The Robin Hood Gang 3: A World Joined (Ended)

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Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:53 pm
MayApple says...


Ace came up and gave me a hug.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Totally fine," I say, "thought I can't say the same for Alis's car. She is going to throw a fit." I laugh with Ace.

"It's about time there was some action, though." Ace says.

"Yeah,and I hope we stay here for good, that apartment was getting way crowded. And Alis Jr is going to drive us all crazy."

"I think we will stay." He says, he pulls me a little closer, and kisses the top of my head.

"Fried rice?" I ask him.

"It's like you can read my mind." He murmers. we walk into the kitchen, and I get the bag with the rice out. I walk over and lock the kitchen door.

"What was that for?" Ace asks.

"No interuptions this time." I say.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:24 pm
Fox says...


I was really surprised that Ace didn't just run me over. I had made a very bad first impression. He was really sweet to me, though, and I was going to take him up on his word to talk to him if I had something troubling me. Maybe he was right. Maybe all I had to do was wait a little, and things would start falling into place.

"Thanks." I said, before he rushed out of the car to Maitea.

I got out quietly, trying not to be noticed, and walked over to the rest of the group.

"Do you think Alis and them are okay?" I asked them, even though I pretty much already knew the answer.

"Of course they are!" Riley said. "They're our best fighters. They can handle things like that."

I just sort of nodded awkwardly in reply, not knowing what to say next. It was quiet for a minute, and that only made it all more awkward. I decided to break the silence. "So, are we going to be staying her now?" I asked.

"Ya, I think so. For a while at least." Riley said. At that, I decided to go inside and check it out.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:39 pm
Kaywiia says...


"Yeah, I think so. For a while at least." I tell Eve. She walks inside, probably to look around the house.

"Why is it we can't all go one day without being shot at?" I speak my thoughts out loud.

"Welcome to life in a gang." James says, coming up behind me.

"And we have Alis with us, and where there is Alis, there are guns."

"Very true." He says. I sit down on the grass, he sits beside me. I lean over and put my head on his shoulder.

"Good thing Jack isn't here." I mumble. James just nods in agreement.


Reg read somthing Chris handed him. He nodds.

I hop in the passenger seat of Reg's car, mine having been destroyed in the fighting.

"You okay?" I ask Reg.

"If I wasn' fine, would I be drivin'?" Reg asks with a little laugh.

"Just making sure." I reply. "Where are we heading?"

"The mansion, Riley left a note." He says. We lapse into silence for a minute.

"I am worried about soething Alis said." I told Reg after a minute.

"What could she possibly...." Reg starts.

"She said we're all damned, do you think she's right? Becuase at the rate we go at, we won't exactly live our full life span and..." I trail off.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:20 pm
RedSun says...


My car, my beautiful, expesnsive, one of a kind car.....

The glass was shattered in the back window, and two bullets had been shot through a dooor.I personally wanted to hunt down, kill, and slaughter every one of those blasted PK's for ruining my car.

Well, at least it worked. Jimmy hopped in the passenger seat. Sal, aparently, was taking her own un-damaged car.

"I will be there in a few minutes." She said. I quickly gave her directions to the mansion.

"Your plan would have worked if the rest of us had died." I told Jimmy.

"Maybe, if they didn't get to wise and ask where the bullet hole was." he responds. I toss him a packet of fake blood.

"Use this next time."

"Next...time?" He asks slowly. I nod.


I was very like my sister, except in one way. I watch her drive away. Once I am sure she is gone, I pull a rosary from my pocket.

I wasn't sure how many, if any, of these men I had killed. So, I decided to play it safe. I did the rosary for all of them, and added a little prayer of mine to the end.

Lay safe,
If heaven be your fate,
Dance in soft grass,
If your soul lies
In deep hell,
Do the best with what you've got.

I had a feeling hevan wasn't where most of them were going, but, unlike Alis, I believe everyone had a chance, if you wanted it. And hey, a little prayer from just a girl might not do much, but I try anyway.

I get back into my car, and drive towards the mansion. No one ould know about this, I would be mocked forever. I take a deep breath as I pull up in my car.

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Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:47 pm
Sins says...

Sorry I don't post as often as I should! I'm trying to get into the swing of things, if ya get what I mean.


I wasn't stupid or anything; I knew that there was going to be a next time. I was in a Robin Hood Gang for God's sake. As I thought of that, I couldn't help but smile slightly. I was in a gang. I've never been important, never mattered. I felt differently now, I felt as though I did matter. I was actually doing something to help sort out this mess of a world.

Being in the gang was risky, but I liked it. Anyway, we had Alis; we were hardly going to get killed with her and her collection of guns on our side. She really wasn't the softest of all chicks in the world. Yep, she's cool. I grinned to myself.

"Where we headed 'en?" I ask, looking at the packet of fake blood.

"Riley's mansion," Alis replied.

"Fancy!" I winked, putting my feet up on the front of the car.

"Hey! Put your feet down!" Alis snapped.

I couldn't help but laugh as I lowered my legs. Alis wasn't half touchy was she? That's girls for you; freakishly sensitive.

"You might not 'ave noticed this Alis," I began. "But your car's a bit... what's the word? Broken?" I begin laughing.

Narrowing her eyes at me, Alis elbows me hard in my rips. I simply continue laughing.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:37 am
Vanadis says...

((A possible direction to take?))


"I'm worried...about Ma," I said to Maitea as I pushed the rice around in a frying pan. It was the first time I'd really mentioned my family to anyone other than Eve... "I wonder if the PKs are going to go after...well, she's an FAA official. Do you think that's going to make her a target?"

Maitea shrugged. "We're not exactly sure who they've been going after. You'd have to get that sort of information from Max."

"It's just...she's on TV all the time. She's someone noticeable." She came and put a hand on my shoulder. "What if something happens to her?"

It seemed like they picked off normal people. Hopefully, they weren't assassins, but who knew? "I don't know what to do. I want to protect her, but I don't know if I can." I put the spoon down and ran my fingers through my hair. "Maybe I should return the favor. She kept me from dying once."

"Don't freak yourself out about it," she told me.

"Yeah, I doubt they'll take out an Admiral," I nodded. But I still wasn't sure. They knew who I was. Or, rather, he had. And he'd told them. And they could trace me right to my family. They'd find out that my mother made a lot of flight laws, especially those that kept the PKs from going anywhere they wanted while armed. In other words, she impeded their progress. And they probably knew all about this.

"Don't cry, Ace," she said softly. I hadn't even realized I was crying.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:27 pm
Izzy says...


I hopped in the back of Reg's car; my motorbike was still in England and I was still trying to work out how to get it shipped. We were going to what they called "the mansion". I had no idea what it was but if it was as fancy as it sounded, I was looking forward to finding out.

My mind started wandering then as the highway flashed past outside; Reg was driving seriously fast. I thought about those PK men we had killed and whether huge gun battles were a daily occurence, and if it was, what the hell did the neighbours think was going on? Did they know they were living next door to a gang of teenage terrorists?

I seemed to have been accepted into the gang now sort of, and I was thrilled about it. Although, I'd come here to help people, to try to make a difference but all I'd done so far was shoot bad guys. I wanted to get out there and do something.

I was pulled out of my reverie by a sharp turn that threw me against the door.

"Sorry Chris," Reg called over his shoulder "I forgot you'd never experienced my drivin' before."
Last edited by Izzy on Sat May 01, 2010 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:04 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

I pulled up and parked outside the mansion, and looked over at Chris who was marvelling at the sight of it all. I simply shook my head as me and Bree lifted Mitch out of the back of the car and took him into the lounge on the ground floor. We'd stopped the bleeding and fixed up most of the wound, but he was going to need a few days to recover.

I gave Bree a quick kiss and then walked back out into the fresh air, taking in a deep breath. I checked my pistol and flicked the safety on and off before placing it back into my pocket as Riles came out of the house.

"Hey, Reg, how'd it go?" she said, curious but authorative.

"As good as it could've done. Some stayed when they were told not to, Max got himself shot. It was basically a damn mess, but don't you worry Riles," I said.

"Haha, you always were blunt," she replied, "Perhaps I should send them on a heist?"

"Why not?" I said, "Might toughen 'em up and teach 'em some damn discipline."

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:14 pm
MayApple says...


"Don't cry, Ace," I said. I went up to him, and gave him a hug. "If you want, we can go right now, make sure your parents are safe, and come back before Riley has any time to get worked up."

"If we are out of her sight for two seconds she gets worked up." Ace mumbles.

"She is just trying to keep us safe." I say.

"But you would really do that?" Ace asks.

"Without a doubt," I respond, "buut lets finish the rice." I point to it. He smiles, just a little. He drains the water, and put the rice in bowls.

"I made it through a whole rice making session without being interupterd." He says in wonder.

"Shock of all shocks." I laugh. We finish the rice in silence.

"I am just going to go talk to Riley first." I tell Ace.

"You were serious?" He asks. I nod, and give him a kiss.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:41 pm
Kaywiia says...


"Why not?" Reg says, "Might toughen 'em up and teach 'em some damn discipline."

"I will take Jimmy, Eve, Sal and Chris." I inform him, and go off to find them. I stumble upon Eve first, who is still looking around the house.

"How much do you know about medicine?" I ask her.

"Some." She replies.

"Then go upstairs, there is a library three doors down on your right. We need someone with some brain and medical skills around here." I tell her. She nods, and follows my directions.

Maitea comes up to me. She wants to go with Ace and find out how to protect his parents. I willing grant her permission.

"But take this." I tell her, and hand her my lucky gun. "If any of those PK's come after you, well this hasn't failed me yet. You loose it, your in trouble." She nods, and leaves.

I go to find Chris next.

"Ready for a little hiest?" I ask her.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:04 pm
Fox says...


"How much do you know about medicine?" Riley asked me while I was looking around the house.

"Some." I reply.

"Then go upstairs, there is a library three doors down on your right. We need someone with some brain and medical skills around here." She tells me. I do what she says without questioning it, following her instructions of how to get there.

When I got there, my eyes widened. The library was huge! I knew I was going to be spending most of the time in the mansion there. I looked at all of the books with amazement, thinking about how much I could learn from all those books. I all of a sudden remembered why I had come there, so I searched for medical books. When I found one, I immediately opened it and sat down in a chair to read.

I read the book until I had finished it, which didn't take long because I am a fast reader and what a small book compared to the ones I normally read. After I had finished it, I searched for other medical books. I spent the entire day there, just reading. I read until I fell asleep, the book half open in my lap. I dreamed about life as a member of the gang, how different it was going to be from my life before. It was a good dream, though, and when I woke up, I was happy, even though my back ached from the position I slept in.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sat May 01, 2010 12:30 am
RedSun says...


I watch everyone get ready for the newbies heist. I grin a little at the look of all at them. None of them are properly armed. I run upstairs to my room, and pull out a large duffel bag with weapons.

I run back downstairs, and flip the bag over, spilling its contents out.

"Everyone, grab a few things." I thought for a minute, then added, "Things you know how to use."

As I walk past Jimmy, I say, "Don't get yourself killed."

Though I would not be surprised if the others could hear, it was meant mostly just for Jimmy.


I went and dragged Eve out of the library, the twit had fallen asleep at her book. I handed her a gun, and we walked downstairs.

Riley was there with Jimmy and Chris, both of whom were fully armed. No doubt that was Alis's doing.

Alis walks by Jimmy and says something to him. Was Alis flirting? That would be a first. I went and grabbed my share of weapons from what was left on the floor.

".42 Caliber? Very nice!" I say out loud.

"I only get the best." Alis calls from the kitchen. I laugh a little. This was going to be awesome.

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Sat May 01, 2010 2:51 am
ridersofdamar says...

Hey sorry I haven't posted in a while. Any way I could get in on that heist?
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Sat May 01, 2010 3:09 am
Fox says...


Sal came into the library and slapped me so that I woke up.

"Thanks." I said as I ran downstairs. I could tell she thought I was an idiot, but I didn't care. I did what Riley had told me to do.

I ran as fast as I could to where the heist was taking place. I grabbed some weapons that Alice had provided, and lined up where all the others were and waited for Riley and give us the word. I was a little nervous, but I thought I was ready. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the other gang members.

"Do you think your ready for this?" Alis asked me. I think she was trying to pressure me...and it worked.

"Yes." I said.

"Don't mess up." She said.

I looked at her, raising my eyebrows. "Don't worry." I said to her. "I won't."
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Sat May 01, 2010 9:21 am
Sins says...


I stared at Alis as she emptied a bag full of weapons, ones that I didn't even know existed. There was going to be a heist for us 'newbies' and Alis being Alis obviously felt as though she had to get involved.

"Everyone, grab a few things." Alis said happily. She waited a minute or so before adding, "Things you know how to use."

I observe what is placed in front of me. To be honest, I have no idea what anything is. To me, they are just a pile of guns. I watch as Eve and Sal grabs a few weapons. They seem pretty confident, well, Sal does anyway. Eve is clearly slightly nervous but I'm sure she'll be fine.

"Don't get yourself killed." Alis says quietly as she walks past me.

Did I really seem that incapable? Okay, I didn't like using weapons and violence wasn't my favourite thing in the world, but still. It didn't mean that I was bad at using them; I just didn't like using them.

".42 Caliber? Very nice!" Sal says loudly.

I swear to God, Alis and Sal are harder than all of the guys in the world.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

I am proud of my self, the reason why some of you might disagree with me a little with, but nevertheless I still proud.
— Oxara