
Young Writers Society

War of Zynar

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Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:02 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Alana walked around the campsite. She was bored, and boredom was a very bad thing for an assassin. She walked to the woods and saw someone running through them.

'Tristian, go see who it is.' She told the bird. He took off then came back in a hurry.

'It is Tas!' He screached. Alana's heart sank, she was dead. She hurried back to camp. There was yelling, they had found out he was gone. They would blame it on her. THey would say she was the one that had let him go.

'Tristian, how could he have gotten away?' She asked worried,

'The gaurds neck was broken, it looks like he gave the prisonair food and lossend his bindings and he snapped his neck, that is what the people are saying.' Tristian said, Alana nodded. She walked over putting her hard cold face back on to keep from suspision. She asked questions and acted like she new nothing of him.

'If Head ever finds out I lossened his bindings to relieve his wrists and forgot to retighten them he'll kill me.' She cried to the bird her face stiff showing no emotion.

'You will be fine. No one will think you did anything.' Tristian assured her.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:12 pm
Knurla says...

She had been walking around aimlessly, when she noticed someone take off quickly towards the woods. Maybe they were just in a hurry...but then she heard shouts, and realized they were chasing him, and he was probably an escaped prisoner.

She changed back into her lean wolf body and took off around the camp, heading towards the woods. She could now smell the boy, his scent reaching out to her over the pines and grass. Her feet took off into a run, as she came up behind him and tackled him, throwing her body into his back. He fell forward, then rolled over to look at her. She growled and snarled at him, then changed back to her normal figure.

Now she sat her knees on his legs to hold them down, and pinned his arms over his head.
"Where do you think you're going?"

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:03 am
piepiemann22 says...

Tas was slightly out of breath with the native girl on top of him. Trying to move his arms and legs were useless. She had him. "Let me go. To get out of here I will do what is necessary."

"And what is that?" She asked with a coy smile.

Tas raised his head and head-butted her. She fell back and he got back up and continued to run. He didn't have time to fight, he had to get back and warn everyone. He had heard about the attack and knew he had to get home.

Listening her heard the girl behind him. Swearing under his breath he drew his sword and turned. He had no choice but to fight.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:14 am
TNCowgirl says...

Alana had had seen the native girl run after Tas.
‘Why did I promise dad?’ She sighed to herself. She raced after the girl and watched as Tas hit her in the head.

‘Don’t do anything unless you have to.’ Tristian warned.

‘Alright,’ She jumped in a tree and watched Tas pull a sword. “Just run, get out of here.” She moaned. But he didn’t, he just stood there ready to fight this girl. Ready to die to get away. Alana gritted her teeth, she would definitely be killed for this. ‘Tristian, is there any way you could stop her, so its not me?’

‘Probably if the need arose.’ He replied,

‘That way Head can’t say I did it, and he wont harm you.’ She sighed
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:29 am
Knurla says...

The head butt knocked her dizzy for a moment, and she grinned. Kids got a little spark in him. She thought, taking off after him again. It was about time she got to do something around here.

When he turned and drew his sword, she almost cried out to the heavens. Her grin spread from ear to ear as she drew out out of her daggers from her belt.

"Oooooh, Alana dear." She taunted. "You might want to get down here and get this boy before I do, sweetheart." She spun the strong stone dagger in her hand a few times, stopping the hilt in the palm of her hand. She knew Alana had followed her out here, her senses never lied to her.

She ran towards the boy with dagger in hand, slicing low at his legs; she only intended to keep him from running. Right before she got to him, he threw out his blade at her and she rolled to the side, about to go in for another attack.

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:34 am
TNCowgirl says...


Alana clutched her fists, why did everyone think he was her SWEETHEART! She growled, this was getting annoying. She bit her tounge to keep from yelling she was only keeping her end of a promise. Why did EVERYONE think he was her sweetheart.

'Relax Alana, don't get worked up, you wont be able to help him if you do.' Tristian warned. She nodded but didn't reply. Her mind was raising to find the best way to get down incase she was going to kill him.

'Should I stop him, and just take him back?' She asked Tristian,

'It would help your case.' Tristian replied. Alana sighed, she didn't owe him his freedom, and he sure enough wasn't helping her any. She bite the inside of her cheek. To many things to do to many different consiquencies.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:19 am
greenjay says...


I watched the fight from above, interested. I did not like or trust the native, and I did not know how to deal with Tas. Hopefully they'd kill each other I mused evily. Suddenly Alana came into my sharp view with a worried expression on her face. I cursed my ill luck. I could not loose Alana; the fight must be stopped.

I dropped from the branch, landing right inbetween them, blocking both of their blows. They looked at me with surprise.

"Stop now!" I let the eerie silence reign for a minute and then continued. "I want all three of you in my tent, now."

I motioned with my hands.

"Ladies and 'guests' first!"
the greenjay strikes again...

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:27 am
TNCowgirl says...


Alana looked down at the head. She frowned, why did he always show up.

'Hey, least Tas isn't dead and you didnt' have to attack the native to save him then him get away.' Tristian said, Alana nodded and jumped out of the tree. Tas looked at her kinda surprised, maybe he hadn't believed she was there. That the native was distracting him. She waited until him and the native were walking in front of her to follow. She wasn't about to let either of them be behind her.

'Does he seem mad?' SHe asked Tristian,

'Why are you so worried about it. You are an assassin. Not something someoen wants to lose. Don't worry,'

'Easy for you to say, your life doesn't depend on him.' She replied, 'I'm almost postive he could kill me with out me even knowing it.'
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:59 pm
Knurla says...

"You don't own me, Head. Don't push your luck." She turned and headed out of the forest, not worrying about the others behind her. If they chose to attack, she could easily fight them off. She would go to Head's tent to see what he wanted her to do.

Arriving there, she turned to them, waiting to see who would go inside first. She hated being cooped up, like a bird in a cage. It drove her mental. She was a wolf, she needed to run, be free. Jade would wait outside, or perhaps next to the flaps of the tent. Claustrophobia did not sink well with her.

"You guys go ahead. I'll stand right here." She growled.

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:07 pm
piepiemann22 says...

Tas reluctently put his sword away. He was better with word than a sword. hoping he could talk his way out of this he walked behind the native girl keeping an eye on the leader, his hand on the hilt ready if need be. Entering the tent he asked "What is it you want from me?"
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:22 am
greenjay says...


I stood with my back to them, my arms crossed. I waited, letting the expectant silence drag on.

Finally I turned around and spoke, "I have a story for you three, one that has never been uttered before." They looked at me strangely. I had always been a man of few words, not one to tell tales, and they had expected my wrath, nothing like this.

I turned to them and suddenly ripped off my cloth mask. They gasped, scared of what might be beneth the ever present covering. No Rogue had ever seen me without it. I had a narrow face, dark but a strange gray color for the lack of sun. I was clean shaven, with stringy black hair dangling on either side of my face. None of this though did they notice, only two things stood out to them.

One half of my face was mutilated, covered by a horrible burn. From my eye up was normal, but the rest was charred beyond healing. The other thing that the three noticed was of the other side of my face; the recognizable side. All three of them had been in Xnrom one time or another, and all three had seen the king there. Except for the narrower face and darker features, I was a spitting image of the king of the kingdom of Zynar, my worst enemy and greatest foe. They stared agast.

"My secret is revealed!" I shouted and my eyes flashed horribly. "The very king I seek to destroy is my brother. I seek to destroy him because he destroyed me!"

"Long ago the people loved me. They reveared me so, so much that they wished me to be their High Commander, the highest position in the whole army. I would have been second only to the king! Alas that was my downfall. The king hated me, for I had always bested him in fighting of all sorts, and by perverted chance the late king, our father, loved me over him, his heir. My treturous brother sent me on many impossible quests in order to 'prove' that I was worthy of the position that the people would give me. After a year of this the people finally rose up against this monotony, and the king vowed that he would give only this last mission to me, and then would make me High Commander. The bloodstone was a great legend of which everyone spoke, and he wished for me to retreave it from the vile forest. Alas it was the hardest of all quests, and by the kings coniving the barbarians captured me. They did this to my face before I could escape, but escape I did. Finally after six months I returned victoriously with the bloodstone."

"To my dispare the people had all but forgotten me, giving me up for lost. I went to the king, and he imprisoned me secretly. He could not hold me long though, and I brought some of my closest friends with me to the vile forest. The king knew naught of the bloodstone, and I used its power to gather and train the best assassins ever seen. Now I want revenge! That is where you three come in."
the greenjay strikes again...

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:03 am
TNCowgirl says...


Alana swallowed and looked away not wanting to offend him by looking at his face. She bit her lip. She had never known the king had a brother, never known her feared leader was that brother. She looked back at him, ignoring the black on part of his face he didn't look that much different then his brother. He was handsome, she tried to imagene the black being gone. She looked at Tas, then the navtive, Tas seemed in a spell by the story, the native just started at Head's face. When he finished his story she looked at him.

"So, we are supposed to feed him to barbarians?" She asked, Tas glared at her but she saw something in his eyes. She had wanted to lighten the mood but Head's expretion hadn't changed. "Ok, so that isn't it, what exactly do you want, him dead more then likely.." Now she was just babling, trying to advert attention from Head's face.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:32 pm
greenjay says...


I stared at them while I tied my mask tightly back on.

"I have a basic plan, but I cannot proceed without certain information. Two agents are currently at work for me, hopefully getting that information. You three, yes even you Tas, could be extreemly effective."

"What do you mean by that?" stated Tas defiently and I smiled wickedly at him under the covering, my eyes glinting.

"You, my dear friend, could be our secret agent, letting us into many essencial places and gathering much information. You and I, Alana, would be the main assassins, doing what we do best. Our dear native here would be the start of our little assult."

"What if I don't comply," said Tas carefully.

Strangely I felt compassion on the young man. I had gone through the ranks, working ever harder and harder, torchering myself in the name of success. Not untill after my own soldiers threw me in jail did I relize that they did not truely love me. They praised me and wanted me to be their High Commander, but only because it would keep them safe. Once safe they would turn their backs on me and continue on their own way, forgetting about me.

I looked into the soldier's eyes and spoke in a voice softer than I had ever used before, "When will it end? When will peace be achieved? The king will continue to risk your life to give himself saftey and comfort, until one day you will die. He might bury you, but that is about all you will get from him. Your position, your income, and how good a fighter you are will be of no significance. Do not squander your life with those money centered fools as I did."

I sighed, for I knew what must be done if he did not accept my offer...
the greenjay strikes again...

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:50 pm
piepiemann22 says...

Tas looked down. He never did feel strongly about the king. Deep down he knew something wasn't right. the King never spoke highly of him, and was never reconized.


He looked up at the head, "Sadly I believe your story. I was just recently made a guard captain by the council, not the King, who never thought highly of me. As you well know my mission was to find the Blood Stone, so he probably is counting on the fact you guys would kill me."

The head smiled at Tas' answer so far.

"I'll help on one condition, the civilians wont be harmed. And the soldiers, at the last minute, some may join us. Blood shed shouldn't be necessary, but," He clenched his cross, "I'll do what i must to protect those I care about."
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:39 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Alana kept hereself from smiling when she heard she would be able to get back to work. She leaned back on her heels and watched Tas. He had just agreed to this but he looked concerend. Her focus was no on the nataive. She looked to be thinking. The Head just stood there, his eyes flickering over all of them.

'Tas is safe, your done with him now.' Tristian said.

'Finnally,' She replied,

'You wish not?'

'It was fun chaseing him around. I had nothing else to do anyway.' She replied,

'You are to strange, Alana,' He laughed, 'Head looks a lot like his brother.'

'That he does, I would've never guessed he had any relation to the King though.' She looked back at Head. 'I would definatly stick with him then his brother any time. His brother is a cruel man.'

'He is no man to have done that to his own brother.' Tristian snapped,

'That may be true, but he will die with no honor, I'm almost sure of it. The people will quickly forget him.' She replied, 'Just like they did Head.'
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?
— George Wallace