
Young Writers Society

The Greatest Treasure

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:30 am
Jennafina says...

"Becky, untie the horses. We're not taking the wagons into the cave."

Becky eyed the animals distrustfully. They were eager to get moving again, stamping their feet and whinnying, and she wasn't too excited about having to get near them.

"Yes, sir." Hesitantly, Becky reached for the bridal of one of the horses. She fumbled with the knot, flinching as the horse shook it's head. The rope slipped, and the wagon fell off the horse, crashing to the ground. Becky stifled a curse as a box rolled off it and onto her foot. She grabbed the horse's reigns, and tried to lift the junk back into the wagon with her other hand. The horse jerked it's head again, and pain shot through Becky's broken fingers. This was getting difficult.

She looked around. Adrian was standing off by himself, looking morose. He caught her eye, then glanced away, sadly. Becky snorted.

"Hey!" Becky shouted. "If you en't too busy bein' all mopeful an' stuff, I could use'ome help, here!"

Adrian peered around, as if wondering who Becky was talking to. She knew she was being rude, but he was really starting to annoy her. There was work do be done, and crying wasn't going to make him any closer to what he wanted.

"Sorry," Adrian said. "What do you need?"

"Yeah, I know. Hold this." She handed him the horses reigns. "Why don't you take care a' the horses, and I'll get the rest."

Twenty minutes later, they'd finished. Adrian had barely talked the whole time. He seemed lost in thought. Becky felt like shaking him, telling him to stop it or else.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked. It sounded meaner than she'd meant it to. Adrian stared at her, then shook his head. Becky felt herself grow angry.

"Quit it!" she yelled. "All you're doin' is wastin' time. Your bein' woeful en't gonna bring that man back. It en't gonna save Sedgeley or cure Seraph or make Carmenia any less dead. It don't change anything, except that now no one can stand to be around you. Talk to me when you can keep it to yourself." She stopped shouting. "We could spar or something. Actually try for once."

Becky stomped off, feeling foolish and guilty, but also glad to have got that off her chest. What she'd said was mean, possibly cruel, but she'd needed to say it.

"I'm done, sir," Becky said to Valin as she stalked past him into the mouth of the cave. "Les' go."
Jennafina's Love Your Body Already Dammit Campaign


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Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:33 am
deleted6 says...

Adrian sighed, Becky was right, then again what was truly right in the end? Valin was the king of the elves yet he had no whim about killing. Though Becky was right moping did nothing, but infuriate people. So maybe he should just go with what he got, and next time do better. Adrian smiled for the first time today.

He looked at Becky working and his heart literally did flips, first thing for now was to get some more info. Adrian realized best person to talk too and help was the new person. He strode over, "Need any help?"

The man considered for a second, then replied, "Sure."

Adrian helped the man pack the wagon, then trying to be casual, "So love, you know anything about it?"

The man stared at him for a second then burst out laughing, "God your proper!"

Adrian sighed impaitiently, "Look don't blame me, blame my upbringing."

(OOC: Is this okay Dynamo, and if it is could you please continue, sorry but got school OOC)
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:29 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: That should be fine. By the way, we're not packing to leave, we're unpacking to go into the cave.)

"Heh, at least you had parents ta teach ya manners." Zel replied.

The man eyed him suspiciously. "And you didn't?"

"Nope." Zel lifted a large crate and placed it on the ground.

"Why not? What happened to them?"

"They died."


"Yup, died before I was even old enough to remember 'em. Don't even know what they looked like."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Zel gave him a friendly smile. "Don't be. It's not like it's yer fault. I've come ta accept the past, just like anyone else has to. Besides, I turned out just fine even without any parents." Zel grabbed his wine gourd to take a drink, but then looked at the man. "You drink?"


Zel gave him the gourd. "I don't think we've been properly introduced yet. You can call me Zel."

The man gladly took the gourd and said, "My name is Adrian."
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:08 pm
Ego says...

Dreffan opened his eyes. He shook his head to clear the random flashes of light that dominated his vision, then looked glanced to the corners of his eyes.

It was dark. There was some illumination from a lantern someone had lit, but little else. A fire was too dangerous in a cave.

A cave.

He realized he couldn't move his arms. He was seated on the ground against a wall, his arms bound.

The griffon had taken him off his horse, then attacked him after he'd been subdued. Tales had been told about these people's lack of compassion, but Dreffan had expected better of his Lord's former companions.

"I don't suppose I could bother you for some water," he said. His voice was ragged, and his throat was sore. Water sounded lovely.

Valin strode over to Dreffan, his hand comfortably rested on the hilt of his sword, then crouched down beside him. He pulled a small waterskin from his belt and uncapped it. The elf held it to Dreffan's lips and let him drink for a moment.

Dreffan licked his lips and nodded gratefully.

"My thanks. Do you always treat your prisoners so graciously?" He asked, a hint of sarcastic irony in his voice. He turned his head to ensure that the elf got a clear view of the bruise that likely dominated Dreffan's face.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:32 pm
Dynamo says...

Meanwhile, Zel was at the other end of the cave looking for something. He swept the ground with his hand clearing up dust and grim that had accumulated over the years.

"Come on, where is it? Daddy needs his medicine!" His hand touched a wooden formation in the ground, a trap door. "Bingo!" Zel grabbed the door's handle and swung it open, revealing a room packed full of wine and rum. He grabbed a few bottles and called out to the others. "Hey! Who's up for a party?"
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:50 am
Griffinkeeper says...

"My thanks. Do you always treat your prisoners so graciously?" Dreffan asked sarcastically.

"No," Alden said, walking towards Valin and Dreffan.

"It is a wonder my lord put up with you for so long."

"That is a mistake we will not make," Alden said looking at Dreffan. Dreffan looked past Alden and saw Ria staring at him. Alden followed his stare.

"Ria, please have the rest of the group leave us in peace. I don't want him distracted."

Ria left.

"She's very pretty," Dreffan said. Alden struck him hard and he fell on his side. Valin looked at Alden but said nothing. Dreffan managed to smile in spite of the pain; he had found Alden's weakness.

"We considered torturing you for information, but I see now that it is pointless. We all ready know you're here on Seraph's orders. If he wanted to kill us, he would have sent a larger force."

"Interesting that he didn't."

"Inconsequential. You mean to lead us into an ambush, if not now, then later. Seraph still intends for us to die. If we go with you, we die on his terms, not our own."

"You're assuming a lot for someone who knows so little. I could be here to help you."

"You have no reason to. You would sooner alert your men to us than to help us get past them. Your best characteristic is your loyalty to Seraph and that is useless to me. Anything you do is because Seraph wants you to. That won't benefit us."

"If you believe that, then why haven't you killed me all ready? You don't intend to give me a fair chance do you?"

"No. We won't kill you. Instead we will give you to Harris's Army and they will kill you. They will be more willing to help us and they will definitely be of bigger use to us."

"Looks like I've no more cards to play."

"You were doomed the moment Seraph sent you. Even if you were to return to him, he would probably kill you anyway."

"Let me join the group then."

"Why should we trust you?"

"If I go anywhere else, I'm dead. The safest place I can be is right here with you. I know the area, I'm stronger, and I'm a better fighter than half your group combined. I'm worth having."

"You're also the least trustworthy," Alden said. He looked towards Valin.

"We'll consider your offer," Valin said, leaving abruptly. Alden followed quickly.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:27 pm
Dynamo says...

Zel handed Valin a bottle of wine. "What was that all about?"

"Nothing you need to worry yourself about." Valin told him as he took the wine.

"If you say so. Anyway, we're gonna have to leave as soon as the storm's over." Zel told them. "If someone manages to find the wagons it'll lead 'em right to us."

"Then ready your things for a hasteful retreat, we'll leave as soon as we can."

Zel gave him a mock salute and said, "Yes sir." before leaving to pack his things for the trip.
Last edited by Dynamo on Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:59 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

Sirloaz sat in the far corner of the cave massaging his aching temples; looking up he accidentally caught the blonde haired man's attention who proceeded to grab a second bottle off a shelf and walk over to drop himself on the floor near Sirloaz.

"Here, this otta'h help with that headache o' yours" he said offering the bottle which Sirloaz took from him questionably. "It'll get rid of most o' the pain" he said smiling as Sirloaz took a drink, the alcohol burning down his throat. Yet true enough his headache was gone within the next few minutes. Nodding his thanks he motioned to hand it back, but the blonde man had already begun drinking out of another.

"Hey...." Sirloaz said to the blonde haired man

"Call me Zel" he replied

"Zel, what are the potential places of entry and exit to this area?"

"quite a lot, mos' entry points is easy ta spot n' watch. They're mostly sprea' abou' 50 tah 100 yards apart. There is about 3 well hidden exits, one is southward, 'nother west, third north." Zel said proudly

Well he isn't as stupid as he looks, good Sirloaz thought, "I'm gonna have a look around"

"In this weather?"

"No better way" Sirloaz said smiling as he left the cave and walked out into the rain

"Tha' guy's a nut" Zel said chuckling to himself
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:20 am
sabradan says...

Valin was handed a bit of wine, which he sipped politely, but not terribly enjoying.
"Do you have anything more...adventourous?" he asked Zel. Zel smiled a big toothy grin and said
"Aye, I do. Gimme a sec" and he rummaged amongst the bottles for a bit before withdrawing with a bottle of Aldorian FireAle. Valin took the bottle greatfully.
"Many thanks," he said, taking a swig. "Ah. thats the stuff. If you wouldn't mind, and it wouldn't be too terribly rude, I must talk in private with the griffon. I shall return later."
Zel merely nodded, as he started on his second bottle.

Valin quickly pulled Alden aside and spoke to him in harsh tones.
"Alden, what has gotten into you?"
"Near death experiences do much to a man"
"I understand that, but really, this is no time for rash action or rash remarks"
"Well what you have me do, Valin? Just let him travel with us completely freely? Do you TRUST this man, Valin?" Alden said, adding particular incredulity to the word trust.
"Not at all, dear freind. However, I feel there may be some truth in what he says, and I fear that he may not, in fact, be luring us to an ambush, and if he is,it shant be for a while...and by that time I will have been able to discover his plot. We need to appear more hospitable."
"What are you talking about, Valin? Aren't you the one who never trusts anyone as far as you can throw them, and the kill first, ask questions later attitude?"
"Aye, I am, and I still don't trust HIM, per se. However, his mission involved delivering me a message that makes me trust his mission. I doubt this is an ambush."
"What kind of message?"
"That is no concern of yours as yet. When the time is right, you will find out. Until then, however, or until this...Dreffan...disproves my theory, and proves my suspicions on HIMSELF correct...he will travel with us."

Valin then walked away before Alden could protest, towards to bound Dreffan.
"You may travel with us for now, Dreffan. But be warned, we do not trust you, and should you prove our suspicions correct, I will not hesitate to end your pitiful excuse for a life."
Dreffan merely bowed his head in acknowledgement.

Valin walked off to find Finn.
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:00 am
Ego says...

Perfect, Dreffan thought with an inward smile. The unexpected appearance of the griffon had surprised him, but he managed to keep up his confidence and work them well.

When Valin approached him, he knew he had won...this time.

He merely nodded to the elf, then closed his eyes and tried to sleep--there would be no further discussion, this night.

But sleep would not take him. He opened his eyes and immediately spotted the paladin, Adrian, sulking near the fire.

"The killing of enemy soldiers is part of war, Paladin. Even a man of god is exempt from his sins, when pressed into a corner," he called to the man.

Adrian looked up and glared at Dreffan. He climbed to his feet and stormed over to Dreffan, his hands balled into fists at his side.

"You don't know anything about what I feel!" he growled.

"The man would have killed you at the first chance. You did what you had to."

"Why are you here?" the paladin asked.

"Your friend knocked me out. I am your prisoner. I am not here by choice, you know." Dreffan managed a laugh in spite of himself.

"You know what I mean," Adrian said, softer this time.

"Yes, I do," was all Dreffan offered.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:21 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

The chilling downpour quickly work its way under Sirloaz's armor. His face cold as ice; the constant wind buffeting his body forcing his pace to a slow walk. Occasionally the forest would be lit as if it were day by the crackling lighting from the heavens.

"This one ought to do" he said stopping in front of an exceptionally large pine tree its boughs swaying to and fro with the wind. Putting on his gauntlets and taking out two of his daggers, he laboriously began to climb the tree. The wood easily allowing the spikes attached to his gauntlets and boots to latch on.

Step by step, hand hold by hand hold he the constant rythm never breaking. losing all sense of time, of day and night he climbed upwards; the winds constantly threatening to rip his body from the tree.

Upon being a few feet from the apex, Sirloaz looked out upon the massive forrest which now laid at his feet. "There's the town" he muttered, his breath made visible by the drop in temperature; "Where are those exits" he said to himself as he craned his neck to look around.

Noting the positions of the small exits and how they were compared to the position of the town and Zel's cave he began the slow decent down the swaying pine.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:44 pm
deleted6 says...

Adrian eyed Dreffan apprehensively, ""How did you know what I was feeling guilty about?"

Dreffan looked at him matter of factly, "It is written on your face, paladin. In my land, it is a common sight."

Adrian let out a long sigh of relief, "So... you can't read my mind... That's a relief."

Dreffan let out a low chuckle a faint knowing smile, "Who said I couldn't?"

Adrian let out a gasp of shock, "Hold on... Then, you must know, I'm thinking of someone else."

Dreffan looked bored and again replied in matter of fact tone, "The girl...Becky, is it? I think she fancies me. She was looking at me earlier, after the griffon had me tied up. Maybe she was admiring the knots you tied?"

Adrian let a sad sigh, "Adrian sighs, "Good luck then, least you know what to do."

Then the comment fully hit Adrian he stared at Dreffan a feeling of anger appearing, ""What... but... you can't take her, I... I.... I... oh forget it."

"Forget? Hard to forget what you refuse to let people know."

Adrian shook his head and eyed him nervously "But I know nothing, I would be like a child with a new toy, no clue and no idea."

Dreffan smirked still replying matter of factly, "Ah, then perhaps you should leave her to the clutches of someone more experienced. Someone more...forceful."

Adrian stared at him the temperature of his blood rising clenching his fist,

"Don't you go near her, I've never felt this feeling don't you dare take her. Or I'll forget my promise and gut you."

Dreffan stared at him, that cocky smile still in place. "Very well then."

Adrian sighs his hand unclenching slowly "You were never interested in her were you?"

Dreffan smiled knowingly looking over away from Adrian, "I do not think it is my interest that you should be looking out for."

Adrian looked at him in surprise, "What you mean only person who may of been a threat is gone, hmm disappeared. So who can it be?"

Dreffan looked over to Becky, silence followed it then hit Adrian,"You can't mean this new arrival, he's a drunkard!!!!"

Dreffan smirked again, "Her interests, Adrian. You should be looking out for HER interests."

Adrian began to pace up and down staring at Dreffan each time he came back. He stopped and replied, "But... I don't know any, I just know I... lov... *sighs* why can't I say it?"

"Because you don't mean it." Dreffan and stared at the dancing flames, "Yet!"

Adrian stared at Dreffan feeling the man was patronising him,
"I mean it with all my heart, my beat speeds up ten fold when she's near... So why can't I say it?"

Dreffan shrugged looking like he didn't care either way, ""Why are you asking me? For all you know, everything I could be saying is a lie."

Adrian looked down at the ground embarrassed and angry with himself "No one listens to me, there was a person earlier who did listen to me, he's gone, that why I keep all this guilt inside."

You bore me with your self pity, Paladin." Dreffan paused smiling as he let the comment sink in "More importantly...you disgrace your god. I suggest you ask him for forgiveness."

Adrian looks at Dreffan coldly "..." he pulled his sword from the scabbard waving it threateningly, "Maybe if I'm boring you so much won't mind if you have to leave this planet early."

"Striking down an unarmed man in cold blood is not befitting of a Paladin such as yourself. Speak to your god, Temperest...you will find your peace in his response."

Adrian dropped his blade in shock* "Why you belittle me and then try help me, what is your game?"

Dreffan smiled knowingly shrugging once again ""Life is a game, Paladin. Best become a player."

Adrian nodded and replied "Need to go." Then as an after thought added "Thanks!"
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

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Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:35 pm
Dynamo says...

Adrian went to go get some fresh air. On his way out he saw Zel looking at him oddly. "What?"

Zel walked over to him and put his arm on his shoulder. "I heard what you guys were talkin' about. So, you like that girl Becky, eh?"

"What is it to you, drunkard!?"

"Whoa, the dog's got teeth! I meant no harm, just thought you might want some help's all."

"And why would I need help with women from a drunk man?"

Zel smiled. "Don't let this fine body fool you, I've been with lots of women. If you want to let her know how you feel you got to give her some hints, you get what I'm saying? Tell her how good her hair looks, or how her eyes beautifully reflect the light of the stars." Zel laughed. "And if that don't work you can always give her some beer!"

Adrian pushed Zel's arm off his shoulder. "I'll think about what you said."

Zel raised his wine bottle and said, "Glad to be of help, buddy."
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:32 am
Shadowsun says...

Sorry I haven't posted for I while, I've been busy with coursework and exams.


Sighard marched down the road with ten men from the bodyguard. Three ranks of three with Sighard at the front leading them. Feet hitting the ground in perfect unison. They had to be around here somewhere. The assassins had left after killing the men sent to apprehend them and Sighard had collected the remaining men from the bodyguard and gone after them.

He would find them and make them pay.
Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes... Then who cares? You're a mile away and you've got their shoes.

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:05 am
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Fand says...

Finn sat in the cave, arms propped on her knees, and watched the prisoner. Everything about him rubbed her the wrong way--everything about him intrigued her. She eyed him suspiciously. He was a charming wretch, that was for sure--from the sounds of it, he'd even managed to somehow charm Valin into letting him go along for the journey, and it looked like he was making inroads with Adrian. She scooted a little closer to them, staying in the shadows; Adrian didn't notice her, but she was certain she saw Dreffan's eyes flick once towards her.

She was still going to kill him.

She cocked her head to the side and, eyes fixed on the fire beside which Becky and Sirloaz were preparing some sort of meal (gods only knew how edible a meal prepared by those two would be). Her eyes followed Becky's hands as she stirred the pot with apparent difficulty, her face screwed up in frustration; she said something low and apparently angry to Sirloaz, who glared back and shrugged. Finn was lost watching them until she heard Becky's name just as the other woman glanced up and met her eyes. Cheeks burning unexpectedly, she looked away and towards Dreffan and Adrian.

What she heard then was enough to force her to swallow back a few raucous laughs. Adrian was in love with Becky? Oh god. The man was such a pansy. Finn pressed her hands over her mouth and snorted, looking up in horror as she realized Becky was watching her--and laughing at her.
Bitter Charlie :: Shady Grove, CA :: FreeRice (162,000/1,000,000)

All we can do is our best, and hope that it was enough.
— CandyWizard