
Young Writers Society


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Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:24 pm
*coco says...


"... that's why I wanted to introduce you to Jade this weekend. Cancel your interviews and tell them the position has been filled. Jade can be your assistant starting today."

I honestly gaped.

When my uncle had asked me to come to his office first thing this morning, I had a feeling it was because he wanted to drop some awful bomb on me. But I had no idea the 'bomb,' so-to-speak, would be this awful!

Visibly mortified, I braved a glance at Martin and cringed as a small smirk spread across his face. "I'd be happy to have Jade as my assistant - that is, if she's up for it, of course."

I opened my mouth to speak but my uncle swooped in to answer for me instead. "I admit it will be difficult for her at first, what with your work load ..." he mused out loud. "But my niece loves a good challenge. Isn't that right, Jade?"

"I ... Uncle Richard ... I don't think -"

The sound of his phone ringing drowned out the rest of my pathetic stuttering.

"Ah, I need to take this," he sighed, glancing down at the number that came up on the screen. "You two go ahead. I'll come and find you both later to see how you're getting on."

Taking that as his cue to leave, Martin stood up and offered my uncle a brief nod before walking over to the door and opening it.

"After you, Jade," he grinned, and I felt the urge to throw one of my platforms at him, heel-first. I desperately tried to catch my uncle's attention again, but he'd already taken his call. Biting my bottom lip, I let out a defeated sigh and followed the smug little Brit out of the door, knowing that he was going to milk this situation for all it was worth.

The jerk.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:24 pm
RainyDay says...


"Schmidt," I say, grabbing one of my waiters as he walks by, "These two ladies are special friends of mine. Take good care of them, okay?"

He nodded then continued to take his tray to his table.

"My chef Leo makes exquisite soups, today's being tomato bisque served in a cup or bowl. My personal favorite thing on the menu is Leo's Special, seeing that it has small portions of a few things we serve. We don't typically do substitutes, but I'll have it out with Leo for you two. I'll be right back with the complimentary bread and salad, Schmidtt here will be right with you to get your drinks."

Giving them a brief smile, I turned to go in to the kitchen.

"Leo!" I said, pushing through the heavy kitchen door, "I have two girls here, I want you to do whatever they want, okay?"

Cocking an eyebrow at me, he argued, "This is my kitchen, Morgan. I don't make acceptions and you know it."

Leaning against the counter, I argued, "Is that so? Because I saw your girlfriend in here the other day and last I checked girlfriends don't get employee discounts."

His cheeks flushed red and he began to bark in French, yelling at his workers in his frustration. We weren't a completely French restaurant food wise but Leo had studied in France for five years and insisted our cooks be French because 'they love food and work better.'

"Ecoutez-moi, Leo!" I yelled, grabbing the salad and bread, "Faire ce qu'elles demandent!"

"Vas bien!" He yelled back as I left the kitchen, the French curses that followed dimmed when the door swung closed.

"Alright here we are," I said, placing the bowls on their table, glad to see they already had plates and drinks, "Has Schmidtt taken your order? Can I get you anything else?"

Martin (this entire time I've been unsure if the season, so I'm just going to say it's fall xD)

"Jade," I said, pulling on my gray coat and wrapping a black scarf around my neck, "Care to join me for lunch?"

Rolling her eyes, Jade scoffed, "Over my dead body."

Buttoning the coat, I rose and eyebrow and offered, "That very well may happen, because your alternative is skipping lunch."

She shot a death glare at me as I pulled on my gloves, then let out a groan as she grabbed her own coat and stuffed her arms in to it.

"Excellent," I say, taking her scarf from her desk and wrapping it around her neck and up to cover half her face, "Stay warm, they're calling for early snow this year!"

She grabbed her purse, adjusted her scarf, and we managed our way out of the building. The biting air made my cheeks sore, so I could only imagine how her feet were in her peep-toed heel.

"There's a little cafe a few blocks down that I always eat at." I say as we walk through the mob of people.

"The Blue Dog?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Yeah," I say, sliding my gaze over towards her, "You know it?"

"Know it? I love it!" She exclaimed.

We then stared at each other for a moment, shocked that we had something in common.

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Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:00 pm
TaylorLove says...


I smile and shake my head. "I think we have everything we need, but thank you." I tell Morgan. The cook yells something in French and Morgan turns his head.

"Sorry, Ladies. Please excuse me." He says and then walks back into the kitchen. I smile and sip on my water.

"I give you my blessing." B says.

"For what?" I ask, my head tilted.

"You liking Morgan. You have my permission." She laughs.

I roll my eyes. "Oh, thank. I am so glad you approve." She says. I look in the direction he had gone and sigh. "Nothing will happen, probably." I tell her, my smile fading away ever so slightly.

"Oh my gosh. How can you think that?" She asks.

"He just seems to prefect and nice. There is not a lot of that any more." I say.

"Well, I think you found it." She tells me. B was always good to talk to. She was fun and brings out the crazy in me.

"No, stop with all the mushy stuff. That is for when we are at home, in our pajamas watching the Note Book. Let's just have fun." I say.

"I can do that." She laughs. Our food comes out and the food smells amazing. I got whatever Morgan told me to order and I am glad I did.

"Yep, just fell in love." I say.

"Me too. This is great." B says. "You know we are going to have to get dessert."

"Oh, I know." I laugh and eat more. "I just like to eat." I say.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:24 am
*coco says...


"So ... this should be fun," Martin commented as we made our way down the busy street. When I frowned at him, he asked, "Are you planning on being miserable for the entire lunch?"

"That depends," I retorted.

"On what?"

"On whether or not you're actually planning on giving me some real work to do when we get back to the office."

Martin gave me a look of mock-surprise. "I don't know what you're talking about. I gave you plenty of 'real work' -"

"Stapling, filing, alphabatising, and making you cups of coffee do not count as 'real work'," I snapped in annoyance. "That's the stuff you get temps to do for you, not assistants."

"Baby steps," he smirked as we stopped by some traffic lights. "I need to make sure you can do the small things before I start trusting you with the big stuff. We don't want another repeat of the phone conference incident, now, do we?"

I glowered at his insinuation. "For your information, that line was working just fine until the meeting started!"


We entered the quaint little cafe which was unsurprisingly busy considering it was lunch hour. I followed Martin as he guided us to a secluded table near the back which looked suspiciously like it had been reserved for him.

"How come no-one's sitting back here?" I asked as I took a seat opposite Martin.

"Because this is my table," he answered, turning to look at the owner who had instantly joined us. "Alright, Morgan?"

I fought the urge to gape as I realised it was Martin's brother who was now standing in front of us. "Your brother ownes The Blue Dog?"

But Morgan answered for him. "I sure do," he replied with a smirk that rivalled Martin's. "And can I just say, Jade, that it's nice to see you again - sobre." When Martin arched a confused brow, Morgan elaborated, "She got herself drunk at Mitchell's reception-"

"I was not drunk," I said defensively. "I was just ... enjoying the free champagne."

"Drunk," Morgan said with a nod of his head.

"I was not!"

"Wasted then, it's all the same-"

"I was not drunk and I was not wasted!" I snapped angrily. "Now, are you going to take my order or not?"

Morgan chuckled. "Sure, what would you like? You're freinds are having my chef Leo's special-"

"My friends?" I questioned. "They had lunch here too?"

"Megan and Bianca," he nodded. "They're still here actually."
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:37 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"When are the others coming home?" Nellie asked in the crook of her arm, her eyes on the TV.

Running my nails up and down her back as she lay across my lap, I answered, "I don't now baby girl."

She had turned out all the lights, turned off both of our phones, shut down our laptops, locked the door. The only things running were the radiator and the TV as we watched reruns of Friends.

She hadn't talked about it. Other than telling me Scott was dead she hadn't said anything until about a second ago, not even explaining why she was standing in front of the mirror shirtless. She didn't need to, though. I'd known her since we were thirteen, she lived in my house for months at a time when she was sixteen, she'd slept in the chair beside my hospital bed when I was going through cancer.

"They'll be home soon." I whispered, looking up at the TV when the laugh track sounded at something Joey said.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:50 pm
*coco says...

Spoiler! :
Jade will be back home to be with Nelle and Callie soon - promise!


I barely had enough time to do anything except gape before that pesky Morgan had already called Megan and Bianca over to our table.

"Morgan!" I whisper-hissed, as I watched my two friends' expressions turn from surprise to amusement as they got up from their seats and made their way towards us. B, in particular, looked far too pleased for my liking.

"What's wrong?" asked Morgan, innocently. "I thought you'd want to say hello-"

"Well you thought wrong!"

Martin, who'd been silently observing us until now, leaned back into his seat and smirked. "You see, Morgan, Jade here is worried about what her mates might think when they see her here with me," he explained with amusement.

"Ah ..." nodded Morgan before glancing over at me, "so you're worried they might think you two are -"

I interrupted him before he could finish that sentence. "I am not worried, just slightly ... uncomfortable, that's all."

But Morgan appeared not to have heard me. With a genuinely curious expression, he asked, "So, are you two ... y'know ...-"

"No!" This time Martin and I both interrupted him in unison, and I could've sworn that I felt my cheeks blush.

"Then what's the big deal?" questioned Morgan.

"You don't know my friends -"

As if on cue, Megan and Bianca both appeared in front of us.

"Well, well, well, isn't this a nice surprise?" smiled Meg, throwing me a wink which I artfully ignored.

"Martin and I were just getting some lunch," I quickly said before they could ask.

"Together, I see," added B and I felt myself cringe. But I quickly snapped myself out of it.

"And?" I questioned, in full-on self-defence mode. "It's perfectly normal for two colleagues to have lunch together."

B nodded. "Two colleagues, yes, but you two have already been fake married and you've spent the night together ..."

"B!" I exclaimed, absolutely horrified, but you only had to see the look on Morgan's face to know that the damage had already been done.

"Oh, they did, did they?" he questioned, visibly both amused and intrigued, as he folded his arms together and eyed Martin.

I braved a glace at Martin and was relieved to see at least he looked mildly as uncomfortable as I was.

"It's not what you think, Morgan," he assured him.

Morgan's amusement only grew. "Then enlighten me, bro."
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

You sound like you're becoming emotionally involved with the custard.
— Nikki Morgan