
Young Writers Society

The Field Trip [STARTED]

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Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:48 am
Pencil2paper says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry I haven't been on yet. Please forgive me!


By the time dessert rolled around, I was starving. Having had some weed a little bit earlier- I stashed some in my sleeping bag- I had a serious case of the munchies. I dived at the s'mores, but was one of the last to get them. Being high did have its disadvantages, one of which would be loosing track of time. So I arrived late, forced to sit in the back with the teachers. They all seemed suspicious of my demeanor- I'm sure they all thought that I was high- but none of them said a word.

Both desperate to get away from the teachers as well as my gnawing hunger made me leap up to get the dessert as soon as possible. But, as I was one of the last to arrive and was the furthest away from the tray, I was not only only one of the last, but the last person to get one. By the time I got to the tray, there were only two cake crumbs and a smear of chocolate left on the tray. Disappointed, I sulked back to my seat in the back.

But before I could even take two steps, I was called over by Emily, who was disinterestedly picking at her slice of cake.

"Hey, Cass! Didn't see you before. Want to come over? I'll split this with ya." She says, patting the empty seat next to her.

"Sure!" I say, plucking a fork out of the pile next to the empty tray. Plopping down on the chair, taking a forkful of cake, closing my eyes as I savored the flavor. "So, think Chads party's gonna be any good?"

"Definitely." She said, grinning.

"Can't wait."

"Me neither. It's gonna be awesome."
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:59 am
winterbites says...

Tadge Shadows

"So, think Chads party's gonna be any good?" Emily, I think that's it, asked the person next to her. Parties. . . All people do is get smashed and have s3x with other random people. I've been to enough in my lifetime to know. They bore the hell outta me now. The two girls across from me giggled. I rolled my eyes not caring what they were talking about anymore.

I skulled and put my headphones in, I don't care that I'm at a table and its bad manners, I do what I want. I turned my music up a bit louder not satisfied with still hearing voices. I flicked through my Songs and settled on Second & Sebring by Of Mice & Men

I moved father back in my seat and nodded my head to the song. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I ripped one of my earphones out and looked at the person. The guy from before had left. Rose looked up at me and smiled.

"What ya listening to?" She asked.

"Music." I said blankly. She rolls her eyes and giggle.

"I figured silly." She giggled, "What song?"

"Second & Sebring, Of Mice & Men." I said. She nodded.

"Tadge. . ." She looked away then back to me, "I'm just trying to be nice, I promise I'm not going to be mean like the other people have been." I looked at her a frowned.

"Yeah?" I said without emotions.

"Ugh." She said and begun to stand up. Great one Tadge, did it again.

"Look," I reached for her arm, "I'm sorry.. Its just, I'm not used to people.. interacting with me.." I whispered and looked up at her. She sighed and sat back down next to me.

"It's alright." She nodded once.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:16 pm
*coco says...

Chad Rancic

I sat back on the couch and happily patted my now very full stomach.

“Mrs Wells, I gotta say, you really outdid yourself ...”

Mrs Wells blushed. “Thank you, sweetheart, I’m glad you liked it.”

After dinner, the boys and I decided to kill some time down in the games room. We played a bit of pool and then some Call of Duty. Before I knew it, the clock had struck eleven. I put down my control pad and decided it was time to get ready for tonight’s party.

“Alright, boys,” I declared loudly. “I think it’s time we hit the sack.”

Cam looked up at me like I was nuts. “But it’s only –” He stopped mid-sentence after I gave him a pointed look. “Uh, yeah, you’re right. It is getting pretty late.”

With that we all headed upstairs, the teachers watching us leave with looks of curious confusion.

“Rancic,” Mr Owen’s voice stopped me in the middle of my tracks.

I turned to face him. “Yeah, coach?”

“No funny business.” It was a warning and I knew it.

But I nodded innocently. “Cross my heart.”

Once we were upstairs, people went to their rooms to get themselves ready, while Cam I went through the items we had for the party.

“Alright,” I started, going through the list I’d mentally written in my head. “Drinks?”

Cam held up my duffle bag. “Check.”




Cam reached for the inside of his pocket and pulled out a pack. “Check. I stole it from the kitchen when Mrs Wells wasn’t looking.”

By the time we’d finished going through the list, twenty minutes had passed. A minute later, Dan and Percy showed up.

“Got my guitar,” said Percy, patting his case.

“Are the light’s on downstairs?” I asked them.

“I didn’t see any,” said Dan. “Do you think we should get going now?”

I looked down at my phone and read the time. It was near enough midnight so I nodded, and the three of us headed out, torches and bags in tow, knocking on the doors of the rest of the guys on our floor as we headed for the stairs.

The cabin seemed quiet enough as we carefully made our way down. Just when we were half-way, a tall figure emerged onto the landing – Mr Owens.

“Whoa, coach,” I exclaimed, stopping dead in my tracks.

“Rancic,” he responded blankly.

I had to admit, I was nervous. Luckily, Dan and Percy, who were both holding bags, were all the way at the back so Mr Owens couldn’t see them.

“W-what are you doing up so late?” I asked innocently.

His beady eyes pierced into me. “I could ask you the same question.”

I swallowed hard. “I uh needed some … water.”

Mr Owens raised an un-amused brow before turning his head to look over my shoulder. “And the eight boys standing behind you?”

Damn it. “I’m uh … scared of the dark, coach.”

Needless to say, he didn’t buy it. After a very loud ‘get your backsides upstairs,’ we found ourselves back in our rooms, trying to come up with a plan B.

“Maybe we should just forget about this whole party thing.”

Well, some of us, anyway.

I didn’t bother to look at who said it. “We just have to wait the teachers out,” I said, pacing up and down the room. “Mr Owens has to go to sleep sooner or later. Right?”

Rena Meers

The excitement surrounding tonight’s party was bordering on ridiculous. I mean, sure Chad’s parties were always known to be legendary, but people were acting like it was the first one they’d ever been to. I guess it had something to do with the fact that this one would be in the woods and there would be some sneaking out involved.

Once we got back to our rooms, I watched as Akara rummaged through her bags. Pants, shirts, cute little tops and skirts – they were all flying around the room.

“I have nothing to wear!” she suddenly exclaimed.

I just stared at her in awe. “You packed like you were moving. What do you mean you have nothing to wear?”

Akara momentarily paused her rummaging to give me a look. “This party is a big deal, Ree. I’m hoping to lose my big ‘V’ and I can’t do that if I look ugly.”

“Hey, that was a rhyme.”

She just let out an annoyed growl and carried on throwing her clothes around the room.

I smiled and decided to stop teasing her. “You’ll look cute in whatever you wear, okay? Stop worrying.”

“Says the girl who’s been worrying since she first got on the coach,” Akara retorted.

I let out a sigh. “Well, I feel better now.” It was true. I genuinely did feel better about my whole situation. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I’d successfully managed to keep my distance from both Chad and Cam. Whatever the reason, I welcomed the feeling.

“Good, that means you can come with me,” Akara said.

I nearly choked on my glass of water. “What? No I’m not!”

“Oh, yes you are,” she continued, examining a particular mini skirt in the mirror, “you’re coming with me to this party even if I have to drag you down to the woods –”

“But it’s Chad’s party!” I said. “You know what happened the last time!”

“Just don’t drink this time and you’ll be fine,” Akara winked and I rolled my eyes. “Hmm, I think I’ll wear this mini-skirt …” she declared, after turning to see her reflection in the mirror again. “What will you be wearing, missy?”

I just lay my head down on the mattress. I knew Akara would make me go. But what I was going to wear wasn’t the problem. It was how I was going to avoid Chad and Cam again. I suppose there would be a lot of people there. Maybe I could just fade into the crowd. Or I could stick with Akara. Then again, if she did end up ‘getting lucky’ tonight, I’d need someone else to hang out with. The question was, with who? Everyone who was anyone knew Chad.

Damn him and his annoying popularity.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:00 pm
ChocoCookie says...

Emily Adams

After Me, Akara, Chad and the guys went through the sneak out plan, everything was decided well. I just hoped all this would go well. Somehow I got the feeling, something wasn't right or something was just missing.

Dinner was served after that. Barbecue wasn't my favourites but I decided to go with it. After all, it was food and barbecue wasn't that bad. It turned out to be a wonderful dinner, much more than I expected. I took my seat but was soon disappointed with my choice. I took the one with the light, setting sunlight falling over me which made it even more difficult to eat.

There was a lot of joy and talking in the hall so I really got confused of who I was listening to. And I didn't see Cass around here too. I started to really worry since it was just me for now. Dessert was served and again to my disappointment, they were cakes. I sighed deeply. I was more used to the simple food, really.

I hesitated first whether I should pick a cake or not but seeing everyone barge and attacking for a piece, I tried not to be too weird. I picked a small one, but it looked a little too big. In seconds, the dessert plate was empty. I was shocked but then again, there are so many people here who enjoy cake.

I picked on carefully, making sure not to drop anything on my skirt since I just got it washed after a hard day's work before coming to the trip. And once a stain, it takes a long time to get it off. Everyone seemed to want more but for me, it was hard to even finish the small one. Thankfully, I spotted Cass who looked like she wanted one too but was too late to even get a bite. I called over to her.

"Hey, Cass! Didn't see you before. Want to come over? I'll split this with ya." I tell, patting the empty seat next to me.

"Sure!" Cass spoke, happily eating her cake. "So, think Chads party's gonna be any good?"

"Definitely." I grinned.

"Can't wait."

"Me neither. It's gonna be awesome."

"I heard from some people you're turning into a bad-ass." Cass teases.

"Aw man, really?" I frown, playing along. "I'm just helping."

Cass nudges me. "Hey, I know. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"Yeah. Akara's leading you all out. So, you better listen to her instructions." I speak strictly.

"And if I don't?"

"You get punched by all of us, then." we laugh together. "I'm just kidding."

"I wouldn't want to be left from all the fun." she shrugs.

Everyone is done with their dinner/dessert after an hour. We all go back upstairs and spent our leisure time on picking our dresses. I've bought so many but I don't know what to wear. Cass is picking her dresses out and laying them on the bed, with matching jewellery. Her sense of clothing was incredible.

Me, on the other side, don't even have options. I'm so much more confused. Each time I pick one, I'll be like I'll definitely wear this!, then just after that I spot another one and it keeps going on.

"Hmm. Which do you think should I wear?" Cass asks me, walking around her room to get her jacket. Today was a cold night.

"To be frank, those are beautiful." I gasped. "I don't know what to choose."

"I think I should just go with that black skirt and purple top, right? It looks kind of cool on me and I haven't worn it till now. Or should I try the royal blue tube top?"

"I think purple would be a little more sassy, don't you think?" I say, finally making up my mind. Purple was her favourite color.

"I guess.... Let me see what else I've got." she says and checks her clothes again. Parties for girls are so important. Especially, when it comes to the dressing.

"Dude, what're you wearing?" she turns me.

My face drops a little and turn to checking. Why is so hard for me?

"Hey! I think you should totally wear that dress. Its so chic!" Cass squeaks and comes over to see. She points to a nice silky peach tube dress with a nice embroidery on it.

"You're not really sure of yourself are you? This is why, I come to your aid!" Cass says, smiling. "Okay. You're wearing this. And leave your hair, will you? You've tied it the whole day. Today you have to show your gorgeous hair, love."

"Hey, Cass? I think you should leave your hair too." I say in a tiny voice.

Cass looks at me. I knew she was thinking but then she smiles. "I'll think about it."

It was eleven after we finished choosing our dresses. We put on our dresses, and our necklaces. Soon, we were ready to party. It was about this time Chad said he would have the laser on by now. But I didn't see anything, and nor did Cass catch a laser at our window. A tiny knock was there on our door. I opened it to see Akara and Rena, all dressed up and looking pretty.

"Hey. Did you catch the signal yet?" Akara asked, looking worried.

"No, not yet. I wonder what's wrong." I say.

"Don't tell me they forgot?" Rena says, looking at Akara.

"They would never do that. No party is fun for them without girls." she says, winking.

I grin.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:21 pm
JourneyGirl says...

Ashlyn Annabeth Wielder

Spoiler! :
Sorry I haven't posted much. I was backstage manager for a play, but it's over now.

I don't really do anything much before dinner. Pretty much I just sat in my room, wrote, and listened to music. One of the good things about having a room to myself is that I can sing, and I don't have worry about anybody hearing it. I would hate it if that ever happened.

Dinner is barbeque. It's actually a lot better than I expected it to be. I sit by myself, where I have a nice view. After everyone is finished, the teachers bring out dessert. Slices of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry cake. I head over to the tray and grab a fairly large piece of strawberry. I return back to my seat and sink my fork into it. I close my eyes as I take the first bite. Delicious, absolutely delicious. I finish my piece of cake and clean up my area before heading back to my room.

When I get back it's the same routine, writing, music, singing. After a while it gets boring. I decide to go outside for a while, so I'll have something else to do. There seems to be quite a few people out here so I head back to my room and put on my swimsuit and my bathing suit cover. I grab a towel, my journal, and a pen and I head down to the lake. I set my towel down on the shore, put my stuff down on it, and take off my bathing suit cover while I go for a swim. After I'm done I sit on my towel and write while drying off.

After a while I go back to the cabin and into my room. I take a shower before picking out my outfit for the party. I hear the other girls starting to get ready at about eleven, so that's when I do. After I get dressed I wait. A girl named Akara is supposed to lead us girls out, but after a while no one has come still, so I wait out in the hall. I sit out there for a while, next to the door, waiting for her to get the signal so we can leave. I don't know what causes it, but suddenly, after a while, I work up the nerve to knock on the door. I hold my breath and stand there, shaking, as the door opens. Why did I have to do that?!

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Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:35 pm
Alvarin says...

Daniel Thorpe
The first attempt failed, but luckily Mr Owens didn't seem to realize exactly what we were doing. We got back up again and waited for the clock to strike 1 am. Surely the teachers would be asleep by then. Well, maybe not Art. He had always had problems falling asleep and I assumed it would get worse now when he wasn't home in his own house. Hopefully he'd at least be in his room, 'cause I wasn't totally sure how much he'd allow us to do even if I begged. He was a teacher, after all, and he was expected to act as one.

"Okay, guys. Lets do this," Chad said and more or less jumped up from the bed he had been sitting on. "Dan, you go first this time." I nodded and lead the others downstairs.

Before we reached the bottom of the stairs I gestured for them to stop so that I could check if the cost was clear. It wasn't. The light in the kitchen was on, and I heard a familiar humming. "Okay, I'll keep whoever it is in the kitchen, you just make sure to be quiet," I said with a low voice and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey, Mr Reed," I said as I entered. Art looked up from the bowl with cereal with an arched eyebrow. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to get some wa.." There was a loud thump as if someone dropped something. "..ter," I finished with a sheepish smile. I really hoped he would let this slip.

"Is that so, Mr Thorpe?" He frowned, obviously not happy that I was using him like this. Yeah, I was starting to feel more and more guilty, 'cause I knew he'd probably be up all night pondering about his choice, whatever that choice was.

"Yeah." I took a glass from one of the cupboards and filled it with water. I took a gulp before looking up at him with pleading eyes.

He leaned closer to me. "You better take it easy tonight, all of you."

"We will," I said as reassuringly as I could.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. He looked tired, and I couldn't help but to worry. Sometimes he didn't sleep for days. "You obviously won't. Danny, we talked about this.. I can't be doing this. I still have a responsibility and I can't just drop that, even if I love you."

That made me smile. "And I don't want you to. Just let us have fun for a few hours then you can barge in and yell at us all you want. Please? I know I'm pushing it, but we just want to have some fun. No harm in that." I could hear muffled footsteps again, and some giggles, probably the girls sneaking down.

He sighed again, louder this time. "Fine, but only three hours, then I'm breaking it up. But please, Danny, don't drink so much. I know you have good reason to, but just don't. Don't go back there."

"I'll take it easy, I swear." I looked around quickly before reaching up and kissing him gently. "And I love you too."

"Three hours," he repeated as I left the kitchen to join the others outside in the wood.


The others were having fun dancing, playing music and just acting generally silly. What was the time again? I on the other hand had been staying a bit away from the group, sitting with my back against a tree. Of some reason I suddenly didn't feel like partying, most likely because everyone seemed so keen on flirting with each other. For once it would be fun to go to a party with Art. Just once. I took another gulp from my drink, hoping that the burning sensation in my throat would make everything disappear. So far it had only served to make it worse, but I was starting to feel my thoughts getting a bit.. Hazy. But Hazy wasn't quite enough. I heard someone complain about their that, which made me take another gulp. To late though. Dad, uncle, my stepmother, my real mother. The images of them started drifting by my view. No, this really wasn't good. Art had been right. I should've stayed away from the booze. I really.. Oh, I wanted to talk to Art now. He could hold me and everything would be fine. He should still be up. If I left now I could talk to him before the others got back or he had to come here. Yes, I should do that. I wanted to talk to him now.

With the help of the tree I managed to get up and walk towards the cabin. It seemed to be horribly far away, and the darkness was playing tricks on me. For a moment I saw my dad standing in the woods, cruel smile already on his lips. I ran but didn't get very far before I sunk down on the ground, already crying 'cause I knew what he would do. It would only be worse because I tried to run. It always got worse.

When I looked up it wasn't my dad. It was Victor standing there. Oh, I almost laughed out of relief. Dad wasn't here. "Doc, you're smart, right? Why are people do f****** cruel!?" No, he couldn't answer that. But I just wanted to ask anyway. His parents were cruel too, weren't they? Oh, I really wanted Art to be here. Art would hold me and comfort me. Victor was just staring. "Where's Art?"
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:35 am
crossroads says...


Oh, yay. A party.
Lying on my bed, I could barely breath from excitement - of course, it was completely doubtable if that was even to be called excitement in some twisted parallel universe.
I had no idea what everyone made such fuss about. Firstly, if neither of the teachers figured something is happening, then Akara and the others most certainly deserved to party. I snickered at the thought of teachers being so blind, Anita included.
Secondly, parties were loud and smelled of alcohol and people having fun. Not to mention music. I sighed, getting up from the bed. It was late enough, I was dressed in my casually elegant black, and I had my silver little pocketknife on thin chain around my neck. Hidden under the shirt, of course. One can never tell when it may come in handy.

Staring at myself in the mirror, as I listened to the noises in the hallway, I asked myself why the hell I was doing that. I was tired out of my mind, annoyed and stuffed from all the cakes and whatnot, and parties were as much not my thing as they could be.
But Akara was going to be there. And so was Cam, the ladies man who exchanged poorly hidden glances and smiles with her - and with pretty much every other creature of the opposite sex, as far as I knew.

Passing next to the kitchen, I heard Dan's voice, but didn't stop to listen. I had yet to find them, since no one though of actually calling me, and to follow them to wherever the party was to be held. With a sigh and fighting the idea of waking Anita up and ruining all the plans for Akara's sake, I found my way to the party.

I had no idea how much time has passed before I gave up and left to wander the woods a little. My best friend was there, yes, with a glass of something I didn't approve of her holding, and dressed as if she just stepped out of the washing machine with all her clothes shrunken. To be fair, however, she wasn't the only one. And she was at least wearing something. But the music was too loud and way too far from what I liked, and I needed a moment to breath.

Seeing with the corner of my eye as Akara talked to someone, I almost stepped on Dan as I walked out from the woods. He was looking at me with a stupid grin on his face and something like fear in his eyes, drunk more than I ever saw someone being. He grabbed my leg as I tried to pass him, and didn't even seem to realise it.
What the hell? Let me go.

"Doc, you're smart, right?" He muttered all of the sudden. "Why are people do f***ing cruel!?"
I said nothing. What even.. I have other things to do. Looking up, I frowned as I lost Akara from sight. Dan didn't seem to be noticing anything.
"Where's Art?"

Art? I looked back at him, this time even interested. Only Arthur Reed, the science teacher, was the person to be called Art, as far as I was aware. And none of the students - not even myself, and I was related to another teacher - got to call him that. Unless they were more personal with each other than they were supposed to be. I grinned.

"Come," I said, leading him to the cabin. "We can look for him there."

He followed as a puppy, and I closed the door behind us. With a lost look, he sat on the floor, while I checked if anyone was following. I still couldn't see Akara. Where the hell was she? If any of those idiots touched her, and if they pretend it never happened, I could have sworn to take the pocketknife and-

"Parents are supposed to love you," I heard behind my back and turned around. Playing with some string he picked up, Dan still sat on the floor. With tears running down his face. What the fu- "They're supposed to love you no matter what!" I put my fingers over his mouth, hushing him. All I needed was others gathering around. he kept talking, in lower voice but ignoring my finger. "You.. You get it, right, Doc? I mean, your parents were actually as f***ed up as mine."

I more or less fell down to the floor in front of him, grateful that he didn't notice anything. My parents. No one ever really talked to me about them. Not that I wanted anyone to talk to, especially not a random guy from class, but I still for some reason felt like someone shot me with a bullet of ice. My parents were way more f***ed up than yours, I almost said. Almost.
Dan stopped crying and wiped tears away.

"Really, how is it to live with a teacher?"

I shrugged, thinking of fire rising above the windows. There was no screams then. Not even silent ones, like when the victims would get tired from shouting..
"It's annoying," I said, "though-"

"Yeah, yeah, that's nice." He grinned at me like a madman. "I'm gonna move in with Art soon." I almost choked. Move in with Art? Now, that was even worth coming to the damn party. He seemed happier than ever.
"Oh, God.. Have you ever felt that? How it is to really love someone?"

Then he cried again, and I rolled my eyes. Drunk people were freaking pathetic. But interesting. Indeed. I had no idea whether to even bother answering, feeling almost a bit lost. I need to find Akara. What if she got drunk too? Would she start talking to Cam and the rest? Would she do anything with them? I felt my stomach turning into fire. No, I don't know what it's like to truly love someone, I almost blabbed, because all of the people I saw in my life, safe for the family ended up tied to a desk and turned into something that can't love you back. I cursed myself for drinking. Far less than Dn, of course - everything was less than that - but nevertheless, it made me think of things I didn't want to think about.
But I just let Dan keep talking.

"When I'm with him it's like I'm finally.. Finally safe." I gave him a friendly smile, wondering if he'd remember what he said when he wakes up.
"Dad and uncle, they can't hurt me when Art's there. It's like.."

The door opened, cutting his sentence.

"Speak of the Devil," I muttered. Mr Reed seemed surprised to find me there - and maybe even somewhat scared. He kneeled next to Dan, who gave him an angelic look and smile from ear to ear, and sighed.

"You should have called one of the teachers, Victor," he said, and I looked back at him, not able to remove the grin from my face.

"Oh I was just going to, Mr Reed," I said. "I figured it may be dangerous to just leave him, though - see, he might do something..ah..inappropriate."

He frowned a little, and opened his mouth to speak, as Dan leaned on him and snored a little. He's sleeping now? Mr Reed gave me a warning look, keeping his eyes locked on mine. I had no problems with them being together - love is love, or whatever - but to not take an offer such as that one, that would just be stupid. I licked my lips, wondering how many people knew - i was sure, if I didn't know before, no one did. And how hard could he want to keep it a secret? I knew he could lose his job, Dan could probably lose whatever scholarship he had - plus the Romeo and Romeo would be separated. I smirked.

"Do me an, ah, favour, Art," I said, and cut him off as he tried talking again. "Don't worry, now. He should be taken to bed, took care of. Let the others do their partying a bit longer. They are having such fun."

If he rushed out and stopped the party now, questions would arise, and I didn't want that. I was pretty sure he was going to wake up Anita eventually, and maybe send her over to deal with us, so I didn't want to be found sneaking around.

"You have two hours," Mr Reed said. "And you will owe me another science project when we get back."

I arched an eyebrow, hiding another smile. I loved science projects. That was out of the question.
"Do I, now?" I asked. He got up, more carrying Dan than helping him walk on his own. "Good night, Mr Reed."

He gave me another meaningful look and then turned around and lef, leaving me on the floor of the cabin. Getting up to find Katara and whichever idiot decided to come close to her, I grinned again.
This trip may even prove to be interesting enough to keep me from vegetating in bed all the time.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:49 pm
*coco says...

Rena Meers (Ree)

Chad’s party was in full swing. Alcohol was being passed around like water in third world countries, Percy and Emily had their music going, and everyone was gathered around the fire, enjoying themselves. Even I was having fun, surprising given the fact that I’d been dreading the party. But, thankfully I had Ashlyn to keep me company. She was the girl I remember passing in the hallway, the one who seemed all alone. She’d shown up at mine and Akara’s room a few minutes before we snuck out of the cabin looking really nervous. She probably thought we’d be rude to her and tell her to get lost or something, but we didn’t. We happily let her join us to the party and here were now, almost an hour later, laughing and joking and generally having fun.

It turned out that me and Ashlyn, or ‘Ash’ as she liked to be called, had a lot in common. It made me wonder why I hadn’t noticed her before all this.

Probably because I was so wrapped up in my own problems.

We joined some of the girls who were making smores by the fire, still talking and laughing, until we were rudely interrupted by Chad.

“Having fun?” he asked, looming over me.

I looked up at the smile on his face with a frown. He didn’t seem tipsy to me, then again Chad was always a good drunk. He knew how to handle his alcohol.

It’s a shame I wasn’t as lucky.

“I am, actually,” I replied, lowering my gaze back to the fire. “Why? Are you planning on ruining it by embarrassing me in front of everyone again?” The last part came out cold, but I didn’t care. He could go ahead and act like nothing had happened between us but I wasn’t going to do the same.

Chad lowered his head with a sigh. “Look, you can’t be mad at me forever. What can I do to make it right?”

“Why don’t you start by leaving me alone for once?” I retorted, meeting his eyes again so he’d get the message.

He let out another defeated sigh and held up his hand in mock surrender before backing away. I didn’t bother to see him go, but I could sense Ash staring at me.

“What was that about?” she asked quietly.

“It’s not important,” I said, trying to smile. “Let’s just enjoy ourselves, ‘kay?”
Last edited by *coco on Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:29 pm
KingLucifer says...

Jaylee Alcantar

I was out of breath, I wanted to scream my lungs out, I wanted to puke, Asher, oh my god, I can't even think about him without seeing it all in my head. A change of clothes, then I needed to get to the party, I wasn't going to wear nothing slutty, not with Asher my boyfriend and all. When I got to my room, I was quick to loss my clothes and find a pair of clean skin tight jeans that showed off my ass nicely, and a my favorite shirt that read "Strength and Honor" on it in black. I splashed my face of water and looked at myself in the mirror, the person I saw was unfamiliar. I shrugged it off, I was already disturbed enough as is.

I put my shoes and socks back on after checking them over, and then made my way out of my room with my cute baby blue half jacket that I brought with me on the trip. I needed to get to the party and quick, I made my way out the only way the girls got out for the party. Once I was outside on the ground, I scanned the area and very faintly in the distance, I heard music, that must be the party. I followed the music until I finally saw in the distance my fellow classmates, I hid behind a tree and calmed myself, I needed to breath, I needed to act like everything was normal.

I was glad the first person to see me was Amazon, I may still be sore that she kicked me out of her room when we planned to room together. But if there was anyone who could help me, it was her the party seemed to be just getting into full swing. When Amazon saw me she smiled warmly at me as if nothing ever happened in the last ten minutes.

"Amazon, what I miss?" I ask her in a calm but out of breath voice.

"Nothing yet, the party is just getting into full swing," she said.

Amazon eyed the way I dress and seemed somewhat disappointed.

"Why ain't you dressed up for the party?" she finally said.

"Oh, I'm going with Asher to prom, so I'm not looking to attract any attention tonight," I said.

But Amazon was, she was wearing some revealing stuff on, and I could already see a few guys eying her as is, soon I heard rustling and saw Asher come out, I was glad he had changed his clothes to. But he looked nervous almost scared, I wonder if I looked like that.

"Oh Jay, uhh hey, what's up?" he said trying to sound casual.

I cursed mentally, Asher wasn't as good of an actor as I was, and right now it was showing with his nervous fidgeting. Amazon had a raised eyebrow like she was wondering what was wrong with Asher.

"What's with him?" Amazon finally asked.

"Uhh nothing, he's nervous is all,"

I pull Asher and bring him into my arms, hoping it would calm him somewhat, but I could tell her was shaken up pretty bad by what he did.

"Nervous for evening for later on, is that right Asher?" I said trying to sound seductive.

"Uhh yeah," he said.

I could feel his hands on me, one around my upper back, and another getting a great big feeling of my ass, his shaking stoped as I didn't stop him from touching me inappropriately. I guess it was bringing his rational thinking back and was pulling himself together, I looked up at him and gave him a seductive smile.

"Ok, eww, go take that somewhere else if your going to do it," Amazon said.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:11 am
AlmondEyes says...


The party was in full swing, and everyone was having a good time. Even me, which is surprising, because I usually never enjoyed myself. Someone had gotten an fire going, and everyone was dancing along to the music. We were far enough out that the teachers wouldn't hear us, and that was a plus. I was sitting under a tree with a cup of water in my hand, just watching. My Guitar was in it's case beside me, waiting to be played. I'd spotted Jaylee coming out of the trees and smiled at her. Then Ash came stumbling out after her looking really weird. All I did was look at her. She looked a bit off too. We talked for a quick moment and then parted ways, me finding a vacant seat under a tree with my guitar case.

Taking a sip of my water, I surveyed the crowd looking for cute guys. They'd all been checking me over since the party started, either looking at my chest, covered but a tight tank top that showed off the goodies, and a pair of short shorts that showed off the ass they were all fond of. I smiled to myself as one o the guys who'd had his eye on me since the party started stood up and walked over to me.

He was tall. thick black hair and slightly tanned skin. His giant frame would catch anyone's attention. He was built like a line backer. And it looked like he was ready to make his play. With a tilt of his head, he motioned for me to follow him. Hm. I stood before following him. He had me curious. Walking ahead of him, I turned to stand in his path.

"Hey," he came to a stop in front of me. "Akara, right? I'm Craig."

I took his outstretched hand he held out. Ooh. Firm hand shake. I already like him. "It's nice to meet you."

He sat down beside me with a smile on his face. "The pleasure is all mine."

"Oh really?" I leaned back against a tree, stretching my arms over my head and letting my back arch as I slowly crossed my legs. "I'm flattered."

His eyes started at my generous chest, slowly sliding down to my legs. He licked his lips. "So, my friends and I have been talking about you...."

"That sounds interesting. Do tell." I leaned in closer to him.

"Word's spread that you're looking for a certain somebody." he continued. "To help you with a certain problem."

"What probably would that be?" I whispered.

He put his lips against my ear and whispered. "That would be taking your virginity."

I wasn't at all surprised. One of the first things she did when she felt wounded was open her mouth. I gave a long sigh and look at him. "And your play in all of this?"

He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me against his chest. I put my hands on his chest.

"I was thinking you would allow me the honor of deflowering you." his hand slid down to grab my butt and pull me closer.

Spoiler! :
Obviously, Akara's not going to have sex with him. I would like for Victor to break things up between Akara and the other guy, and then when they get back, Chad can start truth or dare. If anyone puts her in their post, have her pissed off and irritable. Especially with Jaylee, Loyal, if you don't mind.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:05 am
FermentingFruit says...


I wandered aimlessly through the party, just having a generally good time. Laughter filled the air, and I couldn't help but join in. Maybe I had drank too much, maybe not, who cared? It was a party. I wasn't drunk, and that's what mattered to me. I walked through clusters of people, taking in the general mood. The guys all seemed to be hitting on someone, and the girls all looked good. A bit of an understatement, but let's go with that. I smiled, looking for a possible lucky lady. So many to choose from, it would be hard not to score today. A glimpse of a familiar frame caught my attention. I swiveled my head and caught myself looking at Akara. With Craig. That still didn't stop me from staring for a second. She had outdone herself tonight, she really wanted what she hadn't gotten before. The thing was, Akara didn't seem to be happy. Just the opposite actually. She had this disgusted look on her face, and it didn't seem to get better when Craig started feeling up her ass. I sighed and walked over to them. I smiled and looked at Akara.

"Is Craig bothering you? Because it seemed like it." I said. Craig turned and looked at me.

"No, I'm not. So get lost Cam," he replied. I looked into his eyes.

"I didn't ask you." I put a hint of danger in my voice, trying to intimidate him. I knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot. Craig took a step towards me. "I'm not going to fight you Craig," I said. He smiled and swung at me. I stepped back, and it missed me. "You're drunk Craig, just sto—." He swung again, and caught me in the jaw. I could taste the blood in my mouth. I spit out a mix of saliva and blood. I looked at the ground, then, putting all my force behind me, I swung. I could feel my arm rattle as my fist smashed against the side of his head, almost as if it was in slow motion. I watched as Craig's body crumpled under him, and he fell to the ground, unconscious. I didn't swing hard enough to kill him, just enough to make him go to sleep for a few minutes. "I told you I wouldn't fight you. I wouldn't call that a fight," I said, grinning to his unconscious body. I turned and looked to Akara.I smiled and looked into her eyes, trying not to let my vision waver. If I decided to look at her body, that could be the end of it then. I spit out another mix of blood and saliva and grinned.

"You, Akara, and cordially invited to a dance, with me, Cameron Fox." I stuck out my hand, and she smiled and took it.

"I would be honored." she said. We were interrupted by Chad's loud voice announcing a game of truth or dare.

"Your call," I said.

"The dance can wait for now," she said with a grin, and I led us to where Chad's voice had come from.
Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:56 pm
*coco says...

Chad Rancic (Duke)

Still pissed over my conversation with Rena, I made my way back to the boys.

“Still no luck?” guessed Percy as I slumped down on the grass next to him.

I frowned in response.

“Give her time. She’ll come around.”

I wasn’t counting on it. I scanned the rest of our group and found an excuse to change the subject. “Where’s Dan?”

Percy chuckled. “You know Dan. He had way too much to drink, so he’s out for the rest of the night.”

I would’ve liked to say that I was surprised, but I wasn’t. Dan had a reputation for not being able to control his drinking, though it usually happened when he had something on his mind …

But, the night was still young in my books and I wasn’t about to let it go to waste by sitting around being pissed at Rena. Scanning the number of beer bottles on the floor, I smirked.

“I know that look,” said Percy. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking we spice this party up a little,” I replied. With that, I got to my feet and stood up on a log to address everyone. “Listen up, everyone! Who’s up for a game of truth or dare?” The question was followed by a burst of cheers. “I’ll take that as a resounding yes. Get your asses over here and let’s get started!”

It took a minute or two to get everyone together and sitting around a circle. Cass came over and handed me one of the bottles from the floor.

“Thanks, Cass,” I said, taking it from her. She’d been a good friend to me these past two months since we broke it off, but a small part of me kind of hoped we’d get back together again soon.

But I couldn’t think about it for too long. Once the others were already, I got up and went to the middle, placing the bottle on the ground before giving it a good spin and standing back to see where it would land. A few seconds past before the bottle slowed to a stop.

I let out a smirk. “All right, Cam, you’re up: Truth or dare?”
Last edited by *coco on Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:20 am
Pencil2paper says...


The party truly was one of Chad's best. Great beer and good music, with a bonfire and all. I had already had a few drinks and was singing drunkenly along with Percy and Emily to songs we all have learned by heart, when Chad- whom I still had feelings for even after two months- spoke up, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Listen up everyone,! Who's up for a game of truth or dare?"

Everyone around us cheered at the mention of the game- a tradition at parties, but a little cliche for me. "I'll take that as a resounding yes." he said, grinning that goofy, adorable grin of his. "Get your asses over here and let's get started!"

And with that everyone was off, moving into a lopsided circle in the middle of the clearing. Picking up one of the many empty beer bottles strewn around the clearing, I walked over to Chad, handing him the bottle. My hand brushed his as I handed him the bottle and there was a spark-like feeling running up my arm as we touched. I blushed, and hoped that he would think it was just the heat of the bonfire.

"Thanks, Cass." he says, and I thought I heard a note of longing in his voice, but it must have been my imagination. He's my friend. He'd only been my friend and nothing more for more than two months now, and I know him- we wouldn't be getting back together anytime soon.

Going back to the circle, I sat down where Emily and Percy and the others are waiting. After everyone is done with their beer, Chad went and placed the bottle down on the grass and spun it. When it finally slowed down and stopped, we all let out the breath we had been unknowingly holding as we saw who it was- Cam. This should be interesting.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:44 am
winterbites says...


The party was lame. But everyone else seems to be having fun. So maybe its just me. I hadn't drank anything yet, not wanting to smell like alcohol. Those days are behind me now. I took another small sip of my coke and looked around again. Everyone was almost off their tree. I shook my head, What is this world coming to?

A very drunk/tipsy girl walked up to me smiling, "You know what T-Tadge... You're so lame. Have a drink." She giggled and swayed. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked plainly at her.

"Live a little." She held my arm, "Dance with m?" She bit her lip.

"After you just called me lame? No, I have better things to do." I really don't

"Please." She pouted with big eyes. I was about to answer when Chad yelled out over me.

“Listen up, everyone! Who’s up for a game of truth or dare?” Everyone broke into cheers. The girl grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the tight circle that everyone had formed.

Great, just the game I hate.

Spoiler! :
If you haven't noticed, Tadge is an ass c;
Last edited by winterbites on Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:41 am
JourneyGirl says...

Ashlyn Annabeth Wielder

Surprisingly, instead of being greeted with a put-down, like expected, Rena actually invites me to hang out with her. She's really nice and pretty funny. I don't tell her much about myself, but enough for her to get an idea, and we actually have a lot in common. We hang out together at the party for a little bit, but then I let her go talk to her other friends. I take a seat on the ground, leaning against a tree. Everyone is getting drunk and flirting with each other, what am I doing here? I refuse to get drunk, and who would ever be interested in me? I sit in my usual state of self-pity, just as I decide to leave, it is announced that there will be a game of truth or dare. I don't think I'm really up for that, it's normally stupid dares and embarrassing truths. As interesting as it would probably be to watch, I head back to the cabin.

I pass a guy, Victor I think is his name, along the way, he approaches the group, trying to tell them something that must be important, but I don't stick around to hear. I go up to my room, change out of my clothes and into my pajamas. I climb into bed and lay there, staring at the ceiling. Trying to sleep, but facing the same problem I do every night. After a while, though I'm not sure how long, I hear everyone come back in from the party. It's really late, and most people just go to bed, but I still can't. Eventually I finally do get to sleep, but I don't stay asleep long. As usual I wake up screaming. I go downstairs to get some water, luckily I don't think I've woken anyone. I'm sitting at the table, drinking my water when I feel the hand on my shoulder and jump.

"Are you okay? I heard you screaming upstairs."

Spoiler! :
Enter Victor! ;D

Be steadfast as a tower that doth not bend its stately summit to the tempest’s shock.
— Dante Alighieri