
Young Writers Society

The Academy for the Hidden...

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:12 pm
Sassafras says...

Jaxon Danny

I watched along with everyone else as Eris and Persephone danced. I didn't really have any skills or actually any hobbies.

"I smoke and I fight." I shrugged and leaned my head into my open palm. "I'm not a very interesting guy." I chuckled and continued eating the food in front of me. I was hungry, or so I thought, but once I actually sat down I wasn't that hungry. Actually, I was only eating the bread roll. The other food was actually very ugly and reminded me of the basement fungus. It looked exactly like it actually.

I sat up straighter and stared down at my plate. Flashes of the dark damp space I'd been deposited were flashing before my eyes. I could hear the water dripping in the corner, smell the mold, and feel the cold hard floor under my shivering body. My vision went black and, just like that, I was back in the basement.

"...that was great guys! You are such good dancers!"

I blinked myself out of my daze at the sound of applause. It seems the dance was over, but I needed to get rid of this food. I grabbed my plate and went to dump it but, when I got there, the food wasn't the only thing going into the trash. I heaved and threw up what little food I was storing. I was done rather quickly and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Dangit." I cursed and hoped no one saw that. Luckily, the trash cans were around the corner. I walked back to the table after bumming a piece of gum from some random kid.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:12 pm
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LadySpark says...

Enola (Ella)

I was getting ready to go down to dinner, experimenting with my makeup my mother had bought me, when Lance walked in with a girl. Her hair was choppy, and her eyes dark.
"Hi..." I said hesitantly.
"Astral. Hi." she said, extending her hand.
"Hi Astral, I'm Ethan."
Ethan came up behind me, and extended his hand.
Astral smiled a little smile and said "Hi."

I giggled and looked between the two. Ethan looked slightly punch drunk, and Astral a little stunned. Teehee.
"Anyway, Astral, you can come with us to eat. I'm Ella by the way. We'll get you a bed later. We're on this side." I pointed to the girls side of the room. "Dump your stuff there."

Astral gave me a small smile. "Thanks." She looked nervous.
"I'm hungry." I commented, bending over my tiny desk. I looked in the mirror. I had been trying makeup out for days. I had finally found that I didn't like a lot, and I liked it to be as natural as possible. Light browns and pinks.
"Are you?" I asked Astral, trying my best to be friendly.
"No." She said sardonically. "Why would I be hungry and dinner time?"

I decided to ignore those comments. "Well then! Come on!" I grabbed Ethan and Lance's hand, he was leaning against the wall, looking bored. "Lets go. Where is Mason?"
"She's with her sister." Lance said, nodding.
"Oh. okay then."

Ethan, Lance and I stood in the hall, waiting for Astral. When she finally came out, she grinned and said "What are you guys waiting for?"

Ethan (Edric)
That girl was hot. Astral was her name? Reminded me of a star. Oh gosh. What was happening?
Ella had grabbed mine and Lance's hands, and pulled us into the hall. "Where are we going?"
"We're going out here before you, Ethan do something stupid."
"I don't know what you mean." I pretended to be aloft, but inside I was going, was it that obvious? I hoped not.

Lance looked surprised, so maybe I was wrong.

Astral walked out. Unlike Ella, she obviously didn't like natural makeup, she had a smoky eye, and red lips. Hot.
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:28 pm
Iggy says...


Persephone laughdd delightedly. "It would be my honor." She stood up and took his outstretched hand, placing her other one on his shoulder. "Lead away."


"I've been here the entire time." Mason said, walking out of the bathroom. She blushed when she saw Lance. "Oh, hello again."
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:51 pm
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PrincessOfDarkness says...

Hahaha. LOL!

Astral ¬

I smiled at Ella, Lance and Ethan. I fell into step beside Ella.
"So, you got here yesterday?" I asked.
"Yeah, did you come here late?"
"Yeah, we got the time mixed up. Lance over here got grilled by the lady about letting me stay in the room," I smiled.
"It wasn't like that..."
"It was Lance," I laughed. I felt like myself around these people. They were really nice. "So... you're Ethan?" I asked the boy.
"What...? Oh, yeah,"
I laughed.
"You haven't been drinking have you?" He looked up and caught my eye. I put on a serious face. Then smiled. "I was kidding, don't worry," I stuck my tongue out at him. He was actually really [hot! :P] cute. He had black hair and ... brown eyes with red flecks.
We got to the dinner hall.
"Who's hungry?" I asked as we sat down with our trays.
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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:00 pm
Iggy says...


"I'm starving, but this looks terrible. What is it, shrimp?" Mason grimaced, poking the food with a fork.

"It looks like something I barfed up." The new girl, Astral, commented.

"Hey, we dress alike." Mason noted.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:13 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Astral ¬

"I know!" I said, swallowing the mouthful. "Do you put the streaks in yourself?"
"Wow, you know what, you're so gonna have to put some in my hair!"
"Bubblegum Pink?"
"What about red or blue?"
She scrunched up her nose. "Maybe not," I shrugged.
"I like what you're wearing though," I commented.
"Thanks," I smiled, pushing the food around my plate.
"Keep it as it is," Ethan whispered in my ear. I looked up at him, suprised.
"Really?" I whispered back.
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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:22 pm
Iggy says...


"I have green dye if you want green streaks." She smiled at Astral.

"Really! Cool!" Astral's eyes widened.

"Yup. I'll do 'em tonight."
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:30 pm
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Redfang18 says...

Eris Venus

I led Persephone across the floor, holding her close to me like a lover. As we danced, I looked at her in the eye. I could see something worth painting in the depts of her eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. In my case, the eyes are the windows to the scenery of which the soul represents. When I finished the dance, I heard an applause. Persephone was speechless when the dance ended. I smiled and said, "I've been a dancer since only heaven knows when. Besides, I was raised mostly by my grandparents."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:41 pm
Iggy says...


Persephone was speechless while they danced. She'd never danced before, and she had been afraid that she would fall flat on her face, but Eris lead the entire time. It was so easy and fun; she felt like she was gliding smoothly on the dance floor. She met Eris's curious eyes.

"That was fun!" She laughed. "We should do that again!"
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:42 pm
LadySpark says...

Edric (Ethan)

I was walking back to the dorm, when Ella,Astral and Mason peeled away, heading towards the bathroom.
Giggling about hair. As they passed, Astral shot me a look and smiled. I tried to smile back, but my lips felt stiff.
"Dude, your head over heels." Lance said, laughing at the look on my face.
"Maybe." I said evasively.
"So you like don't like Ella?" he looked hopeful. That was weird, I felt defensive of her. As though I had to protect her.
"No. In the few hours I've known her, shes become a little sister to me."
"Oh." he turned away.
"Yeah." I sat down on my bed, and leaned back against my pillows. I hoped she didn't die her hair. I had a feeling that was her natural hair color, and I liked it that way. I didn't want her to be too exotic. I'd feel like I didn't have a chance...
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:56 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Astral ¬

Mason held up the dye.
"Green? Pink? Blue?"
"Keep it as it is," Ethan said.
"Atral? Earth to Astraaal,"
"Wha-? What? Oh, sorry... erm... I don't want my hair done today. Maybe tommorow? That food made me feel a little ... sick,"
I walked back to the dorm room.
I knocked on the door.
"Are you two decent in there?"
"No! But come in anyway!" Ethan yelled, I rolled my eyes and shoulder the door open.
"Hey, I could of been naked." He saud in mock outrage.
"I've known you all of two minutes, and I knew you were joking," I flopped down on the bed. "Oh, hi Lance. What are you guys up too?"
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Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:10 pm
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LadySpark says...

Edric (Ethan)
Oh. Wow. She's known me two minutes. GOD! What has the person done to me?
I love it.

"But what if you were wrong and I wasn't joking?" I said, still laughing.
She smirked and and sat down on her bed, diagonally across from me.
Lance looked between us. "to your earlier question, we were discussing bands."
She sat forward, looking at me. God she's hot. I thought. "There is this really old band. Three days grace."
Her eyes lit up. "threes days grace?I love that band!"

She stood up impulsively, and grabbed her iPod. She brought it over, and handed me a ear bud. "this band is about as good as them."
We sat there, listening.
She was on her stomach, her chin propped in her hand, scrolling through the songs she had on her nano. I leaned down, and looked at the playlist upside down.

She flipped on her back and looked up at me. "See? told you they were about as good."

Kiss her! Kiss her!

I almost did, but something stopped me. It's name was Lance. "Ahem."

I sighed and sat up straight, bobbing my head to this band. My face red as a tomato.
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:32 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Astral ¬

"Ahem," I opened my eyes and stopped head bopping to the song.
"Yeah?" I said, pulling out the earbud, sitting up and looking at Lance.
"Oh, I was talking to Ethan," I looked at Ethan, a smile quickly darting across my face. Ethan had a tinge to his face. "Erm...Ethan, do you know Paramore? The band?" Lance finished akwardly.
"I LOVE that band! Have you heard Misery Business? It's great!" I cried. I flipped through my Nano and clicked on the song. "I'm in the business of misery, lets take it from the top, she's got a body like an hourglass it's tickin' like a clock..." I sang, doing a little jig. I laughed.
"I know, Hayley Williams is really fit," Ethan said. I blushed.
"If you... say so," I said, pulling the earbud out of his ear and jumping back onto my bed.
"So, you know this TV ... anyone up for watching a movie tonight?"
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Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:21 pm
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gleek456 says...

Scarlett Harlow

After a... Satisfying meal and watching a dance, I decided to wander in the halls. I want to see wherelse my feet will take me. The other time I did that, it lead me to Jaxon. I started moving my feet.

I passed by an auditorium, then a science lab. I groaned silently. There's a science lab too? I complained to myself. I continued on until I passed by a music room. I slowly back up and open the door. I smile at the sight.

The room was dark, but you could see all the instruments packed in there. Guitars, drums, trumpets and all. I made my way to the violin section first. I picked one violin up and examined it. Decided to try that one out. I played a part of Scherzo Tarantella, my favorite piece to play on the violin. I smiled at the sound and put it back down.

I made my way to the cello section, and picked out a baroque cello. They said it was made to play in churches. I grabbed a chair and decided to play on that one. I played a part of Sicilienne, a sad piece that sort of described my emotions. Satisfied with the sound, I put it down.

I started making my way over to the piano, until I heard the sound of someone falling outside the music door. My Wes widened and I opened the door, looking down on the person.

(Hey! Hope this is okay! I'll edit if you didn't want me to add the music room in the school!)

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:28 pm
LadySpark says...

Ethan (Edric)

"I am!" I said, a little too quickly. Ella had raised her eyebrows.
Astral smiled, and I felt my heart melt a little bit.
"I guess I'm cool with it too." Ella said, her eyes wandering too Lance.
He grinned. "Yeah. Me too."

Mason scowled. "I'm going to spend the night with Presh."
She stood up and left. "Well bye." Astral said, her face laughing.
Mason ducked back in and said "Bye!"

Ella, who didn't seem to walk, but only scampered and bounced, bounced over to me and Astral. "Hi! what are you guys listening too?"
"Paramore," Astral and I said at the same time. I blushed. She grinned like the Cheshire cat.
"Oh." Ella smiled, but it seemed forced. "I like... Three days grace.."
I started to laugh, and reached across to give Ella a hug. Then I stood up. "I have an announcement! I'm adopting Ella, as my baby sister."
I grinned at Astral, then turned away, looking at the TV.
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

I'm also not sure why but even though I normally wear cool tones I have a feeling red would have been my color in the 1860s.
— Elinor