
Young Writers Society

The Basement

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:30 am
Camulaeus says...


It had been almost an hour since Gin- Allie and I had had our talk. I was thinking it was about to time to go over and talk about things again when Tom's phone rang. Jacob went over and answered on the speaker buttons, while Tom glared maliciously.

"Hello?" said Jacob into the phone.

" Hey, O' Connor! Do I have a job for you! I know you about the latest drug bust? Cost the boss half a million, well the little rat informant was one of those dirty little street gang boys.Be to obvious if any of us to take him out, since your pretty much a phantom the boss is offering you a hundred thousand to take out the street rat. I'm kinda busy now and i know this ain't your preferred type of job but call me if your interested okay?"

The words floated through the room, a dark storm cloud laden with an ugly truth. Jacob dropped the phone, and in unison all our eyes turned towards Tom.

"So. The truth comes out. Our "doctor" is more of an assassin" I said coldly. Allie stepped up behind me, venom in her eyes. Juli took a step back and Jacob stood protectively in front of her. "I guess our kidneys weren't the only things you were after" I spat.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:28 pm
Jennya says...

He had had enough. Enough of theses stupid people, stupid people everywhere, what had happened to listening? Anger bubbled up, a burning volcano of furry. The boy, he didn't know anything! Nothing about him! nothing about WHO HE WAS! He was Thomas Marcellus O'Connor the third! And he was not going to let a naive little boy ruin his life. He lifted himself up, everybody watching, at full height he was taller than them all, he towered like Goliath burning with a uncontrollable.

" You listen kid? Or do you just blindly assume? The guy said, this ain't your preferred type of job, I am obvious not an assassin! And if i was, who are you of all people to judge? In case you haven't noticed we live in Old Harles and Old Harles isn't fairyland here a man has to fight to stay alive! Everywhere there are people out to get you! Everywhere there is someone willing to bash you to death,and I'm looking at you red head, i know what your boyfriend does to those who refuse to give up what they want! Dam it! All I do is fish bullets out of cheats, and stick up knife wounds! " he bellowed his eyes sending daggers into the boy and his little gaggle of friends.

Suddenly weakness over come him, he put his hand against the wall, taking quick shallow breaths. After all theses years he was still an elitist hypocrite, Thomas Marcellus O'Connor the third, what a joke. Like father like son, there was a part of him that wanted to show them all his family tree, show them all his medical degree, he hadn't changed, he was exactly like this father.

The boy opened his moth the speak but Tom got there first. "I couldn't kill anyone in this condition anyway... but dam a hundred thousand is a lot of money... more than all our kidneys put together... idiot kid, probably thinks that people still donate organs... all stolen cut out for a fee from third world children... I should have never followed him... it would have been happily getting a lap dance from a cheap stripper... not stuck here...." he slurred the pain getting the better of him, the adrenalin of anger all but gone. All he was left with was an cold empty feeling in the back of his gut.

He looked up, flicking the hair out of his eyes. The where all looking at him, staring at him. He didn't know how much more he could take.
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:18 pm
MiaParamore says...

Sorry for being such a prick, but I won't be able to continue anymore, and I am really sorry for it. My school is starting and this is an important academic year, so I am sorry third time. If anyone wants to take my character, I have got no problem. :D
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:42 pm
Synnoev says...


I stared at the ground in silence, not knowing what to think. All of what Tom had said was true; he hadn't accepted the offer or even appeared to have taken up similar offers in the past. Still, what Eli and his friend had said about the doctor lingered in my mind - had he really tried to take their kidneys? I hesitated for a long moment, then bent down to pick up the phone from where it lay on the floor.

"Call him back," I said in a low voice, holding the phone out to Tom. "I don't care what you choose to do. But if you take that offer, you leave here now."

Eli turned, a look of surprise on his face. "We can't let him do that! We can't let him kill someone! Are you crazy?"

My face set, and I continued to hold the phone out, without meeting anyone's gaze. "it's up to him to decide what he does."

The doctor slumped for a moment, then took the phone from me without a word.

Everyone waited, wondering what he would choose to do.

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Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:52 am
Jennya says...

He grabbed his phone from the musician, glaring at everybody with his usual angry glaze. Thoughts ran though his mind, he couldn't take the job not in the condition he was in and if he did they boy with his gun would kill him. Life was so hard here...
I quickly dialed in his contact's number, everybody watching him with evil eyes. "Hey, I can't take the job" he said. The reply was not nice. " Look I got shot in the leg can barely walk. Who did it? It doesn't matter. Look call me if you have something else more up my alley in a day or two, thanks," he said into his phone before placing it in his pocket. He looked at them all, all their angry faces. What had he gotten himself into?
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

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Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:39 pm
Kaywiia says...


Everyone looked so angry. I was suddenly rather afraid that people might have hidden guns someone on their persons. I needed to get one. I wonder what type I would get. Maybe like one of those little ones, like in a bad cop movie.

"Akward silence...." I observed out loud, and everyone turned to look at me. "What?" I asked. I saw Jacob roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye. "I think you're all being hypocrites. Anyone who lives in Old Harles has to have done something illegal at least once. It's like initiation to this hell hole. You beat a couple guys up, and your in." Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "So all of you are innocent?"

"I can't believe your defending him." Ginger said.

"I'm not, I'm just saying you're being hypocrites if your going to hate on him for considering killing someone. We've all done something bad-"

I glanced around the kitchen, froze, and listened. Some was talking on the telephone, far off in another room. A woman's voice, from what I could hear. A jar stood on the counter. I pulled a stool over and climbed up.

"Julia-Rose. What are you doing?" The woman's voice commanded. I turned around and felt the stool tip benieth me.

I looked around, waiting for a response from someone.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:57 pm
Camulaeus says...

Hey, I''m going on vacation so would you mind freezing my charrie? Feel free to use him still.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:22 pm
Synnoev says...


I watched as the doctor refused the offer from his caller, and felt myself relax inside. Despite my threat, I wasn't sure that I could have actually managed to do what I'd been saying - how would I ever have been able to get him out of here for good? Security in this place wasn't exactly thriving.

I listened as Juli spoke up after her long silence, trying to cool everyone down after this confrontation. It seemed to work, with everyone calming down, or at least not directly threatening each other any more. Suddenly she broke off, staring into space for a moment for a long moment before her eyes focussed again and she looked around at everyone expectantly. I gave her an odd look, one eyebrow slightly raised in confusion, then shrugged.

"I'm going out." I announced quietly, turning back to my mattress to grab my guitar and sling it around my shoulders. "Is there a ladder in here or something?" I followed this with a slow wander around the room, looking behind piles of mattresses and dusty cupboards until I stumbled across something even better. Stairs. My eyes lit up, and I resisted dancing in the middle of the room to express my joy. I sent one look back at the group, my eyes meeting Juli's for an instant before I stared fixedly at the floor. "I don't really know here very well so... could someone ...erm... help me to get around? I mean-" I faltered as I realised what I'd said made no sense whatsoever. "Help me find a place." I tried again. "Help me... erm. Show me around. Show me around this area. So I don't get lost or..." Another quick internal dance as I managed to find the right phrase, and then I broke off my long string of rambling, adjusting my guitar strap awkwardly, and continued staring at the floor.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:51 pm
Kaywiia says...


"I don't really know here very well so... could someone ...erm... help me to get around? I mean- Help me find a place." He thought for a moment. "Help me... erm. Show me around. Show me around this area. So I don't get lost or..." Jacob struggled with his words. I tilted my head to the side.

"I'll show you around. No one wants to feel like a bird in the ocean." I said with a shrug, flouncing up to him. He gave me a look, opened his mouth as if to say something, then shut it again.

I walked up the stairs, and he followed after me. I began to talk as we climbed up the stairs. "Why exactly do you need your guitar? Like, do you bring it with you everywhere. I would, if I had a guitar that nice. But that's sort of just asking to get shot around here. Anything nice attracts attention. I learned that the hard way-" I stopped as I opened the door at the top of the stairs and looked around at the giant room. "I wonder what happened here..." I said, looking around at the huge, burnt room.

"Looks like some sort of fire." Jacob observed. I turned around to look at him. Our eyes met for a second. In that second I felt something in my heart. A sort of sinking feeling. And I suddenly knew he was something special.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:25 pm
Synnoev says...


"Looks like some sort of fire." I suggested, my eyes meeting Juli's as she turned. As our gazes met, something changed in her expression, and there was a long silence, not quite awkward, just... buzzing with something. I opened my mouth to speak, wanting to say something, but ended up just staring, and wishing I could figure out what I wanted to say. Finally, I tore my gaze away, turning to pick my way through the rubble towards the exit.

"My guitar," I said in a slightly strangled voice. "I was just .. going to try and busk, or something. Seeing as I don't have an apartment anymore."

She tilted her head again curiously. "Going to busk ... around here? Are you sure you've thought that through?"

I hesitated, turning back to look at her and feeling that moment again as I met her eyes. "I guess that's not such a good idea then?"

She laughed nervously, shaking her head in disbelief. "You really are new here, aren't you? There's probably somewhere a little further out that would be better." She paused for a moment in thought, then nodded more certainly. "I think I know somewhere."

I smiled in reply, holding the door open for her as she followed me outside into the sunlight. It seemed to be around midday, with only a few people milling about on either side of the road, and the sun shining in the street.

"Right." Juli stood next to me, looking from side to side indecisively with her hands on her hips. After a short moment, she pointed down the road. "I think this way is quickest." she announced, and I followed her as we made our way down the street.

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:24 pm
Kaywiia says...


We began to walk. I knew exactly where we were going. There was a small part of Old Harles, (a very small part), near the border between that and New Harles. The technical name of the town was Harington, but everyone called it New Harles. It was a place for the rich. The elite of society. It was where the street people and the rich mingled. It was safe. The only part of Old Harles that cops ventured into. A place you could busk and not get shot for it.

It was going to be a bit of a walk, and I knew it, but we had plenty of time. While Jacob’s eyes roamed, I was on sharp lookout. First sight of a pointed gun, a hostile grin, or any other sign of danger and I would force him to pay attention. His blank gaze was attracting odd looks from the people around. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw a gun being drawn.

“Jacob, duck!” I yelled, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him to the ground. A mere second later a bullet whizzed over our heads and shot a guy in the arm. The man turned to face us with a look of hate in his eyes. I pulled Jacob back up, grabbed his hand, and began to run. He stumbled a few times, but was soon running as well. I could hear drumming footsteps behind us. Getting closer. Angry language pouring from the man’s mouth. Words even I didn’t use.

I was scared. Terrified. I felt wet dripping down my cheeks and realized I was crying. Was I that much of a coward?

I let go of Jacobs hand so I could run faster. Beside me, I could hear him running out of breath. We had to stop, soon, or else we’d have to slow down. And he’d catch us.

Be thankful he doesn’t have a gun. Be thankful he doesn’t have a gun. I chanted in my head.

I could hear him getting closer. He wouldn’t be after me as much as Jacob. People were still sexist around here. They assumed a guy would shoot a gun before a girl.

And I tripped. I fell to the ground, and Jacob stopped. I wanted to yell at him to keep running, but I couldn’t. And the man caught up to us. He reached for my throat.

I tried one last thing. “We didn’t shoot you, I swear." His hand froze for a second, "Neither of us have guns. You can check us. I swear. The man behind us did. He saw-“ I stumbled for a fake name, “uh, Alex was dozing off and pulled out his gun and-“ I was still crying.

“Like hell ya don’t ‘ave a gun,” He said, his face now nearing mine, staring into my eyes. I wanted to look at Jacob. Make sure he was okay. Tell him to run. “Lemme check ya.”

I stood up, holding on to my dignity, my tears stopping as he roughly felt along the sides of my dress, the sides of my boots, even the ponytail in my hair. “Jus’ cuz you don’t have a gun, girly, doesn’t mean he don’t.”

I mouthed to Jacob, “Let him check you.” Seemingly unwillingly, Jacob stood stiff and still as the man patted him down. He reached and looked in his guitar case, in Jacob’s pockets. I wanted to yell at the man to stop. I didn't want him near Jacob. But I could feel the tension. Any wrong move and we were both dead.

“Fine, you can go. Ya both got lucky dis time. Don’t run into me ‘gain, ya hear?” And with that the man walked away.

As soon as he turned his back all my calm dignity vanished. I leaned against the wall of a nearby building and began to cry. I had never been so close to death before. I had never been so scared. Never.

Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:15 am
Jennya says...

The musician and artist left, together like lovebirds. His only line of defense gone, now he was alone it the redhead, Elijah the woman and her child. He had a feeling they all hated him, he didn't blame them. The did try to mug the pair anyway , but in Old Harles that was a part of life. He slid back down to the ground and grabbed the near empty bottle of jack, drinking the rest down slowly. They all watched him hate in their eyes.

"So, kid, Yes you, whats your name?" he said to the messy haired boy. He turned to look at him, giving Tom a look that could only be described as malice. " Don't call me kid, your not than much older than me," he snarled, fingering Toms gun. "I asked for your name, so give it to me," snapped Tom putting force behind his words. The red head growled. " My name is Elijah and your name is Tom i take it," he said, eye brow raised. " The names O'Connor, don't call me Tom only people i like call me Tom," he said, the red head laughed mirthlessly glaring at him with crazy eyes. Tom looked at her. She looked back. He was the first to break eye contact, there was just something about her that he didn't like, she reminded him of his witch of a grandmother. He suddenly remembered something. He had money and he was hungry. Thoughts ran though his head, should he share? He didn't like sharing but he had no choice, he was bound to this place, they only way he could get food was through somebody else. "
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:52 pm
Kaywiia says...

I apologize for some minor god-moddingo n my part in my last post in The Basement. If their are any issues just tell me.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:08 pm
Synnoev says...

No worries, you kept him in character so it's not really an issue :) Just trying to work out how best to reply but it will either be tomorrow or quite a short post later tonight =/

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:33 pm
Synnoev says...


"Are you-" I hesitated, then stopped speaking, standing there like a bit of an idiot as Juli curled up against the wall, her small frame shaking with tears. A few seconds of silence, save for her muffled sobs, filled the air, and my own expression crumpled.

I stepped forward, pulling her towards me and wrapping my arms around her, my chin resting gently on her head. No words were said, but she held her arms onto me loosely, her cries getting more controlled until she pulled away, biting her lip nervously. She stared at the ground for a moment, then glanced back up at me cautiously rubbing the tearmarks away from her face. I gave her a soft smile, then bent back down to pick up my guitar from the floor and pull it over my back once more.

"Come on," I said quietly, my fingers brushing her elbow softly to get her attention again. "Let's go."

She looked surprised, then nodded, pointing to the left. "It's just around the next corner." she said, still seeming shaken from the encounter with that man. My mouth twitched slightly as I tried to bury the memory; the last thing I wanted was to appear vulnerable on streets like this. Maybe in the future I should try and appear less like I had no idea where I was going...

Almost subconsciously, I straightened my posture up, standing to full height instead of my usual slouch, and as Juli absently looked around, she glanced upwards. "Did you just get taller?" she asked with a tinge of amusement, and I immediately reverted to my usual posture.


Hope this is okaaay!

Maybe we're all just complex human beings with skewed perceptions of each other.
— Ventomology