
Young Writers Society

Sailing the Seven Seas 2 - Starting/Accepting

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Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:36 am
Durriedog says...

Of course you can join! Jump right in after you've posted a character sheet. Note to storybookers, we need to bring this SB back. Impending monster attack. Post whenever.
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

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Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:19 pm
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

I'm not sure what positions are open at the moment, and would you like me to be male or female?
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:37 am
Durriedog says...

Male would be better, but either one's fine :)

Three days through the voyage and not only was Turtle more popular, for better or for worse, than he'd ever been in his whole life, but their little Spanish prisoner wasn't taking kindly to being recently tied to the railing. The cargo hold wasn't her cup of tea and nor was being forgotten, and as Turtle sat on the floor next to her, feeding her bread and soup, he remembered, half-amused, half-cringing, about the last time he'd condemmed someone like this.
"But I doubt we'll put you on a leash," he said aloud.
"What?" said the prisoner, without enough thought before it to make the tone properly angry.
"The last time we tied someone to a rail, one of the crewmates got to walk them on a leash in the middle of the night."
The prisoner muttered in Spanish.
"Bread?" she said in a demanding tone. Turtle raised the food to her again.
"You're demanding for a prisoner."
"You're not for a guard," she spat. Before Turtle could reply, she continued, "It's you who forgot to feed me."
Turtle just pulled a face.
At that point the boat heaved to one side and Turtle was thrown halfway down the stairs. He clutched at the turtle necklace around his neck, then ran up the stairs.
"Captain?" he yelled.
The prisoner looked longingly at the soup that was pooling on the floor where it had spilt from its bowl. But she hadn't had one more thought before a tenticle with a ridge of flattened spines along one edge and suckers on the other slithered across her view.
"Fire!" Turtle was yelling. "We need fire! If that thing lifts us up, we're dead!"
As all the crew rushed on deck, the ship lurched again.
"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT THIS!" roared the Captain.
"I HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL!" he yelled back, "Fire will hurt it!" The Captain threw a knife at his head, but it missed and skidded across the floor behind him.
Turtle scooped it up, cut the ropes around the prisoner, and shoved a lit torch in her hand. He pulled the co-captain over and did the same thing to him.
"Poke it with a flame first, to get it away from the boat. Then get the others to throw tar on it, and let that sucker burn."
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:52 am
ScarlettFire says...

Gwen | On Deck - Recently Untied From the Railing:

"What?" I shouted, as the 'guard' who had been watching me took off again. Shaking my head, I started muttering under my breath, "Estúpido sangriento pirata.... ¿Qué demonios es tan importante?" Then I looked up, noticing the thing in the water. I gasped. "Oh, mi dios, monstruo marino!" I yelled and thrust the burning torch into the tentacle closet to me.

The Co-Captian smiled at me, amused. I glared at him. He swiftly followed my lead, touching his torch the another tentacle snaking out of the water. I noticed that he didn't draw his sword. Fine. He could do that for all I care.

"Bastardo," I muttered, reaching for my sword only to remeber it was gone. I let loose with a long string of nasty swearing. Then muttered, "Sangrientos piratas!" and snatched the Co-Captian's sword off him. I started hacking at the the burnnig tentacle. "Hijo de puta! Ya morir!"

Slowly, the sea monster retreated--just as my so-called guard came back with another torch. "Sir?" he asked, taking note of the sword in my hand. "What's going on here?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:12 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Salter shook his head.
"Good thing ye came back Turtle, this forty-pound highland goat was about to chew me ear off." The girl spat and continued her spanish rantings. She kept calling him the same thing, and finally Salter had enough of it.
"Alright miss," he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her, snatching his dirk back in the process. She kicked him in the shin, hard, and Salter winced. He contemplated wringing her neck.
"Que estan? What was that?" she asked. Salter was in a good mood that day, and he was careful to keep his usual temper under check. Turtle shrugged.
"Who knows." Suddenly they all stopped. Smoke was curling up from between the cracks of decking. Salter glanced at Turtle.
"Fire!" He yelled. "Fire on the gundeck!" Salter raced to the hold and pulled open the hatch. Smoke poured out. The crew men frantically ran to supply him with water. "It's in the for'casle!" he called. "Start a bucket brigade!" Salter dissappeared below deck. Turtle sighed and shook his head. He glanced over the side of the gunwale and saw, to his dismay, a charred tenticle still clinging to the hull. The thing, whatever it was, was still attacthed to the ship. Turtle ran off to find the captain and help. All at once, Gwen found herself standing free and unnoticed.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:39 pm
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

I'm sorry but I haven't yet gotten good enough in my writing to write as males. I'm still a bit new to this.

Name: Annabelle

Position: I'm not quite sure what's open, but I was hoping for an apprentice of some sort

Age: 16

Sex: female

Personality: She was raised by pirates, so she has a personality of one too. She's extremely sneaky, and tough. Mess with her, and she'll kick your butt. She's used to little, and has a bit of a short temper. She hates when people argue with her, and can be very sarcastic. People underestimate her. She seems sour and bitter, but she just doesn't like showing her emotions

Strengths: She's tough, sneaky, hardworking, and never goes down without a fight

Weaknesses: She's sarcastic, short tempered, argues a lot, and doesn't let anyone know what she's really feeling.

Likes: nothing specific, and not much

Dislikes: when people argue with her, when people make her do stuff she doesn't want to do, when people underestimate her...people

Appearance: She's very small and petite. She has long straight brown hair with natural highlights and brown eyes. She is very pale.
Spoiler! :
I know the picture and description are a bit different, so just follow the description with any differences. The picture is just to give you a pretty good idea.

Why they joined the crew: She didn't really have much of a choice. Her father was a very important and rich man.
When she was still young, about 9, she was taken by pirates, trying to use her to get to her father. They weren't very smart, though. She sneaked off the ship on a small boat, and sailed on her own for a while until another pirate ship, this one, came along and brought her aboard. Of course, they saved her, but she still wasn't very happy. Eventually she got used to it, but she's still trying to find her father


Is this okay? Tell me if I need to fix anything. Also, I need to know what positions are available.
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:14 pm
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

So, are we going to continue this? I hate to be impatient but it seems that every time I join an SB it dies right after I post my profile!
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:52 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Of course we're continuing this. Try to be paitent. Some of us don't come on every day, you know. Now, I'm going to post. Feel free to jump right in!

Gwen | On Deck:

"¡Idiota! Se te olvidó darme de comer y me dejó en la bodega de carga maldita y ahora estás mirándome como si estuviera asustado voy a morder! ¿Qué eres? Un cobarde o un pirata? Es sólo una espada! Dios mío, que estás immpossible! Es sólo una espada sangrienta! ¿Por qué me mira así? ¿Cuáles son --- Oh .... Lo sentimos ..." My ranting trailed off all of a sudden as I looked around. The Co-captain had snatched the sword back and then disappeared below deck and my so-called guard had run off somewhere. I found myself alone.

I stood there for a moment, confused and blinking. And then it clicked. They'd forgotten about me! Smirking, I raced off toward the rear of the ship.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:36 pm
Kiwisatsuma says...


I stumbled around the deck, blinking. Smoke was pouring out from a hatch and sailors were yelling gruffly to one another. And - was that a charred tentacle lying on the wooden planks? Things had turned from order to chaos in a matter of minutes.

"You, lad! Get in line!" an older pirate called. I looked around and then blinked as I realised he was talking to me. In line? In line for what? I presumed they weren't handing out extra biscuits. Then I saw the chain of men passing buckets full of sloshing water towards the source of the fire, and realised what he meant. My stomach clutched with panic as I hurried forwards and took my place, but I felt a shiver of excitement too. Finally some action instead of just drifting over the waves!

A heavy metal bucket came swinging towards me and I grasped it and passed it on, turning to the wild-haired woman on my left. She nodded at me and swung it onwards. I blinked, trying to recall who she was, and then noticed with a jolt of shock the tricorn hat she was wearing. It was the captain, working amongst the crew to put out the fire. I hardly had time to absorb this before a second bucket was thrust in my face and I grabbed it, grimacing and coughing as black smoke billowed towards us.

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Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:12 am
EloquentDragon says...

Salter was at the head of the battle, and the work was grueling. He grabbed onto a bucket and sloshed the water onto the flames. What are we doing? He thought to himself. Here wasting our water…how could we be so foolish?
“STOP!” he yelled. The crew jolted to a halt and looked up at him, stunned. “First of all, start haulin’ up the water from over the side of ship, not the drinking barrels. Secondly,” his voice grew to its feverish Scottish pitch as the ship rolled to one side. “who’s sailing this bilge hold anyway?” There was silence. The crew suddenly realizing that the helm was unmanned. One or two persons left to man the deck. “Now get ta’ work!” Salter turned back to the fire. The men behind him were silent, but they worked feverishly. He looked around they gundeck, spotted a gunnysack and grabbed it. The seasoned sea hand dunked the sack in one of the buckets and began to slap the wet cloth on the flames. He was joined by the Captain, who worked along side of him.
"Ye' should be topside, lass." He growled.
"I told you not to call me that!" She slapped the sack down, hard.
"Well, I certainly hope that thing from the bottom donna' show his rotting head agin!" The Captain stared at him. Suddenly, a grinding from beneath the ship all tossed them to the side. Something had pushed the ship over.
"Captian!" Josiah relayed the information from the deck. "The thing, it's back!" Salter muttered and oath and tossed the wet sack to the main bos'n.
"Keep it up Jim! I'll be right back." Salter managed to tear the Captain away from the fire. ."C'mon Lass, we've got ourselves a squid!" They raced out of the hold.
"I told you not to call me that!"
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:17 am
Durriedog says...

"It's not a squid!" Turtle yelled, coming in behind the pair. He tipped a fair amount of tar onto one of the sacks the co-captain was carrying, wrenched it from his hands and lit it on fire, throwing it at the face of the monster. The creature screeched in agony, and Turtle swung his torch at a flailing tentacle. He saw the captain hack at another, and it fell with a wet thud on the deck, to slither over the side and into the water.
"If you're so immortal, you fight it! Jump right in, son!" shouted the co-captain. Turtle mimed an incorrect salute and threw another sack onto one of the larger tenticles throthing up the water.
"Aaaaah, calamari."
The captain backhanded Turtle.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Just work! My ship is being ripped to pieces!"
They both heard a ripping noise, and they turned to see a thin but long tenticle writhing in the sails. They saw a young crewmate with a gleam in their eye run towards the ropes, torch held high, wanting to burn the creature while it was stuck.
"No!" yelled both the Captain and Turtle. At that point, Jex thundered down the deck and tackled the kid, crashing into the railing. It cracked, and they both fell into the water.
Turtle swore, threw some more tar on the sacks and ran after them. A splashing tenticle had extinguished the flame on deck, but he was afraid the deck would be burning again before long.
They hadn't even been due to the border of the Bremuda until the day after.
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:21 pm
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

I would jump in but I'm still not sure what positions are available for my character.
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:16 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Crew Member, Dreamer! That works, doesn't it?
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:12 pm
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

Right sorry. Ice been having a hard time with some thing lately and also really busy. I'll post soon...
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:36 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Salter took a step back and surveyed the predicament before them. The strange, squid-like beast had reared its ugly head. Two pale eyes the size of wagon wheels were peering at him over the gunwale. More than one of its tentacles was wrapped around the spars and rigging of the main mast. One good tug and the whole thing could come crashing down. To add to that, the fire on the gun deck stubbornly refused to be extinguished, and Salter was afraid that the flames would soon spread to the main deck. There was a scream as a man was hurled from the ratline by a floundering appendage. One thing was certain, the squid had to go. Salter glanced at the monster’s eyes, then grinned. An idea taking shape.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

News is not a game show. You don't win a car if you happen to be right.
— John Oliver