
Young Writers Society

Camp Creativity [Accepting]

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Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:10 pm
Cspr says...


I roll my eyes as I clamber up the ladder to the platform, that must be about fifteen feet up. Yikes.
In other news, why did people act so crazy over other people? They had all the time in the world to find someone to live with and hate (read: marry), yet they were so focusing on finding someone to snog...

I shake my head sadly, as I haul myself up on the platform and just watch as Slade talks down to Caris, who only seems embarrassed by his, well, hopeless flirting.

And Slade was now flapping around like a idiotic one-legged bird.
I swear, some people were just morons. Didn't they realize I had an honest-to-goodness reason for being scared?
I guess they didn't, because Slade was acting like an idiot and...

I cussed as he suddenly stepped off the edge a bit.

I reached forward at Elliot's yelp and grabbed Slade by the back of his shirt. It ripped a bit, but I kept a hold on him and set him upright. Well, I think so. I was off-balance now and it was hard to get it back while you were on a platform, with a messed up leg and a phobia of heights.

"Now, would you please never do that again?" I ask, in a monotone as I force him to sit down on the platform. "Oh, and are you all right? Not bleeding and didn't bang your head on something?" I ask.

I think the councilor was shrieking, but I ignored her. It was her own bloody fault she hadn't been keeping an eye on these chumps.

I glance down, only to notice my hands are shaking when I grasp the railing. Oh, great.

I was so not doing the zip-line...

...Why did I get the feeling someone was still going to make me, though...

((*yawns* I'm tired, too. Hope you can make sense of this, as well...))
Last edited by Cspr on Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:14 pm
fictionfanatic says...


She smiled and said "I know it looks tiny now, but when your flying above the trees your not exactly concentrating on that." I then asked her "You've done this before?" "Once," she admited,"A couple years back."

Everyone's chatter filled my head as I asked with genuine concern "You promise me I won't die?" She gave a beautiful smile and replied "Promise you." Something in her voice told me I could trust her. Without thinking, I reached up for the dogtags around my neck. A woman then yelled "Taking the first fifeteen kids up, who's coming?"

Bliss turned to me, an evil yet sweet look in her eyes. Uh oh, she's going to make me go. I threw my hands up above my head and said "Your insane." As my arms dropped to my sides Bliss responded "Is that a your insane-but-I'll-still go with you or a your insane-and there-is-no-way-i'm-following-you-up those-stairs?"

I gave a small, silent chuckle and then gave her a smile. Her eyes ran over meand she pulled a hand through her strawberry hair.

"Make sure you all have a partner, I don't want anyone getting hurt." The woman yelled.

Turning my attention away from Bliss, I looked back up at the thin wire that could be the cause of my death. Giving a sigh, I turned back to Bliss and said "Alright, you win." She gave a big smile and started clapping. I then asked her "Partners?" After a second's hesitation she nodded.


As the girl with pink hair went down the zipline screaming with joy, I stood on the edge of the platform, peering over the side with Bliss was behind me. Suddenly I started to feel dizzy. I shook my head to make the dizziness go away and then started backing up, running into Bliss. Shaking my head I declared "No way am I doing this!"

She pushed me forwards a little bit and said "No! You already said you would and I can't do it without a partner."

Sighing, I turned to her dramatically and slid my leather book that contained all my plays in it. Holding it out to her cerimoniously, I said with over exaggerated woe "Bliss, I just want you to know that if I should die doing this-" I hesitated for a second, for dramatic effect, and then said with a completely straight face "I would like you-" I hesitated once more and then finished with "To take this-" Another pause and then I quickly said "Never read it and burn it!"

She slid it from my hands and giggled "Okay, I''ll do just that."

I turned, took a deep breath, and jumped off of the platform.

As I went down I screamed. Not from terror surprisingly, but from exhileration and adreniline. When I got to the end, I was laughing. I dropped to the ground and just lay there and watched as Bliss came down holding my leather book.

As she climbed the ladder down, I closed my eyes. I heard her footsteps come close to my head and her voice say "Beau?" I just lay there, no emotions on my face. "Beau?" She asked again. I gave no reply.

For a second she said nothing, just stood there. But then she said "Okay, I'm going to go burn this now." She began walling away. My eyes snapped open and I scrambled to get up off the ground, which would've been faster if my foot hadn't gotten caught in the roots of a tree.

I ran towards her and grabbed her from behind "Don't you dare burn my book! I'd rather gouge out my eyes with a spoon then burn it!" All of the sudden I just started laughing and I couldn't stop.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:46 am
Sunshine says...

~Bliss Lotin~

I don't think I would ever be able to totally get Beau, but that's ok. I think I like it better that way. Right now he stood behind me laughing as I held his book high above my head. Suddenly I start laughing too. We were both just so rediculous I couldn't help it. Beau seemed to realise then that he was 6 inches taller than me and grabbed the book from me. I tried to keep hold of it, but seriously it was like wrestling a gorilla. He grabbed it from me easily. I try to get it back by putting hands on both sides of it. we were both laughing so hard this time that neither of us hade much strength.
" Are you coming or not?," the frizz yells.
beau and i stop laughing.
' i better go. Hold my glasses?," i said, giving him them.
" I'll TRY not to break them," he says, taking the glasses.
" You better not!," I grin at him.
I take a deep breathe. Suddenly that wire seemed really high...
" You can do this, Bliss. Hey I did it didn't I?"
How did he know? I glance over at him and he gives me a reassuring smile. I sprint towrds the latter again as well as I could with all these flaps. The lady hooks me up and I try to gather whats left of my courage.
" Have fun , hon," with that she pushes me off the balcony.
What a rush! I felt like I was flying! Like I was invincable!
" Uh Bliss," I look down, only to see I was a foot off the ground," the rides over."
Beau stood next to me, holding my glasses and grinning. I swear my heart skipped a couple beats. Trying to regain myself, I blush.
" Got a little carried away," I said as I unhooked myself.
" No?," he said chuckling," here let me help you with that."
He leans over and helps me undo the last strap.
" Thanks," I said shaking myself.
He takes his arm away and I see something glimmering at his neck. Dogtags. I grab my glasses. Did he see me look at the tags? I didn't want to push him if he didn't want to tell me...
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:41 am
Moo says...

I'll post later tonight, guys.))
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:34 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Before Bliss took her glasses back, I thought I saw her looking at the dogtags around my neck. Okay, I knew she saw them. Without thinking, my hand reached up and held them so tightly they left a mark on my hand.

I let them go and fall back down against my chest. Bliss and I began walking slowly back to the camp, not saying anything. Shoving my hands in my pockets I looked above me at all the trees and told her "They were my dad's, in case you were wondering." "Were?" She asked.

I nodded a little bit and replied "Yeah." I chuckled a little bit and said "It's kind of weird, but he didn't die in war. He survived through a war, came home and went back to teaching, and one day a kid brought a gun to school. My dad was the only one killed, and that's because he threw himself infront of the kid being shot at."

I gave her a sideways glace. I've told very few people this story, but for some reason Bliss seemed like the kind of person who would understand. I don't know what it was about her.

She nodded. I'm glad she didn't say she was sorry. No one seems to understand that they shouldn't be. My dad saved some other kid's life and they say they're sorry? But she didn't say that.

To lighten the mood, I started running and yelled behind me "Race you to the Mess Hall!"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:46 am
Sunshine says...

I feel like fiction and I are spamming up the page... JUST CAN'T RESIST!

So that was why Beau wore the dogtags. He gives me a sideway glance. I swollow lightly. I tried to understand, I really did, but both my parents were alive and well. Divorced but still alive. I nodd. I wouldn't say I was sorry. His dad died saving a kid. Nobody would be shamed about that.
" Race you to the mess hall!," he yells and takes off, leaving me in the dust.
I smile just watching him for a momment. Then follow, propelling myself as fast as I could go. (Which probaly wasn't to fast.) I was still maybe a foot behind him when I fell something under my foot. One thought flashed through my head - Not again. My hands fly in front of me, scraping the ground.
" Beat you!," Beau yells laughing.
" Bliss?" he turns around, smile fading. " Are you ok?"
He runs toward me. I lift my face out of the near to dirt and give him a weak smile.
"Seems familiar doesn't it?"
He smiles at me, shaking his head. He offers me his hand. I weakly reach my hand up. He takes me and lifts me up. I just noticed that my blood was coming from wounds on my hand and stained on his.
"Sorry! I didn't mean..."
He was looking at me, green eyes sparkling. He was so perfect...
" You don't care do you?"
He gives me a hundred watt smile.
" Nah. I blame the spiky rocks."
I grin at him. This was somebody I could trust. I'd known him hardly an hour but I think...
" Can I draw you?," I blurt out.
Did I really just say that? I felt like smacking myself. He looked at me, smile playing on his lips. I bite mine.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:05 am
fictionfanatic says...

Um, wow. I feel weird being one of the only two people posting. But I can't help myself...


I gave her a small smile, and shaking my head offered her my hand. When she accepted it, I pulled her up to her feet. My hands felt a little wet. When i looked down at them, I saw blood on them. Her blood. Almost in a panic, Bliss said "Sorry! I didn't mean..." I had to hold back a laugh. She stopped talking and gave me that look again and said "You don't care do you?"

My smile grew wide across my face and I wiped the blood on my jeans and said "Nah. I blame the spiky rocks." She gave me a silly but cute grin. She gave me that look again, the one where she just stopped everything and looked at me with big eyes filled with something I couldn't quite figure out. The words "Can I draw you?" rushed out of her mouth. Instantly, she looked like she wanted to take back her words and hide. I looked into her beautiful eyes that looked a cross between green grey and blue with a smile forming on my lips. So she was an artist.

She bit down on her lip, and I replied "Sure."

Looking back at the line at the zipline, I asked her "Would you rather do it now or during free time?"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:13 am
Cspr says...

((Eh, don't worry. I just feel like the Forever Alone rock by the fact no one has responded to my post. ;) Hilarious, right? I mean, really...wait, can I post comments...? Oh, well, I'm going to anyway.))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:10 am
Eniarrol says...

Can i save a character spot here...
A hero isn’t defined by winning. Loads of heroes die in the effort. Most of them never get any recognition. No, a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.

~Previously SweetMoments

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:33 pm
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Apple says...

Ehh, sorry guys. I've been bogged down by homework so I haven't managed to post yet. I'll hopefully post tonight, but don't get angry if I don't.

Buzz- You can join, no worries!
I spy!

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Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:49 am
Sunshine says...

With you all the way fiction, trust me.

~Bliss Lotin~

Relief flooded through me. He would let me.
Looking back at the zipline he said," Would you rather do it now or in freetime?"
Now or freetime? Good question.
" Freetime. Writing class should be soon," I stick out my toungue.
Beau laughs and we start heading toward the zipline. Writing was iffy. I mean why write when you can draw? I turn towards Beau, about to open my mouth when the sunlight catches in his brown hair, lighting it up. A small smile played on his lips still and you could see his green eyes glimmering. He took my breathe away. As art and just 'cause I thought he was cute. I mentally chuckle.
" Anyway, now you know I'm an artist. What are you?"
" Why don't I keep you in suspense," he grins down at me.
I give him a small shove, knowing he probaly wouldn't move.
" Well than I'd give you a big nose!"
He lifts up an eyebrow, giving me another one of those smiles.
" What do you think?"
What did I think? He seemed like he could be anything then, staring into those eyes of his I just knew.
" Your an actor."
" Good job," he looked genuinly impressed," I do dabble in singing, though."
I giggle. I truly couldn't picture him singing.
" Something funny about that?"
I give him a innocent eyed, sweet smile.
" Not a thing."
Beau suddenly get's an evil glint in his eyes.

Sorry if that's not the best leave off ever.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:48 pm


The guy infront of me looked as if he was about to pass out as he gripped tightly to the railing. Edging closer towards him, I asked him quietly "Are you okay?" For a second, he said nothing. Only stood there breathing in and out. Finally, he said "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked "You don't look so good.

*Sorry, I know this is no hekp but I'm in a rush.*
Check out my novel, "You're-"

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Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:52 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Is this dead?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:52 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Is this dead?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:52 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Is this dead?
Live, Love, Laugh

Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.
— Groucho Marx