
Young Writers Society

Academy for Heroes-In-Training: Redux - No Longer Active

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Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:24 pm
Octave says...

Guys, Nolan has levelled up and can now move tiny objects with his mind.

Nolan Lehnsherr - 6.17 PM

When she latched onto him and muttered something, his first instinct was to push her away. But that wouldn't make him a good friend now, would it? So Nolan didn't push her away. Instead he grit his teeth and forced another smile.

Go on, Nolan. Stroke her hair. "Don't worry. There's nothing to be scared of here. Everything's fine. Everything, everyone. None of us are going to hurt you."

And he watched as she slowly let go of him, slowly looked up into his eyes, her own green ones tearful. The panic faded away and her breathing returned to normal. "Right, of course. Nothing to fear. I'm - I'm sorry."

When Nolan finally returned to his room that night, the pink blob was already tearing her side of the room apart, frantically searching for something. Nolan quietly disappeared into the bathroom and came out wearing something new. God, he changed twice today. This school was hell.

He took care to avoid Kiat and collapsed onto his bed.

"Have you seen my teddy bear?!" Kiat yelled.

"No," Nolan said into his pillow. It came out muffled but surely Kiat understood him.

"Can you help me look for it?! I swear I left it on my bed!!"

Damn it. Was some sleep really too much to ask? "I'm not really here," Nolan said.

And just like that, Kiat left him alone. Thank God it worked on her this time.
Last edited by Octave on Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:29 am
Kale says...

Corda - Room B2, Cafeteria - 5:22 PM

A gnawing discomfort in her stomach awoke Corda. With a sigh, she rolled over onto her belly and stretched, working out the kinks in her muscles. Sylvester, no longer warmed by Corda's neck, roused and poked his snout into Corda's cheek.

"I'm up," grumbled Corda before she sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes. She felt much better after the nap; her mind was clear once more, and she felt completely refreshed.

Corda was in the middle of another stretch when her stomach gurgled peevishly. She wasn't hungry in the truest sense of the word, the rumbling of her belly more distracting than anything, but some food would not be remiss. Corda stood up and straightened out her skirts and hair, smoothing out the wrinkles and working out the knots until she was presentable before she set off for the cafeteria, opting to leave Sylvester behind this time. She made sure his tank was securely shut and that the door and windows of the room were properly closed beforehand, just to be sure.

Corda made her way to the cafeteria without any trouble, though she was disappointed to find out that dinner wasn't until seven, much later than she was used to. She bought an apple to tide her over until mealtime and found a vacant corner of the cafeteria, near the back, to sit and enjoy her snack.

She was halfway through the fruit when there was a loud shriek followed by firelight just out front of the cafeteria. From her spot all the way on the opposite side, Corda didn't have a good view of what was going on, but as she stood up to investigate, the screaming and fireballs stopped. Corda paused, uncertain, but sat down as surreptitiously as possible when Mr. Dawno limped into the cafeteria. He must have dealt with whatever it was outside, Corda supposed, and she did not want to draw his attention. He made her uneasy. Corda felt relieved when Mr. Dawno settled down at the staff table, apparently without noticing her.

She finished her apple in peace and, with nothing else to occupy her time, decided to review her research notes. Except she didn't have her notes with her. Trying not to panic, Corda thought back to the last time she knew she had them and groaned. She'd last been holding them in Nolan's room, but they'd been scattered by seizure boy when he went grope-happy, and she hadn't had a chance to gather them up. Corda got up and hurried out of the cafeteria to A Block, hoping that Nolan (or his roommate) hadn't thrown them out.

When she got to A2, the door was already open, and the pink blob was tossing things about pell-mell. It looked up with its creepy eyes at Corda's approach and asked, frantic, "Have you seen my teddy bear?"

Corda shook her head no, and the pink creature turned away and resumed tossing things around. "I'm sorry, but have you seen my portfolio?"

The pink ball pointed at a pile of stuff, and Corda was relieved to see a corner of her portfolio sticking out. She retrieved it and quickly rifled through the papers inside; everything seemed to be there, though not in the order she'd originally had them. No matter; they were there, and she could always reorganize them.

Once Corda's heart had returned to a more regular rhythm, she went back to the cafeteria, settled down at a vacant table, and began reordering her papers as she waited for dinner.
Secretly a Kyllorac, sometimes a Murtle.
There are no chickens in Hyrule.
Princessence: A LMS Project

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:58 am
Bloo says...


The lunch bell had rung already, but Kumo was taking her time to get there. She hid her Matery or whatevers around the room, and then changed, which I did't watch, just in case. I think it was twenty after by the time I was able to slip out of the closet, and shimmy out the window. I was hungry enough to eat a horse, or maybe a giant chicken.

I walked to the cafe, feeling a bit too off to run at the moment, when I arrived I found it packed, but the line was short due to my late arrival. I hopped right onto the line, and Bolt hopped on my shoulder, drooling a bit. I grabbed everything I could, and crammed it onto my plate, speedsters worked up a huge appetite, and we had great cardio.

Now came the tough part though, not getting the plate around, but finding somewhere to sit. I hadn't really made any friends, and made plenty of enemies.

"Yo, Impulse!" I heard someone shout, and looked to see a table of hyper looking people. I walked over, and looked at the guy who had called me, or rather my ancestor, over.

"Hey, I'm Kevin West, and these two are Leo and Ryan Garrick, we're kids of the other Two Flashes," he said with a smile, I nodded and sat down. The table had several other kids, I assumed this was a table for speedsters, the hyper, impulsive, talk way to fast, kids. Almost everyone here was either laughing, eating or running their mouth, except one. The hedge hog I had been racing, Zeke, he sat at the edge, looking uncomfortable with the others.

"Hey Zeke," I said, and he looked at me, unsure what to think of me right now. He darted his eyes, and so I just crammed as much food as I could away. I nearly choked, mostly because I couldn't stop laughing enough to properly eat. After I had finally finished, and Bolt had eaten his fair share of scraps, I got up to put my tray away.

That's when I saw them. Nolan and Corda were walking up to the trash together. They were Absorbed in conversation, so I had a bit of time to act. Their snakes must have been at their table, due to their lack of being there. Good, because they creped me out. But who was I going to tackle? Nolan was annoying, but I felt like with him, a bigger rise would come with the girl. Sure it was improper, and unmannerly, but who gave a crap?

I turned around, and ran to the other end of the room, and then used a pole like a sling shot and ran forward. Then, last minute, I put my arms out, and hit both of them at max speed, and literally made them flip in the air.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:24 am
Octave says...

Nolan Lehnsherr - 7.30 PM, Cafeteria

Before Nolan hit the ground he managed to put his hands in front of him, saving himself from kissing the floor.

But bloody hell, this would be the third time he'd change today. That bastard was going to pay, and dearly at that.

"YOU PERV!!" yelped Corda.

He...what? Nolan got up, slowly and carefully, aware that everyone in the canteen was watching him. He brushed what visible dirt he could off his clothes and then turned to Corda. She'd sat up but she was huddled, hugging her knees to her chest. Her eyes blazed.

He didn't bother to ask if she was all right. That question was stupid anyway. If a person fell down why even bother asking if they were all right? Wouldn't it be obvious? Instead he held out a hand to her and waited for her to take it.

She said nothing, did nothing but draw her knees even closer.

Nolan withdrew his hand, but it was clenched. Where was that bastard? He scanned the room. Ah, there it was, speeding out the canteen. Before he could move, Liam was ahead of him.

The blur tripped and crashed to the floor.

Everybody tensed. They knew a fight was coming. Even crazy Liz in the corner said nothing.

Every step Nolan took echoed through the room. "You...I never got your name," Nolan began.

The redhead tried to stand up but really, an eight-foot-long snake wrapped around your feet? Yeah, that didn't really allow for much movement.

"And you're already such a pest," Nolan said.

A nearby steak knife floated.

"Mr. Lehnsherr, this has to stop -" began one of the cafeteria's staff.

Nolan held up a hand and smiled at her. "You can't tell me this isn't justified. None of you can tell me it's not justified."

She quieted down and Nolan took another step towards the panicking redhead.

"Nolan." Corda's whisper reached him even though he was more than five meters away from her now. "Don't. He's watching."

Who? Dawno? Did it even matter anymore?

Nolan was going to teach this pest a lesson. Not kill him, of course not. But he swore this idiot would suffer, and suffer this idiot will.

Skinning him alive sounded good to Nolan.

Just then, crazy Liz stood up in the corner. "FOOD FIGHT!" she yelled.

And hell broke lose.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:01 pm
Bloo says...


"FOOD FIGHT!" When I heard that, I think I almost peed myself a bit, with excitement. I was gonna have fun with this dude, real fun. First though, I had to get this snake off me. Bolt scurried around my hair, and I grabbed the little thing. "Bolt, I'm sorry about this." I grabbed the snake by its head, and stuffed Bolt inside, and before the snake swallowed, scratched his special place, and felt him grow to his natural, three feet long state. The surprise of Bolt growing must have surprised the snake, or maybe it was just it was happy for food, but it loosened the grip on me. I slipped out, right before I heard a nasty zap, as electricity flowed all around the snake via digestive fluid. Bolt climbed out of the K.Oed snake, in his miniature form, and climbed back into my pocket, but not before giving me a zap as well.

I ran around the room, finding the messiest stuff I could find, and filled a trash can to the brim. Now, the trick was lifting it, due to my lack of upper body strength. That's when it hit me. Well actually, it was a bowl of Jell-O, but because it hurt so much, I knew what I had to do. I took a handful of my trash masterpiece, and chucked it at the biggest guy I could see, who happened to be a 10 foot tall stone giant. The gargantuan turned to me, and chucked a simple hamburger. The thing might as well have been an anvil with all that power behind it.

The beef patty made me flip into the air, and because I had hocked my to the trash can, it came with me. I grabbed the thing like it was life it self, and kept it straight up. The trajectory was straight on, the dude couldn't have thrown that patty better if he wanted me to get over Nolan. I kicked at the can, and got it to do a 180. With a sickly churning, moaning, and gurgling, rain came. Brown, green,red,blue, and all other colors of the rainbow rain, chunky rain, liquid rain, solid rain. But mostly, it was disgusting rain.

The blob landed right on top of Nolan, covering his entire body with goop. I flipped the trash can again, making it sideways, and grabbed it so I was on the top of it. The can hit the ground, cracking loudly, but the plastic took most of the shock for me. I looked over my shoulder to see Nolan looking at me, trash bits floating around him. I smirked, and tensed my legs. This would be interesting.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:20 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Elizabeth, Cafeteria-7:34pm:

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I ducked an unidentified flying object and looked towards the weird kid who was running around the room really fast. Had I really just said that? Had I really just started a food fight? Yes, yes I had.

I sighed and then gasped when the kid dumped a trashcan full of food on Nolan. Giggling, I edged out from behind a table and waited for Nolan to react. He just stood there fuming for a moment, hands balled up into fists at his side and then he started to move, wiping at the food all over him. I chuckled. Was he OCD or something?

"Uh oh," I squeaked and started sneaking off towards the exit, eyeing Nolan as he stood there, trying to get the muck off him. Everyone was watching him and the kid who'd dumped it on him-the other boy was just sitting there on the trashcan.

Nolan didn't even look my way as I reached the exit. I hesitated in the doorway then decided to stay and watch. Some pieces of muck started floating up around Nolan and then he looked up, furious gaze on the other boy.

This seems like fun, the little voice whispered and I hesitated. Why don't we join in, Liz? It could be fun. I sighed. That voice was so influential...

"Fine," I muttered. "It could be fun so I'll join in. Happy now?" The voice stayed silent this time and I walked over to the other boy's side. "Hey, I'm Elizabeth or Liz if you like. You?"

The boy flicked his gaze to me and then back to Nolan. He was grinning.

"Nolan is going to kill you, you know," I said nonchalantly, listening to the words the voice fed me. "I don't even want to know how."

"My name is Bart," the boy snapped, eyes still on Nolan. "Now will you leave me alone and stay out of my way?"

"Fine," I shrugged and headed over to Nolan. "Got something on you, Nolan." He shot me a glare so I grinned back. "Need some help?"


I sighed again. So neither of them wanted help? Fine. Nolan returned to glaring at Bart and I could feel the tension building. Uh oh. This is definitely going to end up as a fight, the voice whispered.

"You're going to kill each other, you know," I muttered and then corrected myself, "Wait. Actually, you're going to kill him."

I stepped out of the way as Nolan took a step forward, fury etched into every line of his face. Bart was still sitting on the trashcan, grinning. Oh, wonderful. Time for a fight. I backed out of the way and watched the fight begin.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:23 pm
Kale says...

Corda - Cafeteria - 7:32 PM


What...?! was all Corda managed to think before Nolan jerked violently as Liam was zapped. Liam was out, but Nolan was still conscious, and to say that he looked angry would have been an understatement. She was about to warn him about Dawno again, but then the food started flying, and all her attention became occupied with dodging bits and pieces of everyone's meals.

She was doing fine until that pervert and his garbage can aerial attack sent a rain of scraps down upon her head. Corda screeched in disgust and tried to scrape the worst of it off, but it was stuck in her hair, and it was all over her face, and her dress was ruined, and--

Cream pie. Lemon flavored. In her face. This meant war.

Corda dashed the filling out of her eyes and zeroed in on the redheaded menace. He was staring insolently at Nolan, some girl standing beside him, and he would pay. Corda reached over to the nearest table and grabbed a tray which she hurled at the maniac. It missed and hit the white-haired girl with the giant sword instead who was sitting at a table behind him, but Corda was beyond caring at this point; she wanted revenge.

She had started throwing everything that came to hand at the blur of red, not caring if she hit anyone else, when she realized that she had a bottle of hot sauce in hand. Grinning evilly as a better strategy came to mind, Corda opened the bottle and began squirting at eye-level, her grin growing even wider as people began screeching in pain and clutching their eyes. Once the bottle was empty, she reached for another, and another, and so maintained her reign of spicy terror.

It was only when something vaguely cockroach-shaped flew past her ear that Corda recalled the cockroaches inhabiting the school. There was quite a large population hiding underneath the kitchen, and she called to them. The screams and stomping started from the kitchen, but quickly spread to the rest of the cafeteria as people noticed the giant insects, and soon Corda was outright laughing with unholy glee, altogether far too giddy for her own good.

Corda probably would have continued indefinitely if Nolan hadn't cried out in pain, a large glob of hot sauce over his left eye.

"Ohmigosh, Nolan! I'm so sorry! I--"

Corda went down under the force of a strongly thrown and mostly intact cake. Chocolate, with cherries and almonds. She'd never eat the stuff again.
Secretly a Kyllorac, sometimes a Murtle.
There are no chickens in Hyrule.
Princessence: A LMS Project

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:14 pm
cheeb says...

Zeke: O-Week, Monday, 7:34 pm

A few hours out of the infirmary and he's throwing trash cans everywhere. Zeke dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged to avoid the food and garbage flying every which way, only stopping when he spotted Kumo just as she was hit in the head with a plastic tray.
"Oh crud - are you okay?" he shouted over the commotion as he skidded to a halt next to Kumo, who was climbing to her feet as her face began to turn beet red.
"I -" She placed a hand on her sword's hilt.
"- am going -" She pulled it out of its holster.
"- to kill her." She charged at Corda... or she would have. Zeke was tugging on her sword-free hand to hold her back.

"Let GO of me!" she shouted in a rage.
"Don't attack her!" Zeke yelled back. "You're only going to get yourself in more trouble! Do you want to get signed up for counselling?"
"I don't care!" Kumo nearly shrieked.
Zeke sighed inwardly. "Then, forgive me for this," he muttered and spun his legs in the opposite direction, causing Kumo to lose her balance and drop to the ground, which by now was literally carpeted with various foodstuffs and waste. She screamed with fury, but Zeke knew she was grounded for a while at least: picking up that massive sword while trying to stay on your feet on the slippery ground would have to be a challenge even for her.

Content with his handiwork, he turned away - a second later he was seeing red. Literally. His left eye felt as if he'd dipped it in magma. He screamed with the pain and clenched it shut, clamping a hand over it. He ducked behind a table for cover and breathed quickly, trying to relieve the burning sensation.
It was then that he noticed he wasn't alone. Crouching next to him was another large-eyed student: the round pink girl he'd seen in his dorm building. She must have got it in both eyes, as she had them squinted shut and was covering them as best she could with her short arms.

Zeke approached her. "Are you ok?"
She opened one eye carefully, cried out and closed it again. "Oh geez, it burns!"
"Yeah, I know!" Zeke replied. "I think I'm going back to the infirmary for... what is this, the third time today! Do you want me to bring you as well?"
She shuffled a little closer and nodded, "That'd be nice!" Zeke thought he noticed a slight sarcastic tone.
He scooped her up in his arms (wow, she was really light!) and began making his way toward the admin building once again. As he ran, he looked back at the chaos for a few seconds, just in time to see Corda thrashing about, covered in cake, and Kumo turning away, looking quite pleased with herself.
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:42 pm
AquaMarine says...

Alicia Foley - 7:30 PM. Infirmary.

When the food fight broke out, Alicia had slipped out of the cafeteria from the small table she'd been sitting at and walked around the school until she'd found the infirmary.
Admin Building, got to remember that.

As she walked in the door, Alicia cringed as she thought of the chaos in the dining hall. It wasn't that she didn't find food fights fun exactly, she just didn't find them fun when no-one there knew her and people were throwing around trash-cans.

"Hi!" she smiled happily at the medic there. He looked around, surprised for a second, then relaxed.
"Wow, someone else injured! Seems to be a lot of you today. Well, what's wrong?"
Alicia bit her lip. "Oh, I'm not injured. I, er, just came to look around here. My power, you see ..."
His gaze sharpened. "How so?"
"Well, at the moment I can just ... remove pain. For really minor injuries and aches, that is. But I'm only just starting - hopefully it will develop more."
He smiled. "Looks like you have a nice power there! I'm Mr. Banner."
Alicia's eyebrows rose. "As in ... Bruce Banner?"
"Chris, actually. But yes, you get the picture."

She was about to ask him about the infirmary, and whether she could help out, but was interrupted by the arrival of two more students. Her eyebrows rose up a little further when she saw that one of them was a blue hedgehog.
"It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."


Click if you love cookies

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:20 pm
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ToritheMonster says...

((pssst! Insomnia! I can't post until you do!))
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:26 am
Insomnia says...

Caroline. 2:30. A Block.

“My family sent me here to learn to be more powerful and help lead my tribe when I’m older.” I hoped the lie wouldn’t be too obvious. I couldn’t place my secrets in anyone’s trust, especially someone I’d just met. Besides, something about Orelia made me feel uneasy. “How about you?”

She was quiet for a few seconds, and then she cocked her head and smiled at me. “It’s weirdly cold in here. And since you’re descended from Storm, then I figure you must have had something to do with it.”

“Crap.” Her smile grew wider. I could hardly deny it anymore. “Yeah, maybe. It wasn’t my fault, though. I wasn’t trying to make it so cold.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she said. “I have no problems with it.” She smiled widely and I noticed her amber eyes. They were stunning.

“You have beautiful eyes,” I said, hoping to steer the conversation in another direction.

She seemed taken aback. “Thank – thank you. So do you.” I nodded and smiled at her. She glanced around. “Listen. It is pretty cold in here. It’s probably warmer outside, by my guess. How about we go for a walk or something?”

“That sounds good.” In truth, I’d been missing the outdoors a lot more than I thought I would. Back home, I would have been out hunting and gathering most of the day. Here, I had nothing to do but stay inside and read. I made a note to look around campus for a library or something.

The two of us walked out of the building and began to walk. I still didn’t really know my way around the campus, but I figured it couldn’t be too hard to get back to my dorm room.

Woo, first person. Also, we're behind time quite a bit now, Orelia. You can time lapse us on our walk, if you want. XD However you want to do it. ^^

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:43 am
ToritheMonster says...

((haha. I definitely should. okay))

Orelia, 2:30, campus-

We walked around the campus, talking about random insignificant things. It was a bit boring but better than nothing. I stopped suddenly.
"Hey. What time is it?" I asked. She shrugged.
"Around two thirty, I'd say she said. I grinned.
"Watch this." I said. I hadn't used my powers since I'd gotten here , and I decided it was high time. I concentrated and pushed with my mind, and grabbed her arm. Time rushed forward for a moment, and then I let go. It was dark, and a lot cooler. I grinned.
"Now it's around seven thirty." I said. I was tired. Pushing time just a little bit was exhausting, but bringing someone with me- that left me empty. The time change made my stomach growl.
"And now I'm hungry." I said. Caroline looked at me, a bit confused and awestruck.
"I don't know about you, but I'm heading to the cafeteria." I said. I walked slowly off, wanting nothing more than some food and rest. I honestly had no idea if she was following me, I was in a daze. It was nice to have a friend, though, even if we wouldn't be friends for long. Maybe we'd share a class or two. I reached the doors of the cafeteria and walked in, only to be clobbered by a- a what? I didn't stay awake long enough to find out. The sudden pain mixed with my exhaustion caused me to pass out, and the last thing I saw was the floor coming up to meet me.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:32 am
Firearris says...

Kiat, O-Week 7:30pm

Kiat had near given up her search for the teddy bear when she had found it shoved in the closet. Now she was wandering through the halls, searching for something to do when she heard some commotion in the cafeteria. Pushing the wide doors open, she looked around. Several students were running around, throwing food at each other and hiding behind turned over tables while screaming "Food fight!". She stood there for a moment, somewhat shocked that this was happening in the academy, where there should have been magical people of some kind preventing it. Only when she saw a gob of pie being thrown at her did she move. Kiat quickly ducked down and jumped behind the nearest table. She peaked her head out from behind the body to better survey what was happening when she felt something burning hit her eyes. With a squeak, she quickly ducked back behind the table, squinting and attempting to cover her eyes. After a moment, she heard something bump the table and almost immediately after she heard a voice.

"Are you ok?" She slowly opened one eye, only barely managing to identify the big blue hedgehog again before she closed it, letting out a small wail.

"Oh geez, it burns!" Focusing on her eyes and trying to block out all the other sounds, she managed to catch a few words of what the hedgehog had said next.

Something about the infirmary? And taking me?

Kiat scooted closer to him before speaking.

"That'd be nice!" She felt herself being scooped up by the strange creature before he sped away, out of the cafeteria and most likely towards the infirmary.

"You're Zeke, right? Why are you bright blue?" She asked, hoping they were near the medic.
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:36 am
Octave says...

Nolan Lehnsherr - 7.50 PM

Painful horrible Liam Bolt lizard zapped nasty terrifying dirty unsanitary food flying insane - MADNESS. All of it, pure and utter madness.

Then there were the roaches, the germs crawling all over him, the laughing redhead, the burning pain in his eye - Lord let it stop.

Stop it.

And his eye caught Corda, covered in cake and on the floor.

Just stop all of this.

And he saw the redhead, laughing and chucking food everywhere. Noticed Liam, burnt almost to a crisp.

"Shut up," Nolan whispered to no one in particular.

But all of them shut up and all eyes turned to him. Even the little pink blob leading the blue speed demon out of the cafeteria glanced back at him. She almost seemed apologetic.

Of course. His powers. They still worked. Everything he could move quivered.

The speed demon, the damned speed demon opened his mouth to say something but found that he couldn't say anything.

Remember, Nolan. Breathe. In out in out in out in out in out in out in - what came after that? His head was pounding, his vision blurred.

"You. Will. Pay." Nolan said to the demon, every muscle in his body quivering.

Pay for this. Pay for everything he did.

The speed demon raised an eyebrow, as if to challenge Nolan. The hair on Nolan's arms stood.

"Dawno," croaked Corda, pointing at someone behind Nolan.

"Do it," Mr. Dawno whispered. He gave Nolan the slightest push.

A scream pierced the air, shattered Nolan's consciousness. And then he saw nothing - nothing but pure black.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Reviews: 39
Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:21 am
Bloo says...

Bart- 8:00pm- O-week- Cafe

My ears were the first thing to go, Nolan had screamed at impossibly high levels. I lurched over, my head pounding. The next thing was what made me angry though. Little bits of garbage all came at me, at speeds faster than I could have dodged. I got knocked backwards, with some spots that would be black in the morning. I slid across the food and roach infested floor, not stopping until the wall, and then a few inches in when it cracked.

"You little bastard!" I shouted. I pushed myself up, and felt the electricity pumping. Small sparks flew around me, my whole body burning under it. I couldn't even blink before I was next to Nolan again. I was an old man before him, he smiled at me, and basically told me to hit Nolan. I was too mad to care though. I kicked him into the air, and pushed him right against the wall. "WAKE UP!" I shouted, and was putting out a dozen slaps per second. His face was red as a my hair in a second, and his eyes were open. "What the hell..." he said.

"You little fu-" Before I could finish I felt something bite into my leg. I looked down to see a giant Boa at my feet. The snake wasn't on for long, my body was pumped with power in my rage, and it was now a conductor. Nolan screamed in pain as the snake was fried. So Snake pain equals Nolan's pain."Now then, let's got for a run."
I took my hand of Nolan's neck, and grabbed his arm, running off from the Cafeteria. Nolan's limp body banged around the ground as I ran, moaning and groaning in pain. I finally ran back to the cafe, and threw him like a bowling ball on the floor. I stopped and looked at the old man again. The dude was smiling at me for some reason. He mouthed "Good Job"to me, before turning away from the scene. Okay, now this was getting insane. I had o ask him what was up. My body was aching with pain, but I had to keep going. I needed to find out what he wanted.

I never got the chance though, because when I was about to, something had nailed me in the leg. I looked down to see a steak knife, the blade went completely through my leg. Pain washed over me like a huge wave, and like a wave, it conducted electricity. The last thing I felt was my body going numb, before flying into the air. Two explosions in one day.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.
— Sigmund Freud