
Young Writers Society

High School

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Sun May 24, 2009 12:13 pm
Lauren2010 says...


I sighed as we walked into Chemistry, mostly because the two demons followed us in. But I also thought of how long it would take to move all our stuff out of the apartment and into some sort of storage shed.

I took a seat next to Mel and waited for the class to start.

"So are you going to help me hand out fliers later, Mel?" I asked her.

"Well...I don't know Bekah." she said. "I don't really need that sort of confrontation right at the beginning of the year."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "It's just handing fliers to people as they pass in the hall, and asking them to come to the protest against tearing down the forest for some stupid field."

"It's never just handing out fliers. Someone always confronts you, and this time you have the entire football team against you." she said.

I rolled my eyes. The football team was nothing to worry about. "Well let me know if you change your mind."

A loud explosion came from the back of the room. I turned back to see the two demon brothers laughing loudly as something orange steamed in a beaker in front of them.

I sighed. "This is going to be a loong day."

"Tell me about it." Mel mumbled.
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Sun May 24, 2009 12:17 pm
Kobain72 says...


I heard our chemistry teacher give out a long sigh as we entered the lab. We smiled snidely at him and made our way to the back of the classroom. I was already checking the lab for changes since last year and I could see Cyoher doing the same, our eyes darting about faster than any of the rest of the class could keep up with.
As we settled into the same two chairs we inhabited every lesson without fail (only one person had ever tried to stop us. It hadn't ended nicely. But on the bright side, the science block now had a seemingly invincible ghekko to use for experiments) we both noticed the same little boy we had tormented on the becnh earlier. He seemed mto recognise us.
"Oh nonono...errmm...I was...I just...it wouldn't stop burning and...I thought there...in the lab...might..." and with a mouse-like squeak he fled. A wave of brotherly camaraderie washed over Cypher and myself at the reminder of what we were capable of when working in unison and the fight was instantly forgotten.
"So...got any ideas yet?" I asked Cypher, smiling again.
"Well I think it was very stupid of them to try storing all the bunsen burners in one cabinet," Cypher grinned back at me.
"Good find," I complimented - I hadn't even noticed them - "But why don't we start off small?" I motioned towards some beakers of chemicals laid out on the desk in front of us. "Most likely prepared for some kind of boring practical session later. I'm sure we could liven them up a bit."
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Sun May 24, 2009 1:47 pm
Billy says...

**For the record, Taziel has been at the school for a couple of years now, so he would know that they get dorms.**


"I'm not sure where yours would be..." He said, "This place seems to change every year. But last year, the girls' dorms were that way." He pointed off in the direction that led through what remained of the path that the two demons had been fighting on. "You might be better off asking a teacher, though, they usually know what's going on around here."

She nodded, reaching up to touch at the red cloth covering the top of her head again.

Taziel gave it a slightly curious look, "Why do you keep touching that?" He asked.

She fidgeted a little, seeming embarrassed by the cloth, but unwilling to remove it. Or something along those lines. I'd better get going to class soon... He thought, Don't want to get detention on the first day back. Especially since it'll mean having to spend an afternoon putting up with Cypher and Mackenzie. What've I got first...English Literature. Well, I think I've got a little bit of leeway then. I'll explain that I was helping out a new kid.

Taziel smiled, "Why don't you decide if you want to tell me while I try to help you find your dorm."
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt. - Yossarian, Catch-22

Wide-eyed stupid.

If you're gonna rule the world, you've gotta get up early! - Joel S. Dickens

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Sun May 24, 2009 2:02 pm
Octave says...

@ridersofdamar: James sounds like someone Jill can get along with. Friends? (Jill isn't a people person either...)


When the principal told me that dogs were off limits in the dorms, I blew my top. I admit, I threw a tantrum and it was not pretty. Half the administrative building was destroyed. The principal seemed half-frightened and half-angry, as if he didn't know what to feel. What to do, to be more exact.

"You can take the day off to think about what you did, Miss Leicester," he said acidly.

I returned into my human form with a smirk on my face. I sauntered away from the half-destroyed building, my head held high. I passed by the building where classes were held and frowned. Despite everything, I had to seem strong. I couldn't let them know what a blow it was to lose Keegan.

The stupid principal had the gall to send Keegan back home. At least Petra would take care of him, but...they sent Keegan home. They sent my one and only friend home.

How dare they?

I found myself on a roof after about thirty minutes of aimless walking. I wanted to be alone, but no, somebody had waltzed in before me. He was tall, with white hair. I couldn't tell much else because he had his back to me. He was probably admiring the view the building had of the city. I had to admit, it was good.

"Aren't you a bit too old to be in school?" Great. I couldn't even sound mean any more, much less drive him away with bitter words.

He turned to look at me. There was no anger registered in those eyes.

Oh. He wasn't old at all. But I wasn't going to admit I was wrong. I just bit my tongue and looked away. The sad look on his face wasn't helping me feel better about Keegan being sent back home. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly, before he saw anything.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sun May 24, 2009 2:57 pm
Skull3670 says...


I looked at the row of beakerts on the dsek and read the neat tgs on each of them.
"I know what to do," i smirked waving my hand and watching the labels change.
"Not bad" said Mac nonchalantly. "But how about this." He pointed at two of the flasks and the contents hissed and bubbled before settling.
"What did you do?" i asked quietly.
"Well lets just say those beaker now have quite a bang to them." We laughed and i poured a little out of each of the beakers before lighting them with my hand. There was a bang and a puff of orange smoke.
"I forgot how much fun school could be" i laughed.
"Nehave you two" retorted the teacher angrily.
"Sorry, Sir" we replied in union, huge grins plastered on our faces.
"I don't expect a repeat of last years antics do you understand me? I finally have eyebrows again and i intend to keep it that way."
We sniggered at the memory of him losing his eyebrows. Turning on the gas, wondering why it didn't light, checking the tube, trying again and WHOOSH! Goodbye facial hair.
"Yes Sir" was all we managed to get out withot cracking up. I thought about the fight earlier and how we hadn't been punished. I suppose they must have thought it was two new kids. Silly teachers. Still they would learn.
"Hey Mac, you got any money making schemes going yet?"
"Well there are whispers of the football team needing help on a big job."
"Oh yeah, like what?"
"Well you know those protesters protecting the trees?" I nodded. "Well if we just happened to have a fight, and some trees just happened to be ripped out, then we might just happen to make some big bucks."
I smiled. Trust Mac to have found a scheme already.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sun May 24, 2009 3:11 pm
Lauren2010 says...


I picked up on the brothers talking in the back of the room. They were talking about ripping trees out by 'fighting'. Really you would think they would be smarter than to discuss something like that so close to me. Did they not realise that I had excellent hearing due to my fox half?

The bell to end class rang after an excruciatingly long class. I hurried out of the room with a stack of fliers in my hands.

I stood outside of one of the most used buildings and began handing out fliers. Some people took them from me, but most just laughed and kept walking.

"Bekah!" someone yelled my name. "Bekah Monroe!"

I turned to see nearly the entire football team walking towards me. I sighed, but then threw a big smile back on my face. "Protect the forest." I said, handing a flier to the nearest player.

He just laughed at me. "What do you think you'll accomplish with this little protest of yours, darling?"

"I am going to protect the forest. We do not need a football stadium, we have a perfectly acceptable field for you to play on."

He laughed and another played tore the stack of fliers from my hands. "Let's see how you protest without these." he laughed.

"Give those back!" I insisted.

"And let you ruin our staduim? Not likely, sweetheart."

I jumped to grab the fliers. He just held them higher. "Please give them back." I nearly begged.

"Please give them back." another player mocked.

"Hey guys, leave her alone." a guy near the back of the group said.

"No way, Drake." the one who took my fliers said as he tossed them into a trashcan.

The team then left, laughing.

I walked to the trashcan and began fishing the fliers out of it. "They could have at least recycled them." I mumbled, putting the fliers in the paper recycling bin right next to the trash can.

"Hey, I'm sorry they did that."

I looked behind me to see one of the football players still standing there, watching me.

"It's fine." I sniffed. "I didn't expect a warm welcome from them anyways."

"Well let me help you." he said. He began picking fliers out of the trash and putting them in the recycling with me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him. "I'm Bekah Monroe."
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Sun May 24, 2009 3:29 pm
jok101 says...

Can someone please bring my charector in, thanks

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Sun May 24, 2009 3:35 pm
chinchillagirl_34 says...


I rushed out of class as fast as I could, not really liking being around the demon brothers, there scent was so repulsive. I guess that's what being the sons of the devil can do to you.

I was walking to my next class when a random person shoved me out of there way, causing me to fall on my butt on the grass outside. He seemed annoyed that I had been in his way and looked down at me. Normally a demon would go all crazy demon on them but instead I murmured "Sorry." As I started to gather up my things.

"I push you and all you can say is your 'sorry'." he mocked with hatred I looked up to realize who pushed me. I gulped quietly looks like trying to avoid him would be impossible, and looks like I might have to fight them.

I was walking to my next class as I notice some football players picking on the hippie of school. I figured I should do something but they left so I walked on. I saw a lot of oddballs out there, but I guess I have no room to talk.

I went into my next class and smiled kindly at the person in the seat next to me. They seemed familiar, I figured I knew them from last year. "Hi!" I smiled even bigger.

"Hey." he replied as he ruffled his white feathers.

(That's your cue Jok)
Last edited by chinchillagirl_34 on Sun May 24, 2009 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Why don't we let Peeta claim it, since he died today?"-Finnick (Catching Fire)

"We may be friends and all, but if were being chased by crazy flesh eating zombies. I won't lie. . .I'll trip you."~ Me after watching the hills have eyes.

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Sun May 24, 2009 5:21 pm
ridersofdamar says...


I looked at the girl. She seemed sad about something. Not my concern. I turned back to the view, "I'll leave the roof to you."

With that I stepped off the roof and floated gently to the ground. I didn't have wings, but I was NOT human. i walked quickly to my class, even though it was pointless. I already knew everything that was going to be taught, and if I didn't I could read the book and understand it perfectly. I sighed at the thought, wondering why I was even here.

The class was hell. I barely listened to the teacher, and only acknowledged that I was in school when he called on me, which he stopped doing after I answered to very difficult calculus problems without pause.

Thirty minutes later the bell rang and I swept out of the dank room. I had another class before I got a break, and I was not looking forward to it.

*Sorry its short, Im on vacation and the beach beckons*
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Sun May 24, 2009 6:10 pm
Chupatoasta says...


Drake smiled kindly and picked up more paper before throwing them in the bin next to the trash. "I'm Draken Johnson. Captain of the football team." Bekah shot her head up, worry obvious in her eyes. She didn't think he was going to hit her did she? "Don't worry," he smiled crookedly, "I'm not like some of the guys on the team. I don't really have any control over that group, considering they're some of the seniors." He picked up the last paper, dropping it into the trash bin. "Come on, I'll walk you to your next class." Drake smiled and slid his right hand into his pocket, leaving his scarred one out due to how bad it hurt.

"Do you want the new football stadium?" Bekah asked, glancing up at him.

"I've wanted it since I was in seventh grade at Millenium Junior High." He smiled down at Bekah crookedly, hair covering the half of the scar on his forward, the rest of in on his cheek visible. "But I wouldn't beat anyone to a pulp if they were protesting. It's good to stand up for what you believe in." When he looked back down Bekah was looking at the ground.

"Yeah," she answered quietly. Drake chuckled to himself softly and stopped in front of a classroom. "Here we are." He smiled, suddenly met with wide eyes.

"How'd you kn-"

"Lucky guess," he laughed softly and waved lazily. "See you around Bekah." He smiled at her and strode towards his next class.



Dakota glanced up from her seat as Rebekah Monroe stood outside the classroom, talking to Draken Johnson. Poor girl. Dakota thought with a sigh. Drake wasn't a bad guy, but Dakota had seen what happens to him when he gets angry. She sighed, remembering seventh grade year when Draken had attacked a guy after he'd talked trash about Draken's grandfather not being able to stand up to a few rogue dragons. Needless to say the kid moved away the next day. Sable barked at Dakota's side, wanting to be pet.

"Dakota Hunter. I hope you have the papers o-"

"I do. She's a certified guide dog."

"But you're only blind in one eye."

"Yes, you're exactly right and it's that reason that I choose to keep her on my left side." Dakota smiled sadistically while she cracked her neck and knuckles, almost laughing as the teachers face paled and he turned around.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sun May 24, 2009 6:40 pm
RayneChild says...


I watched as the teacher backed away slowly from the girl he called Dakota. I couldn't help but smile and stifle a laugh. She looked at me. I stared at her and smiled with approval. She grinned and even blushed a little, turning away sheepishly.

I looked down at the dog she was with. She looked at me and smiled, her pink tongue hanging from her mouth. Being that I was half canine myself, I would know a dog smile anywhere. I put my head down on my desk and stared towards the blackboard. My ears twitched with boredom. I sighed.

'I wish Lanoray was here,' I thought to myself. Now that I was a junior, however, the chances of winding up in a class with my little buddy were slim and none. When it's a sophomore and a freshman, the chances are good, but we were both a year older now, and we were lower classman and upper classman. We didn't have any classes together at all.

Afterwards, I hurried out of the room to find my little freshman. And find her, I did. She and Jasmin were walking together. I came up behind them and surprised her with a hug. She laughed.

"Hi Tyro," she said happily.

"Hey sport," I said in reply.

As we walked, I couldn't help but notice Dakota again. She was sitting alone with her dog, talking to her. She looked up and saw me. I smiled at her and she smiled back, her face reddening slightly. Lanoray looked up at me and followed my gaze. I was shocked back into reality when I heard her make a noise.

"Oooo! Who is that?" She asked me.

"Huh?! What?!" I asked, as if I had just been woken up.

"That girl," she repeated. "Who is she?"

"Oh...uh...just...a girl from my class," I said coolly.

"Right," she said with disbelief. "Just a girl..."

I laughed and gave her a noogie. She hugged me with a chuckle of her own.
Singing: It's more than my forte; it's my fortissimo
They say "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
Well, I think guns help. If you just stand there and yell BANG I don't think you're going to kill too many people...

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Sun May 24, 2009 6:50 pm
Lauren2010 says...


I went to class and took my seat. My head was swimming. Drake was the only nice football player I had ever met, and he had sort of supported my protest. He was pretty good looking too, I had noticed his scars even if he had tried not to let me. I bet he thought I would be repusled. He was wrong.

I thought about my own share of injuries and scars. One in particular was a long scar that went straight down my back. I grimaced, just thinking about it brought back the pain. I was so thankful I was free of those people who had hurt me that much.

My thoughts drifted back to my protest. It seemed as if no one expressed an interest. And those demon brothers were going to try to knock down the trees on 'accident'.

"Rebekah Monroe." the teacher called on me, the tone in her voice led me to believe it wasn't the first time she had called my name. "Could you please answer the question?"

I looked at the board, hoping it would lead me to even know what the question was. None such luck.

The teacher sighed. "Pay more attention please Ms. Monroe." She turned and asked someone else, who answered readily and perfectly. I felt my face get hot in embarrasment.

When class was over I ran out of the class, and right into Draken. "H-Hello Draken. Sorry, I'm just on my way out." I pushed past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait." he laughed. "I wanted to know if you would have lunch with me."

I felt my face grow hot. "Uhm. S-sure, that would be g-great." I stuttered. I blushed more at this, I hated how I always stuttered when i got nervous. My tail twitched nervously as I waited for him to decide he didn't want to have lunch with someone as strange as I.
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Sun May 24, 2009 7:27 pm
Chupatoasta says...


Please don't cause a lot of trouble this year. Garret warned you what would happen if you kept causing trouble. Sable rubbed her head against Dakota's hand. She was talking about Garret, Dakota's brother, sending her off to Century High. Dakota sighed and rubbed behind the dog's ears with both hands, looking it in the eyes.

"He said he'd only send me off if I got suspended again. Besides, no matter how much trouble I cause these people can't get rid of me until they get more girls on the basketball, softball, and volleyball team." Dakota smiled crookedly at Sable, who in turn, sighed and shook her furry head.

I'm just saying that the people are a lot more strict in Century than they are here. Dakota just chuckled and pecked her german shepherd on the forehead, glancing up once she moved away. Tyro, from her last class, was looking at her. He smiled, and being polite, she smiled back, a blush wavering across her cheeks. Uh huh, and what's that thing you said about not liking anyone here that you told me? At Sable's words Dakota glared.

"I don't like him, I was just being friendly." Sable suddenly burst into mental laughter, laying on the tile and rolling around.

Since when were you, Dakota Ashleigh Hunter, friendly? She glared at Sable, who was smiling up at her.

"Whatever. I'm starving." She stood up and grabbed Sable's leash.

Nah, really? I thought you'd still be full after skipping last night's dinner and breakfast this morning. Dakota thumped Sable on the nose teasingly as they passed Drake and Bekah. She shot Drake a warning glance. Even though she wasn't friends with anyone, some people didn't deserve some things.



Drake furrowed his brow while Dakota walked by, glaring at him warningly. He laughed lightly to release some tension, and walked with Bekah to the lunch room. He ran his hand through his hair while they grabbed their plates and took a seat, away from the football players, who were all glaring at Bekah for sitting with their captain. "So, how long have you been here?" He smiled kindly.

**Sorry about Drake's being so short Lauren! D:**
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sun May 24, 2009 7:45 pm
Lauren2010 says...

It's fine =)


Drake and I sat alone in the cafeteria, causingthe entire football team to glare at me. Why am I doing this?

Drake smiled at me. "So how long have you been here?" he asked.

Oh yeah, he's really nice and cute. That's why I'm doing this. "This is my third year here."

"Interesting." he said. "Well I can see you're a hybrid so no need asking that." he laughed. "Tell me about your family."

I felt that familiar pang in my heart and my eyes fell to my plate.

"Oh, I'm sorry." he mumbled, obviously embarrased for asking.

"No it's fine, you didn't know." I said. "My parents died when I was little. I went through foster care and that didn't work out for me, so now I'm emancipated and in the summers I rent an apartment with a friend of mine."

"Emancipated, huh?"

I nodded as I took a bite of my salad.


"Well you sure are asking a lot of questions aren't you?" I quickly changed the subject. "Tell me about yourself. How long have you been here? What's your family like?"
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Sun May 24, 2009 8:03 pm
Skull3670 says...


Mel, the 'good' demon girl sped out of the lesson as soon as the bell went. I nodded to Mac and we headed after her. Demons weren't meant to be nice, especially not to each other. I shoved her over onto the grass and was shocked when she apolosised.
"I push you and all you can say is your 'sorry'." I laughed in her face. "Your supposed to be a demon for Hells sake! Get angry, demon out, hit me. Come on little miss goody two shoes, fight back!"
"No," she replied fearfully. "I'm not like you."
"Not like us?" We laughed in unison. "Of course your like us. Your a demon. We are demons. We are supposed to be evil."
"No. You two are evil."
"Of course were evil," we laughed again, deep and mirthless. She tried to stand up and i back ahnded her three feet into the air.
"Come on," i jibed. "Get angry you stinking scum."
"No, no" she sobbed, the strain of keeping the demon in check evident on her face. I laughed and Mac kicked her in the stomach.
"Come on, little demon. Time to show your colours. We command you," intoned Mac raising his gloved left hand. She rolled away, writhing as the demon inside beat at her body in an attempt to gain it's freedom. I roared into the sky and the demon within me burst free in a shower of skin and goop.

I took Macs placing pointing my Doom fist at the quivering girl and heard him burst free behind me. We stood side by side intoning her demon until finally she snapped.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

it's ok, death by laughter was always how i've wanted to go out
— Carina