
Young Writers Society

The Loyals

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:41 pm
Maybe says...

*Thanks Saphira! *Bows**

"When was the last time you saw my father?" Eliera demanded.

"Right before he left to gain a place among the high mages." One man said. Eliera could tell he wasn't lying.

Eliera continued asking them questions until she was satisfied. Then she returned to Alaura's side to glare at the men.

"Whats going to happen to us now?" one man asked fearfully, casting Eliera frightened glances.

Without warning Eliera cast a streak of lightning into both men's chests, killing them instantly. She turned from them in disgust and walked out the door.

"You didn't have to do that." Alaura said, catching up with her.

"Had i let them live they would continue killing people. I for one am tired at the killing."

"Well, what now?"

"We are going to pay the high mages a little visit."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:10 pm
She Writes says...

*just so ya'll know, i won't be posting for a couple days...i think.*

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:48 pm
Firestalker says...

*Hurry up DM post here and give me some thing to continue*
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:29 am
Maybe says...

*Scowls* *Alright, i'll see what me and my friend, named writers block, can do. Oh, and i just read one of your posts on WotR, Fire, and i have to make a quick rule. No Killing yourself off randomly, please! I mean, i can understand sacrifice or something like that, but just to kill them and seen heroic, please! Just wanted to put that out there!*

Eliera paced restlessly around the camp. They had stopped for the night in a small clearing. They did not teleport to the tower where the high mages lived because, for one, Eliera had to recover lost strength is she was going to have a chance.

*Ok, if this doesnt work, sorry. i am arguing with writers block today, and it's been distracting me. XD*
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:42 am
Firestalker says...

**Actually in WotR i liked to kill Arias often that why i did it. Don't worry that was in only that thread.i wont kill my self continuously but............ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:**

***This does not make any sence, what happened before?. Some one post then i will post.***
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:04 am
Maybe says...

*seeing as no one else is posting, i shall continue while i can. *fends off writers block**

Alaura came up to Eliera. She laid a hand on her shoulder. "Relax."

Eliera snorted and flinched away to continue pacing. Alaura watched her with sad eyes.

"If you continue this you'll wear yourself out and will never be able to go up against the head mages!" Alaura pleaded.

Eliera ignored her and muttered to herself, "Go to the portal...What portal?...He couldn't mean....what if he was really....no, it can't be....he was a good man....they would not do that to him....but, the only portal i know of leads to....no, he must mean a different one....but how does he expect me to...."

"What?" Alaura asked, following Eliera.

Eliera spun around and scowled. "Leave me be."

"Eliera...what did you mean 'Go to the Portal'? Who told you that?" Alaura asked, not backing down.

"None of your damn business." Eliera snarled. She hoped that her mask of anger hid her fear. Apparently it didn't.

"Eliera...i just want to know. I may be able to help. I mean you no harm, you know that."

Eliera looked away quickly. She bowed her head and mumbled a few incoherent words.

"What?" Alaura asked, stepping closer to hear.

Eliera looked up and scowled again. Alaura feared that she would not tell her. Eliera stared into her eyes and Alaura held her ground. Finally, Eliera sighed and looked away again.

"My father told me to."

"Your father?! How?"

"A dream...or a vision if you prefer."

"What did he say?"

"Go to the Portal."

"Why?" Alaura pestered.

"How the hell should i know. The only portal i know of leads straight to..."


Eliera sighed and shook her head. She looked up again, her eyes tainted with fear.

"The Abyss."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:41 am
Firestalker says...

*hope this is okay*

Zander could hear everything they were saying. He had done many evils, but that was before. Now he would risk his life to help another. There were two abysses and five portals. Which portal were they talking about?. He would have to find out.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:32 pm
Saphira says...

Alaura stood shocked i the midle of the room. Portals? She walked over to the door, all to aware of Elieras eyes following her, piercing holes in her back.

'I will be back in a little while' Alaura said, opening the door.

'Where are you going?' Eliera demanded.

Alaura turned to face Eliera, a smile playing on her face.

'To get something to eat, i'm hungry'

Eliera gave a small forced laugh and turned and continued her pacing. Alaura stepped out of the door and headd into the cit. She needed to see some people and fast, before Eliera or zander realised where she had gone.
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:54 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera frowned as she paced. She was all too aware of Zander eavesdropping. She looked over to him and saw him staring at her intently.

"You heard everything, i presume?" Eliera said, sneering a bit.

"Yes. Which portal did you mean?" he quiered.

"The original. The one leading to the real Abyss, the Queen's realm."

"How do you know?"

"I just know, alright!"

"You saw her?"

"Yes...and no. I saw her shadow, and i'm sure it was her. Who else can turn into a five headed dragon?" Eliera asked, sneering bitterly. She abruptly turned away and continued pacing.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Zander asked.

"I plan on entering the Abyss to save my father. I will do this before i get revenge because I'm sure my father would like to take part."

"And how do you plan on getting to the portal? As far as i know, it is located in the heart of the university of mages. I don't see how you will get in unnoticed."

"Leave that to me. I know many of the university's secrets." Eliera said. She glanced around.

"Where is Alaura? She should've been back by now."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:18 am
Firestalker says...

"she's either fighting, looking or running as far as i know" said Zander sarcastically
" oh sure" sighed Eliera
"mind if i help" said Zander
"let me think....no!" said Eliera
"come on Eliera, what have you got to lose?" asked Zander
"I'll consider your offer" said Eliera finally.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:52 pm
Saphira says...

Alaura was pacing back and forth looking out of the many windows. She was in another warehouse on the edge of town. She jumped as a ypung man entered the room.

'Nice to see you again' he said, his voice arrogant and cocky.

'Do you have it?' Alaura asked moving over to him.

'I do, it was hard to get mind. What do you need it for?'

Alaura ignored him and pulled the large stone into her hands. This is what Eliera needed. This is what Eliera, Zander and herself could use. A map of the Abyss.
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:28 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera closed her eyes and probed with her feelings, trying to sense Alaura. She finally found her, about three miles away. Eliera teleported to where Alaura was and found herself in an old warehouse. Alaura was speaking to a young man who handed her something. Eliera tapped her foot.

Alaura spun around. "Oh, erm, Eliera...hi."

Eliera said nothing, just grabbed Alaura's wrist and instantly teleported them back to the clearing. When they were there she held out her hand expectantly, no emotion showing in her eyes or on her face. Alaura finally sighed and gave in. She reached into her pocket and drew out a large round stone. She placed it in Eliera's outstretched palm and folded her arms across her chest. Eliera examined the stone.

"Where did the young man get this?" she asked finally.

"I dunno."

"Well, we don't need it."

"We dont? But, how will we travel through the Abyss?" Alaura asked.

"I know the secret. Or A secret, if you prefer. One that is not known by many. But if i were you i would hang onto that, just in case you get lost. The Abyss is a very dangerous place. If you get stuck there or die there you will serve the dread Queen for all of eternity." Eliera said, handing the stone back. She turned away and went to sit by the fire, leaving Alaura with the map.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:13 pm
Saphira says...

Alaura smiled and sat down by the fire. Eliera had consented to have her help. Zander was sat near by looking around with barely concelled boredom on his face.

'So when do we get going?'

*All i've got for now, sorry!*
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:47 am
Maybe says...

Eliera stood up and smiled. "Now."

Zander and Alaura jumped to their feet, eager expressions on their faces. Hendrea stood too. Eliera held her hand out and instantly her pack flew into it. She shouldered it and held her hand out again. This time a tall wooden staff, topped with a multi faced crystal, appeared out of thin air. She grabbed it and started walking away. The others scrambled to follow.

Alaura was the first to catch up with Eliera. She glanced at the staff suspiciously. "Where'd you get that?"

Eliera smiled. "It was a gift from my father. After he died i inherited it."

"Hm...it's a nice staff." Alaura commented.

"I know. It posseses magical powers that even the mage who made it had not discovered all of them."

The others caught up moments later. Eliera nodded to Zander and she grabbed Hendrea's wrist. They teleported about a mile away from the tower where the portal was located. They hid in the shadows of the trees and crouched low to the ground. Eliera could feel the magic flowing from the tower, both from the portal and the mages that lived inside. She shivered involuntairly.

*Urg *head/desk* this blasted headache is interfeering with my abailiy to think!*
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:29 pm
Firestalker says...

come on guys dont let this die
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

— whatchamacallit