
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:32 pm
Nike says...

I'm sorry we didn't talk about this @shinethroughthedark.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:06 am
TinyJarStoredDreams says...


"Hey Lee, I'll be right back." I whispered to her as she nodded from her curled up position in the passenger seat.

Braums was colder than I remembered it and I instantly regretted not bringing my famous red sweatshirt inside with me. I skipped over to the freezer, picked up two tubs of mint chocolate chip ice cream and went to check out.

"Thanks," I said to the grumpy old man as he slid my card. He waved me off in reply, why do old guys hate teenagers so much?

I climbed back into the car and found Harley now sitting straight up in the car seat still cuddled inside my sweatshirt. She grabbed a tub from my hand and opened it up scooping out the ice cream with her pointer finger. God, she must have really loved that boy.

I pulled into my driveway and lead Harley inside slowly taking the tub from her so we could still have some for the movie. I placed her on the couch and pulled a blanket over her body trying to make her feel as warm as possible. I ran into the kitchen and put the second tub away so I would be prepared for next time and ran a towel under the lukewarm sink water. I ran back into the living room and gave her the towel to wipe her face with.

"Thanks Cal," She said her voice not cracking as much.

I smiled and ran upstairs to tell my mom about what was happening. I found her laying in bed completely asleep, thank god. She absolutely hates when I have friends over. What she doesn't know won't hurt her!

Soon we were laying on the worn-out carpet watching the proposal. Our tummy's were full of ice cream and out cheeks were now free of tears. I almost forgot to tell Harley about the man at the bar.

"Hey Lee," I said pausing the movie, "I almost got roofied."

"What," She replied panic rising in her face.

"Yeah I went for a dink with a dude and I saw it in my cup so ran out of the bathroom window. That's how I ran into you at the concert."

Shock crossed her face and she just shook her head, "Boys are dicks."
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:32 pm
Nike says...

Jasmine Bradley Urbaniak

The concert charity was done and I was exhausted. Working for around five hours, just doing nothing gets me tired. If I were on an adrenaline rush, it would be a different story. But, thankfully, it was two days later and I was going to school.

Harmony High. My first day. And I'm just Jasmine, so it's all good. No one knows who I am and that oddly makes me smile all giddy. Now, if I were Bradley, trust me, people would be all over this. And that's uncomfortable, so I try my best to steer away from that. The school seems alright, I'll survive my last year as a senior.

A lot of people go here, I could get lost just by standing in the middle of a hallway. My locker happened to be shared with this one new girl named Lena. I haven't met her yet, but when I do, that'll be cool. People have told me she's too nice, so, that's great. No drama, no problems. I had all my stuff ready for my first class which happened to be chorus. Why would they give me chorus? Because the universe hates me. If anyone finds out that I sound the slight bit like Bradley, they would connect the dots. That's not pretty.

I walk down the now empty hallway to my class. I decided being late may get me out of singing. Or may put me into singing by myself. Either way, I pray that I'll be sent home or something. The clocks tick so loudly here, it's like they want students to know how many minutes it takes them to realize how late they are.

"Hello," I smile as I walk into the classroom.

It was a huge one, with high ceilings and all. The were instruments on this mini stage in the back of the room and seats just in the front, facing a wipe board. Students were gathered at their seats, looking at me. Imagine them in underwear? I think not. I'm used to attention.

"Ah, you must be Jasmine Ur... Urbanyack?" That's how the teacher pronounced it.

"Jasmine Urbaniak... sorry I'm late. This school is easy to get lost in."

She nodded, pointing to a seat just in front of her. It was a part of the first row. As I went to sit down, she started to speak again. Looks like she's finishing her lesson, so I wasn't really listening, just getting comfortable.

"Jasmine, I'd like you to sing a few chords for us so we could get to know you're singing. And don't say you can't sing, everyone can sing!" she cheered the end.

I looked up from my spot and knew I looked like a deer would at headlights. This is something I tried to avoid. Maybe I can fail on purpose. With shaking legs, I stood up and found myself next to her. She looked to be around sixty, with her grey hair and wrinkled skin.

"Do you play any instruments?" she asked.

Maybe if I played something so well, she would forget to make me sing.

"Yeah, the piano and violin and guitar." I answered.

Her eyes lit up as she looked at the rest of the class. "Oh, wow! What talents! Would you mind playing something for us? We have the instruments on the stage just over there!"

She was too happy and that sort of made me sick. But i smiled anyway and found my way to the stage. The piano was the first thing there, so I sat down at the bench and slid my fingers over the keys. It felt so natural. I've decided to play Hedwig's Theme. Once I had finished, the class clapped and the teacher awed.

"Beautiful, just beautiful. You're amazing, my dear Jasmine. Now, sing for us."


I stood up and walked over to her. She went past me and went over to the piano and started up a tune. Oh, it was just the practice notes. I could do that.

"Do Re Mi..." I sang as best as I could to sound horrible. But obviously, wait, I am bad. People are cringing at my voice. Brilliant.

"Oh, okay... that was..." the teacher tried her best to smile. "You may take a seat miss Jasmine."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:49 pm
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Nike says...

Jane Wills

I couldn't think. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't drink. I couldn't. I. Just. Couldn't.

My body felt so toxic, I just wanted to rip it apart. There was nothing I could do but push through. This was so much worse than Drake. Because Chandler betrayed me. He was so good, so good, and it ends up, he's worse than anyone I've ever met.

He knows about my past. Everything about it. Drake. The drunk I was. The whore I was. Actually, I wasn't a whore, people just believed I was. Either way, it was a bad time in my life and all I've wanted to do was forget about it. And I have managed to. Now Chandler brings it back so it could eat me up and chew me out.

I don't even have Emmett anymore.

And guess who has to go to school and deal? Me.

I was late. So, I found my way to first period, Math. Something felt strange, off. Maybe it was just me after everything. I wasn't okay. And coming to school didn't make it any better because I have to cope with it and pretend it never happened for eight hours.

The classroom was half full. First periods tended to have less students because people slept in. But I was that type that tried to be a good person even though the world hates me.

"Jane, good to have you in class." Professor Jackson said.

I smiled up at him and sat in my spot. Just the front of the class, by the door. He had on a movie, which was good. I can forget about myself for an hour.

"We are watching a movie on awareness against harassment. It's awareness week, so, try to learn something." he whispered to me before going back to his desk.


This is something I wanted to avoid since I was... you know. GOD! I can't do this. I just can't. This is horrible. I'm going to break down. People will know. I will get pitied. I will get laughed at.

I'll be Jumper again. And I really don't want to be. It looks like I've never stopped being her. I've always been Jumper and I always will be Jumper.

Tears escaped my eyes, thank God for the lights being turned off. I lowered my head to my desk and covered my face with my arms. Pretending to sleep will work, it has to. I just let myself cry and I sat there, listening to the movie.

Once class ended, I ran out and locked myself in a bathroom stall. Breathe. No panic attacks. Nothing. I got out and splashed my face with some water to hide my crying.

"Hey, look, it's Janey." some guy behind me laughed.

I froze in my spot and turned around. Okay, I was in the girls' bathroom, right? I looked around, and yes, girls' bathroom. Taking a deep breathe, I put on my armor, as in, I hid my emotions.

"What's up guys? Lost?" I smirked.

They looked from one to another, there were three of them. One was tall and skinny, the front man was huge, and the third was just as muscular. Like twins, I suppose.

"I heard you're the one to get crazy with." the front guy said.


"What do you mean? Guys, you're lost. This is the girls' lavatory."

"We were at Chan's party. Heard you are great at having a good time. So, meet me in the gym in seven. I want to play the same act, but quieter. I like torture." his voice was venomous.

I couldn't breathe. The event came back to my mind, flooding it with images of Chandler's face. There was nothing I could do. I could always defend myself, but suddenly, my guard was down.

The front guy walked over to me, running his hand softly down my cheek. I stood frozen, his touch sending flames through my body.

"You're so hot," he whispered. I cringed.

We heard the door open and the guy turned to face it. It was Luna. She had on a face that looked like she would murder the three of them in a matter of seconds.

Luna steps between us, her voice so clam and utterly flat, it gave me goose bumps. "Is there a problem?

"And whatchu gonna do, twig?" the skinny guy smirked.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:37 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Damned traffic..." Leo says, kicking a can outside of the mall.

Out of nowhere, we got caught in a huge traffic jam. By the time we finally reached the mall it was closed. The inside looked dark and depressing. I look up at Leo, after he puts an arm around my shoulders.

"What now Lee?" I ask him, raising and eyebrow.

He sighs and kisses me on the top of my bunned head. Just as he's about to speak his phone vibrates loudly. He lets go of me, looks at it, and smiles brightly.

"Are you still up to do something?" He asks, his smile full of mischief.

I smile and nod, and without another word he walks to the car, opens up the passenger seat and helps me in. After driving for a few minutes, the radio on a jazzy station, and his smile still large, I poke his cheek.

"Where are we going Lee Lee?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at his weirdness.

"To Masa. For some extravagant, really expensive for no exact reason, sushi. Are you up for it?"

I shrug and turn up the soulful jazz music, letting it fill the car, until he parks. When I step into Kristins favorite restaurant, I breathe in deeply. This place always has a smooth, yet spicy aroma. The ambiance is always wonderfully on point, the walls painted a nice amber, the lights shaded into a pretty deep golden glow. He walks us towards the back, into one of the private dining areas. I enjoy them, due to the fact that they give a modern asian/arabic feel, with the beaded curtains that have to be pulled back to get into the room, the way that you have to remove your shoes to sit down on one of the padded seating areas. Only when we reach this one, theres already someone inside.

"Oh sorry!" I say to the muscled guy, looking down at a prettily decorated menu.

I begin to back out of the room, but Leo grabs my forearm and with a smile, pulls me into the room. When the guy looks up I almost gasp. His gorgeous features shape into a smug grin, and his eyebrows pull up sarcastically.

"Wow Leo. Your woman already can't take her eyes off of me. What a surprise." Chayton, Leo's best friend, says confidently.

Leo ignores the comment and smiles from me to Chayton and the back to me.

"You two haven't formally met. Chayton, this is my beautiful fiance, Avery Piest. Ave, this is-"

"Your asshole best friend." I say my voice deadpan.

Chayton busts out laughing and Leo rolls his eyes.

"Admittedly he is a bit of an asshole but...he's still my best friend. I'm truly happy that you two can finally meet." Leo says, his smile earnest and sincere.

I inwardly sigh. Leo has done way too much for me. He's the best thing that's ever happened to my life. He's taken care of me like no one else and I love him. The least I can do is...well tolerate his very best friend. The prick.

I plaster on a bright smile and extend a hand. Chayton reaches over the marble table himself, his own smile halfway genuine.

"It'll be great working under you for the next year. Someone as gorgeous as yourself. Although...you do look a tad chubbier than you did on skype..."

I find myself blushing at his comment, and look down when Leo glares hard at Chayton. Chayton chuckles huskily.

"Its not like I don't love a woman with a bit of...well meat on her bones. Honestly it just makes the piece more savory."

My cheeks grow even more hot but then I finally clock in and realize what he's said.

"Working...under me?" I ask slowly, looking from both Chayton to Leo, then back to Chayton again.

Leo looks nervously at Chayton, while Chayton raises an eyebrow.

"You haven't told her, dude?" Chayton asks Leo.

Leo shakes his head and then faces me head on looking me dead in the eyes.

"Okay baby...well Chayton knows a lot of up there people...directors, actors, agents, the whole nine. So...I've set it up so that he's now your...your manager."

My eyebrows shoot up and my mouth drops open while Chaytons smug laughter feels the air.

"I take all of that shit I said earlier back dude. Your wife is a piece of perfection. " Chayton says in his head.

What. The fuck.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:28 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Kris, I-"

"I just can't anymore! Alright! Although you didn't feel a thing, being the other woman is insulting. Enjoy your life with your girlfriend."

I leave Tristans large studio apartment quickly. When I get outside I let go of a sigh I hadn't even realized I'd been holding. Another check off of my checklist. Breaking things off with Tristan was one of the few things I've had to do for awhile now. When I get into my car I take a sigh and begin doing one of the biggest.

The phone rings...and rings...and rings...and rings some more until I'm just left at the voice mail.

"Oli it's um...shit I shouldn't have called you Oli. Oliver, it's Kristin. I'm just calling to tell you that I'm sorry for what happened back in England. I shouldn't have blown up like that when I saw you and Lacey. I kind of saw it coming after we broke up but...I don't know. I just still hadn't been over it. I just wanted to call to tell you that...well although a large part of me still loves you, I'm doing my best to get over it. Seeing you back at Jane's showed me that...i'm really stuck in the past. So I'm sorry for being a burden. I'll make sure to just stop...goodbye Oliver."

By the time I press the end call button, tears are streaked down my cheeks. Yet, thankfully, throughout the whole message my voice hadn't wavered once. I grab some kleenex from the glove box and blow my nose quickly. When I finish primping myself, I look back down at my phone.

A few days ago I got a text from Taylor. He had attempted to play it cool by just saying, what's up? But I could practically see his sweaty hands as he typed in the message, the indecision in his eyes. Sadly, I hadn't known what to say, so he probably thought that he'd just never see me again. Which was not going to be the case at all. I truly enjoyed spending time with Taylor, his quirkiness and great music choice just made him all the more appealing. But...well he's such a down to earth guy. I get the feeling that if I tell him about my modeling, he'll believe that I'm just some stupid stuck up blonde. Which would really suck. I take a breath and come to a conclusion. I won't tell him. I mean...it's not hurting anyone, right?

I call his number, and as it rings I can feel my own palms getting a bit sweaty.

"Taylor, here." He says, his mouth chewing around something as he says it.

"Hey Taylor...it's Kristin. Blonde with great music choice?"

He chokes a bit on whatever he's chewing and I spend a full minute listening to him cough and apologize.

"Yeah! Um...what's up?" He says, clearing his throat and lowering his voice a tad.

I laugh at that and find myself smiling into the phone.

"I just wanted to know if you were up for some roller skating? It's a favorite past time of mine and...I don't know. I'd like it if you could join me." I say, my smile wide as I wait for his reply.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:33 am
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Since Jane is going through something Luna can relate to, I figure it's time for Luna to face her demons as well. Just a warning, what you'll read is a tad bit graphic so if you don't think you'll be able to handle it, then skip ever the part in Italics. I'm trying to paint a vivid picture of what Luna went through as a child.

It was like being apart and separate from my nightmare. I could see, I could hear, and I could feel it, but I couldn't stop it. I couldn't get away from it. No matter how loud I screamed and yelled for help, nothing. And that sense of helplessness and powerlessness pulled me into a vise grip, never ceasing up.

"Shut your mouth!" he slapped her across the face before ripping his way through her shirt and bra.

"Please stop!" she begged through tears as she tried to fight him off, the firey sensation still clinging to her cheek where she'd been struck.

"I thought I said to shut your mouth!" he hit her again, so hard that the pain made her head spin, stunning her.

As he finished ripping off her panties, he began pulling off his clothes. The little girl was to terrified to run, so she just lay there in bed, trembling in stark fear, tears tumble down her bruised cheeks.

"No, no, no, no,no!!" I fight the panic that sets in or the tears. "Not again! This can't be happening again! NO!"

"You stupid little bitch," he spat down at her as he forced her legs open, sounding like she completely disgusted him.

She tried to push him away, but he was just so big, so heavy, so strong. He reached for my hands, and scratched and clawed and fought with everything I had, and he just seemed to excite him more.

"That's right," he licked his lips hungrily. "fight it. That makes me so hard."

He pinned her legs open with his knees, then forced her arms down with one hand and used the other grab her breast, before thrusting himself inside of her like a vicious dog.

Shock of the pain echoing through my body had me screaming in unison with the little girl as I fell to my knees, though her were quieted by the man's hand as he covered her mouth with it.

He pulled out, then thrust in again, and again, and again, while the little girl was forced to take all of it. She felt like she was being violated by a knife, repeatedly stabbed.

"Oh," he panted, his eyes glazed over in sick delight. "you're so tight and hot."

He put his full weight on her, crushing her chest and making it hard to breathe as he panted, his breath fanning against her neck. Moaning and groaning, his sweat falling from his body like he was running in a marathon.

I lay there on the ground, screaming at the crippling pain, trying to keep conscious.

There's no telling how long he was on top of her, ravaging her an animal. Rutting like a mindless beast. She'd lost track of time. And after a while the screaming and the pain stopped, replaced by numbness and small whimpers of despair while drifting in and out of consciousness. The only way she knew he was still going was because of the way the bed jostled from the force of his thrusts.

The bed rocked several more times before he made some odd sound, then collapsed on top of her. After a moment, he got off of her, put his clothes on, and left to go hop in bed and fall asleep with Mom like nothing had happened. She just lay there, covered in his sweat and breath, tears just a trickle now, and finally slip into the beckoning abyss.


I came jolting awake, and realize i'm on top of my brother with a an inch above his carotid artery with Luther yelling my name.

"Luna!" he yell. "Calm down!"

But I don't let up, still feeling completely out of touch with reality, and not registering my surroundings.

"Snap out of it!" Luther shakes the hell our of me, nearly nicking himself on my blade.

It's not like he could break my hold. The adrenaline rushing through me mixed with the fear I couldn't quite shake yet made that nearly impossible. Once I began to float back down from Earth, I look down at Luther, and he pulls the knife from my hand.

Without warning, a panic attack hits me, and I almost fall off of the bed. But of course Luther is there to catch me and pull me into his arms. A cold sweat broke out across my body, as I tried to calm down and get my breathing under control. Luther held me in his arms, rocking me back and forth until The panic attack subsided.

"Everything's fine," he kissed my forehead. "He can't hurt you anymore."


Pulling into the school parking lot, I found a spot and put Tali in park. I had a headache, and I was in a don't-fuck-with-me-or-i'll-fuck-you-up mood. Luther stayed close by as always, but said nothing. With a quick kiss of the forehead we parted ways and I headed for the bathroom.

"I heard you're the one to get crazy with." came a male voice from the Girl's bathroom, and I slow mt footsteps.

"What do you mean? Guys, you're lost. This is the girls' lavatory."

It sounded like Jane's voice.

"We were at Chan's party. Heard you are great at having a good time. So, meet me in the gym in seven. I want to play the same act, but quieter. I like torture." his voice was venomous.

My mood went from rainy to a full blown thunderstorm. I pushed the door open silently to find a few guys standing in front of Jane, and she looked frozen over in fear, and for a slit second it was like looking into the mirror of my nightmare. The guy in front walked over to Jane, running his hand softly down her cheek. The guy to the left turned his head, seeing me. The fearful recognition in his eyes told me he knew me from somewhere, but I could place it at the moment. I put a finger to my lips, a silent gesture and he nodded.

"You're so hot," he whispered.

Oh, you're so tight and hot.

Jane cringed, and that's when I thought it was time to make my presence know. Opening the door and closing it, everyone turned to look at me as I moved to stand between them.

"Is there a problem?" My voice sounded so foreign to my ears, they gave me goosebumps.

"And whatchu gonna do, twig?" the skinny guy smirked.

My jaw twitched. Who the fuck is he calling skinny? I looked to guy guy on his left, the one who'd spotted me, and he spoke. "Uh, dude. You don't wanna mess with her."

"And why not?" the skinny guy looked at him.

"She's the one I told you about. The one who does MMA." his gaze flitted in my direction before looking back at him.

"This skinny bitch?" he looked me up and down, then smirked. "she does look like a good fuck, even better then that whore over there."

"You wouldn't know where to out it if I drew a map and guided you there myself, boy." I grimaced.

"You stupid little bitch!" his hands swung toward my face, and I caught it, or course.

Bending his wrist until it snapped, crackled, and popped like rice Krispies, he dropped to his knees, crying like a new born baby. "Let go!"

The two guys behind him sprinted out of the bathroom like there was a fire under their asses, so he was on his own, trying to pry my fingers off of his wrist. I bent it a bit more, little by little, until he began screaming, and held it right there.

"Close your jaw, or i'll make sure it has to be wired shut when i'm through with you," I told him, and he shut his mouth.

I take a deep breath. "Now, let me break it down for you. You won't look at her, gesture in her direction, breath in her direction, think in her direction, or think about her. Don't think about her, don't even think about thinking about, and don't even think about thinking about thinking about her, if you followed what I just said. Is. That. Understood?"

He nods without a word, and I release my hold on his wrist. If looks could kill, I would have been dead standing at the hate in his eyes towards me. They never left mine as he exited the bathroom. I turn to Jane, who hasn't said a word since I got here.

"Do you wanna tell me why those three dumb asses followed you in here tryin' to got some nookie?" I leaned against the sink beside my hip as I waited for her answer.

Spoiler! :
I didn't realize how long this post was until now. My bad xD
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:48 am
Nike says...

Oliver Hemingway

I lied in bed, staring at the ceiling. It was the same, white with a flat texture. Shadows chased down it as the city lights poured out of my window. Shutting my eyes for a moment, I tried to sleep. This prickly pain went through my lids as I shut them, so I opened them. I guess sleep wasn't an option.

I just wanted to call to tell you that...well although a large part of me still loves you...

I shut my eyes again and Kristin's face came to my mind. Her smile, her wonderful blue eyes.The way she spoke.

So I'm sorry for being a burden.

She was so good, so good. We got frisky when we needed to. Get serious when it was time. And. She made me happy, like I was the only guy that could ever feel some way about a woman. To me, she was a great person.

I'll make sure to just stop...goodbye Oliver.

And I left her when she was hurt the most. She's a strong girl, I knew she would be able to find herself. That she would be able to brace herself and take care. But somehow, she couldn't. I was still there drowning her mind of myself. And she was still here drowning my mind of herself.

I took my phone in my hand and looked at the screen. The time showed up, one fifty AM. Well, any time better won't come up soon. And, if anything, I can leave her a voice mail as well.

The dial tone went off for quite a long while. My heart was racing until her voice came on. Her cheery, German accented voice. Se introduced herself then the beep came along.

"Hey Kristin..." I paused. "I got your message. I just wanted to say that I was stupid. I was being ridiculous. Lacey and I... we're over. I'm not saying that I want to be with you because we broke up. We broke up because I want to be with you. When I saw you here... I was so happy. You make me happy, Kristin." I had to pause to smile. "I thought I missed something with Lacey, but I didn't. We were good, great, but we weren't us. We weren't Kristin and Oliver. I know you're getting over me, but I hope that maybe you'd want to stop and see me again." This is when I hung up.

I placed the phone back onto my bedside table. That's when my door started to creak open. I froze in my bed, shutting my eyes. I was a bit worried at who would be coming in. It couldn't be a criminal because our apartment is secure. But, I was still worried, so I opened my eyes instead.

It was Jane. She stood just in front of my bed, staring down at me. I could tell something was wrong. Not only by the fact she was here, but by the fact I could see her body shaking.

"Get here Janey," I whispered.

She found her way to my side of the bed and slid in next to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled the comforter over the both of us. Her touch was warm and inviting, but she was still shaking. What the reason could be, she was scared. She buried her head into my chest.

"What happened?" I whispered.

The response I got from her was tears leaking through my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her, trying my best to comfort her.

"Janey..." I tried again.

"Ray..." that's what it sounded like.

"Ray...?" I paused, feeling my throat close up. "Rape,"

Her fingers clutched my skin, as if griping for her own life. I pushed her away a little so I could look at her face. It was a scrunched up as she teared up. I loved Jane, she was my greatest friend. But sex if something that's normal in her life. And rape has happened to her once. I'm worried that she'ds letting herself get rapped, hurt, injured. She has to learn to defend herself, she has to learn to find better men. Why does she get so unlucky? She's such a good girl. Why would she get rapped?

"Jane, who did this?" I looked at her.

"It... it was... Chandler." she managed.

That caught me by surprise. And I knew what I'd do in the morning.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:06 am
Nike says...

Jane Wills

I couldn't tell her. She didn't know me, I didn't know her. But somehow, I knew she would understand. She had that look in her eyes. And she just saved me.

"Luna... um," I didn't know how to start. "I was at my... I was at Chandler's party." I couldn't even call him my boyfriend.

She folded her arms over her chest and listened. This was a first. So, I took in a deep breath and shut my eyes. Trying to escape for a little form the situation at hand, but that only led my back to last night in Chandler's room. But, I left my eyes closed for a moment longer, imagining the painful night.

"I got raped last night." I huffed out, all weak.

There was a silence and an ill tension that killed me. I opened my eyes and saw Luna's reaction. She looked confident, scared, and as if she wanted to murder someone.

"By my boyfriend, Chandler. He's a college guy... best friends with the new guy Noah. This isn't the first time wither." It was easy to speak with her. "The first time was with Drake..."

"Jane," she paused. "What did you do?"

I swallowed hard. "Nothing, I went home."

"You meet really bad guys." she replied.

Nodding, I found my way toward the exit. But as I went, I felt her soft touch against my shoulder. I looked over at her.

"You gotta take care of yourself, kid. You can't let this keep happening. Don't get with those bad guys. I'll be there."

And somehow, her words did something to me. She was right.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:27 pm
MikeyG says...


I watch as Avery looks between Chayton and I, silent. I wait as her green eyes go darker and her caramel skin, a slightly more pale.

"I can't." She says quietly.

I grab her hand.

"Of course you can, V. You can do anything." I say to her, just as quiet, squeezing her hand.

She sighs and lets go of mine. My hand suddenly feels cold and abandoned without her tiny soft one. She turns to Chayton and places her elbows on marble table of the restuarant, beside her uneaten sushi platter and virgin pina colada.

"I'm pregnant." She states cooly. Yet I notice the tiniest eye twitch. She's afraid of what other people will think of her once she comes out with the pregnancy. That's why she's wanted to run for so long. And now she's nervous of what Chayton will say once finding out. And I know all of this just from that one eye twitch.

Chaytons eyes grow wide, and he turns to me.

"Seriously?" He asks, his eyes growing wider and happier. "Good for you dude! I'm truly happy for you. I know that this is what you've wanted and..." he shakes his head.

He turns back to Avery and smiles genuinely at her, his eyes practically glowing with happiness exuberance for us.

"I'm sorry about the...fat comment earlier. You're gorgeous either way. Although, I wasn't kidding about liking my fair share of bigger girls from time to time."

Averys mouth slowly forms into a smile and her back relaxes. Her dimples show adorably, and her green eyes lighten back to their natural, more relaxed, and all around beautiful shade. I notice Chaytons eyes grow wider at the sight, and for a quick second I want to hide my wife from him and any other male. She's just to beautiful to take out in public.

"Thanks Chayton...I didn't think that you'd...well....react that way. And if you're going to be my manager, and my childs god father, you need to stay updated."

She suddenly stretches and her whole energy becomes relaxed. She removes two pins from her bun and suddenly her long hair falls in long loose waves. She runs a hand through the brunette and golden strands and smiles.

When i'm finally able to take my eyes off of her I notice that Chaytons eyes are glued to her, his mouth open the tiniest of a bit. I sigh inwardly. Thinking back, I now remember that V holds all of the traits that Chayton loves in a woman. Her femininity, her stubbornness, her intellect, her independence, her beauty. Chayton is my best friend and I know that he'd never make a move. But...that doesn't mean that with time he won't grow feelings. And sometimes when his feelings are too strong...he grows reckless.

"So Ave!" I say, happily and strategically putting an arm around her shoulders.

She looks up at me with a smile while she chews on her white truffle ahi tuna roll. Her eyes are bright with happiness, and jesus, when did she get so magnetic?

"Um...Chayt here hasn't had a date in a while. Do you think that there's possibly a friend that you could hook him up with?"

"Umm..." She says, after swallowing, her rose bud like lips puckered as she thinks.

"I don't need you two setting me up on a blind date you know." Chayton says chuckling and he eats his Victoria Beef Sukiyaki Udon.

I shrug and eye him with a smile.

"We both know that you get... irritable to say the least when you haven't gotten some in a while."

At that Chayton blushes and looks down.

"Well theres Kristin but...she needs some time to herself for awhile."

I shrug.

"He's not into blondes anyway. Didn't you say that your friend Lena was in town though?"

Avery shakes her head, and her hair tumbles down her delicate shoulders.

"Nah. That's Wills."

My brows furrow.

"But isn't he with Harley?"

Avery looks down and sighs.

"Yeah but...something always pulls Will and Lena together. It's like they're tied to each other, and neither one can stop it. For now he may be with Harley but...if Lena is gonna stay that won't last. And it sucks because Harley is really such a sweet girl..." Avery looks genuinely sad at the thought and yet again Chaytons eyes are riveted on her.

"Thats fucked up but...um anyone else?"

Avery shrugs.

"All of the others are either famous or...well from Harmony. I could hook him up with either Kylie or Kourtney Jenner but...they annoy the shit out of me. And Jenna Marbles and I have kept up contact since that one webisode she had me on but you said that he doesn't like blondes...Victoria Justice?"

Chayton shakes his head.

"She's hot but...eh. It's alright though. I don't need a woman for awhile. Lets get to work tomorrow though, bright and early. We can come back over here for breakfast if you want."

Avery smiles brightly as she stands.

"Breakfast at Tiffanys?"

Chayton laughs and shakes his head.

"I was thinking a truffle omelet, no?"

As I stand Chayton and Avery shake hands.

"It'll be a pleasure working with you Chayton." Avery says with a hundred watt smile.

I watch as Chayton grips hers softly.

"You as well Avery. You as well."

After we get in the car, Avery goes through her emails on her phone.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" I ask.

She turns to me with a smile and nods.

"Chayton was nice. I wish that I could've thought of a girl for him...oh shit! Luna!"

I nod.

"He would like her. But knowing him he'll find a random chick at the midnight showing of that horror movie he's going to. Shame...she'd do some good for him."

Avery nods her mouth turned down in a frown.

"Um Ave...did you find him...well...attractive?"

Avery looks at my blushing cheeks and burst out laughing.

"You're jelly, babe?" she asks, quieting.

I roll my eyes and her tinkling laughter fills the car for the rest of the ride.

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Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:48 pm
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Nike says...

William Franco

Lena had no response. She just stared at me. Luckily, her phone rang and she excused herself, telling me she had to go.

And this is when I realized that I have made the biggest mistake of my life. I don't see what I am doing until I have done it. Harley saw it before I could catch it. And good for her, now she doesn't have to deal with a fuck-up like me.

What could I do now? It was better for me to just leave. Let these people live on their lives without me. All I do is ruin theirs, so I believe it is time for my departure. I'll come back when they've moved along. Or maybe even not. I'll come back when I figure myself out. Or maybe even not.

The plane was high above in the sky I I looked through the window, down at the clouds. You couldn't see the land because we are at cruising altitude. I had downed my orange juice and the guy next to me cannot stop releasing gas. He was huge and literally made me have so little room that I'm squished against the window. Oh, the pain. Oh, the karma.

"Hello, I just wanted to inform the both of you that we will be landing in Chicago in around fifteen minutes." the stewardess said.

I smiled up at her and the guy grunted in reply. She went over to the people next to us, I assume she was telling them the same thing she told us. This is the only way she could speak to us because the speakers were broken. They told us of this right when the flight departed.

Chicago seemed like a good place than any. I had family down there, so I'd stay with my aunt. And I'll probably go to a community college.

Spoiler! :
This is it for Will for now. We'll see him later. Or maybe even not.

See what I did there? I don't think you did.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:50 am
Sunshine says...

Taylor James

"I just wanted to know if you were up for some roller skating? It's a favorite past time of mine and...I don't know. I'd like it if you could join me."

That playing cool thing I had in mind just flew straight out the window, carrying all potentialities of being a smooth, attractive guy with it. I didn't really care that much, though; she called me, and that was a cause for a dance around the kitchen with some good music blaring until my heart burst. Besides, she was excited and passionate, and therefore should get used to the affections of people of the same nature; also known as geeks.

"I might have to dig out a dusty old pair of skates, but I'd love to try without falling."

She laughs, and she seems genuinely pleased. I can't help but feel surprised that she, y'know, invited me somewhere. I thought I'd never see her again, but I'm pleased. Extremely pleased, actually.

"Okay. I think it's nice enough to go to the park, so bring out those dusty old skates and meet me... is today at three okay?"

"Yeah, can do. I'll see you there."

"Okay, bye Taylor. Don't be late!"

"I won't be, I promise."

We hang up, and I spend the next few hours finding those skates, which are a slight bit too small. I blare music as I try to find the perfect hat to wear. I've got an expansive collection to chose from, and the usual beanie won't do. I choose, instead, a white flat bill, the sort of hat my Dad hates due to its unshapely form.

Thankfully, my Mom is not working, so I can take the car to meet Kristen. She's at the park when I pull in, pulling on skates, her butt on the cold cement. She looks even better than she did when I first met her. Stiletto-free, her shapely colored jeans and graphic tee speak my language. She waves at me as I get out, but I choose to put on my small skates in my car. My first steps on the cement are shaky, and I have to grasp the corner of the car to steady myself.

Kristen laughs, and I get up enough to frown at her. She skates, easily, over to me.

"You didn't tell me you weren't very good." She teases.

"I'm fine! It's just been... a very long time. A very, very long time."

I may not like being called 'not good enough' for anything, so I've got an ammo against it.

"I'm a good teacher. Or, at least, I can be."

I think, in a way, that's the best reply to being shot at, even with an airsoft gun. "And I am supposedly a good student, but I don't know how well that applies to roller skating."

"Come on!" She pulls be off my car, dragging me up onto the paved path with enough speed to make a guy a little dizzy. "It's just like riding a bike!"

"That's what everybody says, and doesn't exactly give me any confidence in my abilities."

She takes both my hands, even in all their rough-from-taped-drumsticks glory, and skates backwards as she pulls me along with her. My feet slowly begin to make the right motions.

"Backwards skating is totally against the rules, as it makes you far too skilled for comprehension of my unskilled feet."

She laughs. I like how she actually likes my sense of humor. I think I could use, at the very least, a friend like her. People don't laugh at my jokes in the correct proportion to how funny they are.

We skate around the park for awhile. After the winter we've had, I didn't expect it to be so nice, but winter is weird. In my ear, I hear Kristen say something.

"What was that?"

I don't know what to do next...
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:21 pm
Desticakes101 says...


I blush and clear my throat.

"Um...I was just asking if there was a...um girlfriend I'd have to worry about. While we're out here. I had forgotten to ask and I don't want to be caught in that type of drama a-" I stop myself from saying again. Taylor does not need to know my dirty deeds.

He gives me a strange look.

"A girlfriend? Really?"

I nod, looking straight ahead as I skate, my cheeks burning fiercely. In my peripheral I can see him as he looks at me intently and then just laughs. I blush harder and continue to skate ahead.

"Thats one thing that you don't have to worry about. No crazy ex's either. I'm all clean and clear."

I turn to him for confirmation and he smiles. I stop on my skates and he clumsily stops on his own.

"Well if thats the case...would you like to have dinner at my place? Or well, my cousins place? Her fiance is cooking again, and he cooks like a god so...yeah. You should come by." I say with a smile.

He shrugs and nods.

"Sure. I'll follow you in my car then."
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:58 pm
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MikeyG says...


"Fuck..." I mumble to myself as I walk to the sundance theater.

Why...why, why, why? Every fucking time. I finally find one. One that fits all of my standards and then some. I can't get the image of my best friends fiance shaking out her long curly hair, a little bit a mango scent hitting my nose as she did so. The way that she spoke...her voice light and airy. Not in a dumb blonde way. More of a Marilyn Monroe. Her smile...her lips, her eyes lighting up. The way that you could hear her intellect just by her saying something as simple as I can't do that. Her stubbornness and adorable silliness when she teased Leo. Dammit.

I order my ticket and sulk to the entrance. When I step inside the theater it is already packed and dark, the previews showing. I navigate my way into the center (not too high, not to low) and plop down in the only seat available near a pretty girl. I can't see her whole face, only her darkened side profile. That and the glimmer of her long hair. It's so shiny that it almost reflects the lights being shown on the screen. I don't stare at her for too long, but when I sit next to her I smell a whiff of a very fragrant and sensual perfume. Something with chocolate and cinnamon.

As the movie comes one the girl suddenly becomes rigid and tense. I mean I don't really blame her. This movie was rated by most critics to be one of the most horrifying and disturbing films made since the exorcist. Filled with jump scares. Which I personally love.

I'm munching on my popcorn when it happens. The woman in the movie is trying to shake awake her daughter, when her daughter quickly turns around and smiles with a mouth full of sharp teeth, bleeding eyes, and torn up skin.

"Holy crap!" The girl calls out as the whole theater cries out. The girl jumps into my lap with a squeal, her soft body pressing into mine, her head seeking the crevice of my shoulder and neck. I automatically put an arm around her waist, this position one that I'm quite used to.

"Crap, crap, crap..." she mumbles into my neck.

I chuckle and she pulls back. And for a second I can't breathe. This girl isn't pretty. Beautiful can't even describe her. Even in the darkness of the theater I can still make out her individual features. But through it all I can't take my eyes off of the peek of her eyes that I see behind her long bangs. How they're not gray but...silver. A beautiful shiny silver. Her high cheekbones, yet delicate and feminine features. Her long hair tickling my arm where it is around her waist.

"I-i'm sorry." She stutters the tiniest of a bit.

I shrug and smile.

"You can stay here for the rest of the movie if you'd like. I wouldn't want you to jump into...well that guys lap." I say, pointing at the fat middle aged man who could be the main guy from the human centipede two. With his weird beady eyes, staring riveted at the blood on the screen.

She shakes her head with a small smile.

"No thanks. I appreciate the offer though." She climbs off of my lap, giving me a chance to appreciate her long legs.

As the movie progresses, I eye her throughout. Up until it happens again. A huge jump scare comes, making almost the whole theater cry out and the girl hop back into my lap. She sighs.

"How much longer is this movie?" She asks in a tired voice.

I look down at my watch and shrug.

"It's a two and a half hour movie. We're only twenty minutes in."

She sighs once again.

"Do you mind if I take you up on that offer?"

I smile.

"Take full advantage of whatever you want. On one condition."

"And that is?" She asks with a smirk.

"You need to give me your name and number before we leave. Deal?"

She thinks for a second, tilting her head to the side. And then she nods.

"Okay. As long as I can squeeze on your hand for as long as I want."

I nod.


She stays planted in my lap, her body warm and soft against mine. When she asks for my hand I offer it to her, not expecting much. But during the next jump scare, instead of jumping or yelping, she crushes my bones together. I keep a calm face and don't even bat an eye, but fuck! When the scene is over, her hand relaxes, losing that vice like grip (thank god).

And I tolerate that. For the next two hours. When the movie is finally over, as I'm walking into the theaters main lobby I notice that my hand is looking quite black and blue. I shake it out and quickly look up, just before the girl is about to step outside.

"Wait!" I call out, jogging to her.

She places a hand on her hip and watches me with a small smile.

"Our deal?" I say once I reach her.

"I thought that you had forgotten. You know. Amidst all of that horrible pain to your hand."

I roll my eyes.

"Pfft! I hardly even felt that." I say, shoving my hand in my pocket.

She eyes the way that I hastily remove it, and smugly smiles.

"Of course you didn't. My name is Luna. And here's my number." She says handing me a small piece of paper.

"When did you...?"

She rolls her eyes and begins backing out of the theater, not even looking behind herself as she opens the door.

"I thought that you may remember. So I had ti have that prepared. Nice meeting you..."

"Chayton!" I say loudly giving her my name before the door closes completely.

I smile widely. That girl was amazing. Beautiful. Confident. Amazing. Just won-

Horrible. Evil. Lying. Succubus. Demon.

She didn't even give me her number. She just gave me a little piece of paper that said I owe you. With a tiny little winky face in the O of the you. Just fucking awesome.

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:28 am
AlmondEyes says...


Pulling on my jacket, I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. Luther was sitting in the living room watching some movie, mindless chewing pop corn like a grazing Cow. I almost laughed. I was meeting Sealy at the movies. There was a new scary movie out that I wanted to go see, and I never went alone. You know those females in the movies that need a big strong man there to hold them when they're scared? Yea, i'm one of them, and don't judge me for it, even if that big string man is my uncle.

Just as I open the door, my phone starts screaming. I mean literally starts screaming, and I know it's Sealy. He picked the ringtone out himself.

"Hey," I answer. "i'm just heading out. Are you on your way?"

"About that...." he started

I sighed. "What is it?"

"I just caught a lead for a case i'm working on right now. I'm sorry, honey."

You don't sounds very sorry. With another sigh, I say. "You're forgiven."

He said his apologies again and hung up. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and walked back into the house, plopping down beside Luther.

"Canceled?" he guesses.

"Yea," I half frown. "wanna fill in?"

"Nope," he said, then stuffed the buttery confection that was popcorn into his mouth.

Great. Just fucking great. Now what was I supposed to do? I'd already bought my ticket, so it would have been a waste of money. And then I realized something. I can go to the movies by myself! I don't need a man to feel secure!


"Holy crap!" I squeal , jumping into the lap of the guys sitting next to me and wrapping myself around him. "Crap, crap, crap..."

Who the hell was I kidding? I'm too big of a baby to watch scary movie by myself. right now would be a perfect example. Once I actually realize i'm sitting in a stranger's lap, I feel like an idiot. But once I feel how hard and warm his body is, parts of my anatomy start to tingle and my face feels like it on fire. and he smells so.... Good. Like Old Spice Swagger mixed in with something more earthly. And delicious. My heart began to race, and I felt like I would need my old inhaler if I didn't calm myself down.

"I-i'm sorry." I stutter the tiniest bit as I pull back, and he chuckles.

He just shrugs and smiles. "You can stay here for the rest of the movie if you'd like. I wouldn't want you to jump into...well that guys lap."

I look over to the fat middle aged man who could be the main guy from the human centipede two, with his weird beady eyes, staring riveted at the blood on the screen. I shuddered.

"No thanks. I appreciate the offer though." I climb off of his lap and sit back in my seat.

As the movie progresses, I try not to spaz out every time something scares me, and end up back in his lap. I'm a failure. "How much longer is this movie?"

He looks down at his watch and shrugs. "It's a two and a half hour movie. We're only twenty minutes in."

I sigh. "Do you mind if I take you up on that offer?"

He smiles, and I notice the dimple he has in his right cheek. "Take full advantage of whatever you want. On one condition."

"And that is?" I smirk.

What the hell am I doing? Sitting in a stranger's lap and what seem like flirting? This is nothing like me! My cheese must have fallen off my cracker.

"You need to give me your name and number before we leave. Deal?"

I tilt my head to the side, considering my choice, then nod. "Okay. As long as I can squeeze on your hand for as long as I want."

"Deal," he nods.

So for the rest of the movie, I stayed planted in his lap for the entire movie, and when there were scenes that scared me witless, I squeezed and squeezed squeezed. I knew I was hurting him, but he kept on a brave face, which impressed me. Then I started thinking about how hard his body was again, and how warm it was, and how amazing he smelled, and shivered a little. All I wanted to do was bury my face in his neck and lick him like a lollipop! Just thinking about it made me lick my lips. What the hell is wring with me!?

As the movie ends we both get up and head for the lobby. I step after him and head off to my car when he calls out to me. "Wait!"

I let a small smile show as I put a hand on my hip and wait for him to reach me. Now that I finally see him in full light, I realize how hot he is. Perfectly shaped high cheekbones with a strong jaw, and taller than me. Muscles everywhere with a tribal tattoo that starts mid forearm and disappears into his shirt. I would love to get that shirt off and how far that tattoo goes. Black straight hair and a skin that might have suggested he was part Native American, which explain his black hair. I wonder what it would look like if her grew it out. That way I would have something to pull on while he's-

"Our deal?" he raises an eyebrow.


"I thought that you had forgotten. You know. Amidst all of that horrible pain to your hand." Looking down at it, I kind of feel bad.

It was now black and blue, and looked kind of angry. I'd been told more often then not I was strong. Sometimes I didn't know my own strength, which is why no one wanted to spar with me at the gym anymore. Even Luther was reluctant. I had to beg him once.

He rolled his eyes and puts his hand in his pocket. "Pfft! I hardly even felt that."

I watch how fast he pulls it out and smile. That's what I thought. "Of course you didn't. My name is Luna. And here's my number."

I hand him a small piece of paper. Too bad he didn't know what was actually on it.

"When did you...?"

I rolls my eyes and begin backing out of the theater, opening the door. "I thought that you may remember. So I had ti have that prepared. Nice meeting you..."

"Chayton!" he called back to me as the door closed.

I smiled as I walked back to my car, thinking about what I wrote on that piece of paper. I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing his body was, and how it would feel pressed against his as he-

My breathing sped up and I began to wheeze. Pulling out my old inhaler, I took a puff or two to call myself and shook my head. What was going on with me? I'd never reacted to a guys like that before. Closing the door and starting the engine, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

I owe y;Ou

I most certainly did.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.
— Markus Zusak, The Book Thief