
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:45 am
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Just so you know, I changed Luna's younger twin sister to an older brother instead.

I wiped the sweat from my face, breathing in the fresh crisp air. It was about Ten in the morning, and I had been working on the car since my run earlier when I woke up around Seven. After checking under the hood and making sure everything was good, I made myself breakfast and washed up before heading back out to wash Tali up for the trip to New York with Noah, the new guy i'd met at school. and Luther.

Blasting the music from inside the car, I grabbed the hose along with several other things to wash the car with and went to work. I'd pulled on a pair of old shorts and tank top, trying to keep cool from the heat of the day. Washing my baby down, I scrubbed and rubbed, making sure soap covered every spot with soap. I then grabbed the hose, spraying her down. When I finally pulled back, my shirt was completely soaked through, so I peeled it off and tossed it. I'd pulled on an old sports bra earlier, so that would do for now.

I'd just started vacuuming the car out, and starting to sweat again when I heard a door slam. Looking up, I see Luther making his way across the lawn with a not so happy expression on his face. I turn the vacuum off and wipe my face as he comes to a stop in front of me.

"Something wrong," I raise an inquiring eyebrow.

His jaw twitched as he looked at me. He was an enormous guy, standing six foot four with the build of a heavy weight MMA fighter had other guys steering clear of him. His hard square jaw and dark violet eyes had every girl at school flocking to him like moths to a flame, or honeybees to a honeycomb. Some people were intimidated by my brother, but I wasn't.

"Well?" I wait.

"Maybe you should put on actual clothes." he simply said.

I frowned, completely oblivious to his meaning, and he sighs, sounding slightly hopeless.

"Luna," he begins. "you may not be aware of your looks, but others are."

"What's wrong with the way I look," I ask with an sentimentalism frown, looking down at myself.

He hung his head with another sigh. "What I mean is- what i'm trying to say is-"

"Good lord!" came a familiar voice from behind Luther. "What in the hell are you wearing?"

I gasp in delight when I see Sealy, my uncle standing a few feet away with a giant smile on his face and jump into his arms, kissing both of his cheeks as he pulls me into a bear hug that lifts me off of the ground. He l kisses my cheeks, his whiskers rubbing against me and I smile as he sets me down, but doesn't let me go.

"How's my baby girl?" he kisses my forehead and releases me.

"Better now that you're here," I smile. "You?"

"Better as soon as you put some clothes on, girl," he gestures toward me. "you've probably got every man in the neighborhood panting like Dogs."

He pulled off his jacket and wrapped me in it before pushing me towards the house.

"Hey!" I protest. "let me go!"

Sealy didn't stop until we were in the living room and on the couch before setting his jacket aside.

"What was that for?"

"Luna," he scratches his head. "You can be so damn oblivious sometimes it amazes me."

I just frowned, and with a small yet very warm smile, he continued. "Honey, you're a very intelligent, and gorgeous woman, and you don't even realize it. And you walking around wet and wearing what you're wearing...Do you get where i'm coming from?"

"Oh," was all I could say.

I felt like an idiot. Now I got what Luther trying to say. I looked down at myself, worrying my lower lip. Sealy patted me on my leg and kissed me on the cheek.

"Don't feel bad, honey. Your mother was just as oblivious to her appeal at your age too." he smiled and looked towards the kitchen. "Got anything to eat? I'm starving."

"Um, yea." I nodded. "I went shopping the other day. I made sure Luther didn't eat everything."

"That's my girl." he smiled.

While Sealy rummaged through the fridge, I went and put on a pair of basketball shorts and another tank top. I headed back outside to finish up the car, only to discover Luther had done it for me. I thanked him with a kiss on his cheek and we both headed back in. Sealy left an hour or so after the car was finished, so Luther and I got ready for New York.


I heard an engine rev in front of the house and figured it was Noah letting me know he was here. I slung the bag I had over my shoulder, double checking to make sure I had everything, and then triple checking. After making sure I had everything, I headed out of my room, yelling for Luther to hurry his ass up. "Luther! Hurry your ass up!"

He came jogging out of his room wearing a pair of body molding Black Calvin Klein jeans and a matching black button up dress shirt the stretched across his massive shoulder and chest. He also had a chain linked to his wallet he kept in his back pocket along with a jacket slung over his right shoulder.

I had on a pair of Amethyst jeans with suspenders left hanging free with a tight black tank top with white tribal markings etched on the front and back. I also had a chain linked to my wallet, and a black leather jacket, plus the fingerless leather gloves I wore. Luther looked me over, cracking one of those rare smirks I didn't see often enough and said, "Maybe we are blood."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you ready?"

He nodded. "I'll check and make sure everything is locked up tight. You gone on ahead."

I headed outside, spotting a green Volkswagen Jetta, turbo from the sound of it, parked on the curb. Turning the ignition in Tali, she roared once again, a low growl sounding from her, and motioned him over as he hopped out of his car. He walked over to the car.

"Hey," I nodded toward him. "You'll have to take the back seat."

"That's fine, but why...." his words trailed off and he came to a stop.

I craned my neck to see Luther heading this way and rolled my eyes.

"Never mind," was all he said as Luther came up to the car and opened the passenger side door.

"Hop in," I say as I close my door.

The car dinged, a red neon colored car door open symbol on the dashboard blinking as Noah slid inside, then stopped as he closed the door.

"Noah, Luther my twin brother, Luther this is Noah from earlier." I introduce the two as I out the car in gear and back out of the driveway.

Luther reached back holding his hand out to Noah. "Welcome to Harmony."

"Thanks," Noah said.

"Everything locked down tight?" I put my foot on the break and look at Luther.

"Everything is locked down tight," he confirmed.

"Alright then," my foot comes off the break. "New York, here we come."

Spoiler! :
Sorry, @FermentingFruit and @Nike. It took me all day to do this post, and I thought it was getting a little too long.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:51 pm
Nike says...

Jasmine Bradley Urbaniak

The volunteer singers sang their hearts out, which left a smile plastered to my face for a straight hour. And now came my favorite part. It was my time to choose random people from the crowd to sing.

"We got through the talented artists, and now comes my favorite part." I smiled. "We're gonna make this a party, not some small charity concert. It's a charity party that we're gonna have fun with!" I said.

People started to smile and cheer, making my heat race.

"There's some drinks and food over there..." I pointed to the few tales holding them. "So, let's get this party started!" I yelled.

More cheers came as disco balls turned on, sending colors everywhere. The music started pumping loud as people danced to the beat. I couldn't help but laugh and stare at this crowd. We are going to get this charity funded very well because of this.

"Raise your hand if you wanna sing! Raise your hand if you don't wanna sing! It doesn't matter, we're all singing!" I said, looking at all the people.

Spoiler! :
This is short cause Review DAY!
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:09 am
Ciblio says...

Spoiler! :
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE/POST. I get distracted easily. >.<

Harley Mae Turner

After the incident at the park, I walked down the sidewalk of some street, watching my feet move back and forth, not exactly wanting to go home yet. The guy from earlier, Noah...I hated to admit that he was attractive. Kind of. Oh...now I feel bad. Was I supposed to think that kind of stuff while in a relationship? Ugh. I hadn't seen William for a few days...or talked to him personally. He said something happened...should I be worried? Man, this sucked.

As I lifted my head, I caught a familiar face. I wasn't exactly sure who it was at first, but after getting a better look, I automatically recognized her.

"CALI!" I exclaimed, pushing past the people that were separating us.

Her head snapped towards me, her face a mask of surprise. A smile curved onto her lips as she realized who I was. "Harley Turner? What in the world are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" My eyes widened, and I grinned.

"I haven't seen you since...well, since we were little freshman!" Cali's eyes were bright, excited.

"Oh, goodness." She looked at her phone. "I have to go, but we should go somewhere later, to catch up!"

"Still the same number?" I asked, pulling out my phone.

She nodded once, took my phone, quickly put her number in, then took off, waving to be from behind her.

I honestly didn't think I'd see her again. Small world, eh?


Cali and I decided to go up to New York. There was this thing with some celebrity chick up there, and I guessed that Cali was a fan?

I told her that I could drive, since I just got a car.

I put on a white under shirt, a button-up plaid shirt, cut-off shorts, and sneakers. After I curled my hair, I grabbed my things, and headed out to my car in the driveway. Throwing my purse deal in the back seat, I turned on the car, and pulled out.

Pulling up to the address she sent me, I honked once, and a few minutes later, watched my old friend skip out of the home, and climb into the car.

"Don't you look fabulous, as always." She said, looking me up and down.

"You clean up quite well yourself." I replied, then took my foot off the break, and started down the road.

The trip wasn't that long. I had to have Cali look up the directions to the place, since I'd never been before. Supposedly it was in a mall..? Huh.

I parked the car, turned it off, and we got out.

After locking it, Cali and I walked inside of the public building, and she led me to our destination.

Surprisingly, there were a lot of people here. Like, a lot. Nobody I knew, of course.

There was cheering. Really loud cheering. And clapping. And somebody's voice booming through the room, making it impossible not to hear her.

"Oh, look. We can sit over there." She motioned over to a small table by a wall.

Bright lights flashed around the room, and a girl stood on the stage, talking to the crowd. She was really pretty.

"Oh, Oh! That's Bradley!" Cali screeched.

We sat down at the table, and I looked around at the people here. They all looked around my age. Maybe a little older, or younger. I couldn't tell that much.

"Raise your hand if you wanna sing! Raise your hand if you don't wanna sing! It doesn't matter, we're all singing!" She said into the microphone.

"Harley! We should sing! We used to all the time, remember?!" Cali tugged at my arm, a huge smile forming on her face.

I'd never sung in front of a crowd before, though..

"Come on!" She held my arm up, and her arm up.

Was I really going to do this?

Well...it might be fun.

I held my arm up by myself, and pushed away the butterflies in my stomach.

This would probably be good for me, putting myself out there.

'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:32 pm
Nike says...

William Franco

Jane left even after Emmett asked her not to. It wasn't a good sight to see. So I did what I believed were my best intentions, I tried to tell him everything he had missed, from whtat I could bear to remember anyway. We weren't close friends, but we were still friends, so I didn't know everything there is to know about him. Jane would know. But since she isn't here, we had to deal on our own.

It was Oliver, Lena, and I, trying to get everything back into his memory. He looked so tried from all the information that was thrown at him, but we had to try something. Maybe he'd start to remember on his own.

I even told him about Jane and I. The relationship that lasted two days.

"Whoa, guys..." he blurted out. "I... too much information..." he held his head in his hands.

"You needed to know everything, and if your memory doesn't return, at least you've got this." Oliver said.

I looked over at Lena and caught her looking at me. It made me freeze for a moment, unable to process any information. Then, she looked away and stood up from her chair.

"I'm gonna go, Jane wants me to join her at this concert thing at the mall..." she smiled.

Oliver stood up with her. "I'll be heading out as well. Emmett, want to tag along?"

He just shook his head. Jane and Oliver gave him a quick hug and went their way. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat there for a moment longer.

"I want to ask you one question before I make you leave..." Emmett stern voice surprised me, but I nodded, afriad of the question. "Why do you sleep around?"

I was stunned. I couldn't even speak.

"What?" I blurted out.

He sat silently, just looking at me.

"I... don't sleep around."

"Jane? Lena? Avery?"

"I didn't sleep with Lena..." I sighed.

"Yeah, but you wanted to. William, why are you chasing after girls and still don't think you're a womanizer? Not only that, why are you chasing after girls that are in relationships? You've ruined people's lives, do you know that?"

Oh my lord. I didn't even see that one coming.

Spoiler! :
Sorta thought this was needed. He needs to see hwat he's done.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:41 pm
Nike says...

Jasmine Bradley Urbaniak

I got some girls to come to the stage. One of them I recognized as Will's girlfriend Harley. Good this she doesn't know I'm Jasmine, I don't need a lot of people to know. Harley seemed nervous, but her friend was just excited to be near me.

"OhmyGodBradley." she said, her eyes wide. "It's so great to see you like... this close."

All I did is smile at the both of them and walk off the stage, leaving them the spotlight. I walked to the backstage and saw Ashton talking on the phone with someone. He seemed frustrated. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. That made him look over and show a fake smile.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

The girls started to sing to a song of their choice, but I ignored it for a moment, just focused on Ashton.

"It's Avery," he put his phone to the speaker. "She's coming back... she has something important to deal with Will. And I'm just a bit worried."

I smiled, "It'll be okay... she's got this."

Walking back to the curtain, I watched the girls having fun on stage. They were dancing with the crowd. I could say they were real stars. I just watched them until their performance was done and I joined them back on the stage.

"You guys were great!" I smiled at them.

"Thank you," they both said.

"Okay, who's next? Ahh, how about you pretty lady?" I pointed at Luna.

She looked from left to right and then pointed at herself. I nodded and she walked up to the stage. The two girls got off and I handed her the microphone. I could tell she was ready to sing her heart out, confidence radiated off of her, it actually surprised me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

I knew her from Jane, but she didn't know me so I should be able to look as if I didn't know her. It was natural.

"Luna," she said into the microphone.

Smiling, I gave her a side hug and walked off the stage. I have this feeling that she will merely surprise me. Her spunk makes me happy.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:58 am
AlmondEyes says...


When we finally made it to New York and found our destination, the first thing we did was stop for food. Noah said he had something to take care of, and said he would catch up with us in a few. I gave him my cell number and he went on his way. Neither of us knew what we wanted to eat, so we settled down at a table to wait for him. Neither one of us spoke. We didn't really need to talk with each other. We'd been sitting in silence before Luther finally decided to break it.

"So..." he began. "I haven't heard you sing in a while."

When I didn't say anything, he spoke again. "Why not?"

"I just haven't," I shrugged like it was no big deal, though we both knew that was bull.

Luther sighed, running his finger through his thick hair. He'd always loved to hear me sing when we were children. It never failed to make him smile. We had even sang in choir together when we went to church. We also used to get all of the solos. We even competed in national singing competitions. It had been a while since either one of us had done anything with our singing, and we both missed it.

"I know you have to miss it," he insisted. "because I know I do."

"Then why don't you do something about it?" I challenged.

"Why don't you?" he countered.

I pushed myself up from the chair and began walking. Luther followed suit, matching his pace with mine. He didn't say anything after that on the matter, and we finally settled on something to eating at the next place we spotted. I pulled my phone out to see what time it is when a messaged pops up on the screen. Probably from Noah.

Where r u? he asked.

A little ways down from where we were together earlier. I text back.

Alright. On the way.

I stick my phone back in my pocket. "Noah's on his way to us."

He nods, but nothing more. I frowned at myself. The look on his face told me of his disappointment, and it made me feel bad. I hated disappointing my brother. Now I have to make it up to him. I wrapped my hands around one of his thick biceps and tugged him to a stop, and he did, turning to look at me. I began worrying my lower lip as I thought of what to say, then spotted something that might just remedy the situation and smiled, practically dragging him behind me. He opened his mouth, about to ask where I was dragging him, but stopped when he saw the Karaoke machine as we came to a stop.

I grabbed the two microphones, handing one to Luther. "Do something about it."

He looked at me for a long second, and I saw that little spark in his eye as he smiled. It was that same spark i'd seen in his eyes when we sang together. I smiled back, flipping through the songs. I found one that seemed fitting and pressed play. As soon as he realized the song, he smiled just a bit more:

I'm at war with the world and they
Try to pull me into the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms

It made me smile, hearing him sing again, being able to sing with him after so long. Now I wish i'd done it sooner.

It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last

A crowd had begun to gather, but neither one of us noticed. We were too busy singing and dancing to the music. It felt so good to sing again, it really had been too long. I missed the beat of music as reverberated through me, and the way my heart answered to it. I missed the way music made my pulse race and how infectious it could be towards others and how you could just get lost in the moment. As the song ended, everyone began to applaud, and I noticed people had their phones out. They'd been recording us. I shrugged. There was nothing I could about it, except bow with my brother and be swallowed up in a bear hug my brother gave me.

"Good job, little sister," he kissed me on the cheek.

"Same to you." I smiled.

Noah walked over to us with a giant smile on his face as he put his phone in his pocket. "Wow. You guys were amazing!"

"Thanks," I smile. "it's been a while, and it felt great to get back to singing."

"And what better place to do it then New York," he agreed. "I'm glad I was here to enjoy this with you guys."

"Us too," Luther said to my surprise. "so let's eat something to celebrate."

We all nodded our agreement and headed off to eat.

Spoiler! :
The name of the song they did was Awake and Alive by Skillet and you can check it out for yourself; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVbtek_Yh2E#aid=P-ER9lyJ0eY


We'd just finished eating and were heading over to the area where the contest was to be held. As we moved closer, we heard someone saying, "Raise your hand if you wanna sing! Raise your hand if you don't wanna sing! It doesn't matter, we're all singing!"

It sounded like Bradley, the one hosting this contest. Everyone was yelling and cheering and raising their hands like they'd lost their minds, and I loved it! They were genuinely excited about all of this. Weaving our way through the crowd, we listened as two girls sang like there was no tomorrow, as we found a good spot to claim. As the song ended, everyone clapped, including the three of us. Bradley walked up on stage to congratulate them.

"Okay, who's next?" her eyes scanned the crowd, landing on me.

Oh shit.

"Ahh, how about you pretty lady?" she pointed to me.

I looked to my left, then my right, then pointed to myself. She nodded. Dammit!I sighed, and Luther nudged me encouragingly. I turned to look at Noah, who gave me the thumbs up. "You've got it!!"

I shrugged with a little smirk, because I did have this. Walking up on stage, she handed me the microphone and asked me my name.

"Luna," I answered into the microphone. She smiled at me, and gave me a sideways hug before leaving the stage. The giant flat screen TV flashed, and then name after name flashed rapidly on the screen. Hm. It must be generating a random song. Instead of showing the name of the song, it just started to play, and I recognized it immediately. A giant smile lit up my face as I looked at Luther and Noah. The song began;

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me.

I remembered the first time I heard this song, I realized how much I could relate to it. I'd always wanted to sing it, and now I had the chance.

They hide just out of sight,
Can't face me in the light.
They'll return but I'll be stronger.

I let myself get swept away in sound of the music.

God, I want to dream again.
Take me where I've never been.
I want to go there.
This time I'm not scared.
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable.
No one can touch me.
Nothing can stop me.

I think about anything else, see anything else, hear anything, or feel anything else. All I thought about was the music, all I saw were the word, all I heard was the music, and all I felt was the rhythm of my heart and the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

As the song ended, I opened my eyes, not even aware that I'd closed them, and looked out into the crowd. There was a moment of silence before everyone erupted into a roaring and deafening applause, whistling and whooping like they'd lost their minds. I Looked for Luther in the crowd, and found him staring at me with a smile so proud I smiled back. Bradley pulled me off stage, her eyes shining so bright I thought she was crying, but no. It was just excitement and complete amazement.

"You were wonderful up there!!" she says elatedly.

"Thanks," I smiled, trying to calm my heart. "I'm still trying to come down from the adrenaline rush."

Luther and Noah appeared beside me as Jasmine said, "I want to sing with you."

I stared at her for a moment. "I'm sorry, I think I heard something crazy in my ear. Come again?"

"I want you to sing with me!" she smiled wide, turning toward the audience. "What do you think you guys? Should she sing with me?"

They all started screaming and cheering again, chanting sing! sing! sing! I ran my finger through my hair with a sigh and looked back at Bradley. "Why not?"

Spoiler! :
I hope you guys liked my post! Go big or go home, right? xD And here's the link to the other song Luna did; Unbreakable by Fireflight
Last edited by AlmondEyes on Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:59 pm
Sunshine says...


Remember that brief second where my life was all figured out?

It dies a terrible death.

I can't keep up with everything these people are throwing at me, and it makes me disgusted with the way my life has been lived. All these people... where is the goodness and humanity in them? Where is it in me? Why do I love a girl who, by all accounts, is hardly faithful to me? My head spins with the information, the life I don't really remember. It tastes foul and sour in my mouth, and I find myself, for the first time, not wanting to remember. One thing comes, spitting out from the sides of my swirling blender of doom; I'm surrounded by tramps.

Lena and Oliver hug me, but I hardly notice their hands at a grip around my shoulders. Will stays, and so he is the one I have to ask.

I want to ask you one question before I make you leave...Why do you sleep around?"


I know he knows what I'm asking, so I wait.

"I... don't sleep around"

"Jane? Lena? Avery?" These are the girls I know; or, at least, the girls I used to know.

"I didn't sleep with Lena..."

"Yeah, but you wanted to. William, why are you chasing after girls and still don't think you're a womanizer? Not only that, why are you chasing after girls that are in relationships? You've ruined people's lives, do you know that?"

You've hurt mine, I know that, and I still like you. Some part of me, somehow, still likes you. TELL ME WHY.

He can't answer. The look on his face is unabashedly confused, so lost in his own way that he couldn't possibly help me find my way in mind. I put my head down on the table. Is there an intelligent person left in this world for me to follow, someone with an erudite sense of wisdom?


Will touches my shoulder, but I don't look up. "Emmett, Emmett look at me." I look up and meet his eyes. "I don't want to be alone, I guess. I've... had a rough life, and I'm just... looking for someone to heal that gap, and I can't, so I just keep using temporary tape. I know I shouldn't, but I'm not-"

I interrupt him. "Then stop."


My hands are shaky and still raw. "Stop. Stay with that girl you are with now. Let things that are in the past stay there. If you can do it, maybe I can too."

"Emmett, people don't just change their ways. It doesn't happen like that."

"Not even Jane?" He's quiet. "That's what I've been trying to do, I know that. Events may be missing, but my ideas are the same. Trying to make her better, trying to see what I saw in her under that tree for ages, but I can't, I'm just not. I'm not, am I?"

"Emmett. I'll try, and I'm sure Harley... I mean, Harley is so great. I've never dated anyone so sweet and pure."

"An Emmett better than Emmett. You need to make it work, because that's proof for me that it can work."

"I can tr- I mean, I will."

I breathe, long and deep and hard, like a small weight has been lifted up off my chest. "Trust me, people don't need you to mess up their lives. They're awesome at doing that themselves."


"Maybe you should go now."


I don't watch him leave.

Aloneness feels so much better when I know the people I could be spending it with. I go to my room, check my credits online. I could, if I wanted to. Graduate and get out of here, start someplace where no one cares if I don't remember that my girlfriend slept with my friend, go someplace nice and new. Like Lacey, but braver.

Maybe I will.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:51 pm
Nike says...

Jasmine Bradley Urbaniak

Luna seemed to not believe what I had said. But, I just pulled her arm to the back of the stage and caught up with the music director, Sam. The only way I could find him in the crowded area was by noticing his extremely long hair that was in a braid down his back.

"Sam!" I called out.

Sam turned his head and smiled when he saw Luna. He likes new people, it's his thing. We walked over to him.

"We need to get Luna to sing at my next concert in Florida." I said.

Luna blinked once, this oddly unbelievable look on her face. "Come again?"

"Um, I guess we could fit her in. Why don't you guys sing here first so I could see how she'll do..." he had a deep voice.

"No problem," I smiled.

He nodded, heading back in the direction he was going. I walked back onto the stage with her, but before we could get on the stage, Luna pulled me aside. The small hallway was littered by people and sets of make-up and costumes and food.

"What are we going to sing..." she asked, very confident.

I guess she's keeping the starstruck inside until she gets home.

"Do you happen to know my newest song, Paranoid?" I asked.

She thought for a moment and then nodded. I smiled and pulled her back onto the stage. The crowd started to scream again once they saw us. A lot more people came in here, so it looked like a normal concert to me. Around fifty people we around, so, okay, a small concert.

"You know all the words too?" I whispered to her.

"Yeah, I do. I got this," she smirked.

Like I said, I love her spunk.

I took the microphone and smiled toward the crowd.

"Hey guys! We are back! We're gonna sing a duet to Paranoid!" and everyone got to screaming. "Come on! Cheer Luna on!"

"Luna! Luna! Luna!"

And the music started, which got us started.

William Franco

Emmett was right. What was I doing? Why did I just chase after something without taking everything into consideration? Did I want to turn into my father? No, I did not. That cheating son of a bitch. It's just that, I'm not married... so I thought breaking up and going to the girl is safe. It still hurts them though.

And I didn't notice.

He probably hates me. He hates Jane for sure. After what he just heard of her, he's probably not going to talk to her ever again. If I were him, I wouldn't. I'd be embarrassed. Only because she's hard to be with and she won't take help from anyone.

"Harley? Where are you?" I asked into the phone.

Wherever she was, it was loud. Some singing was going on. It sounded like a song Harley played for me a few days ago... Seattle, was it? By that Bradley chick? Ah, yes, it was. That's one of her favorite singers.

"Just at this charity event at the mall. It's karaoke with Bradley!" she got excited, yelling into the phone so I could hear.

"Oh, nice." I smiled. "Having fun?"


I shook my head. "Having fun?" I yelled.

"Oh, Yeah!"

"I'll be there in a few."


Next thing I knew, I was at the mall with Harley by my side. She was with one of her friends who seemed really nice. But, I had to talk to Harley alone for a moment, so I pulled her away from the stage and got us to the surprisingly empty food court. It was around five in the afternoon which meant only the people for the concert for here since the mall was closed. The music was dimmed and felt like an afterthought as we walked.

"It was so cool Will. I got to sing! I was so scared, but it was so fun. And I got to hug Bradley! Do you know how exciting that is? She's amazing." she gushed as she held my hand.

I looked over at her, taken away by the smile on her face. I haven't seen her smile like that before.

"Cool, she's cool." I said.

"Tell me about it," she sighed. "Wait," and then her smile faded, her grip loosening from my hand. We stopped walking and she looked at me. It was a look that cut my heart, she was scared. "Will, what's going on." it didn't even sound like a question.

Swallowing hard, I looked away from her for a moment. It was hard to tell her anything about me. I felt so selfish, but, she had to know. She doesn't deserve to be with a guy like me. Especially since I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I'm destroying lives a day at a time because I get bored, or, I fall for the help... or, I don't even know. She's such a great girl. I think I love her. But, I want her to decided if she should be with me, or move on. She deserves a guy who wouldn't potentially hurt her.

And since Lena came... I think that coma said something I didn't know.

"Will," she urged, her eyes got glassy. "Will, no... you're breaking up with me. I can feel it. Aren't you?" her bottom lip trembled.

I felt like my world was falling apart. Tears were trying to break free, but I wouldn't let them. Oh God, I love her.

"No, Harley, I'm not breaking up with you." I said.

She calmed down.

"I want to tell you about my life, Harley. And I want you to decided what to do about it."
Last edited by Nike on Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:08 pm
Ciblio says...


As we descended the stage, people clapped. For us. I couldn't help but smile.

When we got back to our spot, my pocket started vibrating. I pulled it out, and answered it.


Will. I could barely hear him over the music.

"..rley? Where are..?" I put my other hand on my ear, trying to hear him better.

He was wondering where I was. Huh.

"Just at this charity event at the mall. It's karaoke, with Bradley!" I had to raise my voice, just so he could hear me.

"Oh, nice." He paused. "Having fun?"

"What?" This was ridiculous. I needed somewhere quiet.

"Having fun?" He yelled, making me pull the phone away,


"I'll be there in a few." And he hung up.

After a while, he arrived, and pulled me away. I was slightly confused. Was something happening? Why didn't he just talk to me over the phone? No, no. I'm just over-thinking. Nothing's wrong.

"It was so cool Will. I got to sing! I was so scared, but it was so fun. And I got to hug Bradley! Do you know how exciting that is? She's amazing." My smile returned as I said so, and I took his hand, trying to calm the adrenaline pumping through my blood down.

He looked over at me, something passing through. I was right. Something's definitely wrong..

"Cool..she's cool."

"Tell me about it," I sighed. "..wait," I let my smile fade, and started to release his hand. We halted, and I couldn't push the feeling that I did something wrong. "Will, what's going on.."

His eyes darted away from me, and for a long while, he was silent.

"Will," I tried to get him to look at me. "Will, no...you're breaking up with me. I can feel it. Aren't you?"

I couldn't see his face fully, but I saw enough to know that he was getting a little...emotional.

"No, Harley, I'm not breaking up with you.."

My heart beat slowed immediately, and I took a step closer to him, staring up at him for an answer.

"I want to tell you about my life, Harley. And I want you to decide what to do about it." Will flicked his eyes over to mine, and my heart melted.

A single tear had escaped, leaving a trail down his left cheek. I wiped it away, and took his hand again.

"Will...I don't care about your past." I tried, even though I kind of did care.

"I want you to know, though. You should know. You deserve to know who I am. Who I was." His eyes were pleading, and I couldn't refuse.

I led him to a bench, and sat down, watching as he sat next to me.

"Okay. Just...tell me." I tried to make my voice as soft as possible, but the silence was killing me. I wanted to go back to the room with the music, and dance until my legs would no longer keep me up. But, this was more important.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:17 am
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TinyJarStoredDreams says...


I watched as Harley ran off the stage and towards someone off int he crowd. I sighed and hopped down off the stage my heart still beating through my shirt and into my skull. I smiled to myself and walked over to a small hallway where I sat down on the hard floor and tried to calm myself before I had a panic attack.

"Hey," I heard a male voice from my left.

I looked over to see a tall man around twenty with gorgeous green eyes and brown hair sitting next to me. I smile at him politely and take notice of how his hands stick casually out of his jeans pockets and how he keeps looking quickly over at me and then away again.

"I'm CJ," I say not wanting to know exactly what my name is yet.

"Luke," He replies standing up with a soft sigh, "wanna go get a drink or something?"

I nod and let him help me up as he guides me to a small bar next door. He sits me down at a small table and instantly we are served with two draft beers. He must be a usual.

"You did great on stage." Luke says pushing his brown hair back into its perfect quiff.

"Thanks," I say softly twisting the drink around in between my hands.

I look down at my drink and see a small floating object hovering in the ice. Roofies. I smile politely at Luke once again pulling my revealing tank top up a bit over my chest.

"I have to use the bathroom real quick." I stand and brush a hand across his shoulder before dashing into the small toilet.

I instantly crack open the window and escape out. I land on the street and sprint back into the stadium and look for Harley.

God, maybe New York isn't where your dreams become alive.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:13 am
ChocoCookie says...

Spoiler! :
So sorry guys! YWS wouldn't let me post. =((

Lena Crystal

As soon as I saw Will, it hit me. The coma, the way he told me how much he loved me and chaos he made. All for me. My stomach gave a lurch. No. No Lena, you can't tell him you like him. He's leading his life with someone else now-Harley. That's what Jane told me when I asked how Will was.

And I had to pretend. All for him. Talk to him like I didn't care anymore and that we're just friends. If I stammer or stay quiet and listen to him, he would catch that I like him. He knew me too well. So I had to change the way I think and act in front of him.

Anyway, that's in the past now. Right now, I was more worried about Jane. I knew it wasn't her mom who called but Chandler. I knew it from the looks of it. I hope everything was okay. Poor thing, she was so confused. Was it Emmett or Chandler? She never knew.

I didn't know where to go next. I was in the middle of the road. Its been so long since I was here. And I've pretty much lost contact with half my friends. Maybe I should just hit the mall maybe. Yeah, that might just be it. I heard there was going to be a concert. But who's, that I didn't know.

I decide to call Jane anyway. Maybe she'll like to accompany me.

"Hello?" I hear her voice vibrate through the phone.

"Jane! Where are you?" I ask.

"I...um." I know she's hesitating to tell me. "With Chandler?"

"Oh. Well, alright then. Talk to you later." I knew I shouldn't bother her. She had her problems.

"Sorry, Lena. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"Sure. Bye."

I rest my head on the seat of my car. So, it'll just have to be me I guess.

I park my car into the lot and get out of the car, making sure I lock it. I can hear loud music blaring out of the mall and lights changing colors every few seconds. It looked fun inside. As soon I walk into the mall, there are thousands of people pushing me out but I manage to squeeze in. So. Crowded. ICantBreath. I have to get to the front. I walk through and finally get to the front.


I couldn't believe it. She was here. What was she doing here? This is so awesome! I see a few girls up on the stage singing to karaoke and they seemed to be enjoying it. I smile. This evening didn't turn out that bad. But I need to go somewhere quiet. It was too crowded and I didn't really like crowds much. It made me feel sick and dizzy.

I walk out and go to get some water. I head to a food counter and grab a bottle of water. I stand there until I gulp some down and get a grip on myself. I look around at the crowd. It was wild here. I wish I could be like normal people.

I notice two people squeezing themselves out of the crowd. Oh, shit shit shit shit. It was Will with some girl who I'm guessing is Harley. I needed to get out. I cannot let him see me. I run behind the food counter and sit down there. It was the only thing I could think of at the moment.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:35 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

"So, what's up? Why are you acting so distant...?" Chandler asked.

We were at his place, the music was blasting and people were dancing around us. The only place we could sit down was the couch that happened to be in the center of the dancing area, the living room. My feet were sore already and I wasn't on the mood to party in the middle of the day.

"Chandler... everything's fine! I'm just tired." I smiled.

He rose an eyebrow at me and I sighed. Nothing was fine. Ever since I saw him dealing with drugs the other day... nothing is right anymore. Noah told me about it and then I actually saw it.

It was last night at around eleven. I came back from a movie and walked into the back alley way so I could get into my apartment from the back. And there he was with this dude, handing him a bag of cocaine. He took two hundred dollars from the guy and the guy dashed off the other way. I waited until he went back into the building for me to go in.

"Come on, let's go to my room."

We got to his room and he locked the door for our privacy, but that made me scared. People locking me in with them was never good. My heart was racing as I tapped my jean pocket to see if my phone was there. It was.

He walked over to me and placed his hand under my chin, lifting it just slightly so I could look up at him. His lips looked so inviting. I guess he was thinking the same as he leaned into me, laying his lips against mine. It felt right, and normal, and as if he wasn't a bad guy. I placed my hands on his waist and kissed him back. My mind was empty of thoughts as we kissed.

But then I felt something in his jean pocket, it was small but felt like small pills in a bag. I immediately pulled away, taking the bag with me. He looked at me, eyes wide in shock as I stuck the bag in his face. For a second, he just stood there, staring at the bag as if he had no idea what it was.

"You are a drug dealer." I huffed. "How could you do this?"

"I-I-I'm not," he stammered, not even looking at me.

"Yes you are. I saw you, yesterday, behind out apartment block. So, don't lie."

He ran his hands through his hair and leaned his head back for a moment. Holding this bag felt like my hand was on fire, so I threw it across the room, toward the bedroom door.

"I didn't tell you because you didn't have to know, Janey." his eyes met mine, making breathing difficult.

"Why?" I hissed.

"Jane... it's not even serious."

I placed my hands on my hips, feeling wrath take over my body. "Once you deal, you can never get out. I know this because I've been with people like that. Some want to leave so desperately but can't. Why are you even doing this? I thought you had a job at the airport?"

He stepped closer to me, running his hand over my cheek. It felt so hostile and sick, I had to pull away. Once I did, a hurt expression ran over his face for a second.

"I do, but it's extra cash... and... I've been doing this since I was sixteen. It's hard to get out of it." he replied in a kind voice which made my fists clench.

"I told you so." I paused. "and... Chandler, I can't be with someone like you."

There was a second of him just taking my words in then his reaction. It was like he was going to slap me. I felt the urge in him and saw his fingers straighten out then clench into a fist. It made my heart skip a beat. No man should ever hit a woman. I was only with one guy who ever hurt me. Drake.

Chandler wouldn't hurt me. He was Oliver's friend. He was a good guy. Maybe he was high and wasn't thinking straight. But the tension between us was so thick, I thought I wouldn't have air to breathe soon.

"Why not? It's not like I mix business with pleasure. You are away from the drugs, and baby... I love you." something was off about him. "I love you Jane. You can't leave me. Don't you love me?"

I couldn't speak. I had no answer. And within those few seconds of me staring at him and not replying, his face got red. Embarrassment? Anger? Who knows. But his eyes told a whole other story. They were calm, like no emotion was swimming in them.

I'm not the one to fall for the danger, well, anymore that is.

"Chandler..." I sighed but he cut me off.

"Okay, so you can forgive Drake for his bad actions, but not me?"


"How is he any better than I am? He hurt you, Jane. You weren't any different back then. You were a whore. A drunk. And you cared for no one. When did you become so... stiff? Why are you so different? It was easy with you. You were like a whore house in one person. You took drugs too." what he was saying was not getting to me.

I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing so fast. Jesus, I was having a panic attack. I was having a panic attack. Sweat trickled down my neck as my eyes darted from his face to the window behind him.

"I didn't take drugs, that was one thing I never did." I replied weakly.

A smirk lined his face. "Oh, is that all you've got to defend yourself with? You forgot about that time with hit up some Mary?"

"We?" I thought aloud.

"Yeah, we, my darling. You don't remember me from Lincoln? Chandler Riverside. Hot jock with the drug friend that was in love with his girlfriend and I would do anything to get her. Yeah, I loved a whore because she was a whore and I knew she was good inside. I just thought she'd be more understanding and do stuff with me." his voice was so not his voice, it was evil and venomous.

No words came out of my mouth. I actually felt like I wasn't even me right now. I didn't want anyone to know my past. Only Lena knows because of Drake. And Oliver because I told him. But no one else should know.

Chandler looked terrifying at the moment with his evil smirk. His height wasn't attractive, just dominating.

"Baby, you're going to have sex with me before you dump me. Actually, I will dump you for how bad you are at blowing me. So take off your panties, unless I will." that's what his eyes will filled with, sex.

I didn't move, so, he ran his fingers down my jean zipper and slid them behind my underwear. When his fingers hit my skin, it felt like it was on fire. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want him anywhere near me, and I couldn't move.

What I did was slap his hand away, which just made him laugh and throw me onto the bed. My body hit the mattress with a slap as pain rushed down my back. He jumped on top of me and licked my lips. Ugh. My heart was racing. I pushed him away, but he just got on top of me. My pants were off, and so was my underwear. I didn't even notice until he got down on me, slipping his tongue to where I really didn't want him to.

I was crying. Crying silently so he wouldn't hear. I had to brace through this. I couldn't stop him, I was too weak. This wasn't pleasurable, this was sick. I felt like my vagina was being filled with poison, each thrust being a shot with a bullet, sending pain everywhere.

"Please stop!" I cried out, giving up. "STOP!"

"Shut up, bitch." he went harder, for more pain.

"AHHHHH!" I yelled.

I was scared, cause I felt him slap his hand across my face. My eyes were shut just as the impact came, sending tingles down my cheek. And he went back to sticking his wand in my hat. At the same time, he had his mouth at my breasts. Yes, he peeled all the clothes off of me.

"Aye, man! What's going on in there?!" A guy called from the door.

Before I could scream, Chandler out his hand on my mouth.

"Just having sex, she's pretending!" he yelled back.

"Oh, man, you're doing the rape act and she likes it? That's a first!" I heard a laugh and some walking.

I bit his hand, but all he did is thrust harder into me, making my body feel like it was being chopped in half.

Spoiler! :
I know. It's a little um, sexual, but this I had to explain. This post is a little long.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:01 pm
Nike says...

William Franco

Once I told Harley everything, she didn't reply. She had he hand intertwined with mine, and just squeezed, looking at me. I did love her, and I knew she had to love me. But after what I told her, I somehow knew that this was over.

"Will, I love you." she sighed, which made me smile just a bit.

She smiled in return. "I think you need a break from relationships. You've been through a lot and I realized... I can't help you. You have to help yourself." Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she spoke.

"I want to help you Will." she gasped. "But, I can't. You want to be with someone temporarily until you get the one. I get it. And you want to heal the wounds with bad tactics. I'm not going to be here to watch it. I'm just one of those girls."

I slipped my hand out of hers and placed my hands on his shoulders. This made her eyes meet mine.

"Harley, you aren't one of those girls. I don't need anyone else but you." I sighed, feeling my heart break as she shook her head.

"But I'm not the one, Will." she paused. "Lena is."

This made me silent and just stare at her. What did she say?

"Lena is the one for you, Will. Don't you see that? In your coma you two were together. In middle school, when you guys were best friends, you loved her. She was the dream girl you never had. And you forgot about her just so you can move on. Your coma brought back the love. And you don't want to believe it because you don't want to think you're in a coma again. Will, don't be stupid." it's like that confidence in her beat her sadness.

When she spoke, her voice was strong. It scared me. Her eyes met mine and all I wanted to do was kiss her. But, I looked away because I knew she didn't want it. When I looked away though, I saw something. Someone was hidden behind a counter. It's probably a hobo. So, I looked back at Harley.

"But Harley, I love you." I whispered.

She shook her head once again, pushing my hands off of her. "You don't mean that."

"Yes, yes I do."

"No, Will. I'm not Lena."

I sighed. "That doesn't matter. She isn't my girl, you are."

She stood up from the bench, whipping her tears with the back of her hand. I stood up after her, pulling her arm. Turning toward me, I held her in my arms and pressed my lips against hers. She protested for a second, but then fell into it.

After a moment, it was pure bliss, but then she pulled away. My arms felt cold once she started to walk away. My heart was cracking.

"Harley," I called out.

Nothing, she just disappeared around the corner. So, I sat back down on the bench and held my head in my hands. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

She was the one I loved. And she left me. All because of some stupid coma. I hated myself.

I was in love with Lena in muddle school. But I moved on when I knew that wasn't going to happen. And the coma was just mind playing me. Unless, it just brought up loves that never happened. My next coma will probably be Emma Watson.

Why would she leave me? I loved her.

Well, I did think about how I felt something for Lena. And my coma might have been telling me that she was someone I was supposed to be with and that I should recognize that when I wake up. Maybe that was true.

I don't know anymore.


I lifted my head and saw her. Standing just beside me with her eyes so glassy and her lips, I couldn't stop looking at them. She sat down next to me, placing her arm over my shoulders, pulling me close. Her touch made me feel welcome.

"What happened?" she asked, gently.

Her voice. I loved her voice.

"I don't know... Harley... she..." I took a deep breathe. "She broke up with me."

There was a shift between us as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Was there a reason?"

I didn't want to tell her because, well, it'd make things really awkward. She's my best friend, and he knowing that... it's not important. She knows about the coma, but about anything else, she doesn't.

"No reason," I sighed.

"There has to be one, she had to tell you."

I paused. "Fine. She said that she wasn't the one for me, you were. She said that I was in love with you but was too blind to see it." it was the easiest thing for me to say.

Lena pulled away, looking at me with wide eyes. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat there, looking at the tiled floors.

"Why would she say that? It's not true." she replied, her voice unconvincing.

"Well, because... I am in love with you. I've loved you since middle school."

Spoiler! :
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:17 pm
Nike says...

Oliver Hemingway

It's twelve at night. Jane isn't home. She said she would be. Chandler isn't answering my calls, neither is Jane. I'm getting horribly worried. So worried I am about to call Will's uncle, John, to go looking for her. I'm not the only one in panic mode, her mother is.

"Where could she be that has no reception?" she asked.

"I don't know... I should drive around."

"No, then you'll get lost or kidnapped like her or something."

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. She sat at the couch, dialing up Jane's phone again and calling her.

"I'll go to Chandler's. It's in the second building. Maybe she's there watching a movie or something." I explained.

"But wouldn't she answer her damn phone?" she asked.

"I don't know..." before I could finish my sentence though, my phone rang.

I picked it put of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Emmett Lopez. What, was he worried now? I couldn't answer his millions of questions! I had no answers to them. I answered it anyway.

"Hello, Oliver." I sighed.

"Oliver, hi. It's me, Emmett Lopez." so formal.


"It's about Jane..." I knew it.

"Look, I have no idea where she is or why she isn't answering her phone." I said.

"No, no. It's not that. She just came to my house. She's shaking and crying and sobbing... I don't know what to do. She said she got raped by her boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend though, right? I didn't rape her." he sounded scared, his voice shook as he spoke.

"Was she cheating on me? Why was she raped? I don't know what to do..."

I couldn't think properly. Chandler raped her? She didn't voluntarily have sex with him? Well, if she's saying she got raped, then she got raped. But why? How?

I slid the phone into my pocket and ran up to the front door, grabbing my car keys and running out the door. I heard Jane's mum say something but I didn't listen, my heart was racing and I was running. Making it to my car, I hopped in and drove.


Back at Emmett's place. Jane was on his bed, sobbing. Her jeans were covered in blood. I spoke to her as best as I could and she said she was on her period, but that wasn't that blood. He had sex with her while she was on her period? That's sick. Especially since he raped her at that.

"First thing tomorrow, you're going to the doctor. Now, take a shower and stay here." I said.

"I should go... home." she sobbed.


He was standing by the bedroom door, biting on his bottom lip. This was a first for him. Not only was Emmett Jane's ex boyfriend, he was her best friend. As was I and Lena. But, at this moment, she needed him and he wasn't there. They were ex's before the accident and if he were okay, they would be together now and none of this would have happened.

I looked over at Jane. He make-up was smeared on her face. There was white, sticky stuff in her hair. We don't need to confirm what that is. She was shaking. I had my arms around her, clutching her so she would stop, but she wouldn't.

"I'll take you home, Janey. You can sleep with me." I whispered into her ear.

I felt her nod against my chest in reply.

"Emmett, I'll take her home. Thank you for calling me." I said.

"Oh, okay. You'll take care of her, right?"

"Of course. I'll call you in the morning."

Pulling her up, I lead her down the room. We got to the first floor as quietly as possible and slipped out the front door, headed toward my car.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:09 pm
Ciblio says...


The look on William's face when I was turning away...broke me.

As soon as I turned the corner that separated us, I let the rest of the tears fall, and went to find Cali.

She was roaming around, looking for me. I drug her to the car, not talking at all, and got in.

After it was started, and we were driving down the road, Cali broke the silence.

"What the hell, Harley?!" Her words weren't harsh, but they weren't soft, either.

I didn't say anything.

After a few minutes, I pulled over to a small convenient store, and turned off my car.

I tried to look calm, but more tears escaped.

"What? What happened?" Cali asked.

She found a tissue in the middle console, and wiped away the salty liquid that stained my cheeks temporarily.

"...I...broke up with him.." I managed to say.

Was this really for the best? What was I supposed to do now?

"Oh, Lee.." The old nickname made me smile, but didn't stop the tears from coming.

Cali pulled me into a hug. "Why don't we go get a whole bunch of ice cream, and watch The Proposal? I have it on Blu-ray."

I laughed quietly, and pulled away.

"Do you want me to drive?" She asked, laying a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I nodded once, and watched her climb out, and make her way over to my side. I climbed over into the passenger side seat.

"We can go to Braums and get the mint chocolate ice cream, the ones that come in tubs. You know? Then we can go to my place." She said, as she buckled her seatbelt.

".thanks, Cal."

As she pulled out of the drive way, she turned on the radio. "No problem, girly."

Spoiler! :
Sorry about the short post. I didn't have much time.
Last edited by Ciblio on Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


The Twelve Makeovers of Haircules is the stuff of legend. He defeated the Erymanthian Beard. One could say it was a hair raising adventure.
— KateHardy