
Young Writers Society

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Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:18 pm
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Messenger says...

Paul sighed. "Miss Kaya, do you realize that Torkan here," he pointed at the man, "was in the process of speaking. I would ask that all of you be silent and let him get a word in if he so chooses."

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Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:55 pm
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ajruby12 says...

(She muttered it..)
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:20 pm
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Cailey says...


A series of action swept past me too quickly, I almost felt dizzy at the pace of events unfolding before my eyes. Eventually all of the masked men were somewhere on the floor, and the strange group remaining were huddled near the glass panels.

I waited curiously while they spoke to each other, one girl's voice rising angrily and then her eyes filling with liquid just moments later. One of the younger members of the group, a boy, tried to speak in a calming voice, and I could tell that he was becoming somewhat of a leader, though maybe it was just because he seemed to fit in a little better than the rest of us. Him and the girl with the raising voice.

I tried to catch their names, Lorcan and Paul, and then turned to the others. Everyone else looked like they belonged in the kingdom where I'd grown up. I noticed swords, bows, and a dagger in one man's belt.

"Torkon," I heard my name and tried to bring my focus back to the situation in hand. I smiled, a reassuring gesture to hide the turmoil in my thoughts.

"I thought, at first, that every event that has taken place this day are mere figments of my scattered brain. However, even with all my years of traveling and learning, I could not have imagined such a scenario as this. I believe that we are all real, as strange as it may seem that we are gathered here together in such a strange place.

"What I understand from your conversation, this land is foreign to all of us, except young miss Lorcan here. Perhaps she can help us?"
I turned to the girl, who was raising her eyebrows like I'd lost my mind.
"I believe something greater is happening here today, and these masked men are merely a distraction to blind us from whatever is really happening."

And, as impossible as it seemed, as I spoke the words, I dared to hope that perhaps Kaira waited at the end with the answers to the strange events. I could only hope...
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:23 pm
PeanutPhoebe says...

Selena sighed with frustration. They did not seem to be getting anywhere nor doing anything about the situation. Calmly, she decided to attempt taking control of the situation, as she would have in her own kingdom. Stepping forward, she began to speak.

"Mr. Torkon, while I fully believe that your idea is a sensible one, I don't think that Ms. Lorcan here is willing to assist anyone. Neither does she seem grateful for the help she was given in this difficult experience. I would suggest that we take advantage of the information we have obtained to handle our state of affairs. Now, I believe that Lorcan said we are in Milford, Indiana, with a population of five hundred, and located in the Fifty States of America. More information as to where we are or what time period we have been pulled into would most certainly be helpful. I don't suppose any of you have anything else you could add to that?"
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Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:40 pm
Cailey says...


"Wait," Torkon stepped forward and ran a hand through his hair, feeling suddenly exhausted. "First of all, how did you all get here? What is the last thing you remember before showing up in this strange place? For I believe it is strange to us all." Torkon considered how much of his story to tell.

"I fell through a hole," Paul answered, and again I respected the young man for taking control and speaking up in an attempt to reform communication.

"I suppose it was something like that for me, too," Torkon added, "though I fell through the ocean. I couldn't see a hole, but it was like suddenly the ocean was swallowing me."

"Like some kind of tunnel," someone said, and Torkon nodded.

"And if the tunnel led us here, then there must have been some reason. What is there here in this Milford, Indiana that could have sucked us all through some sort of tunnel from our worlds into this one?"

Of course no one had an answer to provide, but Torkon had expected the silence. "Perhaps we should leave this building?" Torkon had noticed the other people staring in shock and confusion still. But he knew they would not be still long, and he didn't want to face their questions; he had enough of his own.

"Please, Lorcan," he said, turning to the girl who was now shaking her head in disbelief. "Can you please tell us somewhere safe to discuss these events and decide on a new course of action? You don't need to come with us, just tell us where we can talk in privacy. Please."
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:21 pm
thelostone says...


"Like I said, I don't work for free." I shrugged. "But I'm feeling particularly nice today so I'll take you to casa de Lorcan."

I headed towards the door and turned around before I walked out. "Just one condition, no being weird. You'll draw attention and I really don't need that, okay? Let's go."

I walked in front of them for the small journey to my apartment. I ignored the whispers coming from behind me and kept my chin up. When we got to the apartment building I held my finger up to my mouth signalling for them to shut up. I led them to the back of the building and inserted one of the keys I stole from my neighbors into the slot. The back door swung open and went up the stair case.

When we reached the top floor I stood on my tip toes and grabbed the key I kept on the top of the door frame. I shoved it in the key hole and opened the door. My apartment lacked furniture but it had a fridge and a bathroom so it worked.

"Here. Welcome to Casa De Lorcan." I gestured to the room.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:39 pm
PeanutPhoebe says...

Celestia stepped in, glad that Lorcan seemed to have regained her manners. She dragged behind her the two still masked men, tied and gagged, whom she had attached to a rope from her saddlebag. She had found the bag where she'd dropped, although there was no sign of SilverStreak.

"Thank you, Lorcan, for deciding to help us. I know most of you would have rather left these wicked men where they were, but I believe an inquisition would be wise. But first, I suggest we start over as far as introductions and explanations go, since many of us have misunderstood each other in that area.

My name is Princess Celestia Selena of Genovia. However, I would appreciate being called Selena, and only Selena, no 'Your Highness' 's and things. I do not like being treated as one's better. I was out for a ride with my horse Silverstreak at dawn this morning, if it is still the same day, when we spotted a strange appearance. On a floating curtain type-thing, I saw a moving picture. It had all of you, standing outside the building, as well as a large crowd, beckoning me. My mare and I, as if drawn to this strange scene, kept walking and went straight into the screen. Of course, that specific scene never happened, but I believe it was bait to bring me here. After walking into the screen, Silverstreak disappeared and I felt myself being pulled down and forward simultaneously. I was surrounded by a strange blue light. Then, I fell hard to the ground and was blinded for a moment until I collided with Paul here. And the rest you all know, it is history."

She looked around, surprised that the faces were not astonished, but understanding. They all seemed to have had a similar experience.

"Now, would one of you mind giving your account?"

She looked around, expectantly waiting for someone to volunteer. Finally, Paul stepped forward to speak.

Spoiler! :
@TheMessenger, take it away!!
Keep Writing!


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Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:38 pm
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ajruby12 says...


I stood up and cleared my throat. "I was thrown here by a wizard, who meant to just send this small girl through. He may have known where the portal was going or perhaps he didn't and just had some quarrel with her. But I believe that we have all been pulled here by some force, for some purpose, either to their good or ours. And it's up to us to find out who is responsible for this and find his intentions..." I crossed my arms and waited for the reply, which I knew would come.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:33 pm
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Cailey says...


The others returned to the topic previously addressed as they continued to mull over their strange arrivals. However, Torkon did not believe that the specific details of the event mattered. He did not think that the difference of a moving picture or a tunnel in the ocean mattered, so he didn't waste time talking it over with the others. On the way to the building he had taken care to observe the other people they passed.

Now he tried to blend in more, taking off his cape and removing his sword. He didn't feel safe in any way, but he felt that the danger was one that a bar of metal wouldn't be able to fend off.

Torkon wore a white button up shirt over his dark trousers. He felt more able to blend in without the cloak, but he hadn't seen anyone else wearing boots, and the thick leather seemed out of place. However, he didn't bother with them, instead making his way over to where Lorcan was standing just a little ways away from the group.

"Can you tell me more about this place?" He asked, walking over to the window and leaning his forehead against the pane of glass.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:40 pm
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Messenger says...

Paul had planned on saying something, but decided not to. He didn't think that how they had arrived here mattered. After all, they were here and had no idea how to get back. He noticed that the girl named Selena, had brought two of the masked men, with her. Maybe they'll know something.

He walked over to where they were leaning against the wall. One of them -the one on the right- was awakening. Paul placed his musket on the ground, a safe ways away, and then knelt down.

"What's your name?"

The man's face was covered, but Paul watched his eyes. They were yellow in color, and they didn't look human, and were like cold steel. He's not going to talk easily.

"Look, I won't hesitate to kill you. I'm really confused as to how I got here, and I will do just about anything to get back to where I come from." It was only partially true, but the man didn't know it. Paul could use fear to his advantage.

Paul yanked his black mask off, tossing it away. He noticed that everyone was watching expectantly.

"OK, we can do this two ways," Paul said, pursing his lips. " One, you tell me who you are, where you came from, what you were doing, and if you know how I could get back."

Paul stood, pacing back and forth, hands clasped behind his hand. The man said nothing.

"Or, I can just kill you and ask your friend. He may be more willing to speak."

The man looked at the floor. Paul yanked the man's head up by his hair, ignoring his scream, shoving his tomahawk hard against his neck. He spoke in a cold, gritty,, low tone.

"I will kill you."

The man's eyes remained cold. Paul knew he was trying to frustrate him, He couldn't let it happen.

"so, do we just sit here? No! We don't! You die if you don't talk."

Paul pushed the blade of his weapon harder, expecting to draw just enough blood to break the man's nerve. But instead of blood, the skin was merely scraped off to reveal green . . . scales?

Paul's voice was barely a whisper. "What in the world?"

He heard the intakes of breaths behind him. That's when the . . . monster, or whatever it was, smiled fiercely to reveal a row of yellow, sharp teeth. Paul barely had time to swing upward as he stumbled back, just as the monster snapped at him. The blade sliced upward, burying into the monster's chin. This time blood spurted out profusely as the creature howled fiercely.

Paul stepped back, yanking his weapon away. The creature's head shook back and forth violently as it died in agony, letting out a gurgling whimper, and then it's head finally went limp. Paul realized that he had been holding his breath, and he let it out, his heart slowing down. Something was majorly wrong.

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:56 am
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PeanutPhoebe says...

Seeing the strange turn of events, Selena swiftly covered the other man, or monster, whichever he was, with her bow. Hoping that he would be fearful of death, she moved closer intimidatingly. He was silent, and she suspected he might be more willing to talk.

"Now," she said, still pointing her weapon at him. "Seeing how your friend here died pretty easily, why don't you agree to tell us all you know about how we came here, who your leader is, and why he wants us. If you don't, I'll show you how fast this arrow can fly."

He growled, revealing his own sharp yellow teeth. How any of them, even her, had not seen that these were not truly men, Celestia didn't know. Quickly jumping closer to him, she tickled his throat with her dagger. Gulping, he relented. In a low, beastly voice, he began.

"Our leader was killed by this boy who has also murdered my comrade." He said, pointing at Paul. "He was the one who pointed the gun at the girl."

Selena pushed the dagger closer and spoke back in an equally quiet voice. "I don't mean the robbery leader, you idiot, the highest person of your group, the one who commanded that you break into that building."

The lizard's eyes grew cold. With a steely voice, he replied. "That information cannot be given out to peasants such as you."

Pushing the dagger so close she drew blood, Celestia spoke threateningly. "I will give you until morning, if you do not give me the information I seek then, you shall die.
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Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:12 am
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TNCowgirl says...


Tara wasn't sure about this new world. There were loud things moving around the hard black roads on wheels she had never seen before. She wasn't sure what was going on and half the people were dressed so oddly. She felt like a sore thumb shinning bright red for everyone to gawk at. When they got to where the girl lived she was confused by the device that allowed her access to the building and then the stairs were made of a weird material that Tara had never seen before either. It was almost like everything was brand new at this place, nothing was like what she remembered. The glass in the window seemed thicker than she was used to and they seemed so high up with so many people moving around below them.

When Paul killed the creature she frowned trying to think if she had ever seen anything that looked like that. She knew she hadn't, she had faced so really scary things, but never had see faced something like that. It was like it was able to put something else's skin on it'self and hide who it was. The other guy started to wake up and the other girl started talking to him. There were other ways to have gone about it, but Tara kept her mouth shut. She wasn't sure they had time for a waiting game as it was. When Celestia moved away from the creature Tara moved over to her.

"We may not have until morning, honestly we may have to force him to talk now." She said crossing her arms and looking at the lizard. "Who knows what is going on and I'm sure he has a better idea than we do. For all we know we are in danger and the last thing we need is to be trapped in a place like this with very few ways out. So I think we need to get the information out of him."

She looked over at Paul and the rest of the group.

"I don't know where any of you come from, but in my world the nicest of all the bad guys are the pirates and even they have no problem taking a knife to every soft spot in your body until you tell them what they want. Time could very well be a luxury that we don't have."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:17 am
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Messenger says...

The monster shifted, and Paul wasn't surprised. After all, a dagger at your throat wasn't a nice feeling, but when your friend had just been killed beside you, it could help move things along. However, Paul realized that his arms were moving behind his back.

Paul quickly reached back behind him and clasped something cold and metallic. The monster chomped at him, but he was ready, and sent a fist crashing into the creature's throat. It choked and coughed, growling as Paul stepped back triumphantly holding the metal thing.

The boy looked it over. It was a few inches wide in each direction, there were soft red things that could be pressed down, and a shiny piece of glass that changed colors and popped up what looked like a foreign language. Paul pressed a blue soft thing in the middle, and the metal rectangle began to buzz. Startled, Paul dropped it.

"what is this?" he yelled, raising his tomahawk in a throwing position.

The creature nodded and smiled viciously. "streh uthdoge mutiue grostuhna."

Paul blinked, surprised that -although in a foreign language- the creature had actually responded.

"Speak in the Traiban tongue . . . oh wait, you probably have no idea what that means." Paul stuck his tomahawk in his belt. Look, I can't really control these other people's actions. So, if you don't speak to us, then you may very well die."

The monster chuckled. "I have failed my mission, but you have helped greatly in letting me tell my master. Gues trorth!"

The monster pulled itself to its feet, and rammed Selena over. Tare responded in an instant, pulling out her whip and snapping it on the creature's back. It howled, but charged straight at her. Paul realized that she was in the way of the door.

Torkan turned form where he had been standing by the the thick glass windows, and rammed into the monster, just before it reached Tara. Kaye fired her bow in a second, and the arrow buried itself in the back of the creature's head, killing it instantly.

Paul constrained his anger. "There goes our one chance of maybe finding out something about what's going on." He picked up the metal thing. "What is this?"

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:09 am
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Cailey says...


Before Lorcan could respond to Torkon's question, the boy, Paul, began speaking to the two masked men. Torkon cursed himself for not thinking to speak to the men himself. He had only seen the one, dragged along behind the princess like a discarded doll. He had been sure he was dead and the girl had only brought it to search his body.

Of course, now the creature looked very much alive, and Torkon watched as the others spoke to it. He didn't want to get involved, even after Paul's knife dug itself into the one monster's throat. He waited to see who would kill the next one, because with Kaya, Tara, Paul and Selena all posed and ready with weapons extended, he was sure the monster would die eventually. The only question was whether or not the creature would speak first.

And then it was up, charging for... Torkon spotted the door instantly, and pushed his body away from the window and into the creature's body. The impact was shattering, and both Torkon and the monster groaned with the force of the impact.

Then the monster went limp, falling forward onto Torkon. The young man heaved upward, knocking the creature off of himself an staring at the arrow protruding from its scaly head.

"Nice shot," he murmured to Kaya, who still held her bow up and had already fitted another arrow into the slot, just in case. "No need for that," Torkon said with a little bit of a smile, "You got it perfectly."

Of course, Paul was correct in saying that the monster had been there chance. Still, they had the object, whatever it was. Perhaps they could figure it out. Before standing, Torkon shifted to inspect the creature. He had never seen anything like it before, though it seemed to belong in the ocean.

"It seems like something bread to kill," he said quietly, slicing his finger on one of the sharp teeth. He covered the wound quickly, holding the skin to make the bleeding stop. "There is nothing like this in my world."

"Well it certainly isn't from my world," Lorcan said, sounding slightly defensive.

Torkon turned around the room, "Paul? Kaya? Tara? Taggar? Selena? It must have come from somewhere..." Paul had begun inspecting the object, and was asking Torkon to come and help him figure out what it was. He obliged, but his mind was distracted, and as Paul mulled over his theories for the object, Torkon's eyes kept jumping to the creature.

Kaya and Tara were looking it over, and Taggar and Selena were inspecting the other one, but Torkon wanted to join them. He didn't know why he felt so drawn to the creature, but for whatever reason it continued to steal his attention away from the object, and Paul was getting frustrated.

"I'm sorry." Torkon said after accidentally dropping the metal object. "I don't know... I just... I don't feel well. I'm going to go stand outside. I think I need a little bit of fresh air."

Torkon didn't wait for an answer before hurrying out of the room and standing on the staircase taking deep breaths. "Maybe I am going mad after all," he whispered to himself.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:51 am
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Messenger says...

The lord was startled awake in his royal bedchamber, by a voice. It seemed faint. He looked around, rubbing his eyes, shoving away the silk blankets and climbing out of his plush and comfortable bed. He strained to figure out where the voice was coming from. Then he realized it was on his writing desk.

Groggily walking over, pulling his sleep robe tight, he clasped the metal object. A universally-reaching walkie-talkie. He communicated with his troops through it. Now it seemed that one of them was speaking. He held it to his ear.

"Gues trorth!"

That's not good.

"Hello?" he said, lighting a candle on his desk and sitting down on a comfortable chair.

A strange boy-like voice responded. "What is this?"

That isn't one of my soldiers! The lord's eyes narrowed. He continued to listen. Whoever was on the other side apparently had no idea what he was doing. The boy kept asking questions as to what the 'thing' was. Either that meant that he was asking someone about something and he was near one of the lizards disguised as humans, or . . . someone had taken it. But that meant that the lord's troops had been captured or killed. He must find out what was going on.

"Hello?" he said into the walkie-talkie.

He heard a crash on the other side, and then a shaky voice said: "Is someone there?"

The lord smiled. "Yes. Hello. You sound afraid, what is the matter?"

"I- i don't know what this is." The voice sounded scared.

The lord spoke soothingly and reassuringly. "Don't be afraid. You are speaking to someone many miles away. It is an amazing and astonishing thought is it not? But do not worry, no harm is coming to you. How did you find the walkie-talkie? That is the thing you are holding."

There was silence, as if the person on the other side was contemplating speaking or not. Then the voice slowly spoke. "I-I- I found it. I mean I took it."

The lord's heart jumped. This was bad. "took? From whom?" He kept his voice calm.

"Off a monster. . . a lizard disguised as a person."

The lord tried to keep his voice steady. This was serious. Something had gone very wrong. "Oh, and where are you?"

"I don't know. Some place called . . . Lorcan, what did you call this place?" There was a voice in the background that spoke, and then the boy began talking again. "I am in Indiana."

The lord choked. His soldiers had failed him. And this boy sounded as if he was from somewhere else. But no, it wasn't possible. Was it?

"Boy, what are you dressed in?"

"What am I dressed in? I . . . I am dressed in buckskin."

The lord sighed heavily. He had learned enough. He pressed the yellow button at the bottom of the walkie-talkie.

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
— Oscar Wilde