
Young Writers Society

Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Started/ Still Accepting)

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Sun May 05, 2013 9:15 pm
Dragonette says...

Daemon : Dionysus : Monday evening

I was wandering through the woods, back to my cabin. Supper and the campfire were over and the horn was blown that declared it bed time. Normally I wouldn't care, because my daddy is head of the camp, I normally got to do what I want, the harppies left me alone, but I had to get back to my cabin to get the stuff that I needed for tonight. Apparently there was this traditional thing that was going on that they did at the first day of summer camp. I may not be a people person, but being son of Dionysus, parties were definitely my thing. Besides, it was my first one and I was curious to see what it was all about.

As I walked by a shrub, I reached out and touched one of the branches, using my new found Dionysus power on it. In a matter of seconds, the plant turned brown and curled up, dead. Suddenly, a bush to my left shook violently and I heard the sound of someone struggling to breath. I quickly jogged to the spot and hopped that a) it wasn't a monster, and b) it wasn't another one of my mad illusions. Thankfully it was neither.

It was a boy who looked a little older than me. He appeared to have no strength left in him and was doubled over on the ground. I rushed up to him and asked his name. He didn't respond but looked around in a daze. "Come on, kid, work with me here, what cabin do you belong to?"

He looked at me oddly.

I sighed. "Who's your dad? Are you a demi-god or what?"

"What??" He mumbled.

Clearly this kid had no idea who he was or where he was. But he had to be a Demi-god, other wise he wouldn't have gotten through the camp borders. "Oh, I'll go find Chiron. He'll know who you are." I gave him a shoulder and helped him walk. He seemed nervous around people and I didn't need this weird kid going wild on me, so I took the short cut, which was fine with me, I didn't like people all that much either.

Before we entered the Bighouse, I told one of the Satyrs to go fetch Chiron and tell him to get in his wheelchair form, this kid had gone through enough and didn't need the shock of a live Centaur towering over him.

When we walked in, Chiron was as I suggested and I helped the kid over to a nearby chair and explained to Chiron what had happened. Once that was done, I turned around to leave; I was eager to get to the gig that was going down tonight.

But Chiron stopped me before could get out the door. "Daemon, why don't you stay and help the boy. He's going to need someone to show him around and be his friend."

I raised an eyebrow, "You're kidding, right? I'm not a babysitter."

Chiron's normally kind face turned stern. He rolled the wheelchair over to me so that the new kid wouldn't hear our discussion. "Daemon," he scolded, "it was not a request, it was a command. Your father may let you get away with anything, but-"

"Don't talk about my father!" I whispered angrily.

Chiron sighed. "Fine. But I do need you to do this for me."

I huffed. "Whatever." Man, I was sure making a lot of new friends today. This was new. First that Apollo kid and now this guy. I walked over to the boy. "I'm Daemon."

He looked at me as if studying a new species. "I'm Aiden."

"So you don't know who your dad is, huh?-" I mumbled 'Lucky' under my breath. "-I guess that means you'll be staying at the Hermes cabin until you find out."

"Yes. Daemon will take you there in a moment. But first, I must explain to you exactly who you are."

Spoiler! :
Hope this is good! Sorry it's long
Last edited by Dragonette on Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Sun May 05, 2013 9:39 pm
Dragonette says...

Spoiler! :
Just a hint on Abrin's speech: If it's in only italics, it's signed. If it's in italics and quotation marks, he's lip-reading what someone's saying. If it's in italics and underlined, he's writing in the sand ;)

Abrin : Demeter : Monday evening

I was back in my cabin, recapping the day and stuffing some supplies in my backpack. As I found a flashlight, smores supplies, a towel and some other assorted, I remember the look on Chiron's face as Riley and I had shown up covered in mud.

What happened to you two? He had signed, stifling laughter.

We got in a mud fight at the strawberry patch. Riley signed back.

She started it. I pointed an accusing finger at her.

Actually, I was just trying to clean up Abrin, he's the one that threw the first mud clump.

Chiron sighed. I hope the strawberry bed is ok.

I assured him that, as a child of Demeter, I would never let anything happen to my garden.

All at once, Chiron and Riley's heads whipped to the right like they heard something and I followed their gaze to see Mr D coming over to us with a upset look on his face.

"What is going on?! I lip-read Mr D saying. "Is this how you train our campers, Chiron? Do they roll in the mud like a couple of piglets?" Riley laughed behind her hand. "You two! Hit the showers before coming to supper."

A flashing red light brought me to the present time; it meant that someone was at the door. I opened it to reveal a couple campers. "Is the thing still on tonight?" one of the Poseidon kids asked. They probably came to me because I was an old-timer and the place was hard to find. It was in a hidden spot down by the lake that only some of the ancient year-rounders knew the location of.

I nodded and pointed at the sand as it wrote out, Yeah, I was just finishing getting packed. Be right with you. I grabbed my bag and stepped outside. We tip-toed in the shadows, making our way to the lake and keeping an eye out for harppies.

As we reached the Archery one of the campers grabbed my arm and pointed out a kid shooting silver arrows at a dumby. What was he doing?

I signaled for everyone to stay back and walked toward him. He whipped around and I saw him say "Who's there?"

Waving in a manner that showed I was just a friend, I walked up to him and pointed at the ground and wrote. What are you doing? Are you coming to the picnic tonight?

He looked confused. "What's that in the sand?"

I wrote, I'm deaf. So it's how I speak communicate with people who don't know sign-language.

"Wait, deaf? So how do you know what I'm saying?"

I smiled. I can lip-read. So are you in or what? Secret picnic. Tonight. You're new here, so we'll have a special surprise for you.

"What's gonna happen?" He asked.

Come find out. I winked.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Mon May 06, 2013 12:59 am
veeren says...

Ness Derack - Poseidon

It took the shining midday sun beating down on my face for me to finally open my eyes. I sat up and stretched, deciding that it was better to wake up late than never. Getting up, I strapped my sword at my waist and my father's trident on my back. Yawning, I stepped outside, feeling the nice, cool breeze blow past me.

I wish the other campers would come back already, this is getting dreadfully bo-
I did a double take as I saw the other cabins had been invaded by intruders from the outside world. It was as if we were being attacked by an army using high-five's and hellos instead of swords and violence. It was almost too much for me to comprehend, until I slapped myself and ran back into the cabin.

I grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen of my dresser and began to scribble;

Hey mom,

Turns out today is the first day of camp and I didn't know it. I guess I don't look at the calendar as often as I should. Time really flies when you're having fun, and when you take naps all the time. Either one works for me.

Anyway, I can't really write much today, Chiron would probably want me to go socialize with the newbies or something. He probably thinks they'll get lost, or hurt, or die, or worse.

Take care,

I signed the bottom with a small heart and place the letter on my bed. Placing a golden drachma on top of the letter, I looked to the ceiling and said "You know the deal, Mr. Hermes. Just hope it's not too much trouble."

I was always sending letters through Hermes Express, yet I'd never met the man- er, god. I mean, I know he's a busy man and all, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind sticking around for a bit for me to thank him for all the letters he's delivered for me. Or maybe that means he should be thanking me for all the business I've given him?

Pondering the thought, I stepped outside once more and made my way to the beach. I liked to start my day with a nice swim, water was the only place I felt at peace anyway. I wasn't surprised to see some Aphrodite and Apollo kids already there, they were usually in the middle of their daily tanning when I showed up.

I stood at the coastline as the small waves lapped over my feet, or rather around me. Surprising as it may seem, I only let water touch me when I wanted it to, and salt-water wasn't something I enjoyed very much.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed the water near me to shift and flow around my body. I waved my hand in a circle and it became a cocoon. I watched the waves lap around me as if they were still on the floor; there really was nothing more beautiful than the view of the ocean, from insidethe ocean, or at least that's what I thought. Maybe one day I'd go deep enough into the ocean to find out.

I let the water fall back down to earth and took a step back. Being by the ocean, the breeze was always much cooler and felt much better on my pale skin. Maybe I should follow the other kids examples and lay on the beach for a few hours everyday, not like I had anything better to do.

I made my back up the beach, saying my fair share of Hi's and Hello's to all the other campers. I knew almost all of the regulars at camp, and hopefully, they knew me too. I mean, I'd only lived here for years. I didn't go home like everyone else, I didn't get to see my family, talk to friends. So maybe this year you should. I shook the thought from my head as my sword suddenly felt heavy at my side. Maybe a bit of training would do me some good.

* * *

The sun was setting now and it was almost time for dinner. Normally, I'd be too tired to show up, but my growling stomach forced me towards the Mess Hall. On my way there, I eavesdropped on some of the kids talking about the different things that had been going on at camp while I was training. Apparently there was a mini-sing off between some of the Apollo kids. Those guys were always trying to show off; it's a shame I wasn't there to rain on their parade, if you know what I mean.

I got to the hall and saw my old buddy Harlow chatting with some other kids from her cabin. She was just about the only child of Athena to like one of us water guys, ever.

"Hey Harlow!" I called out, getting some weird looks from her cabin-mates. I looked at them and made a heart over my chest using my fingers.

"Hey Ness." She said, making her way towards me.

"Long time no see. It's about time camp started again, I was starting to miss messing with all the new kids."

"Maybe that's the reason Chiron never gives you anyone to watch over. What were you doing all day? You look exhausted."

I had only just realized I was sweating, "Oh, this is nothing. I was just-" My grumbling stomach cut me off. Can't even have a decent conversation without you embarrassing me.

"Starving yourself by the looks of it." She teased.

I smirked, "I should probably grab a bite before I pass out. See you around."

She waved at me as I turned away. All the kids were sitting at their respective parents tables, something I was never really a fan of. I sat at the Poseidon table and filled my plate with everything I could find. Being the stick that I was, it was surprising how much food I ate, even if dinner usually was the only meal of my day.

While I munched on various meats and vegetables, I looked about at all the other tables. New kids were everywhere, all chatting excitedly about how fin their time at camp would be. I was actually a bit surprised, usually there were a few kids hanging about that were depressed about being shipped off to some camp for cursed kids. Among the crowd, I couldn't see any of the sort.

Maybe they're hiding.

* * *

After dinner, I made my way back to my cabin, too tired to be bothered by any other camp-like activities. I wasn't shocked to find the letter for my mother, along with the coin I placed on top of it, was gone when I checked. Hermes was punctual as always. I leaned my trident on the wall and sunk into bed with my sword still strapped to my waist. You'd think it was uncomfortable, but you get used to it when you've crashed as much times as I had.

I shut my eyes for a whole three seconds before they shot open again. I wasn't sleepy. I could barely move a muscle, yes, but I didn't feel like sleeping. I sat up once more and grabbed a sheet of paper along with a pen.

Hey mom,

Two letters in one day, surprising right? Don't be worried about it, there's no emergency, I just couldn't sleep. I guess writing you in a room barely lit by the moon will help me feel a bit more drowzy.

Is it bad that I feel like coming back home? It's not that I don't like it here or anything, actually, I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't here. It's like my home away from, well, your house. I just miss you, I guess. I don't get to go out and see the world here, all I do is train and eat and splash some water around and sleep. It gets boring after a while.

I'm still not sure yet. I'll let you know if I do make up my mind.

Your favorite son,

Once more I signed it with a heart, and with a quick thank you, left a golden drachma for Hermes.

I still didn't feel tired, and I didn't think Hermes would take my letter if I stuck around, so I decided to sit by the beach for a while. At least if the Harpies caught me there, they wouldn't chase me into the water.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Mon May 06, 2013 8:11 pm
KingLucifer says...

Gemini Randa - Big House - "Go ahead, call my bluff see if I'm lying" - Monday Evening

Dinner was over, Chirion knew she was here so did Mr. D, I needed to ensure that no Olympian Gods would come to the Camps aid and I only had to worry about Mr. D. Walking into the the Big House, Chiron and Mr.D sat a table in the center of the room with there usual game. Chiron was the first to take notice of me, then Mr.D, they put there game down and looked at me.

"Long time no see." I said with a smile on my face.

"Gemini, you've returned to us," Chiron said with a frown.

Mr.D looked at Chiron then back at me, there was definitly a touch of anger in his expression. "I have, Camp Half Blood holds something for me, I'm here on recruiting you know?" I said with a smile still on my face.

"Who are you recruiting?" Chiron asked trying to keep a friendly tone.

"Not sure yet, I've already eliminated a lot of the possiblities so far. It can't be anyone from the Big Three, not anyone from the War Cabins, I'm betting on someone from the Nature cabins, Demeter or Mr.D here," I said waving a hand to him.

"You won't be getting my son," Mr.D said specking up with anger in his tone.

"I'll summon all the other gods here and we'll wipe you off the face of the earth!" Dyionisus stood up knocking his chair back and onto the ground.

"You stupidly walked into a place where we can destroy you if we wish!" he continued.

I smirked, I needed to bluff out Mr.D and save my hide here, "do you honestly believe I am stupid enough to come alone? one by one, each of my commrads have infiltrated the camp, and if you something as stupid as summoning the other gods. Then I will give a signal off and everyone who infiltrated the camp will destroy it, lay waste to everything and everyone. The lake will rise, the ground will crack, and the sky will roar, we big three will match the power of our fathers and lay waste to the camp!" I said bravely.

I was on my feet now in Dyionisus face, a grin across my face that told him of my confidence and that I was very much able of doing it all. "Go ahead, call my bluff, see if I'm lying!" I said confidently.

For a moment we stood there, he was giving me some of the angrist pair of eyes I've seen in a long time, I knew Mr.D wasn't a gambler, he wouldn't know to call my bluff or not.

"Alright you two, let's calm this down now, let's sit down and talk like adults here," Chiron said.

"I'll be leaving now, I hear there's going to be a party over by the wall, I thought I would just drop by and say hello to my old mentor Chiron." I said grinning at him.

I turned and left, heading out, and hopefully this makes my cover work and if I know Mr.D correctly. Then it should, if not, I'll be in for one heck of a getaway.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon May 06, 2013 10:19 pm
Iggy says...

Harlow Van Halen - Daughter of Athena.
Monday evening.

Another summer, another new batch of scared newcomers, frightened and unsure of who they were, or what they were. As usual, a tall and beautiful blonde woman was seen in every cabin, her helping hand and kind words put to work.

Harlow Van Halen, senior counselor of Cabin Six and beloved Daughter of Athena, was helping every newly arrived demigod settle into their cabins. Some had been claimed instantly, the gods' or goddesses' symbol shimmering above their head like a beacon, a tell-tale sign of who they were related to. Those who didn't know were shown to Hermes' Cabin, a hopefully temporary place until their godly parent claimed them.

She had been busy since six in the morning, when she woke up in her room, with her father standing in front of her. Samuel had woken her up and got her going, fed her breakfast and helped her get her luggage into the car. Then he drove many miles, from Albany to Long Island Sound, where Camp Half-Blood resided. They exchanged kisses and hugs, then Samuel left, promising to retrieve her at the end of August.

Harlow was settled in by eight, greeted by Chiron as she dropped off her bags in the Athena cabin, then got started. She helped herd newcomers to the appropriate destinations, made any runs Chiron asked her to do, and took up her Senior Counselor duties by assigning bunks, meeting and greeting her newest brothers and sisters.

Around midday, she had exchanged some words with Ness, a son of Poseidon. It was unheard of, that the two children of the rivalry gods would be friends, but Harlow did not care one bit. She was good friends with everyone, as she proved many a times.

Now she was in her cabin, getting ready for the Welcoming Feast later on that night. Humming softly, she finished her shower and got dressed in a pair of blue shorts and her orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, then started to brush her hair out. She hooked up a blow dryer to an outlet, one she had borrowed from a child of Aphrodite, and started to dry out her long, curly blonde hair.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Mon May 06, 2013 11:25 pm
KeiPie says...

Miria Oak ~ Hermes

As soon as they left, I slipped from my hiding place. I had decided to go exploring a bit after changing, and since none of these other kids interested me in the least, I ignored all of them. I had made my way into this building and had turned into a little room when I heard voices. I moved to a better place and observed the conversation. So this was the famous Mr. D! I should probably introduce myself... And I knew Chiron from the gate. Then there was a camper. She was short and average in every way. As I had listened to the conversation, I learned her name was Gemini and apparently she wasn’t very welcome at the camp. What is more, she was looking for something. Well, good luck to her, I hope she finds it, I thought. My spying skills were really paying off. Maybe I could make it through the whole summer without anyone noticing me. That would be nice.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Tue May 07, 2013 12:37 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Rand Aloemir- Son of Apollo- Wandering Around Camp

I bid Wakely farewell and left Ben at the whim of the crowd, he needed to get use to the attention if he was going to be staying in my cabin. I went into the cabin for a moment and dropped off the guitar I had borrowed, replacing it with my magical lyre. I walked around camp helping newbies find their cabins, and chatting with some of the older campers. I was walking by the big house and was talking to one of the other cabin leaders about the secret picnic tonight. As I was talking I could hear someone talking to Mr.D as I listened I became confused clearly it was someone he was familiar with but I couldn't easily recognize the voice. I shushed the other cabin leader and gestured for him to listen. Suddenly a girl came storming out and seemed to completely disregard us.

I looked at Alex, the other cabin leader, "so that girl definitely isn't good news."

"For once we can agree on something," Alex and I were usually on opposing sides for camp competitions. "We should warn the other cabin leaders."

"Yeah I'll go talk to Harlow."

"Uh huh yeah you go do that." He smirked at me as though entertaining his own secret joke.

"What's that supposed to mean wise guy?" I looked at him quizzically.

"Just go talk to Harlow." He good naturedly punched me on the shoulder and walked off. Alex confused me sometimes but he was a pretty nice guy. I started making my way to Athena cabin Harlow wasn't a year round camper so it would be nice to see her again. I arrived at Athena cabin and knocked on the door frame.

"Knock knock."

I heard a hairdryer click off, "Rand is that you?"

I strolled in, "who else darlin'?" I laughed and pulled her in for a big bear hug. "How was your summer Harlow?"

"It was nice, but I missed you. How about you how was your summer?" I played with her hair as she spoke.

"Completely boring," I laughed, "trust me there's nothing fun about being a year round camper." I stopped playing with her hair, " crap I almost forgot why I even came here. Some girl is threatening the camps and I was swinging by to tell you and some of the other cabin leaders. As far as I know her name is Gemini I believe she's a daughter of Zeus."
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Tue May 07, 2013 1:17 am
Jony says...

Ben Richard-Son of Apollo- Monday Evening

With my bow strapped to my back and a smile plastered on my face, I walked around the camp with Abrin. He was a great, cheerful guy and he showed me where everything was when I asked him. The quickly setting sun cast multicolored rays through the sky as I spoke to him. I had no idea what he thought of me, but I felt comfortable around him. It was like he was an older cousin that you don't speak to often but when you do, you can confide almost anything to.

To be honest, I almost didn't care what he thought of me, which was a change. I cared about what everyone else thought of me, but not him. It was like I could almost be myself around him and not hold myself back. I even brought out the old Seinfeld jokes, and we laughed together, our smiles stretched out so far that it felt like my lips were going to fall off my face.

I noticed a girl heading out from the Big House as we neared it. She looked like she was somewhere else, thinking long and hard about something risky, a prank maybe. No, she didn't look like the prank type. Her short dirty blond hair shifted slightly in the mild breeze as she quickly walked off. I turned back to Abrin and asked if there was a place to buy snacks or something.

Without warning, she ran into me and Abrin. The breath was almost knocked out of me, she was heavier than she looked. I was too busy making another joke to Abrin to notice that she had been walking towards us as we made our way towards the mess hall to see if there was something to eat.

"Watch where your going," she barked at me, clearly not liking the fact that instead of bowling me over, she had only slightly winded me.

I smiled at her warmly, but quickly gave up the nice guy tactic when I saw her frown at me with condescension.

"I don't like people and I don't like you, now please leave."

She tripped over Abrin and shot both of us a look of complete annoyance, he had been too busy writing in the sand for me or the girl to notice him. I quickly grabbed her shoulder and she stopped dead in her tracks, I could feel the menace dripping in the air.

"If you ever touch me again, you're going to regret it." She clearly didn't want to talk. Even if I did. I didn't like the fact she didn't like me, for whatever reason. I had the illusion in my mind that if I just talked to someone that they would like me, but it was clear after that day, sometimes talking won't get you anywhere with a person.

I could feel a small electric pulse zip through my body and I cringed as the needle like pain moved up my arm. I didn't mean to do it, but as the small electric zap moved around me, I could feel a searing heat move up my arm and radiate through my hand. And as I let go of her and she stormed off almost in surprise, I noticed a hand shaped burn imprinted on her shoulder.

Abrin looked up at me in surprise and I shrugged, hoping he wouldn't ask about it. I looked down at the dirt. ""Don't get in her way, don't talk to her, and above all, don't get on her bad side."

My stomach did a neat little flip as I realized I had done all three, I looked back and noticed she had disappeared. I made a mental note to avoid her at all costs, I knew that she was powerful just by looking at her but I had no idea what her plans were or who she was, and I was almost glad I didn't.

* * *

After about forty minutes of hanging out and talking with Abrin at the beach. He wrote that he had to go. He quickly got up and left, still chuckling to himself from a joke I made earlier about the difference between a Satyr and Hydra.

I sat there alone, staring at the lapping waves as they slowly came up to tickle my bare sandy feet, only to retreat back into the water. It had been an amazing day, but somehow I still felt empty inside, like I was missing a piece of the puzzle. I had everything a new kid at camp could possibly want, popularity, friends, loving cabin mates, I was even part god. But somehow I still felt empty and alone. It was like everything I was is just a lie, a mask, even and every morning I would get up and put on that mask so no one could see the real me. I would mask myself with jokes, music, friends, tv, just to hide my own faults and insecurities.

I sighed and watched as the sun slowly made it's way down the horizon. It was dad riding his chariot, watching over me. I waved at him slightly, hoping he would see me and smile. Hopefully someday I would find the missing puzzle piece of my life. But I knew I wouldn't be able to until I found out about what I really am, a pyromaniac murderer or a shy, music loving archer with a heart made of fire.

"Hey," came a voice from behind me. "Can I sit?"
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Tue May 07, 2013 9:53 am
cm57105 says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry, have had lots of stuff going on :D

Riley Yaserof- Neptune

Poison on your sweet heart,
Eating away at your innocence.
Leaving my chances with you as slim as a dart.

Letters scrawled across the page,
There meaning lost,
Yet strangely without age.

"You right there?" Ness grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth.
"Not that you should no of" I grunted, slipping the notepad into my hoodie pocket.
"As the counsellor of this cabin, I have a right to know what my fellow cabin mates are doing." He thrust his chest out comically. Despite myself, I laughed.

"I've been at Camp Half Blood for longer than you!" I said outraged, this just made him grin wider.

"But Daddy only picked you last year" he laughed. I grimaced. It was true, I'd been in the Herme's cabin for eight years before my dad gave me a sign. Talk about a jerk.

"Come on funny guy, we've got a new cabin mate. He's a guy, our age." I said, shoving him. Ness smiled

"Already met him."

"I'm right here you know?" I voice said from behind me.
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


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Tue May 07, 2013 10:14 am
cm57105 says...

It was Abrin, his grin visible even in the dusk light.

So, what do you think about the party thing tonight? Abrin said.

What? I haven't heard of that!

Because you don't socialize

Right, so what's the party about?

It's for the new people, sort of an intro to camp.

Cool, what time?

In an hour or so

What about Gemini?

Spoiler! :
to be continued...
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


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Tue May 07, 2013 4:16 pm
KeiPie says...

Spoiler! :
So sorry I haven't posted as Alex yet! Got a little carried away with Mir...

Alex Mullins ~ Ares

Rand walked away to talk to Harlow. He had had a crush on her forever. Let him go, he'd have fun. In the meantime I decided to get to know some of the other campers. There were people at the beach, I noticed. Maybe some newbies, maybe some cute girls. I made my way to where people were sitting chatting on the beach or splashing in the water. I saw a guy who didn't look familiar. I had been at this camp for years, I knew the old faces. "Hey," I called out. "Can I sit?" The guy turned around.
"Sure," he replied and I plopped myself down beside him.
"Alex," I introduced holding out my hand. "Proud son of Ares."
The boy nodded. "Ben," he replied. "Son of Apollo. Nice to meet you." I nodded. "So aren't the children of Ares supposed to be really angry or something? You seem awfully friendly."
I laughed. "Yeah, people say I'm too nice to be son of Ares. I just like to talk to new people, and I'm not shy. It helps ya know? With the girls and all. They see me as strong yet nice. It really works."
Ben laughed. "Well you've gotta teach me some of your tricks."
"Sure thing," I replied and we both laughed.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Tue May 07, 2013 4:26 pm
Dutiful says...

Name: Laila Mackintosh

Age: 16

Parents: Hermes and Maya Mackintosh

Appearance: 5'6 with long black hair and black eyes to go with it. She has brown coloured skin that shows her tropical descent.

Personality: A really shy girl. She has quick fingers(helps her to steal). Doesn't steal from friends and is always there to help a friend in need. She loves the dragon Peleus and he likes her too.

Brief history: Laila had an easy life with her mother, thinking that her father had run away when she was born. She realized her knack for stealing when she was 5 years old, she took another kid's pacifier while he was still chewing on it. she befriended a satyr in school who explained everything and took her to Camp Half Blood.

Favorite Weapon: A knife.

Magical Item: My winged ballet flats(A gift from dad) and a phone that turns into a Caduceus(just like the one Hermes has, but in miniature)

Up for love: Of course!
Last edited by Dutiful on Mon May 13, 2013 2:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
― Sylvia Plath

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Tue May 07, 2013 11:50 pm
Carina says...

Name: Abriella "Abri" Moreau

Age: 17

Parents: Claude Moreau and Aphrodite

Appearance: With Abri's perfect hair and body, she can make any rowdy boy she meets melt with feelings he's never even felt before. Her long, brunette hair is different everyday; one day it's bouncy with perfect curls, and another day it's silky straight. In addition, her normally brown hair and eyes seem to connect with her feelings—a trait from Aphrodite herself, one might theorize.
Spoiler! :

Personality: "Whatever," is Abri's trademark in Camp Half-Blood with an edge of scorn and a kissed seal of being listed as her hated enemy. Although some might think that being in the camp would take them away from a typical high school setting with mean girls and mean cliques, that is certainly not the case. Abri is the mean girl, forcing her way to the top of the high school food chain with her dazzling, daggering smile and sweet, stabbing words. If you have the looks and trends, maybe she'll talk to you and maybe she'll even acknowledge your existence. But if you fail to keep up with your appearance, you're clumsy, and you just scream critter all over, don't expect anything good from this mean girl. Beware, she can be scarier than monsters from the deep pit of Tartarus itself.

Brief history: Born in the northern edge of North Dakota and raised in Quebec, Abriella's early years have been rather confusing and edgy. Her father, Claude Moreau, never really accepted the fact that Abri, his very own daughter, was the outcome of him and the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Every time he thought about it, his face would go blank and he would stare off into the distance, trying to reach for a different answer that was never there. As Abri grew up in the French-speaking Canadian province, she accepted the fact that her father was a quiet man that left her to her lonesome, trying to avoid her as much as possible. As the years went by, his charming looks and reserved charisma bought him another woman, and eventually they got married and bore a daughter to the world. Abri was left alone and it was almost as if she was forgotten, but she tried not to think about it much since the kids from school immediately latched to her as friends as soon as she set foot inside the building.
By the time she reached the age of twelve, Abri has been seeing strange encounters with weird, mythological-looking animals that she's never seen before. They'd stalk around her house, sneaking in the frosty climate while watching her with intense eyes all morning and night as if waiting for an opportunity to strike. Anxious, she told her father about this, and something in him just snapped. They argued and fought for endless of days over nothing, and eventually, he handed her a one-way plane ticket to Camp Half-Blood in New York. "You're not my daughter," she remembered him whispering to her with desperate shiny eyes. "Please, just leave my family alone."
And ever since then, Abri sat in the camp all year long for five years now, feelings burying inside herself, piling and piling up while she leashes it out to her fellow campers. She has never gone home since then, has never received a letter or trinket or postcards with Quebec monuments on them. No one except Chiron knows of her private story, and although the loneliness cracked a part of Abri's heart, she hides it all with her disguised Aphrodite-blessed smile, firmly setting her foot down on this camp that she can only call home.

Favorite Weapon: Charmspeak. It's technically not what someone would consider a "weapon" that would cause guts to fall out and blood to spray everywhere, but unlike a lot of other Aphrodite demigods, Abri has incredible skills for sweet talking anyone. Heck, sometimes she doesn't even try; it comes naturally for her. However, if Abri—who was never much of an intense fighter to begin with—had to pick a favorite physical weapon, she'd pick her two daggers made out of copper and thin traces of celestial bronze. It always gives Abri a good laugh to see these bad guys whiz past someone's face, a fraction of an inch away from a good slash in the face.

Magical Item: Abri always wears a string bracelet tied with a dove charm that looks perfectly harmless, but it's actually a lying detector. When she's talking to a person that's lying, the dove's wings would singularly flap up or down, depending on what the previous position of it was. If it was previously up, it would creep downwards if the person was lying, vice versa. Unfortunately, as much as this helpful trinket is, it will only move if Abri is suspecting a lie. In addition, the same applies to her; if someone is suspecting her in mid-lie, the dove's wings will move much against Abri's will and ownership of it.
Spoiler! :

Up for love: Only if the dear boy is incredibly handsome, of course. ♥

Other: She is fluent at both French and English, but that is a given considering she is the daughter of Aphrodite.
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Wed May 08, 2013 12:11 am
Cailey says...

Spoiler! :
Alright, I decided to take the initiative and start the party. Hope it's fine with everyone. :D

Aiden Jewel- Poseidon (though still not claimed)

As soon as the other guy left, I curled into a ball on the bed he'd pointed at. I didn't understand where I was or how I had gotten there, and I felt more alone than ever. I mean, I wanted to be away from home for so long, and I couldn't even count how many times I'd wished for a friend. Yet, now I was in some place with a thousand kids outside that I could go talk to, but instead I was terrified. I wanted to get up and uncurl my clenched muscles and discover whether or not I could actually talk. Instead I stayed in my fetal position and let a few tears run down my face. The man in the wheelchair had told me all this strange information, but it all sounded like part of one of the children's books my mom read to me before the Mistake. Something about gods and parents and magic. I couldn't absorb it all.

"Are you one Hermes' kids?" I jerked my face up to stare at the girl in front of me. She stood in the doorway with a questioning look on her face. These people were crazy, I thought to myself. Hermes? What was she talking about?


"I guess you don't really know what you're doing either. I heard something about a party... I don't know if I'll go, though." Again I could do nothing but shrug.

"Yes. Okay. Yeah," I tried to wipe the tears off my face, since I vaguely remembered that crying in front of people was weird, especially in front of girls. "Where?" I hated the way my voice came out so unsteadily, like a broken record. I bit my lip to shut off the awful sound, and waited for the girl to shrug and point outside. I decided to follow her finger, even though I could tell she didn't know where she was going, either. She waited in the cabin while I walked quickly towards the beach, feeling like somehow the water was drawing me forward. The sun was falling quickly, and I could just see the sun disappearing behind the horizon. I stopped at the edge of a cliff, where I could see lights glistening above and barely make out the sound of voices.

I breathed out my panic and started up the barely visible steps that led up to the lights. Luckily only a few other people had arrived, and they didn't notice me slip into the shadows to hide. That is, until others started showing up and people started talking about sending first years for a swim.

"Well? You're new, right? Want to go first?" I shot my face to the speaker, an older girl with curly blonde hair and a nice face. I nodded, but remembered the second part and shook my head instantly.

"Yes, no, I..." Again I felt myself trip over every sound.

"So who's are you?" I shrugged.

"People keep asking. I don't know." She nodded understandingly.

"You seem pretty out of it, kid. Maybe you should go back to the Hermes cabin and get some sleep? You don't need to be at the party, you know. It's tradition, but not law." I bobbed my head up and down, a motion that had become pretty familiar. "Seriously, you look really overwhelmed. Do you want me to walk you back?"

"No, no, I can." I stood up quickly, trying to keep tears from springing into my eyes again. I passed a group of people and began running down the slippery rocks. I wasn't on the steps anymore, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get down, to get away from all the people.

Suddenly my foot slipped, and I felt all the gravity disappear as my whole body lunged forward. I landed sharply on the rocks once before sliding further and feeling my entire being vanish off the edge of nothing. I saw a thousand deaths flash in front of me, though the icy slap that met me felt far worse than my imagined tragedy.

I hadn't swum in years. More than that probably. I'd never even been in water since the Mistake, and without thinking I took in a deep breath. Instantly I started choking, and the more I choked the more water I swallowed. Bright lights flashed before my eyes and exhaustion covered my lungs. I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. I couldn't...


When I opened my eyes I saw someone standing over me with a worried look on his face. I coughed and jerked into somewhat of a sitting position to puke up water and relearn how to breath. The other boy just watched wordlessly. Finally, I blinked away the last drops of water and coughed out another ocean.

I felt strange, and still somewhat disoriented, but better. Actually, the drops left on my skin felt good, and for a second I wanted to get up and go back in the water and let the icy coolness wash over me again. A blue light flashed above me, though with the strangeness of all the events I still couldn't quite tell what it was. Something like a glowing fork hanging over my head....

"Well, well. Looks like you're my little brother." I turned back to the boy in front of me and took the hand he was offering. "I'm Ness, head of Poseidon cabin." I stared blankly. "Poseidon is your father, a god. He's my dad also, so we're brothers." He shook his head at my empty expression. "Ah, never mind. You'll figure it all out eventually. Forget about this party, I'll show you to our cabin and let you settle down and get some sleep. You can figure out all your questions tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," I answered, and let him help me back to the cabin. I guess I hadn't started out my freedom very well, but somehow I knew things would get better. At least now I felt a small sense of belonging. Poseidon, I mouthed. My father was Poseidon.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

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Wed May 08, 2013 1:45 am
Jony says...

Ben Richard- Son of Apollo- Monday Night

I watched as the boy lost his footing and plummeted down the side of the cliff. He bounced off the rocks like a rag doll. I wanted to dive after him, to save him, to be the hero I always wanted to be. But no. Somehow, deep inside, I knew that he needed to do this. Only a couple other people noticed what I saw and I watched as a tall cabin leader dashed down the rocks when he had seen what happened.

The now prominent yellow moon cascaded over the faces of the crowd as I got ready to go. I looked over at Wakely and she put her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it tightly. Rand was off somewhere flirting with some girls. So my emotions were left at the mercy of the crowd when they realized that I was getting ready to go next.

I looked over the faces of the crowd and smiled as I stood at the edge of the cliff. Each face was illuminated by my favorite aunt, Artemis as she watched over me. Waiting until the moment I took the leap of faith and dived into the unknown black waters below. The cold breeze blowing my brown wavy hair to the east, whispering to me.

I took one last glance over my shoulder, my heart beating erratically. Everyone was quiet, I looked over the crowd one last time. Abrin smiled to me warmly, Daemon gave me the 'sup nod while drinking a Monster, Alex nodded to me in a silent show of toughness. Wakely waved at me slightly, and Rand just looked at me with his soulful blue eyes. I even noticed the girl from the Hades cabin staring at me with her dark brown eyes. She looked like she belonged forever wrapped up in the darkness of the night, surrounded by the cold black air. Illuminated only by the moon. She smiled at me slightly as if telling me it was time. Tears welled up in my eyes from all the conflicting emotions fighting for control but I couldn't let my friends and campers see me cry.

For the first time in my life I had a true family. I took a deep breath and as the last whisper of the wind blew gently across my smiling face, I jumped. I watched as I took one last look at the moon, at Artemis and smiled, the bigest smile I had ever made. I never closed my eyes as I arched through the air, the wind blowing across my body. I was like a silent arrow through the darkness, like a black Raven. My arms spread out like a pair of wings as I flew down the side of the cliff.

A mixture of joy, sadness, and adrenaline suffocated me as I watched the cold black water come up to meet me. I was surrounded and enveloped by the black silky water. It wrapped me up like a cocoon as I made my way down the surface. My eyes stung from the salt but I kept them open, fearing if I closed them, it would turn out to be a dream. My feet touched the bottom and I could feel the current pushing me, I felt vulnerable, like a new born child. I could feel my lungs burn like two lumps of hot coal.

The memories of everything that had happened in only one short day, replayed themselves over and over in my mind like a broken film reel. I finally felt at home somewhere, like I belonged. But this wasn't the missing puzzle piece and I realized that this was only one fragment of the piece missing from my life. And every fragment I found would bring me one step closer to finding out who I truly was.

I kicked up to the surface as my lungs started to force me to slowly pry open my lips. I broke to the surface and gasped, my brown hair plastered to my skull. The cold night air never felt so good as I started to swim towards the beach. Each breath now long heavy gasps. Every part of my body burned, but it was a good burn. Nothing like the fire that surrounded me the night I became a murderer.

I could hear the cheers and whoops of the campers above me as I dragged myself back onto the beach. Rand was there, waiting for me. He smiled at me with pride as he handed me a towel.

"You're a true son of Apollo," he whispered, his voice caked with pride.

"Thanks," was all I could manage as I dried myself off.

We walked together up the steps, nothing special. He didn't carry me in on his shoulders, he didn't declare to the world that I was his brother. But as I walked with him, I felt that although we may be opposite in personalities, we were still brothers and as much as I would hate to admit it, I loved him. Because he and Wakely are my family, and I have never had a true family before.

When I finally reached the top of the cliff, everyone had surrounded me. They clapped me on the back and congratulated me, they asked if I felt any different. They told me I was a true camper now. I just stood there, too shocked to say anything until the crowd had dispersed. I sat on a log next to the roaring bonfire, a couple of Hermes kids telling ghost stories and scaring some of the younger campers. The glowing fire cast red and orange lights that danced across my smiling face, the flames flickering mischievously.

Someone sat next to me on the log and I looked over, smiling. My eyes reflecting the flickering fire like a blue mirror. "Hey, whats your name?" I asked them, my voice sounding the happiest it had been for years.
Last edited by Jony on Wed May 08, 2013 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


First you broke my moustache, now you break my heart.
— MaybeAndrew