
Young Writers Society

Camp Crazy (STARTED!/ Still accepting)

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Sat May 04, 2013 3:03 am
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littleauthor says...

Riley Anders.

I walked over to Emma-may who sat alone on her beach towel. I had just finished waxing my board so I wated someone to talk to.

"hey," I sat collapsing next to her.

"Hi," she replied squinting front he sun. I pulled out my sun glasses and handed them to her. They had black lenses and a neon green outline. She took them smiling and put them on. "thanks."

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you." Riley replied giving her his best smile. She blushed and looked up at the ocean where a boy maybe a year older than me came running out of the water to sit next to me.

"I'm Landon," He said holing out his hand to me.

I took it and replied. "I'm Riley,"

He nodded and Emma-May had gotten quiet all of sudden. "I'm gonna be going," She said picking up her towel.

"Uh ok," Landon said looking up at her.

She handed me back my sunglasses with a thanks and was on her way. I put on my sunglasses giving my eyes instant relief. Landon has brought some too and had out them on.

"So where ya from?" Landon asked turning his head towards me.

"California," I replied facing him. He nodded and stood up.

"we should go I the rest of the group," He said. I nodded and went to pick up my board. I carried it up the pavilion. We took a seat next to Devon and Chaise and I put my board next to theirs on the floor. We all sat in the stood waiting for seething to happen.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Sat May 04, 2013 3:48 am
winterbites says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry for being late... Again. Just, I was at church, and I'm feeling real yuck today.


She didn't remember me. Not at all. I didn't want to say anything, I don't want to be the weird guy that thinks he still knows her. Cause, I don't, she has changed so much. We didn't really talk much after I told her my name. We just kinda stood there like awkward people. Eventually, she told be she had to go back to her towel, I felt like something great was slipping out of my life again.

"We'll catch up later..?" She nodded and waved a little before walking back up the beach towards Riley.


Megan dragged me (very nicely, I might add) over to where Landon was in the surf, she waved her arms to get his attention, he saw us and came in. "What's up?" he asks and looks at me, I lower my eyes to my hands, Megan was still holding one of them. This was stupid, its probably not even him. Stupid Emma.

"Emma here, wanted to get to know you. She's very nice. Look after her, will you?" What, no, Megan! My eyes flash up to Landon's, he had a lazy smile on his face. He nods and keeps his gaze to my face. Megan and Tamsin decide they want to leave me alone. She detaches my hand from her and gives me a warm smile.

"So... Emma was it?" He smiles and put out his hand. I lift my eyes again from the sand and them then wounder up his body. The water made him look like he was sparkling. I took his hand slowly.

"Yeah.." Of course he doesn't remember you, its been years! My heart sunk a little as I realised he doesn't notice who I am.

"I'm Landon.. Like Megan told you.." I nodded, "You don't say much.."

"No... I don't.." I nodded. We, well he talked and I nodded, some more. "...I should get back to my towel.." I said and turned to walk away.

"We'll catch up later?" He asked. I nodded and gave him my best wave. I headed up the beach to where my towel was. I flopped down and sat cross-legged and kept my hand up to block out the sun.

"Hey," Riley said sitting next to me.

"Hi.." I replied, unsure of myself. Riley pulled his sunnies off the top of his head and offered them to me. I slipped them on, that so much better. "Thanks." I smiled at him. These were real cool glasses.

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you." Riley replied. Beautiful girl like you... Wait, he, thinks I'm.. Beautiful. Mental squeal! I blushed and bit my lip. I saw that Landon had decided to run back up the beach.

"Hey... I'm Landon." He ut out his hand to Riley. He took it and smiled. Landon looked over at me and nodding his head, with a half smile.

Weeell, I think I've had enough awkward for today.. "I'm gonna be going," I said softly mostly for Riley. The two boys nodded as I grabbed my towel.

"Uh, okay." His smile left. I walked up to find Jennifer. She seemed nice enough.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Sat May 04, 2013 10:35 am
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ChocoCookie says...


I walk back to the beach and see Erina, her guitar to herself. I walk up to her. I guess she needed some company. She stops as soon as she see's me and I give her one of my "leader-so-cool" smiles. That's what the people who came last year named it, anyway.

"You play it nice." I compliment.

"Thanks." she says, and stands up.

"Do you want to get a drink or something?" I ask and she nods. We walk to the beach bar and take our seats.

The bartender who seems to be cleaning a glass looks at us with a grin. "So what would our lovely ladies like?" He flirted a lot. He was quite young too-around 23 or 24.

"Very funny, Sam." I give him an approving look and turn to Erina. "What would you like?"

"Oh, just one of the special's I guess." she says.

"Special. Bring in your special drink of the day for us, Sam." I tell him and he goes off to get it.

A special of the day is something when you mix two drinks to make a fascinating combination. Its one of the best. In a few minutes, he's coming in with two glasses and places them in front of us.

"Here you go." he spoke.

"Thanks very much." I start to sip and Erina sips it lightly.

"So, talked to any boys yet?" I ask her, and I can see her face starting to blush.

Just as then, Devon walks to us. We give him a good smile.
"Hey." Devon says.

I'm expecting Erina to say something but she seems kind of lost so I go ahead.
"Hey, surfer boy."

He takes a seat next to Erina and orders a drink. We talk for awhile till I see two more new people on the other edge. Before I could tell them that I had to go introduce the whole place to them, Devon breaks it.

"Hey look, you probably need to go talk to those new kids over there Megan."

I give him a huge smile, nod and stroll to the two people over there. Jennifer- I think her name is, was also standing there, showing them around to everyone. I place a hand on Jenny's shoulder. She turns to face me and gives me a smile.

"Here's Megan, like I told you before, our camp leader." Jenny says.

I see a girl and boy who seem to be related.
"Hey, you." I tell them in a nice way.

They grin and I stretch my hand forward. The girl takes it first.
"I'm Megan." I tell both of them and turn to shake hands with the guy after I'm done with her's.

"Devyn. This is Evan." he says, pointing to the girl.

"Oh, that's cool. So, i guess you guys are late but there's still time to have fun around the beach." I explain. "There's beach volleyball, surfing, get a drink, beach dancing which actually takes place just before dinner or just fooling around with the sand."

They laugh and then make themselves to have some fun. Jenny walks off too and its just me after that. I feel myself letting out a deep sigh. Well, things were going well I guess.

I walk back to the beach bar but I see that Devon and Erina have already left. I look around for them and spot them at the edge of the beach. They seem to be making a conversation so I don't interrupt. I take my seat and sit there sipping on to my Special, watching everyone whose already found their mate.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Sat May 04, 2013 11:15 am
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Swiftfur says...


Scanning the place with keen eyesight, I found the largest cabin and headed toward it.
A leader looked up from a clip board as I entered through the door.
"You must be...Swiftfur?" I nodded.
He stuck out a hand. "Welcome to Camp Crazy."
I shook his hand heartily.
"Your cabin is over there," He said, pointing to a cabin identical to the one I was standing in, only smaller.
"Everyone is down at the beach, Swiftfur."
"Please, call me Swift."
He chuckled.
"So, what brings you here to Camp Crazy?"
"My mom wanted me to socialize. She said ever since my real parents died, I've been so closed-off."
"Say, you're not an ordinary person."
"What makes you say that?"
"Your records." He pulled out a sheet of paper.
"It says your a feline/human combo."
I swallowed hard.
"You won't tell anyone, will you?"
"Well,if you can get rid of the ears and tail, you'll fit right in."
I morphed into my whole human state.
I spun around and walked to my cabin.
~In the cabin~
I stepped into my cabin and gazed at the marvelous structure for a bit,then plopped my stuff on the bed and opened my satchel so Charm could climb out.
"What if someone realizes your secret?" She asked in concern,
"They won't," I replied, rolling my eyes.
I quickly pulled on a two-piece bathing suit and grabbed my towel from my messenger bag.
"You can do anything you want, as long as you don't get into trouble," I called over my shoulder as I headed out the door.
"Hey, wait for me!" She meowed, quickly catching up to me to hop into my arms.
I chose a spot near my cabin and laid down my towel.
Charm curled on top of it with a yawn and was soon fast asleep.
I laid down next to her on my stomach and thought about what my mom had said before she went out the door.
I wouldn't mind if you got yourself a boyfriend. After all, you are 17.
Actually, I was 17 and a half, but still, who said I needed a boyfriend?
I got up off my towel and went down to the water to swim a bit and be alone with my thoughts.
Wading to the deep part was hard, but I was soon there, diving and splashing in the crystal-clear water.
Soon my arms were tired, so I flipped onto my back and thought about boyfriends.
They would discover my secret, and possibly ditch me, or, they could accept me for who I was.
Ugh, thinking about it was hurting my head.
I fipped back over and dived under water, twisting and zooming through the waves.
This water was awesome. I could actually see, there were no sharks, and I was at Camp Crazy. Life was excellent.
It was getting dark,and I loathed to get out of the water, but I did anyway.
Trudging back to my towel and waking up Charm,I picked both the towel and my black feline and headed back to my cabin to dry off and change into a white frilly blouse and blue jeans.
Life is good,and so is Camp Crazy. I mused, heading over to where people were starting to gather on the beach.
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Sun May 05, 2013 12:51 am
NicoleBri says...

Jennifer Gray

Sitting alone, after introducing myself to newcomers. I looked over to see Emma coming my way. I smiled a friendly smile. "Hello." she says. "Hey." I say. "Want to go get a drink?" she asks. I stand up and we start walking over to the drink bar. "Pepsi please." I ask and Emma orders her drink.

"How is camp so far?" I ask trying to make good conversation. She lets go a half smile and says, "It's good, I guess. Nice to meet new people. I nod. We drink our drinks and both at the same time look over towards the guys. "Do you know that landon guy?" I ask. She lets out a sad sigh and says,"Yes, why do you ask?" I look around before answering, "Because everytime you look at him, you look as though he is your lost love." I say with a little smile.

Devon Turner

Sitting with Riley and Chaise, a new guy I never seen walks over, "Hey, I'm Landon." he says. I smile and get up, shake his hand then walked away. "I didn't get a name!" Landon yelled. "Devon!" I say back.

I seen Erina so I walked over to meet her. "Hey." I say. She smiles and says hey. "Want to go for a swim?" she asks. I nod and we go jump in the water. "You know, I never met someone like you." I say to her. She looks confused and says, "What do you mean?" I smile as the waves move us around. "Well you seem so shy, yet sweet and smart. You are awesome at the guitar." I say. She blushed a little and splashed me with the water.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Sun May 05, 2013 2:26 am
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Desticakes101 says...

My Profile:

Name: Ashlynn Starr (You can call her Ash or Lynn or Lynnie)

Gender: Female

Age (15-19, unless you're one of the leaders.): 16

Appearance: (description and photo please!) Ashlynn is blasian which leaves her with a gorgeous caramel skin tone. She is half Philippino with a quarter of Jamaican and Puerto Rican. Her eyes are wide yet almond shaped and dark green. She's very petite standing at only 5'3. She's thin but has an awesome hour glass figure. Her hair is naturally curly with reddish/golden highlights within. She loves wearing her hair curly and down her back with a cute straight front bang. She also loves wearing clothes from forever 21 and charlotte rose.

Personality: Ashlynn is people-oriented and fun-loving, she loves to make things more fun for others by their enjoyment. Living for the moment, she loves new experiences. She dislikes theory and impersonal analysis. Interested in serving others. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Well-developed common sense and practical ability. (most of that was taken from a personality website) Ashlynn is silly and crazy though and loves nothing more than making people happy. The only thing about her is that, if she's in a bad situation she tends to get a bit of a sadist trait.

History/ why your sent here: Ashlynn had just found out that her boyfriend, Chris, has been cheating on here and she just wants to escape. She can't handle only talking to her best friend, Emma, on the phone so she decided to spend a week or two at Camp Crazy.

Up for love: Definitely (she's up for experimentation)

Other: Ashlynn is never seen without heels. Never. Ever. She love indian, thai, and japanese food. Her signature scent is cinnamon spice. And she is known for her signature peace sign or for sticking her tongue out.
Last edited by Desticakes101 on Sun May 05, 2013 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Sun May 05, 2013 2:28 am
Desticakes101 says...

Spoiler! :
my characters picture will be in the DT
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Sun May 05, 2013 2:53 am
winterbites says...


I sat with Janny at the bar having my coke and chatting to her when I saw Ash, my bestest friend since Landon.

"ASH! Omg, you didn't tell me you'd be here. I missed you so much!" I hugged her tight, "Did I munch how much I missed!?" She laughed.

"Yeah You did. I missed you to!" She hugged me back.

"I'll introduce you to everyone!" I giggled and grabbed her hand, "This is Jenny. She is sooo nice/" Jenny smiled and said her hello's. We walked around, and I got her to meet everyone.

I pulled my towel from the seat and set it on the beach near the house. She sat on it with me. Just like old times. "So... How ya holding up?" I asked her. She recently caught her long-time boyfriend cheating on her. She was a mess.

"Eh.." She shrugged. I put my arm around her.

"Its okay." She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"I thought he really liked me.." Another sigh.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Sun May 05, 2013 3:25 am
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Desticakes101 says...


"Why are guys such friggin JERKS." I whine at Emma, shaking my head while its still on her shoulder.

" It's in their genetic makeup love." Emma says gently.

"Hey, I take offense to that!" Landon says with a smile. I suddenly remember why I remember that name. I look sharply at Emma, and all she has to do is nod so that I know that its that Landon. The one from her childhood that she shared her first kiss with. The only guy she really truly seemed interested in ever.

" Huh...he's hot." I say out loud without meaning to. Landon looks at me strangely while Emma blushes brightly but still ends up cracking up. She has always found my trouble with keeping my thoughts, just thoughts, hilarious.

"Erm...thanks?" Landon asks chuckling a bit to himself now. I smile at him to show that i mean no harm. He smiles back and I can already tell that this guy is cool enough to be my friend.

"Soooo wanna go for a swim?" Emma asks.

"Em...you can't swim." I say slowly, stating the obvious to my obviously suicidal friend.

"Yeah, but your like a mermaid Ash! You live in the water. For petes sake you're the star of our swim team! I know that you've wanted to go in that water since you've gotten here." Emma says, nudging me with her elbow.

"What did I tell you about poking me with that bony knife you call an elbow." I say teasing her, while giggling.

"You're one to talk! I can practically see your ribs since that all liquid diet you've started." Emma says poking my belly.

"Oooooo wanna see what I got!" I say remembering my most recent gift to myself. After she nods I take off my tank top to reveal my polka dot bikini top, and fresh new belly button ring.

"Ugh, I didn't know that you were serious about getting one of those. Didn't it hurt?" She asks grimacing.

"Not really. And I don't know...since breaking up with Chris I feel the need to do riskier things." I say looking forlornly at the ocean.

"Like what type of things...?" Emma asks, a worried expression suddenly marring her beautiful face.

"I don't even know." I say while getting up. I take off my shorts and leave them on the ground. " You were right. I'm going for a swim." I say, then begin jogging to the ocean. The water is cold, but pleasant. I shiver a little and keep walking in until i'm up to my chest in the water. And then I just lay on my back and float, ignoring everyone around me.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Sun May 05, 2013 8:56 am
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ToBeMe says...


I throw my stuff in one of the rooms of the Girls cabin after everybody leaves to go down to the beach and just kind of ‘hang around’ pointlessly for a few minutes.
I watch from my window as they set up a volleyball game on the beach and everybody runs around pointlessly. Most of the people are actually in the water...

Chaise, as per usual, has already made friends and is surfing with some board that he seemed to have picked up at one of the shops nearby the airport on the way here.
I let out a sigh. My little brother- always the popular one. I smirk at that.

I walk into the kitchen of the cabin and inspect the cupboards.
Might go down there in a minute, I think to myself, God knows I’m not really as... ‘People-friendly’ as Chaise and I don’t really want to be here but It might be fun to meet some new people...

Eventually I give up on food and grab a towel from one of my suitcases and my ipod before I walk down to the beach where the others seem to be gathering. Everyone is talking like they’ve known each other forever- maybe some of them have- and I can’t help but feel a little left out.

Meh. It’s just a camp.

I throw my towel down on the sand a little away from the others and collapse on top of it.


I grin and watch as Devon walks off with Erina before I turn back to the others guys. Riley and the new guy- Landon. I go to say something but I see Neve appear onto the beach and I grin. “Hey, Neve!” She looks over our way and rolls her eyes with a smile on her face even though she’s sitting alone. “Come over here for a sec!”

“Who’s that?” one of the guys asks and I grin. “My sister. Parents decided that it’d be a good ‘holiday’ for us if we both came to camp. She doesn’t agree so much, but...”
Riley stares at her for a second and then looks back at me, “You two look kinda alike...”

“Oh, yeah. She’s my twin sister, actually-“

“The older one,” I look up at Neve who’s suddenly just there and grin. “You aren’t ever gonna get over that, are you?”

She grins and some of the unease around her disappears, “Nup. You’re stuck with it.”
“Haha. That’s what you think. And I’m still taller.”

She rolls her eyes and I look back at the others, “This is my ‘wonderful ‘old’ sister, Neve.”

She grins and rolls her eyes.


Spoiler! :
ugh. Sorry I haven't posted in AGES. School has just been Soooo crazy lately. I'll try to keep up to date with everything. And be more involved. :) Because this is turning out AWESOME!

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

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Sun May 05, 2013 9:42 am
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cm57105 says...

Profiles in the spoiler

Spoiler! :
My Profile:

Name: Cadel Waterford

Gender: Male

Age (15-19, unless you're one of the leaders.): 16

Appearance: (description and photo please!)

No photo, I'm sorry. Cadel has ash blond hair, icy blue eyes and high check bones. Pale completion and lean body.

Personality: Cadel is uncomfortable around people, becoming too pessimistic and cynical. His friends are the only one's who see the true Cadel. Cadel spends most of his time in is room, playing guitar and reading. He writes his own songs, and is an excellent singer.

History/ why your sent here: Cadel's mother and father never understood Cadel, and after listening to his guitar for the whole summer, they decided that getting him to socialize with other people would be good.

Up for love: sure

Other: Cadel has a green pendant around his throat, symbolizing him.
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


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Sun May 05, 2013 9:45 am
winterbites says...

Spoiler! :
Welcome! Thanks for joining!
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Sun May 05, 2013 9:56 am
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cm57105 says...

The drive was long and windy, but the house was definitely not a disappointment. Neither was the girl who greeted me at the door. Warm comfortable blue-green eyes and long blond locks. I gulped, it must have been visible because she smiled.

"Your new right? Welcome to camp, I'm Emma." She smiled, her eyes twinkling. Even more daunting was the fact that behind her was a perfect view of the beach.

I hate the beach

"Uhh... Yeah. I'm Cadel by the way." I shook her hand and I did a mental face palm as her expression turned surprised. Seriously? Hand shake? Talk about the 1700's. She moved on though and soon I had dragged my meagre bag into the boys cabin.

"Come down to the beach, will you?" Emma asked, hopefully. Maybe that was just my imagination. I grinned at her.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


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Sun May 05, 2013 12:52 pm
Swiftfur says...


It kind of hurt to see that all the girls had found the perfect match:
Erina and Devon, Emma and Landon, and Starclan knows who.
I made my way to the bar with Charm perched on my shoulder. and ordered a coke.
The bartender was about 23, and with my sharp ears, I had learned his name was Sam.
"That your cat?" Sam asked, gesturing toward Charm.
"Yep," I replied. "she's a real sweet cat."
I pet her and she started purring and rubbing my hand with her head.
Sam came back with a tall glass filled with dark brown coke, and presented it to me.
I thanked him and took the glass.
I considered my foster mother's "wisdom" and looked at the boys in here.
They all seemed taken.
I downed my glass and walked out to the beach, bringing my towel with me, tucked under my arm.
Laying it out close to the water,but not too close, I took off the blouse and jeans, revealing my bikini underneath and dived into the waves like a fish.
Suddenly, I heard voices on the beach, so I ducked underwater.
Listening intently, I picked out what the voices were saying.
"Hey, have you seen Emma?"
Landon, I could tell, but who was he talking to?
"Um, there she is."
Who was she? another newbie?
I was losing air fast, I needed to swim to the surface.
BY the time my head popped out of the water, I was out of oxygen.
Last edited by Swiftfur on Sun May 05, 2013 5:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Sun May 05, 2013 1:13 pm
Desticakes101 says...


I sigh loudly in content. Tanning...i love it so much. I had been swimming in the ocean when the high rise began and the waves rose, and all of the surfers creamed in their pants.When floating had become a laborious task, and I had to fight the waves tooth and nail for my relaxation, I finally decided that it wasn't worth it. So thats how I ended up on Emmas beach blanket, tanning my caramel skin to bronze. Suddenly I remember the hot college guy who invited me to a party that he was throwing with some room mates. I wanted to go, but I didn't want Emma to. She's to innocent for those types of things.

"Hey." I hear a voice say. I open my eyes to see Landon, his face looks worried.

"Hi. Whatsup?" I ask rising and crossing my legs in one fluid motion.

"I can't find Emma..."Landon says shaking his head. For a second I panic because, come on have you seen Emma. She's friggin beautiful, but very much tiny. If someone wanted to kidnap her it wouldn't be that hard. I finally se her coming down a dune, giggling like a maniac, while she tugged on a blond guys hand.

"Um...there she is." I say pointing to where Emma is, with my eyebrows raised. Landon looks pained the second he see's them, but attempts to cover it. I watch as Emma see's us and starts tugging the guy our way. Ugh...just one more person I have to be friendly to. Landon finally hides his pained grimace, and gives them a movie star smile and waves his hand.

"Hey guys! This is Cadel! He'll be staying with us too." She says smiling at him, then us, then back to him.

"Hey, i'm Landon." Landon says, and then gets up to shake the guys hand. The guy shakes his back and then everyone looks at me expectantly. Hmmm i don't think I like this guy...so i'm not shaking his hand. Or introducing myself. Something about him...I just don't like. And the way that Emma still hasn't realized that she's still holding his hand, and in front of Landon. I shake my head and get up.

"Em, I'm going to this college guys townhouse. He's having a party, and I wanna get wasted. He invited me while I was sunbathing earlier. So...i'll see you later." I say, and then begin walking off.

"Ash isn't that a little dangerous?" Emma asks, her worried tone makes me want to say yes and go back to our cabin to play checkers or something. But I just shake my head again and keep on walking.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven - and very, very few persons.
— James Thurber