
Young Writers Society

The Field Trip [STARTED]

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Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:57 pm
AlmondEyes says...


Ree didn't seem to happy about bunking with Jay, though i'm not surprised. They didn't get along with each other too well when it came to me. Just then, Mrs. Wells walked up to us.

"Hello girls," she smiled. "Do you know who's taking this room?"

I'd always like Mrs. Wells. She was always nice to the other students, and she always had a smile on her face. She could also laugh anyone off their ass, including me.

"Me, Ree, and Jay." I frown. "Why?"

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this," she sighs. "but we need the other double."

This wasn't good. Not at all. "Are you sure? Isn't there anyone else you grab from?"

"I'm afraid not." she frowns. "One of you are going to have to find another roommate."

With that, she walked off. As if thing couldn't get any worse, Jay decides to make an appearance. Fucking great.

"I'm not finding another roommate, Kara." Ree shakes her head. "I won't do it."

"Won't do what?" Jay comes to a stop in front of us.

"We can't room together." I sigh and run my finger through my hair, which needed a good brushing.

"And why not?" she raises an eyebrow and looks at Ree.

"It's not Ree's fault," I say. "so don't even go there."

"Then's whose fault is it?" she looks at me.

"Mrs. Wells told us they needed the other." Ree answered, and began messing with her sleeves again.

"Sorry," I shrug. "Ree already unpacked her stuff. It wouldn't be fair to her."

Jay sighs. "I wish I could hate you for being a good friend, but I can't."

"No you can't," I say. "so get over it."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Bitch."

"Never forget it." I smile sweetly at both of them, and they both bust out laughing.

Just then, I catch sight of Emily and call out to her. "Emily!"

She turns to look at me. "Oh! The guitar, yeah. I'll just get it."

She runs off to her room. I grab her hand to stop her. Why was she talking so fast? "If you're uncomfortable with showing me, really, don't bother."

I look right into her eyes. She smiles.

"No, its not that. You're getting the wrong idea. I just didn't want to show-off at that moment. I... Well. I don't know. I think really low of myself. Maybe its just that."

Hm. I'd have to fix that. She walked back into her room and brought back her guitar. I look at it and smile. "Cool. How about we sing something together?"

"That'd be awesome. We should do that during the party too." she nods.

"We should." I agree. "I guess I'll catch you later."

She walks off. When I turn back to the girls, Jay is gone. I walk back over to Ree. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." she shrugs, playing with her sleeves. Again.

I glared at her. I always knew when she was lying. Hell, I always knew when anyone was lying. Sometimes I hated that fact, but it did come in handy. But then again, Ree never was a good liar, at least not when it came to me.

I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into the room before closing the door. We sat down on one of the bottom bunks. I tugged at the hand I was still holding. "Ree, c'mon. Talk to me."

"I'm just feeling a bit down is all." she looks at me.

"Because of what happened?" I guess.

"What am I gonna do if he finds out?" she whispers.

"You own up to it." I answer, my agitation getting the better or me. "You're over thinking this, Ree. Even if it was his best friend, when has he ever given a crap about what you do?"

"I know," she groans. "but I still feel bad."

She was such a sweet heart. I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and sighed. "Well, the only way you'll probably feel better is if you tell him-"

"No!" she shakes her head so hard it gives me a headache.

"Ok," I put my hands up. "Let's just forget about it for now and finish unpacking.

She nods but says nothing. I get up from the bed and grab the back pack I had laid out and opened it. I pulled out a my Ihome and Ipod before plugging it into the wall. "Here's and idea. Let's jam out to awesome music while we unpack."

A genuinely warm smile spread across her face as it lit up. "That's just what I need to take my mind off of things."

"What are best friends for?" I wink at her.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:36 pm
Craz says...

"Just a few more weeks and then I'm moving across the country. Have you decided what you're going to do after school's done?" Dan said.
Percy knew him well enough to sense the purposely changed topic, but he decided to let it go. Besides, if it was important enough Dan would trust him with it.
Percy replied, "Nah, not really. I might go to engineering college, but its not concrete."
Dan nodded, a half smile playing on his lips. "You always used to mess with that kinda stuff," he said. "Remember that one time that you tried to fix my bike? I nearly had my knee dislocated when we tested it out."
Percy laughed, recalling the pinched face of Dan's step mother, and the screaming that ensued soon after. They were both grounded for months afterwards.
"I still think it was worth it, just to see the expression your step mom had when she screamed at us," he said.
"Not when she was the one screaming at us because you nearly had half of me left on the pavement," he retorted, but with a good humor. They laughed a little more, and then Percy stood. "I'm gonna go look around some more, you coming?"
"Nah, I think I'll just hang here," Dan said, patting the bed as if to confirm it. Percy shrugged and walked down the hallway, overhearing Ash as he bustled in his new room. Percy curiously poked his head in as Tadge said, "I'll take the bottom, then."
Ash laughed, his white teeth flashing in the low light, and Percy couldn't help but chuckle. Ash was relentlessly up-beat, and it was horribly contagious.
"Not like you'll be sleeping here the whole time anyway." Percy piped up. He grinned wickedly, his perverted mind seeking refuge in his inciting imagination, filled entirely with Victoria Secret pillow fights and too tight bikinis.
"Oh what is that supposed to mean?" Ash said, laughing again. "So Tadge, it looked like you and Rose were getting friendly." Ash's grin formed into a coy smile, but Percy could tell that Tadge wasn't the sharing type.
"Yeah, and let's not forget the Glorious Ash/Jaylee flirt-a-thon." Percy said, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing deliciously.
"Hey, it's not my fault that she's fantastic." Ash said, smiling. Oh he's got it bad, Percy thought.
"Think you might ask her to Prom?" Tadge inquired, peering up at them from the bottom bunk.
"I don't know, we'll see how things go!" said Ash. Real bad, Percy amended.
Percy walked away, a smirk on his face. He'll have to get those two some alone time by the end of the trip, hopefully sooner than later.
Last edited by Craz on Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:02 pm
KingLucifer says...

Jaylee Raithwall

Kicked out by my own best friend! What the hell?! Needless to say, I was pissed with Amazon, Rena, I didn't like her, not at all she always came off as one of those Gothic emo chicks who don't trust anyone. Then again, I was kinda like that myself, but I had business to get to, now I at least knew that Amazon and Rena were rooming together. That was an OK start, I walked down the halls, I looked into the rooms making a mental note of who was rooming with who.

Have you ever had that terrible feeling like your alone and no one cares about you? that's how I felt, it's how I felt it made me feel like I wanted to cry I find an empty room, one that looked like no one else was taking, might as well make it mine. I shut the door behind me, locking it, I put my back against the door and slid down, the tears came flying out. I knew I was alone, I knew the tasks I had ahead of me would destroy me in the process of completing them. I brought my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them as I allowed my self to cry, the memories of the past came flooding back. Mom and dad, my sisters, all dead, and because of him.

No one heard my sobs as I cried to myself, allowing the act I had put on for so long, allow itself to break down with no audience to witness it happen. But soon, the tears stop falling, my crying coming to an end. When I finally compose myself, I take a look in the mirror, my make up was smeared and ruined, the only thing I ever put on was mascara, and maybe a little bit of lip gloss. I grab a towel that was on the bed folded nicely, I begin to wipe away all the make up I put on, once done I check it over and when I was satisfied. I made my way out the door only to encounter Amazon, I wanted to light up with happiness, but only remember what I was supposed to do.

"Hey Jay, you alright? Your looking pretty beat up, listen about earlier, it was that-"

"It's fine, I had to go do something anyways," I lied.

Amazon looked at me for a second, raising an eye brow and looking at me, Amazon, you only know so much, and soon, everyone will know.

"Are you sure? Jay, you look like you been crying," she said.

"I'm fine," I said as I marched past her.

"Damn grumpy much?" I heard as I continue down the hall.

I continue down the hall until I get to the second floor where all the guys are, I needed to know who was rooming with who down there to, maybe visit Asher while I was at it, to see how he settled in. It wasn't until I ran into Chad in the hallway that, things didn't seem as gloom as I was seeing it with Amazon.

"Hey Jaylee, what you doing on the guys floor?" he asked.

"Looking for Asher, you seen him?" I asked, which wasn't technically a lie.

"Haven't seen him around, not since the bus, why don't you go check outside, see where he is?" he said.

"Sure, do me a favor and if you see him, tell him I'm looking for him, will you?" I asked.

"Yea, sure whatever," he said, such an asshole.

I made my way down the hall and went to ground floor to see all the teachers hanging around on the ground floor, when I was finished casing the teachers rooms, I made my way outside, I didn't want to stick around inside, needed some fresh air and time to think.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:24 am
Desticakes101 says...

(sorry i havent posted much guys. Busy with student council stuff and such >.<)
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:27 am
crossroads says...

Spoiler! :
I apologise once again. Also I named Miss Mulberry Anita, it was the first name that popped into my mind.

~Victor (Doc)

I sighed as I saw them getting off the bus. Of course, as often, I had arrived earlier, to help with the preparations. Marvelous benefits of being a teacher's cousin - you get to carry a lot of boxes and groceries and die with no air in a van that brings you to the spot, while all the others chill in the bus. And she wants me to be sociable.

I stood by as Anita informed them about the rules and plans, and waved back at Dan as he greeted me. I didn't know him much, I didn't really know any of them as far as I could tell, but I was pretty sure they have heard about me. It was just like that, and I wasn't sure if I was more annoyed by being connected to the teacher or to my parents.

As I spotted Akara, my lips curled up automatically - as far as I knew, she was the only person who made me smile just by appearing, and I wasn't quite sure if she was aware of that. Sure, I couldn't have blamed her, not like I kept serious all the time - that would just make me seem more strange than I was - but when it came to her, it was genuine. She was, after all, the only real friend I had. There was nothing really that I wouldn't have done for her.

She took out her things, glancing at the instruments she took along, and put it all back again as she spotted me. She smiled too - it worked both ways - and ran over to me, hugging me. Not to mention, Akara was also pretty much the only person I would hug just like that.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?! I would've invited you to sit with me."

Because I had no idea I would come, until Anita practically forced me to do come, I almost said. Spending so much time with my peers, doing outdoor activities? With my reputation, I imagined it being so fun I wanted to kill myself. Not to mention that the rooms in the lake house were meant to be shared, and I disliked new places - I needed my time to adapt, and I liked my things being arranged the way I wanted, which could have never been properly done with other people sharing my space. My cousin and I had a long arguement before she promised me she won't make me do anything I won't feel like doing.

"Sorry," I said instead. "I forgot you were coming."

Akara took my hand and I followed her to where she left her things. Mine, those that didn't arrive by bus with them, were probably still somewhere in the van, under packed juices and cans no one took care of yet. I hoped no one would mess with them, for their own good. Don't go there, I warned myself, watching as Akara looked around with a somewhat puzzled expression on her face. I knew she had other friends in this group, friends she could joke with and sing with, but I also knew I wouldn't let her out of mi sight. This field trip.. I knew of things going through the minds of some of those guys, I observed people around me much more careful than it ever appeared, and I also knew how superficial and unimportant the friendships among those girls were. Akara could get nothing from them, nothing real - I hoped she was aware of that as well.

"You're weird. You know that?"

She doesn't think that way, came the conclusion as she looked at me and smiled again. With her past, with her knowing my past, she still thought people around her actually cared? There weren't real friendships, not the kind I valued, among the guys and girl that arrived. Seduction, fun, talks, gossips, falling in love, cheating, rivalry - yes. But not real friendship. I was the only one she could really count on whenever she needed, even when she didn't even know she needed me, and I was about to take care nothing happens on this trip. I controlled my smile this time.

"Yes I do."

I picked the bag they brought for me - some clothes and nothing of importance - and helped her with her instruments, following the group.

Who would say, I thought to myself, writing a password to open my suitcase. I had those numerical locks on all my bags - no matter how uninteresting they may have been, I didn't want anyone to touch my possessions. And after all, if I only put the lock at one bag, that would make everyone even more eager to open that exact one. I smiled for myself, having locked he door behind me. I managed to end up alone in a room. Small one, yes, and due to the fact that everyone else had paired up already, but nevertheless.

Hearing the knocking, I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed. Don't tell me I won't be alone after all.
Anita - for others known as Miss Mulberry - stood at the door, eyeing me somewhat suspiciously. I wondered if she was doing the tour or just checking on me, and I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Is there something you need?"

She gave me a strange look.
"I want this trip to be a vacation," she said, and I almost grinned. "Time for us all to relax a bit, as well as a reward to all of yours accomplishments. I don't want any troubles."

And why the hell are you telling me this? I never start any troubles.
"You were the one who made me come here."

"Because you deserved it just as the others," she said, and I arched an eyebrow. More likely, she didn't want to leave me home alone, but I said nothing. "Just don't respond to whatever happens, but come to me or one of the teachers instead."

"You just said you don't want anything to happen."

She ignored the remark.
"Have you unpacked yet?"

"Not really," I muttered. "I kind of got distracted."

"I will leave you to it, then. But do me a favour if you don't want to just listen, and stay out of fights, will you?"

I snickered.
"I never fight," I said. "I will play nice, don't you worry. Feel free to leave me now and check the other sheep, I'm pretty sure they've already managed to get in a trouble or two."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:35 am
Desticakes101 says...


I watch as Tadge walks to the boys dorm and smile. I'll get him to lighten up at some point in this trip, if its the last thing i do.

I know that I should probably start getting to the girls cabin but...its so pretty out here. The sun, the trees, the grass! I know that I sound like a crazy hippy right now, but constantly living in the city makes you forget how beautiful nature can be sometimes. I skip towards the welcoming forest, just for a little streak of rebelness. The sun is shining through the trees making them look more vibrant than ever.

I suddenly find a little cocoon within a hole in the bottom of a huge pretty oak tree. I really don't care about that whole bonding thing. I mean its good to be social and stuff but come on. We'll be here for the next few weeks. I nuzzle into the little hole and make myself comfy. I dig out Jane Eyre from my purse (my all time favorite book might i mention) and just begin reading.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:48 am
winterbites says...


"Oh what is that supposed to mean?" Ash said, laughing again.

"So Tadge, it looked like you and Rose were getting friendly." Ash's grin formed into a coy smile, but I wasn't going to tell them anything, I am not the kinda person who Shared much, plus nothing was going on...

"Yeah, and let's not forget the Glorious Ash/Jaylee flirt-a-thon." Percy said, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing. I smiled a little, but hardly caring at all.

"Hey, it's not my fault that she's fantastic." Ash said, with a smile.

"Think you might ask her to Prom?" I inquired, peering up at them from the bottom bunk. Might as well try to get along with them I thought.

"I don't know we'll see how things go!" said Ash. I nodded and laid my head back as Cam and Percy left.


"Call me Ash," he cut me off.

"Ash..." I said sarcastically. "I-I've never talked to someone about this... But, urm... I don't really know how to talk to girls..." I rushed, "Or anyone..: I added feeling like an idiot.

"Awh, man... Is this about rose?"

"No!" I lied through my teeth.

"Sure, sure... but hey... if someone is going to like you, they have to like you for yourself... So don't try to be anyone you're not. Got it?" he playfully kicked the bottom of my bed jerking my up a little.

"Okay, okay." I laughed. Ash, he doesn't seem so bad. I think I just made a friend!
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:32 am
VampireSenshi says...


Tadge laughed.

"Absolutely nothing to worry about." I smile. I hop off the top bunk and look around the floor. No one was around, so I decided to go for a walk.

The wonders of nature formed around me as I walked from the cabin into the open air. I probably should have taken a buddy or a chaperon perhaps. But I didn't care.

I was walking around for almost thirty minutes, it was very peaceful aside from tripping over a branch that had fallen. I got up to dust myself off. Then I heard someone coming up behind me.

"Ash!" I was Jaylee, I smiled.

"Hey Jay!" She was coming at me in a sort of canter, I walked toward her. Then she tripped the same branch that'd I'd just tripped over and fell right on me.

We hit ground with a THUD. We both grunted, and then burst out laughing.

"Hi there." I said, she giggled.

"Any particular reason you came looking for me out in the woods? There could be bears out here ya'know."

"I just came to see how you were settling in."

"Well I was talking to Tadge, he's not the biggest ball of sunshine but you know he's pretty cool. And you know everyone else."

"Yeah, I got kicked out of a room by my own best friend. Can you believe that?"

"That whore." I said laughing.

"Yeah I know right, but she's still my best friend so I can't really blame her."

"She and that one guy are getting pretty friendly. Think maybe they're gonna get, friendly?"

She laughed loudly.

"I don't know, maybe they'll save it for pro-" she stopped. She looked nervous, she looked into my eyes.

"Prom" she said finally.

"Speaking of that, are you going with anyone?" she was silent, and then she simply shook her head.

"Do you think you might fancy, maybe..."

"Are you about to ask me to prom? On the ground? In the forest?" she asked giggling.

"Yup." I smiled.

"Then yes. I will." she smiled, I leaned up and kissed her cheek.

"I - uh, I gotta get back now. You should too. There's a party tonight." we both got up and walked back to the house.

NIGHT is always watching...

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:40 am
MikeyG says...

Hey I see that this SB has already started but would it be cool if I joined?

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:01 am
ChocoCookie says...

Emily Adams

After we're done unpacking, we both fall hopelessly into the bed, tired. That was a lot. Well, I guess, now we'll get time to do whatever we want to. Cass says she's going to take a walk outside. I probably should too.

I go out of the room. That party all of us have been deciding takes place tonight... Maybe I should help with the sneaking out since, I'm pretty jobless around here. And I've always been good at those things since I keep bunking classes and stuff. I guess this sneaking out will be more wilder than before which makes it more fun.

I walk down the guys cabin and see lots of girls talking to many guys. Man, how do they get along so well? I run upstairs and grab my guitar. Maybe I should just sit somewhere and play the guitar. I walk downstairs to the games room. Thankfully, its empty.

I sit down at a chair, and start singing a random song. In fact, I realize I'm singing my own song.

"And if you ever wanted to apologize...
You know, you're never going to get a chance,
to make me happy with your fake sympathies-

I hear the door open and stop singing. It was Cam. I get up and look at him. Now, I'll have to leave. Yay.

"Oh, sorry. I think I'll just leave." I say and walk outside.

"No, its alright. Why're you freaking out?" he asks, grinning.

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm not freaking out. Why do you ask?"

"No, you just look pale." he says, nodding.

I smile. "Well, then. I'll be going now."

I close the door with my guitar on my shoulders. Maybe I should just hit some fresh air. That way, I can concentrate on my singing too. I sang so bad in the games room. When I get out, I come across Miss Mulberry.

"Oh, hello Emily." she says, kindly.

"Hi." I reply. I wasn't in the mood.

"Well, then. I'll leave you to yourself, then." she walks away and I sit on the stairs. Just then, I hear the sound of a guitar. Obviously, I knew who it was.

I walk to the other side. Percy.

"What're you doing here?" I ask.

He turns to look at me. He smiles. "Hey, its Emily. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing." I say and sit next to him. The grass sure is fresh around here.

"You're coming to the party, right?" he asks. "Chad's party?"

"I was thinking of helping out the girls to sneak out." I grin.

"So you've got a wild side of you!"

"Ah, I don't know about that..." I spoke. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, obviously. It is Chad's party."

"Of course." I say as he moves his hands along the guitar strings.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:27 am
*coco says...

Chad Rancic (Duke)

Ready to do some serious planning, I walked down the boys’ hall towards Dan and Percy’s room. On the way I bumped into Jaylee, which I found a bit weird. She said something about telling Ash that she was looking for him, but I wasn’t really listening. I was too focused on coming up with a half-decent plan for my party.

When I made it to Dan and Percy’s room their door was closed so I knocked. Normally us guys were never that considerate, but I figured I might as well, just in case they were taking a nap or something.

“Come in,” Dan’s voice said from inside.

I opened the door enough for me to pop my head through. “Not interrupting anything, am I?”

Percy shook his head. “No, what’s up?”

I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. “I need help coming up with a plan to sneak us all out for tonight’s party.”

“What do you have so far?” asked Dan.

“The drinks,” was my reply.

Percy’s eyes widened. “How did you manage to smuggle in drinks? Mr Owens checked our bags before we left.”

I scoffed. “Please, Coach’s checks were a joke. All I had to do was put the alcohol into energy drink bottles and the guy bought it.”

Dan and Percy chuckled at that before all three of us got down to business.

“Okay, so the party’s probably gonna happen pretty late because we need the teachers to be asleep before we can sneak out,” said Dan. “I’m guessing just after midnight, maybe?”

“But what if some of the teachers are still awake then?” I asked.

Percy let out a sigh. “Then we’re screwed.”

“No, we’re not,” Dan chipped in. “I’ll distract whoever’s still awake. I’m good at that.”

I smirked because I knew it was true. “Cool, and while you’re doing that, I’ll lead the guys out into the woods.”

“Who’s carrying the drinks?” asked Percy.

“Cam will.” I said that without even needing to think. He was stronger than all four of us combined. It would be like carrying a feather for him.

“Okay,” Dan continued, rubbing his hands together, “so that leaves one thing; who’s leading out the girls? They’re all the way up on the top floor, it’s gonna be twice as hard to sneak them out.”

He had a point. Before I could make any suggestions, I got a message on my phone. Pulling it out of my pant pocket I saw it was Cam. I scanned through his message and then looked up at the boys. “Cam’s down in the game’s room.”

Dan got up from his bed. “Let’s go and fill him in on the plan.”

With that, the three of us headed down the flight of stairs to the ground floor. A couple of teachers were gathered in the main lounge talking and drinking coffee but most of the noise was coming down the hall in the games room. We walked in and spotted Cam on one of the couches.

“Alright, boys?” he greeted as we took a seat next to him. “Come up with any good ideas?”

I nodded, noticing how he looked a lot more relaxed. Clearly, that joint had done him some good. Dan and I spent the next few minutes filling him in on the plan, and how the only thing we had left to work out was who was going to lead the girls. Percy, who was talking to Emily all this time, re-joined our conversation.

“So Emily wants to help,” he smirked.

I looked over at her with a raised brow, “Yeah?”

She nodded confidently. “Sure, what do you need me to do?”

“I need you to lead the girls out of the cabin when you get my signal,” I answered.

“What’s the signal?”

“This,” I pulled out a small silver tube with from my pocket. “It’s a laser,” I explained, pressing the button and making a sharp green light flash through Cam’s forehead. “I’m gonna point it at your window when the coast is clear, so keep a look out.”

“Hey, isn’t that the laser you used to sneak us out for your last party?” asked Dan curiously.

“Damn right it is. Best $10 I ever spent.”
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:44 pm
FermentingFruit says...


I wandered through the halls of the house, looking for Chad. The wandering sound of guitar playing accompanied by singing caught my attention. The drugs really must have started working, because I smiled. I walked down the stairs to the main floor, and followed the source. I pushed open the door and the singing stopped. I walked in and Emily quickly stood up. "Oh, sorry. I think I'll just leave." said. She walked out of the room, but I stopped her.

"No, its alright. Why're you freaking out?" I said.

"I'm not freaking out. Why do you ask?" She looked at me funny.

"No, you just look pale." I said nodding.

"Well, then. I'll be going now." she replied. She flashed a smile and left me standing dumbfounded in the game room. Whatever. I plopped myself down in a couch and pulled out my phone.

In the game room.

I sent the message to Chad and waited, taking another burning drink of the vodka. I popped another piece of gum in my mouth and waited. Chad walked in with Dan and Percy, and I smiled. “Alright, boys?” I said. They sat down beside me. “Come up with any good ideas?” Dan and Chad filled me in on how we were to wait until midnight, then I'd carry the drinks out. "But who's leading the girls?" I added.

“So Emily wants to help,” Percy said. I smiled, knowing we might actually pull this off.

“Yeah?” Chad said.

“Sure, what do you need me to do?” Emily responded. I hadn't even noticed her in here. I shrugged and waited for Chad's response.

“I need you to lead the girls out of the cabin when you get my signal,” Chad replied.

“What’s the signal?”

“This,” Chad pulled out a small metal cylinder from his pocket. I knew what it was, but Emily not might have. “It’s a laser,” He said. He pushed the button, and I could feel it on my face. I smiled and swatted at it like a cat, which got a laugh out of Percy. “I’m gonna point it at your window when the coast is clear, so keep a look out.”

“Hey, isn’t that the laser you used to sneak us out for your last party?” Dan piped in.

“Damn right it is. Best $10 I ever spent.” Chad responded. We all burst out laughing, and I stood up.

"Well, we seem to have this figured out. I'm going for a swim." I smiled and walked out of the game room back to my room. I locked the door and changed as quickly as possible. I removed my shirt and smiled to myself. Grabbing a towel, I left my room. Walking through the halls I got a few funny looks, but more smiles. I sauntered past the teachers, snickered at the look Miss Mulberry's gave me, and Chad caught me at the door.

"You my friend, are one confident bastard." I flashed him a smile and walked out of the house. I strode through the woods until I reached the beach. I dropped the towel and dove right in. The water enveloped my body as I entered. A brief chill overtook me, but it quickly got warmer. I swam to the dock, heaved myself up, and laid there in the sun.
Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:39 am
Alvarin says...

Spoiler! :
I forbid anyone from discovering them right now.

Daniel Thorpe
I had promised that I would distract any teachers while the others snuck out, but I wasn't sure I could. If it was Art then yes, I'd just tell him what was going on and he'd probably let us go and give me a time when he was going to bust the party. I wasn't sure if I was using him. He wouldn't act like that if I wasn't in the group, that much I was sure of, but he has always been a very tolerant teacher, since he's not that old.

"Ey!" Talk about the trolls. Art had stuck his head into the game room and shouted loudly to call for our attention. "Dinner will be ready en half an hour, okay? Mr Owens and Miss Wells are gonna have a barbecue, so I hope you all are hungry." There was a cheer. Barbecue on a sunny day in the woods. I smiled at the thought.

"I'm gonna get some air," I told the others and went outside. When I passed Art I looked him in the eye and hoped that he would understand that I wanted him to follow. I walked around the cabin and a bit into the woods where I stopped to wait.

Fifteen minutes later I was starting to think that he wouldn't come. It was kind of a risk, I knew that, but I really wanted to talk to him. Spending the whole trip watching him but not being able to touch him or even talk to him would be unbearable. I leaned back towards a tree and closed my eyes. The sun felt warm and nice, and the trees gave just enough shade.

I heard soft footsteps coming towards me so I opened my eyes and smiled. Art smiled back with his usual wry smile. I loved that smile. Somehow it suited his face. "Sorry, I got coaxed into fetching the coal from the buss." He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. I left the tree and walked into his open arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his shoulder. It was funny how I actually had gotten a bit taller than him now, when I used to be much shorter. I flinched as he squeezed me a bit harder. My ribs were still sore. Of course he immediately noticed and let go to look me in the eye. His smile was gone now. "What happened?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about it," I said and tried to look away, but he grabbed my chin and forced me too look him in the eye.

"Danny, come on. Do you want me worrying sick or will you just tell me?"

I shrugged. "It's really not a big deal. I just went home to pack some stuff for the trip when I thought dad was at work. It's my fault, I should've checked if his car was in the garage first."

"Don't ever say that! It's not you fault. None of it." Art's expression became a bit milder. "Let me take a look." I was about to protest, but he cut me of. "Please, Danny? If you won't let me turn those bastard in to the police then at least let me help you the only way I can."

I reluctantly pulled my sweater up and showed him the bruises that covered my whole side. I really didn't like showing these things to him. The face he made every time.. I didn't want him to pity me or feel bad for me or anything else for that matter.

He knelt and carefully followed each of my ribs with his fingers. "It's not broken, just a bit soar."

"You sure?" He looked up. Oh, great. Now I had gotten him worried.

"I know what a broken rib feels like." Now it was his turn to flinch and I immediately regretted that I had said that. "Please don't make a big deal out of this." He got up as I pulled my sweater down again. "Lets just enjoy the trip while it lasts, please?"

He put his arms around me again, more careful this time. "When you graduate I swear I won't let anyone hurt you again, ever."

"I know that," I said with the smile that I only show to him.

He looked at his watch and gave me a quick kiss. "Time for dinner. You head back first and I'll wait five minutes before following."

I kissed him again, properly this time, before leaving. My heart felt much lighter just from talking to him for a couple of minutes, but at the same time the whole pretense made me want to scream. Calling him 'Mr Reed' in front of everyone just so that they would suspect. It was horrible.

When I got back everyone had already gathered around the table outside. The mood was still as high as before. I sat down in between Percy and Victor, opposite of Chad. Mrs Mulberry was arguing with Cam. Probably about his lack of clothes. I laughed at one of Percy's jokes and then tossed a grilled potato at Chad when he reminded me of that time I had scored a point, for the other team. Well, I hadn't been able to think straight knowing that Art was in the audience.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:36 am
AlmondEyes says...


I'd finally gotten Ree's mind off of her fling with cam and got her to smile and have fun. We'd finally finished unpacking and were just chillin' around, talking about nothing, when our stomachs growled in unison. There was a knock at the door.

"Girls," Mrs. Wells said. "food."

That's all we needed to hear. I grabbed my guitar and flute case down before going to eat.
Everyone was already out side, including Victor who I was looking for. I took the seat beside Victor and set my stuff down. Ree took the seat to my left.

"Hey everyone." I smiled.

Everyone smiled back and replied, except Jaylee. I looked at her across sitting across from me and waved, but she didn't wave back. Probably still mad at me for bunking with Ree instead of her. She probably feels like I kicked her out. Then I noticed Cam's shirtless state and couldn't help but admire. He caught me and winked.

"So what were you two doing up in your room?" Cam asked.

"The usual stuff," I shrugged and gave him a meaningful look. "and trying to keep her minds off of something that's been bothering her."

The smile left his face. I guess he got what I meant. Everyone else was too busy talking about other things to pay attention to us. Chad was talking to Dan, Jaylee to Ash, and Victor was just staring into space. I nudged him with my elbow, snagging his attention. He smiled at me. "What's up?"

"Talk to me." I tug at his arm. "How have you been?"

"Better now that you're here. That's for sure." he smiles.

"Wow." I laugh. "That was the corniest thing I've ever heard, but sweet."

"Well," he shrugs. "you're really the only one who's ever been there for me besides your mother."

"Of course, silly." I smile and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, catching him by surprise. "What are childhood friends for?"

"Ok guys!" Mr. Reed comes out holding giant platters of food in his hands followed by Mrs. Wells. "Your sustenance is served. Dig in."

Barbecue. Yum. I smiled and filled the plate in front of me with food. Lord was I starving. I hadn't eaten this morning, so my stomach was screaming for something to fill it. People were laughing, telling jokes at other peoples' expense, and having a good time. Victor was his usual self, quiet and observational, but I got a smile or laugh out of him every once in a while. Things were going great. Once we finished, Mrs. Wells stood up.

"So who wants dessert?" she smiled widely.

Everyone raised their hands.

She turned towards the other teachers. "Would you be so kind as to help me? I've made too many to carry on my own."

They all stood and headed inside. As soon as the door closes, I stand up. "So, how's this party gonna go down? How are we going to sneaking everyone in and out?"

"We've got the guys figured out, and Emily said she would lead the girls out." Dan answered.

"Thanks for including me in the discussion." I sit back down.

"You were too busy with your roommate." Jaylee chimed up.

"Do you really want to go there with me, Jay?" I look her straight in the eye.

"Just saying." she shrugged.

I turned back towards Dan and Chad. "You've got a location set up? Drinks?"

"Done and done." Chad answered.

"Got a diversion planned?" I look at him.

"All set." he nods.

"I wish someone would have come and got me so we could plan this together," I run a hand through my hair in irritation. "but it seems like you've got everything covered."

"Well then, how about you lead them back?" Cam speaks up.

"Ok then." I nod. "What's the signal?"

“This,” Chad pulled out a small metal cylinder from his pocket and I smile.

A laser. "Didn't you use that to sneak us out for your last party?"

“Damn right it is. Best $10 I ever spent.” Chad responded.

"Dessert is served!!" Mrs. Wells as she came out from the house with the other teachers right behind her.

My mouth watered when I saw what she had. They all set down cake. Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and a few other I didn't know or care about. My eyes landed straight on chocolate.

"Dig in everyone," she said.

You don't have to tell me twice.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:22 pm
Craz says...

"Dessert is served!" Mrs. Wells shouted. The teachers trudged back outside, their arms filled with sugary triangles. As the teachers set them down, Percy's eyes located the chocolate like a bee to it's queen. He could tell that he probably looked very pathetic just then, but chocolate had always been his favorite. Percy stood and went to intercept the first piece he saw, but someone had the same idea and reached towards it. It was Akara, and her fiery eyes glowered down at him, even though they were roughly the same height. Percy backed off and raised his hands in surrender, and she stalked away with one last lingering glare and sat next to Victor. Percy grabbed another chocolaty piece and couldn't help but compare Akara to trying to approach a mother bear with rabies.
Percy stuffed his face, delicious icing getting on his fingers as he pointedly ignored the forks that Mrs. Wells had put out. It always tasted better this way anyways, Percy thought. He heard some of the guys snicker at him, and he bared his chocolate covered teeth at them in mock savageness.
Percy spotted Emily lingering on a seat by herself, picking at her piece of cake carefully. She was sitting in the sun, and it brought out the slight highlights in her wavy hair and warmed her skin to a nice glow. She leaned back and tipped her head up, soaking up the sunlight like a lazy cat. Percy recalled when they had talked outside, his fingers picking out random parts in songs as they talked. He had wanted to hear her play, but he knew that Emily was incredibly nervous and uneasy when it came to playing in front of people. He wasn't the type to push people to do what they didn't want to, but it was like trying to ignore a mosquito on his arm. He decided that he would get her to play at the party, even if it meant that he had to pull her away from everyone else to hear it.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

— looseleaf