
Young Writers Society

The Toy Box 3 (Started)

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Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:22 pm
BrooklynWriter says...

I'm really sorry guys, I'm just too lost to keep up now. If you guys want to just use my character until someone gets fed up enough to kill her thats fine. Sorry :'(

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Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:32 am
tgirly says...


I saw Coral standing next to another doll I hadn't seen before, but seemed to be fighting on our side. I only saw them in passing though, because I was being attacked by a doll that was at least half an inch taller than me. As he raised his club, I ducked under his arm and stabbed him in the back, right in the humanity chip. He crumpled at my feet like a house of cards and I moved on. Blue seemed to be holding his own, but Trina was fighting two dolls and another one was heading for her. Luckily, the bigger of the two dolls she was fighting was so intent on the fight, he didn't even notice as I snuck up behind him and jammed my dagger in his arm, which fell off. Trina hit him in the head with her frying pan, and he hit the ground with a thud. I kicked the other doll in the shin, and Trina hit him on the head so hard with the frying pan, his humanity chip flew out of him.
I turned toward the last doll, but he'd veered coarses and was now heading for Blue, who'd just knocked out his last opponent. It looked like we were winning, which meant these other dolls would start turning desperate. When dolls get desperate, they start doing crazy things, dangerous things. I turn to tell Trina to be careful, but she's already fighting another doll with Francie.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:22 am
Sassafras says...

Blue and Jessica- (Sorry, was away for a while)

It came to no surprise to Blue that the dolls would attack so quickly, he would be enjoying his time if Jessica was not hurt. Sure, she was still holding her own, swinging her chainsaw with one hand and gripping Pinky tightly with the other, but Blue could tell she was fatigued and not up to par with her usual skills. Blue had just knocked down his current opponent when another came barreling towards him, he turned quickly and made a clean swipe through his neck with one sword and, as the doll was falling, smashed the hilt of his other sword into the back of the doll's head, shattering his Humanity Chip.

He ran over towards Jessica and offed two of the five dolls that were ganging her. It was obvious she was currently weakened, and dolls sensed weakness immediately.

"Jess, just go," Blue grunted, staggering from a blow that hit his side.

Jessica didn't answer, just shook her head and grimaced through her usually stoic mask. Blue growled angrily and gave her a small push outside the circle of dolls surrounding them.

"Stop being so stubborn, I'm trying to help you."

The number of enemy dolls were thinning, but their tactics were becoming increasingly dirty, sneak attacks and rocks being thrown. They weren't fighting fair anymore.

"When have you ever known me to need help," Jessica scoffs, but just as she's turning to fight someone coming quick towards her Blue's opponent turns and stabs Jessica through the back. Jess sputters for a minute, as if in shock, and looks down at the blade protruding through her stomach.


Blue lets out a loud growl and makes a quick job of the dolls surrounding him, soon the only people left in the clearing are Tom's team and the doll's corpses. Blue bends and scoops Jessica's body into his arms. She's not dead, he knows that, her Humanity Chip is still unharmed, but she is in a lot of pain, he can tell from the grimace on her blood stained face.

"Is she okay," one doll asks, Blue doesn't look up to find who it is.

"She's not dead," he replies. "Is everyone else okay," he asks. "Everyone is alive, right?"

He scans the team quickly and is pleased to find everyone standing there alive. A smile warms his lips and he nods.

"I think you all did good for the first battle," he starts, smiling wider. "We should find shelter now."

Blood is pouring from Jessica's stomach and Blue sets her down again gently. He takes off his shirt and rips it into small strands to wrap around the wound. Jessica groans and opens her eyes to glare at him.

"That hurts, Blue," she snaps.

Blue rolls his eyes and picks her up again.

"It's supposed to, idiot." He smiles to show her that he's joking and turns back towards the team. "So, we can be off now, yeah?"
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:56 pm
LemonyIce says...


Trina looked up at the second doll who had saved her. Angeline helped her fight a few other dolls. Then, Trina turned around just in time to see a doll heading towards Francie from behind. She aimed her gun from where she was standing and fired, hoping it would reach just in time. Miraculously, or so she thought, the bullet hit the doll just as he was about to attack Francie. Trina ran up to her and wordlessly began fighting the dolls surrounding hem. There were only two or three left, so it didn't take them much time to knock all the other dolls out. Remembering what she had over heard Lorcan telling Hayden she thought Well, I'm doing pretty good for a girl and a supposed wimp.

She looked around to make sure there were no dolls left, save the few that were attacking Jessica and Blue. She watched as Blue saw Jessica get hurt, and destroy all the dolls around him. She watched as he picked her up and wrapped up Jessica's wound. Trina was still clutching her shoulder, and had long thrown the piece of cloth she had torn from her dress since it was already soaked in blood. She had left it for now and was just letting it bleed slowly. Just a little wound. Nothing to worry about. It could have been as bad as Jessica's right? she thought.

"So, we can be off now, yeah?" said Blue. Trina walked behind slowly, all the other dolls in front of her talking to each other about their first time fighting other dolls. They found a very small clearing in the forest and decided to take shelter under the trees. The space in the middle was big enough for them to light a fire, which they needed since it was almost night time. "I'll just look around a bit and be back." said Trina, to no one in particular. Everyone was busy doing something or the other. Blue was tending to Jessica's wound and talking to her. Francie, Kayli and Coral, Eleanor and Alia, Lorcan and Scary Sarah and Soldier Doll and Angeline were talking to each other, while Hayden was sitting under his tree, looking thoroughly disgruntled and unhappy.

Trina got up and walked away from the area where everyone was sitting. She knew she shouldn't go too far, and so just lingered around the trees for a while. She picked up a fallen leaf and wrapped it in a very awkward way around her shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding. It felt too uncomfortable, and so she removed it. She walked back to the tree and sat down underneath it and sighed. It had been a long day. She glanced up at the stars, twinkling above them. Well, pretty good for a first day, if I do say so myself.
I'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest.
The trees keep the tempo and they sway in time.
Quartet of crickets chime in for the chorus.
If I were to pluck on your heart strings would you strum on mine?

~Plant Life, Owl City

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:22 am
Calligraphy says...

Umm... I'm back. Could someone fill me in?

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:35 am
Sassafras says...

Battle's over, looking for shelter.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:26 pm
TwistedMuffins says...

Spoiler! :
Welcome back, Cal~ Well, the plane crashed, we ended up flew out of the plane, and we landed onto the sand, (and some of us, water.), everyone tended to their wounds or fought with one another (verbally). A dog comes out and tries to attack us but Hayden kills the dog with his gun. Some dolls come out, and start yelling at us for killing their dog -> they attack. But, we were cooler than them. We won. Now, we are looking for shelter.


The fight was random, sudden, and Alia found it very annoying. She was covered in blood from head to toe, though very little of it belonged to her. "Quite a day." She said, as she approached the group. Alia saw Jessica was hurt badly, and Coral was tending her wounds with her Magic Wand or whatever it was. There was a new kid. She peeked it from the side, trying to get a look at what was happening. Alia, misunderstanding Kayli for a sniper, crept up for her from the back, lightly placing the Tra'qaz where Kayli's Chip should be.

"Who are you?" Alia muttered in Kayli's ear, having her arm on her neck in a swift moment. Kayli let out a shriek, and everyone had their weapons in their hand, thinking the were under attack again.
"I asked you something." Alia said, as she tightened her arm around Kayli's neck.
"Uh-huh. Kayli, what are you doing here? Where's your team?"
"I -gasp- I have no team. I came here alone. I want to join your team."
Alia loosened her grip a little, not wanting to actually choke Kayli. She might have some useful information. Or food. Maybe lemons?"
"And why should we believe you?" Alia asked.
"She-" Kayli tried pointing at Coral, but Alia - misunderstanding the moment- grabbed her hands and pulled it behind Kayli's back. "C-Coral believed me."

Alia shot a look of annoyance towards Coral. She let go of Kayli, but tied her hands together with the shawl she took from one of the dolls she killed. "She may trust you, but I do not. And until I don't, you shall remain like this."
"I will die within the next ten minutes if you tie me up to survive like this!"
"So?" Alia said, with a blank expression, and bored tone.

"So let's go find us a home!" She said, suddenly "cheerful",(As cheerful as Alia can get anyway.) as she turned back to her group! "I'm tired. I want to sleep." Yawning wide to emphasize her statement. She carried Kayli on her shoulder, and took lead. Kayli let out another shriek at the sudden movement, and Alia glared at her, her black pupils starting to expand. Kayli shut up after that, muttering only under her breathe.
Last edited by TwistedMuffins on Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If I were to have a super power, it would be to time-travel, so that I could turn back time, and erase your very existence.

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:47 pm
Justagirl says...

OOC: Twisted - it's Coral, not Carol :p XD

France ~ The Camp

After what seemed like hours, the battle was finally over. Dolls were strewn across the beach, their heads and chests bashed in until a few's humanity chips were sticking out. Others had lost limbs, couldn't get up, and had their heads down, slowly suffocating on the sand.

I looked over at Trina and judged her from her appearance. She seemed alright so I gave her a small, tired smile to show gratitude that she'd saved me just a few minutes ago.

I started walking towards Blue and Jessica. Coral had a new doll with her and was starting towards Blue, too.

We both stopped when he said, "So, we can be off now, yeah?"

He had finished patching up Jessica's wound as much as he could and was now walking slowly next to her as she moved along - not looking weak, just, not full-strength.

I shrugged and walked towards Coral, going to ask about the dark-haired doll she had been with.

She explained who she was, Kayli - she had been illegally entered into the Toy Box.

I looked for Kayli. "Where is she?" I asked Coral.

Coral and I looked around.


"Over there!" I pointed. Kayli was slung over a tall doll's, Alia's, shoulder, her hands bound.

Coral gave a little gasp and rushed towards Alia and Kayli. I went with her.

"What are you doing?!" Asked Coral loudly.

"I don't trust her." Alia shrugged.

"She's fine!" Coral went up to Alia and started to untie the shawl around her hands.

Alia side-stepped away from Coral. "Oh, no you don't," She growled. "If I don't trust her, I'm not gonna let her be unbound. She could kill us all."

"Oh, just leave her be, Alia." I said, stepping up next to Coral. "We don't want to have to get Blue or Tom involved in this. The doll's done nothing wrong. She's not guilty of anything until proven."

I watched as Alia contemplated this.

"Well. I'll be watching her." Said Alia as she let Kayle down. Then, she walked a little ways away and glanced at Coral as she unbound Kayli's hands.

"Thanks." Said Kayli.

"Sure." Said Coral and I at the same time.

I didn't trust this doll but it still wasn't fair for her to have her hands bound all the time.

"Well, hi. I'm Francie." I held out my slightly bloody hand, holding my cane with the other and leaning on it.

Kayli shook my hand, "Kayli."

We walked in silence with Coral for a while until the group stopped at a small clearing about half a mile into the woods away from the beach.

Kayli produced a lighter from her boot and went to start a fire, which we needed since it was getting dark, and I just stuck with Coral.

Blue came over to Coral and whispered something to her, then, when she nodded, he yelled out, "Alright! Coral's going to give you all a once-over to bind up your wounds and such and while she's doing that I'll be making a head count. So, get into a line so we can start!"

I frowned a little at the situation, I felt like I was going to be looked over like a pig for slaughter, but then I reminded myself it was Coral and Blue, and they wouldn't "slaughter" me.

I got into line next to Eleanor and Hayden. Hayden wore a sour frown on his face and Eleanor had her usual sad, faraway look in her eyes.

"Does anyone know where Trina is?" Shouted out Blue while Coral kept coming down the line, looking people over for cuts and other wounds.

"I think she went that way.." Alia pointed into the woods.

"Ok. Someone go find her..."

Coral had finished looking me over and I was ok, so I grabbed Kayli and we went into the woods, looking for Trina.
"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:42 pm
ChocoCookie says...

(Dragonette: That was my first impression on Kayli. Now, she's a pretty tough chick to me so don't worry. You can act your thing. ^.^ And welcome! :)

Coral | Looking for shelter | Healing.

I walked in with Kayli just in time to see the battle getting over but, in time to see Jessica getting hurt too. Not again, right? I ran over to Blue to see if she was okay.

"Is she okay?" I asked him.

"She's not dead. Everyone is alive, right?" Blue asks the team.

I nodded. Kayli was suspicious and was looking at everyone. She seemed pretty excited and also worried, at the same time.

"Alright! Coral's going to give you all a once-over to bind up your wounds and such and while she's doing that I'll be making a head count. So, get into a line so we can start!" Blue ordered.

I took out my herbs and my Wand. I started walking up to everyone hanging around with Kayli and Francie. It was good to know Francie was alright. I sighed in belief. I was showing Kayli around when I turned around to ask:

"Did-- Where is she?" I asked Fran.

Both of us looked around until I heard, Fran spotted her. Good eyes.

"Um... Over there!" she pointed to me.

I saw Alia standing next to her, with that thing. Here we go again. I walked towards her before, she would kill Kay.

"What are you doing?!" I blurted out.

"I don't trust her." Alia said giving a shrug.

I scowled at her. Why does she come in between for everything?

"She's fine!" I went up to Kay and grabbed her by the wrist but, Alia wouldn't let go.

"Oh no, you don't. If I don't trust her, I'm not gonna let her be unbound. She could kill us all."

"Oh, let her be Alia! I know her better. You let go, missy."

This, time Alia scowled and said "I'll be watching you..."

As, I walked away from Alia, I hurried over to heal the other's. Lorcan was the first one. He was hurt badly in the leg. Man! I thought he would use the Flamberge better!

I dragged his collar and made him sit on the sand. Angeline was staring at us in a "I-don't-want-to-sit-on-sand" expression. I took out my ward and herbs. I dropped the juice of the nature slowly, onto the wound.

"OW! You're insane! This thing burns like hell!" Lorcan yelled.

"Keep it down. Not my fault. You should have been more careful so that, you don't get yourself into this." I said patiently.

I waited for 45 seconds and took my Wand. I let go of one flake, just like I did to Jessica. The wound was healing. Lorcan was pretty surprised but, he didn't say anything.

"You may go. But don't jump or run now. Just walk or sit down." I instructed him and worked my way to the other doll, Angeline.

"Has anyone seen Trina?" Blue asks.

I got up to see if I could see a bright hair. No. No bright hair. Where is she?

Francie gave me a sign that she would go in search of her with Kayli. I nodded and left the rest to her.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:58 pm
Blues says...

Spoiler! :
I hope I'm not posting too infrequently...
Also, could we make a DT for this storybook?

Hayden| On the beach

First day.

Went pretty well. Well, that's what Hayden thought. Most of the day had been spent under a piece of fuselage that had fell from the sky, not bothering to get out apart from once.

Two dolls had been fighting, throwing punches, daggers and God-knows-what-else. One had been walking backwards near the fuselage that Hayden was hiding under. Hayden inched forwards and yanked their leg. Then he dragged them under the fuselage and whipped out his knife, stabbing the humanity chip into pieces.

Before he hid under the fuselage, he whipped out his pistol and shot the dog down.
But his stomach twisted into a knot when he realised it was his pistol. "Crap... Wrong gun-" He patted himself down and switched pockets for things, until he realised his gun was in the plane.

Stuck with some crappy knife then.

Hayden followed the other dolls to shelter. He sat there looking disgruntled. Then, clutching his pistol, he slowly stood up and sneaked away.

I am a lone fighter.

He wasn't even intending to fight just then, but while it was dark, if he could find an enemy base...

Well. There'd be a massacre in the morning.

He dashed through the leaves, dodging to avoid a tree. The forest was dense and humid. It was dark - Hayden could barely see much, so it wasn't a surprise when he bumped into a tree. "Ouch!"

"Did -"

"I did! I did!"

Hayden rubbed his head feeling disorientated before bumping into the doll with the cap. Francie... was it?

"Crap," he muttered. "Sorry. Done it again. Sorry. I'm just... um... exploring."

Francie narrowed her eyes. Hayden knew she knew that he was lying.

"...y'know... just wondering if there's an enemy base in the morning we could, y'know..."

Francie smiled again. "Come with us instead. We're looking for Trina."

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:15 pm
Justagirl says...

Francie ~ The Woods - Looking for Trina

As Kayli and I were wandering through the woods, we decided to split up and meet back at a big palm tree we'd found in ten minutes. I walked off by myself and promptly walked into a doll. It was Hayden, the boy doll with the odd nose.

"Crap. Sorry. Done it again. Sorry. I'm just... um... exploring."

I narrowed my eyes at him and glared.

He gave in and told the truth. "... y'know... just wondering if there's an enemy base... in the morning we could, y'know..."

I smiled at him, rewarding him for telling the truth. "Come with us instead. We're looking for Trina."

Hayden looked at me weird.

"Oh, I mean, me. Kayli went the other way, we'll be meeting up again a little ways back in a few minutes."


Hayden and I walked in silence for a few minutes. "So, what were you and Trina screaming at each other for at the beach?"

He was silent.

I blushed and remembered to add, "Oh, um, if that's ok that I'm asking..."

"Yeah, yeah. It's fine." He said gruffly.

"Ok, so, what was that about?"
"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:38 pm
Gingerhead says...

hey there - I know I'm late but I'm new here and I think this sounds cool - CAN I JOIN?
Down once more into the dungeons of my black despair. Down we plunge into the prisons of my mind.....- Phantom of the opera

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:45 pm
Calligraphy says...

Lorcan Buckley

"Hey can I go with you? You're going to look for the Sigrid chick right?"
Spoiler! :
(Note: Sigrid is an anime character with blue hair, and I mean Trina. My Character has a tendency to give people nicknames because he can never remember dolls' real names. By Pinocchio he means Hayden and by Barbie he means Francie... I hope it isn't too confusing)
I panted as I jogged up to Pinocchio and Barbie. Pinocchio probably hated me by now, but not as much as he hated the Sigrid chick by the way he had screamed at her already. I mean, we hadn't been on the island long enough to get in screaming fights. Or so I had thought.

As they looked at me silently I knew I had just interrupted something.

"Umm.." I trailed off.

"Sure, you can come with I suppose." Barbie sighed giving Pinocchio a meaningful look. For some reason I felt like it said 'were not finished with this; you are going to talk to me after this bozo leaves.' I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Barbie was a different character than I has assumed she had. I hated when I got someone's personality wrong. She wasn't a silly airhead like I first thought. Now I actually had to pay attention to see what she was like and how I should react, and I wouldn't mind that so much, but unless I get someone's personality down right away, I usually never do. I'm not very observant.

We continued to walk in silence for a short ways.

Spoiler! :
I know this is really short, but I just wanted to bring myself back into things and I haven't had a chance to read every single post so I didn't want to post incorrectly. I hope you can bring me in. Thanks guys!

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Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:24 pm
Justagirl says...

Francie ~ The Woods - Looking for Trina

"Hey can I go with you? You're going to look for the Sigrid chick right?" Lorcan jogged up to Hayden and me.

I didn't know who he meant by "the Sigrid chick" but I was pretty sure it was Trina he was talking about.

I looked at him for a moment as we stood in the woods, trying to tell him with my eyes to go away since I was pretty sure Hayden and I were going have had an interesting conversation that would've given me more insight on his personality. But, no, Lorcan didn't leave.

"Um..." He muttered.

"Sure, you can come with, I suppose," I sighed and gave Hayden a look like, 'You're not going to get out of this conversation, we'll get to it later'.

So, we all walked along in the woods and I got the feeling that Lorcan was looking me over, kind of like he was trying to figure me out. I blanked my face and relaxed my shoulders and arms. Let's see what he'd get out of that.

I watched Hayden walk. His muscles were tight, probably because of Lorcan, I'd seen them talking before and it probably didn't go well. He seemed to be holding himself back from saying something nasty, hopefully pointed to Lorcan and not me.

After a while, I broke the silence.

"So... Um, what brought you guys to the Toy Box?" I hoped it wasn't' an emotional question for them. I didn't want to dig too deep... Yet.
"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

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Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:25 am
Dragonette says...

Wow, I turn around for a second and this SB explodes! I mean, that's a good thing, but I'm sorry for missing out on much! Thanks for keeping my character in the story! *hugs* I promise I will post as soon as I can (which probably wont be until tomorrow :/ ) It's bed time here and I've had a long day.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

That awkward moment when you jump out a window because your friend jumped out a window, then you remember that your other friend can fly.
— Rick Riordan, The Ship of the Dead