
Young Writers Society

The Hunt [in action]

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Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:33 pm
WrittenInStone says...

Arose spotted him, the man most had labelled the 'Reaper' and so she had begun to believe he was in league with Lilin Lohsael. She snarled as she spotted him, and glanced him in the eye before daring to call out his name, "Reaper!" she crowed, a deadly threat veiled behind her words. She glanced at her home, opened the heavy wooden door and set the woman inside, caring not to jostle her too much in her state.

The older woman glanced about and watched as the man tripped upon a stone and she immediately set to running after him, her lip curled in a snarl. Immediately she decided to cast a web, the web of magic glistened and shimmered like dewdrops in the eve, the black snarl of darkness falling upon the man and ensnaring him, preventing his movements.

"A-Arose G-Gadrielle," the man stammered as he flipped onto his back, struggling to get away.
"I've heard of you before," she stated blandly, crouching down next to his side, looking him in the face.

The man struggled still, and she snarled at him. "You'd better stop moving before the web constricts you a little too much," she knew that it was dangerous revealing her magic but her rage got the better of her.

"What do you want with me?" he demanded of her, managing to keep up a brave front, but it managed only to get a smile from her.

Arose Gadrielle slowly dragged a fingernail under his chin to the hollow of his neck and looked about; there was no one in sight. She heftily hoisted him up to his feet, and let him stand. "You're going to follow me very carefully, and if you dare try and run I'll slit your throat," she hissed, her fingernails digging into her palms and drawing blood as anxiety began to take a hold.

"Y-yes m'am," he said, his eyes as wide as a doe's.

She flashed him a cold smile and took hold of his arm, carefully but quickly guiding him into her home. When they arrived at the door she hurriedly opened it and shoved the Reaper inside, then slipped in and closed the door behind her. As the door closed, she knew that she was getting herself into things that weren't meant to be meddled in.

[Have funn, XDD]
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:31 pm
Redfang18 says...

Dana sat in a chair, the web of magic still around him. He knew he should've been in his own cottage by now, but since he got caught by a true witch- Arose Gadrielle at this matter- he has to do something to get himself out of this mess. It just crossed his mind that twice today his life was threatened. Lilin threatened to gut Dana like a fish if he lied about his little list of witches and just now Arose threatened to slit his throat if he tried to run. Dana asked himself quietly, "Why is it that everywhere you go, you get your life threatened and end up in a heap like the one you're in right now?"
A young woman's voice said, "So you're the Reaper."
Dana looked at the owner of the voice. A lovely maiden of some sort, possibly royalty. Dana knew royalty at a glance, since he used to play games with the five princesses of Melliana before all this happened. He said calmly, "Indeed I am. Apparently everybody around knows me as the Reaper. Frankly, I was hoping I would have a better reputation in this country than what I got at my old country. Besides, a foreigner like me probably doesn't get any freedom from a checkered past like my own."
The young maiden stared at Dana in the eye. "You don't look like a Reaper."
Dana blushed. "Thanks a lot."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:06 pm
WrittenInStone says...

Arose returned from the kitchen, two bowls of soup balanced in each hand and she set it down infront of Amerine and Dana Dakrai. "I hope you like soup," she said as she flicked a hand, removing the spell that had bound Amerine in paralysis. "I mean you no harm dear," she answered at the look upon the young woman's face.

She turned to Dana, "You," she growled, "Must eat quickly for I've business to attend,"

"Is it witch business?" piped up the young princess, her waving brown hair cascading well past her shoulders as she looked up hopefully.

"It is," she answered, brow lowering in suspicion.

"Could I come? I've always heard about witches, and everyone thinks their bad and evil, but I don't believe that nonsense,"

Arose paused a moment, before glancing back towards Dana, "I've heard rumous before that you're working for Lilin Lohsael. I've been told you're giving him information that wasn't meant to be given," she said, a scowl firmly in place upon her blood-colored lips.

Dana shook his head fiercly, shaking the chair in the process, still bound by the web of magic. "No! I've done no such thing, he only just came to me today, asking for a damn list!" he exclaimed and immediately he stopped, too late realizing his mistake.

The woman paused, she leaned in close to Dana; she could smell his foul breath. "What... kind of list, Reaper?" she hissed out, fury nearly engulfing her but she simply closed her fist, feeling the blood run down her knuckles as her nails bit into flesh.

[Hope that's alright, and sorry ;; couldn't figure out what to write today. ]
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:18 pm
TheAlphaBunny says...

"Vermin," Lilin spoke after a long, dreadful pause. "Where exactly is this 'Witch' of whom you spoke? I see nothing but water and sand and you."

"She was here, I swear it Sir!" Querp cried, pacing about on all fours, sniffing at the air like an incompitent hound haplessly hunting for prey. "She was right here!" He continued to search the crescent of gravel beach, kicking up fine stones and whimpering with anxiety. Lilin scratched at his hairline, looked out over the gray waves, debated whether or not to string the creature that had interrupted him to the donkey cart and set the beast running...or to just kill him outright. As the goblin-thing made another round about Lilin's still frame, the man swooped down and snatched him by the back of his neck, holding him high in the air before his face, and his catch yelped.

"What is your name, vermin?"

"Q-querp, your Witch Huntership," Querp replied, flailing in Lilin's grip.

"Hm," Linin grunted, tilting his head and looking at the ceature in his hand with an unasuming expression. "A pitiful name for a pitiful creature. Now tell me, Querp, what did this Witch of yours look like so that at the very least I may kill her after I finish with you."

"Please, Sir, have mercy!"

"Talk, foul thing!" he barked, tightening his clutch on Querp's neck, fingers digging into the creature's spine.

They fell silent, staring at one another, Lilin's eyes narrowed and Querp's bugging. "Alright, alright!" Querp whimpered. "The Witch, she had hair like kelp and these gills. It was mighty odd, Sir. Unnatural!"

Abruptly, Lilin dropped him, glaring out over the hissing waves. "You mean to tell me," he spoke, eerily calm. "You dragged me here to the cove, away from a mam whom I could've easily dispatched for the betterment of this country after receiving a legitimate list of Witches so that you could show me a fish-woman who isn't even here."


"Get out of my sight before I take my frustration out on your skeletal system," Lilin muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. Could anything else inconvenience him today? It was barely morning, and already he felt the need to drink hard liqor. Turning, Lilin began to walk away, seething from within, when Querp crept up beside him, the creature looking up with the expression of a kicked dog. Lilin glanced down, frowned, looked forward and tried to ignore him as they left the beach.

"You're following me," Lilin murmured, causing Querp to jump at being addressed. "I clearly told you to get out of my sight."

Querp's tongue flicked out of his mouth, and he scratched at his nose with the tip, twiddling his thumbs as he scurried after the much larger man. "Well, Sir, I figure I'd accompany you seeing as I've got no place else to be. And what with the Princess missin' and all, who knows what kind of things are going on in the city, and you be something of a deterrent to--"

Lilin stopped in his tracks. He looked down at Querp who halted a little to quickly and stumbled over his own toes.

"What...did you say about Princess Amerine?"

[p.s. Posted a profile for Amerine on the discussions and characters topic...so check that out if you need reference for her.]
"I can have oodles of charm when I want to." --Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:14 am
Searria H. says...


The imp pulled down on his ears, stretching them painfully and moaning, "I don't said too much." He rocked back and forth, curled like a baby. The Witch Hunter plucked him up by the scruff of his neck like a timid puppy.
"Spit it out," Lilin said, harshly dictating each 't.'
"I swear, your Witch Huntership, I ain't hidin' nothin' in my mouth worth spittin' out!"
Lilin shook his captive in irritation. "What do you know about the princess?" Querp gave a whimper and wrapped his gangly arms over his head, as if expecting the sky to come crashing down.
"Only what I 'eard from the streets, O Gracious One."
"How many people know?"
"I don't know. Whole city's alive with the news. Even the plants'r whispering of the strange girl in them fancy clothes." Lillin tossed the imp down.
"Don't waste my time with talk of whispering plants," he sighed.
"But my lordship, sir. They can talk! You just don't 'ear 'em with your ears so focused on one thin' at a time."
The Witch Hunter gazed at the imp, his dark eyes absorbing any confidence Querp had left. They reminded him of the cabin boy's, though his were mischievous and friendly, and Lilin Lohsael's were piercing and cold.
"Well, where is she?"
"I should 'ope I don't know. Don't want no one t'think I been stalkin' the princess." Querp let out a small chuckle, which Lilin promptly cut of with a swift kick to the throat. The imp yowled, clutching his throat as if choking himself.
"Mercy, O Magnificent One! Spare poor Querp, your Witch Huntership."
Lip slightly curled, Lilin flipped the writhing creature onto its back with his foot and lightly placed the tip of his boot to the underside of the green chin.
"I do not want to have to ask you again, vermin," he hissed.
"I can help you find 'er. I'd be loyal as a blood'ound, sir. Ask the plants. They done know everythin'."
Spoiler! :
Yeah...kind of at a loss in this one. I hope I didn't totally ruin your plans, Bunny. :)
'Let's eat Grandma!' or, 'Let's eat, Grandma!' Punctuation saves lives.

Reviews? You know you want one. :)


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Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:15 pm
Redfang18 says...

Dana thought, Just how are you always getting into these messes, Darkrai? Now you'll never get the freedom you bargained for. He knew how big of a heap he just got himself into, but had no idea of getting out of this trouble. He stared in Arose's eyes, his wild eyes showing undisguised fear. Both he and Arose were so close their noses were close to kissing. He valued his life and freedom more than he valued the life of five witches. For all he cared, the five he planned to select can choke on his guts the second they split him open. He said timidly, "Five of your sisters in exchange for my freedom."
Arose slapped Dana across the face, leaving an angry red bruise on his cheek. "Is that his deal, Reaper," she growled.
Dana admitted, "No. It was on my terms. I had no intention on going with his plan, so I made a deal on my own terms. Five witches and I walk away a free man. However, his condition was if I lie to him, he won't hesitate to gut me. That was the deal, but we never shook hands on it. I was in a tree when I made the deal with him."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:22 pm
WrittenInStone says...

Arose stared at the man who sat helpless in the chair, she glanced at the angry red mark that stood out on his pale skin for a moment a bite of remorse rose before her but she refused to allow herself to feel any such guilt. The woman leaned back, rocking on her heels for a moment before licking her lips, she muttered an incantion and set the bowl of soup on Dakrai's lap, allowing him to eat.

She watched as the man supped, eating greedily the soup she had prepared for Lilin mere hours before. It steamed in it's bowl, hand made by herself. She quirked her mouth to the side, "It seems, Dakrai," she murmured in a voice as menacing as Lilin's threats, "that you will have to lie."

Dana raised his head hurriedly, a look of both confusion and uncertainty playing across his features. "Lie?" he inquired,

"If you want to be a free man, now, you'll have to lie," she ground out between clenched teeth. "No one will care if a few humans go about missing," she growled, "Just make sure to cast a bit of - well, you'll find out soon enough what it is, and when you do you'd better time it correctly so that it looks as though a witch is burning,"

Dakrai swallowed thickly before nodding, "Alright, I'll do it but you have to swear it on you're ... whatever witches swear on, that i'll be a free man afterwards."

The woman flashed him a cold smile, "I swear it upon my witchcraft that you will not be hunted by me or my coven; you will be a free man with not tangles to the witch world," she responded, "but should you mention our names once, you will die in terribly agony with your entrails hung in a tree with you dangling below as the crows slowly eat away at your insides," she hissed, low enough for the princess not to hear.

He stared wide-eyed, his mouth slightly parted as he listened to her words with rapt attention. She thought she saw a glimmer of tears but they quickly vanished, "Fine," he agreed readily, "I'll give the names of the humans, and I won't speak a word about the witches!" and he let out a sigh of relief when she nodded approvingly.

Arose failed, however, to mention the fact that these humans would have no heart stones as a real witch herself would have but no one knew of the heart stones; though she figured that Lilin would. She met his eyes, "Eat quickly, we leave soon, my house is no longer safe,"

"Y-yes, Miss Gadrielle," he resignedly, slumping his shoulders in defeat and beginning again to raise the bowl to his lips, drinking the fish-eye soup she had made before.

"What kind of soup is this, Miss Gadrielle?" the timid voice of Amerine.

"Fish-eye soup, dear, my mother's recipe, don't worry you're not actually eating fish-eyes, their used only to flavour the soup," she added as she saw the woman's eyes widen.

Amerine smiled and continued sipping her soup, nodding thoughtfully at the taste, whilst behind her she could hear Dana choke to swallow it down. "Hold on, I can't have people recognizing you," she muttered as she glanced at Amerine's fine features.

"Oh, well I don't have any other clothes...?"

"Princess Amerine, when you know a witch you don't need new clothes..." the witch woman paused, staring thoughtfully before waving a hand before the princess...

It would be temporary, perhaps just long enough to cross a few roads and enter a new building but the shadows that clung tenaciously to her form would wither and die. She glanced over at a sigh, and spotted Dana watching the princess with a lustful eye. She spun around and slapped him hard, leaving a darker print on the same cheek.

"Keep your eyes to the ground, we leave now," she snarled, and with a flourishing hand gesture she forced the web of magic to once again bind the man.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:23 am
Redfang18 says...

Dana was starting to get fed up with getting in messes and slapped at by a woman. He knew his temper would get the best of him if he didn't compose himself, but his anger had enough of being restrained. Without even a small warning, he growled like a cat and snarled, "Go back to the fiery pit where you belong, witch."
For the third time, Arose slapped Dana. "Watch your tongue, Reaper," she hissed.
Instead of shutting up, Dana laughed darkly and challenged, "Do you really think I would agree to your terms? I don't agree to anybody's terms but my own." With an oath, he managed to make himself stand. "Burn, you wretched demoness. Burn along with your sisters."
Arose clentched her fists and growled, "Talk like that again and I'll send you to the real reaper, you swirming worm."
Dana's temper blazed in his eyes and he swore he'll make Arose rue the day for making a fool out of Dana Darkrai of Melliana. Suddenly he realized how far he pushed his luck. He pushed it too far, so now he was really in for a nasty fate.
Arose slapped him for the last time and slumped him over her shoulders. With the princess following closely, Arose reached a cliff and threw Dana over it with a final snarl.
Dana was released from Arose's binding spell, but he knew he was far from safe. He broke through the surface and tried to reach it again, but couldn't. Despite his experience with the Watermen in Melliana, Dana never really learned how to swim. He struggled to keep his head up, but he was wearing out too fast. He decided it was over for him. He gave up and slowly plummeted into the dark abyss below.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:02 am
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emoticon220 says...

Rio eyed the man.
"My name is Dana, just a lonely man from another country. I've seen Watermen in my birth country, but seeing a Watermaiden like you has truly made my day."
She stared at the man, Dana, nervously. Humans were a tricky bunch, she had never known which to trust.
"Perhaps you and I can be friends. I don't hurt people like you. Heavens, no. A Watermaiden like you should be treated with utmost respect. Not all men are like me, you know."
Pushy. The man seemed pushy. To Rio this made him especially not trustworthy. She pulled her hand away.
"Sir, don't take me rude, but you're starting to scare me." She coughed silently. The cold was really taking its toll on her out of water breathing. Her gills were showing. He frowned and turned away. Rio dove into the water, throwing her soping dress onto the rock. She swam in the opposite direction of her home. She thought about the other maidens and men who stayed in the water.
I'm drowning here. she though, chuckling to herself. She continued to swim but did so thoughtlessly. Knowing she was moving but not seeing where. She heard a splash, that of a body hitting the water. It was an odd time for a swim but she wasn't one to ask questions. Then came the struggling, the splash of arms against the top of the water. Then, silence. Rio swam over quickly and saw a man sinking. His eyes rolling back as she kicked her way to him. She caught him with one arm and lead with her other, her legs propelling her quickly to land. She pulled the man up to the shore and kneeled over him. He coughed, so she rolled him on his side to let the water out of his fragile human lungs. She recognized the man, Dana from earlier. She inhaled sharply, but softly at the same time. Her stomach felt sick, like something was fluttering inside it. It wasn't something she had felt before and it confused her. Dana groaned and coughed again. She put a hand on his chest and looked down at him as his eyes opened slowly.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:42 pm
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WrittenInStone says...

Arose watched as the man fell, he fell as though he were a sack of heavy rocks and she smiled. He couldn't swim. Good. She had been sick of his wretched temper and disobedience; however, she knew fate was a cruel mistress and thus would be expecting Dakrai's return - she only prayed that he never got the chance to speak to Lilin for she never doubted the truth to any mere oath.

Feeling a knot uncoil within her she turned to the stunned princess, and immediately disgust began to swell within her. "This is life beyond the safety of castle walls," she snarled, "We don't get the luxury of being kept safe of vile men and death. Here it's survival of the fitess."

Princess Amerine brushed back her hair and looked back defiantly, curling her lip in anger. "I never asked to be princess, Arose Gadrielle." the young woman spat her name as though it had been poison and Arose snapped.

"Go find Lilin Lohsael, he'll take you back to the King and Queen,"

"What if I don't want to go back?"

"You're going back because I'll make you," she growled,

"I want to see a witch,"

"Here I am, a witch in plain sight, now leave."

"No, I want to meet a real witch..."

Those words hit Arose like a brick through a glass window and she recoiled in shock. "A real witch...?" she whispered, staring past Amerine, a glassy look to her usual gleaming eyes. Arose could distantly hear Amerine murmuring an appology but she was far too busy with things of the past.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:04 pm
Redfang18 says...

Dana coughed as he was rolled over to his side. He groaned and coughed more, then felt a hand on his chest. His eyes opened slowly and he stared at Rio. He couldn't believe what luck he just had. He blew his chance trying to make friends with her, yet he's still alive because of her. His chest was heaving slowly, letting Rio know he was still alive.
Rio asked, "Don't you know how to swim?"
Dana answered calmly, "No. I never knew how to swim. My father always tried to shut me in the house, but my mother was brave enough to let me sneak out and develop a childhood." He coughed again. "My father actually hated me." He waited calmly for a response from Rio.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:33 pm
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emoticon220 says...

Rio frowned. Confused by her new emotion and by Dana.
"Don't you know how to swim?" She asked.
"No. I never knew how to swim. My father always tried to shut me in the house, but my mother was brave enough to let me sneak out and develop a childhood."
He coughed out more water.
"My father actually hated me." Rio made a face. She didn't understand the human concept of "Family" at all. Humans, unlike waterpeople, didn't leave their babies to fend for themselves. They kept them for long periods of time.
"Oh...I see?" It came out as a question.
"What about your family" Dana asked. Rio stared at him.
"Family? I don't have one...I don't understand them." She sighed and looked at him then continued to try to explain to the human how things worked under the waters surface.
"Eggs are laid and fertilized then we are born. Thats it. We learn to fend for ourselves and if not, we die. Thats just how things work." She took her hand off his chest and looked at the water.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:56 pm
Redfang18 says...

Dana forgotten about the life of the Waterfolk. He was told repeatedly about that by the Watermen in Mellliana. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry. Back in my old country, I was friends with the males of your kind. They kept telling me that once they've hatched, they're on their own. Of course, I was too young back then to understand that. I think I was...twelve years old when they told me about it. I wasn't a man until I was eighteen."
Rio looked at Dana, her gills starting to show.
Dana knew his little heart-to-heart can't last long. From his time among the Watermen, all Waterfolk's gills show when they need to return to the water. Getting back on his feet, Dana escorted Rio to the beach and went as far as knee-deep in water with her. His fear of the water brought him back to the day his father found him sneaking out of the house. Lord Charles grabbed innocent Dana by the throat and plunged the boy's head in a bucket of water. For how long did his father keep his head under the water, he wasn't sure, but the next thing he knew he was in his mother's arms. As Rio went under the water, Dana went to the woods and climbed up a dense tree. He made sure there was branches below him to hide his feet this time. He curled up and slept with his head on his knees.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:50 am
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emoticon220 says...

Rios gills began to show. Dana sighed.
"I'm sorry. Back in my old country, I was friends with the males of your kind. They kept telling me that once they've hatched, they're on their own. Of course, I was too young back then to understand that. I think I was...twelve years old when they told me about it. I wasn't a man until I was eighteen."
Rio coughed silently. Why was she so out of breath? The feeling remained. Dana stood up and took her back to the water, walking knee deep before letting her go on her own. She swam back to her cave and looked around. It was nothing but a dark hole in the middle of a lake, but she felt safe. Suspicious things were going on in the world above, there was talk of witches and witch hunts. Danger was lurking around every corner. Rio promised herself she'd be more careful, then relaxed herself into a state of "sleep".

((Please...Someone else post...this is getting slightly awkward.))
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:57 pm
TheAlphaBunny says...

Lilin sat in the parlour of his townhome before the crackling flames of the small hearth, his chin in his hand, the gears in his head turning against his will. On the rug, Querp twidled his thumbs, scratched at his backside, picked at the jewel-tone fibers beneath his legs. While Lilin hadn't expressed approval of Querp accompanying him, he did not turn the creature away either once they had reentered the limits of the capital city, walking in silence through the gentle sprinkle of snow in the late morning air.

While Lilin would have been happy to begin his search for Amerine immediately, he was forced to admit that not only was he at a loss for leads but he was exhausted, having not slept since the morning before. Eyelids drooping as the firelight flickered on the ebony gloss of his irises, Lilin searched within his knowledge for any hint as to the princess's whereabouts or at the very least, whom he could question for more information.

"Querp," he addressed the being huddled on the floor. It was the first time the man had spoken since Querp offered himself as a hound for his master's use, and while quiet, Lilin's voice still sent a shiver down the hills and valleys of his spine.

"Y-yes, Mr. Lohsael?"

Lilin's eyes slipped closed, his head still resting in his hand, whisps of dark hair falling from his once sleek ponytail to frame his intense expression.

"Hang my coat for me," he instructed.

Querp looked over at the twin armchair to the one in which Lilin sat over which his master's burgundy coat was thrown. Querp scrunched his nose, wondering how he would be able to heft the thick coat up to a coat hook.

"Er, Sir, I dunno if I--"

Knock, knock, knock!

Lilin's eyes snapped open, and both man and creature turned toward the open parlor door at the three quick raps on the door downstairs.

"What the devil?" Lilin muttered, hefting his tired body out of the comfort of his chair. He ghosted across the parlor, Querp's large eyes glued to the man's back which seemed so much slimmer, less intimidating without the coat and with the exhausted slope of his shoulders.

Lilin made his way out of the parlour, down the flight of creaking stairs and toward the door without injury despite his eyes being half closed and the house so poorly lit. Turning the locks on the door with a series of clicks and slides, Lilin pulled open the door to reveal a man in a navy suit holding an envelope.

The man's bushy brows creeped up his forehead like wooly caterpillars when his eyes took in Lilin Lohsael, and the man did a quick double-take of the brass address numbers nailed beside the doorframe.

"Is that for me?" Lilin asked.

The man blinked then said, "Yes. A telegram for you, Sir." The messenger handed over the envelope before backtracking a few steps then turning and pacing back into the gray cold. Lilin frowned at the envelope, wondering who one earth would telegram him and why as he rubbed his thumb over the crisp parchment. He pursed his lips, turned, closed the door behind him.
"I can have oodles of charm when I want to." --Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
— Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights