
Young Writers Society

Behind the Scenes (Starting/Accepting Characters)

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Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:09 pm
Elinor says...


At three o'clock sharp, Karen arrived in her silver Honda outside of Hayley's apartment. Hoping to make a good impression on the studio and the other actors, she had carefully planned her outfit; a white sundress with lace trimming and a leather belt, leather sandals, and her hair half-clipped up. She wore just a touch of make-up and carried her belongings for the next however long in a small tote bag; she just had a few changes of outfits and her journal. As she got in the car and said a quick hello to Karen, Hayley noticed that she was shaking.

"What's the matter?" Karen asked her as they started to drive.

"It's nothing," Hayley replied. "I'm just a little bit nervous."

At this, Karen started laughing. "Miss Heller, I wouldn't worry about it too much," she said. "You already have the role, and besides, they wouldn't have picked you if they didn't think you were good. You'll do splendidly. You already have the experience with ballet; acting basically has the same principals. And from what Steven tells me, you're quite the ballerina."

Hayley laughed and turned her head to look out the window. No, that actually wasn't why she was nervous. Well, maybe it was some of the reason, but she was mostly worried about how things would change after this. Would the other actors like her? Would she rise to fame, or would this film come and pass? Hayley didn't know; there were so many outcomes of where she would be at the end of filming this movie.

After an hour they had arrived. "Now," Karen said. "You won't be doing all of the filming here, but it's where you'll start. I'm sure everyone in the studio will help you with whatever questions you may have. And you have my number if you need anything."

"Okay," said Hayley, taking her bag and getting out of the car. She was here. She was now officially apart of this project.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:32 pm
RoryLegend says...

Ginger James-

It seemed a little soon to be going on set but we were going nontheless. I watched Marni and Roman talk in low tones about me, Darren, and a slew of other things on the ride while one of Marni's intern's thumbed through the script, highlighting my parts. I think Darren made him nervous because I'd never been on a date before. There had been Jaques but it doesn't count when you're being cheated on. When it's all just a set up. Her name popped into my head before I could stop it. Angela. What kind of name is Angela anyway? She was beautiful, blonde, thin and cut, and every angle of her body screamed sexy. We'd never met but I'd seem pictures of her. Of them. Together. She was more of a nobody now than she was then though. I think she hoped being with Jaques would boost her carreer or something. But after we broke up people felt bad for me. Not that I needed them to. But they did, they felt bad for me and they hated her.

I had to admit, it felt good. Jaques and I had something, we really did. Even after we officially 'broke up' we were still dating, because breaking up was never our idea. Roman and Fernando had decided we were getting too serious, and we were too young. It was bad for our image and a break up would boost our popularity. Everybody loves gossip. But we stayed together. I believed he would stay faithful, that he loved me. I was a fool.

I glanced down at my phone again. Nothing. The plan was to go to set and do the normal first day bull that really isn't important. Darren was going to come later. I think Roman wanted it that way so he had time to background check. The gaurds at the studio were probably ordered to strip search him as well.

The car stopped at the studio gates then passed through. It was silly but inside the studio I felt safe, I always had. This was the only place I could be myself and become a whole other person at the same time. This was the only place where judging eyes couldn't see me. This was home.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:42 pm
Guess says...


I was the first at the studio with the direcctor. We were quite familiar with each other, friends almost. His nervous assistant fluttered around him, and I gave her a breif wave.

"Can I get you anything, Mr. Monarez? Anything at all? I have coffee, tea-" She began to list off things, and I waved her away.

"No, I'm fine, darling. But a calm pill wouldn't hurt you, sweetheart." I laughed, and Michael laughed along with me. I was a little early, not wanting to be amoung the pictures of her much longer, but a good start wouldn't hurt me.

"No, Jaques," Michael started. As he did, the door opened and Ginger James martched in the studio door. I gave her a mocking smile, and pulled out a chair next to me, for her.

"Miss James, so lovely to see you again." I did everything in my power to make the words seem foced and mocking. The grin stayed plasted to my face. I thought I heard her mumble 'shut up' as she took the seat furthest from me.

Ginger and the director said their quick hellos, and then he finished what he had been about to tell me earlier, "so, as I was telling Jaques, we have a bit of a dilema. The company wants the movie done in a year from tomorow. Due to this, everything has been a bit rushed. My apologise for the inconvience. I'm taking a risk here- a very big risk- and actually beggining with the foriegn filming over in Europe. Then you all will be flown backton America to get anything we need here done."
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:23 pm
RoryLegend says...

Ginger James-

I reluctantly sat next to Jaques with Michael. He went on about time constraints on the film. A year seemed like too long. I didn't want to be around Jaques for a year. He scrambled at apologies before his flustered assistant came back with some big emergency. Roman and Fernando had gone for coffee and none of the others were there yet. It was just Jaques and me. All alone.

We sat in strained silence until I couldn't stop myself anymore. "God! What were you thinking last night?" I shouted, "you can't just go around punching people whenever you want!" he sat silent, staring at me blankly. That's what he did when we fought. He would stay quiet while I screamed and threw things. He would just sit there, maybe throwing in a comment or two. Then when I was finished he would say something. It usually wasn't much but it was snide and rude and hurtful. Jaques knew how to hurt me.

"You only ever think of yourself. Whether you like it or not the things we do still affect each other when it comes to the media I mean." I stood up and felt like hitting him.

"Ginger, don't start."

"Don't start what?! The truth? That's what it is. You can't just do whatever you want! People automatically associate us with each other because we used to be Hollywood's it couple before you ruined everything! I gave you everything Jaques, everything! I found that stupid ring...God I thought it was for me...but it was for her wasn't it? I was so stupid. I hate you!"
Last edited by RoryLegend on Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:17 am
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Guess says...


Every word she said cut through me. The ring was for her. It always had been. The fact she doubted me on that...

I lost it a little, "You don't know what you're talking about, Ginger, you have no clue! I got a little distracted but don't think at the end of the day she ever held one thousanth of the power you had over me. You think you hurt, Ginger. You don't know what pain is. I tried to ask you to marry me twice. I chickened out every time. You wanna know why? Because every time I went to get down on one knee, I said to myself 'Maybe I'm just not good enough for her'. You think I'm lying, but I'm not. I loved you Ginger. I still do!" The last line slipped out before I could stop it. I had never gotten this angry before. Not at her. I couldn't. But for her to question that I ever loved her...

I saw shock play across her face. I stormed out of the room, brushing past Macee who had just walked in the door. I wondered how much she had heard. Then again, I probably didn't want to know.

I'd just have Michael tell me what they talked about. I couldn't face her after this. It was too much.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:26 am
Kaywiia says...


I pulled up at the studio exactly on time. This morning, I had persuaded Rosaline to let me drive my favorite old ford truck, instead of the limo. And by persuaded, I mean snuck out before she got there and loitered around a bookshop for an hour to stall.

I walked through the winding rooms and into where I heard two familiar voices. Yelling.

As I walked in, Jaques brushed past me. I had heard almost everything. But if they ever asked, I had just walked in.

Ginger looked both shocked and hurt. Not knowing what to do, I went up and put my arms around her. "You look like you need a hug." I told her. She sort of brushed me off of her, and I awkwardly took a seat at the table. As I did, Michael came in to sit at the table.

"There's my star!" He exclaimed, with a big grin. He looked around the table, and before I could say anything I pointed to Ginger, and then mouthed 'he left'.

Micael nodded, then looked at the clock, most likely wondering where the others were. I would have given anything for someone to come in and break the tension that was swarming around in the room.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:20 am
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RoryLegend says...

I loved you Ginger. I still do.
I loved you Ginger. I still do.
I loved you Ginger. I still do.

The words ran through my head over and over again. I refused to believe it. I couldn't trust him, he was just trying to trick me-mess with my head. That had to be it.

I stood in stark silence, milling everything over in my mind. I felt two thin arms wrap around me and Macee said, "You look like you need a hug." I brushed her off, trying to ignore how good it felt for someone to hug me. She slid into a seat just as the door burst open, letting in a large gust of Michael, "there's my star!" There was more silence then, "Ginger, are you alright?"

I wasn't alright. There was nothing alright about what had just happened. I turned. I had to go after him. We had to talk. A part of me wished I could erase what happened between us, go back to the way it was. But the other part of me was glad I knew who he really was. Or at least I thought I knew. I turned, ready to go after him, but ran into Roman. He looked at me intensely and shook his head, "No Ginger."

"I just..." but he pushed me down into a chair and into silence. Why was I so weak when it came to Jaques?
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:38 am
Loller65 says...

Thurber Washington

The limo rolled up to the studio. I stepped out, Micky following closely behind, tapping at something on his phone. I was about to pull the door open for him when Jaques stormed past me, looking extremely upset. Best not bother him. I had one foot inside the door when I felt Micky pulling at my shoulder. I turned.


He looked up from his phone. We'd been here less than 48 hours and he already looked like he'd aged a couple five years.

"Play nice today, Thurber. We don't need a repeat of last night."

I glanced over Micky's shoulder, making sure Jaques was out of earshot.

"I don't think that'll be a problem. Prissy pants has gone and stormed off."

Micky sighed, clearly exasperated. I strode into the studio anyway, past Ginger, who seemed on the verge of tears, and her agent. I saw a table with Macee and the director seated at it. I sat down with them.

"Morning, Miss Raymond. I hope you're feeling well this morning."

I extended my hand to her and she shook it somewhat ineffectually. Everyone seemed to be down, in a funk. Oy. There was another guy. I could only assume he was Michael, the director. I also extended my hand to him,. He shook it.

"So. Erm..what did I miss?"
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:46 am
Rydia says...


I pulled up outside the studio only to find that I didn't have my own parking space. Apparently Danny had forgot to tell them that I didn't do limos. And by forgot I mean on purpose. That's Daniel for you. Always quietly disapproving and instead of saying something he just goes ahead and acts. So I parked my car in someone else's spot and strode in with a purposeful look on my face. If you want something from a director, they have to think you'll quit or something if you don't get it. I never would of course but she's my baby and she needs a spot of her own.

Michael had his back to me when I entred, but some of the others were looking my way. I smiled at them and winked. Then I began.

"I don't even get my own parking spot huh?" I said it in a disgusted but controlled voice. Not too loud. Closer to deathly quiet than ttoo loud.

"Didn't know you needed one," the diirector said with a sigh.

"Well I do." This time I aimed for the tone of a sulky child pulling it off perfectly.

"Fine. I'll sort it."

"Good. See that you do." I strolled over to a seat and grinnedd triumphantly. "Alright then, who are we missing?"
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:09 pm
Kaywiia says...


Before long, Turber and Jaspar had joined the table with me and the director. Thurber had asked what happened, but I sort of ignored the question. I really didn't want to be in the middle of this. Ginger looked like she was still getting a hold on herself, and I didn't blame her.

I couldn't help but notice that Jaspar had made sure to demand his own parking spot. I had found an empty one pretty close to the studio that was anyones parking spot, I didn't see why he couldn't do the same.

"Alright then, who are we missing?" Jaspar asked. I looked around, and my mind went back to the pictures Rosaline had preped me on.

I answered quickly, "Hayley and Jaques. Ginger will be over here in a minute. But I don't think Jaques is coming back." The director nodded, and brought out a few sheets of paper.

He trurned to those of us at the table, and beckonded to Ginger, who joined us seemingly unwillingly. He cleasred his throat, "Due to the company being on a bit of a budget cut after the fail of a very recent movie, we have only been alloted a year to film this. And amoung other changes, everything has to be very rushed and I sincerely apologise for that. Because of this, we are going to get the foriegn filming done first; anything that needs to be shot in America will be done last. Now please, don't be upset with me="

"This can't be good." Jaspar interupted, and a few laughed. I managed to keep a straight face out of respect for the director.

The director finished, "but in a week your flight leaves for london." There was a sudden comotion at once. I sat in my seat quietly, just happy to be traveling abroad, but everyone else seemed to have an issue with this. "Wait, wait wait!" The director called out, "I have made accomodations for all of you. Only the best quality , I assure you. You will be flying in a private jet from country to country, and no expense shall be spared to make you all comftorable. The plane, actually, has been gernously donated to the studio for this purpose by the Monarez family. I've seen inside it, it's very lovely. Now, one more thing. On friday, thats two days from now, you all will apear on the Meggie May show. Don't say anything stupid. And if you would pass the word onto Miss Hayley and Mr. Jaques I would be grateful. Be at the Meggie May studios by seven pm Friday. Goodbye all." And with that, the director got up and walked out of the room, ignoring the many protests.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:26 pm
Guess says...


I got the great pleasure of having Fernando spend the twenty minute limo ride back to my house telling me what a stupid bastard I was. As if I didn't already know. God, he was worse than my father. I caught the word "retarted" and "bad choice" more times than I could count. I wasnt really listening to what he was saying.

I had to go see Ginger. Not that I would tell him that, but as soon as the limo sped away from my street corner, I made a beeline for my five-car garage. Her favorite car, my old '67 mustang convertible, sat sadly in its place. I hadn't used it since we broke up. A necklace she had left in there still hung around the rear-view mirror. It seemed like the obvious car to take.

And if I did go see her, what was I going to say? "Hey Gin, sorry for being the biggest bastard you ever dated. Want to go get a coffee?" That would go over well. I had a vivid memory of opening an envelope to find the shredded and returned contents of an apology I had written her. To this day I didn't know if she had even read it.

I ran outside and pulled a rose off of a bush in my front yard, and got into the convertible. As I drove the all-to familiar path to her house, I practiced what I would say. God, I felt like such an idiot. Talking to my steering wheel. After a while, I decided a direct aproach would be best. I wasn't going to ask for her back right now.

Now I just needed to apologize.

I finally reached her front door a half hour later, took a deep breath, and knocked. A cruel memory of the days I could just walk in flashed across my mind. The days she practically lived at my house.

I waited for her to open the door, rose in my hand, apology on my lips.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:55 pm
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RoryLegend says...


Ginger paced in the living room. She looked stunning in the red dress and heels Marni had picked for her. Her hair was swept up into an elegant bun, a few pieces hanging loose. I'd tried to convince her to cancel the date and forget about them both but she refused. I'd at least managed to convince her to have Darren come to the house instead of the studio after everything that happened. The good thing was we'd be leaving for London in a week and hopefully she could forget about him there-we'd only have Jaques to worry about.

The doorbell rang and she looked up anxiously. With a sigh I rose off the couch to answer it, straightening my tie and getting ready to go in to protective mode. It was my job to intimidate this guy since I was the closest thing Ginger had to a father or big brother-although the last thing I wanted to be to her was related.

I pulled the door open and was caught off guard by Jaques, holding a rose. I stepped out on to the porch, pulling the door shut tight behind me.

"I need to talk to Ginger," he said.

"No, you don't. You need to leave her alone. I won't warn you again Jaques, I will do everything in my power to keep you and Ginger apart." The curly haired book keeper/bartender walked up the path to Ginger's house, holding a dozen long stemmed roses, "Get out of here." Jaques looked like he might try to fight past me to get to the house but then Darren cleared his throat and Jaques turned.

"Who are you?" he snarled.

"I'm Ginger's date, I'm here to pick her up," Darren said, extending his hand to Jaques, "are you another one of her managers?" Jaques ignored the outstretched hand and crushed the flower in his fist, sulking back down the path to his car.


Ginger James-

I couldn't wait any longer, Roman was probably scaring Darren away! I tried my hardest to keep my mind off Jaques and be excited for my date. I was excited, and nervous. I grabbed a dress jacket on my way to the door and threw it open, seeing Darren and Roman standing on the porch. Darren smiled at me, handing me a bouquet of roses.

"Thank you."

At the sound of an engine my eyes whipped up. I saw the '67 mustang convertible and my stomach dropped. Roman took the flowers from me and I looked back at Darren.

"Are you alright?" he asked. When I nodded and smiled weakly he offered me his arm and guided me down to the curb where his old, banged up honda was waiting.

"Hold on!" Roman shouted, walking towards us, "you are not getting in that thing." The car pulled around and my driver got out, opening the back door. I threw Roman and annoyed look and we climbed in.

"Where to?" the driver asked. Darren gave him an address and a few minutes later we were standing on an apartment rooftop, covered in candles and chinese lanterns. A small table was set up with a dinner and soft music was playing.

"I know it's not a fancy restaurant but when I tried to get a reservation no one would believe that I was bringing THE Ginger James. So I decided to go homemade."

"It's perfect," I said. We sat down and ate and talked. I'd never talked to anyone as much as I talked to Darren, except Roman. He told me about his family who lived in Wisconsin, his six brothers and sister and his parents who had been married for nearly 50 years. He told me about his family reunions in the summer and all the crazy things he did with his cousins. He told me he wanted to be a writer and all the jobs he worked just paid the rent. I told him about filming and my parent's vineyard in Napa Valley. I told him about their condo's and about Roman. Soon it was past midnight.

"We should probably get you home before Roman sends out a search party or has me killed," he said. I laughed and nodded, standing from the table. I looked out one last time at the view of the city from the rooftop of his apartment and watched all the little lights.

"It's so beautiful," I said, "it's like the stars only better, because behind each light you know theres someone just living their life."

I felt Darren next to me, "that's a good line," he said, "I might steal it for my next book."

I smiled and turned to say something, but he kissed me. At first I was shocked, but then I kissed him back-and I never wanted to stop.

"I wish you weren't leaving so soon," he said, pressing his forehead to mine, "to London I mean."

"I wish you could come with me," I said. And I did mean it. Whether it was because I liked him or I thought it would help with the Jaques thing I wanted him to come to London, "Maybe you can." I looked up at him, "I'll call you later tonight, I'm going to talk to Roman."

I started to leave but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back into another kiss, "I have always wanted to go to London."
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:14 pm
Loller65 says...

Thurber Washington

Micky and I clambered into the limo, chatting about lunch plans. He handed me a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the back. I cracked it open.

"So. Congrats on playing nice today. I'm proud."

I chuckled. He was being sarcastic. I took a swig of water and crossed my legs, relaxed.

"So, we have two things to worry about before we leave. Lunch today, and also we need to grab me some more suits. I gotta look good, after all."

Micky grimaced.

"I hate buying suits for you. You're so particular."

"Well, I need them to look good."

Micky's face suddenly lit up as he stared at the screen of his phone.

"Thurber, the itinerary I just got...it says the private jet you're taking is stopping in New York for 2 hours to fuel up before crossing the Atlantic!"

I started to retort that we would not have time to get off the plane, go through JFK, fight through traffic and get to my apartment, then fight through traffic again and hustle through security at JFK again in two hours, but he was on his phone.

"I can hire someone to bring your suits to the airport so we can just get off, go to the gate, grab them, and get back on. Genius, huh?"

I had to admit, it was pretty clever, even if I wasn't going to get to buy some new suits.

"Micky, I feel like we should...eh. Do something tonight. Crash a party, invade a club and get some ladies. Whaddya say?"

He didn't even to look up from his phone.

"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:49 am
Guess says...

I checked this over with Kay. Heartbroken Jaques starts playing poor little Macee.


It took everything for me not to punch that guy out cold. He didn't seserve her. No one did. Aparently not even me. Damn Roman. He couldn't have let me see her for two minutes.

I wasn't in the best mood driving back, and more than one driver got a clear view of my middle finger. Damn her. Well, two could play at this game. Little miss Macee seemed gullible enough. I grinned, and once I reached my house, I pulled out my cell phone. Fernando had put everyones number in for me.

I dailed the number of little miss perky, and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" The voice was very familiar, even screwed by the connections. I gave a little laugh.

"Macee, it's Jaques. Why don't you call me Jack? My agent gave me your number." I heard her quickly say something to whoever was standing near her.

"Okay, what do you need?" She sounded a little confused. The poor girl. Victim of my wounded mind.

I hoped she was gullible. and that her and Ginger weren't too buddy-buddy. "If your free, I would love to go get a coffee with you-"

"Like a date?" I couldn't make out the underlying tone in her voice.

I gave my charming laugh again, hoping the same charms that worked on Ginger would be affective on her. I wasn't in the mood to adapt my style for some little country nobody."Yes, of course. So, I'll pick you up in a few minutes?"

I could picture her shrugging, "You know where I live? I mean, sure. But what about Ginger?"

Don't mention her name. Don't mention her name, dammit. "It was all an act, dear. Just an act. The press loves the drama, and you never know when they're around. I'll see you in a few." I hung up before I had to hear her name again. It ripped through me like burning knives. And I made a mental note to get something put on a certian person's permenant record.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:58 am
Kaywiia says...


Rosaline covered my eyes, and then opened a door in my house that had previously been locked. She removed her hands from my eyes, and I gave a little scream. A mini recording studio was set up in my basement. I gave her a hug.

"You gave me a recording studio?" Just as I was about to continue, my cell phone rang, and I answered it. It was Jaques, who apeared to asking me out on a date. That seemed odd, considering he had just made a big scene about Ginger. I commented to him about this, and he just laughed it off. The act did make sense, when you thought about it.

He hung up, and I put my phone down, "Jaques- I mean Jack- just asked me out on a date!" I said excitedly to Rosaline.

"Oh, did he?" She seemed a little concerned, but I rushed upstairs. I quickly pulled on my favorite blue sundress, sunglasses, and heels. Thanks to the meeting earlier, my makeup was already done. I did a quick check-over with Rosaline, then rushed downstairs when I heard my doorbell ring.

I didn't know anything about cars, but I knew a nice car when I saw it. It was yellow, and what I thought was a mustang. He opened the door for me, and I stepped in. I noticed a necklace on the mirror, and asked him about it as he got in.

"What's with the necklace?" I suddenly felt like I wasn't the only girl today who had taken a ride in here. The thought bummed me out a little, and my lower lip pouted out.

"Oh, uh," He pulled it down, and put it around my neck, "it's for you. Do you like it?" I gave him a big smile, and admired it. Butterflies swirrled around in my stomach as he gave me a colgate smile, and I gave a giddy little laugh.

"It's so pretty, Jack." I gave him a big grin in thanks. As I did, I noticed a camera in the bush. Jack noticed it to, and gave the cameraman a big wave, then pressed onto the gas. Soon we were off.

**Poor gullible Macee.**
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.
— Sylvia Plath