
Young Writers Society

Rousseau's Academy for Vampire Hunters 2

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:25 pm
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fictionfanatic says...

Katie - The attack

My cries for Noah brought not him, but the vampire Rory instead. I could see that Noah had his hands full. When Rory reached me, she pulled the bloodied sheath from me.

"Thanks" I said through my smile.

A vampire approached and Rory let out a hiss. When the vampire lunge, Rory immediately snapped its neck and it fell to the ground.

Rory grabbed me by my waist and said, "Come on."

"Wait, where are you taking me?" I asked, confused, but a smile still on my face.

The next thing I knew, she was helping me sit against a tree and threw her sweatshirt at me. Greatfully, I accepted it and held it against my stomach.

Rory then disappeared and I looked to Seth who looked back to me.

Closing my eyes, I let the smile fall from my face as I whispered to him, "I'm tired."

Turning my head away from him so he wouldn't see my none-smiling face, I looked into the darkness in the direction of the fight. I wanted so desperately to go and help them, but what use would I be? I bitten, stabbed human. I would only get them into more trouble, draw bad attention to myself, and need to be rescued again. I hated feeling like I was doing nothing, but perhaps i was being more helpful by staying here.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:53 pm
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MyStoryline says...

Fira - The Attack - Upper East Side

Damn, how many freaking vampires could be in one place like this? I thought to myself as I killed one and turned to see everyone struggling with another.

It was probably pretty dangerous that we were all out like this, especially when you had vampires biting, me shooting fire, Sorren creating miniature storms, and wolves everywhere.

I noticed Zaria struggling with a vampire, the vamp digging its nails into her face, so I lit my hands with fire and grabbed the vampire by it's arms. It let out a glass-shattering shriek and pulled its arms away from me.

It whipped around, angered that I had just burned its arms. It hissed at me and lunged, just to be greated with a big wall of fire.

I left it to scream in pain as the fire engulfed it and looked to Zaria, who seemed pretty grateful. I nodded and without another word, I turned to find some other vampire butt to kick.

Sorren - Upper East Side - The Attack

I made my mini tornadoes strong enough so that they could pick up th vampires and fling them to the ground, making it so that I could then use the bow I had gotten ahold of and shoot arrows at them.

After killing one, I took a second to look around. This had to end. Katie, stabbed and bitten, had to be taken back to Rousseau's, people were bloodied and getting tired, and even Noah and Alec had been brawling.

Taking a deep breath, I decided I needed to take a minute to be aggressive and angry.

I tracked down Alec and the moment he had an open moment, I went up to him.

"Stop this Alec. Stop it now. You're not just loosing people, your loosing their respect. This is a suicide mission. For Christ's sake, Katie was eaten and stabbed!"

Alec seemed to just be brushing me off, so I growled at him, "Put away your pride and tell them all to go back. We can't win this one and if we keep trying, we're going to have to start planning some funerals."

With that, I threw down the bow and arrow and grumbled, "I'm going back, and if you're smart, you'll tell everyone else to do the same."

With that, I turned on my heel and went to my motorcycle. Sitting there for a second, I looked at the bloodied people. Taking a deep breath, I found some rain clouds a little ways away and blew them over here. Rain started to pelt everyone, washing away the blood and muffling the cried of agony.

With that, I kicked the motorcycle into gear and headed back to Rousseau's.

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:10 am
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PhoenixBishop says...

Seth~ Next to tree

Seth wished he had popcorn while he was watching the fight. After he had been deposited by the trees he had pulled out a a small vial from his sleeve and drank it. The very idea that he would be stupid enough to have a poisoned dagger and not have a antidote was stupid beyond belief. His dizziness faded and as a added bonus he was energized. Of course he had no interest in the battle any longer. Too much of a hassle. He sat and watched the fight and fingered his wound. It was still bleeding, but eventually it would heal on its own.

He brought his hand to his face and observed the blood. It shined in the moonlight. It was really beautiful. Not only for the tint in its color, but also for its purpose. It was a means of sustaining life. It pumped through the systems of every sentient living being. To vampires it was food. It really was an amazing substance.

Seth heard someone approach. He looked up quickly to see it was Rory bringing Katie over. He quickly played weary as if still under the effects of his poison. Rory placed Katie beside him and rushed off back to the battle. Seth rolled his eyes. Now he would have to continue to act injured. What a pain. He glanced over at Katie who was looking the other way.

"So, pretty night don't you think?"
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:20 am
SmylinG says...

PhoenixBishop wrote:Seth heard someone approach. He looked up quickly to see it was Riley carrying Katie. He quickly played weary as if still under the effects of his poison. Riley placed Katie beside him and rushed off back to the battle.

So I'm Riley? *laughs amused* ^-^ I don't think I was carrying Katie.

(Just had to comment. Back to SB :P)
Paul is my little, evil, yellow bundle of joy.

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:25 am
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PhoenixBishop says...

It's what I get for writing a post at 1am -_- Sorry.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:12 pm
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April says...


I fell to the ground and shook in agonizing pain from the fire. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I trembled as the burns stung deep into my skin, and I couldn't make out what was happening. Were they going to attack me again?

I coughed as dust from the fight blew into my face. The sharp rising and falling of my chest sent another bolt of pain through my body, a pain that was accompanied by a loud groan. Through my blurred vision I made out one of the attackers watching me, as if I was still a threat.

"Help, somebody help." I begged.

I was sure I heard a scoff, but made nothing of it. They'd probably leave me here to die after they took care of the other vampires. My throat was dry, which signaled I needed to drink again, so I forced my body to roll over and dragged my way to a nearby tree to pull myself up.

My legs didn't want it, they fought to cave in and let me fall. Until I felt someone grab me.

*Could be anyone*
Don't make me bite you.


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Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:12 pm
MyStoryline says...

Sorren - The Attack

As I started to drive away, the rain pelting my skin, I couldn't bare the screams for help anymore. If Alec wasn't going to help them, I was.

With a sigh, I made a u-turn and headed back to the fighting zone. As I drove through the grounds, I made no effort to swerve away from the enemy. Some of the vamps decided the play chicken, but they kept loosing. I was to determined to end this fight to move out of their way.

I saw a girl at the tree, her legs faltering, and she cried out for help.

Without a word, I drove over to her, slowing the motorcycle down only a little bit. I reached out for her and grabbed her by her waist. I was able to do it quick enough so that I didn't have to stop and just swung her onto the motorcycle behind me. I took the helmet off of my own head and passed it back to her, which she accepted gratefully.

With that, I drove a little ways away from the fight and let the vampire get off. Taking my helmet back, I smiled at her, and I then headed back to the school.

*Hope this next part is okay Scarlett* Once at the school, I headed towards the back where the stable was. Leaving my motorcycle against the wall, I headed into the horse stable. Quickly, I got some horses together and got back on my motorcycle. I then created a tornado to force the horses towards the battle field, me leading them on my motorcycle.

When we reached the attack zone, I yelled as loud as I could, "Get on a horse and go back! Now!"

I turned to glare at Alec and then started to go around adn help some of the injured onto the horses

*Hope this is alright you guys*
Last edited by MyStoryline on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:22 pm
April says...

*Ellie is a rogue vampire, she doesn't attend Rous*
Don't make me bite you.


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Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:34 pm
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MyStoryline says...

My bad. I'll fix that.

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god -- the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!
— William Shakespeare