
Young Writers Society

Sailing the Seven Seas 2 - Starting/Accepting

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:14 am
wonderland says...


I sighed as I entered the weapons room. I looked around all the knives and swords and guns and I shivered.
“Beautiful.” I whispered. They were all beautiful. I took a knife down from the wall, running my fingers over the blade. I gripped the handle, twisting it around in my hand. It felt foreign and wrong in my hand.

“No.” I murmured, “that won’t work.” I walked along the walls, trying to find a suitable knife. I picked up another, testing the weight in my hand. I put it back and went back outside.

"Excuse me, sir, but there is one weapon I fight with." I said, pulling my dagger from it's sheath, "this one." I stared at him, tilting my head slightly.
'We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again, oh, we will never believe in anything again, preach electric to a microphone stand.'

*Formerly wickedwonder*

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:29 pm
liquiddeath says...

"Do you have experience?" he asked.
"Well, you seem to be strong enough, and we don't have many trying out for carpenter. And most of them are cocky young bucks," Turtle continued. He seemed to be doing a last inspection of my anatomy, I quickly tense “Do you have any problem with months, maybe, at sea?"
"None." I replied.
"Well, you're hired. Do us proud, boy."

I was surprised of how fast the interview lasted, doesn’t matter, as long as I get to go home.

I left the interview and was surprised by a wave of Spanish swear words.
“Tontos idiota me dejes ir! Maldito seas piratas sucio!”
A group of men we’re carrying a breathtakingly beautiful woman, judging from her features, which weren’t bad if i might add, she must have been 18 years old maybe 19. Struggling she was and the men looked like they were going to punch her just to shut her up. Then she looked at me.
“You there, old timer, if you save me I’ll reward you.” She offered
“I think I’ll pass, those men over there look too tough for an old man like me. O well since your in this pickle I’ll leave you with a little riddle” I smiled, “I can be short and sometimes hot. When displayed, I rarely impress. What am I?”
She spat at my face, and then continued to swear in Spanish. The men seemed to be going to the cargo area; I continued to watch them as they made their way towards the storage, once they reached there, they seemed to have thrown her in and headed back. I guess that’s not the last time I’ll be seeing her.
There is no good and evil, there's just perspective

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:15 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


Well, wasn't this comfy.

My elbows were hooked around the ropes, a quickly knotted length around my waist. I swayed gently with the wind. So many new people. I wasn't sure I approved. I rolled my head around, working out a kink that I'd gotten from a nasty run in with the mast (Ryker had laughed so much that I had to knock him out) a few hours ago.

Oh. Speaking of which... here he came. He didn't look happy, did he? I could see the bruise on his stomach. Whoops. Well, that was entirely his fault. I hooked my feet around one of the ropes I was hanging off of and started darting upwards, my other arm coming loose and latching onto the one I was now climbing.

I really didn't want to deal with the wrath of Ryker. But I had to, didn't I?

"MEElaa!" he shouted, head back, hands cupped around his mouth. He said it like he always did, putting more emphasis on the "meh" and less on the "la". I twisted around, hanging casually.

"Yeah, Ry?"

"Explain!" he shrieked, pointing at his stomach.

"You wouldn't stop laughing," I said with a shrug. He sighed, exasperated, and tipped his back, hands on his hips. I could've commented on it, but I didn't, because love interests aren't supposed to bicker. Right?

Well, forget that.

"You look like my Aunt Marelle!"

"How many aunts do you have?"

"A lot. Either that or that one tailor from Paris who was coming to the docks to get his fabrics, and when he saw you, he-"

"Alright, we can stop there!" Ry's voice got shrill, and I smirked.

"I will. Now get up here and get these threads off the ropes with me."

I almost heard the whine that I knew he was thinking. "Coming, dear," was what he actually said, and I refrained from a snappy comeback. Those threads really were throwing my game off. I should focus on getting them off.

Even if people watching was so much more interesting.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:02 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Gwen | Cargo Hold of the Calypso:

Ouch. That hurt.... "Cobardes!" I yelled. "Idiotas! Come back here you hijo de puta!" I slipped into a stream of non-stop Spanish insults. I was pretty sure they weren't listening. I sighed and let my last words trail away, falling back against a crate. Great, Gwen. The hole just got deeper. They'd taken my weapons too. I kicked at the crate. "Estúpido!" I hissed, looking up at the opening above me. There seemed to be someone in the rigging up above.

I rubbed my shoulder as I watch the person swing round a bit in the rigging. Wonderful, Gwen. You just got yourself hauled into the Cargo hold of a Pirate ship. I could slap myself. I really was stupid. Then I realised something else. My father was a famous merchant.... The pirates might know who I am, who my father is and that I know all the sailing routes of every ship my father owned....along with what, exactly, every single ship carried in it's hull. Oh, crap. I was definitely in trouble now.

Swallowing, I took my gaze off the rigging and stared hard at the crate opposite me. All I could do now was wait. And wait I'd do....for a chance to try to escape. I had not doubt I'd fail, but it was worth trying, even once. Just to see if I could do it. I drew my hand away from my shoulder and hissed. It was stained red. Looks like I'd cut myself on something when they threw me in here...
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:32 pm
EloquentDragon says...

(Salter, Deck)
Salter scanned the deck. Crew members ran back and forth, busy about their work, and he spotted two young people up on the ratlines. He was pleased to note their expertise with the ropes. Salter made his way across deck. He passed an open hold and quickly noted that everything was clean, for there was no smell of rancid brine. A pleasant surprise. He thought. There were many, many faces on this ship. All interesting. All different. Salter was not sure if he could fit in here, but at least he would enjoy the diversity. Salter glanced around and finally spotted her. She walked with authority and purpose; Salter knew at once that he had found the captain.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:00 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Skye|with Josiah on deck Sorry, just got back from vacation!

"About that..." Josiah drawled.

"Just give me a straight answer!" I demanded. this boy was already getting stuck up. Couldn't have that happen, could we?

"Not much. I know to apply pressure when bleeding,how to read. Mostly, though, I need to learn." I groaned.

"Boy, you'll need a lot of work. But who knows? You might be the greatest healer of the navy when you grow older!" I decided I was going to be cautiously optimistic about this boy. He could go either way.

"Um... I hope so."

"So. Do you like animals?" I asked, trying to become nicer.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:39 pm
eldEr says...

Sorry this took so long O.o
Jex | Quinn's Room

My smile broke, giving way to a beastly-looking yawn. Quinn straightened, nose wrinkled. "Awe, you need to take care of that breath," she announced.

I just chuckled, unbending my now-stiff legs and throwing them over the edge of the tub. I stopped there, suddenly too exhausted to pull the rest of my body up. This was a much more comfortable position than the one I usually slept in. It might kink my neck if I stayed in it for too long, though.

One hand shot up, hand dangling lazily at my wrist. "Gimme a tug?" I asked, grinning a lopsided grin I liked to think of as innocent looking.

Quinn probably rolled her eyes at that, but I had closed my own eyes and let loose another loud yawn. She grabbed my hand (something that still made my smile go all strange) and gave it a sharp yank upwards. Somehow, I ended up in a standing position, so close to Quinn that I was almost stepping on her toes.

I leaned over and kissed her lips, satisfied when she didn't make any comments about my apparently 'bad breath.' (Ridiculous. I was a pirate, but I kept my mouth clean. Sort of... okay, so I never gave it a second thought, but it couldn't be that bad.)

It was only after I pulled away that I noticed the commotion going around on-deck. "How late'd I sleep, anyways?" I muttered, more to myself than to Quinn. Normally, I would have asked that question a bit more fearfully-- my old crew had frowned upon sleeping in-- but I was pretty much ignored here.

got trans?

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:56 pm
Kiwisatsuma says...


"Yeah," I said, nodding. "I'd love to see the kind of animals you can never find at home, like tigers and dolphins and the kraken."

"The kraken?" Skye looked at me quizzically. "You do know that's a humongous squid who eats people like you and me for breakfast?"

"Well, yeah... If I had to choose my death, I would definitely choose death by kraken though," I replied. "It's better than scurvy."

"Most things are better than death by scurvy," she agreed, smiling. "I've never seen a dolphin, but I've heard that they're quite common out in the open sea. Sometimes you get whole schools of them sailing alongside the ship."

"Sounds pretty amazing," I said.

"It is!" Skye said enthusiastically. "Dolphins are among the cleverest of all ocean animals, and the the gentlest as well. They sleep with one eye open, swimming in circles, so they can always watch for predators."

I raised an eyebrow. "So you're a dolphin expert as well as medicine?"

"Well, it's more of an interest of mine. But I'm sure I'd bore you if I told you all I know about sea creatures."

"No..." I said weakly, glancing towards the rigging that extended towards the sky, and the crew members scrambling up and down and calling to each other in an unintelligable accent. I was itching to go look around, and see what kind of things would be going on in our day to day life.

Skye laughed. "What do you say we go explore the deck? Us newcomers can stick together for a bit until we know our way round."

"Okay then," I agreed. Well, as far as people to apprenticed to, Skye seemed okay. I'd been expecting some huge, bulked up ship physician who went around hacking sailor's legs off. Compared to that terrifying vision, Skye seemed nice, if a bit soft. I could more picture her as a professional puppy hugger than a pirate, but perhaps she had a hidden ruthless streak. You never knew on places like this.

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:28 pm
Durriedog says...

That was all of the positions full. With a dramatic sigh of pleasure, Turtle lay back in his hammock. He though he saw one of the new-comers crack a grin. A few minutes later, because they had obviously loaded all of the supplies and rounded up all the crew, Turtle felt the ship begin to move.
Turtle groaned. Now that they were off- shore the new crew would want to know where they were going and that other thing, too. 'The other thing' - Turtle chuckled. He wished that the Captain could do it, but he knew that she wasn't completely sure herself.

Turtle lumbered onto the deck and winced at the sunlight. When he spotted the co-captain, he walked over to him and said, "Can you please call the crew to attention? I want to brief them."
"Shouldn't the Captain or I be briefing the crew?" he said back.
"You yourself need to be briefed, sir, and I'm the only person who knows our route and what's on the way there."
The co-captain looked shocked, but he called the crew to attention.
Turtle wondered how to best break the news.
"Hello all new crew members. I'm immortal, and We're sailing towardsthe Fountain of Youth in the Bremuda Triangle."
Someone laughed. "You're pullin' our legs!"
"No I'm not. Stab me."
"I swear to God, stab me."'
When no-one stepped forward, Ryker growled and walked to the front.
"My pleasure," he grinned. Turtle handed him a knife.
Looking only a little unsure, Ryker took the knife and pushed it into Turtle's heart.
"OW!" Turtle shouted a few blasphemous swear words. The medicine woman rushed forwards.
"For God's sake, Ryker," Turtle muttered. "Do it faster next time, it hurts less."
Ryker chuckled, and Turtle pulled he knife out, wincing. Blood slid onto his shirt. Again, the medicine woman stepped forwards, but Turtle pushed her away. "It'll close up in a lil' while," he muttered.
And he remained, for all to see, very much alive.
His wound squelched shut.
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

{Follow up with mention of worth-while activity that betters the YWS community}

{Insert link to activity}

{Insert well-humoured internet bribery to entice viewers to join in the activity}

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:46 am
Lavvie says...


I watched from the wheel my new crew and the clueless new co-captain. He'll learn soon enough, I thought. I stifled a laugh as I saw and heard everyone's reaction to Turtle's announcement. He always amused me. After the briefing, I descended the steps. All heads turned, but it was what I expected. I was the Hermit Captain, as I'd been dubbed. I hadn't brushed my hair in what seemed years but was only days and my clothes were ragged as were all pirates'. I probably looked more than eccentric. It was better this way, though. This way, my new crew would come to easily respect me as a ship's captain, not a weak woman.

"Welcome aboard the Calypso," I grinned. The crew nodded as Turtle came up beside me and the co-captain stumbled to my left side. "If you forgot the part that you may die as one of my crew and aren't willing to do so, leave now." I waited for the usual coward to step away, mumbling a few apologetic words. It didn't happen, much to my surprise.

"Hm. This is interesting." There was a silence. I broke it by saying, "Well. We're on a ship. Now let's get it going!"

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:59 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Slater’s eyes narrowed. He was a little more than suspicious, everything had happened so easily. Too easily. It had to have been a hoax. He thought. Salter turned to the Captain.
“I’ll need to discuss navigation issues with ye. After all, ye can’t stay at the helm forever.” The Captain gave him an icy stare.
“I am well aware of that.” She said coolly. For a moment, they simply glared at each other, Salter was unwilling to submit to her authority. She was about half the age of Salter, and he didn’t exactly want to acknowledge her.
“Well lass, shall we hoist anchor?” he asked with a grin. The Captain’s eyes snapped with anger.
"Do not address me in that manner again. Do you understand?" Salter's jaw clenched.
"I understand." The captain turned to climb up to the helm. "And by the way," Salter added. "I just want to know where we're going, not necessarily why."
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:56 am
MisunderstoodDreamer says...

This seems really cool. If I can, I might join, but I might be too busy. Would I be able to, though?!
yet to be put TOGETHER

But at the same time, I'm just one PIECE
still trying to figure out where I FIT IN

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:10 pm
EloquentDragon says...

(In whining/complaining voice) Durrie! Your RPG is dead!!!
(Maybe you should switch it to like; "Sailing the Seven Seas: Chapter Two" instead of "Starting/Accepting."
Dreamer, you need to contact Durrie, (The hiding Jack Sparrow) there doesn't seem to be any crew positions open, but last I checked we still need a cook...ha ha.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:53 am
EloquentDragon says...

No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:25 am
Razcoon says...

Elo, just a quick question...is this your first storybook?
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.
— Peter Handke