
Young Writers Society

Camp Creativity [Accepting]

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Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:42 pm
Moo says...


He finally managed to ease himself out of their conversation by one word answers and silent shrugs. The three dropped off their luggage by the cabins and made for the cafeteria, Elliot trailing quietly behind. His fingers were twitching with the urge to get his hands on a paintbrush. The campus was indeed beautiful, the endless silver expanse of the lake framed by a picturesque wood dripping with the rich colours of nature's vibrance. He'd make a fine painting of it as soon as he got the chance.

The swinging doors waved the three in in merry greeting as they walked into the cafeteria. It was a large, wooden floored hall, humming in the orange glow of the heat lamps hung over trays of food. It was like a watering hole in the african plains. People were scrambling for the best picks and bits of food where sailing over the sea of heads crammed into the thin lengths of the tables. Suddenly finding himself no longer all that hungry, he offered to find seats for Bliss and Braison before drifting through the choppy crowds in search of a suitable spot.

He spotted three empty seats next to two girls around his age. As he came closer their features became more distinct. One was animatedly chatting to the other, and it was who she was speaking to that caught his eye. It took him five minutes to realise he was staring, and by then she had already noticed. He dropped his head a little startledly, considering turning on his heel when she waved at him.

"You need somewhere to sit?" Elliot rubbed the back of his neck a little coyly, before tentatively pulling back a chair and sitting opposite the girl. "I'm Caris," she smiled in friendly greeting, offering her hand.

He took it obligingly. "Elliot Sommers."

The others introduced themselves as Slade, Kammy and Louis, among a few other girls who seemed too interested grinning at one another to notice him.

(Elliot likes the look of Caris. :P I feel rivalry Slade! xD)
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:11 pm
fictionfanatic says...


The guy, Elliot he said his name was, sat down next to me. I gave him a big smile and introduced myself with "Hello Elliot! My name is Cole." When he turned to me, I had to keep myself from gasping. His eyes were an absolutely gorgeous shade of blue. I bit my bottom lip - I've always been a sucker for blue eyes.

I pushed a strand of pink hair from my face, my bangels jingling, and turned to face Caris. But I couldn't help but look out of the corner of my eye. He had a nice shade of brown hair. He was a little thin, but it was kind of attractive on him.

Immediately, I looked away. A woman can give all of her power away with her eyes.

I looked around the room. A smile spread across my face when I spotted my friend. We've lived in the same neightborhood forever and have been friends for years.

"Beau!" Beau turned to face me he a confused look on his face, but when he noticed that it was me he gave a soft smile. I waved him over and he picked up his leather book he always has with him and put it in his back pocket folded in half. He picked up his plate and came over.

He sat at the only available seat, at the end of the table. He gave us all a shy smile and then said "Hello." I smiled and introduced him "his is my friend Beau."

*Just thought I had to get him in there. :)
Oh, and AEROSMITH asked me to ask you all "Can someone bring Mason and Isodore in?"*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:18 pm
Cspr says...


I nodded briefly to the pair, eating my food still--which meant I wasn't going to be big on talking.

"Hey," I say curtly, then take a sip of my water. "Nice hair," I add, nodding to the person mentioned.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:04 pm

I'm going to try one more time to get in here on my own

Isodore and I walked into the Mess Hall and quickly went over to grab food. After we got our breakfast, we looked for a seat. Isodore grabbed my wrist with her free hand and asked "Can we go sit with them? They look like they'd be fun" My eyebrows rose and I asked "Are you sure? There's a lot of people over there." She gave me a soft smile and said "I'm okay with it Mason."

She let go of my wrist and we walked over to them. Isodore smiled brightly at them and said in her usual sweet, honey-like voice "Could we sit here please?" They nodded at us and Isodore sat down.

I placed my plate on the table and before sitting down, wrapped my hair into a ponytail. As we all sat, it was kind of quiet. Then the girl with pink hair said brightly "Hi! I'm Cole." The introductions came flooding in. After everyone's name was said I told them all "Uh, hi. I'm Mason."


Mason was right, there are a lot of people over here. I took a seat on the end so I wouldn't be surrounded by them. They all introduced themselves, then Mason did, and then I gave them all a cheery smile and said "Hello, my name is Isodore."

I took a quick breath and continued "So, what are you guys here for? I'm here for Ballet and my brother for hiphop." I don't know who said what, but I heard art, acting, singing, and osme others I couldn't make out. I nodded, pretending like I'd heard them all.

I thump sounded and then I saw water goo all down the table. "Crap!" Mason said. He quickly stood up. With quick hands he picked up the cup, pushed the ice onto the ground in one big motion, and went to get napkins. Ten seconds later he was back with a washcloth he'd gotten from the kitchen staff.

He began to mop up the water, trying not to get in people's way. Some people lifted their things off the table, some just left it there. I noticed the guy next to him, Beau I believe, snatched a leather notebook off the table real fast and then glared at Mason.

As Mason tried to clean the water, the girl with pink hair declared "Cool scar!" Mason's face redened a little bit and he muttered "Thanks...I think" "It's a good thing" she said "Where'd you get it?" Someone else asked.

"Uh, I got hit by a car a few years back. Basically all the skin on my arm came off, as well as on the right side of my face."

*I hope this is okay.*
Check out my novel, "You're-"

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:58 am
Sunshine says...

~ Bliss Lotin~

After I dropped my stuff off at the cabin I sprint over to the dining hall with Braison next to me and Elliot running behind us. Elliot soon takes off, leaving Braison and i alone. We were late ( of corse) and all of the tables were full. I look around.
" What in the world are we gonna do?," Braison smiles at me.
I look over to the table Elliot sat down at.
" That table looks nice."
" A fly couldn't fit in that space," Braison said.
I laugh. It was true. I spot another girl, picking at food, looking jealously at the table Elliot sat at.
" Let's go over there," I point at her table.
" Sure," he shrugs.
We wander over there. The girl looks up.
" Minojet."
" I'm Braison and this is Bliss. Mind if we sit down?"
We sit down. We all sit in silence, eating.
" I should probaly check on my sister,' Braison says and get's up," be back."
Minojet and I sit for a bit.
" What are you here for?"
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:41 am
Cspr says...


I introduce myself to a few people, when they ask who I am--beginning to feel a bit crowded, I just finish my food and stay silent.

I take the last bite of the pie slice and glance up at the embarrassed kid, the one that somebody said had scars. I give him a sympathetic look. Or a look that I think seems sympathetic. It might be a grimace. I don't usually try to, well, do much. Especially around people.

"Don't worry about it. I have this," I say, pointing at the whitish scar I had on the side of my face, "and this," I add, patting my right leg, which didn't look much different (but I did have trouble moving), "from a dog. At least you have a better reason than being a moron and tripping over a feral dog." I grin a tiny bit, then duck down and finish my drink.

I wasn't very good at the whole "playing nice" thing. And I was pretty sure I might have made him feel worse...or something.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:55 am
Apple says...

Guys, D-Dog (formly known as Dragonet) has left us for awhile and I'm afraid I'll be departing very soon [Might be]. I just wanted to tell you guys, sorry. And Aero, your Mason character reminds me of my brother. He was also burnt badly but it was because of hot water. I was supposed to be burnt to, but I missed it all.


What was this oaf doing? Touching Caris! Why I oughtta hit him a new mouth. Managing to pull my eyes away from him, I stared at the kid called Mason. That definitely would've been horrible. He didn't look symmetrical at all! Everyone was aweing at his scar. Sure, it made him look tough but he wasn't - symmetrical. I felt my chest begin to rise and fall again. This was impossible! I had to do something.

But what could I do? Symmetry! I need symmetry! I felt someone tap my shoulder and realised it was Caris. I felt my smile turn flirtatious but then I realised she was only pointing out that other people were speaking to me; Cole and Isodore. They both laughed. Oooh, two hot girls!!!

"Yes?" I asked, arching my brow. Did they get my look? Was I sexy enough for them? Maybe I should've tried a more open approach. Biting the lip? Maybe that would've worked!

"What do you do?" Isodore asked.

"A lot of things...You?"

Cole laughed. "No, she means: what are you here for?" Louis laughed and Elliot - the girl hog - did too and Mason, though he had the decency to hide it.

I felt a flush rise and then falter. "Violin," I said rolling the 'n' with my tongue.

Before she could say anything, one of the camp workers stood up. "Everyone body get ready. We're staring the zip-line!"
I spy!

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:01 pm
Cspr says...


"Zip-line?" I ask aloud, my laughter halting in my throat. "That's..." I trail off. "This is what happens when someone signs you up and hauls you here without telling you what this place is. I hate heights," I grumble.

Of course, I had a long list of things I disliked: non-Dracula vampires, Romantic Comedies (which seemed weirdly sexist for chick stuff and I had been forced to watch a few times), dogs, heights, and, well... I could keep going.

At least I wasn't absolutely sickened by blood like 'Seph. Totally freaked him out. Almost made him faint.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:51 pm


"I do a lot of things...you?" Slade said. My head snapped up towards him. Did he just say that to my sister!? I'll kill him! Kill him kill him kill him! I almost got up and punched him in the face. But I think Cole realized that, because she looked at me, gave a laugh, and corrected him.

My hands, which were balled up, relaxed. I hadn't even realized they were like that.

They announced the zipline. Isodore caught me by the hand and slid one of the many hair ties off of my wrist. She gave me a big smile and then quickly wrapped her curly hair into a ponytail, short pieces of her hair hanging in her face.

"You guys coming?" I asked. They all began to get up and throw away their food.
Check out my novel, "You're-"

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Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:22 am
LaceyDreadth says...


Introducing herself to others was getting easier by the minuted and the laughter around her made her bolder. When she noticed a boy staring, then looking away with an embarrassed drop of his head, she decided to be as friendly as the people around her and waved at him. Caris was usually the one staring, so it seemed different to be on the other side of that story.

Slade was distracted, that much was obvious. His muscles had gotten tight at the sight of Mason’s scar. Strange... He didn’t notice when a question was thrown at him. After directing him to the conversation, she sat quietly, eyes darting from one person to the next. The word violin caught her interest, her gaze falling on Slade in an odd mixture of hope and awe. Her aunt played the violin, and she loved the sound, but, even better, she knew that to get into this camp, he had to be good. Maybe he could help her finish her character’s songs.

She was about to ask but everything was happening so fast, fizzling her nerves and smoldering excitement within her. One second, more people than she could watch at once were showing up, then suddenly a new activity was drawing her attention. Not even she could get all of it in her mind.

Now they were being told something about a zip line. It was overwhelming and a grin found it’s way on her face. Her hand found its way to her key necklace, gripping it for all it was worth. One thought coursed through her mind as activity swirled around her. Fly.

Slade was the closest person to her and she grabbed his shirt sleeve again, the smile still on her face, “They say it’s like flying, right?”

He seemed surprised for some reason, “I guess so,”

That was all she needed and she jumped up, nearly falling over in the process. Luckily, Slade caught her arm. “This will be so good for them...oh...I wonder what it tastes like, smells like,” Caris was caught up in babbling with herself, “Will bugs fly in their mouths? Does a passing twig really, actually, hurt?”

If she’d known where to go, she probably would have walked off without anybody, including the camp workers, lost in her own world.

“Hey, Caris? Chill.” Louis finally broke her out of endless timelines and character flaws. Looking at him, remembering what he’d muttered about heights, she blinked, trying to get the grin off of her face.

“My character, Louis, my characters will benefit from this. And you’re going to help me.” Any sense of her shyness was gone, love of her characters trumping it. “Since you’ll be scared out of your wits, you need to tell me everything once your done.”

Louis stared at her in disbelief but she hardly caught the look. There was so much going through her mind. Forgetting her suitcase, she walked with her new friends...or acquaintances.

“It’s going to be wonderful!” She said, covering her mouth as she giggled.

“Huh, people really surprise you, don’t they?” Someone said, but she didn’t care to remember who’s voice it was.
"A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightning."
-James Dickey

"It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent."
-Dave Barry

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Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:22 pm
Cspr says...


I just shake my head and get up. I clear my food trash, then follow the group of kids. I keep up with the ones I know the best I can, limping along like some peg-legged pirate or something stupid like that.

"So, what character of yours am I scaring the snot out of myself for?" I ask the one girl, the one who seemed to be in her own little world. "You know, you're acting as crazy as my friend back home--'Seph--when he has one of those adrenaline rush things," I add on, informing her.

"Come on, campers, this way!" a woman with frizzy hair and khaki pants yells.

I grimace and slow down a bit.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:42 am
Sunshine says...

Um can you guys start including Bliss more? i feel kinda lonely cause Dragonet got a life and nobody has heard from Misunderstood.

~Bliss Lotin~

Minojet doesn't really get a chance to answer me because just then someone yells:
" Zipline!"
We both get up and throw away our food. Minojet and I walk away together in silence.
" I'm a-,' my words die in my throat. Minojet is gone.
Glancing around, I can't see her in the crowd of kids.
" Follow me kids!," a chirpy, frizzy haired counciler calls.
Looks like I'd have to lone this one out. The lady leads us through the forest. I glance around. ready to get my art on. The trees were tall, freshly green touching a sweet blue sky. Now,I scout out a kid in the crowd, A dark brown haired girl with deep brown eyes. Place her there, looking up...
OOOmph.Aw, crap. The group seems to have stopped. I had ramed in a boy. I seemed to keep doing that. Clutz, clutz, clutz. The boy topples over and I fall on top of him. I scramle to my knees and give him my hand.
" I'm so sorry... I seem to be doing that alot..."
He turns to me and takes my hand to pull himself up, then offers me his. I hoist myself up, only to find out that he's a whole six inches taller than me. He has green eyes. I sucked in. The type of eyes perfect to draw. Light and dark with that type of feeling...
" Uh it's ok," his eyes scaned me," Not your fault."
If only. I stick out my hand.
" I'm Bliss. Again, so sorry."
" Beau," he smiles nerveously.
" French?," I smile, hoping I looked nice.
" Yep-"
" Shhh!," somebody turns and says.
" Sorry I keep messing up, Beau. I'm not normally like this."
He smiles at me. So gonna draw him later. Wait wasn't the director saying something...?
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:26 am
fictionfanatic says...


The group stopped and the woman was starting to say something about the zipline. Before I could hear, something ran into me from behind and I fell over ony my face. Half a second later, someone fell ontop of me. The person who fell on me got up. When I rolled over I saw a girl. She had beautiful strawberry blond hair and pretty blue-grey eyes with green glasses. She was on her knees, offering me her hand "I'm so sorry... I seem to be doing that alot..." She said.

I took her hand and pulled myself up, then offered her my own. She hoisted herself up, then seemed shocked. She sucked in a breath and was looking at me with interest.She stared at me, her head tilted a little as she bit her bottom lip.

"Uh, it's ok," I looked her over and continued "Not your fault." She stuck out her hand and said "I'm Bliss. Again, so sorry."
I gave her a smile, which I'm sure looked a little nervous, and said "Beau," "French?," She asked with a smile. SHe was pretty cute. " Yep-" "Shhh!," somebody turned and said to us. "Sorry I keep messing up, Beau. I'm not normally like this."
I gave her another smile. She stared at me a little again, but then faced her attention to the director.

I didn't catch anything the director said, but I wasn't really up for asking anyone to tell me. I glanced over at the girl who called herself Bliss. She seemed like she'd be someone good to have as a friend. "So," I began "Are you ready for the zipline? I heard it feels like you're flying."

I looked up at the wires. My eyes widened "Whoa whoa whoa, is that small little wire supposed to hold an entire person?" Bliss laughed, and her laugh was so beautiful I couldn't help but laugh along.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:11 pm
Sunshine says...


I laugh. Beau joins in and we just stand their laughing for a bit. Beau's laugh was one that made you want to laugh, if you weren't already laughing. I glance up at the zipline. I could see exactly what he was talking about.
" I know it looks tiny now, but when your flying above the trees your not exactly concentrating on that."
"You've done this before?," Beau asks.
" Once," I admit,"A couple years back."
Everyone was talking now, either full of fear or overall excitment.
" You promise me I won't die?"
I smile."Promise you."
" Taking the first fifeteen kids up," the frizzy haired lady yells," Who's coming?"
I look at Beau, grin sliding up my face. I'll admit I'm a bit scared but it's the kind of Holloween fear. You know that it's scary but you still soooo want to go.
" Your insane."
" Is that a your insane-but-I'll-still go with you or a your insane-and there-is-no-way-i'm-following-you-up those-stairs."
Beau smiles and suddenly I noticed not only those perfect eyes but his cute brown hair and muscular arms. I pull a hand through my hair.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:23 am
Apple says...

If this doesn't make much sense, I'm sorry. It's just I'm so tired!!!


"So everyone make sure your harneses are tight..." the instructor began to drone on and on but I was to busy ignoring her. Just looking up at that zip-line gave me mutant butterflies. Louis flexed his nuckles beside me and cracked his neck. I wasn't sure if he did that on purpose or what. "Make sure you all have a partner, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Caris is my partner!" I shrilled, grabbing onto her arm. Elliot - AKA girl hog - came out from behind me and shook his head. "Why don't you let her decide."

What was this boy talking; hog wash? I stared at him baffled; with my mouth hanging open for a while. Caris stared at me and smiled thinly. Who was she going to choose? I was tough, I could do anything. Bliss and Beau were already making their way towards the rope and the others were slowly following all except Louis who kept deliberately concentrating on his shoelace. The instructor suddenly popped out of no where in front of us, making my skin crawl.

"What are you waiting for?" She barked, spraying spittle in Louis's face.

"Caris is taking way to long to choose me!" I snapped back, staring back at her.

She pointed at me and Louis. "You two can climb together and you two-" she pointed at Caris and Elliot -"can partner up."

"What!" I snapped, staring through thin slits at the teacher.

"What, I'm not good enough?" Louis harked, curling his top lip. I ignored him staring at Elliot. He gave me a smug look, his eyes twinkling.

I placed my head high into the air. "Fine! Let's go, Louis."

"I have a bad feeling about this." I heard Louis mutter. I had one too, but I was ignoring it. Pushing everyone out of the way, I mounted the ladder. "Do not worry my flower!" I shouted down to Caris. " I will be this zip-line horror in thy name!"

"Watch out, Slade!" Caris shouted.


"You're falling!" Elliot yelped.
I spy!

We're all stories in the end.
— 11th Doctor