
Young Writers Society

The Loyals

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Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:27 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera clearly heard Hendrea following her. She smiled slightly and snapped her fingers. A loud boom sounded around Hendrea and she squeaked in fright.

"If you really didnt want to be seen or heard, you would cast a spell like this." Eliera called over her shoulder. She snapped hre fingers again and waved her hand in the air once. All of the sudden she was gone.

After a second or two, a voice whispered in Hendrea's ear, making her jump.

"But, since you're not a mage, i guess what you did was the best you could do." Eliera said, reappearing up in a tree a couple yards away.

"How..?" Hendrea began, then she shook her head. Magic.

Eliera laughed slightly. "You do know i'm not going to town, right?" she asked Hendrea. The girl nodded.

"Then why are you following me?" Eliera asked, casting a quick look behind her to see if the others were coming. They were just exiting the camp.

"I didnt mean what i said." she said simply.

"A lot of us don't. In my case, i mean every word with my heart, blood, and soul."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:53 pm
Saphira says...

*Sorry i havn't postred in awhile but i havn't had any internet access*

Alaura marched up to Elierea leaving Zander and Hendrea behind.

'Ok, i need you help. I want to find the people who murdered my father and find out why. If you don't want my help after that, fine, but i need yours now'

Eliera smiled and turned her head slightly.

'I think i have been a bad influence on you' she said and turned walking on.

'Bad influence? Please, i have done more than you might think.'

'That's propably true'

'So will you come back to the city and help me? I know some people that might be able to give you information about you father.'

Alaura was careful to leave the word help out of the sentence. Eliera didn't seem like the person to want, or need, help.

Eliera turned and looked a Alaura, her eyes deep in thought.

'Well, will you help me?'
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:38 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera finally looked back at her. "Only if you will tell me how your father died."

"Fine. A begger killed him. That's all, but i want to find this begger, and kill him myself."

Eliera turned again, facing away from Alaura. "Did they now..."

"Eliera, i really need your help. I'd been looking for a mage like you for a long time before i finally found you. I know you don't need my help, but i need yours." Alaura pleaded.

"Fine, i will help, but on one condition." Eliera said. She began to walk off.

"What would that be?" Alaura asked, following her.

Eliera turned to dace Alaura. A small grin was playing on her lips. "Leave the really big magics to me."

"That, i can do." Alaura said.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:57 pm
Firestalker says...

*I wont be able to post a lot so please include my character for a while when i am not posting. :?: *

Zander stood there listening. They talked as if he did not exist. He stopped his anger and kept listening. After this was over maybe they would help him find who killed half of his race and avenge their deaths.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:55 pm
She Writes says...

Here we go, Ariel..
Appearance-long, wavy black hair and bright green eyes. Strong but short build, slender body.
Personality-spunky, but stubborn. Notices everything. Sly, but honest.
History-has been studying magik and archery for over 5 years. SHe was taught by an old archer and mage, Able. She recently died in a fight with another old mage. Her sister, Cathedreal, and mother dies in the plauge. Her father disappeared mysteriously one afternoon a year ago. She is on an adventure to find a famous and mentally strong mage, swordsman, and archer, Sifred.
Abilities-a very good archer, swordsman (her father taught her), and an amazing mage. Is somewhat quick, and learned potions from an old family friend, Rahas.
Weapons-sword, bow and arrow, potions, dagger
Other-is very secritive about her family. Has a pet cub named Sonic.

*will write later*

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Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:29 pm
Saphira says...

Alaura smiled. She had help, she wouldn't have to do this on her own. So what if she had lied about who had killed her father. It was a beggar but it was the beggar she was after. The beggar had been acting on some elses orders. Someone who could know where to start looking for the people who had murdered Eliera's father.

'Okay we will have to the city. I live in a inn near the temple. That's where we start'

Eliera just smiled and walked on, humming softly. Hendrea walked forward to stand next to Alaura.

'When we get back to the city i have to go to the temple to see the oracle.'

Alaura smiled sadly. She liked Hendrea and there was a lot of power in her, Alaura could sense it.

'I know. What will you do about the guards? They will believe it was all your fault'

'I'm not sure yet but i'll figure it out'

'I'll always just bea spell away if you need help' Alaura replied smiling.

'It would normally take 10 days to walk back to the city, we may need to teleport' Eliera said and everyone stopped and gathered around her.

'Are you ready?' she asked grasping hold of Hendrea's hand. 'i will take Hendrea, you will take Zander'

Alaura reached and grasped Zander's hand.

Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:02 pm
Maybe says...

*Yay! Dot joined!*

Eliera teleported Hendrea and herself to the city, Alaura and Zander appearing only moments later.

They had arrived only a few blocks away from the temple, near the inn.

"Ok, Zander, you take Hendrea to the temple, and make sure she isnt killed. Alaura and I will meet you back here in one hour." Eliera said. Zander and Hendrea ran off, staying to the shadows.

"Shall we see what we can dig up?" Eliera asked, a gleam in her eyes.

"That doesnt sound like a bad idea." Alaura said, laughing slightly. They turned to the inn.

*Don Don Donnnn! lol, jk.*
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:13 pm
She Writes says...

Bridgette saw the two ladies near the inn. She wondered who they were, for they looked very important.

She jogged up to them and tapped the taller one's shoulder. The lady flipped around.

"What do you need, meer child?" she scowled.

"Uh, ma'am, you look a bit, well, lost. I wanted to see if there was anything I could help you with." Bridgette stumbled through the words. She looked at her feet. "Do you?"

"Ooh, ye--" the shorter woman next to the taller one was cut off by the tall woman.

"No, we are quite content. Right, Alaura?" she glanced over to Alaura.

"R-right, Eliera." you could tell she was lying.

"Okay, come one you two. You DO need help, dont you?" Bridgette tilted her head.

"Come with us." Eliera nodded up the stairs. Bridgette and Alaura followed, silent.

*all I have got for now!*

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Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:13 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera rolled her eyes. She would be happy when she finally got rid of all these people and was able to kill her fathers murders.

Eliera ground her teeth at the thought. She could not wait to feel their blood on her hands and hear THEIR dying screams. A eager look crossed her face.

Alaura saw the look. "Eliera, someone here should be able to help you. I've known him for a little while. His name is Sifred."

The girl, walking beside Alaura, looked up. "Sifred, you say? I've been looking for him!"

"Well good. Now you've found him, so you can stick with him." Eliera said.

"Sifred is a mage, like you, but not quite as powerful. He enjoys swordplay more than magic, but he is still skilled. I almost asked him to teach me, in fact, i was going to ask him the night i found you. when i realized that you were stronger, i decided to ask you for help. Plus, Sifred is...well...kinda old." Alaura explained, blushing a bit at the end.

"Humpf. We'll see if he is anywhere near as powerful as me." Eliera said, folding her arms across her chest, trying to keep warm.

"You're more powerful than Sifred?" the girl asked eagerly.

Eliera scowled down at her. "I am Eliera, daughter of Remas, one of the most powerful mages to walk this world. Of course i'm stronger. I also practice sword fighting and archery, like this Sifred. I do not pride myself over my skills, except when it comes to magic." Eliera said.

"I've heard of Remas! Where is he!? Can i meet him?" the girl asked.

"He is dead." Eliera said, lengthening her stride.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." the girl said.

Eliera stopped before the door to the inn. She turned to look at the two. "We will talk to Sifred, then get rooms for the night. I for one do not wish to sleep on the cold dirt any more than i have to."

The two nodded and they entered the inn. The innkeeper came bustling up.

"A room? Food? A table?" the innkeeper asked.

"Where is Sifred?" Eliera asked.

"Second floor, third door on your left." he said. Eliera flipped him a copper coin and turned for the stairs.

The two younger girls followed her up the stairs and into a narrow hallway. Eliera walked straight up to the third door on the left and knocked.

"Who's there? Go away." a grumpy voice said, muffled by the door.

"Sifred, its me, Alaura. I have some friends with me who want to ask you some questions. You might find them interesting." Alaura said.

The door swung open on squeaky hinges, making the three women cringe. An older man in mouse gray robes stood in the doorway. He eyed the three shrewdly. Finally he beckoned them inside.

"Sit down, and tell me your names." he said, gesturing to chairs standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm Bridgette!" the young girl piped up. Sifred nodded.

"You already know me." Alaura pointed out. She cast an uneasy glance at Eliera and found her examining the mage with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you, my dear?" the Sifred asked kindly.

"I am Eliera." she said. A slight frown passed her lips.

"Ah, Eliera. I am honored."

"You know where i can find the people who killed my father." she said plainly, not questioning.

"I do. They are all still at the tower, where you met them last time." Sifred said. Eliera nodded, as if she thought as much.

The conversations continued for another half an hour. Finally, Eliera turned to Alaura and Bridgette.

"Go and find Zander and Hendrea. Bring them here. I will buy us rooms for the night." Eliera commanded. She stood from her chair and bowed stiffly to Sifred.

The two girls followed her from the room and headed down the stairs. Eliera walked up to the innkeeper.

"Four rooms, innkeep." she said, flipping him four silver coins. He told her the rooms and Eliera went to stand by the door. It was not long before they entered.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:52 am
Maybe says...

*Ok, i cant stand it anymore. i had a idea, and seeing as writers block is always out to get me *glares at writers block and holds her pen threatengly* i shall write it.*

Eliera walked through a dark forest, the moon only tiny sliver in the sky. Shadows reached out, threatening to engulf her in their darkness. A chill wind wailed through the slender, dying trees and the branches creaked and groaned in the breeze. The ground was soft, almost spongy, and as dark as the starless sky above her.

Eliera ignored everything and kept walking, keeping her head bowed. Once in a while she would glance up to the path in front of her, only to scowl and see it was leading nowhere. She had almost no idea where she was, but that did not bother her.

The wind grew stronger and it screamed through the trees. With the wind, a weak voice touched her ears.


"Who's there?" Eliera called out. She raised her head and looked around with bright eyes.


"Where are you?" she called, turning in circles, trying to find the source.

Behind her stood a wall that had not been there before. All of the sudden, the trees were gone, replaced by red sand. No bush or tree were anywhere to be seen, only this barren wasteland.

Eliera turned and looked at the wall, her eyes widening in fear.


A man hung from the wall, his hands manacled, dangling from the top of the wall. His feet were close to the ground, teasingly close. His black robes hung about him, ripped and torn. Pale blue, pain filled eyes gazed down at her. The man could only be a few years older than Eliera.

The sound of dripping caught her attention and she looked down in horror to see a steady trickle of blood fall from the chained man. What his robes had concealed at first, Eliera now saw.

The man's flesh had been ripped open, his living organs exposed. His heart beat faintly, but yet the man was not dead. Eliera turned away from the horrible sight.

"Eliera..." a weak voice said behind her. She instantly knew it was her father that spoke. "You can...free me...Eliera. You must go...to the portal...in the tower. It...will bring you....here. Hurry!" the man's eyes held fear and pain that Eliera could only imagine. He gasped for breath and his eyes grew dark.

"Father!" Eliera called, grabbing the chins that held him in place. She tried to break them, but the metal held strong, even under magic.

"Go...to the...portal." Remas said, then he died.

"Nooo." Eliera moaned. She fell to her knees and sobbed before the wall, her tears mixing with the blood.

"Eliera." a firm voice said, still far away. Eliera looked up and opened her eyes. She blinked, trying to bring the face in front of her into focus.


"Yes. You alright?"

"I'm..." Eliera said, propping herself up on her elbow. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What are you doing in here?"

"You were...well...yelling in your sleep, i suppose." Alaura said, suddenly uncomfortable.

Eliera shuddered as she remembered the dream. It had seemed so...real.

"I'm fine. Go away." she commanded dryly. Alaura cast one final, worried glance at her and left.

Eliera swung her legs over the side of the bed, sitting on the end. She held her head in her hands and sobbed.

"Go to the portal."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:25 pm
Saphira says...

Alaura stormed back to her room and opened the door. She walked over to the closet near the wall and opened it, searching for a clean cloak.


Alaura pulled out her dagger quickly and spun around to see a small man sitting on the edge of the bed in the corner. He was small with black hair and a long crooked nose. Alaura let out a sigh of relief, this person she knew.

'Malkon, it's nice to see you. How have you been?'

'Don't play games with me Alaura, i know what you are here to do!' he snapped drawing his own dagger. Alaura stepped back, spells coming into her mind.

'They know you disappeared yesterday, where did you go?'

'I went to the edge of the city to see some family' she lied keeping her eyes fixed on the man's face.

'You have no family left, they made sure of that. You have no idea what you get yourself into'

'Tell me where they are, i need to see them, i have a powerful mage they may want to meet' Alaura lied turning her dagger around in her hand.

'They are based in a warehouse on the edge of town. Don't get lost on you way there' he goaded standing and walking over to the door. 'Your only a petty thief after all'

Alaura smiled and sent a wave of power out that hit the man in his chest and slammed him against the wall.

'I am so much more than a theif'

'Your a..a...mage!' he stammered as Alaura walked forward with the dagger.


She lunged forward and sunk the dagger seep into the man's stomach. He didn't even cry out in pain as he slumped against the wall. Alaura turned and walked into Eliera's room.

'I said go away!' she cried but stopped as she saw the look on Alaura's face.

'We have to leave. I have found the guys who killed my father'

'I am not going anywhere now'

'You said you will help me, believe me there will be a lot of magic involved. Get hendrea, Zander and Bridgette, this ends now!'
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:37 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera smiled as Alaura walked from the room. She was going to make a fine mage.

Eliera got up and banged on Zander's door. She heard a scuffling and a muttered curse from inside before the door opened and a half awake Zander stood in the doorway.

"Get ready, we're leaving." she said, walking to the door next to his. She banged on this one, equally loud.

"Yea?" Hendrea asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Get Bridgette and yourself ready, we're leaving." Eliera said, offering no explanation. She walked back into her room and shut the door. She pulled her boots on and grabbed the dagger next to her bed. When she was ready she sat on the bed, lost in thought.

Her father had told her to 'go to the portal'...but how could that be? The portal led to the Abyss...and that would mean Remas was sent there...

"How could that be? He was not a bad person. And who did that to him?" she wondered, remembering the ripped flesh and the red organs, showing clearly. She shuddered.

"Eliera, you ready?" a voice asked from outside her door. She got up and walked over.

"Ready as i'll ever be, i suppose."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:25 pm
Saphira says...

The group made there way across the city quickly and quietly. As they reached the warehouse Alaura held up a hand to stop the group. Alaura moved forward and peered through one of the windows. She counted ten guards and five people in the centre of the warehouse. These were the people they needed to speak to. She walked bac to the group and they moved a little away from the warehouse.

'There are fifteen people in that warehouse. Zander take the six on the left, Bridgette and Hendrea the the four on the right. Me and Eliera will make sure the five in the middle don't go anywhere. Is that okay?'

Everyone nodded and turned in thier seperate directions. Eliera walked next to Alaura to the front of the buildig. THey reached out thier hands to push open the doors. Eliera turned to Alaura with a huge grin on her face.

'This should be fun'
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:05 pm
Maybe says...

The people looked up just as Zander burst through a window and turned into a dragon. He blew fire on three of the six, killing them instantly. Bridgette and Hendrea came through another window and began trying to kill the others. Alaura and Eliera looked grimly at the five people in the middle.

Without warning, Alaura cast a small fireball into the midst of the circle of people. Eliera followed suit, casting a larger ball of fire and sending a streak of lightning at two of them. Three went down.

"Dont kill them all!" Alaura called to Eliera. Eliera stopped her spellcasting, seeing as two remained. Zander had succeeded killing the six guards and Hendrea and Bridgette had just killed the last of the four. Now only two of the people stood in the middle.

"You killed my father." Alaura stated plainly. The two men exchanged glances.

"Erm...thats very likely...we kill lotsa people." one said. The other hit him upside the head.

"You idiot, they'll kill us!" he hissed, casting the five scared looks.

The other man clasped his hands to his mouth. "Oofs." he said.

"I'm going to kill you anyway, so you may as well tell me what i want to know. Maybe i will make your deaths faster." Alaura said.

*I'll let Saphira finish this.*
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:26 pm
Saphira says...

*Thanks Dark Magik*

'I hear no voices elling me what i want to hear' Alaura cried, drawing her dagger.

'Alaura, you know it was an accident what happened to your father' one of the men replied, the lie clear on his togue, his oily voive sliding over the air between them.

'Don't lie to me. You see, i am just here for revenge. You know, a bit of fun and to see if you guys have anything worth stealing but Eliera here,has a few questions she wants to ask.'

The man gasped as Eliera stepped forward. They obviously knew something about her father, Alaura just didn't know how much.

She leaned forward and pressed the flat of her dagger against one of the mens cheeks.

'I will know if you are lieing'

The men exchanged nervous glances then they oth turned to Eliera.

'Fire away!'

*Take it away Dark Magik*
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.
— Maya Angelou