
Young Writers Society

Hunted 2 *Not accepting*

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Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:19 am
jemjive says...


"Do I seem... rude?" she asked.

I snorted, "I've been told my judgement of what's rude and what isn't, hasn't been very good lately."

"Oh." she said quietly.

"You probably can't be that bad." I sighed, "I'm Duncan." I extended my hand.

"Amy." she said, shanking my hand quickly.

"So, have you been here long?"

She scoffed, "No. I don't even understand why I was brought here. I was torn from my great life for what? I don't know a single person on this stupid island and don't even like camping!"
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Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:06 am
ForsakenAngel says...


I hated anything to do with dark, creepy islands really. Dirt was my enemy, now beasts? OK, so they were the only thing that scared me here, but I was sure there were other things to fear other than that. I shuddered at the thought of what other beasts might be out there, just ready to pounce any minute.

>Sorry it's short for her, I'm brain dead right now. I'll post for Ellie later (dum dum dum, her suicide attempt)<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:50 am
eldEr says...


I watched Gemma duck into the tents, a stupid half-smile on my face. For the moment, I had completely forgotten that Duncan obviously hated me. Of course, that moment ended a bit too soon and I returned to sulking about it. If there was one thing I hated, it was when people were mad at me.

Speaking of which, Tarr didn't seem overly thrilled with me either. He and Domi had disapeared to who-knows-where, doing who-knows-what. The thought was almost disturbing. Stop it! Tarr's more responsible than that! I told myself sternly.

I scanned the camp quickly, trying to piece things together. Kyle had died...Kyle was abusive...The Annie chick was really broken up about him dieing...Nothing seemed to fit right. It just didn't make sense to me. Good lord I wanted to be back at home, before Tarr was taken away from us. Before this mess.


"Of course, I'm your boss. Do as I say, not as I do," I said, pulling my legs onto the couch and sprawling them ontop of Damon's lap.

He blinked at my legs before answering. "You sound like somebody's mother," he muttered.

I chuckled, but other than that I ignored the remark. Instead I said, "You take up too much room." Yes...and you're going nuts. I thought. And I suppose I was nuts. Absolutely bonkers. I was getting too close to Damon; I trusted him too much. The last time I had gotten this close to somebody... Don't start.

I brushed the memory aside quickly, hoping I hadn't looked as troubled as I felt. That memory was creeping on me, and in all honesty, I was afraid. Afraid that this would turn out like then, that trusting anybody would land me in that same spot. I was who I was for a very good reason, and at first I had wanted to keep it that way.

got trans?

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Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:54 am
ForsakenAngel says...


"Yea, and you're crazy," I said, looking at her legs. I wasn't in love, I knew I couldn't be, because I knew what it felt like. When I lived with Annie's father, I'd fallen in love with Suzanne, her mother. It hadn't ended well, and it was the only reason I was here.

I put my hands behind my head, looking up at the ceiling and sighing. Did I regret the kiss? No, I didn't. I was glad I had kissed her, it was the consequence afterwards that had me. Love wasn't my thing. Damon Salvatore did not fall in love. Plain and simple.

But maybe...

~Annie May~

Suicide wasn't going to be easy, or at least not with everyone around. But I couldn't just walk off anymore, not after before. Someone wold want to come with me, they'd want me to be safe. I couldn't promise them anything, I could only leave them behind without even a farewell. I dug in the box until I found what I was looking for. It wasn't a knife, it wasn't a rope. It was the bottle of pills I'd seen before. I dumped them in my palm, looking at them. he tears were coming, but I couldn't stop to think, I might change my mind. I threw them in my mouth, feeling as they went strait to my throat, and then I swallowed, coughing as I choked them down.

My stomach was already hurting, but I wasn't sure if that was just because I was nervous, or because it was just kicking in, but I sat there, knees to my chest, eyes, closed, as I waited for my death to come.

>It's up to yall if you want to kill her<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:28 pm
eldEr says...


I sighed, staring past Damon at the wall. "Crazy, I may be Damon, but you listen to me anyways." I had no idea why the man still followed my orders. Apparently he hadn't realized yet that he could probably overthrow me and take over the whole operation.

Kill me in my sleep, have all of the Supervisors shoot at me as I walked down the hall, throw me into a volcano. Okay, so the last one was impossible, considering that fact that we didn't have a volcano on the island, but the other two were very, very doable.

Too much trust. But I could trust Damon, couldn't I?

"Not listening would be sorta dumb," Damon said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I snickered. "Not if you were actually smart it wouldn't be." If he were smart, he would get the other Supervisors to gain up on me the next time I gave him some orders he found completely unreasonable.

Then again, I don't think I could ever kill Damon. I could bluff of course, but never in my life would I be able to actually kill him. Maybe that's the way his mind was working, too?


I walked around the corner of the tent, frowning. Annie was on the ground, eyes closed, knees pulled tightly to her chest. I blinked, noticing something sitting beside her. Was that a...pill bottle?! I froze for a moment before coming to my senses and sprinting over.

It was a pill bottle. A pill bottle that was about a quarter-empty.

I fell to my knees beside her and she looked up, startled. I ignored her for a moment to grab a small stick that was laying beside me. "Please tell me you did not just do what I think you just did," I muttered.

She blinked at me and started to sob.

"Open your mouth. Now," I demanded. Tarr would shoot me if I let her die. She was hesistant. "You know, if you do this, then Kyle's death would have been in vein." My voice had softened.

She hesitated for another moment before opening her mouth. I shoved the stick inside, cringing when she started gagging. I hated watching people puke.


I don't know how long it had been, but we were attacking eachother with handfulls of water and laughing our fool heads off. I don't know if it was just the joy of escaping the chaos back at camp, or whether I was going absolutely bonkers, but I couldn't stop laughing.

Eventually though, those haunting thoughts of Annie in mourning started to creep back.

I splashed Domi once more before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her over to me, kissing her on the lips. We were both drenched, both shivering and probably both blue with cold by now anyways. I pulled away slowly and sighed. "We should probably get back now, huh? It's sort of a long walk."

It wasn't that long, but it took a good ten-twenty minutes to get back to camp--depending on how energetic you were. And considering that I was feeling pretty drained, I was going to be dawdling.

got trans?

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Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:59 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

~Annie May~

I gagged, spitting up all of the pills I had swallowed. My stomach felt empty now as I lay on the ground, eyes closed, wising he wouldn't have come to save me. Kyle--it was getting hard to even think his name now--would want me to live, right? He wouldn't want me to be trying to kill myself because I couldn't hold on anymore after he was gone. I could tell everyone I was fine, I could tell everyone I was happy, I could tell them I was going to be just fine, but I couldn't lie to myself. I knew wasn't alright, I knew I wanted to die without him, I knew I wasn't going to be like I was before he came.

I was scared, scared I would be ok, scared I would be happy he was... scared that I'd find someone else. But who wants a damaged item like me. That's what I amounted to now. A damaged item. I knew most of the guys on the island were nice, but most of them didn't see me, or had someone. I was terrified--that was a better word for it.

The need to be alone was far too great, and I couldn't help but think Ryder's eyes were judging me. Groaning, I rolled over and stood up, looking at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. His eyes weren't cold, though, the way I thought they'd be. It didn't matter, you could never tell with these people, you had to have a worried face, and I saw his. I couldn't stand it, the whispers came, just a soft voice like everyone was talking about me. I ran, not sure where, but I ran, covering my ears when I was in the cover of the trees.

The next thing I knew, I was laying on the ground, my face on the cold hard dirt, sobbing, knees to my chest, hands over my ears. I was going crazy, that was for sure. They were saying stuff about me, though, weren't they? They thought I was damaged, didn't they? Why wouldn't they?

Maybe they did care about me, maybe they weren't whispering, maybe they were worried, maybe I was crazy. I could never know unless I went back. Speaking of which, where was I? Sitting up, looked around, only seeing trees and bushes. Something was moving, coming my way, and I curled up tighter. I could only pray it was a beast.

>Sorry I didn't post earier, I had school.<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:03 pm
SisterItaly says...


I giggled once more, shivering as we got out of the water. Tarrion smiled, wrapping his arm around me. He was just as cold as I was, making me shiver again.
"Let's get walking, the movement will keep us warm." I huffed. He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist, as we began to walk back towards the camp. I jumped at every small noise, after what happened with Kyle... who knew who was next? I wondered how poor Annie was doing, she had to be absolutely miserable. I knew I would have been if it had been Tarrion. I would kill myself if Tarrion died...

My thoughts were interrupted by another noise. I looked up to see what looked like a deer run off, I quickly turned to Tarrion, pointing off towards the deer.
"Did you see that? He was a big one!" I whispered excitedly. He beamed and pulled out his gun,turning to me and nodding happily.
"Oh ya, I saw it." he said, pulling me towards it. I giggled, following eagerly. Every time we saw the deer, it bounced out of view. We were getting pretty far from camp. I turned to Tarrion, getting tired and cold.
"Tarrion, it's too fast, Let's just head back to..." I was cut off as we fell over, him on top of me. I giggled as he put his arms out to keep from crushing me. He leaned down and kissed my lips, I giggled, kissing him back. I opened my lips slightly, letting Tarrion take over, he was the only one I wanted. I shifted myself, running my hands through Tarrion's hair. Tarrion smiled into my lips making me giggle. Our bodies being pressed so tightly together, made me forget how cold I was.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:19 am
eldEr says...





Three words that I would use to describe Domi. There are listless others, but those were the three that were crossing my mind right then. I was suddenly thanking the lord that I got sent to this island. If I hadn't, I'd be marrying Little Miss Ego-maniac back home. If I hadn't, I would never have met the girl I suddenly couldn't live without.

I was twisting her hair with my free hand and running circles on the back of her neck with the thumb of the hand I was using to support myself. I pulled away slightly and whispered a quiet (though very, very sincere); "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered.

I grinned and pressed my lips against hers again, letting my tongue slip through. My heart was pounding wildly, and I could feel the gooseflesh on both of our bodies.

If we ever did go back home, I was taking Domi with me and marrying her. Like it mattered what my parents wanted. I was in love, Domi was mine, I was Domi's. We were alone, far from camp. Anything was possible at the moment.

got trans?

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:36 am
SisterItaly says...


This, was the second time Tarrion and I had gone this far. I had to admit, I was more comfortable with it the second time around. With Kyle gone, I didn't feel so... dirty. Like a bit of my self was returned when I found out he was gone. I opened my eyes slightly to see Tarrion's closed eyes as we pressed tighter together. He pulled away for a second, letting me breath. I inhaled deeply and looked up to him.
"Where have you been all my life?" I whispered, pulling him back down to me, before he could answer. He chuckled into my lips. He was getting more and more excited, and I was liking it. He soon stood, helping me up, I was confused...
"Is something wrong, Tarr?" I asked, he smiled, leading me into the trees. Where no one would hear us.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:25 am
jemjive says...


"No. I don't even understand why I was brought here. I was torn from my great life for what? I don't know a single person on this stupid island and don't even like camping!" whined Amy.

I laughed, now that was too bad for her wasn't it? "I don't mind the outdoors." I said. It was true, I didn't mind it, in fact I actually enjoyed it. I looked over the site, I enjoyed the trees, I enjoyed the rocks, I enjoyed the fresh air, heck I even enjoyed the tents. My eyes fell upon something I didn't enjoy, Ryder, he was leaning over a resistant Annie. What the hell kind of pig was my sister mixed up with?!

"Excuse me a moment." I said, standing up.

Amy jumped up and grabbed my arm, "See! I am rude! you can't even tolerate talking to me!" she exclaimed.

"No, no, I just have to do something quick." I said, pulling away. I turned around just in time to see Annie take off into the woods. Great.

I ran over to where Ryder was standing, staring into the trees. Boy did we have some business to deal with! Was her trying that crap on my sister? "Hey man, what did you think you were gonna get from her?"

"Excuse me?" said Ryder. He has this funny little fake innocence look on his face, just wait, I'd wipe it right off.

"Annie. What did you do that would make her want to run off like that? Hmmm? Are you going to try that junk on my sister? 'Cause that won't work man, you'll have to get through me."

Ryder smiled and bent to pick something up from the ground. What? He had nothing to say to me? If I wasn't angry before I was now. All my anger channeled into my arms as I gave him a huge shove. Ryder was a big guy but he toppled over like a teddy bear.

"Try anything on Gemma and there is plenty more where that came from!"


I was tired, I hadn't really gotten much sleep lately, but I was used to it. I was used to odd sleeping hours, I was used to unfortable sleeping arrangements, I was used to being woken up.

I knew I hadn't been sleeping long, maybe an hour or two, but who could continue with the commotion outside. I knew the voices instantly, Duncan and Ryder. In a flash I was out of bed and ouside, but not fast enough. I came into veiw just in time to see my brother throw Ryder to the ground.

"Try anything on Gemma and there is plenty more where that came from!"

"I think Gemma can deal with her own problems." I said rusing to Ryder's side.

Duncan scoffed, "Of course you would assume he was innocent in this. You missed his little scene with Annie."

Before I could say anything Ryder pulled himself up off the ground and spoke, "Annie took pills Duncan. She was hurting herself, I didn't do a thing." He opened his had to reveal a half empty bottle of pills.

"But it just looked so wrong, you looked-"

That was Duncan's last chance, he'd barely been here a day and he was already causing trouble. "I don't care anymore Duncan! Just go, you've done enough."

There was no objection to that, he spun on his heel and walked away. "Ryder, you're bleeding." I said, fingers brushing near a small cut his forehead. "Come in the tent, I'll do my best to undo my brothers damage."

<Whew long post. I was bored. ;)>
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Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:42 pm
eldEr says...


Gemma ushered me into the tent, and I didn't say I word. We received a few skeptic glances from the girls that were already inside, but neither of us bothered to explain to them. So...Duncan thought I was moving up on his little sister and that I wanted something from the rest of the island girls?

Good lord did Duncan have his brainwaves scrambled.

First off, no way was I letting Annie kill herself. Reason one being that I cared, but I cared for everybody. Number two being that Tarr would be liable to skin me alive if I let anything like that happen to his adoptive sister. Speaking of which...somebody needed to go after her.

"Somebody's gotta go after Annie," I muttered, sitting down on the ground.

One of the girls looked up--Wren if I was remembering right--and frowned. "Where is she?"

"I...She ran off. Into the forest," I answered, leaving out the whole thing about the pills.

Wren left the tent, and satisfied that somebody was going after her, I let Gemma examine my head, trying to figure out how I was going to get onto Duncan's good side. Of course, the only way I would ever do that is if I left Gemma alone.

Ha. Yeah right.

"Gemma?" I asked quietly.


I had no idea what I had intended to say, so I just muttered an, "I'm sorry," not bothering to wonder what I was sorry about. It was true, I was sorry, and I hadn't even done anything. I didn't think.


My shoes hit the floor and I shoved myself off the couch with a yawn and a stretch. I was getting to comfortable sitting there like that, I was going to fall asleep.

"Well Damon, I do believe that it's back to the monitors and to plotting your little plan," I said, smirking.

Damon got up and I walked towards the door,shoved the key into the lock and walked out--colliding with Mark. Infernal idiot, he was always in the way!

"Mark, what on earth are you doing in this hall?" I asked, adjusting my dress.

His eyes rested on me for a moment before gliding over to Damon. "Ummm...What were you to doing in there?" he asked, a sly smile creeping across his face.

"Mark, don't make me shoot you, and move out of my way!" I snarled, shoving past him. I heard Damon chuckle before his footsteps plodded on behind me.

I flung open the door to the monitor room, slammed it shut behind Damon and turned the screen. Annie, crying in the forest. Boring. Next scene was a little more interesting, Duncan huffing off, muttering something under his breath that the cameras weren't catching. A beast lurking somewhere that was quite far from their little camp.

I grabbed my coffee mug (I didn't bother wondering how old the coffee was) off of one of the little side-tables and sipped at it. The scene changed.

I inhaled sharply and started choking. "What...the...hell?!" I hissed between sputters. Damon said nothing, just stared, mouth gaping. The next scene was one that I could have spent the rest of my life without seeing, and been absolutely perfectly fine. Tarrion and Dominique...oh good lord. I had known they had obviously been "in love" but...this?!

I was scarred for life, and quite honestly, I was regretting ever putting up those cameras.


My first thoughts were memories, of when I first came to the island. Back when Domi had been terrified of me, when she would cringe whenever I got too close. I remembered how bad I felt whenever I scared her, remembered the way I knew that I somehow wouldn't be able to get by if I didn't help her trust me.

And then I rememered back in the tent, when we were playing a little game of truth or dare that had stopped short. A little game that seemed to have completely changed both of our lives. A little game that led to a little bit of bravery that had led to a little kiss, which had led to this.

My second thoughts were that Ryder was going to skin me alive if he ever found out. That thought was gone as quickly as it registered. Ryder was too soft to kill me. Hahaha, I win Ry, I win.

My hand was tangled in Domi's hair, and I couldn't seem to calm my heart. I could feel her heartbeat, too, and it was pounding possibly faster than mine.

I definately won.

got trans?

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:16 pm
ScarlettFire says...


"I'm sorry," the guy called Ryder muttered.

I shifted, uncomfortable. Gemma, I think it was, looked.... I don't know how she looked, but Ryder was frowning. I turned to the others when Gemma smirked.

"I think we should go," I whispered, jerking my head at the pair before us.

The others stared at me but I just stood up, and ignored everyone as I left the tent. I heard the others follow and headed for the edge of the trees, tracing my fingers over the bark of the closest tree.

Why was I on the island? Why could I not remember my family? I shook my head. No, I didn't have family.... Wait, I had an Aunt. I shook my head again, pulling my hand away from the tree. No, no family. Sighing, I turned around and sat down under the tree, head on my knees.

I was confused. Scared and confused...and completely lost. What was I going to do? Why was I here? So many questions, too many. and not enough answers. I felt like screaming....but then I remembered the creatures lurking in the trees and shot to my feet.

Maybe I was tempting fate, sitting so close to the trees. Or maybe not. Now, where had the others gone? Domi, was it? And Tarrion? I shook my head again; not my problem.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:26 pm
SisterItaly says...


We were now laying side by side, breathing heavily, and embracing. His heart was beating almost as fast as mine. There was nothing anyone could do to tear us apart, or bring us any closer then we were. His hands were still tangled in my hair, as we relaxed, trying to catch our breath. I looked up to Tarrion, sliding closer to him.
"That... was... amazing." I breathed, staring up at the sky through the trees. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. I leaned into him, absorbing his body heat and treasuring every precious second we spent just laying here.
"Yes... it was. You were." I laughed softly, leaning my head on his chest. We just laid there for a few more moments, then I sighed and we stood.
"I guess we should head back to camp now." I huffed, my stomach twisting and wondering what Ryder will think when he finds out, that is, if he found out. He would eventually. I frowned, but hid my face from Tarrion so he wouldn't worry. We could deal with that when the time arrives.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:23 pm
jemjive says...


Ryder's cut wasn't bad, it wasn't too deep, and it wasn't gushing blood. Yet it still angered me that my brother could do such a thing, to a guy like Ryder none the less.

"Gemma?" said Ryder.


"I'm sorry." I could see in his eyes that he meant it. Duncan had gotten him think it his own fault.

I didn't know what to say or do, people were there, people were watching. As if the new girl could read my mind I heard her whisper. "I think we should go." Out of the corner of my eye I watched her leave, Saph and Nasira following close behind.

Even with the assurance of privacy I was still speechless. "Ryder..." I mumbled, "You don't have a reason in the world to be sorry."

He gave me a sad smile "Think about it Gemma, what is causing you and Duncan not to get along. Me."

My heart sank at Ryder's somber tone. Duncan had beaten him down in more ways than the obvious, I wasn't going to stand for anymore. "You can't think that way, I forbid you." I grinned.

Ryder gave a small chuckle an nodded as I fished the antiseptic out of the supply bag. "I mean it okay? Duncan is my family but that doesn't mean he is always right and I'm not always going to take his side." I said, leaning forward to dab a few drops of iodine one his forehead. He leaned inward just as I did, a perfect coincidence with a perfect result.
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Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:44 pm
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eldEr says...


My lips brushed against Gemma's, and for a second, I was too afraid to do anything more. My heart sped up and I got over myself, pressing my lips to her's. An absolutely delighted shiver ran up my spine and I stood up so that I could wrap my arms around her waist.

So... this is how Tarr felt. Like exploding and floating, ridiculously happy, a tad nervous, and in complete awe, all at the same time. My head was spinning, and I was afraid my legs were going to give out. What fun that would be.

Somehow I was still upright, still pulling Gemma close as I could. I don't care what Duncan thought of me anymore, I had officially come to realize that I loved his sister.

got trans?

Poems were like people. Some people you got right off the bat. Some people you just don't get - and never would get.
— Benjamin Alire Saenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe