
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:54 pm
Nike says...

William Franco

The last person I needed in my hospital room is a bitch who believed to be paying my hospital bills. My uncle was doing that. So instead of lying to the nurses, she should have told the truth, she just wanted to see me. I don't need people yelling at me about people harassing the employees and that it's my fault. Since it clearly isn't.

But also I didn't need her because seeing her still made the last coma all real and yet unreal. She made it confusing even though I was sure now that it shouldn't be so. It's just that seeing her again brought back so many memories, it hurt.

She didn't leave. She tried her best to stay at my side and succeeded. But why? Why did she want to nurse me? Why did she wanna stay here and watch me sleep in bed day in and day out? Harley was my girlfriend, so I'd understand her, but not Avery. The thing was, right when she was going to tell me about my sister's book, Harley came in. So, we completely passed the topic. I really want to know though.

"Okay, I went to the cafeteria and got you some hot tea. The doctor says no coffee for William." Avery said all smiles as she walked back into my room.

I sat up in my bed, taking one cup from her hand. She sat down on this chair she claimed was hers now and got comfortable. The thing that freaked me out was her attire. She was the girl in posh clothing, not sweats and sneakers. It kind of reminded me of a soccer mom. No offense.

"Thanks Ave," I smiled, my voice croaked. Still was weird to talk I guess.

Sipping the tea, I felt the liquid go down my throat, heating my body up. I placed the cup on the table next to me and looked out the window to my left. There were trees around this hospital, it felt like you were in another world here.

"So, wanna talk?" she asked, obviously bored.

I looked back over at her and saw her looking back at me. Not a her phone, or a magazine, or the TV. This was the Ave I fell in love with a few months back, and I couldn't blame myself for it. She was a beautiful girl and had a great mind. There was something in her that made her the greatest person anyone can meet. She cared when she tried, and that was beautiful. I caught myself smiling for no reason, so I shook my head, clearing out my thoughts.

"I'm good Ave, still rattled, ya know..." I replied.

"How are you and Harley?" she asked anyway.

"We are alright, just, alright." I sighed.

The world felt so small now. Everyone knew each other and yet had no clue about each other. It's like, we can talk to our best friends and yet have no idea what's really going through their heads. That was different between Ave and I, I knew what was going through her head and she knew what was going through mine.

I faced her, feeling anxious for some reason. She was drinking her coffee and she waited for me to say something. She knew I wanted to talk. I bet she even knew what of.

"I asked Cassie why she died." I said, sounding really mental when I did so. But, I guess, once you're in a coma, it's not weird. It's normal to talk to the dead there. Right?

She placed the coffee cup on her lap, between her hands and looked at me with her full attention.

"She said she was sorry. She regretted it. She didn't know what she was doing... God, I sound crazy." I cracked a smile at the end.

Avery smiled back a small smile that made it seem like I was a bit sane.

"Actually, it's okay. Will, you have every right to talk to her. She may be dead, but she's not dead in your heart. And I think you needed that to have some closure on her death. I guess spreading her ashes wasn't enough..." she replied.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, trying to make what silence we had less awkward and stressful. What we had between us I guess will never fade. Maybe because she was my first love.

"How's Leo?" I changed topics.

She shifted her gaze for a moment, looking at something other than me. A small breath escaped between her lips and then she looked back at me. My heart was racing.

"He's really great. He treats me well, loves me..." she trailed off. "He's really a good guy to me, Will."

I took in a sharp breath and felt something clutch at my lungs. "Call me Billy."

Something itched at her as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. I ran my hand down my face and breathed out, frustrated.

"I think I should tell you... now... I know, you're in the hospital and all, it's bad to stress. But, you have to know." she said, her voice cracking.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:55 am
Ciblio says...

Harley Mae Turner

It was night, and I was out.

The breeze was cool, comforting.

I walked down the sidewalk, my hands shoved in my pockets.

I'd left the hospital earlier, depressed. Now, I was in an okay mood. Better than earlier.

Maybe it's just that hospital that gets me down. Or maybe the fact that my boyfriend's in there, instead of right here, next to me.

I shouldn't have picked that fight...er, I don't know. I'm new at this stuff. Kind of.

There were a few other people out, but they were with another person.

My hands were cold, lonely. Just sitting in my pocket, waiting for nothing.

"I should head home...or I should go get something to eat." I couldn't help but talk to myself.

Deciding to grab a bite to eat, I turned the corner, and headed into a sandwich joint.

A lady lingered at the cashier, looking like she hated being in this building, this town.

"Can I help you?" She smacked her gum.

That annoyed me.

I plastered a smile on my face, and said, "Can I just get a...BLT on white bread, please?"

The lady punched in some numbers on the cashier, and rolled her eyes back up at mine. "That it?"

I nodded, and pulled a ten out of my pocket.

"That'll be $4.23."

I put the ten on the counter, and looked around as she got my change, and my order.

A few minutes later, she cleared her throat, and I turned my attention back to her. "$5.77 is your change. Have a super day."

Her voice was non-enthusiastic. Ugh.

"Thanks." I mumbled, as I grabbed my bag with my food, and change off the counter.

I turned, and left the place, and started heading back towards home.

But my mind kept drifting off, wondering how Will was doing.

I inhaled, and exhaled deeply, and kept walking in the direction of the orphanage.


Halana was passed out in her room, and the kids were sitting in their rooms, playing some board games, I think.

I sat in the living room, not sure what to do. What was there to do?

The doctors hadn't even told me when he would be released.

Sylvia skipped into the room, and clasped her hands together behind her back. "Hey, Harley..?"

Craning my head so I could see her better, I stared at her. "What?"

"Can you make us something to eat? We're starving!" She batted her eyes a few times, and smiled a bit.

"Can't you make your own food? You're old enough." I grumbled, but got up anyways.

Her smiled widened as I got up, and she ran back to the room, with the others.

My phone vibrated a few times, but I ignored it, and threw my phone on the couch.

They liked the mini pizza things we had, so I pulled a few out of the freezer, put a few on a plate, and popped them into the microwave.

I set the microwave to go off in 5 minutes, and went back to the living room.

The movie I was watching was over, and I was going to put another movie in, but I was too lazy to get up again.

My phone vibrated, once again, and I picked it up. I didn't recognize the number.

It kept vibrating. Shifting on the couch, I laid down completely, and hit the answer button. "Hello?"
Last edited by Ciblio on Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:42 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

It was the stars, him, and I. He had this idea of sitting on the rooftop on our building all bundled up in coats and watching the city take over the skies, making it unlikely to see anything but a black sky. Boy was he wrong. There is this bit of sky that doesn't believe in the city's lights and let it's stars shine bright.

He had his hands to himself as did I. The only problem I had with sticking around with him was that I had a heartache towards Emmett. All I could think about was how much I love him and how much I am betraying him. Though, we did breakup.

I looked over at Chandler and saw his eyes so lost in the view. His Adam's apple jumped, showing me that he was indeed as nervous as I was. My hand itched to be near him. But every time I did something to touch him, flashes of Emmett's face drowned my thoughts.

"Abandoned buildings," he said out of nowhere. His voice made my heart jump. He had this deep voice that also had a childish tease to it.

"What?" I asked.

Turning his head toward me, our eyes linked for a second, making me feel frigid. A smile creased on his face.

"You'll see, Janey."

So, he wasn't kidding.

This was an abandoned building that used to be an asylum for mental children. He says that it's haunted by them all the time. I felt the cool air from everywhere. The building was a dark, three story commercial that had potential at a new life. All the windows were busted and the walls were horrible, covered with paint, graffiti, stickers, vomit, blood... I don't even want to know what that is. A blue smug that reeked of sewer was in front of me. I covered my nose and held onto Chandler with my free hand.

"Chandler..." I sighed.

There was a lamp above our heads that was flickering like crazy. The only lamp actually working? Odd. Maybe he's trying to scare me.

"Aye, watch your step." he said.

I looked down and saw a hole the size of my shoe in the floor. You couldn't see what was under that hole since that lamp was unreliable. But, I stepped over it and followed him. As we walked, all I felt was anxiety and anticipation.

You're at a creepy place. Something amazingly awesomely creepy should happen.
And then my phone rang, making not only me, but Chandler jump. I took the phone from my pocket and held my other hand against my heart, feeling it's intense beats. Chandler started to chuckle and I joined him.

"Answer that," he said inbetween laughs.

I clicked the answer button.

"Oh, Jane. Where are you?" my mother.

"Just with Chandler, I told you..."

"Honey, Kristin is here. She was looking to talk to you. She says it's urgent. You've been hanging with that guy almost every night, give some of your time to your best friend." she had a nervous tone.

Nodding, I felt my heart crash. I wanna be there for Kristin, but spending time with Chandler is amazing.

"I'll be there," I replied.

Chandler had his hand in mine as he waited for me to explain myself. I licked my lips and pulled his hand, getting him closer.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, gazing into his eyes. "I gotta go."

A smirk pinched at his cheek as he leaned down to kiss me. My stomach started to burn at the pit of it and my lips started to tingle. There was anticipation within me yet there was this shred of betrayal. I have never kissed him. And he has wanted to. But there's me, and there's always Emmett.

Do I need him to put me off? Or can I be happy for having someone to keep me happy? Chandler is really here to want me. He wants me for some reason and I want him. There's something... it's scary. We have some link between us. I don't know how to react to it.

I reacted as I normally did, placing my hand on his chest. He stiffed under it, leaving me feeling guilty. Our eyes met and I saw this longing in his.

"It's... I'm sorry." I sighed. "I'm really happy you took me. Even though this place is... well... I gotta go see Kristin." I explained.

"Janey, I can't stop you. Go take care of what you have to. I'll see you around." he replied, I felt how tense he was.

And just then I realized how stupid I was being. Before he could start leading us out of the building, I pulled his arm so he'd face me again. He turned on his heel and looked at me. I felt dizzy for a second, as if too much adrenaline was racing through me. But, I walked those two steps over to him and stood on my tiptoes, our lips were so close. I could feel his breath against my face as I smiled, leaning into a kiss. He had his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer. Our lips met. He was a very nice kisser, soft but God... I couldn't get enough. His mouth fit mine perfectly and the kiss felt so right, perfect. All I could focus on was kissing him.

"Even a scary place like this doesn't faze you." he said breathlessly once we pulled apart.

I looked around me and started to laugh. He joined me and it was just us, together.

"Yeah," I said.

There were pictures on the walls, most were vandalized with spray paint and sharpied words. With him, a place like this felt safe and I didn't know why. He took my hand and led me down the stairs.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:39 am
Nike says...

No one's writing? :(
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:53 pm
Desticakes101 says...

Avery Piest

"And..." I can't finish the sentence. I can't, I can't, I can't.

Really, in the midst of things, I thought that I'd be able to come right out and tell him that I was preggers. Either that or that I still had some semblance of feelings for him. But believe me when I say that what seems like a simple task is much harder when put to the test.

"And...?" Will asks frowning.

I swallow softly.

"And...I'm glad that we can be friends again." I say quietly, forcing a smile.

His frown grows deeper.

"That's what you had to tell me?" He asks, disbelieving for a second.

I nod and hurriedly stand.

"I'm sorry. This is weird. Have a good night Will."

I rush out of the room and as I sprint into the elevator place a hand to my chest and breathe deeply. When I get into my car, I pick up my phone and call Leo.

"So I was wondering..." I say when he answers.

"Wondering what babe?" He asks, a smile in his voice.

"How about we go on a little trip?"
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:53 pm
Nike says...

William Franco

I have missed having Avery around. She was always the one to me, still is actually. But, I feel like she would only ever be a friend. I want to know why she had my sister's book. She was just about to tell me... it's so important. If she knows, she should tell me.

"Will, what are you thinking about?" Harley asked.

Looking over at her, I catch the worry in her soft blue eyes. There's a book in her hands, open to a page. I spotted the cover, it read The Old Man and The Sea. I guess she's reading for an English course. Her hair was in a french braid down her back, showing her amazing face, her skin was soft.

"Nothing," I smiled. "Just how beautiful you look with your hair braided."

A blush grew on her cheeks as a smile crept on her face. I sat up in my bed, feeling my head rush. This is when I noticed I wasn't in the hospital anymore. There was no IV attached to me. Oh no, I was in Rehab. My breath caught in my throat. Shit, I'm in rehab. I don't want to be here. I don't.

"Will," Harley's voice was urgent as I felt her touch. She had her hands on my arm. I could feel that she was looking at me.

My mind was fogging up as I started to over think. I didn't want to be in rehab. I was fine. I just wasn't fine before, but I'm fine now. My heart was jumping in my chest once the door in front of me opened, showing a sharp looking man in a white jacket. A doctor.

"When was I moved? And why was I moved while I was sleeping?" I said right away, my voice slipping through clenched teeth. Anger was just seeping out of me.

"Good morning to you too, William." the doctor smiled, his white teeth glistening against the florescent lights.

He had a tablet in his hands, one that was like an iPad. His eyes were looking over something on it as he ran his index finger across the screen. Then, his eyes landed on me. They were grey, without any emotion. He had think tan skin that reminded me of Emmett's.

""I am Doctor Bolano. I will be taking care of you for the rest of the week. Later on, you will have visits with me to see your progress. Your last therapist didn't help you, so I am going to really try to help you." he explained, his voice was deep, but soft.

Somehow, his words didn't convince me. I was fine, I didn't need therapy or a psychiatrist.

"You were sent here by the consent of your Uncle. John said that you wouldn't agree to come and that he believed you had to, so you could get better." he added, walking over to the other side of my bed.


A Week Later

Finally, I had left that Rehab Center about a few days ago. I feel free again, and my mind is finally at ease. But the thing Avery said, it still rattles my mind. I couldn't sleep for a while just thinking about it.

I rang the doorbell and got nothing.The wind blew around me, the cold not pleasant. Hitting the button again, I heard the bell go through the house. No one was home? I'm sure Avery would have told me she left somewhere. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed up her number, hesitating once the dial tone came on. I just realized that I was calling her for the first time in a long time. To my surprise, she answered.

"Hello?" her voice was pleasing.

"Hey, it's Will." I said, my voice sounding off.

There was a short pause of awkwardness. "Hey Will, what's going on?"

"I just came by your house... I thought you'd be at home. I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?" she hesitated.

I started my way back to my pick-up and hopped in, sliding the key into the ignition. Warm air started pouring out of the vents, making my cold, stiff, body warm again.

"You mentioned Cassie's book at the hospital and I can't forget about it. I wanted you to finish what you were going to tell me. Meet me somewhere so we could talk."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:19 am
Nike says...

Oliver Hemingway

There was a detective sitting in front of me. Her face was straight and pale. She had this glint in her brown eyes that made me shiver. The room was lit by the florescent lights above our heads. All the furniture was metal, grey, and cold. I truly felt like a suspect to a crime I did not commit.

"Olivander Dylan Hemingway," The woman said, her voice thick with a Scottish accent. She had a folder open in front of her, my picture was on the front. "Your alibi is good, we have checked up on it."

A storm of relief drained my body.

"But, we have to know, why were your prints at the scene of the crime? On the victim's body? Why were you on the security tape walking into the building at the time of the murder? How did you not see the crime?" She pushed questions at me.

I swallowed down some anxiety and tried to run my memory back. The problem I had was... I was piss drunk that night. I barley remember getting home, or even getting to the airport the next morning.

"My prints were there because I was at her house just that morning, I had explained that I had touched her during the party, before she went home. I don't remember walking into that building, but as you can see, I was there during the crime... I couldn't have done anything. I was piss drunk! I couldn't have done anything!" I tried my best to explain, my mind was racing.

She nodded, closing the folder. It made tingles jump down my arms. Her eyes found mine and she smiled, standing up from the chair.

"You are a good kid, Oliver." she paused. "Go, you're free. We believe you. But if you know anyone that could have hurt Ms. Bond, don't hesitate. And remember, don't look back." she said.



A Week Later

The only thing I had to do now was throw my things into my room. Problem? I had left my keys in Britain. So, I had to wait for either Jane or Jane's mother in the lobby of the apartment block. At least I wasn't standing in the snow, it was getting terribly bad.

I wanted to surprise them by being there already. Too bad.

"Oliver?" that wasn't Jane. My heart stopped.

Turning my head, I saw Kristin walk up into the lobby, her hair covered in little snowflakes. I couldn't stop my smile from growing on my face.

"Kristin," I sighed.

It was like she was about to hug me, but she caught herself and stood in her spot, looking at me.

"Aren't you going upstairs?" she asked.

"I left my keys in Britain..." I said.

She nodded, walking up to me and grabbing one of my bags. Caught aback, I had to really think about what she was doing. Then I noticed, she was helping me. She had the keys to Jane's flat. We both got into one of the two elevators and hit the button for the second floor. The stainless steel doors shut in front of us as the lift rose in a few seconds. There was silence between us for a moment, until the doors opened with a ding.

Both of us waked out and found our way to Jane's flat. Once she got the door open, I felt right at home. I took the bag from her and walked through the kitchen and down the hall, getting to my room. Nothing has changed, the whole flat looked the same, even my room. It was cleaned, but nothing was moved. I threw my bags onto the hardwood oak floor. Looking at the walls, I saw the posters of rock bands and football players, the same way I left it.

"You could say 'thanks'." Kristin called.

Turning on my heel, I walked out of my room and saw her standing against the wall in across from my door. Just her presence made my stomach burn.

"Thanks," I smirked. "You didn't have to, you should have let me freeze down there."

"Freeze in the heat? You weren't in the snow."

"Right," I paused. "Why'd you help me?" I changed the subject.

"I'm human,"
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:18 pm
AlmondEyes says...


I stare down at my dead car, wondering what the hell could have gone wrong in the first place. I always kept it maintained, so there's no was this would have happened. I frowned.

"Something wrong?" I hear and look over towards the sound.

A guy from school I recognized. He was shorter than me, and a bit too skinny for my taste. Not really my type.

"I honestly don't know. I was just driving along when it happened. Just sort of stalled out on me." I looked back at my baby.

It must be the battery. I shrugged to myself. Nothing I could do about it for the moment.

"I've got tools in the garage," Emmett says, "my Dad's a mechanic. Taylor can fix it for you."

The guy beside gave a look that said the opposite and Emmett continued. "Or you can wait until he gets home. It really isn't a big deal."

I stand there for a moment, contemplating the offer. "You're Emmett Lopez, right? You've got a sister, Lacey? I'm Luna."

"I'm Taylor." The other guy volunteers. "Also a Senior."

I smile slightly. "Yeah, I know who you are. that's why I can't trust you to fix my car."

They were both nerds from what I heard, and I wouldn't let them touch my baby. Emmett laughs and Taylor blushes.

"Come on in, then. I'll put on some water for hot chocolate or something. I'm sure my parents won't mind." Emmett says.

We all head inside. Emmett leads us to a small dining area that looked to be by the Kitchen. We all kind of just stand in an awkward silence not saying anything. Taylor opened his mouth to say something, then closed as if deciding not to say anything, then Emmett opened his mouth. "My Dad should be getting home soon, so hopefully we can get you on your way soon."

"I'm pretty sure it's just that my battery is dead, though I don't know how that could have happened," I reply. "So all I need is a jump and i'll be out of your hair."

Emmett and Taylor give me blank look, and I almost laughed. They really didn't know anything about cars. I pull out my phone to check the time. I still needed to run into town. I had entire list of things I needed to do, and now i'm losing time. Catching Taylor checking me out, I winked playfully at him and he blushed before clearing his throat and looking away. I couldn't help but think how cute he was.

"Why don't you call your Dad and see where he is?" Taylor said to Emmett.

Emmett looked at me for a moment before turning to Taylor. "I think I will."

He turned to walk out of the dining room. Once again, awkward silence. Then Taylor spoke.

"So do you have a Boyfriend waiting for you or something?" he asked none too smoothly.

I raised an inquiring eyebrow at him, and he hurried to explain."I just mean that I saw you checking your watching and was wondering."

I gave him a look that said, Really? That's the best you could come up with? The look on his face gave me the impression of a fish out of water trying to breathe. Poor thing. I was about to answer when someone spoke from behind me.

"Can I help you?"

I turned to look at Lacey, who was eyeing me like some home invader.

"No," I turn back to Taylor, but she speaks again.

"So who are you and why are you here?" she steps toward me.

"My name is Luna, and i'm here because my car battery died. Is that all?" I didn't appreciate her attitude one bit, and she just got the message.

"Oh," was all she could say.

I nod, but say nothing. Just then Emmett comes back. "Hey. My Dad just pulled up."

I nod without word and follow him over to his Dad.


Just as I had suspected, my car battery had died. Emmett's Dad recommended that I get another as he closed the hood.

"It had to be the battery," I said. "I tuned Tali up just the other day, and everything was fine."

"That's your work under the hood?" his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Sure did," I smile with pride.

"Beautiful and a Grease Monkey," he smiles appreciatively while looking at the car. "Who would have guessed?"

"You're quite the handsome man yourself," which was true. He had just enough gay in his hair to make him look mature, and from what I could tell, his body hadn't seemed to have been effected by his age either.

"And a sweetheart." he laughs.

I smile."Just being honest."

"Well thank you for that," he says. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"You've done more than enough," I shake my head. "I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem," he holds his hand out to me. "It was nice meeting you."

I reach out to shake his hand, and realize he has a firm grip. He realized the same about me and smiled again.

"Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you too," I say as I get into Tali and start her up. "Tell Emmett and Taylor I said bye?"

"Sure." he waves. "Have a nice day."

"Same to you," I say as I pull away from the curb and take my leave.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:58 am
Ciblio says...

Harley Mae Turner

William's Uncle John insisted that he go to rehab, for some reason.

But once he got out...he just kind of left. He didn't run away, or anything. He just left.

I didn't have anything better to do, other than sit at home and clean. And there was a lot that needed to be cleaned.

Halana was off somewhere with the kids, probably at the zoo, again. These kids were never gonna want to leave. She might of well adopt them, they're basically her kids. Well, we're basically her kids.

Maybe I should clean my room too...again. For the tenth time this week. Man, I needed a life.

I would be hanging out with my boyfriend right now, but unfortunately, he had too much on his hands. Eh.

As I cleaned, I thought about our relationship. Sure, it was good. But he felt really...distant...sometimes. Or it's just me. And I was scared, 24/7. Like, seriously. What's an attractive guy like him doing with an orphan like me?

After I finished cleaning the kitchen, I migrated to the kid's bedrooms, and cleaned up in there, as well.

My mind drifted back to my previous thoughts;

How come I can't see what he sees in me? I mean, I know what I see in him. What girl doesn't? He's insanely adorable, smart, charmingly charming, if that makes sense, and one of the best people I've ever known. But I just don't know what he sees in me. A boring orphan. Maybe I was just overthinking. Going too far.

I should just accept this for how it came.

My phone vibrated once, and I pulled it out. Halana texted me.

Hey, girl. Could you come outside? We just got back, and there's some groceries.

Sighing, I pushed my phone back into my jean pockets, and lazily made my way outside.

As I opened the front door, walked out, and left it open, I was taken slightly aback.

A silver car sat in front of the house, a little bow placed gently on the hood. In the driveway, Conner, Ruby, Silvia, Callie, and Halana. The car looked to be a Lexus.

My eyes widened, and my lips curved into a smile. "What..?!"

As quickly as I could, I moved over to them, and pulled Halana into a hug.

"I'd been saving up for months. I was going to give it to you for your birthday here in a few weeks, but I thought I'd give it to you early. So...happy early birthday!" She hugged me back, laughing a bit.

"This is...amazing. Thank you so, so, so much, Ma!" I exclaimed, not really able to make me stupid grin go able.

She passed me the keys, and pulled away. "You're welcome. Now, this is perfectly normal, cause you're my kid, and I can buy you whatever I want."

I nodded, the grin on my face widening.

The kids, stampeded into the house, saying something about watching TV, or coloring, or something like that.

"Alright, so, I really have to go pick up some paperwork for a new kid coming to stay with us next week. The papers are in another town, so I might be gone for awhile. That okay?"

"Of course. Be careful on the drive. Love you!" I called, as she started heading to her work car.

I was literally shaking from excitement. I've finally gotten a car!

Without even thinking about it, I pulled out my phone, unlocked it, and messaged Will.

I got a car!

After sending the text, I shoved my phone in my pocket, and got back to cleaning.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:39 am
Sunshine says...

Taylor James

It seems like my life is always being ruined by a Lopez.

Every. Single. Freaking. Time.

Not that I overly mind. I think, to keep a good mental heath, that everyone should have a good friend that cuts other social ties and life dreams. It's good for you to have that terrible wingman or dream crusher; keeps the ego from getting that big. I was a little angry at Lacey for ruining my chances with the lovely Luna, but Emmett had to point out that she really didn't seem very interested.

See? That's what best friends are for.

Anyway, Lacey left for her new school pretty quickly after the incident. I was pretty jealous that she got to go, low income as they are, and my parents won't let me. Given, she's classic, which is mostly what they train there. It'd just be nice to go to a school where people always knew what you were talking about. I get tired of explaining things.

I stay with Emmett until his mother's car rolls back in. I'd hardly seen him when he was in a relationship, and his amnesia seems to be what has brought us closer together again, which sucks, but hey. I go to put my coat on when Emmett hands me a letter.

"Can you deliver this to Jane? Her house in on your way home."

This guy. I swear, sometimes, he kills me.

I can't say no, because he's right. "Sure, not a problem. I had fun, Emmett. It's nice to talk to you again. My video game skills were getting seriously rusty."

He smiles, but that hollow of his eyes never leaves. Not really. "Your drum skills haven't. I caught up on your videos, Taylor. They're really good."

I clasp him on the shoulder, jingling my keys with my other hand. "Thanks. See ya?"

"Yeah. Bye."

I leave the house with the lights all on, except for the one in Emmett's room. I get in my mother's car and drive.

I live pretty far out, but Jane's apartment is right before the houses turn into trees, and I find it quickly. Having a little trouble with the entrance, I get in the elevator, go to her apartment, and look at the door. The stick tape I always carry around makes for a package of the letter on the door. It doesn't look like anybody is home, but I ring the doorbell anyway.

Walking out of the building, I see a wallet on the sidewalk, and a person walking into the fading light of the sun.

"Hey!" I yell, fixing my blue beanie, as I jog up behind them. "I think you forgot this!"

Anybody... Kristen is the likely choice.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:52 am
Nike says...

Looks like we are waiting for Desti!
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:10 pm
Nike says...

Spoiler! :
Writing for Jasmine after Mickey posts. Writing for Will and Oli after Desti posts!

Jane Wills

Before I reached my apartment, I stopped by the local Chinese restaurant to pick up some food for Kristin and I to chomp on. If she wants to talk, than it's gonna be a long talk. It's Kristin we're talking about.

The restaurant was small, in a huge building, and only a few people were inside picking up their orders. I walked in, pushing the front door and a ding sound went off. The lady at the front smiled at me, standing behind the counter. I found my way to the counter and looked at the menu which was in the table under a pane of glass.

"Um, Sesame Chicken and Orange. Small." I said, looking up at her.

She had this sweet face that showed how nice she could be. I could say she just flew in from China becuase of the strong accent she had when she spoke.

"Okay, that be ten dollars. Card or cash?" she asked.

I pulled out my credit card from my back pocket and slid it over to her. She took it with a nod. Once she handed it back, I turned on my heel and leaned against the long counter, looking out the large windows that faced the main street. Cars were zooming by and some people were walking. Some Chinese music was playing in the restaurant.

After a few minutes, a girl with no accent called from behind me that an order was ready. I turned around and looked at the counter, noticing it wasn't mine. But, as a person, I had to look up and see who was standing there. I felt the world stop around me as our eyes met.

"OhmyGodLENA!" My voice came out high and quick.

Spoiler! :
Short, I know. I gotta head to class :)
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:28 am
ChocoCookie says...

Spoiler! :
Aaaaaaaannnnnnd Lena's back! :'D
Thanks Nike. ^.^

Lena John Crystal

Working in a Chinese restaurant for a living was hard. You didn't get the required amount of money to live for a month. I have no idea how much I've been adjusting my money every month. I'd left my job in Switzerland for good. It wasn't working for me. But I had to live far away from Will so that he would be back to normal.

Wow, those days just passed so fast, didn't they? I don't even remember meeting them anymore. And they really haven't been making any effort to contact me either. So, that life was pretty much over. And Chris? Well, we broke up a long time ago after he thought we weren't going anywhere. So, he...just left.

Anyway, there was not much to cry for now. I take in the next tray that comes on my hand and place it on the counter. Table 22.

"Meal for Table 22!" I call out for someone to hear.

I notice a head turning and think, maybe this meal was for them. But no. That was Table 14. Instead, I see a girl with her brown hair tied into a messy bun. I could notice that hair anywhere. Jane.

"OhmyGodLENA!" she let out.

I jump slightly. I see some guy taking their tray off to their table from the corner of my eye but I'm too startled. A hundred questions were whirling in my mind. What was she doing here? Oh my gosh, its Jane! How's Emmett? How's Will? How's everyone? Jane's stands up and I see Kristen just next to her. They're both smiling, surprised to see me here. Of course, they would be.

And all of a sudden, I'm grinning, and then I laugh. I couldn't contain the excitement. I throw off my cap and apron on the counter and walk towards them. I hear my boss calling out to me but I ignore him.

For a minute, the three of us are just standing there, looking at each other. Oh, this was stupid. So instead, I grab Jane into a huge hug. I've missed her. I think I've missed her more than anyone. She was my best friend.

"I had almost lost faith in God." I spoke and we drew apart.

I glance at Kristen and smile. I didn't know her really well. But I have spent quite some time with her and I also knew she was Avery's cousin.

"Lena, what're you doing here?" Jane asks. She's surprised.

"I'm working here." I say, with a small laugh.

"I can see that. But what about your job back in Switzerland?"

"Well," I shrug. "Didn't work out."

"So, you're working in a restaurant instead? You got to be kidding me." she looks upset.

"I'm happy here, really. Anyway, leave me, how're you?" I wanted to know everything that was going on with her life.

"Why don't you come home? We could sit up and chat?" Jane asks, and looks at Kristen who seems to be fine with it.

I hesitate for a minute. But, why not? "Sure, okay." I agree.

Spoiler! :
I don't know where to go with after this. I'm really sorry. :3
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

New to YWS? We'll help you out! <3'

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Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:19 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

"You don't understand how much I've missed you, Lena." I gushed.

Kristin has left an hour ago and Lena stuck around. She said she had something to do. There was something she wasn't telling me, I could tell. But nothing seemed remotely odd.

"Even though I loved being there, I missed having my best friend to talk to about it. I'm telling you Jane, you would have loved it." Lena replied with a huge smile.

Suddenly, the front door opened from behind us. I looked over and held my breath. Not only do I get my best friend Lena back...

"OLIVER?" I yelled, jumping off the couch.

Lena turned around as well, catching sight of the handsome Brit. He had on the greatest smile as he shut the door behind him. He was holding a shopping bag with something in it, but he set it down and extended his arms to his sides, making me run up to him and give his the biggest hug I could give.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed my petite body. I squirmed out of his grip and felt breathless.

"First Lee... Now Oli? I can't believe you guys." I smiled.

"I'm happy I could have made your day ten times better." Oliver smirked.

Lena gave him a big hug as well and a small thought sprung in my head, they would look good together. But then I let it pass because I know the both of them. Oliver is hopelessly in love with Lacey. And Lena, I actually don't know what's going on with her.

"How long are you staying for? Where is your stuff? When did you get here?" I threw questions at him.

Oliver picked the bag up from the floor and walked into the kitchen to which we followed. He placed the bag on the island and removed the contents. There was a bag of chips and a jar of salsa. He was prepared for a party.

"I'm staying staying..." he sighed. "I came in earlier to surprise you, so my stuff is in my room. Kristin helped me."

I walked over to him and leaned against the island. Looking over at Lena, I see that she's a little confused, as am I. Kristin helped him? So she knew he was here? Why would she help him if she hated him so much?

"Now, don't give me that." Oliver said to me once he looked at my face. "She was just being human."

"Right, of course." I blurted out.

He nodded, taking the stuff from the counter and placing it in the pantry just in the hallway. I gave Lena and eyebrow raise and we both went back into the living room and sat on the couch. Oliver joined us, seating himself on the sofa, looking as if he never even left.

"What's been going on in your life, Jane?" Oliver asked to drown out the silent awkwardness.

I cleared my throat, trying to ignore talking about Emmett or Chandler. The thing was, I wanted to talk to Lena about this alone. And then tell Oliver afterward. But, I guess if it's here, it's here.

"I'm the elephant in the room, huh?" I chuckled.

Silence. I looked at Lena and saw the concern lining her face, she knew something was wrong. This is why we're best friends.

"Sorta," she smiled.

"Right, um..." and I told them everything.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:54 pm
Desticakes101 says...

Kristin Piest

I make sure to not turn back as I walk out of the apartment. Fucking feelings dude. They make me want to turn back to Oliver, run up to him and smash my lips against his. But he's not mine anymore. I sigh as I walk outside into the muggy weather. It rained like an hour or two ago and now the air is warm and moist. I stretch and begin walking down the road.

"Hey!" I hear suddenly, making me jump a little. "I think that you forgot this!"

I turn around to find a lanky cute guy jogging towards me, fixing his blue beanie as he gets closer. I feel like I may recognize him...but probably not.

"Here," he says, blushing a bit, probably from his mini jog. "You're wallet. I think that you might have dropped it when you were walking or something."

I smile at him.

"Thanks. You could have always stolen it ya know." I say, my tone a bit bashful.

His blush grows a bit redder.

"I'm hardly the stealing type. I'm just glad I caught you. But...umm...have a nice night!" He says quickly, and begins walking away.

I frown to myself, now pretty sure that I've seen him somewhere before. And not only that but...i'm feeling a tad lonely right now. Jane seems to have her best friend back and doesn't really need me around anymore, Oliver is taken, Avery is MIA, Dylan is setting up his wedding with Alosha, and Tristan is still with that evil witch of a girlfriend of his, and I really have to stop being the other woman. I need to put myself out there, get new friends, party a bit, have fun. The modeling is taking all of the youth from me, making me self conscious of my body, face, everything. And the guy with the beanie looked at me with a shyness I haven't seen in a long while.

"Hey, wait!" I call out to him.

He's already almost a whole block over, but he turns back to me slowly. I jog up to him as quickly as I can in my nude fendis.

"So...how would you feel about italian, Mr.Blue Beanie? I was thinking little Italy up the road...ya know, as a thank you for my wallet."
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

You are strong enough to conquer this day and the rest of your life.
— Tuckster