
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:43 pm
Nike says...

Sir William of Franco

The only thing we could do now was look for Queen Avelyn. We have gotten the information we needed, so Olivander and I were in a carriage, travelling down the path we were told. It was leading toward an abandoned path, a forest I presume. Olivander had been extremely jittery since the ride started, always lost in his own mind.

I taped his shoulder, making him slightly jump. His jaw dropped as he looked at his surroundings.

"Olivander, are you well?" I asked.

"Oh... yes... of course." he muttered.

Holding the reigns, I looked ahead of myself and kept on riding.

"Are we headed toward that forest?" Olivander asked after a while.

"I believe so, this is the path we were given by King Leo." I explained.

"King Leo, does he know where she would have went?"

I looked over at him for a second then saw the lost look in his eyes. There was something unsettling about him.

"Helena and Chandler explained everything they knew, this is what they said."

Olivander wiped his hand over his face and sighed, obviously thinking and over thinking about his life. I held onto the reigns and yawned, thinking about Harley. The sun was setting just about us, making the clouds turn a soft pink, I'm sure Harley would love this sight. The rays blinded me and I rode.

"She ran off with The Duke... she must have fallen in love..." Olivander said.

I gave him a side-way glance as I rose one eyebrow.

"How can you fall in love, Olivander? One cannot simply fall in love. It's impossible to fall into an emotion." I said, laughing.

"Well, if you look at it figuratively, it is possible to fall into love. Because you fall into someone's heart." he said back, all smart.

"Oh, Sir Olivander, you are a clever one."

As we rode, I noticed a figure standing in front of us. The sky was now dark, so we had to pull over. I rode into the grass, making the horses stand at a halt. I hopped out of the carriage and walked over to the figure. It was standing with it's back to me.

"Excuse me," I said a little loudly.

The figure froze in it's place, then turned on its heel, revealing himself. It was The Duke. I put on a sly smile and walked over to him.

"Hello, Duke." I said. "What are thou doing out so late?"

"I was looking for you." he took a long step toward me, closing up the distance between us. I wasn't threatened, but I believe he thought he was threatening. He had his hand gripped over something on his belt, I suppose a weapon.

"You knew I was coming? Did thou know?" I asked.

A stiffled laugh came out of him.

"Of course, the Queen's knights don't wait for her, they look. I was expecting thou." His voice was filled with such confidence, it made me cringe.

"Sir William! It's the Duke!" Olivander yelled. He was a smart one.

I looked behind me and saw him just a foot away, a sword drawn in front of him. It was standing with his hand balancing it. I looked back over at The Duke. He was now eyeing Olivander.

"Let her go, Duke, and I promise I will not hurt." I said through clenched teeth.

"She came with me, I did not take her away from the kingdom."

"Do not be funny! Let her go!" I yelled.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:58 pm
Nike says...

Elizabeth Wills

My life was so different now. Sir Olivander has confessed his love for me and then he disappeared. Well, I heard he went off to look for the Queen. Elyeam always came by, making sure I was better than the night before.

He was here now, looking over some paper work he had written. I was just given some sort of lotion that cooled my head, making my headache disappear immediately.

"Sir Elyeam..." I said. He looked over at me, his brown eyes making me shiver. There was this look to him that just made me feel light and breathless. "Do thou know how it feels to love a maiden?"

A pause passed between us as he thought for a moment. As he thought, all I could think about was Olivander's lips pushed against mine, sending such love down my body. He was a strong kisser, making my knees wobble.

"No, perhaps I do not. How about thou?" he has a delicate voice, words spoken as if he considered what he was saying clearly.

"Yes," I smiled. "It is a great emotion, a feeling I can't contain." my voice sounded so light.

Something passed over his face, but I couldn't exactly read what it was. So, I ignored it and pulled the blanket more over my chest, getting comfortable.

"Who is this man you are speaking of?" Elyeam asked.

"Oh, it is Sir Olivander... he told me he loved me the night before." I smiled again, but wider. "I accepted his proposal."

"Olivander asked for your hand in marriage?" his tone was considerably low.


Suddenly he stood up, wiping the back of his hand over his forehead. He had the paperwork under his arm as he walked right out of the room, leaving me feeling all empty inside. I wanted him back here.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:04 am
Ciblio says...

Harley- Medieval Warp- Miss Harley Mae

Where'd the Queen go?

Was she kidnapped?

Or did she just get tired of all the attention, and run away?

I hope this room didn't go to waste. I put my best in it.

And if the Queen didn't come back, then I'd have to leave, because I was hired to be a Nursemaid, and why need a Nursemaid if you didn't have a child?

My mind drifted off, and I found myself thinking of a certain Knight.

A Knight that had asked me for my hand in marriage.

And I'd said yes.

Why? I have no idea. I barley know him, but it feels like I've known him all my life.

I wondered where he was, for I hadn't seen him since the night before, when he fell asleep in my bedroom.

Well, he's a Knight, so I guess he's out with the other Knights, looking for our Queen.

I went to the kitchen, searching for my friend, Jane. We talked a lot, mostly when I had nothing to do. She was nice. And really helpful.

As I entered the kitchen, I spotted her, cutting up onions, it looked like from where I was standing.

"Greetings, Jane!" I exclaimed, sitting in the chair I always sat in when I talked to her.

Jane jumped a bit, turned her head, and smiled a bit when she saw me. Her face was red, though. And there were tears escaping from her eyes.

"Might you be alright?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

She laughed quietly. "I'm cutting up onion, dear Harley."

My eyes widened, and I joined in her laughter. "Must have slipped my mind."

Jane scraped the diced onions into a pot, and turned to me. "Did you want to talk?"

I nodded quickly, and adjusted my dress. "Sir William asked for my hand in marriage."

She looked surprised. "Oh, Harley! What did you reply with?"

A smile tugged at my lips. "..I said yes."

Jane's jaw dropped, then she grinned. "Congratulations!"

"Do you think I have done wrong?" I questioned, my lips forming a straight line.

She took a spoon, and stirred the pot she'd put the onions in, then walked over to me, and sat down in the chair right beside me.

"Harley, you have done what you wished to do, and that's all that should matter."

The smile came back to my face, and I stood up. "I ought to go, If the Queen does return, that room will need to be finished completely."

Jane nodded, and stood up as well. "I need to finish this soup."

"Thank you greatly for talking to me again, Jane. I bid you farewell!" I called behind me, as I walked to the baby room.

I just needed to finish painting the walls.

But I couldn't reach the parts I needed to paint, due to my shortness. And the ladder I had been using disappeared.

Now I had to find somebody to help me. If only any of the Knights were here.

I left the room, and set out to find someone, or something, that could help me.

(I need someone else to interact wiff Harley! \(._.\) )
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:34 pm
Nike says...

Princess Jacqueline of Urbaniak

The knights were out on a search for Queen Avelyn. And I had nothing to do. Miss Harley was running around frantic, unsure what to do because now Queen Avelyn was missing and she had no baby to deliver. Elizabeth, a kitchen servant was sick and Elyeam was caring for her. King Leo was just... he was lost in his own world.

"Miss Harley," I told her as she sat down next to me. "It will be well. Do not worry,"

"She is missing... how could she have gotten lost? She has a child to deliver!" her voice was at a high-pitch.

I ran my hand over her hair delicately and looked in front of me, seeing King Leo in the dining hall, talking to a few other knights. I believe he was telling them what they must do to find Queen Avelyn. Looking to my left, I saw the moon risen, shedding it's light down toward us as the stars twinkled against the navy sky.

"Tell me something good in your life... it will take your mind off of Avelyn." I suggested.

Miss Harley started to play with her hands, folding them into her lap and then unfolding them. She was getting nervous. A breath escaped her mouth as she thought for a brief moment.

"I am to wed a handsome knight." she admitted, a smile tickling her cheeks.

I smiled back, pulling her into a quick hug. "Oh my! Congratulations Miss Harely!"

She pulled away, looking out of the tall windows. "But he is missing as well..."

"No, I am sure he is one of the knights who are looking for Avelyn."

"Princess Jacqueline!" someone called from behind us.

I turned my head and saw one knight holding another ones in his arms. The knight that was holding was a handsome one with grey eyes and soft brown hair, he had a thick accent. The one in his arms was probably Miss Harley's fiance since she ran up to him, crying.

"Oh William!" she cried, patting his head.

"The Duke... he..." the other one can't phrase his words, fear was showing on his face.

Standing up, I walked over to them and saw the body in his hands. He was surely so young and very handsome. My heart was racing.

"Sir Olivander..." Miss Harley told the thick-accented man. "Is he, is he alive?" her words were so weak.

"Just barely. I do apologize." his eyes were glassy.

I turned on my heel and walked into the dining hall where King leo was now standing in alone, running his hand over his face. I took a moment to think of what I was going to say. One of his knights are dying.

"King Leo," I started. he looked up at me, hope flying in his soft eyes. "Sir WIlliam... he is dying."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:54 am
Desticakes101 says...

Queen Avelyn

"Ash? What is taking you so long." I ask loudly from the carriage.

I receive no response, and I feel a sharp stab of worry in my gut. But I cannot stand due to the horrendous pain in my nether regions.

"Ash?!" I call out loudly once more, this time more panicked and shrill.

He suddenly quickly opens the small wooden door, his eyes worried yet a bit manic. Covered in blood.

"It is alright Avelyn. Everything is alright. We will continue now."

I am in too much pain to ask any questions so I just nod my head tightly while biting my lip to the point of drawing blood, to keep myself from screaming.

He gets back onto the carriage and whips the horses into motion once more. He had earlier stopped due to hearing some unknown noise. I figured that it was just an animal, but he had been out there for a while. And now he's covered with blood. But I can not question him, nor speak out in general because of the strong urge I have to scream.

When I woke Ash up after my maidens water broke, he panicked at first. Pacing and constantly running his hand through his hair, as the pain in my stomach, groin, everything, just continued to get worse. And then he decided to just take me to a nearby village.

Speaking of the pain...its growing intensity is having me see stars. I'm panting heavily, and sweating quite a bit. And the pain...all I can see is black now. I can't feel a thing. It's so relaxing...

"Take her! She is in labor! Please! I need your help."

I find myself drifting in and out in the midst of voices yelling, and a slight feeling of pain and pressure in my groin. I go back to sleep, and wake up now to more yelling, and now an even more incredible feeling of pain and pressure trying to force itself out of me.

"Aschetel! It hurts!" I cry out, once fully awake.

There is a woman between my legs, with many cloths and buckets of water. SHe is a bit older, with kind brown eyes, and a warm yet determined look on her face.

"Rosalind, I am going to need you to push soon. When I count to three. Is that all right?"

When the woman calls me Rosalind, I look up at Ash who just nods at my side, while holding my hand.

"Her name is Beatrice, my love. You can trust her."

I nod, understanding what he means. She doesn't know who I really am. It makes sense. Very few people, outside of my kingdom, have seen me.

"Okay...now one...two...three!"

I push with all of my might, gritting my teeth, the pain almost unbearable. When I let go, I sigh heavily.

"Good...excellent. Half of the head is out. One more push and your child will be all out." She says quietly.

I nod and once again push, and suddenly I hear the beautiful wails of my baby. The tiny figure is immediately wrapped up in soft looking cloths and Beatrice brings it to me, with a large smile.

"It's a boy." She says, slowly lowering him into my arms.

As soon as he is lowered into my arms his wailing stops, and he squirms closer to my chest.

"Oh..." I whisper quietly.

The love I feel in my chest is almost crippling. Looking down into his little caramel face, surrounded by dark brown curls.

"My...my son."

Aschetel comes closer to me and runs a thumb over our childs cheek.

"Colt...Colton. That's the name." I say quietly, looking back up at Ash, tears brimming my eyes.

"Wait! Milady! There's another one! Another one is coming out!" Beatrice cries out and hurriedly gets between my legs.

"What?!" I cry out, having had drowned out the pain at the beauty of seeing my child.

"Okay. One, two, three! Push!"

Ash quickly takes the baby and I look back down in surprise but still push.

"Come on! A few more!" Beatrice says excitedly.

I pant after each push but after the strongest push that I can handle, I can finally hear the beautiful wailing. This time more high pitch. After she's wrapped in a towel, I meet her green eyes and suddenly I know her name.

"Caitlyn." I say quietly with a smile.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:55 pm
MikeyG says...

King Leo

"The Duke..." I find myself saying quietly, while sitting by Sir William.

I have been here now for about a day and a half. Once the leach took care of him, he only stated that time will tell. Meaning that he may still die. The large gash in his abdomen has been cleaned and bandaged, but his outcome is still unknown due to the massive blood loss and possible case of infection. Like they said. Only time will tell.

I hear a few quick raps on the door and my eyes widen as the my wifes nursemaid comes into the room, her eyes red rimmed and teary.

"I-I know you told me not to come in until he is well King Leo but...but..." a soft sob escapes her mouth, which she quickly covers with her hand.

I sigh and look pointedly at the other chair by his bed side. She quickly scurries to the chair, and as soon as she sits she takes the knights hand in her own.

"I ordered you to stay outside because seeing him like this could break you. I remember a few years ago when Avelyn broke her leg and..." I shake my head, smiling softly at the memory.

She looks up at me and looks at me curiously.

"And what then?"

I shrug and shake my head.

"I was a wreck. Her face twisted in pain, her eyes tearing slightly. It truly broke me a bit inside. But the whole time...she never made a sound you know. Even when the leach had to straighten out her broken bone so that it could heal properly. And you could her the crunching of the bone...literally see it being moved. She never made a sound."

The nursemaid nods her head with a small smile. It warms my heart a bit that I was able to take her mind off of William. Even if for a second.

"She was-" I sharply look up at her and she stutters nervously. "is a strong queen."

I nod softly.

"She definitely is. But she has a soft spot for..." I shake my head. "I need to get her. I can't stand worrying like this. You can stay by Williams side. But the second that it begins to becomes too much I order you to leave. Alright?"

She smiles and nods.

"I'll have dinner be brought up for you."

I get up and walk down to the stables.

"You'll be going for a ride my king?"

I nod at the stable caretake and saddle up my mare. As soon as i'm finished I climb atop him and hurriedly ride out into the drizzling rain.

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Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:58 am
Nike says...

Jasmine Bradley Urbaniak | Back to Modern Times

The plane hummed as we flew in the air. It was my private jet since Ashton gave Kristin's his to borrow. The best part of being in the air, away from the people was that I didn't have to be Bradley up here to be in my own jet. I could be without the wig and fake Florida-chill attitude. Also, I didn't have to talk all slow. I could be myself again.

Ashton happened to be sleeping on one of the reclinable chairs in the back. We've got those purposely for sleeping since putting in a bed wasn't smart. They were actually more comfortable than my own bed back at home. I had a problem with sleeping on the plane, but this time I have managed to sleep for a few hours and now when I awoke, we were just an hour away from Hartford, CT.

"Brad, what do you think of staring in a movie, huh?" My agent spoke to me through the phone.

I took in a deep breathe, trying to calm down my racing heart. Another on stage appearance. It wasn't easy staying Bradley for a few months, but at the same time, it wasn't hard. She was me. I just had the problem with wearing a wig. It sometimes bugged me. But, acting again would really make me happy.

Looking over at Ashton, I thought about a decision. Something in me told me I should ask him about it... he was my boyfriend after all. But, at the same time, it was my life and I could choose for myself, I always have.

"To make this more appealing, you'd be in a movie with Ashton Baxter! You guys on screen together... you guys were amazing. Come on, you know you want to play with him. You guys have movie chemistry. And now you'll be with someone you know." she had this encouraging tone in her voice, but knowing I'd be working with Ashton again worried me.

We were now dating. And if we played together, we could get really complicated. We couldn't kiss, hug, hold hands... unless of course that's what our characters would do. But off set, we'd want to but couldn't. If word gets around he's dating Bradley and Jasmine, it wouldn't be pretty. Two girls at once!? That would get so messy. It wouldn't work. It couldn't work. We'd get toxic.

"Brad...?" she had a high pitched voice.

"Listen, can I call you back? I gotta think." and I hung up with no response.

I stood up and walked over to Ashton, shaking him a bit to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open which made me smile and forget about the whole world in that second.

"This is a nice view to wake up to," he murmured all sly and winked.

I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to hide my smile. He sat up in his seat, clicking a button on an arm rest to lift it back up into a seat.

"Listen, Ash..." I paused. "I just got an acting proposition."

Once the seat got back, he stood up so we could be almost eye-to-eye. He towered me by at least a few inches.

"That's great!" he smiled.

"I know... but, the thing is... it'd be a movie with you." I even heard the crack in my voice.

That made his smile go down as he looked at me in confusion. I guess he was a slow thinker in the morning. I took his hand in mine and pulled him toward the sitting area, sitting down on one of the love seats that were by the kitchen. We sat down and I took in a breath.

"Oh, wait... I get it." he replied. "You're afraid we wouldn't handle ourselves on set because you wouldn't be Jasmine, you'd be Bradley." finally.

I nodded.

"No, Jas. You deserve this, you have to agree to this. Don't care that I'm there, we can handle ourselves." he rubbed his thumb around the palm of my hand as he said this.

"That won't work." I said as I slightly shook my head. "We are incapable of hiding our emotions. I mean, soon enough we'll be sneaking around and someone will catch us."

Suddenly, he stood up in front of me, running his hands through his amazing hair. Something made him tick because I saw the anger growing in his eyes. My heart raced as he took a few deep breaths before talking.

"Is this secret really worth it?" he asked surprisingly calm, looking my straight in the eyes.

Something got stuck in my throat as I stared back, confused for a moment.

"What do you mean?" I asked, quiet.

Another moment of silence which brought some much tension, I feel like I could slice it with a knife. I gulped loudly which made him look at me again. Heat rose in my face but I tried to keep a straight face.

"This whole "Bradley" thing!" he put air quotes when he said Bradley. "Is it really worth keeping that a secret and ruin what we have? Not only that, but ruin your life?" his voice was tensing up pretty rapidly.

I felt stupid for sitting, so I stood up, running my hands down my dress to flatten it.

"It won't ruin my life." I defended myself.

"Oh Jasmine, it will come back and bite you in the ass and you know it. You're just too afraid to admit it. Secrets come out." he stared at me again, making me feel hot all over.

All I wanted to do is cry. But I bit the inside of my cheek and spoke back.

"Don't say that, that's not true. I'm Bradley for as long as I can, then I disappear and stay Jasmine forever. This isn't ruining my life." I explained.

He looked up at the ceiling for a moment and I saw his adam's apple jump. Then, he looked back down at me and paused, taking me in. I guess he saw how upset I was getting.

"But look at you, you won't go and act because I will be in the movie. Don't you want to act?" now he was calm again.

I took a moment to reply, my voice barley came out audible. "Yes,"

"Exactly," he smiled. "Baby, this is your dream, and I do know we could try to pretend we aren't dating. It will be hard, because really, I can't keep my hands off of you." and he was back to my Ashton.

"We won't be able to. I want to believe we can, but we really can't Ashton!" I caught the rising anger again. "Ashton, listen to me. It won't work. I don't have to do this, I can find something else. It's fine, I'll be fine. I've got a tour soon anyway... so I'll be okay." I tried.

"You don't have a tour. You just had one..." he replied.

I sighed. "Whatever, I'll be fine." I looked at the floor as my voice came out soft.

He ran his hands on my arms and I felt safe again, like in warm arms. Him touching him felt like home. Every single time. I took those two steps toward him and ran my hands around his back, pulling him into a soft hug. I heard his heartbeat against my ear, it was quick.

"I really want you to do this, Jas. You deserve this." he said.

"Sometimes I think about it..." I paused.


I let a breath out against his chest. "About voiding this secret. It's hard being two people sometimes, but it's great to go to the store and nobody knows you. Paparazzi really sucks, you would know."

"Yeah, yeah I know." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"But..." I started.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:16 am
Nike says...

Jane Wills

I was there, at my window. It was around the time he came the first time and it ends up, he isn't there. I had no idea of what to do. I felt so... sick. Like, I was that stupid to believe he would actually come. He did a favor for Oliver, that was it. It's not like he wanted anything to do with me anymore.

"Hey, Oliver?" I said.

"You do know there are different time zones all over the world, right?' Oliver replied all tired.

"Who's Chandler and why did you send him to me." I asked right away, hearing the desperation in my voice.

He paused for a moment and I heard some ruckus, as if he was moving to a different room. A door shut.

"He's a mate," now he spoke normally. "I wanted you to have an adventure and he was good at that stuff. All he did is adventure. With your whole Emmett dilemma, I thought it was a good idea. Why are you asking? What happened?"

I ran my free hand through my hair and shut my eyes for a moment, looking out the window and staring at the buildings around me. Everything was brightly lit at the horizon, but near me, people were asleep so this area was asleep.

"Nothing... nothing happened." I sighed.

"That's what you mean, that nothing happened. Did you want something to happen?" he had that concern in his voice.

I felt that stomach drop again. "I guess... I don't know."

"Of course you do, Janey. Do you... have feelings for Chandler?" he took it slow.

"No, no. I love Emmett."

"Yeah, you love Emmett, but now you like Chandler. What are you to do? You have to be with Emmett because you love him, but you want to be with Chandler...." and then his words disappered from my ear as I stared face-to-face with a handsome guy.

I could hear him, I just didn't listen. I lifted up a finger to him, signaling to him to give me a second.

"Oli, Oli. I am so sorry, but I gotta go. I love you, bye! Tell Lace I love her too!" and I slid my phone into my pocket, forgetting to hand up.

I lifted the window up and climbed over the windowsill, landing on the stair platform. Chandler gave me his best apologetic look. Somehow, that made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"I had work, you see Jane, I work at the airport. Some flight delayed and kept me. I wanted to show up even if you wouldn't be here in hopes you would be, you were." he was rambling.

"It's alright, Chandler." I said, automatically shutting him up.

A smile lined his face as I did too.

"So, Jane, wanna go on an adventure?"
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:07 pm
Ciblio says...

Harley Mae Turner

"You fucked her, didn't you?" I spat.

I'd remembered her from somewhere.

He turned toward me, his jaw slightly ajar.

"Where did you get that idea?" He asked, as he searched my face.

"You were the Will she was talking about at Avery's wedding thing. She was defending you. I thought you were some sort of jerk to Avery, cause I liked her. I never heard your side of the story...Jane said most of it. I mean, you seemed like you didn't mean anything to happen, you were innocent..but still. You were hurt, doesn't mean you can cheat on Avery like that."

I slipped my hand out of his, and watched as he turned to face me completely. He stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I, Harley, I was going through something...still am actually." He stared down at me.

"You can't blame everything on your coma, Will."

"I'm not. Jesus, it's not easy. It's easy with you, I forget about when I'm with you because you weren't there!" He exclaimed, his hands flew out of his pockets.

"Listen, Will...I felt bad for Avery." I moved my eyes to some people who were walking through the grass.

He laughed at bit, humorlessly. I could see him from the corner of my eye as he looked back down at me.

"You felt bad for Avery. Well, you shouldn't have. She didn't help me, she just thought I'd be fixed. I still think sometimes I'm in a coma. I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming form nightmares. I don't know if this is real or not. How did I see Leo in my coma? I have never even met him before my supposed coma. Seeing him now feels like I'm in a coma now since I met him before. That is one question." His arms still flailed around, and he tried his best to explain.

I flicked my eyes up at his, finally. But I felt sad. I felt bad about everything. For starting this.

He put his head in his hands. A few seconds later, he lifted it back up, and looked at me.

"I actually have no answer..."

"That's what I thought. I'm a crazy man." He said.

"No, no you're not." I didn't like fighting. I don't even know why I started this in the first place.

He started at me for what seemed like forever, his face expressionless.

I frowned, wondering if he was alright.

He started sharking out of nowhere, and digging his nails into his head. His eyes squeezed shut.

I didn't know what was happening.

My arms wrapped around him, and I dragged him to his pick-up. Well, he kind of helped, but only a little. He was out of it.

I hadn't driven for a few months, but I still remembered how to.

He worried me.

What was going on?

My hands searched through his pockets, looking for his keys. I found them in his back pocket.

I fumbled with the keys, and put the key in, and twisted it into the ignition.


I sat in the lobby, not able to sit down.

I'd taken his phone from his pocket before we had entered the hospital.

Unlocking it, I went to his contacts, and clicked on his uncles name.

It rang once, then picked up. "Hello?"

"Thank God you picked up! It's Harley. Something happened. I don't know. We got into an argument, and then...I don't know. He started shaking. And- and-" he cut me off.

"Harley, breathe. Where are you right now?" His voice was soothing.

"Um...oh, we're at the hospital." I ran a hand over my face.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute. Just...breathe." He hung up.

I shoved his phone back in my pocket, and pushed my hair out of my face.

A few minutes later, Will's Uncle burst in through the entrance.

I guess he was serious about being here in a minute.

"Harley! Oh, you're alright, right?" He practically ran over to me, his eyes wide.

I let out a small laugh. "I'm fine...but they haven't given me any news on William."

He scratched his chin with his hand, and cleared his throat. "What did you say happened?"

"..we...we were arguing." I said quietly.

"About what?"

"Well, we ran into Jane at the park...and I remembered something I 'd heard...bad stuff. I confronted him. I was stupid for doing that.." I ran a hand through my hair, and cursed myself for starting the fight.

"Don't tear yourself up over this, Harley. It's not your fault."

He hugged me, then pulled away as a lady doctor approached us. "William Franco's company? He's stabilized. But he's not awake right now. Give it about an hour and a half, and he'll be up."

I nodded gratefully to her, and she smiled, then walked back to where she'd come from.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom." He told me, as he started walking away.

"Um, alright.." I sat down in one of the waiting chairs, and after a few minutes, started dozing off.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:31 pm
Desticakes101 says...


"Oh god yes!" I cry out loudly and fall onto his chest softly.

Tristan and I sit like that for awhile, deep breathing and rehashing what just happened.

"Okay. Okay. That was the last time I promise. Seriously. We can't do this anymore." I say slowly getting up from his chest and looking him in his eyes.

He keeps staring me in the eyes and suddenly I feel guilty.

"Dammit Tristan! It's not my fucking fault. I'm still getting over Oliver, and you have a fucking girlfriend for shits sake."

He continues giving me that searing look and the guilt grows.

"I know the whole story with her, I know. But still, for right now your taken. And I've never enjoyed being the woman on the side." I say with a small smile.

He rolls his eyes and gives me a seriously look.

"Kris..." he says slowly as he places a hand on the small of my back to lower me back down to his chest. "You're hardly the side woman. If anything, you're my girlfriend at the moment. I'd call you one, if you weren't still so smitten with that stupid brit. Who have I spent the most time with? Gina? Or my so-called side woman."

He chuckles into my neck as he kisses it. I moan a little bit, but then sigh.

"Baby...I refuse to do anything with you if you can't break up with Gina first."

I'm finally able to break away from him and hop off of the bed. I check my naked body in the full length mirror for hickies, or scratches, anything like that, and smile in content when I can't find anything.

"Um babe...you missed one on the back of your neck." Tristan says, chuckling from the bed.

"Dammit it...I told you no marks where anyone can see! I've been wearing gucci and versace scarves all week! People will start noticing at some point."

I mutter to myself as I stomp into his chic, chrome bathroom. I turn the vichi shower on into the metallic shower/ bathtub combination, and jump in as soon as the water grows warm.

I look to the side and once again grab Gina's organic green tea shampoo and conditioner (which has been making my hair gloriously shiny and bouncy all week!).

"We really should get to work though!" I call out from the shower once I'm finished washing my hair.

"What do you want to get started on first?" He says loudly.

As I'm scrubbing myself with my loofah that I brought here a few days ago, I'm left thinking.

"Well, it'd be nice to have more natural, no make up or filter pictures in there." I say while scrubbing.

I hear the bathroom door opens and suddenly he's pushing back the curtains. By now I'm used to him wanting to peep while I'm in the shower. But, honestly, this is just starting to get ridiculous. I meet his eyes and raise an eyebrow. He takes of his boxers and steps into the shower with me.

"I'd like to take a picture of you bathing in a small water fall. We could post it on my fashion and model blog and get you some more notoriety. Or well...any other pictures that you can think of." He says, smirking softly while rinsing his blonde hair.

I shrug and step out, simultaneously grabbing my fluffy towel.

"Eh. I'm not that worried about it. But I have a Bendels promotion brunch that I was invited to, so I'm gonna step out. Do you think that I can fit any of Gina's clothes? I forgot to bring my own."

He nods and continues washing. I get quickly dressed and kiss him quickly on the lips before leaving.

"I'll be back later Tristy. Probably early evening. Call or text me if that's alright, kay?"

He nods looking up at me with a large smile.

"No problem Kristin. I'll see you later."
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:25 am
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Nike says...

William Franco

"Aye, Billy. Whatchu doin' here? Ya know I told you I'd kiss your ass if you showed your damn face." A familiar voice started to awake me.

Well, I thought it would be me awaking, not dreaming. My eyes fluttered open to a smiling Cassie whom had a cigarette dangling from the side of her mouth. Seeing her felt both completely natural and completely bizarre. Thoughts ran through my head, Oh, why is she smoking again? Isn't she dead? Nooo, but, yes. I swallowed hard and looked down at myself, noticing that I'm not a little boy anymore. I'm the grown nineteen year old.

Looking back up, I found myself walking into a room in which made me think it must have been hers though, she never had a room like this.

"You came to visit your slob sis?" she joked, her deep voice cracking at the end.

She even seemed a little older, around her twenties.

"Yeah, slob sis, how're ya?" I replied, feeling natural doing so.

The smoke from the cigarette flew out of her mouth as she lifted the smoke off of her lip. I didn't even think twice in what was going on. Looking around, I noticed the room I was in was a living room with a small balcony leaning over the city beneath us. The place was old, but in top condition. There were touches of modern here and there, but the walls definitely needed to be rid of the flower wallpaper.

"My boyfriend dumped me... again. How's that girl of yours, Harley? I haven't seen her in a while." she took a drag.

I slipped my hands in my pockets and felt my heart racing against my chest. My fingers found a lighter in my front pocket. I smoked? Hearing her say Harley's name made me shake, it sounded all too real and wrong.

"Well, she's doing stuff." I explained, my voice weak.

Her eyes found mine, her blue eyes just like mine. There was something in them that made me stand still.

"Don't tell me y'all broke up. She's a good gal, and you ain't so bad eithah." she was the one with the New York accent.

"Nah, she's seriously busy, work and all." and suddenly my voice was with the same accent.

This was weird.

"How's work?" I asked.

"Better. More people are coming to my retro records store, people love it. Ya, know? It's amazing." she actually smiled as she said this.

I took a step toward the balcony. She was leaning against the door frame for the balcony and I joined just across her. The wind started to blow warm across our faces as we looked over the city. I looked over at her and she handed me a smoke, I took it, slipping it onto my bottom lip. I took out my lighter and lit it, taking a long drag.

It felt totally natural and yet.

"That's great, Cas." I said, smoke flying out of my mouth.

From here I could see how much make-up she had on, a cake load she didn't need. She was so much prettier without it, but she never believed me. The good thing for her is that she carried the beauty traits from mom, she happened to be a model back when.

"Billy, what's pinching you?" she had concern lining her voice which made me feel naked.

"What-da-ya mean?" I asked, taking another drag.

She tossed her cigarette butt over the balcony, watching it fall for a moment. Then, she looked over at me, her lips creasing into a straight line. There was concern eating at every bit of her. I felt it.

"You look so upset! You were happy yesterday, what's goin' on?" She ran her hand through her short hair.

Wait, she had short hair? It was the kind that looked like Jennifer Lawrence's before she chopped it. Curly, but a dark brown. Last I remember, she had long hair that hit her ribs.

"You sure Harley and you are alright?" she urged.

I shook my head, feeling some pain throb in it. Shutting my eyes, all I saw was blackness, so I opened them, too afraid of nothingness. This time, she was just looking over the day light, skimming each building as it gleamed against the sunlight.

"Me and Lee, we are great. I just feel like something is wrong." I admitted.

Her eyes faced back to me as she licked her lips. She grabbed my face softly, making my face tingle, pulling me closer. She kissed my temple and let me lean back.

"Billy, you look sick. Wanna see a doctor?" her eyebrows creased together.

Something in me thought I had just seen one.

"No, I just met one a few days back, 'member?" I replied.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Right. So, why do you feel like something is wrong? Work? School?"

"Nah," I flicked my cigarette over the railing and watched it fall down a few flights. I'm sure we were just five flights above the ground. "I just feel like something is eating at me, telling me something is horribly wrong." I felt my breath catch.

"Don't be crazy, Billy." she laughed, jumping back into the house.

I followed her inside, feeling every step I took as if it mattered. She sat on the beat up leather couch, hugging her knees to her chest like she always did. Joining her, I rested my legs on the coffee table which happened to be a huge old case.

"You sound crazy, maybe you need a little Molly?" she laughed.

Giving her a look, she chuckled.

"Okay, let's go over some things... Harley is great." she stuck her hand out, touching her index finger. "School...?"

"It's good." I said.

"... is good." she touched her middle finger. "Work is alright, I mean, a job at a garage ain't that bad. Ma and Pa?"

"They..." and that's when I went to think about them. There, there was something off with that. They were mad at me, why? Why were they mad at me? I rubbed my forehead an thought for a moment.

I looked over at Cassie and saw her giving me a concerning look. There was something wrong with all of this. First note, the smoke. She only smoked with friends, not just because. Not for stress. Two, her short hair, she loved her long hair, she would never cut it. Three, the comment about Molly. Drugs. I thought she stopped taking them when I was thirteen... when she had...

"You're dead Cas," I said. "You're fucking dead. How are you here? What's going on!"

Her eyes flicked over to me, blinking repeatedly. Then, her hair suddenly started to grow back to their normal length. I had to blink to show it was real and happening. Then, the make-up went back to how she normally wore it.

"You're in a coma again, William." she said weakly.

My throat closed up. I couldn't breathe. No.

"What...?" I whispered.

"Baby, Billy. You need to make a decision. You need to help yourself. You need to be you again, and drowning in life ain't working for ya." she kept on talking. "You keep on going through life, not stopping and finding out what you want to do, what you want to be, who you want to be, and who you want to be with. You're just pushing through it. Don't waste your life like that Billy!" she was getting worked up.

I couldn't speak as my heart clenched against my chest, as if it was too small for it's capacity. I felt my stomach churn.

"Look at you! You're here talking to me and I'm dead. I'm happy you're remembering me and caring about me, but I'm dead. I can't make my life better, I can't live it to the fullest. You can and you should. You are lost in your own messed up head, I know, I was there when you fell into that coma." she paused, giving me a moment to take this all in.

Her mouth shut as she ran her hand through her hair and held my hand with her free hand. Her touch felt both distant and close.

"It was a coma Billy. You are awake in that world with Harley. So, don't act all crazy anymore. You psych was trying to help you but I feel like this should help you. You can go back to being yourself now, if you wish to. This is a coma. That life of marrying Lena was a coma. The life of being with Harley and Uncle John and Ave marrying Leo, now baby, that's real life. Both lives sucked, but at least now you know which one is truly real. I wanted to help you because I knew if I wouldn't, you would not get far in it." she had this voice that made you believe her even if you didn't want to. That's what was scary.

Was she lying? Or was she honest? Maybe this was real life and she's just saving me to go back into a coma where I am safe.

"No, that's bull." she sighed, shutting her eyes for one moment.

She read my mind. This was the coma.

"Why wasn't it that simple last time then? Why didn't I know it was in a coma then?" I managed to ask.

No surprise past her face.

"Well, cause this time I jumped into it before your imagination could take over. It's hard to push it away. But I'm managing." a smile grew on her small face as she said this."Now, start to find yourself baby. Since now ya know. Don't waste your life."

"How did I see Leo, Oliver and Kristin in my coma if I didn't know them before it? Why didn't you show up?"

Her hand slipped from mine as she took in a deep breath. I shook for a second, afraid of her reply. She always had an excuse, she always had an answer.

"This is the truth. No excuse, no answer." she started. "You will find out in your own time, baby." she smirked. "But then again... you saw them because you saw and heard them in your coma. Oliver happened to be an attending's nephew, he visited. Kristin came with Avery one time, and so did Leo. People that visit while in coma show up in coma sometime." she explained, all knowledgeable. "But I didn't show up because I couldn't. That world was so real for you... baby, I couldn't. You believed in it's realness hat I couldn't cause I was dead, still am."

"You didn't deserve to die. You were to young, you would've lived a great life." I said, my voice weak. "You'd be with us. You druggie, you just had to fucking take!" I shouted, rage storming my mind.

And then suddenly, I was calm, as if she made me calm. Tears were escaping her eyes.

"Baby, I know. I'm so so so so sorry. I wanna be with you. I regret it. But it happened, can't turn back. Now, do you wanna wake up and be with them?" her voice was tender.

"I don't know... it's nice here." I looked around the place.

"Why would you make me live here? It's a joke!" she giggled.

I swallowed loudly and thought for a moment. And then she tugged at my arm. Turning back to her, I smiled widely, feeling the goodbye's coming.

"Baby, Billy." she started. "You gott ago live life. I'll be here when you need me." she said, tears streaming down her cheeks as black mascara followed it.

My heart cracked. "This is the last time I'll see you, huh?" my voice came out as if mangled and abused.

"In your dreams maybe."

"I don't wanna leave."

Her fingers squeezed my arm and she pulled me close, hugging me with strong arms. She felt real again, but her heart didn't beat underneath my hand. I had my head on her shoulder as I shut my eyes for a moment.

"Yes, you better. You wanna. Now go, Billy. Or do they call you Will now?" she joked, her breath tickling my ear.

We pulled apart and just stared at each other for a moment.

"I wanna live my life, but I want you too, Cas." I smiled.

"Billy, I will be in your dreams, in your heart. Up here, so pray to me you dip shit." she giggled.

"Hey, you're in heaven, why swear?" I pointed at her mouth.

"Who said I was in heaven?"

"I would assume, suppose."

A pause. "Okay, Billy, Will. Go live life. Enjoy it while you can, and if you're having it tough, call me. I love you, Will."

"Love ya, Cas. See you on the other side."

That's when things faded, her face shrinking away. I could hear myself saying "No, not yet! CASSIE!" then, I opened my eyes to a sobbing Harley and my Uncle, standing over my bed. My throat felt rough and dry. I blinked, noticing tears escaping my eyes. A beep noise was going off by me, every second. That was my heart.

"You screamed, Bil-Will." My uncle caught himself.

Spoiler! :
Long, I know. But it had to be.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:04 am
Desticakes101 says...


"William Francos room please?" I quickly ask the woman at the front desk, my eyes darting everywhere.

"And you are...?" She asks in a slow texan drawl, further infuriating me.

I feel like ripping out my steadily growing hair and clawing this stupid bitches eyes out.

"I'm the fucking money depository, alright? I'm the one who's continuously paying his hospital bills. Now where the hell is he?" I practically scream.

She raises and eyebrow me and turns back to her computer.

"Name, please. So that I can verify."

"Avery. Fucking. Piest." I say through gritted teeth.

She types away at her computer while chomping away at gum.

"Room 213." She says with attitude.

I whisper bitch under my breath as I quickly head off down the corridor to the elevator and stairs. I decide to take The stairs, and quickly rush up them, while thinking back to what happened previous.

I had been eating nutella mixed with marshmallow fluff on oreos (my new pregnancy fave) when I had gotten the automated call from the hospital. Leo was off getting some work done at city hall (he needed certain blue prints for when we move) and I had answered it, expecting them to complain about a bill or something that I missed. But instead it had been informing me that William Franco has once again been checked in, at emergency care. I had to find the baggiest clothes i had before I went, to hide the signs, and then I rushed out.

As I burst into the room, I can hear Wills uncle calling him Bill and then going back to Will as he slowly blinks his eyes. Harley rushes to his side, as does his uncle, and I collapse into a nearby seat in exhaustion. Thank God, he's alright.


I refuse to leave the whole time, and even have to threaten on of the doctors once visiting hours have ended. But in the dead of night, when the his uncle has finally left, and the room is clear of anyone else I come to his bed side and he watches me in a strange dull and weird curiosity.

"I heard you say that you saw your sister during your...well mini coma." I say quietly.

He nods.

"Yeah. She made sure to tell me what was fiction and what was my reality. I needed that."

I nod and slowly sit down in the chair right beside his head as I sigh.

"Will...I think that its time to really tell you why I...I had your sisters book." I say quietly.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:07 pm
Sunshine says...

Next time, we definitely need a better subplot. It also makes me sad the way my characters were almost completely cut out. :(


It was time to go home.

We were at the airport, and I took in one long smell of Oliver's coat. It smelled like sweet tea, and was probably my new favorite thing in the world. I touched his cheekbones one last time, because who knew when I would get to feel them again?

He wasn't coming with me.

"Call me, okay? We'll have to set up Facetime or something, stay in touch."

"Yeah, okay." He, too, is looking long and hard at me. "I had fun, Lacey."

"Thanks for being touristy in your home town for me."

I had gotten to see a lot of things I'd never thought I'd get to see on this trip, all the beautiful things that London had to offer had briefly become mine.

"For you? Anytime."

He kisses me, long and hard, making my body ache. How I managed not to have sex with him was a miracle; he was like Finnick from The Hunger Games, all walking cheekbones and sloppy grins. I'll never understand how we ended up together: is my sense that beautiful?

The announcement comes over the speaker phone that my plane leaves in fifteen minutes. I want to say it, but I don't know if it is the truth, and I cannot bring my tongue to do it.

"I like you more than books." I tell him.

He smiles, because he knows what I mean.

We peck again, and I board the plane, all the while looking out the window and wishing to be back on the English shores.

This relationship is going to be a lot harder than I thought.


I return home before gong back to school. (My new school is surprisingly understanding of the whole 'foreign boyfriend' and 'amnesiac brother' issues.)

I walk in, where Emmett is playing Legend of Zelda with Taylor on the couch. I'm glad to see he's getting in friend time, but this also means that Jane hasn't been around.

"Hey, Lacey." Taylor says, throwing a smile at me and adjusting his beanie.

"Hey. Good to see you around."

Emmett grunts his greeting. Okay, yeah, he's pissed. Emmett hardly ever gets mad, which means things are not fabulous around here, or at least not as fabulous as I'd hoped.

Taylor throws me a sympathetic look before going back to the game. That's all I get. sigh, loud enough for Emmett to hear, and begin the process of dragging my stuff up stairs and unpacking what belongs here.

My Pandora is playing music from Passenger, and I can feel my heart longing itself back to England. I sit down to finish up a bit of homework when I hear loud shouting from outside.

I look outside, surprised to see a girl leaning over her car, probably swearing. I move to go downstairs, but I see Emmett and Taylor already heading outside, so I linger in my room a moment longer.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:26 pm
Sunshine says...

@AlmondEyes: I thought it was time to bring Luna back. I might make Taylor a character if you're interested.

I missed Jane. We talked on the phone sometimes, but I think she was ignoring me. I still can't remember much about her, but I remember the want in my metaphorical heart, and I know that I can't get that kiss out of my head.

I can't bring myself to call her and tell her that, though. I'm too afraid of crossing my own boundaries, afraid because I don't know who I was before.

Taylor, on the other hand, is as free as a bird.

"Something wrong?" He asks, adjusting his beanie. He always does that, because he is actually sort of fluently cool. It's his way of greeting, and sometimes flirting.

The girl, who I think know from school, looks up from her obviously ailing car. She is pretty, I guess, a girl who goes by 'hot' more than 'pretty'. Obviously not my type, and way too tall. It's a general rule that lends many aches and pains to tall girls.

"I honestly don't know. I was just driving along when it happened. Just sort of stalled out on me."

"I've got tools in the garage," I say, "my Dad's a mechanic. Taylor can fix it for you."
Taylor shoots me a confused look, because the two of us are nerd guys and honestly don't know all that much about cars. "Or you can wait until he gets home. It really isn't a big deal."

The girl stands there, contemplating the offer. "You're Emmett Lopez, right? You've got a sister, Lacey? I'm Luna."

"I'm Taylor." The other guy volunteers. "Also a Senior."

She smiles, a little bit. "Yeah, I know who you are. that's why I can't trust you t fix my car."

I laugh. Taylor blushes a bit before regaining his posture; he knows she's right. Drummers can't fix cars. "Come on in, then. I'll put on some water for hot chocolate or something. I'm sure my parents won't mind."

We all go inside.
Last edited by Sunshine on Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:32 pm
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Nike says...

Oliver Hemingway

Lacey has flown out and I'm lying in bed, unable to fall asleep. The hours ticked by as if they were minutes. I kicked around, anxious about falling asleep. Why was I so nervous? So stressed? I felt sick. I was the only one up. Maybe I'd get to sleep at five.

It's been a week since she was gone. And all I've done was think over thought about what's going on in my life. Why did I come back here? To see my mother? She moved her a year back, she got sick of America. And who could blame her...

When I awoke, the sun was blaring through my window. My room took new shape as the light finally decided to show up in England. I hopped out of bed and took care of myself in the WC. After that, I managed my way to the kitchen, finding my mother on the phone, her eyes were shut.

It made my heart stop. Something had happened and I missed it. She looked over at me and took a double take, trying to find a way to tell me what was going on. And I was scared.

"Oli, come here for a moment." she covered the speaker with her hand.

I made my way to the kitchen table and sat down, feeling as if I was sitting on a chair made out of toothpicks. The phone shook in her hand as she placed it flat down on the table, nerves taking over her body.

"Do you remember Paisley? Paisley Bond?" she said with a quiet voice.

Just her saying that made my breathing impossible. If you mention a name and a remember in one sentence, that means their dead. Or kidnapped. Or murdered. Or held for ransom. Or I'm over reacting.

I nodded anyway.

"Well, she was found dead..." See, I told you. "Someone had murdered her, and..." she took in a sharp breath, trying to prevent the tears from falling out of her eyes. My heart was beating so hard, I was afraid it would literally break me. "They are naming you a suspect for murder."

Spoiler! :
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

Poetry is the art of creating imaginary gardens with real toads.
— Marianne Moore