
Young Writers Society

Lakeview High

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:27 am
TNCowgirl says...

Taylor smiled. "IT was amazing!" She sighed.

"Must've been. Sounds romantic."

'He was that night, he doesn't always be, but he was then. Man I wanted to kill the sun for coming up the next morning, we had to run from the cops for being naked in public." She smiled.


Jayke finally caught him. "Sure as hell isn't going to be named after you." He said shoving him against the wall. "Just shut up, ok! Some of us are new to this."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:34 am
Chupatoasta says...

"Aye-aye Captain Sexypants." Trent laughed, nudging Jayke playfully. "You know I'm just messing man." Trent smiled when Jayke finally let go of him. When Jayke was half way down the stairs Trent went and tried to be a smart ass. "You know, I have an uncle who's in real estate. Sell you a nice, big house pretty cheap. Nice yard, picket fence." Feeling as though he pushed his luck, Trent ran down the hall, shutting the guest room door from the raging grizzly bear.


Brooklyn giggled and rolled her eyes. "Doesn't surprise me. You are Taylor Hughes." She smiled playfully.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:38 am
TNCowgirl says...

Jayke pounded on the door. "TRENT I SWEAR ONE MORE WORD I'LL TELL TAYLOR EVERY LAST DIRTY SECRET ABOUT YOU!" He yelled at the door.

Taylor grinned.

"You know it, I mean it was great flashing the cops as we ran. We got into his car and were out of there faster then you could imagene."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:46 am
Chupatoasta says...

"Too late!" Trent called back. "She knows them all!" Trent laughed loudly.

"Oh, she knows the one about you and the stripper?"

"Tell her that and I'm telling Brooklyn about that night you took Brittney to the waterfall and banged her good!" That shut Jayke up. It also made him slam his fist into the door, which made Trent groan. He'd gone too far, and even he knew it.


"Where and when was this exactly?" Brooklyn giggled.

"This morning." Taylor giggled, pushing a lock of hair out of her eyes.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:53 am
TNCowgirl says...

Jayke looked at the hole in the door as he leaned against the wall. "That didn't happen remember?" He demanded.

"Right." Trent called back.

"I was drunk, she got me to tell her about it and then drove us there." He slowly sat on the ground his eyes on the hole.

"Dude, I know the story." Trent hollered. Jayke groaned, how could he be so stupid!


"WHAT!" Taylor grinned.

"It was a little cold." She admitted. "But hell it was the most amazing thing we've ever done. Talk about an adreienle rush."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:44 pm
Chupatoasta says...

Brooklyn groaned, holding her head in her hands. "You're such an idiot. What would you have done if the cop caught you?" She looked over at Taylor, who was being a giggling idiot.

"We would've stayed six hours in the cell, been talked to about being too young and having sex by some cop, and then would've called you." Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

"I'm guessing you've done plenty of stuff like this before."



"I just think that maybe you should have told Brooklyn the truth rather than telling her that she was the first girl you'd ever brought there." Trent sat on the sink, slightly scared to come out.

"How the hell did you know about that?"

"My girlfriend is her best friend, remember?"
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:29 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Taylor smiled when Brook shoved her shoulder. "Well it's fun, you've gotta be crazy sometimes you know."


Jayke slammed his fist in the wall again leaving another hole. "It didn't count. I didn't want to take her there. I wasn't ever planning on taking her there."


"brittney, the bitch just kept pushing it so I took her. I've regretted it ever sense. That was my speicial spot. Only person I ever wanted to take there was Brook."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:38 pm
Chupatoasta says...

"Or in your case, all the time," she teased playfully, avoiding Taylor's clawed, outstretched hand. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Now, it's take-out time! I am starving!" Brooklyn sang and leaped out of the car, dancing into the chinese place.


Trent sighed, leaning his head on the wall behind him. "I know dude, but still, you didn't have to lie." Jayke groaned on the other side of the door, slamming on it again.

"What was I supposed to say when she asked me about it?" Jayke shouted. "Yeah Brooklyn, I took Brittney to the waterfall and we had hot, drunk sex!" His scream vibrated through the house, the sound of something dropping and then a slam of a door following it.


When Brooklyn and Taylor got back home, Brooklyn ran inside, carrying all the food as she sang a Mary Poppins song, trying to unnerve Taylor. "What was I supposed to say when she asked me about it?" Jayke suddenly screamed. "Hey Brooklyn, I took Brittney to the waterfall and we had hot, drunk sex!" Brooklyn's face paled and she dropped the food, tears springing from her eyes. She turned and ran out the door, slamming it behind her and leaving Taylor to stand there, wide-eyed.

*hehehe drama*
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:44 pm
TNCowgirl says...

**Epic drama**

Taylor stood there shocked, what the hell! He heard Jayke run down the stairs, Trent behind him. Jayke's face paled to the point that he looked like he was going to pass out.

"SHIT!" He yelled as he took off for the door.

"What the hell just happened?" Taylor demanded.

"I might've just pushed Jayke to far and Brook came in at the wrong time, and life as we know it might be going to hell." He sighed.


Jayke ran after Brook stopping her before she got to far.

"Liar!" She hissed as tears ran down her face. "Let me go!" He did as she asked and backed up.

"I didnt' want to. That place was supposed to be ours, always was. But she got me drunk." He said as he felt his fists pulsing from where he had hit the wall. He really wanted to hit somethign right about now again. What more could go wrong in his life. Brook would hate him now.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:00 pm
Chupatoasta says...

**I like drama :twisted: I guess we're just evil like that! :D**

"Dammit Trent! How stupid can you be!" Taylor screamed, running down the stairs. She stopped on Jayke's porch, eyes watching helplessly as Brooklyn screamed at him, tears pouring down her face.


"When did it happen?" She sucked in a sharp breath, her lip trembling as she bit it pitifully.

"What?" Jayke asked, putting on a face Brooklyn normally would've found cute.

"When the hell did it happen Jayke?! Before we dated?! When we dated?! Just recently?!" She let a sob rack her body, crumpling dramatically to the ground. Jayke was instantly beside her, arms wrapped around her tightly.

"Before we dated, before you even moved back. It happened when my mom told me you were coming back. I got nervous, drunk, and took Brittney there."

"Let me go!" Brooklyn screamed, trying to get out of his steel grip.

"Not until you tell me that you believe me!" Stone shouted, grabbing both of her arms tightly, shaking her. "I love you and you alone. I'm sorry for lying, but sometimes we've just got to forget about things like that!"

In one fluid motion, Jayke was clutching his hand-printed cheek, Brooklyn her hand, and they were a good ten feet apart. "I can't believe you Jayke," she whimpered, "A relationship can't be built on lies!" She cried, rubbing her eyes but only causing more tears to come.

"It was one lie Brooklyn! I'd never lie to you now!"

"Why?! Because we had sex?! You'd lie to me any day as long as we didn't have sex yet, is that it? Because after we had sex, you started to feel guilty didn't you?" Jayke didn't answer. "Good then... because I don't ever want to see your face, ever again!" She stood up and ran the rest of the way to her house, slamming the door behind her so hard, the windows rattled.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:08 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Jayke blinked, once, twice. SHIT. He had just lost the one thing that meant the most to him. He felt tears prick at his eyes. He turned and walked towards his truck.

"Where are you going?" Trent demanded.

"For a drive." He growled gettin gin the truck and driving off before anyone could stop him. He stopped at a store and got some beer using his fake id. Then drove out and went to the waterfall before compeltely getting wasted. Life had been going to good to last.


Taylor watched him drive off. "Thats it? He gives up?"

"He didn't give up." Trent replied. "He's just giving her what she wants, he wants her happy, so he'll do her bidding. Her bidding was to leave her alone. Now i have to go find him before he gets drunk and tries to drive. Like hell I'll be able to find him though." Taylor kissed him before he left then she ran up to Brook's room knocking.

"If that's Jayke get the hell away." She yelled.

"It's me." Taylor said walking in. "Jayke left, Trent's going to find him before he kills himself."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:12 pm
Chupatoasta says...

**Dude, I really think Jayke should get into an accident. It might add to the drama... and maybe Trent would see the wreckage and such... I'll wait on posting for Trent until you say whether or not to go ahead.**

Brooklyn sniffed and sat up, looking at Taylor through tear-filled eyes. "It's not fair." She sniffed, throwing her head into her arms and sobbing soon after.

"I know," Taylor sighed, hugging Brooklyn tightly.

*sorry gotta go feed the dogs*
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:19 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***Ya, and maybe he goes into a coma or something. Before he does he tells Trent he just wants to die if he can't have her. :P ***

Jayke threw the crushed cans in a stack in the back of his truck and climbed in glad no one was awake around him. He started the engine as he looked around. It was all blury, but he wanted to get the hell away. Not that he cared where he went. he could smell Brooklyn in the truck, it was taunting him. He drove down teh road his foot pushing down on the pettle as he drove.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:38 pm
Chupatoasta says...

*Kay! :D*

Trent drove down the street cautiously, watching everything around him. Suddenly, bright flashing lights against the dark night caught his eye. "Oh god," he breathed, his stomach feeling like lead as she turned the corner slowly, getting closer. Jayke's truck was over turned in a ditch, Jayke looking dead in the driver's seat while a large, eighteen wheeler lay on its side, the trucker looking completely horrorfied. A single cop car was the only thing there at the moment. Trent, without a care, jumped out of his truck and ran down to Jayke's mangled side.

"Kid you can't go over there!" The cop screamed.

"Hey! Shut the hell up! He's my brother!" Okay, so he lied. Who really gave a shit at the moment. Trent, using all his strength, opened the destroyed driver's side door, Jayke letting out a moan of sheer pain. "It's okay man, we're going to get you out of here."

"No," Jayke breathed, staring at Trent. "If I'm not with Brooklyn, I'm good as well dead." He seemed like he was already on a fine line between life and death. There was a harshly bleeding mark above his eye, his arm was mangled and bleeding, appearing to be broken, and he was bleeding from the nose and mouth, a possible sign of internal bleeding.

"Dude, shut the hell up! You're gonna make it through this. Jayke! Jayke!" Trent screamed loudly as Jayke's eyes slowly closed.

*Yeah, comatose, not dead! :D*
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:48 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Taylor stuffed some more ice cream in her mouth as the two of them laughed at a stupid cartoon. He phone buzzed for the twentith time.

"I shoudl get it, it's Trent again." She said as she opened the phone. "Hello?"

"What the hell! Why haven't you answered your damn phone." She held it away from her ear, she was on speaker phone and hadnt' know it. "Jayke's in the hospital in a coma, and I can't get ahold of you. Really Tay?" She quickly shut it off speaker.

"Wait, say that agian?"

"Jayke wrecked, he's in a coma, doesn't want to live! Told me so himself before he went out. They dont' give him much of a chance."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Teach a man to fish, he eats for a day. Don't teach a man to fish, you eat for a day. He's a grown man. Fishing's not that hard.
— Ron Swanson (Parks and Rec)