
Young Writers Society

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Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:07 pm
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ajruby12 says...


I walked over to the fallen man and tugged the arrow out of his back. I glanced at the group before me and introduced myself as I cleaned the barb.
"Kaya Jones, formally known as "The Fox" in my kingdom... And I'm here to save a girl who I don't even know.." I wiped the last smears of blood off the arrow and inspected it, insuring it was still straight. I then stuck it back in my sheath and looked at the one who called herself a Princess. "Huh, interesting.. Never would of thought a princess ever went on adventures."
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:20 pm
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thelostone says...


The chaos and noise in the shop finally closed and I slowly peered out from behind the counter I was hiding behind.

"My name is Princess Celestia of Genovia, but I would prefer to be known as Selena, my second given name. I do not know exactly what is going on, but by observance I can see you several are good people, against these evil men." She replied, pointing to the captives. Going on, she said "I know not their purpose of evil, simply that it must be wicked to threaten innocent people's lives. I see through your actions that you agree with me. I believe that we have been brought here together to stop these men by what some people would call fate, or destiny, but what I believe was God." A small brown haired girl spoke.

A princess? Fate? Destiny? What?

Before I could interject another girl spoke. "Kaya Jones, formally known as "The Fox" in my kingdom... And I'm here to save a girl who I don't even know.." I wiped the last smears of blood off the arrow and inspected it, insuring it was still straight. I then stuck it back in my sheath and looked at the one who called herself a Princess. "Huh, interesting.. Never would of thought a princess ever went on adventures."

I cleared my throat and stepped out in front of the strange group.

"That girl you saved has a name." I said. "And for the record, I was handling it just fine on my own, thanks."

"You'd think she'd be more gracious." I heard someone mutter. "We only just saved her life."

"Okay, look.I snarled. "I don't know what kind of trick or prank you're trying to pull here saying you're all princesses from places I've never heard of or whatever-"

"Trick?" The small brown haired girl cut me off which just added to my anger.

"We aren't all Princesses, girl." Someone else said.

"LORCAN!" I screamed. "My name is Lorcan." Their shocked faces told me that maybe this wasn't a trick, but I decided to have some fun with it. "But you have to call me Queen Lorcan the Beautiful or I just might have to cut off your head. Also, in my country if your social rank is lower than mine, which seeing as you're all princesses, you are all required by law to bring me whatever I want whenever I want it. I will not tolerate back talk and anyone who does I will eliminate. Are we clear?"

I smirked and held my head high like a Queen.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:48 pm
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Messenger says...

Paul had intended on letting everyone say there names before he tried to figure out what was going on, but when Lorcan screamed it pushed him over the edge. He shoved his tomahawk inn his belt and walked up to her.

"Look," he said, trying to keep his cool, "who do you think you are? None of us have any idea who we are, and why on earth would I believe you are princess? Furthermore, instead of yelling at us, since you apparently are from wherever we are, you could may be help instead of screaming your head off?"

Lorcan sneered.

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Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:03 pm
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ajruby12 says...


I looked at Lorcam cooly. "I wasn't talking about YOU! I was trying to save a girl that I thought was going to be killed.. She probably is, but I'm not going to leave till I know." I noticed one of the strange devices lying on the ground and picked it up, turning it this way and that, my eyebrows creasing. "What is it?" I muttered.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:12 am
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TNCowgirl says...


Tara watched everything unfold as everyone introduced themselves. She wasn't very fond of Queen Lorcan. She couldn't help but laugh when she said she would eliminate anyone that didn't obey her.

Really? At a time like this she thinks she can just waltz around barking orders. Everyone was apart of whatever this was. Obviously I'm not the only one that isn't from here.

She shifted her feet a little as she removed the knife from the masked man's neck and then skillfully and quickly knocked him out with a choke hold. She then tied him up and straightened her clothes looking around at the others.

"I'm not exactly sure where we are or who these men are. But my name is Tara." She looked directly at Lorcan and smiled a little. "Where I come from, Queens and such are not liked very much and honestly you will only get respect from me if it's earned and you can ask the prince of my land eliminating me isn't as easy as it would seem. Now I will take a wild guess here and so that the majority, if not all of us, are not from here. Which means you are probably far away from your people and anyone that would give a flying pig about you being royalty. So I suggest you relax and maybe try and be nice and see where that gets you."

She then turned to Selena and did a small curtsy.

"Thank you for your help, I would've had a hard time stopping the both of them." She smiled and then walked over to one of the strange stands and picked up a container of some sort. She shook it and frowned when it made a weird sound setting it back down quickly and moving away as she looked at the person that had picked up the strange cannon like contraption. She was curious as to what it was, but honestly at the moment had no intention of touching one. She had never been fond of cannons and whatever it was didn't seem like something she wanted to mess with.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:30 pm
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ajruby12 says...


I glared at Lorcan again. "For your information, I overthrew a king and queen's rule almost single-handedly and I don't care a bit if you're royalty.. Besides, I don't think your "reign" applies here, where ever this is." I brandished the pistol in one hand threateningly.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:27 pm
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thelostone says...


"Okay, look." I said coldly, holding my hands up in surrender. "You got me, okay. I'm just another orphan run away in this lovely town in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for helping me and whatever but I really should be going. I'm not sure how much of this freak show I can take."

"Wait," The guy, Paul grabbed my wrist but I yanked it out of his grasp. " You know where we are?"

I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice even. "I don't know where you guys come from but right now you're in Milford Indiana, population five-hundred, me included."

Blank faces stared back at me.

"You've got to be kidding." I muttered. "You know, Indiana. One of the fifty states."

"Fifty states of what?" Tara asked.

"America. Wow, okay. Uh, well good luck." I slowly began to back up but Selena stopped me.

"Maybe you could help us get home. Then you wouldn't have to deal with us in your town and we won't have to deal with you." She said flatly.

"I never said this was my town. I can leave again. It's not a big deal, but you guys.. where would you go? I bet you don't even know what this is, do you?" I picked up a calculator that fell off the counter and held it up. "It looks like you guys need me a lot more than I need you."

"Perhaps we could find someone better. Someone more suitable and has a better attitude to help us navigate." A guy whispered.

"Do you really think any one is going to take you seriously? Face the facts, you're all screwed without me." I smiled.

"You said you were an orphan." Paul said.

My cheeks flamed and I silently punished myself for letting them know that.

"Maybe we could help you find your parents." He offered.

"Yeah, if you could find my dad that'd be great. Maybe you could tear him away from his alcohol long enough for me to tell him I hope he rots in hell. Or better yet, all of you could hold him down while I hit him for all the times he hit me. As for my mom, she's dead. Killed herself right in front of me." I swallowed my tears and continued. "Bottom line, I'm better off by myself." I grabbed a bag of chips and opened them. "Actually, you know what I really need? Money. I'm sure one of you princesses have plenty to spare. I'll help you but I'll need some money in exchange for my services."

"Our currency is different, I'm sure." Selena said.

I nodded. "But money is money, Darling. I'm sure we can make something work."
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:16 am
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ajruby12 says...


"Or you could just stay here and force the robbers to serve you.." I growled at Lorcan. I knew I'd be chided for my attitude but I despised snotty goody-two shoes who have nothing better to do than mess with other peoole's businesses and I wasn't buying her pitiful pleas. I focused my attention on the odd contraption and I ran my finger over the trigger carefully, starting to grasp what it was.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:05 am
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PeanutPhoebe says...

After the reply Selena got after making a simple statement, she fought with herself to remain calm. While she did feel somewhat sorry for this poor girl because we of the easy she spoke about her parents, that sympathy was minimal. And when Lorcan made fun of her, especially the fact that she was royalty, Selena almost exploded. However, she did her best to be as composed as a future Queen should be.

"You see, I have no money on my person at this moment, my father is ver wealthy and I am sure that once I return to my land he would be happy to pay for your assitance for not only myself, but also these five other kind people who helped save you. Although in my kingdom it would be quite the other way around."
Keep Writing!


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Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:06 pm
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ajruby12 says...


I looked around at everyone. "You all CLAIM to have money in your various lands but how do you expect to get back? I assume you all were sucked into this time by some strange force like me.. And I doubt you have a way back." I folded my arms, glancing around,
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:29 pm
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PeanutPhoebe says...

The princess looked to the strange girl who had spoken. Kaya, was it? While she totally understood the woman's response, Selena felt that her words had been twisted.

"Miss Kaya, as we are all strangers, I completely understand your doubtfulness in what some of us few have said. However, I believe you misinterpreted what I meant. I too was drawn into this strange time by a mysterious force, and do not posses the knowledge of how or when I will get back to my own land. Even so, I have confidence that when I do return, my dear father and mother will be glad to pay any who assist either me or any of you, my new friends. While I am anxious to go back home, please understand that I will not attempt to leave this place until I am positive that all is right here. Thank you for listening."
Keep Writing!


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Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:24 am
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ajruby12 says...


I rolled my eyes. "For all we know, Princess, we could be stuck here the rest of our lives OR be pulled into some other drastic situation in some future event and be slain." I brushed my sleeve off, where I noticed a clump of dirt. "Thankfully for me, I'm not tied deeply into somewhere or someplace, neither an I dependent on other people, unlike some.. No offense intended but if you were without confidence of getting back, where would you be? How would you survive? Consider that for a moment.."
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:47 am
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Messenger says...

Paul watched as the girls went back and forth for several minutes. His anger slowly increased.


Everyone stopped and stared at him blankly.
"You're all older than me and bickering like a bunch of school children. Stop it!"

He picked up his musket and began to reload it. first he poured the powder into his pan, and then poured more down the barrel. He rammed the bullet down and continued reloading as he spoke.

"Look, I have no idea where we are, you have no idea where we are, none of us know where we are. So will you all stop talking about paying with money and killing kingdoms single-handily and all that. That has nothing to do with our situation." He turned to the girl who apparently knew where she was. "Lorcan, I believe it was? you know where we are, and you called it Indiana?" Thankfully she just nodded.

"OK then, you can leave and go live your life without us. Or you can help us figure out this mess we are in. I really don't care which. But don't try to swindle me or anyone else here. and don't think you could have handled this by yourself either. If it weren't for me you would probably have lost what little valuables you were carrying. So don't act as if you don't need us.
"Finally," I concluded, " this man here," I pointed to the man behind me who had, as of yet, said nothing, " has said nothing. Learn from him. and you two, Kaya and Selena stop the talk will you. Others here are just as confused as you and you are personally getting on my nerves."

The man from behind me spoke. "Well said friend. I have a few things to say myself. First off, my name is Torkan . . . "

Spoiler! :
Cailey, take it away

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Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:52 pm
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TNCowgirl says...


If Tara had any clue whatsoever as to where she was she would've been gone a long time ago. But for once in her life she was lost and she didn't like the feeling. She didn't know anything about this land, or it's strange gadgets, so she figured she would stick around and see what the others did. She wanted to get home, that was what she really wanted, but she wasn't sure that was even possible.

She looked towards the younger guy and smiled when he called the others immature, well in so many words. She would like him, he had a good head on his shoulders. When the man stepped out from behind him she crossed her arms leaning against the wall and kept one eye on the knocked out masked man.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:35 pm
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ajruby12 says...


I scoffed softly. "People never listen.. If none of you are going to do anything and just stand around, I suppose it's my duty to get myself back at least.." I walked to the back of the store and leaned against the wall, taking out a quill, ink and journal (Which I had taken in case of needing to record something). I started writing down everything I knew from my experiences and others, trying to figure out where we were, why we were here and how to get back. "The sooner, the better.." I said softly, glaring up at the group for a moment.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

Does anybody else passive-aggressively refresh the page to see if anything you said made it into the quote generator?
— GrandWild