
Young Writers Society

Birathi: The City of Light (Starting!!)

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Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:19 pm
KingLucifer says...

Razley Demora - Camp to Shaded Forest

People just stopped talking, Katii fell to sleep then Aryk, Tris, Azya, finally Razley fell asleep her head of Katii's leg. The next mourning, Razley was awoken when the pillow she had been using had suddenly moved out from under her causing her to bump her head against the ground. Razley blinked a few times before raising her hand to her head to rub the spot that hit the ground.

"Oww," Razley groaned from the dull ache.

"You okay?" Katii asked in a soft voice.

Razley nodded her head and sat up. She looked around to see her companions were still asleep, only Katii and herself are awake. Razley rubbed her eyes trying to wake up from her sleep, eventually she gets to her feet and check over her possessions.

Walking Stick? Check
Staff? Check
Potions? Check
Allies accounted for? Check

Everything was as it was the night before, the potions were made by Razley with the ingredients she had found on her journey to Birathi. Razley wen over to a near by pond and she pointed her staff at the water and said "Water cool and sooth, put out the remaining flames." a small sphere of water came out of the pond and with careful handling led the sphere over to the camp fire to put out the remaining embers there. Once done, Razley looked to see her companions are waking one by one as Katii rose them from there sleep.

Finally when everyone had checked there possessions over, and assured they had everyone accounted for had gone to the path to wait for everyone else. It was quiet, no one really spoke a word to each other, maybe the reality that they were all going to be together for awhile was setting in for everyone. But it was these quiet moments Razley liked, and she hoped for more moments like this where everything was peaceful and quiet and were working together.

"Well, it's time we head into Shaded Forest," Aryk said finally breaking the silence.

Razley nodded affirmatively, we had taken up positions as a group. Katii was just behind Aryk, Razley just off to her left behind her. Tris walked by Razley and Azya just behind them. As they reached the entrance of the Shaded Forest, Aryk looked over his shoulder to Razley and said.

"Time to put your Pixie fighting skills to the test Razley," Aryk said.

Razley nodded and then pointed her staff to the sky, slowly moving her arm in a circle she casted a spell, "blusterous gusts, protect us from these bugs!" what felt like a gentle breeze to the rest of the group, was actually a powerful mini storm surrounding them. Powerful enough to keep the Pixies from biting them, not so much everything in the forest would know they have arrived.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:50 am
AlmondEyes says...


As they made their way through the forest, Azya pushed open her cloak, and for a moment, considered pulling off her hood, but decided not to. Her hands moved closer to her whips, ready to move if need be. She threw out her senses, watching, listening, waiting. She turned back to look back at Katii, her fingers fidgeting as she she looked around the forest. Azya fell back beside her.

"How is your hand?" She asked quietly. "How does it feel?"

"It's doing ok." Katii's hand fell to her side.

"Let me take a look at it." Azya held her hand out, leaving no room for argument.

Katii did as instructed and put her hand in hers. Azya's nostrils flared as she looked down at her bandaged hand. She'd smelled blood earlier and hoped it wasn't Katii's wound. So much for that. She pulled of the bandage, careful of opening it up and making it bleed more. Azya made quick work of cleaning the wound and bandaging her hand.

"There." Azya turned back to the path ahead, looking around once more.

"Thanks," Katii murmured, biting her lip and looking away.

"What is it?" Azya frowned under her cloak.

Katii licked her lips nervously, her eyes flickering to me and away. Azya's frown deepened, wondering what was one Katii's mind.

"I was just wondering what you looked like, under your hood." she answered hesitantly. "You've haven't taken it off since we first arrived at the palace."

Azya didn't know what to do with that. She didn't think any of them would ever bring that subject up, which she could admit was foolish of her now. She felt everyone's gaze land on her. She really should have seen this coming. Of course they would want to know what she looked like they were putting their lives in her hands, and her vice versa. She could curse Hrothgar for putting her in such a position.

She kept her attention towards Katii. "You're right."

Apparently that wasn't the response she was looking for. "Why haven't you shown us your face?"

"Is there something you don't wish us to see?" her hand moved to pull Azya's hood back.

Azya's hand flashed forward startlingly fast to grab Katii's wrist, causing Katii to flinch.

"A word of advice?" Azya put Katii's hand to down to her side. "never try to touch me. I don't like it when people touch me."

Katii nodded. "My bad."

"Nothing to be sorry about." she shook her head. "No harm no foul, and it's not like you knew that about me. I kind of should have seen it coming, though, after the way you cut yourself on my whips. You seem to do before you think."

The lightened tone of my voice had her smiling slightly. No one said anything after that, though I know it wouldn't be the end of this topic. She'd dodged that bullet, but that didn't give her any sense of calm. She'd become so used to wearing her hood, the thought of pulling it off of her head made her uncomfortable. She'd learned long ago from people's reaction to her eyes that it was best for everyone that she leave it up. They were unsettle by the fact that she had no pupils or iris. They were just pure white. You would never really know what she was looking at. It could be unnerving for most.

The silence of the forest made Azya edgy. The hairs on her body stood on end. Something wasn't right. she raised her head to scent the air, finding nothing. she hadn't picked up anything else, though she knew something was off, but knowing what. They'd find out sooner or later.Of that, she was sure.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:36 am
Cailey says...

Spoiler! :
So sorry for taking such a long time to post, and for the overload of questions in the DT.

Aryk felt uneasy as they entered the forest. He didn't understand the shiver that ran up his arms as the sky darkened with the thick cover of leaves far above them. Perhaps a part of his uneasiness came from the distance between himself and the others. He knew that humans often became leaders; in many ways it was just their role to play in society.

Most of the other races served primarily as protection from the four points: North, South, East, West. Writers protected from the inside; keeping the people safe from past mistakes.
But the humans were always the leaders, making sure that all the protection functioned correctly and the people all lived together peacefully.

Now Aryk did not mind leading, but he wished that he could lead with a companion at his side. He felt very acutely the space at his sides, and he noticed that Katii and Azya talked quietly just far enough behind him that he felt the distance. Behind them Razley and Tris walked together quietly, and the Drifter wandered even further behind, lost to a world only his kind understood.

Aryk watched, thrilled and curious, as Razley created a small storm around the group. A pixie had already approached, but it stopped with a furious cascade of chattering when it met the windy barrier. Aryk couldn't help but laugh before continuing on.

Azya and Katii began discussing Azya's hood, and Aryk began to ponder the question himself. He had thought nothing of her hood before, but now the thought was a pleasant distraction to avoid thoughts of the quest. He didn't really care, but it kept his mind occupied, and he did wonder what secret she held beneath the dark cloth.

As he walked, Aryk realized that he hardly knew the group that followed along silently behind him. He did not like the silence, but he knew that conversation would be tense and forced, like it had been the night before. Everyone had spoken simply, with a businesslike air that may have encouraged companionship- but not friendship. Except, Aryk thought, when Katii was involved in the conversation.

Somehow when Azya or Razley talked to Katii they seemed to open up more and speak in actual conversation instead of a monotone informative voice. For just a moment, Aryk wished the young Writer would walk beside him for a while.

Then the moment passed, and a pair of eyes appeared in the darkness. Aryk froze, raising a hand to alert the rest of the group, though he sensed many of them had already seen the eyes as well.

Spoiler! :
A little challenge?
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:42 am
NightWolf says...

Damon shuddered, as much as was possible for a Drifter. This forest made him feel uncertain of what lay ahead. At the least, he thought, at the very least, any hostile creatures would probably not see him. He felt guilty for thinking such things, but with a matter of life or death, Damon would much prefer life. Ahead, in the darkness, were a pair of eyes. Damon never really listened to the other's conversations, he couldn't participate in them very well anyway.

Damon pointed ahead and said, in his strongest and clearest voice;

He prayed that everyone noticed before it was too late.
"We're all just stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" The Eleventh Doctor

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Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:19 am
Stellabeam says...

Spoiler! :
So sorry for the delay. I had a better post planned out earlier but my little sister deleted it when I stepped away from the computer before I posted and I had to leave for theatre rehearsal. I typed this from what I could renember from my last post

They were silently walking along the path, their feet crunching leaves and twigs and the occasional tweet of a bird breaking the silence. Katii hand throbbed slightly and she cursed herself for being so stupid as to touch Azya's whips. She decided to walk in the middle of the group as to not be exposed during attack. Beside her walked Azya; tall, silent and formidable as always. Ayrk strode in the front, leading the group. He was always so confident and in control Katii had to admire those qualities in him. She was always so quiet and insecure herself she wondered where people got their confidence.

She wondered whether or not they could find the reversal spell. The fate of the kingdom rested on it and it was her deepest fear. After a little while of walking Katii started getting tired. The life of The Writer was a comfortable one and required no physical labor. She was starting to feel the strain on her body, trying to keep up with those trained and well conditioned for battle. She was angry and embarrassed that she was falling back and after a while she was walking behind Azya instead of next to her.

She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't notice when Azya stopped and then bumped right into her. The entire group was tense and standing still. "Eyes," the Drifter whispered and she saw the glowing pair for the first time. Ayrk was closest to them and he held his arm out as to stop the group and tell them to get behind. As he drew his sword Katii shrank back, not wanting to be a dead weight if there was an attack. Everyone was still waiting to see what the Prince would do when suddenly a fierce growl came out and a wolf came bounding out of the trees straight at Ayrk. He froze for a second then turned and screamed running in the other direction.

Azya tensed crouched and then morphed into cat form.
“A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five.”- Groucho Marx

If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."-J. Danforth Quayle

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it- M. Twain

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Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:09 am
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AlmondEyes says...


As we continued to walk, Katii began to fall behind. Azya had forgotten that her body wasn't' used to putting to much exertion like this. She must be growing tired. Azya stopped dead in her tracks, her instincts screaming at her. Everyone else came to stop, Katii bumping right into Azya.

"Eyes," Damon whispered, all of them seeing the glowing pair.

Aryk held his arm out, telling us to get behind him.

Azya didn't move, though. Katii shrank back as he pulled his sword out. They all waited to see what Aryk would do, when suddenly a ferocious growl came out and a Wolf bounded out of the trees straight toward him. Aryk froze for a moment, then turned and screamed, running off in the other direction. Azya had expected him to do something, but she certainly hadn't expected that. With little time left to think about it, Azya crouched, shifting into a Jaguar.

She planted herself in front of the Wolf and snarled. The Wolf came to a stop and growled at her, planting it's paws firmly on the ground in a wide stance. It's Eyes flickered behind her, and she moves once more to plant herself in it's line if sight. They begin to circle each other, eyes never wavering from one another. Suddenly the Wolf makes a beeline for Katii. Trisianna stepped forward, ready to shoot, but she didn't need to. Azya grabbed the Wolf by it's hind legs and swung in the other directions, sending it sailing through the air and slamming against one of the trees and crashing to the ground. Azya nudged the Elf back by her leg nodding towards the line of trees on the far end. She nodded, grabbing Katii's hand and pulling her away as Azya turned around.

The Wolf pulled it's self up and charged. Azya met him half way, and they clashed, tumbling to the ground in a heap together, snapping and biting and snarling and growling. They broke apart for a moment panting and snarling. The Wolf took a swipe at her and missed, and they began to circle each other once more. Baring it's teeth at her, it charged forward, tackling her to the ground and slashing her across the face with one of it's paws her face, another mess of tumbling started. Watching two animals fight like this, pawing and tearing at each other so viciously could really do a number on someone's state of mind, and Arky popped into Azya's head along with Katii.

Azya rolled on top and clamped her jaws around the Wolf's neck, increasing pressure as the Wolf began to struggle. She clamped her jaws down harder shaking the Wolf like a rag doll until it stopped moving. With a hard wrench, she snapped his neck and stepped back, shifting to human form, covered in sweat among other things, completely naked. She didn't worry, though. Her hair was long enough to hide her body from view.

She turned her head. "You can come out now. It's clear."

There was a pause for a beat of time, then they slowly came from the cover of the trees. Azya walked over to where she'd shed her clothes when she shifted and dressed quickly before turning back to everyone.

"What was that thing?" Trisianna looked back toward the creature, watching as it turned to dust, disspating in the wind.

"A scepter," Azya answers. "they take on the form of your greatest fear and manifest it."

"Are you ok?" Katii came toward me.

Azya was quiet, thinking on her question and whether or not she would answer. She didn't change the subject, but she didn't answer the question.

"I know where we are. There's a stream a little ways out that's safe to use. It'll be getting dark soon, and the blood on me will attract more creatures if I don't wash away the scent. We can set up camp there for the night." She turned and began walking.

Spoiler! :
Hope you guys enjoyed!! :D
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:42 am
Cailey says...


Aryk did not speak to the others about what had happened, and he was more than grateful that they did not speak to him about it either. Still, he knew that the questions would come, and he saw it in every curious eye. By the time they made it to the stream everyone had agreed to stop for the night.

The party circled around near the stream, and Aryk ran a hand through his hair, tired and still shaking ever so slightly from the fear. The elf, Trisianna, began speaking about the wizard who commanded the forest. Aryk knew they would have to confront it soon, but he did not relish the idea.

"You can speak to animals, can't you?" he asked Tris, interrupting her story. He didn't want to think about how powerful this new enemy was.

"Yes," Tris nodded, her eyes flashing. Aryk smiled a tiny bit.

"That should come in handy," he said softly, "but that wolf we just saw; it wasn't a real wolf, was it?"

"No," Tris and Azya answered at the same time. Tris continued, "if it had been a real wolf I would not have had any trouble speaking to it and asking it to leave us alone."

Aryk nodded, but speaking of the wolf drew an involuntary shudder along his spine, so he shut his eyes and tried to block out the eerie noises of the forest. He regretted the decision instantly, for behind closed eyes he saw a clear image of a younger prince playing in the palace gardens. A door from the gardens opened up to the mysterious forest behind, and the younger Aryk had ventured to this door and was debating whether to escape or not. He knew his father would never approve, but the darkness on the other side drew him.
An then the wolf appeared out of nowhere, and Aryk fell to the ground with his arm raised in a feeble attempt to protect his face. Scars still lined the arm like an intricate map, and Aryk closed his fingers over his arm and opened his eyes, trying to return to reality and erase the crimson liquid spraying out from the wolf's greedy fangs...

"Aryk, Razley thinks you are afraid," Aryk glanced at the wizard, who sat with a childlike innocence that matched the young boy from his memories.

"Afraid of wolves?" Katii asked, no doubt remembering the prince's flight earlier.

"Afraid of memories," he answered instead, taking a deep breath and sitting up more straightly. "I apologize for my cowardice," he said in a terse voice, ashamed to give the apology, ashamed that an apology was needed. He should not have run in the first place. He should have stood his guard and protected the group entrusted to his leadership. "You deserve a better leader," he continued, and then stood and took a few steps away from the group.

"You shouldn't leave," Azya warned, scanning the darkness, "there will be more scepters out there. I understand you want time to think, but you'll have to learn to think in our presence." She waited for Aryk to return to his seat with another sight. "Do you have a plan for tomorrow?"

"A plan?" Aryk laughed, "Of course. We keep going."
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.
— Chinese proverb