
Young Writers Society

Young Justice (Started, Still Accepting)

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:46 pm
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DarknecrosisX says...

Spoiler! :
I have absolutely no idea where I am, I've lost track of where people are at, so I'm going to put myself somewhere.

Rogan Lash- Lethe- (B-05)- N/A- 9/1/2014- The Cave

Training with Shade had been good sport, Rogan knew he had certainly honed his combat skills to an impressive level, which made the challenge much more enjoyable when they clashed in a duel. Their sparring session had been interrupted, and eventually they moved to the conference room for what Lethe predicted to be an explanation of ground rules, since these had not been spoken about yet.
The laws laid down were basic and not too demanding: no aggression towards other teammates, training times, curfews applied to certain areas and meal times. Close attention Rogan paid towards the curfew times, making sure he wouldn't end up getting in trouble for staying out too late.

Following the meeting Lethe followed the crowd and investigated his quarters. It was fairly basic; a computer, bed, wardrobe and television sat in the bland white room. As Rogan pulled up the black leather chair to start up the computer the screen blinked twice and began to speak.

"Greetings Rogan Lash, and welcome to Mount Justice. I shall guide you through your personal quarters customisation process."

"Interesting," he muttered.

"Yes it is, isn't it. The programme is very complex, however I shall make it easy for you by giving you a few simple questions. Firstly, what kind of colour would you like your room to be?"

"Preferably black with a white border."

"Most certainly."

In wonder the young man stared as darkness crawled along the walls around the room, and the image that was conjured in his mind was projected almost perfectly over the concrete wall.

"And now, of course, your carpet."

"Would it be okay to have a charcoal grey sort-of hue?"

"I can select that shade exactly, master Lash."

Once again this system astonished Lethe. A series of hisses and futuristic sounds could be heard beneath the soft carpet as the deep, dark grey slowly grew across the floor and completed the image at the centre of the room.
"How did you... do that?"

"Very simple. The carpet was simply bleached and injected with an ink the colour you requested. The walls are slightly more intriguing, however. Between the bland concrete that shapes your room and the thick pane of glass around the perimeter is a fully interactive screen, accessible via this computing unit in front of you. I merely changed the image projected by this screen to what you wanted."

"Maybe I could ask for a few ribbons of crimson to drift around the black then?" Rogan asked, making full use of the functions he had at his fingertips.
Sure enough, smooth red waves started to drift dreamily around the room, almost like blood lapping in waves of ink. His room now truly looked homely, it suited him well and put him much more at ease.

"Would you like to proceed with the rest of your arrangements?" The programme continued.

"Sure, I'm quite enjoying myself," smiled Lethe. Something he did rarely.
Last edited by DarknecrosisX on Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:52 pm
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littleauthor says...

Liam Minor- Bolt Strike- (B-06)- Flash- 9/1/2014- The Cave

Liam unpacked his back pack and put away the little clothing he brought. He stared at his suit and shook his head before putting it away. He straightened the grey tee-shirt he was wearing and walked out. He heard Eliza's door close down the hall so he turned to corner to see her walking quickly.

"Eliza!" Liam screamed running to catch up with her. Eliza stopped and waited for him and then started to walk again. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was going for a walk." She said smiling at Liam. He loved how she treated him like a brother, it felt nice.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" Liam asked returning the smile she gave him.

"Not at all."

They walked though the long hallways plastered in black wall paper and every so often a picture of a super hero. Liam walked quickly to keep up with Eliza but she slowed once they got to the main hall. Together they walked towards Flash to ask if it was okay to leave the Cave.

"No." Was his reply after pleading.

"Why?' Liam whined looking straight into his eyes.

"Liam I said no, no leaving the cave." Their mentor finally said turning on his heel and walking towards Batman again.

Eliza moaned in annoyance. "Now what?"

"We could go to the lounge." Liam said shrugging."

"Not a bad idea." Eliza replied smiling again.

They smiled at each other then headed off towards the kitchen area. They opened the doors and inside sat most of the Young Justice. Liam smiled a bit as they look at their presence. They grabbed 2 waters then sat down at an empty couch. The rest continued to talk as they sat silently waiting for someone to talk to them.

"Hi, you must be Flashes sidekicks." A voice said from behind them.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:39 am
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maleficent says...

Jewel M. McCabe / Convixen B-13 / Temporarily Aquaman / 09-01-14 / Home

"You were out late." Jewel jumped as she entered the kitchen, the voice forcing her out of her drowsy state. She clutched her robe tightly shut and folded her arms, she silently tried to recall the events of the night before.

Her dark hair was tied into a lousy ponytail and there were bags under her eyes, she looked positively ill. "I was home before 11, mother." Jewel silently thanked the gods that her father wasn't home, he would have definitely given her a lecture.

"3 o' clock in the morning is nowhere near, 11. Jewel, I have told you about this, you aren't even old enough to drink." Vixen got out of her chair and handed her daughter a cup of coffee. Reaching out to retrieve it almost eagerly, Jewel pushed it towards her lips and drank appreciatively. "Okay, I'm sorry but everybody was going to that party. Do you want me to be the only kid that doesn't go?"

Vixen sighed and motioned for Jewel to sit down, "I told your father that you stayed at a friends. He doesn't know you went to the party and he won't."

"Oh, thank you, mum! You will not regret this, I promise!" Jewel leant forward to embrace the tired woman in a hug but she held up a hand. "That's on the condition that you leave for Young Justice in the next hour and give it your all." To avoid the meltdown that was inevitably about to ensue, Vixen stood up and placed her empty coffee cup into the sink.

"WHA-What?! That's not fair, I can't make up for one mistake for years! No, no way. Tell dad, tell him and I'll take the punishment." Jewel had gotten to her feet and attempted to protest but her mothers glare soon stopped her.

"You are spoilt, Jewel. Your father and I give you everything you want, in hope of you wanting to achieve more. To become the superhero that you were always meant to be. You're going to make us the laughing stock of the League if you don't knuckle down. Then one day, when you look at your life and realise all of the good you could have done, it'll be too late. So, YOU WILL leave for Mt. Justice and it better be in the next five minutes otherwise I'll ask your father to convince you."

And just like that, Vixen turned back to her washing up and sighed. "Well?"

Jewel slumped and dramatically groaned, "Well I won't be able to pack everything I own in five minutes."

"When you passed out on the couch last night, I took the liberty of packing your things. They're by the door."

"Well I still need to get ready, so--"

"At the very least you can move at the speed of a cheetah.. Anything else?" Her mother raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, I'll go.. But you can ring school and explain why I won't be in." Jewel finally thought she'd come out on top of the argument, but alas, she hadn't.

"I spoke to your principal this morning, as far as he knows, you're being home schooled. Gwen Peirce is going to take your position as head cheerleader, so you'll be free to train as a hero for as long as I deem necessary."

Jewel stormed out of the kitchen and ran to her room, she shoved on a pair of shorts and pulled a sleeveless vest over her head. She brushed her teeth, brushed her hair and shoved her feet into her Chucks. "I'm going!" She got to the bottom of the stairs and was about to retrieve her Sedan keys from the bowl, but the keys for her mothers Mercedes called to her. "I'll ring you later!"

"Okay, I'm happy you're seeing things my way. Have fun, and be careful!" Vixen looked down the hallway in time to see her daughter closing the door behind her. It was seconds later that she heard the garage door opening and the familiar sound of her Mercedes start up. "She didn't.." She muttered, shaking her head.


Jewel had set the route manually and then sat back and relaxed as the auto pilot took her there, she loved her mothers car. It wasn't long before she could see Mt. Justice on the horizon. She was sipping from the straw of her mango juice drink, she couldn't resist stopping at Starbucks on her way here.

A further fifteen minutes and she drove into the secret entrance, her excited mood fading when the large door shut and the sun disappeared. "Let's get started." She muttered as she climbed out of the car.

She looked to her left and saw Batman's aircraft, she was a little wary of the Bat, especially since he wouldn't be afraid to call her out on her behaviour.

Taking a deep breath and tightening her ponytail, Jewel flicked it over her shoulder and began walking her 'model' strut towards the open door. Once through she was horrified to see a large group of wannabe heroes, all of which turned in her direction.

"Ah! Jewel Maxwell McCabe!" Aquaman was yelling at her from across the room, he began walking towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I've been asked to look after you by your mother, so you can call me your mentor."

"Oh, great." She replied with mock enthusiasm. "Don't you already have a sidekick?"

"I do indeed, but everyone seems to have their room allocations and are now back here waiting to begin training. So why don't you socialise, I'm sure my sidekick is around here somewhere."

Jewel groaned and sighed, "Fine, here, hold this." She lazily passed her drink to Aquaman and looked across the group of heroes. Hmm, approach the one that looks like a fish. she thought.
"Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it."

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Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:12 am
Jony says...

Jason Grey- Shade- (B-01)- Batman- 9/1/2014- The Cave

After getting settled into his new room and making sure everything was the way he wanted it, Jason decided to go explore The Cave. Jason looked around as he wandered through what seemed like endless amounts of corridors and rooms, The Cave was bigger than Batman had made it out to be when he described it to Jason.

Jason didn't know what to think of his new team, he wasn't used to working with other people besides Batman and occasionally Divitra. Everything was going to be so different from working with Batman, it almost made Jason nervous.

After walking around The Cave and checking out everything there is to see, Jason decided to start heading back to the Lounge. But before he sat down in the Lounge, Jason decided to go grab something from the kitchen area which was directly connected to the Lounge.

Jason noticed two sidekicks standing around near the kitchen. Jason recognized the girl from earlier. "Hey, you must be the Flash's sidekicks, I'm Shade," Jason said as he walked up to them. "Oh hey, Sparklight, right? And what's you're name?"

The boy looked at Sparklight before answering. "Boltstrike," he said with a grin.

After Jason walked into the kitchen and got all the snacks he wanted, he sat down on the couch and started watching a baseball game with some other sidekicks. The Gotham Rogues and Metropolis Meteors. As always, they were neck in neck.

Jason sat there, eating and occasionally talking with some others about the game, but mostly remained to himself.

Spoiler! :
Sorry about the short post, but I'm really busy today and I didn't have a lot of time to write it.
Last edited by Jony on Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:40 am
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Redfang18 says...

Silver Katoma - Shadow Ninja Divitra - (B-04) - Batman - 9/1/2014 - The Cave

Divitra followed Alfred to her assigned room and didn't hesitated to customize the interior to her liking. She had to put in some of the most common basics of her ninja style - a meditation mat in the center of the room, a bonsai plant by her window, and a compartment to store or retrieve her shurikens. The nine-pronged shurikens were her signature weapons, the only ranged weapons that Batman once found out were where Divitra was at her most comfortable. Although trained in unarmed combat as well as escape and concealment, Divitra was never in battle without her shurikens and she always made sure to put them in a place where she could access them.

She went into her room to study it, taking off her mask to let the skin of her face breathe. Her face, in its bare glory, was oval-shaped and pale as a ghost, sporting a pair of light pink rose-petal lips, slight chiseled cheeks, a small straight nose, and near-sky blue eyes. The visor of the mask in her hand would turn her eyes green, which seemed to serve as a disguise in itself. Not many have seen the face under the mask of Divitra, the face of Silver Katoma. The only one who ever saw Silver's face was Batman, who was like a father to her as she knew he was to Shade. Even now, she kept her real face from Shade out of insecurity rather than distrust.

Her room, although having the meditation mat and bonsai plant in their assigned places, was a lot more than what other sidekicks would've expected if she ever allows them in. The bed was queen-sized with a royal violet comforter over a peace-sign design bedding and two royal blue pillows stacked at the head of the bed. Close to the window was a redwood desk with a laptop on it, a black bookshelf full of action fiction books at the top shelf and a red box in the bottom shelf with math and physics books in the shelves in between. The red box was carved with the design of dragons and could only be accessed by a key that was hidden in the top shelf. What was in the box was Divitra's business, a secret that she didn't want to share with anyone. All in all, her room was exactly as she wanted it to be.

As she put her mask back on, she sat down on her mat, her mind still on Shade. Ever since she became Batman's latest sidekick, Shade seemed to behave more rebelliously than Divitra used to be in her Silver days. In fact, during the occasions they had to team up before they were enrolled into Young Justice, Shade would poke an arguement with Divitra, who wanted nothing to do with arguing until the mission was over with. It was obvious that she was a rather fast learner in shurikenjitsu and quite the stealth master than Shade was, but even Divitra knew her own limits. She knew Shade had Batman longer than she had, but it didn't bother her one bit. She was just a student and nothing else. Shade could have Batman once Divitra comes of age. She intended to go on her own and search for her sister once she beomes an adult. That was Divitra's secret goal and she intended to achieve it by learning how to become a hero the right way. She closed her eyes as she sat lotus-style on the mat with her hands on her knees, deeply meditating in the peace and serenity of her room. Through her mask, she detected the scent of jasmine, causing a smile to appear under the mask. Jasmine was her favorite scent, something she loved to smell while in meditation.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:05 pm
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AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Carter- Blue Dwarf- B-15- Booster Gold- 9/ 01/ 14- The Cave

I knew I was late I knew I would be in trouble but Booster didn't even seem to care. "Think of it like this kiddo we'll make a big entrance." How irresponsible could he be, I knew the time patching up the rifts in time had changed him. But, I guess that couldn't take some of the glory hound out of him. I told him I could just teleport there and make up some lie as to why he wasn't there, but he refused outright. He figured Batman would see through the ruse anyway and I couldn't argue with that logic. "We've nearly arrived once we get there you try and find the other side kicks and I'll sneak in to the meeting Bats is having."

I didn't bother to ask how he could be sure they would still be having the meeting, I knew Skeets probably had it in his historical data. He and Bulls-eye were linked up though so I probably could have found that out myself. A robotic voice suddenly came in to my ears, "He is correct sir a meeting is recorded to have happened at this time. On the same date you joined Young Justice."

"Thanks Bulls-eye but I had already guessed as much."

"What was that Leo?"

"Nothing sir, just talking with Bulls-eye."

He looked back at me, "Okay then well if your asking him if we're there yet the answer is yes." He flew through a window that appeared to have previously been shattered and I followed him in.

We landed and Booster gave his farewells before going to speak with the rest of the Justice League. "Hi I'm Blue Dwarf good to meet you all sorry I'm late."

Another sidekick that was sitting on the couch got up in greeting, "Booster gold's sidekick right. I've heard of you." He picked his fingers through his hair. "I'm Shade I'll let everyone else do their introductions after Alfred has shown you to your room."

"No need it's all run on a computer system right?" Shade nodded that I was indeed correct, "excellent this will just take a second. Bulls-eye inform the computer of my preferences you know how to answer any questions." Bulls-eye gave an affirmative. "Now that's being taken care of we can get intros out of the way shall we."
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:48 am
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Omni says...

Skarthus Makone ~ The Living Lava ~ (B-05) ~ Aquaman ~ 8/30/2014 ~ Atlantis

Spoiler! :
I'm going to be using the old Aquaman, Orin, for Aquaman, but he will have all the powers of the three major Aquaman, listed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaman#Orin

"Orin, we need to talk," I walked into the room briskly and slammed the door shut.

He was sitting in an ornate chair, one of the last ones left in this side of Atlantis, with his hands folded over his lap, looking out to the sea. "Have I not reminded you to not say my true name in public?"

"What? I thought-" looking out the window, I saw a school of fish staring contently through the window at me, "I forgot, sorry."

"It's fine, I have erased that memory from the minds of the ones who held it in there. Now if it was an animal smarter, say an octopus, then that would have been much more difficult. There are enemies everywhere, even underwater. Now," he stood with a small sigh and his vision finally met mine, "what is bothering you, Skarthus?"

"This," I pulled up the sleeve of my traditional Atlantis cloak and revealed the metal cuff and glove surrounding my right arm and hand, respectively, "it's getting worse, Orin. The weathered metal is already melting a little bit. The ruins are already gone on my wrist. I cannot feel it at all, and the magic I'm able to do is waning there." Pulling my cloak back down, I groaned and slumped to the couch. "Orin, I need, need to find whoever did this to me. I can't wait any longer, and you know it. Finishing up at Young Justice will make me worse rather than better. It's pointless and might even kill me." He remained still, his brows furrowed in thought. "Look, give me a month. A month is all I need to find him, I know it, I can feel it in my gut." I stopped and sighed in frustration.

I felt him sit down beside me lightly on the couch. "Skarthus, I know this is hard to take in. I have the best of the best looking for this person. If he's out there, give us time and we'll find him." He laid his hand on my shoulder, a comforting touch that would have been guaranteed to hurt him, but he pushed through the pain to comfort me. It was like him to do these kind of things and that's the reason why I chose him as my mentor years ago. I'm still sure to this day that it was a mutual commitment for this, and moments like this backed that notion.

"I know you don't want to go to back for your last three months, but I feel that it is the right thing to do. Three months, and I guarantee that we will find the mage that did this to you." He stood and left with a "get packed, please."

Skarthus Makone ~ The Living Lava ~ (B-05) ~ Aquaman ~ 9/1/2014 ~ The Cave

The elevator rose and Aquaman cleared his throat. "I know you don't want to be here, but it's needed and in the end, I have the last say. I hate to pull that card, but you did leave me no choice."

As soon as the elevator opened, I distanced myself from the other trainees. Some of them were tiny, in my opinion, and looked very fragile. But they're all here for a reason, and that reason is not to look pretty. I'm sure they all could severely harm me if we got into a fight, and I them.

Aquaman shouted across the room to some random person. That man, always likes to make a fool out of himself on first impressions. I decided to lower my hood of the cloak a bit further and leaned against the wall.

Next thing I knew, a girl, probably the person Aquaman was talking to, strode up to me.

"So, are there any gills beneath that good?" I snorted, a flume of smoke, barely visible, escaping from my nose.

"Is that normally how you make a first impression?"

"Nobody gets anywhere in life by beating round the bushes. Like this place, it's just a place for the real heroes to stick us wannabes whilst they're out doing the real work." Well, at least there's something in common we share. Maybe she has someone she wants to find someone or something, or maybe she's just a rebellious teenager with some kind of superpower.

"I feel you. I have a few months before I can graduate out of this prison they call a school."

"Then count yourself lucky, I'm going to be here working off a debt for quite some time. So if you're graduating soon, why start the program in the first place?"

"I've been in it for awhile, but not full time. Atlantis is what I called my home for the longest time. I heard that Aquaman was taking up a new recruit. Are you that person?"

"Yes that's-- Atlantis? You're a fish person? By your voice I'm guessing you're a guy, but.." I could feel the burning magma underneath flare from the remark, trying to burst its way through my molten skin. I tried to keep it civil, though.

"You don't have to be a fish person to be in Atlantis. Nice first impression by the way, do you talk like this to everyone?" Well, okay, passive-agressiveness isn't nice, but it's required.

"So how do you breath underwater? I don't think I do, does the truth offend you?"

"No, the truth does not offend me. Making false accusations does."

"So . . . you don't look like a fish?"

Okay, so now she's just getting annoying. I grabbed the hood of my cloak and wrenched it off. "No, I do not look like a fish, you miserable prep. Good luck getting Aquaman to keep you as his trainee for long, or any superhero for that fact. Now I must go to a meeting. Talk to you later, or not."

Aquaman was sitting near a couple of the other superheroes. "Nice chat with the new trainee?"

"Not likely. Let's just get to our rooms."

"You know she'll be right across the hall, right?" He laughed a little.

"Then she will feel my wrath every day."
This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

sass levels loading


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Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:32 pm
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racket says...

Eli Thames Strenthford ~ Robin-Hood ~ B-12 ~ Green Arrow ~ 9/1/2014 ~ Young Justice Cave

Eli was traumatized. This "socializing" thing was a disaster. GA said it would be a "piece of cake" but so far, there was nothing sweet about it. No one knew he existed, no one seemed to know Green Arrow except for the other superheroes. This was terrible.

Eli had programmed his room to a forest theme and hung plants everywhere. He got his bed to float in the center of the room towards the ceiling. He sighed. This was so boring. He wished he had met someone instead of hiding in a corner of ceiling. Eli stuck his head out of his window. Walking up the wall, he froze the water in the air outside and stepped outside onto it. He walked in the same way down to the beach and sat on the smooth sand. He pored sand from hand to hand all the while thinking of Emily. He missed her so much. His little sister was everything to him, and to be separated was a horrible thing to him. He walked back to his room. "Well," he said to himself, "I better go make an effort." With that, he fairly flew down the hall and marched straight into the lounge. All the sidekicks looked up from their conversations and looked at him strangely. He blushed deeply and floated to the ceiling to get away from their stares. It just increased them. "Darn it!" he thought, "Great way to make friends." he shut himself away from them by building a wall of ice in a cocoon shape. Inside, he fumed.

About 5 minutes later, a green hovering creature flew up to him. It appeared to be a girl and hovered near him with interest. This could only be Martian Man-Hunter's trainee. She looked at him expectantly and he reluctantly melted the ice near her. "Yes?" he said in a small voice. "Hi my name is D'lia!" she said cheerily. "What's yours?"
"Eli." he answered in a louder voice, to boost his confidence. They talked back and forth and eventually agreed to meet at the library next time they had free time, if there was free time. D'lia opened her mouth to ask a question, when Batman entered the room, with an air of importance. "We'd better listen." she said and sat down on an ice seat Eli formed for her. Then both turned to hear what Batman had to say.
Last edited by racket on Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The one who reigns forever,
He is a friend of mine!
The God of angel armies,
Is always by my side!"
"I was cup-bearer to the king." -Nehemiah 1
"I've lost all my marbles, but I promise they'll come back."

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:01 am
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Redfang18 says...

Silver Katoma - Shadow Ninja Divitra - (B-04) - Batman - 9/1/2014 - The Cave

As Divitra sat in the silence of her room, her mind drifted from Shade to her Silver days. Back in her Silver days, she was sporting a slight pot belly and had waist-length chocolate brown hair. She was always bullied by boys for dressing in jeans and T-shirts instead of skirts and dress tops and tormented to no end by other girls for being slightly heavy at the gut. It was like that before the night her parents died. She was so insecure of herself, she had very little friends except understanding teachers and fellow smart kids. All the same, being bullied just because she was being herself made her insecure and she slowly drifted into the life of an intelligent loner at the age of thirteen. After that fateful night she lost both her parents and her only little sister, it all went downhill from there.

Rosela Katoma was Silver's whole world, aside from another relative who passed away since Silver was twelve. Rosela was, in some ways, Silver's best friend. The little tyke was precocious, being smart enough to know when her big sister was upset and needed some comfort. Although Silver was older than her by five years and four months, Rosela was always there to pick her big sister back up when she needed it. Their parents often joked that Silver and Rosela should've been born as twins, since they looked after each other and acted like close friends. When she heard Rosela had gone missing the night their parents were killed, Silver's heart broke and a part of her stirred. She was sent to live with an uncle and his adoptive sons in a small town close to Gotham City after that night. Silver was still insecure in her new school, the bullying seeming to follow her and preventing her from trying to fit in. After a month, the torment was too much for her to handle, causing a part of her to snap awake and assult a purse-snatcher out of sheer anger. That ended Silver Katoma's restless nights, giving birth to Shadow Ninja Divitra, the confident side of Silver that had been suppressed for far too long.

Divitra, at the present time, opened her eyes and got on her feet. She had played the card of seclusion long enough. It was time to rejoin the others. She could only guess that she was needed among the others, although she wasn't sure why. She left her room in silence, travelling in the light so she wouldn't have to hide in the shadows. Because she snuck in before the intros were thrown, she had to make a better impression than she already did to Superman, who she had the feeling was going to make sure she didn't pull that stunt again. She shrugged at this and murmured to herself, "Can't really get passed the Man of Steel. Note to self: don't do stealth missions in Superman's turf or getting caught will be a disaster." She tred on until she was with the other sidekicks, leaning against the wall in plain view with her arms crossed against her chest and eyes on Batman, her ears open for what was about to be said.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:28 pm
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racket says...

Eli Thames Strenthford~Robin-Hood~B-12~Green Arrow~9/1/2014~The Justice Cave

" Everyone, I'm glad you have all survived thus far," Batman chuckles as he says this, "We will be beginning training in exactly half an hour. I expect all of you to be in the training room 15 minutes early for a prep. talk. That means you all have exactly 15 minutes to get back to your room, change into your costume and do any before-fight-techniques you do and get yourselves to the training room. Go." Every trainee in the room hurried out. Outside the lounge, Eli jumped down from the ceiling and hit his bad leg.
"Ow." he whispered and swiftly flew down the corridor to his room to avoid any more hurts.

Back in his room, Eli changed out of his baggy jeans and dark green hoody into his costume. His old fashioned tunic had been layed neatly in his dresser with his other clothes. It seemed different though. He inspected it to see if there were any differences. He then noticed that under a corner of his tunic, was a figure of a person with one arm above their head and the other underneath. The big bold letters displayed on the front of the figure were YJ.
"What the..." he said as he put it on, but he suddenly heard a loud commotion in the hallway. Shoving the rest of his clothes on, he opened the door.
"They RUINED my costume!" yelled a girl down the hall.
"SAME!" yelled another one.
"Guys!" said Batman's trainee guy, "They just modified them slightly, you can't even see it!"
This rose an even bigger commotion from the girls. Everyone else rolled their eyes and walked down the hall to the training room. Whispers followed everyone as people judged other's costumes.
"He looks like a ninja."
"He's supposed to be a ninja."
"Did you see hers?"
"Do you like mine?"
And so on. He didn't have anyone to talk to and he was being pushed around. He tripped. Knocking over Batman's guy sidekick in front of him, he fell to the ground, in which someone stepped on his bad leg. He cried out, and lost control of his powers. Everyone flew up and hit the ceiling, then turned into huge blocks of ice. Eli suddenly realized what he did and tried to regain control. His leg hurt too much. He just sat there on the ground until the pain stopped. A door slammed and a girl in a ninja costume walked down the hall towards him. She stopped in her tracks.
"What happened?" she said, stunned.
"Umm.." he mumbled something and released everyone from his powers, then flew down the hall.
"The one who reigns forever,
He is a friend of mine!
The God of angel armies,
Is always by my side!"
"I was cup-bearer to the king." -Nehemiah 1
"I've lost all my marbles, but I promise they'll come back."

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Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:25 am
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Jony says...

Jason Grey- Shade- (B-01)- Batman- 9/1/2014- The Cave

"What the f-" Jason paused before he swore. "Who did this?"

Everyone looked around the crowded hallway, training was going to start soon and for some reason everyone had turned into giant blocks of ice and hit the ceiling. Only Divitra seemed unaffected by the cold as everyone shivered in place.

"Did you do this?" Jason turned towards Divitra.

"No," she mumbled, clearly uncomfortable with Jason raising his voice at her and the other sidekicks staring.

It was hard enough getting over a dozen excited sidekicks down a narrow hallway, let alone having almost all of them turn into blocks of ice.

Jason shook his head, flecks of ice falling from his now damp brown hair as he did so. "Let's just go."

Batman was already in the training room as they all arrived, Jason at the front. A boy who looked around fourteen stood next to Batman and looked nervous, his gaze directed towards the ground. Batman smirked, the closest thing he ever came to a smile. "Cold?"

None of the sidekicks replied and most of them seemed a little angry or embarrassed that they got turned into giant ice-cubes. Jason was just beginning to warm up as Batman leaped into another speech.

"You will all be separated into separate groups for this training exercise, since it is clear that even getting down a hallway with fourteen different sidekicks is a challenge for you guys."

Batman cleared his throat. "There will be three groups; Alpha squad, Beta squad and Gamma squad. Each of these groups will be sent out to accomplish certain tasks in the training and only once every squad has accomplished their task will the training be over. There will be five people in each group, but since there is only fourteen of you, one group will be a member short."

Some sidekicks groaned when they heard this, but for the most part, everyone seemed excited to get started on the training exercise.

"There are three islands off the coast of modern day Argentina, established on them are a typical black market trading company, they specialize in smuggling contraband in and out of Argentina. Nothing big. The perfect exercise for you. Each squad will go to one of these three islands and stop the smugglers in their tracks. I will leave it up to you as squads to figure out how your squad will go about doing this. Good luck."

Batman paused again, he was good at that. He always practices his speeches the night before he makes them until he can say them with his eyes closed. "Each group's members were sorted randomly and by no means does your group placement affect your rank in project Young Justice. I will now read off each team's members..."

Jason zoned off as Batman read off the name's and he made a mental note to find out what group he was in, later.

After Batman was finished with his speech, all the sidekicks were given thirty minutes to prepare before being sent off in the Cave's version of the Batwing.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:03 pm
starjester15 says...

D'lia D'lose / D'lia D'lose B-14 / Martian Man-Hunter / 09-01-14 / Cave
D'lia was close to squealing with excitment. But she didn't squeal. Because apparently squealing wasn't cool on Earth. Weird. Squealing was considered one of the coolest things to do on Mars.
The Martian girl had finally escaped her conversation (that she was so not enjoying that it wasn't even funny) and had been heading to the training room when she had been encased in a block of ice. It had been...cold to say the least. Not that D'lia cared that much, as her planet was colder than Earth naturally. Now if it had been warmth on the other hand..
She had just begun a rather nice conversation with a boy, that she assumed was Green Arrow's sidekick, when Batman had begun his announcement.
Anyway, Batman's announcement was the cause of D'lia's almost-squealing. They were going on a mission. Okay, apparently it was more training than an actual mission, but it was still awesome!
D'lia had barely done any missions even with her mentor, as she had only recently arrived on Earth. J'onn had refused to bring her until she had adequate training, which D'lia supposed was fair enough.
Apparently, she was on Beta Squad. She wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but it still sounded awesome!
She headed to the team's Ship, her clothes changing to her hero costume as she flew down the corridor.
Last edited by starjester15 on Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
― Mark Twain

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Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:12 pm
Redfang18 says...

Silver Katoma - Shadow Ninja Divitra - (B-04) - Batman - 9/1/2014 - The Cave

Divitra kept quiet as Batman made his speech, although she was hiding a rather angry face under her mask and it took every ounce of willpower not to take a shuriken out of her right boot and throw the nine-pronged star at the furthest wall in the room. Although she learned self-control during her training under Batman's wing, there had been times when the ninja needed to release her fury in order to maintain her calm. One time, Shade almost got in the line of fire when Divitra was throwing shurikens at a merciless frenzy on account that the Riddler poked fun at her costume. It took Batman some time to calm the furious ninja down and send her home so she could take her mind off the Riddler's teasing. Since that day, Batman set a rule on Divitra to prevent her from hurting other sidekicks. Throw one shuriken as a warning that she was close to losing her fury, then retrieve it and leave before she gets too far in her wrath. She pinched herself as an alternative.

Upon her name being heard as one of the Gamma squad, her angry face vanished as she sighed in relief. At least she wasn't with Shade on the first mission or he was in for a world of pain. As long as they were seperated for some time, Divitra would cool her jets in time for the next mission. For now, she had to get more shurikens than the one in her boot. She went to her room and opened the middle left drawer in her desk. There were a lot of shurikens in that drawer, all nine-pronged stars made out of stainless steel. They were Divitra's pride and joy, one of her crowning achievements. She took eight more stars and stored them in the secret compartments that were the low heels of her boots. Every since her training in the art of shurikens, she modified the heels of her boots to store the stars without getting pricked.

She took a short glance at the red box on her bookshelf, then went off to her assigned team mates. It was a relief that she wasn't the only female in the team, but she hardly knew any one of the others. Although she was willing to socialize, she decided to wait until she was spoken to first.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:23 pm
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Carter- Blue Dwarf- B-15- Booster Gold- 9/ 01/ 14- The Cave

I listened as Batman listed off the members of my team for the training mission. I had little time for introduction before he had begun talking so I knew almost no one. Bulls-eye began pulling up data on each member of my team so I wouldn't be at as much of a disadvantage. After carefully reviewing the data and remembering each name and there powers I went to talk with them about a plan. As far as I could tell aside from Shadow Ninja Divitra my team was not really built for stealth. Just as well I thought, "so you're Divotra correct I'm Blue Dwarf? I believe you've met the other two members of our team?" She nodded an affirmative. "Well I think we should come up with a plan for the fastest and most efficient method of completing the mission."

Thraso spoke up first, "well how about we gone in there knock some heads around and blow up their base of operations."

"The risk of civilian casualties is to high." I racked my brain we need to capture them and eliminate their stock. That much was obvious the less obvious was the how. Of course blowing up the place would eliminate their stock and leave them with nowhere to return to but with out prior knowledge as to the volatileness of what they're smuggling. An explosion could be catastrophic," Divitra Skarthus do either of you have suggestions?"

Spoiler! :
I know it's short but I figured it helped progress things along.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:08 pm
Redfang18 says...

Silver Katoma - Shadow Ninja Divitra - (B-04) - Batman - 9/1/2014 - The Cave

Divitra studied Blue Dwarf and ran his words through her head. Just by listening, she could tell Blue Dwarf was a fellow intellectual. She could almost hear his gears turning. She also studied Thraso and processed the Amazon's suggestion. From the ninja's experience, Thraso's suggestion would be the best get, but Blue Dwarf had a valid point. Civilians would suffer in the crossfire and even Divitra wouldn't allow that. This would require some serious thinking before moving in for the kill.

Blue Dwarf seemed to notice the ninja's actions. "What's on your mind, Divitra? You seem to be thinking on something. If you have something to share, we're all ears."

Divitra thought it over a moment, then turned to where her visor-shaded eyes were on Blue Dwarf. "First of all, I'd have to agree with you, Blue Dwarf. Civilians would wind up in the crossfire and it's against even Batman's rules to harm civilians. If that were to happen, it would give our mentors a bad name and put a black mark on our future reputations." She took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Since it seems that the rest of us aren't built for stealth, I would suggest that I'd be sent out as a scout to find the location of both the smugglers and the stock. Because of my natural common silence, I could just waltz right in and our targets wouldn't even know I was snooping around. I'm not called Shadow Ninja for nothing. But don't fret about me. If I get caught, I'll escape hands down. Escape and concealment are a part of the disciplines I was trained in, after all." She looked at the others, waiting for other suggestions.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

He began to wonder why he had felt uneasy at all. It was like a man wondering in broad daylight why a dream had appeared so terrible to him at night.
— Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart