
Young Writers Society

Wonderland Rift 2 (closed/started)

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:49 am
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crossroads says...

Spoiler! :
This is probably one of the longest posts I ever wrote x_x
Shady, I made freaking Rambo of her, so you better be happy, lol. Lordie, she didn't mean it. Haigha, mwahahaha.


Queen of Hearts, we finally meet.

I stood silently as Lordie talked to her about past. About something they shared and that I knew about, but what happened before my time.
I stood silently as he introduced us, and locked my eyes on hers. Stupid girl, I thought. She should've known how risky it was to look back into my eyes. She hated me - she didn't even know me, yet she hated me - but I saw not even a hint of recognition. Still, I focused on her memories, finding the one so many years ago.

"You will leave the dresses here. Now go."

Thin dark haired girl of maybe sixteen, in olive dress, stood back up from the bow, hugging herself. Her skin almost glowed in the poor light of the hall, closer to the colour of walls than that of the skin of other people - but when she looked up, she didn't seem as fragile as one would expect.

"Your highness," she said, "I was promised gold."

"Now I promise you life. Leave before I change my mind."

The princess chuckled - the queen smiled a little. Guards looked down, but showed no emotion. The girl didn't take her eyes off the King.

"I spent countless nights awake. We gave away what we had to get those fabrics. I was promised payment - a king should know to keep his promises."

The King got up. The guards caught the girl, but she didn't look away. The King slowly walked over to her - he was much taller, and now her breathing got shallower and faster.
"Did you," he whispered, "just lecture me?"

She was shaking - the princess could see that, and the King could probably feel it, he stood close enough - as the guards forced her on her knees, keeping her arms behind her back. This time, she did look away; but the King clutched her chin, forcing her to look back up. Tears made her eyes look bigger and darker - but she didn't let them fall.

"Listen closely, little slut. Put your eyes and your tongue where they belong and apologise, if you wish to keep them."

For a long moment, everything was silent - even the sounds from the outside seemed to have disappeared. Then the girl looked down.
"Forgive me," she said through clenched teeth. The King's hand let go of her face, and she didn't manage to stop the tears this time.
The King smirked.

"Tell me, if you know so good. What other lectures do you have?"
The girl looked at the guards, and the rest of the royal family. None of them did anything. None of them moved, and the King continued. "Tell me, and you will get your gold."

She looked up again, with every remaining bit of colour disappearing from her face. Everyone knew there was no real way out - she could stay silent and be charged with disrespecting the King, or she could answer and get charged with treason. Either way, dead by dawn. For a moment, she was silent too. Then she but her lip and spoke.

"The streets of the Poor District are covered in s***," she said, "and dead bodies of those daring to speak up. Merchants of the Middle lie and play little kings and queens, practicing what they have of power over those under them. But neither of those can compare to the sewer you call the Rich District, in which the fat a**es of the court enjoy their little palaces, plotting rebellions and killing the wh***s whom they managed to get pregnant under their wives' noses. You think you're the King and Queen because you were born ones - that's the saddest, stupidest mistake you can make!"


"Kings are made," she hissed, "from words and wit and war and experience, and I'll rather shove a knife through my heart than bow to anyone who can't understand it."

One guard let her go the same moment the other hit her - she fell, her head hitting the marble floor, and she didn't get up, her eyes closed and her breathing barely noticeable. The King's leg turned her enough to see her face again.
"Take to the dungeons. I don't want her alive next time I get there."

The guards picked her up like a doll with broken strings.
"My lord."

The man speaking up separated from the shadows behind the thrones, not raising his voice yet perfectly understandable to everyone in the hall. The princess frowned, but no one said anything. The King's eyebrow arched.

"You promised her life," he continued, soft smile playing on his lips and something shining in dark eyes under messy hair black as night.

"She offended the Crown."

"With all due respect, she did no such thing."

"Where were you for past few minutes?"

"Where I belong - in the shadows of your highness. The girl answered your question, my lord. She said she wouldn't bow to anyone who doesn't understand what she said - she did bow to you. It was a compliment. Poorly phrased, surely, but you can hardly sentence a peasant to death for bad education. Leave her outside - you will never see her again, and she shall speak of your mercy before disappearing and getting forgotten by everyone."


I found myself shaking on the inside, holding the edge of the table Yamani lied on so tight that my fingers turned white. It lasted for barely a few seconds - no one noticed anything, and Lordie was talking again. Yamani had the memory, but she wasn't aware of it. If she ever recalls, she'll recall a woman who fulfilled her own words - I saw no good reason to delete her memories of that day.
But then again, that wasn't what made me lose myself the most.

Lordie was there. I could never tell it from my own memories - I was unconscious and unaware of just how close I came to dying that day - but Yamani saw it from the protective of princess shielded by guards and crown, and her memories told a story as clearly as if I read it from a book. I could feel Lordie's eyes on me, and I nodded to whatever he wanted.

"I leave it to you then," he said. Turning to pass me, he looked down and smiled a little - he was thinking of the baby, I could tell - as I struggled to keep a straight face. I was good at it, I was sure no one could notice just how I felt, but I couldn't stop wondering. Did he know? To think it was a coincidence, well..that would've been stupid, wouldn't it? He was smarter than that. Was I followed, all the time until he got the throne?

I jumped a little as Yamani suddenly broke free - I automatically grabbed the nearest knife, yet Lordie reacted faster, moving from one place to another in matter of milliseconds and making Yamani fade again. I watched, and wondered if he could tell something was wrong from the way I looked. Why didn't I ever check his memories of that day? Could I've really been so stupid? From words and wit and war and experience. I fell into my own trap, and it took me years to realise that.

"Not the cell," I said, and the guards stopped. Regaining my posture, I turned to the Wheel - round construction of steel, movable by pulling the right levers, with chains to restrain a person in the form of a cross - and Lordie's expression turned darker.

"I never saw you using that," he said silently. I didn't reply - I couldn't manage talking to him along with everything else.

"I want her unable to move," I said to the guards. "So be sure to tighten them properly. Get me.. Get me everything. And then leave us." I looked around, catching the eyes of the young apprentice I've noticed before. The dungeon master stood next to him. "Except for you two. Take your shoes off and stay silent. I don't want to hear breathing or a voice other than my own and hers," I gestured at Yamani, still unconscious in the hands of one of the guards. Then I turned to Lordie, who shrugged and said nothing. "Good. And take off all the unnecessary clothes."

The guard looked at me hesitatingly.

"Clothes," I snapped. "The pieces of fabric she wears, resembling mine only less pretty. Get her accessible, but not distracting enough to stop those two from doing their jobs. Now. I'm not planning on watching the show for hours."

I turned to the table of instruments as they did what I asked, and gently moved my fingers over each of them. Unlike the room itself - which had to give the prisoners the taste of what awaits for them even before their turn came - they were taken care of to the tiniest of details. The blades shined, reflecting my eyes as I thought of what to use first, the pins and needles almost called my name. I smiled at the bottles of potions and poisons, on boiling acid and steel bars just waiting to be heated by the flames, and glanced at larger mechanisms, those requiring skill as much as strength. Later, I thought to myself. As she starts thinking there is nothing worse.

I heard a silent noise, and turned around just in time to see the Red Queen opening her eyes. Tied up like that, unable to move and, I was sure, already feeling unwelcome pressure in her limbs, with hair falling over her face, she looked so young. I wasn't much older than her - but still, I found myself thinking of her as of a child. What the hell do you even want with the throne? You never even sat on it, and it already managed to corrupt you.

"Good morning, princess."

"F*** off, b****."

I smirked.
"You will call me by proper title by the time I'm done with you."

"Dream on."

"You hate me so much," I said almost gently, "yet you don't even know anything about me. Is it just because I married a man you happened to dislike? Because you know," I turned to the instruments, glancing at Lordie standing by the door, "that would just be stupid of you."

Yamani was quiet for a few seconds, as I made sure I was picking the right knife for the table in perfect silence.

"You could be his daughter," she said then. I froze for a moment, wondering what Lordie thought of those words. Then a smile slowly crept onto my face, and I turned to her with a thin, marvelously sharpened blade in my hand.

"I could," I said lazily. "But as you see, I happened to be in somewhat better position, wouldn't you agree?" She said nothing. "It indeed is relative."

"What the f***," she muttered, "you like listening to your own voice as much as he likes his f****** reflection."

I stepped closer to her, touching her lips with the knife - blood appeared immediately; they really did a good job sharpening it.
"Learn to shut up," I said, pulling it down and then poking her chest with it. She gave me a look which would've turned me to ashes if only looks could burn. The shirt she had, thin and right by her skin, was starting to annoy me more than I thought it would. I drew a line down to her navel, and she whined silently. Taking a step back, I glanced at the dungeon master.
"Get me salt," I said, not missing the looks all three men gave me. I didn't need to see Yamani's face to know how she felt. But Lordie looking at me with something that was probably only to me visible as concern.. I didn't like seeing that. I wondered if he'd leave if I asked him to go away.

I tried hard to keep my face expressionless as the salt arrived, using the time to make a few more cuts on Red Queen's skin. She didn't make a sound, but I could see her struggling to keep silent - and I almost enjoyed the way it looked like.
Artwork, I recalled hearing, back in the days when I was still an apprentice myself. The place I worked in wasn't in the castle, and the prisoners I had were as close to wearing a crown as street mice, but nevertheless, the principle was always the same. You are drawing a picture, and blade is your pen, my tutor at the time told me, see it as canvas, let the blood act as ink and have nothing but cries to inspire you. Noises distract, not only you but the prisoner as well - and you want them focused like they've never been focused before.

I held the knife in the bucket of salt as they brought it to me, for countless times before adding the dark red lines to her skin - it grew paler with every new cut, getting even lighter than my own. That's an accomplishment. I knew exactly how she felt - how each of the shiny red lines burned, how strong was the need to move, to try to get the salt out, to clean and cover up.. And how agonizing it was to be unable to move a muscle.

"Now tell me," I said silently, not even paying attention anymore if anyone was in the room with us. "Where is your little army hiding?"

She looked up at me, barely lifting her head.
"F*** off," she muttered.

"Are you able to say anything else?"

"F****** b****. I'll kill you. And your b*****d kid."

I almost cursed myself. Ignoring the need to jump away from the fire, I brought the knife to the little flame burning next to the iron bars, and then pressed it to one of her wounds. She inhaled sharply, but stopped herself before making a sound. Scream, you little royal brat.
"How do you know?"

She stayed silent - for a moment, I thought she's just that rebellious, but then I realized she doesn't want to risk crying and prefers shutting up. I had to give her credit for that - not many people, even men much stronger than her, managed to stay so silent for so long. Catching her chin, I stared into her eyes. So proud, never looking away, I couldn't stop myself from thinking.

A figure by the statue, whispered words, alliances made, an army of spiders. I pulled myself out of her memories. Erillian. After everything?

Hours passed before any of us said a word again.

She kept her eyes tightly closed - without a doubt, to hold tears - and her teeth clenched, but one touch to her skin was enough to tell; she was shaking, her muscles tightening and loosening without her control, and she could still do nothing about it.
Her arms and legs, chest and most of her stomach were covered in cuts - detailed, carefully drawn deep cuts, sealed with fire and sewed with long, thick curved needles and dark red thread.
By the time I got to the sewing part, she was breathing deeply and fast, trying to calm herself so her skin wouldn't stretch. Hurting yourself, dearie. Just hurting yourself even more.

Then I took the needle.
"Bow, little sewing whore, and kiss the floor I'm walking on," the voice of Yamani Marble's father crept in my mind as I picked the suiting thread. My mother always bowed - always. I'd done my share. I was never planning to bow to anyone again. Never.
I thought of my mother, piercing the skin of my imprisoned princess. Again and again. Until she did cry, and until her eloquent cursing left her lips, until every of her wounds was sewed just tightly enough to make it hard to breath deeply without breaking the threads.

"Yamani," I called. She opened her eyes, taking a short, shaking breath. She was probably the strongest person I've met so far - which, of course, only meant I'd have to use more drastic measures to break her.

"I changed my mind." Her voice was silent, so silent I could barely hear it even though the room was more quiet than a graveyard.

"Have you?"

She slowly nodded.
"I won't kill you yet," she said then, her desperate attempt to control her voice obvious in every word. "I'll wait till you give birth to the little freak and then f****** burn him in front of you."

I slapped her this time. Just plain regular, I-lost-control slap. Then I turned my face cold again, and gestured the dungeon master.

He took two thick pieces of steel, connected with a large screw, and slowly adjusted it around the princess's leg. Her breathing got even faster, and though she couldn't really even move an inch, I could tell she's now desperately trying to free herself.
"Cuts, no matter how painful," I said, "are one thing, done relatively quickly no matter how long I made it seem - but to have something crushing your bones slowly..." I made a break, glaring back at her. She was scared. Genuinely, drastically scared. She was hurt more than she even thought she can handle herself, but fear cut deeper than any blades. And compared to that one now, in the expectation of something which threatened to be more painful than anything one's felt in a lifetime, no fear was truly fear. I gave her a little smile, taking my time to run through all her memories. It was somewhat funny, really, that Lordie has allowed me to do this. After all, I only needed a good enough look to tell him answers to all his questions - everything was hidden in memories, if one knew how to look, sometimes even the future.
"No one threatens my family," I said. "If I was around to prove that to your parents, I would've." I nodded to the dungeon master. "You can start."

This time, she did scream. She tried to hold it - she tried to hold the tears too - but no one was that strong. She did scream, and she did cry, and she whispered pleads to stop it whenever I'd say my assistant to catch his breath. I stood next to my instruments, looking at her, not saying a word.
Long after we were done with her left leg, right arm and at least a few ribs, she was still crying - and I turned my back to them, only once again letting my voice break the silence.

"Don't let her sleep," I said. "I'll be back in the morning."

I woke up to find Lordie looking at me.
I still want to talk to him, I thought, reconsidering it after a moment. I had some questions he needed to answer - but I also had some plans to hold on to, and Yamani wasn't going to be there forever.

"What have you done to her, Reggy?"

"Good morning to you too," I smirked. "Let's say I tried a few different things. She should be proud of herself, you know. It's not easy to be that strong."

There was something like surprise in his eyes.
"Will you kill her?"

I got up, dressed up again and did my hair, all the time feeling his glare on me.
"There are better things to do than to kill," I said then in a soft voice, smiling at him before I left the room.

As I unchained her, she fell to the floor like a puppet. She was alive - I could tell by the breathing, and by the fact her blood still flew - but I knew she couldn't have moved even if she wanted to. The cuts I did, after a while, would heal - the broken bones..it would take longer, but I was sure there was someone able to fix her out there. There was only one more matter to deal with.
I sat down next to her, putting her head in my lap, and gently stroked her hair. Then I took a glass of water a guard offered me, and sent everyone out of the room again.

"Yamani," I said silently as we were left alone. I dripped some water in her mouth - she licked her lips and opened her eyes a little, moaning as she saw me but not saying a word. Finally smart enough to keep your mouth shut. "Wake up, princess. I'm almost done with you."

"Done," she muttered. "What kind of person are you?"

I smiled a little. Don't you remember me, little royal brat? I'm just the seamstress's daughter, who talks back to the King and leaves the castle unharmed.
"I'm a person who's been through a lot," I said instead. "I'm a person good in what she does. I'm a person married to another person, who must fight for the throne though it's rightfully his. In fact, I am much like your lover, am I not?"

"You're not close to a hundredth piece of what Haigha is," she replied. Not one bad word so far. Impressing.

"Ah, right. I forget that you love him," I said, suppressing a victorious grin. "It's a funny thing, love. It messes with your judgement. Don't you think?"

"F*** off."

And here we go again. She was burning up, probably in pain all over, unable to move most parts of her body, and yet she still talked back to me. The worst part wasn't the talking back - I could deal with that - the worst part was the fact that she reminded me of myself ten years ago, and I hated it more than anything.
"A Queen should know better," I said. "A Queen should understand never to give away her heart. You're the heir to the throne, Yamani Marble."

"Then you're a traitor."

I snickered again - I did that a lot lately. Could it be any easier? It's like fishing a whale in a glass of water.
"Lordie could do more than you and your sister together," I said, " if there wasn't for one tiny issue." I waited for her to ask, but she only tiredly blinked a few times. "Me," I said simply. "He wanted a pawn, but he got me. He loves me, princess. He loves me, and he trusts me, and I could stab his heart and take his place in matter of minutes. Imagine me ruling Wonderland, princess. Imagine me sitting on the throne you so much wish to sit on." I put my finger over her lips as she tried to talk this time. "Hush, dearie. Let me get to my point. I don't love Lordshire. I need him. To think Haigha loves you, just because he said so.. My princess, a Queen can't allow herself to fall for such cheap tricks. He says - he writes - that he loves you, but he is not here now, is he? Do you think my soldiers killed him?" I shook my head as a hint of tears appeared in her eyes. What, THAT makes her cry so easily? "My soldiers returned. He fled. He left, back to the HQ and to your little army, because he knows they will follow him if they think it's for you."

"He would never betray me."

"Oh, wouldn't he? Yamani.. You will never understand. You were born as a princess, you never had to seduce one. Power was offered to you on a silver plate, and if there wasn't for your sister, you would've gotten it. But Haigha, and me? No, not us. We were born far from power, but we never intended to die that way. It changes you, once you taste it. You become addictive. If you suggest to stop your fighting and just run and live free, he will decline. He will say Wonderland needs you, he will say Lordie and your sister would destroy it, but he won't mean it. He's as close to the throne as he can be, princess. Almost as close as I am. And you don't even know how much you're being played - you don't even see the bigger picture. Just imagine, my Queen of Hearts. Imagine killing Lordie and me, imagine getting rid of your sister. And then imagine one move of the guard, and prison cell till the rest of your short life. And you know who'd be sitting on the throne? A King who could do everything by saying a word."

I observed from my window as they took her away. I had given her a sleeping potion not much after I held her my speech, and ordered the guards to take her away and leave her at the edge of the forest.
King's orders, I told them, and they obeyed without a word. Put aside that the King knew nothing about it yet.

I didn't like keeping secrets from Lordie - especially not secrets like that one, but I knew he'd never really understand my move. Not until the Red Queen gets left alone, and her lover desperate enough to do something stupid. I smiled a little sad smile. So many lies.. She truly, deeply loved him, I could tell even without reading her memories. And if he was half like me, he loved her as well, and even if he tried he couldn't change it anymore. Yet, wanting power? That was as ridiculous as to say I'd stab Lordie's heart.

But the princess was hurt. She was vulnerable and sad, alone and far from everything and everyone - and I was convincing. I remembered the look in her eyes as she started taking my words to her heart. I almost - almost felt sorry for her. Then I focused, and I did one of the most careful interventions ever.
She will remember everything I said, and it will stay sticked in her mind so strong that she won't be able to let go of it. But she will never recall that it was me who said it. She will follow the voice of her mind, never knowing it was my voice she once heard. She will remember, and she will trust herself - and she will break his silent heart. And when she realises what has been done, when she realises it's already too late...then she will blame it on herself, and break her own as well.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:14 pm
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Shady says...

Spoiler! :
AriaAdams wrote:Shady, I made freaking Rambo of her, so you better be happy, lol.
Indeed I am. Thank you. xD

Yamani (Queen of Hearts)


I opened my eyes, my head throbbing. I couldn't see past my thatch of dark hair covering my face; I could hardly breathe. I tried to move my arms, to breathe easier, but found them strapped to the sides; I looked down, beside my body.

The Wheel...dammit.

"Good morning, princess."

I snapped my head up, tossing my hair out of my face to glare at Regina. "F*** off, b****."

She smirked."You will call me by proper title by the time I'm done with you."

We'll see how much you actually know. "Dream on."

"You hate me so much." She said softly. "Yet you don't even know anything about me. Is it just because I married a man you happened to dislike? Because you know..." She turned to her table--my table--of utensils.

"That would just be stupid of you."

I remained silent as she carefully picked over the table, deliberating which knife to start with like an old lady deliberating which cake to eat. She'd enjoy every cut.

"You could be his daughter." I said. What's a girl not that much older than me see in Lordshire? Greasy b*st*rd.

She body went tense a moment, then she turned around, grinning cruelly. She'd made her choice.

"I could." She agreed lazily."But as you see, I happened to be in somewhat better position, wouldn't you agree? It indeed is relative."

Well that didn't get a rise...what's she waiting for? Either start or let me go, and try to capture me again when you're actually ready for me.

"What the f***?" I growled. "You like listening to your own voice as much as he likes his f****** reflection."

She stepped closer, drawing the tip of the blade across my lips-- the first cut.

"Learn to shut up." She ordered, poking my chest with her blade. I glared at her venomously.

She drew a line down to my navel, splitting my shirt open, sinking the blade just deep enough to hurt like h*ll, but not deep enough to bleed me out. I let a silent groan out. Guess she does know what she's doing.

She took a step back and glanced at the dungeon master.

"Get me salt." I snapped my eyes up to glare at the back of her head, a bad feeling creeping into my stomach. B*tch.

The young boy looked as horrified as I felt. An apprentice? Just learning the craft...heh. The thought was rather ironic. I'd taught many lads how it was done. And now the Master is the subject...

I glanced at Lordshire. He looked slightly ill. Guess he didn't really think about how it'd feel to actually torture me when he got a hold of me. I refused to follow that thought on to how I'd feel when I actually catch Miranda.

Regina made a few more cuts, each as painful as the last, everyone completely silent. I know what you're trying to do...keep it quiet...make me suffer more. It won't work on me. Have to do one better than that. I bit my lip, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. I wasn't going to give her any reaction. Have to do one better than this. I've been through worse before.

She dipped her knife in the salt and made another thin cut on my left shoulder. The instant the knife pierced the skin the entire area around my shoulder burned like fire, the salt making it itch nearly as badly as it hurt. She made another cut, and another, each time dipping her blade in the salt so each incision hurt as badly as the first.

I flexed my muscles, at first hoping the pressure would relieve some of the itching and burning. After a while, I just kept flexing and relaxing my muscles, trying to make myself bleed more, faster, to cleanse the wounds.

It hurt so bad. Far worse than I ever imagined it could feel. I was so cold, even though my warm blood was oozing down my body, coating me in a sheet of the warm liquid. I felt my strength and energy draining with every cut. I let my head sag, focusing my every thought on keeping my teeth clenched, the tears contained in my eyes, and my breathing steady. I wouldn't scream.

"Now tell me." She said quietly, getting close to my face."Where is your little army hiding?"

I lifted my head, barely opening my eyes to glare at her. Her outline was blurry. I kicked myself for crying. Quit being such a weakling. "F*** off."

"Are you able to say anything else?"

"F****** b****." I amended, my inner fire flaring up once more. "I'll kill you. And your b*****d kid."

I watched as she grabbed heated her blade in the fire until it glowed orange and pressed it against one of my wounds. I inhaled sharply, choking on my own breath, but stopped myself before I so much as yelped.

"How do you know?"

I kept my teeth clenched, unable to so much as breathe because I knew that when I exhaled I'd whimper. And I wouldn't whimper. Not for her. Not for anyone. That's exactly what she wanted; and I'd rather die than give her any satisfaction.

She grabbed my chin and jerked my head around, staring into my eyes. I glared back at her. I was the f*cking Queen in this room, and I planned on proving it.

She turned away from me, going back to the table, getting a different blade. I closed my eyes as she pulled the fresh blade across my flesh, expertly flaying me. I closed my eyes tightly, keeping my teeth clenched so tightly I was giving myself a worse headache.

The silence was getting to me, whether I liked it or not. The sound of the blood slamming into my temples-- not actually audible, but so very loud in my head. My heart beating too quickly. My breathing, shallow and raspy, coming too quickly. My eyes filled with tears threatening to spill out.

It seemed days had passed since they strapped me to this damnable wheel. In reality, I knew it had to be far less time-- no one had the stamina to go at this for days. Probably just a few hours.

But each minute that passed made it increasingly harder to think of anything but her blade ripping my flesh open; to hear anything but the ripping noise of my flesh being jerked open, of droplets of my blood striking the floor. It was incredible how my hearing was enhanced.

Then she started sewing me up. I couldn't decide which I hated worse-- the cauterization or the stitches. They both hurt like h*ll. I forced myself to take deeper breaths, trying to calm myself. Flexing my muscles would only rip my skin when she tried to stitch it. And she was good at stitching it. Making it just tight enough the pain made it hard to breathe.

F*ck, why can't I just die?


The voice was so far away. I opened my eyes, on the verge of hyperventilating, taking short, jagged breaths.

"I changed my mind." I breathed. I couldn't speak anymore. My vision was spotty.

"Have you?" She asked smuggly.

I nodded, slowly, the movement taking an incredible amount of energy.

"I won't kill you yet." My voice was trembling. I'd break down and start sobbing if I didn't use every ounce of self-control I had left to control myself. "I'll wait 'til you give birth to the little freak and then f****** burn him in front of you."

Rage swept across her face, and she slapped me. The blow was nothing to what she had been doing to me, but it did wonders for my morale. No. I'm not going to die. I'm going to live, just so I can f*ck you over.

She turned away from me and gestured at the dungeon master. He bent and put a thick piece of steel on either side of my calf. My pulse sped up, my heart feeling as if it was trying to burst free through my stomach.

I struggled as hard as I could, trying to free myself. I was chained good.

"Cuts, no matter how painful," Regina said, "are one thing, done relatively quickly no matter how long I made it seem - but to have something crushing your bones slowly..."

I glared at her, my gaze flicking from the man to her evil gaze fearfully. Cowgirl up, Yamani. The b*tch can do what she pleases...it won't hurt...you f*cking liar. Now you're trying to lie to yourself-- no. It's [i]not going to hurt that-- F*CK![/i]

I was charming. I could lie very well. I lied to myself, often. In the beginning years, I'd convince myself that I wasn't hungry, even though I was literally starving. I'd been telling myself for years that I wanted to do exactly what Regina was doing to me to sister dear-- but deep down, I knew I didn't.

But my lies were powerful, persuasive. Focus on the lie that I was okay long enough, and the pain wouldn't hurt so bad. He slowly tightened the press, making my entire leg ache.

"No one threatens my family." She said. "If I was around to prove that to your parents, I would've... You can start."

F*ck. Even my lies couldn't lessen the pain I felt as he slowly began crushing my bone. F*ck!

I choked on my breath, my abdomen muscles contracted so tightly I made myself sick, the creaking of the press and the crunching of my bones making my stomach churn. I gagged, tears spilling down my face.

I gasped as he cranked on the press again, my breath leaving as a scream-- a long, hopeless shriek from deep in my chest-- a noise I'd sworn I'd never make. But I did make it. Again, and again, until my throat was raw and my chest was racking with sobs, my lip bleeding more and more as I tried to bite it back-- making a strangled noise.

It went on, and on, and on. Never ending. Only pausing long enough for the Dungeon Master to catch his breath. I finally begged. I couldn't handle this. I couldn't-- though I knew my body could. I cursed my strength with every turn of the press-- a weaker person would've passed out, maybe even died-- but, of course, I couldn't be that weak.

"Please...please stop..." I begged, not even trying to hold the tears back anymore. "Please."

My leg, my arm, my ribs-- I couldn't think past the pain that enveloped my entire body. Oh god, I hope I'm not pregnant. The thought made my eyes fill with tears. A baby couldn't live through this...Could it?

"Don't let her sleep," Regina "I'll be back in the morning."

I couldn't even think of anything spiteful to say. All I felt was relief as I opened an eye and watched her stride out of the room.
An eternity later I finally slipped off to the sweet release of sleep. I hadn't been asleep for long at all when I felt a rough hand on my chest. I snapped my head up, weakly, and mustered every ounce of energy I could to glare at the Dungeon Master. "Get your f*cking hands...away from where they don't belong."

"The Queen said t' keep you awake."

"Do I look like I'm asleep?" I snarled, a fresh wave of tears threatening to spring forth.

"...You best not go off to sleep." He stepped back.

I closed my eyes. I was so tired. "As you wish."

A few long moments later, I heard someone shuffle, moving towards me again. "Keep your hands off me."

I opened my eyes just enough to see the Dungeon master hesitate, a few inches from me, and with draw his hand. "Just so long as you're--"

"You can keep me awake without being a dumb *ss." I closed my eyes as a fresh wave of pain washed across me.

"Hey, you listen--"

"You listen." Tears began dribbling down my cheeks once more. "I've had one h*ll of a sh*tty night. I ain't in the mood to put up with your sh*t."

The night passed with little more talk. After pretending to sleep several times, only to snarl at them, they got tired of being played the fool-- giving me a few precious minute's sleep, before they'd realized I'd moved from bluffing to actually sleeping.

Each time I woke, I was more exhausted than before. I was ready to die. To move on. No...I can't die. I've got to get out of here...It would crush Haigha if I died. I've got to live for him...for our baby.

I kicked myself. I ain't pregnant. That's one of Lordshire's lies.
An eternity later, me passing in and out of consciousness, I felt my binds being undone. My wounds were scabbed over. I couldn't move with busting them open; and the pain that brought was excruciating.

My final binds were loosed, and I felt myself falling. I sluggishly tried to move my arms up, to protect my face, but I couldn't get them up before I struck the floor. I barely even got them moved.

Someone pulled me over, onto my back, making me cringe as the cuts dragged against the cold floor. Someone was stroking my hair back, a gentle caress. I couldn't figure who'd care to smooth my hair down, to comfort me. Except maybe Haigha...is Haigha here? He did come for me.

"Yamani." I heard my name whispered. Haigha. Water was dripped on my dry, cracked lips. I licked the water and opened my eyes. My stomach sank when I saw Regina bent over me. I groaned.

"Wake up, princess. I'm almost done with you."

"Done." I breathed. "What kind of person are you?"

She smiled a little.

"I'm a person who's been through a lot...I'm a person good at what she does. I'm a person married to another person, who must fight for the throne though it's rightfully his. In fact, I am much like your lover, am I not?"

"You're not close to a hundredth piece of what Haigha is." I breathed. Images of Haigha flashed through my mind.

"Ah, right. I forget that you love him." She said smuggly. "It's a funny thing, love. It messes with your judgement. Don't you think?"

"F*** off."

"A Queen should know better." She continued. "A Queen should understand never to give away her heart. You're the heir to the throne, Yamani Marble."

March. "Then you're a traitor."

She snickered. "Lordie could do more than you and your sister together, if there wasn't for one tiny issue."

I just blinked; certain that she'd continue eventually.

"Me," She continued. "He wanted a pawn, but he got me. He loves me, princess. He loves me, and he trusts me, and I could stab his heart and take his place in matter of minutes. Imagine me ruling Wonderland, princess. Imagine me sitting on the throne you so much wish to sit on."

I started to answer, but she put her finger over my lips.

"Hush, dearie. Let me get to my point. I don't love Lordshire. I need him. To think Haigha loves you, just because he said so.. My princess, a Queen can't allow herself to fall for such cheap tricks. He says - he writes - that he loves you, but he is not here now, is he? Do you think my soldiers killed him?"

I felt tears coming to my eyes. It's a lie. A d*mn lie.

"My soldiers returned. He fled. He left, back to the HQ and to your little army, because he knows they will follow him if they think it's for you."

"He would never betray me." I snarled.

"Oh, wouldn't he? Yamani... You will never understand. You were born as a princess, you never had to seduce one. Power was offered to you on a silver plate, and if there wasn't for your sister, you would've gotten it. But Haigha, and me? No, not us. We were born far from power, but we never intended to die that way. It changes you, once you taste it. You become addicted."

I shook my head. It wasn't true. It couldn't be.

I felt my strength fading, and let my head fall back into her lap.

"If you suggest to stop your fighting and just run and live free, he will decline. He will say Wonderland needs you, he will say Lordie and your sister would destroy it, but he won't mean it. He's as close to the throne as he can be, princess. Almost as close as I am. And you don't even know how much you're being played - you don't even see the bigger picture. Just imagine, my Queen of Hearts. Imagine killing Lordie and me, imagine getting rid of your sister. And then imagine one move of the guard, and prison cell till the rest of your short life. And you know who'd be sitting on the throne? A King who could do everything by saying a word."

That's not true... I closed my eyes, my strength gone.

I felt something prickling my face. I moved my head, something went up my nose. I snorted and shook my head, opened my eyes to see...green. I groaned and moved my head weakly, to find myself lying face down in the grass.

I'm hallucinating...there's no way she just let me go... I put my uninjured arm down, and tried to push myself up. My arm began trembling violently the instant I put weight on it, and gave out about mid-way up, letting my face fall into the dirt once more.

I groaned. The pain was definitely real.

"Will you look at that...The Queen of Hearts, lying by my feet."

I struggled to lift my head, to find the source of the voice.

"Here, let me help you." Someone rolled me over roughly.

I inhaled sharply, having to bite off a yelp. I breathed heavily, shallowly, through clenched teeth as I turned my glare on a girl who looked about my age. Dark hair, innocent face-- twisted smirk.

It wouldn't particularly surprise me if this girl planned to do something horrid to me. Sister dear has proven that girls that look innocent are the biggest b*tches.

"I don't...don't believe we've had the pleasure."

"Pleasure's all yours."

I closed my eyes, trying to stay calm. And people wonder why I don't stay diplomatic. "Got a name, b*tch?"

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:00 pm
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methrirr123 says...

It took a little more than ten minutes for his night to get interesting after Yamani and Haigha had left.

“Hey boss,” said one of his spiders. “Miranda the White Queen is right around the corner. Brae is with her.” he said, and then laughed. “Turns out Yamani’s scared of spiders.”

“Really?” Erillian said. “Whenever she’s not at home, you have my personal orders to web the crap out of her bedroom.” he said. “Or cave, whatever.”

“My thoughts exactly, my lord.” said the spider. The spiders only called him that when expressing deep respect. It was good to know that the world had a sense of humor. “Boss, Brae’s just sent Miranda to talk to Yamani.”

“That’s a death sentence.” Erillian said. Then louder. “I know you’re over there. C’mere where I can see you with my own eyes.”

Brae came over without any expression. None at all. “I take it you already know who I am.” he said.

“Brae Lutwidge.” Erillian said, grinning. “ Wonder why you sent your queen to talk to Yamani? She’s gonna kill her if she catches up to her. Rather, when she catches up to her.”

He smirked. “No, she’s not.” he said. “But even so, why does it concern you?”

Because that would mean she had fun without me. “Because the Enemy of my enemy is my friend. But you heard that. You heard all of that.” That was something Erillian could respect. Spying wasn’t that bad, after all.

“Following that logic, that would make us friends as well. I won’t pretend that you wouldn’t make a very powerful ally.” he said. A grin played across Erillians face. This guy’s good.

“Finally! Sensible men are hard to come by nowadays, Brae.” said Erillian.

“So are men who can talk to spiders.” he said cleverly. Touche. He offered a hand. “I believe we never properly met.” he said.

“Erillian,” said Erillian, taking the hand and shaking it firmly. Braes own hands were very rigid, as though… Oh, right, the skin thing. Well, whatever. “Never been much for titles. Just Erillian will do.”

“so I see. I share you views on titles. Call me Brae. Now, you came to Yamani first, yet you’d have sooner or later contact us as well.” he said.

“You make it sound like I have a big plan. Getting Lordshire off of the throne is only step one. Step two can wait until step one is complete. What better way to do that than with other people who would see Lordshire dethroned?” It was true, too. Erillian had no big plans really.

“I don’t suppose I’ll hear of step two.”

“Don’t really have one. I’m just leaving the seat empty so that someone else can take it. I don’t want it. I’ve got my own throne.” he remided Brae, and himself.

“I see... And Miranda and Yamani’s heirs, what of them? Will you take a side once Lordshire is gone?”

“Only if a side takes me.” Erillian says. “I’m only visiting this city. I’ll be out of here when this whole thing is done, back to my own kingdom.” he just had to keep reminding himself. Otherwise he might have too much fun here.

“Yet you play with people as your pawns, giving them only the information would choose.”

“People make terrible pawns.” he said. “Besides, I give information on request.” and the spiders clicked their agreement, swarming over the walls and the floor, and one crawled up to Erillian’s shoulder. “Boss…” it said.

“How about you share with me some of your information?”

Erillian was about to speak when the spider on his shoulder told him “Yamani’s been captured.” He told him all about how Haigha fought them, and fainted of his wounds, how Yamani was captured, and how Miranda had killed one of his spiders. Only one. I have millions. Still… Erillian cursed aloud.

“What is it?” Brae demanded.

“I told her not to have any fun without me, too…”

“What. Is. It?” Brae asked again.

“Yamani’s just been captured. Miranda was there. She’s currently snooping around the woods, probably gonna get in more trouble. Haigha fought bravely, but he was outnumbered.”

“Why does that concern you?” said Brae again.

“Because now both of my ‘allies’ are in mortal danger.” said Erillian. “That’s a bad thing.”

Brae made a face. “Miranda…” he muttered. Erillian couldn’t tell if he was worried or annoyed.

“If it helps, my night isn’t exactly the best either.” said Erillian. “Oh, and by the way, about your queen? Go to her. She’s at HQ, the one in the caves you’ve been hiding out it. There’s been an attack, not a planned one. One of your children have been injured.” said Erillian, deadly serious. He wasn’t grinning any more. Brae didn’t like that.

“Don’t you…” he began. Erillian cut him off.

“Lie? I’m not lying to you. Go. Now. I’ll come up with a step one.” he said. “That’s all I need.”

Brae turned slowly and walked away, a walk that quickly became a run. When he was out of site, one of his spiders spoke into his ear. “Sir, we’ve just finished webbing the Hearts residence.—“

“Nice,” said Erillian.

“Will there be anything else tonight?”

“I think another meeting is in order.” said Erillian. He needed to think carefully about what he did next. “I need you to hold onto my stuff, and then bail me out of jail.”


“I’m going to have a chat with Regina. No doubt she’ll recognize me, even if Lordshire doesn’t. Also I need witnesses. I need spiders to watch the entire conversation, just in case she tries to make forget it. She’s got that mind trick.”

“Sir, you said that only works with eye contact.”

“I’m pretty sure the sunglasses will protect me. Problem is, she may take those as well. I need someone to remember the entire conversation. Every word.”

“Ok, but what are you going to do?”

“I’m gonna get myself arrested.” he said. “That way I’ll be able to get a good look at Lordshire as well. Maybe chat with him, too.” Erillian laughed. “I’d love to chat with him. Get a good look at him. Figure him out.”

“Sir, you have us for that. Surely…”

“I wanna talk to Regina.” said Erillian. “See how much she’s changed…”


The next day, Erillian bought enough ale to get a rhinoceros drunk. Of it, only one mug was drunk by him, just to get the smell on his breath. The rest he kindly donated to the drunkards of the bar. He had decided to keep his weapons on him for the arrest after all. He liked them. He went over mentally what the best approach to impersonating a drunk man would be. He decided to wing it, like he did everything else.

“HEY!” he called to a guard. “*SS WHOLE!” the facial expression on the guard was priceless. Everyone in the bar stopped to watch. He decided as long as he was trying to get arrested, he might as well have a little bit of fun. “HEY *SS WHOLE!” he called again.

The guard came over, furious, but instead of (like a good guard) arresting him for insubordination, and disrespect, he engaged in the shouting match. “WHO YOU CALLIN *SS WHOLE, *SS WHOLE?” he said at the safe distance of thirty feet. Erillian had not been prepared for idiots. There were always idiots. Why didn’t you prepare for idiots?

“um… YOU’RE MOM!” he called back. What the f*** am I doing? With that in mind, he strode up to the guard, and punched him in the face as hard as he could, feeling the nose shatter under his fist. The guard didn’t get up, blood flowing freely from his face. It was so bloody at this point that Erillian couldn’t tell where the blood was coming from. Then Erillian remembered: he was supposed to be piss drunk. “Yeaaaah, I owned that guy!” he called to the bar. Only one really drunk guy clapped. His solitary applause was all Erillian needed to lose faith in humanity.

“GUARDS!” a shout came. “SIEZE HIM!” and several guards came over to arrest him. What would a drunk guy do? Erillian thought. Not really being happy with the guards as a whole anyway, he drew his shotgun, already loaded with five shells, and started to fire it into the air like a crazy man. Bang! Bang!

“DON’T COME NEAR ME! I’M A CRAZY MAN!” he called out in his best southern accent. He reminded himself to do this in the next city he was in, it was the most fun he had had in a forever. Bang!

Guards backed off, until with a few more bangs, the gone started clicking. Then they leapt upon him and shackled him, took his weapons, and took him to the jail.

And there he waited, for a while in fact. For the longest time he feared that Regina wouldn’t come. But someone did come. Lordshire came.

“Who are you?” he asked, calmly. Erillian smiled.

“You’re guards are *ss wholes.”

“Answer me.” he said, still calmly.

“Who are you?” Erillian said.

“Do you want to play games with me?” he asked.

“I’ll kick your *ss at checkers.” said Erillian, still laughing.

“You’re wasting my time…” he said.

“I’ll tell you who you are, King Lordshire, fake husband to Regina Lordshire, soon to be father. You took her for a figure head, and people believe you. But what’s more, you captured ex-Queen Yamani the other day, and she was tortured by your wife. What’s more, you can teleport, which in and of itself is pretty cool I suppose. But, you still don't know where Miranda is, do you? Or perhaps you do, having stumbled upon it by accident on the same night you captured Yamani. Convenient.” Erillian relished at Lordshires bewildered expression. “Shall I continue?”

“How do you know all of this?” he said slowly. Erillian put on his best evil grin, and laughed.

“I’m just getting warmed up.” he said. Then he proceeded to recite seemingly from memory an entire recreation of Lordshires war council, word for word everything that was said. What Lordshire didn’t see was the infinitesimally small spider behind Erillians ear whispering all of this too him. When he finished, he leaned back triumphantly, smiling up at him. “Can I talk to your wife too? I’m sure there are many secrets she wouldn’t like you hearing that I know.” he said.

Lordshire looked Livid. He looked like he wanted to kill Erillian, but at the same time he was fascinated. He was no doubt going to try and use him somehow. Maybe Erillian should let him. But right now, Erillian wanted to talk to Regina. Lordshire made to leave, but before he did, Erillian remembered his little message. He would respond now, but it didn't feel like a good time. He totally knew what he was going to say too. He let him leave.

Without a word, Lordshire left, turning briskly on his heel as though determined not to stoop to Erillian’s level. While he was gone, he learned of Regina’s plan to turn Yamani on Haigha. It was a disgusting plan, a horrible plot, and one that if it worked would destroy both Yamani and Haigha. Since they were now allies, he figured it would be best if that didn’t happen. But then Regina came in.

“Erillian.” she said. “The f*** are you doing here?” she said, very angry. He couldn’t tell if she really was pissed, or just faking it. Probably really pissed.

“I just love starting yo mama fights with your guards, Reg.”

“Don’t call me that.” she said coldly. So begins our little chat, Erillian thought amusedly, and he smiled.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:28 pm
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Alvarin says...

Garion Thornbranch (The Talking Door) - Knightley's place (and eventually outside the Rebels' old HQ)

~ Nice little space where I will put the stuff that happened with Knightley, as soon as Shadowlight posts *glares at Shadowlight* ~

One of the dogs, the female who was in charge whenever I left the building, came strutting happily towards me from an alley. I bent down and scratched her behind the only ear she had left. "What have you been up to?" I mumbled, finding it odd that she wasn't guarding the apartment. She glanced into the alley and barked, so I looked up just in time to see a woman falling down from a big pile of old wooden crates.

The dogs charged immediately, but I whistled loudly and they stopped. "Go home," I ordered. They glanced up at me, hesitating for a moment, but then I squared my shoulders and glared at them, the reaction was immediate.

"Are you alright?" I asked as soon as they had left. The dog must have really disliked the woman's smell if she was willing to keep her cornered here for so long. Well, for all I know she could've been stuck here for an hour or just five minutes.

"Dogs like that should be locked up." She glared at me. "They could've killed me."

I shrugged. "You were on my turf, they defend it." I reached out to help her up, but her glare made me take a step back instead. When she got up she cursed loudly, and then avoided putting any weight on her right leg. "You've hurt your leg."

"How very observant of you," she muttered as she carefully put some weight on the leg. She winced and leaned against the wall.

"Want some help with that?"

"No, I don't want any bloody help from you!"

What was she screaming at me for? "It's not my fault that you're a klutz," I muttered. "But I can fix that leg for you." She looked oddly familiar, just like that unpleasant woman whose arm I had healed earlier. Really now, I should pay more attention to the people I met, even if their lifespans were slightly shorter than mine.

"You're a doctor?" she asked suspiciously, obviously choosing to ignore my comment about her lack of grace.

"As close to a doctor as one gets in this district," I muttered. Lordshire was too busy polishing his cane - scratch that, he probably had someone to polish it for him - to care about the sick in the poor district. There were no real doctors here, since no one could afford them.

I put my hand out, gesturing for her to grab it. First she just stared at me like I was an idiot, but then she grabbed my hand. I watched her face as I used my powers to heal her, and caught myself almost smiling as her eyes widened. At least Knightley had managed to lighten my mood. Maybe I'd actually get a 'thank you' from this one.. Nah, probably to much to hope for. Humans were ungrateful idiots, and I doubted anything could change that.

"Well, there you go," I said as I let go. "You should probably keep away from my turf, the dogs doesn't like your scent."

I was about to leave when she grabbed my shoulder. "I hope you don't mind me asking," she said in a voice that suddenly turned silky smooth, "but where were you back when the Rebels stayed in that building?"

What was she getting at? Apparently she was a clever klutz. I shrugged. "Don't really remember. Country of Fields, probably. I like the spiders there. They tend to keep all idiots at bay." She opened her mouth, but I had gotten a sense of where this was going. "Yes, I do travel a lot. No, I have no family. No, I'm not on anyone's side. No, I do not intend to join any side nor do I have any information that would be useful for you and the.." I looked at her from top to toe. Obviously not a Throne, and no black spades on her. ".. Hearts?" I gave her a big warm and very fake smile just to contradict my annoyed tone.

"Well, at least you don't know where we're hiding." She seemed completely unaffected by my snub.

I sighed, what did she take me for? "It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Besides, people tell me all sorts of things when I help them. People really like sharing information even when they're not required to.." My voice trailed of. "Which is exactly what I'm doing right now, like a proper idiot." I'd had a long day, and it was starting to show.

"And you call me a klutz?" She snickered.

I shook my head and sighed. Guess we were both clever klutzes. "I'm gonna go home now, so don't twist your ankle again."

"Aaaaw, really?" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. "But I still had things I wanted to ask you."

"I'm not helping out in another senseless civil war!" I almost surprised myself. I hadn't intended to shout. "I've seen enough meaningless deaths already," I muttered and started walking away. To my great annoyance I heard her steps following right behind me.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:32 am
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KingLucifer says...

Blair DeVore - Northern Forests

After my watch of the wall at the harbor and finding no entery points, I was sent north for the Hearts HQ, as I made my way north, it was clear it would be a long time before I returned to Whites HQ. So there I was hanging over a battered, beaten, and I was sure tortured, Queen of Hearts, she had on a plain shirt and loose sweats, her hair was wild and her expression filled with pain.

"My names Blair DeVore, and you look like hammered sh*t," I said.

"F*** you," she replied.

"Can you stand?" I asked.

I grab her by her fore arm and pull her up to her feet only to have her almost fall over, instead she falls against me. I put her arm around me, and pull her to her feet as she tries to stand up on her feet.

"I take that as a no," I said.

"Why, are you trying to help me?" she asked.

She didn't need to know right away, "I was passing by, and I came across you, recognized you as the Queen of Hearts, I thought I stop to help," I said.

"This'll be a nice place to set you down I'll be over here if you need me, get your bearing while your at it," I said.

I set her down by a tree letting her look around as I start to walk away before she spoke up, "water," she said. I turned to look at her, "water," she said again. I take a canteen out of my jacket, pulling out the cork, I hand her the canteen, she drank thirstily from it. Whoever beat the hell out of her, obviously kept her malnourished. She drank the entire canteen in one sitting, there goes my water supply, I take the canteen back from her putting the cork back on it.

"You better hope I find a lake near by, cause you just drank my entire water supply in one sitting," I said.

I take a few paces away from her and put my hand to my ear, calling in Miranda, reporting in her sister, she sounded overjoyed by the report that I had her sister she wanted her right away. I turned I had ensured that I had kept my voice down during our conversation, but I needed to prod the Queen for her HQ. Walking back over to her I folded my arms, cut to ribbions, I assume her arm and leg are broken.

"Can you walk now?" I asked her.

She stood, her entire body shaking but eventually falling on to her knees nursing her leg, still unable to stand, I walked over to her and brought her legs around my waist and arms around me, giving her a ride on my back.

"Which way, to Wonderland City?" she said.

I nod my head to my left, it was the general direction.

"We are going to my Head Quarters," she said.

"Is it close by?" I asked.

"Yes, just follow my directions," she instructed.

As I carried her on my back, I walked the crunching of the leaves under my feet as I walked, to me honestly the Queen was light weight.

"So where you from Blair?"

"Island Kingdom, left just a little over two years ago to travel the world over, came to the woods of Wonderland City after King Lordshire declared it unsafe to go in after it was found that Northen Rebels were spotted in the forest," I said.

"The Northern Rebels, that's what he's calling my army now?" she asked.

"I suppose," I said.

I walked in silence, the Queen of Hearts having gone silent for some reason, it wasn't long before we came across some soldiers. I backed up behind a tree, I closed my right eye and was about to use my ability when the Queen spoke up.

"Don't worry, there my soldiers they won't hurt us," she said.

I peaked out from behind the tree and look at the two soldiers, no idea who they were, I walk out and toward them. One of the soldiers points at me and it wasn't long before they took up there weapons against me.

"Stop, you two go get Haigha now!" she ordered them.

The two soldiers faltered and looked at each other with a puzzled look, "Now!" she said nearly screaming at the top of her lungs.

The two soldiers scrambled towards the caves and before long they returned and this time they returned with a guy who looked like he was in his early twenties, his eyes slowly rested on me, before long he runs past the guards and stops just at me.

"Haigha, so nice to see you," she sounded like she was purring right now.

The guy turned around and waved his hand, like he was trying to tell me to follow, didn't have to tell me twice.
Last edited by KingLucifer on Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:39 am
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megsug says...

I watched Brae and Miranda go from the window, frowning before Alice tugged on my arm. I pasted on a bright smile and tousled the girl’s hair. I looked back at Lewis and finally faced my workbench. “Alright. Poison, potion, or antidote?”

They never did choose antidote...
We had moved outside after Alice had thrown the snark whiskers into the potion too soon. It smelled something terrible. I had brought an assortment of ingredients out onto the deck, thinking I could entertain them with some smoke and mirrors for a few hours.

I was showing Lewis the correct way to use a mortar and pestle when I glanced over to see Alice putting a berry in her mouth. I dropped the pestle, spilling herbs everywhere, and grabbed her wrist. She cried out, and I knew I was hurting her, but I couldn’t seem to loosen my grip. “How many times,” I ground out, “have I told you not to touch anything I have without asking?”

She turned her face up to me, eyes watering with the tears she was fighting, and I wasn’t there anymore. A bird flew in front of my face, a bloodied, blue ribbon in its talons. I gasped, drawing back. Alice was there again, alive and well. I hugged her tightly, lifting her off her feet. “Please don’t do that to me again,” I murmured and released her, standing. I pointed at them both, “I’ll be right back. If I catch you up to anything, you’ll regret it.”

I nonchalantly made my way to the nearest man on guard duty and said softly, “Find a way to double the men on guard.” He gave me a questioning look, and I returned it with a knowing smile. “A bird hunts on silent wings.” He nodded slowly and called to one of his fellows, used to my strange ways.

I turned back to Lewis and Alice, waving toward to door back inside. “I think that’s enough sun for today.” I ignored their skeptical glances up at the cloudy sky and began gathering the odds and ends I had laid out on the deck. “I think we might go to the center of the ship.” I took a rope puzzle out of my pocket. “Perhaps I’ll see which one of you can figure this out first.”

It happened suddenly. I was taking the kids inside, almost to the door, and then the scum were upon us. There wasn’t really a moment where I realized we were being attacked. There was just the time before and the time after. One moment I was hurrying across the deck, children in tow, and the next I was pushing them ahead of me, yelling after them, “Run!” They were almost at the door. Lewis had just slid through when I saw a Throne trying to follow. Alice, on her short legs, was trying to keep up with her brother, but she couldn’t, of course. The Throne changed his course and raised his sword. I wouldn’t be able to stop him, wouldn’t have been able to if I had been standing right there. I was a medicine man. I made poisons, potions, antidotes. I dallied in smoke and-

I blinked and began going through my pockets. D*mn. Where was it? I had it, I knew I did. My hand wrapped around a small cloth package, and I smiled grimly. As the Throne was swinging his sword, I threw the package right at his feet. It popped and sparked, sounding dangerous. He jumped back cursing.

“Run!” I bellowed at Alice, but just stood there, wailing. I took her arm as I passed her and dragged her as she continued to cry in a painful pitch. I slammed the door shut, feeling sick as a dull thud shook the door. A second earlier and that would have been my back. I barred the door as well as I could with random items lounging in the hall, not thinking about the men fighting on the other side.

Alice was still screaming at the top of her lungs, and I wasn’t sure my ears could take it that much longer without permanent damage. “Alice,” I grunted as I shoved a barrel in front of the door, “We’re safe now. You can stop.” I frowned when she didn’t even pause. I rubbed my face with a sigh, freezing as I stared at a smear of blood. I glared at Alice who would not shut up before it clicked. She was clutching her arm, the arm that I had just manhandled to get her in here. I knelt before her, smiling as comfortingly as I could manage as I tried to pry her hand away from her arm. “Let me see please,” I murmured gently and ever so carefully lifted her sleeve. I felt a little relief. It was only a flesh wound, deep and painful, but not life threatening. “Calm down,” I whispered as I tried not to flinch at a loud bang against the door. “I can take care of this easy.” I picked her up and hummed softly. She was mainly whimpering now, so I didn’t have to worry about going deaf.

Lewis peered out of my doorway as I came down the hall, his own cheeks wet, his eyes wide with terror. He opened and closed his mouth several times. “I thought… I thought…” He tried to hold back a sob.

“It’ll be okay. We’re all okay.” I made my way into the room, scooting Lewis to the side, and wrinkled my nose. It still smelled like death, but I sat Alice down on the bed, gave Lewis a clean cloth, and showed him how to hold pressure. “Just talk to her, Lewis. That’s the important part.”

With the soft murmur of Lewis’ voice and Alice’s hiccupping sobs the only noise in the room, I prepared a needle and thread, ignoring the heavy footsteps above that shook the ceiling.

As I was sterilizing the needle and thread, a White recruit burst in. I glanced up as he looked at the children. “They’re fine with me.” He nodded quickly and left.

I had just gotten to Alice’s side when Miranda came in, eyes blazing. I instantly backed away as she charged her children. I was finally able to stitch her arm, Miranda comforting her the entire time. Brae charged in, much the way Miranda had.

Perhaps it was the fierce expression on his face, maybe the adrenaline still lingering in my veins, but I could have sworn I was actually there for a moment… There were shouts, and the warm breeze of summer held a warning hill. Someone jostled me, and I stumbled forward, finding myself right above a lifeless face… Brae’s face.


I stared at him in confusion. He couldn’t possibly still be talking?!


I blinked and stared blankly at Alice’s arm. “Wh… Oh…” I broke off the remaining thread and patted her knee. “Good as new.”

Miranda leaned forward hungrily. “What did you see, old man?”

I stared at her, then glanced at Brae, then at the kids. “The…” I swallowed as my mind leaped for several metaphors at once. It was acutely painful to know about death, anyone’s death. To know meant that you were constantly on guard, constantly watching, waiting for that moment, always afraid to close your eyes and sleep for fear that death would steal in when you weren’t looking. Smiling, I stood. “Sometimes, old men just drift off, my queen.” I ignored the skeptical looks I was getting and murmured, “If you’ll excuse me. Today has held to much excitement even for me.” I was half way down the hall before I realized I had left my own room…

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:00 am
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veeren says...

Lord 'Lordie' Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

This is exactly why I left Reggy in charge of the dungeon. Her idea of torture was much more... open minded, at least when compared to me.

Having seen just about as much as I could take, I quietly away from the cage so as not to disturb anyone. Unfortunately, before I could realize what happened, I was being crushed by very fuzzy human, or so I thought.

"What the-" I shoved the thing off me.

It stood up and I saw it for what it really was, a large cat. "Hello there." it said, licking it's paws.

I looked back at the cell to see if they'd noticed anything, and fortunately, they were too occupied with their instruments of death. I looked up at the stairs and pointed with my head for the cat to follow. It simply smiled and walked, no, floated up the stairs.

How amusing.

When we'd reached the top of the steps, I shut the dungeon doors and whispered, "Um, who are you?"

"You haven't heard of me?" She asked.

"Big cat lady? Unfortunately, no, that doesn't ring a bell."

"I'm Miss Kitshire, the best kitty you'll ever meet. No, Luther, I won't introduce you," she lifted her paw and floated up to me, "Who might you be?

I smirked, "I'm Lord Lordshire, King of Wonderland, and, uh, who's Luther?" I took her paw in my hand and shook it.

"Hmm, never heard of him. Luther's my ego. He likes to show himself a lot."

I raised my eyebrow, "Of course he is. Are you from Wonderland?"

"Oh yes, you might know me as the Queen of Cats. Also, the Queen of mice has been a thing people have called me," she grins the widest grin I've ever seen, "Are you famous? I've never heard of you before."

"Are... are you being serious right now? I have enough Queens to deal with without the Royalty of the rodents showing up," I grip my can tighter, "And I'm only the single most important figure in all of Wonderland."

"You should have a name for your ego. I like it. But you obviously don't know the power I have at my arsenal right now" She says, disappearing right after.

I smile, "That's a nice trick you have there. Too bad you forgot to cover your teeth up too," I watch as she floats about around me, "But trust me, you have no idea what I can do."

She grins even wider, "I like you."

"The feeling is mutual," I look at the dungeon door, "How would you like to stay at the castle from now on?"

"Hmm, seeing as my old friend is currently occupied, I'll take it. This place is just about big enough to fit me. There's one catch, though. I want to be Queen of Cats!" She twirls in the air, visible now, and plants her feet on the floor.

"Fine. You can be Queen of the Cats, but I will not allow any of them to roam around in the castle."

"You let me in here."

"Well you're... interesting," And you snuck in here, "I think you'll find the rest of the castle just as lovely. Let me introduce you to the guards so they don't attack you." I point down the hall.

"I think we can get along extremely well." She says, walking down the hall.

We can only hope so.

* * *

After walking about for around an hour, I decided that I had more important things to do. Like not talk to a cat.

"And here's your room, make yourself at home. I can arrange for my associates to get any of your stuff you don't have with you, if you'd like."

"Oh, I don't need anything, I can live off of spiders, and there are a lot of them around here."

I smirk, "Perfect. But now I must go, I have some, kingly business to attend to."

She smiles her unnatural smile and steps inside her room, leaving me in the hallway. Did I really just let that thing into our castle? I must be losing it.

No no, there are more important things to worry about, like how you're going to break the news to Reggy about our new pet.

* * *

The sun was setting, and I needed sleep. I've had too much fun today, and now it was time to get down to business.

"Full report please, don't leave any details out."

I listened as Mercury detailed the entire experience to me. He told me about his fallen comrades, his ambush of the Queen and Haigha, his capture of the former and the fleeing of the latter.

"You let him get away?" I asked.

"He was a better soldier than we thought. He'd escaped before we realized he was gone." He looked me right in the eye.

I eyed him suspiciously, "One of my best soldiers, still underestimating his opponents?"

"He wasn't our focus. You're orders were to capture the Red Queen and we did just that."

I raised an eyebrow, "Fair enough."

"If that's all, sir, I'll be one my way."

"It is. Until next time," I was about turn, but remembered something, "I do hope you remembered those files."

He looked at me.

I smiled, and with that, we parted ways.

* * *

I stepped into our room, set my cane down, hung my blazer up, and fell on to the bed.

* * *

The sun shone into the dining room windows and fell colorfully onto both the food and Reggy infront of me.

"So, hows was your night with Yamani? I'm sure you've grown as close we had back in the day." I asked.

"Oh, just, wonderful. I'm sure I'll be someone she never forgets."

"Hm, you think she'd be awake by now?"

"Well, I'd have to go searching for her to find out."

"The dungeon isn't that far away, we could send a guard to c-" I looked at her, "Where is she?"

She picked at her food.

"Reggy! Where is Yamani?"

"Last I checked, she was on her way to the forest."

"She escaped?"

"No, I had her dropped off there."

I felt the rage creeping up on me, "You let her go?"

"I was finished with what I wanted to do."

I slammed my hands on the table, "But I wasn't! I still had things to do! Now all of that is ruined because of you."

"I did it to help you, Lord-"

"If you wanted to help me, she would still be in that dungeon wishing her dear Haigha would come save her."

"Listen!" She looked me right in the eyes, "You just have trust me."

I hated myself. Hated myself for not getting rid of the Queens when I had a chance. Hated myself for letting Yamani get away from right under my nose. Hated myself for wanting to trust Reggy, no, I hated myself because I did trust Reggy.

"Sir!" Came the voice of an unknown guard.

I turned to look at him.

"Another prisoner has been taken into the dungeon."

* * *

Some fool had been killing my guards at my bar, of course. Another idiot to deal with.

I stepped into the dungeon to find a tall man dressed in all black strapped to a chair, “Who are you?”

“You’re guards are *ss wholes.” He replied.

That's not what I asked you. “Answer me.”

“Who are you?” He asked.

I have things to do. “Do you want to play games with me?”

“I’ll kick your *ss at checkers.” he said, laughing.

I'd love to see you try. “You’re wasting my time…”

“I’ll tell you who you are, King Lordshire, fake husband to Regina Lordshire, soon to be father. You took her for a figure head, and people believe you. But what’s more, you captured ex-Queen Yamani the other day, and she was tortured by your wife. What’s more, you can teleport, which in and of itself is pretty cool I suppose. But, you still don't know where Miranda is, do you? Or perhaps you do, having stumbled upon it by accident on the same night you captured Yamani. Convenient,” He said, as a hint of recognition hit me, “Shall I continue?”

Could this be... “How do you know all of this?”

“I’m just getting warmed up.” he said, grinning. He went on to explain bit by bit every part of my meeting with the council to capture Yamani, and there wasn't a shadow of doubt in my mind. “Can I talk to your wife too? I’m sure there are many secrets she wouldn’t like you hearing that I know.” he said.

So this is him? The, what was it? Spider king? Who would've thought he keep such close tabs on me. I didn't know whether to be furious or delighted. I just stared at him, wondering if he'd still be here when I returned.

Deciding it'd be for the better, I turned and left without another word, just as Reggy passed by to see him. I didn't even look in her direction.

* * *

The crowd cheered as I walked on to the stage and took my place at the podium.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice, but there is something I must share with all of you, my wonderful citizens."

I looked out into the audience at the gazing eyes. All the eyes that looked up to me, the eyes that saw me as their great leader.

"The future of this city is in good hands today, my friends, and it will remain that way into tomorrow. For what we hadn't seen before has become clear now, yes. The Queen Regina Lordshire is with a child, my child, and the new heir to Wonderland."
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:27 am
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crossroads says...

Spoiler! :
. . . Yeah, I did both. I do hope it's readable, seeing the hour I wrote it at x_x

~ Brae

“Lie? I’m not lying to you. Go. Now."

I felt my blood turning into ice. Erillian's words weren't loud, yet they managed to make all the other noises disappear. One of your kids has been hurt.
I found out everything I wanted to know and more from one touch, of all that happened in the mind of that man. Yet when it came to people I love-- I wouldn't even know if there wasn't for his spiders.
I wanted to ask him about knowing Regina Lordshire - about caring for Regina Lordshire - but all the thoughts just left my mind.

I ran into the HQ, passing next to a few men - they all seemed a bit beaten up, but alive. Miranda is here, I remembered as Spider said it. Glancing over the blood and a few bodies on the ground, I spotted two men tying up the third to some pillar - one of them was Miranda's man for a long time. The other was one of the men Blair brought along with her. The third was dressed in the Thrones guard uniform, and he smirked as he saw me.

"You must be the father," he said, "the older one really has your eyes-"

My hand was around his neck before I even got the time to think. If he did something to my children... Images of a family flashed through my mind - four kids, no mother around anymore. House in the Middle District, bowing to the King and Queen, taking orders to get paid... But loving doing it.
He stood before a frightened little girl - my little girl - and he swung his sword at her, even though they she only related to his actual target.

I felt like someone played drums in my head - nothing else was there, nothing but endless facts about that soldier. He can make fire. I grinned evilly. Erillian didn't know of the extent of my abilities - no one really did, because I never used that part. I was an observer, and a protector - not the one to attack. But at that moment, I didn't care.

Burn, you son of a b****. I want them to hear your screams up to the castle.

Flames swirled around my hand, never touching me, and the two Whites backed away. She soldier's eyes grew wider, as fire spread to his chest and arms, burning away his clothes and slowly turning his skin into ashes - I could tell how desperate he felt, losing his voice as the flames licked his neck where I held him, unable to control what he knew he should've been in control of..

I let him go as his thoughts started to blur. The flames disappeared as if they were never there - they never touched the ropes, they never harmed the others, but his skin turned to shades of dark red and black, and I could still see the silent cries of agony in his eyes. Kill me. I've seen that look before - never being the one causing it, but I've seen it in memories and fears of others, so many times that I got used to it.

"Make sure he lives," I said to no one in particular, knowing someone will obey me anyway. Then I turned, followed by the looks of everyone who observed the show.

I more broke in than entered Adonis's room, to be welcomed by a gun my wife pointed at me. Her expression softened after a moment.
"Oh, Brae.."

Miranda was sitting on the bed, holding Alice in her lap - our little daughter's eyes were still filled with tears, and her brother looked so lost I almost turned around and went back to kill that soldier. Information, Brae, I reminded myself. You need information. Not a dead body. And Lordshire must know of what awaits those who dare to hurt your family.

Lewis ran over to me, and I lifted him up, hugging him as tightly as I could without crushing him. I have to talk to Erillian again. I must tell him never to mention my children to my enemies. I walked over to the bed, still holding Lewis - his face was buried in my shoulder, and his head looked like just a bush or white hair. Just like his mother's, but the soldier was right - he did have my eyes. I exchanged a worried look with Miranda and stoke Alice's dark hair - she was the exact opposite of her brother, and both Miranda and I found the combination amusing.

I looked up, as Adonis seemed to be fading a little - our eyes met, and I frowned.

He stared blankly at me, with something so strange in his face that I almost reached out to touch him and check. But I didn't - I never did, not after the first time we met. He saw future, not often but did anyway, and that wasn't something normal people could do - and it took me time to get used to it, so I didn't particularly like taking trips into his mind. I wasn't sure what exactly I was looking at i those moments.

“Adonis!” Miranda called harsher, and he woke up - or whatever it was.. He blinked, glaring at Alice's arm.
“Wh… Oh…” he finished the sewing and smiled at her. “Good as new.”

Lewis moved his head a bit, checking on his little sister. She wiped her eyes of tears, as her mother leaned to Adonis.
“What did you see, old man?”

He gave her a long look, still with the strange, not quite readable expression in his eyes, and then glanced at me and our children.
“The…" He seemed to be searching for words - or lying - as he spoke again. then he smiled and stood up. "Sometimes, old men just drift off, my queen.” Miranda and I glanced at each other, and then back at him, and he pretended not to notice it. “If you’ll excuse me," he said. "Today has held to much excitement even for me.”

With him left, it took us a while to get our thoughts together. Lewis frowned a little.
"He left his own room," he said then, and I couldn't help but smile a little. I was tired - so incredibly tired, like I fought the whole army of Thrones - and I was still shaking on the inside, with my heart pounding almost visibly under my skin and shirt. I let Lewis climb down from my lap and drag his sister to some plant in the corner. I stared blankly at them, and twitched as Miranda touched my shoulder. Wow, I thought, my mind feeling like a battlefield. I knew I'd have to get lost soon, to take a walk alone and clear my thoughts. It never happened before that I couldn't quite handle even Miranda's touch.

"Spider let me know," I muttered.

"Me too," she said. I turned to look at her.

"They could've died," I said, surprised to hear my own voice sound so weak. "Yamani could kill you and the Thrones could kill them and all the emotions I picked up from people in my life couldn't compare to what that'd feel like."


I entered the dining room stretching, feeling like I could eat an elephant. Maybe there indeed was something about that eating for two. I searched for something in Lordie's eyes that would tell me of how he felt about what I did and said in the dungeons - I found nothing, but he didn't seem to be faking a smile. I wondered if he'd lie to me if I asked for that day ten years ago. Did he even remember? I was pretty sure he did - it was hardly something one could forget. Would he tell me the truth?

"So, how was your night with Yamani?" He asked. "I'm sure you've grown as close we had back in the day."

Back in the days. Are you reading my mind? I made the little royal brat scream for everything she's done and for everything her parents have done, and then shattered her heart into pieces. Well, indirectly at least.
"Oh, just, wonderful," I said dryly. "I'm sure I'll be someone she never forgets."

"Hm, you think she'd be awake by now?"

"Well," I looked at my plate. There we go. "I'd have to go searching for her to find out."

"The dungeon isn't that far away, we could send a guard to c-" he looked up, catching on what I said. "Where is she?"

I poked something green with my fork, vaguely thinking how forks could make nice weapons. Lordie's voice turned colder.

"Reggy! Where is Yamani?"

I barely resisted smiling. I had no idea how he was about to react.
"Last I checked, she was on her way to the forest."

"She escaped?" He glared at me.

"No," I confessed, "I had her dropped off there."

I felt his eyes on me, practically burning through my skin. S***. He's actually mad. His voice still stayed calm, but I could tell it was just silence before the storm.
"You let her go?"

"I was finished with what I wanted to do."

The green thing fell out of my plate as he slammed his hands at the table.
"But I wasn't!" He yelled. "I still had things to do! Now all of that is ruined because of you."

This time, I resisted rolling my eyes. Men. Doesn't he get that my method could bring that princess under his feet sooner than his guards ever could?
"I did it to help you, Lord-"

"If you wanted to help me, she would still be in that dungeon wishing her dear Haigha would come save her," he cut.

"Listen!" I now looked up, meeting his eyes. "You just have trust me."
Do you know what trusting me would be like? If you know, do tell, because I find it somewhat hard to trust you right now.

For a moment, I let myself get lost in his memories.
The Throne Room, the talk of the dresses and gold, the girl who spoke too much but never missed the right words-

"Sir!" Lordie turned at the voice, and I blinked, biting my lip so I wouldn't spill all my thoughts at him without control.
"Another prisoner has been taken into the dungeon."

He didn't even bother too look at me as he left the cell, but nor did I care. Kings. They all end up the same and they all need same lectures.

Walking into the cell he just left, I felt my mood worsening even more. All in black, with the sunglasses on - just the same as he always looked.

“Erillian.” I said coldly, not even bothering to keep my queenly posture. “The f*** are you doing here?”

“I just love starting yo mama fights with your guards, Reg.”

“Don’t call me that," I said, thinking of shooting him as he smiled.

What was that with the past popping out of nowhere recently? He was taller now - taller and actually fairly good looking, seeing he's probably been spending his years wandering around aimlessly. Where were you, Erillian?, I wondered, why didn't you ever come take my side? His eyes were hidden - I could see nothing of his mind, but even if there wasn't for the glasses, I'd avoid meeting his glance. We used to be friends. More so, I used to trust him more than myself, and we despised the parents of the princesses with equally strong passion. So much has changed.

"I expected more of you," I muttered. I'll wait till you give birth to the little freak and then f****** burn him in front of you, Yamani's voice crept into my mind. It was his fault - it was all his fault. "Why did you take Yamani's side?"

He shrugged slightly.
"I couldn't have possibly taken Lordshire's," he said simply. "Have you seen the poor district?"

I ignored a bite of shame deep inside of me. I never stepped into it again, not after I married Lordie. I never even bothered to try to get it better.
"I haven't been leaving the castle much," I said shortly.

He was serious, completely serious this time - it almost frightened me. I didn't remember him as such, nor did I like the change I was seeing.

"Go and take a walk outside some time, Reg," he said. "Watch people starve,
and know what it really means to be a ruler." His words had the effect of cold water being splashed over me. I didn't listen to him as he continued with talking of something about his homeland.

"Do you really think things would be better under Yamani?" I cut through his words. He cocked his head to one side.

"That's step two," he said. "Right now I'm focused on step one."

Knowing you, you have no idea yourself what the freaking step two should be.
"Why did you tell Yamani I'm pregnant?"

He shrugged at the change of topic.
"Because I knew."

"You know a lot," my tone was cold. "You never came to me."

"Sure I did!" He gestured around to cell, maybe trying to get me to loosen up a bit.. "Getting here was fun, too. Difficult, but fun."

I stayed serious, controlling myself to the point of barely even breathing.
"If you wanted to just see me, you would've came earlier - all you had to do was ask. So what do you want from me now?"

"Honestly," he said, "to speak to you. However, I wanted to speak to
your... Husband as well. Only problem is, an audience with him would be more difficult. Getting arrested was easier. Does he know who I am?"

So even my old friend is now here to speak to my husband. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't scream at him.
"As in, has he recognized you? No. Does he know of your name? Most likely." I took a deep breath. "Does he know of why you so wanted to speak to me? No."

"I wanted to see how you changed. And so you have." His voice was judging. He dared to judge me? After practically serving me to Yamani on a plate?

I should've felt angry - I hated myself for feeling like crying instead.
"Have I, now?" I asked, glad to hear my voice not trembling. "Do tell me about it, since you've watched my every step."

I didn't even know what I expected - but I haven't expected him to oblige.
"You cared, once," he said. "About others, I mean. You would have liked nothing better than to see the throne seat a good king, one who actually cared. But
you've forgotten the sights of the poor district." I was sure he looked down, even though I couldn't see his eyes. "Even I have, untill I returned. They have worsened. And now, you've not a care in the world for those who suffer there, those who starve, those who were once your equals." His voice was now angry, and colder than I ever recalled hearing him talk. I hugged myself, wishing my head stopped feeling so dizzy. Is there no air in here? "I told Yamani you were pregnant, yes. I was angry. Are you not angry at me now? Perhaps," he repeated, "you should walk out there some time." He seemed to be thinking of his next words for a bit. "On top of that," he said then, "I find you've taken to torture."

"I've taken to what I had to," I snapped. "It's called surviving." I couldn't hold it all in myself anymore - how couldn't any of them understand? I wasn't an enemy someone wanted to have; but I was really good in making sure my allies get what they wish. "Don't I have the right to be angry at you? I had nothing when I came to the throne. No power, no influence. I couldn't change anything. You could. You could decide not to put a death sentence on a kid that isn't even born yet."
I felt tears in the corners of my eyes, and blinked them away angrily. You don't cry, Regina. You never cry.

"You had a voice," he said. "And that's why I'm here. I plan on changing things.
Perhaps, even now, you can still help me. I'm not your enemy." No?, I almost asked. Friends don't do that to each other. He continued, seeming eager to convince me in his words.
"This heir, if it takes the throne, may be like it's father. I don't plan on
killing children. Only bad kings."

"Says the King who barely ever sees his reign," I hissed. "You don't plan on killing children - the Queens do."
The Queens. I wondered if he'd notice that I haven't called them princesses. Slip of tongue - I still knew they had more right to be here than I've ever had.
My hands automatically crept down to the baby. I won't let anything happen to you, I thought to myself, fear grabbing my heart for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. They were real, serious enemies, closer than ever, wishing to kill my child. I almost bit my lip off, controlling myself from showing even hint of concern.

"I won't be stupid in pretending I can sway them," Erillian said. "They definitely hate you." He took of his sunglasses, but I didn't look at him. If I did, I was pretty sure, I would've stopped hiding all the emotions that burned inside of me. He sounded like he knew at least partially how I felt. "I don't intend on letting anything harm you or your baby," he said silently. "However, the queens will definitely sieze the chance to kill you and your child. I can help you, I can get you away from here."

Get me out of here. That sounded almost painfully tempting. I smiled a little smile of disbelief, more directed at myself than him, as I figured I couldn't even think of leaving without my heart aching. It was too late for that now - I belonged in the castle. I belonged with Lordie, whether he was aware of that or not.

"That's like asking me to build a coffin in which you can put my husband's body," I muttered. "Besides, where would I go? Even if I left, even if Lordie died.." I stopped for a second, shoving the image out of my thoughts. "They'd know of the heir, they'd look for us. Not even you could stop something happening eventually."

"I would remind you that I am a king," he replied slowly. "In my kingdom, there are none who know of you and the heir. We could hide you. The queens need never know you still live."

This time, I let my cold mask break and smiled at him a bit, though still avoiding looking at him; he did still care, even though he did his best to act cold. Reminds you of someone?
"You know me too well to think I could live hiding my whole life", I said.

Glancing at his face, I saw him reflecting my smile. "I know you too well to think you would make anything that simple." He said it in a different voice - almost as if we turned the clock and went back ten years. "What do you propose?"

Five years ago, nothing bounded me to the castle. Nothing and no one, and I would've taken his offer with my heart light and a smile on my face, and I couldn't have cared less of what'd happen to the King.

"I can't leave Lordie, Erillian," I said simply, almost smirking at my own words. Would Spider understand my feelings? Probably not. The Red Queen couldn't. "He saved my life, you know. Ten years ago. You would've never met me if there wasn't for him."

He was silent for a few minutes - minutes long as eternity. I really should apologize for not telling Lordie my plans.

"He can't keep the throne," Erillian said then. "It's too far gone now, he's had to many chances. He's going to have to leave the thrown, one way or another." His voice was emotionless again, and his expression grim instead of concerned or smiling.

"I owe him," I said, giving up on trying to explain the actual feelings part. I tend to pay my debts - don't bet against him just yet."

"I'm going to have to get out of this cell eventually."

"Not necessarily." I made my voice cold again - so cold and serious, that I almost believed myself. But I could never kill him, and I both knew and hated that fact. "Your death could save us a lot of troubles." I shook my head. "You said you wanted to see I haven't changed - why do you care? I could've ordered them to kill you right away."

"Us?" he repeated, buying time to answer and getting me out of balance a bit again. "Let me rephrase myself. I'm going to get out of here. But don't worry. I'll be back, on good terms. Maybe I won't knock out one of your guards." He took a moment of silence before continuing. "As for your question.. I care because we were once friens, a bond I will honor to the grave."

"Were friends," I said, aware that I was using the exact same tactics as he just did. "I never stopped thinking of you that way, you know. I never even killed any of your little spies. But it's too late now. I can't leave Lordie."

He sighed.
"Very well. I'm still getting out of here." He looked at me, and this time our eyes met. I wondered if he thought I wanted to enter his memories - I didn't even wish to know what I'd find there. "You need to sway him, Regina," he said, and for some reason I felt the stupid tears somewhere behind my eyes again. Perhaps it was the effect my name had on me. "Things must change. I can't allow them to continue. I might not even be able to buy you any time. I'm after peace. The queens want power."

"Can you honestly say you think they deserve it?" My voice was silent, and I didn't even bother to try talking queenly anymore. "We used to be their
enemies together. They watched as their parents played with my mother and me, all they had to do to get the power was to be born!" I felt as if my eyes threatened to pop out of my head, holding back tears I forbid myself to cry in front of him. "I will never bow to either of them," I almost whispered. "Nor would my daughter or son. I'd rather die."

He just looked at me, with a strange expression in his eyes - as if he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to tell me something or not.
"I still don't have a step two," he said then, "and thank god Brae doesn't know it. Or maybe he does... I don't know. I don't want either of them to take the thrown. I'd sooner haunt the throne forever, killing each ruler in succession."

"I-what? Who's Brae?" I frowned tiredly. "Haunted throne would
do no good to the land. Why don't you just take it yourself, then?"

He seemed surprised by the idea - and by the fact I didn't know who Brae was. "He's the White Queen's husband," Erillian said slowly. So you talked to Miranda, or close enough, as well? Is there anyone you haven't offered something? "He can tell all about a person by touch - and I find him rather interesting. Concerning your more important question, however.." He frowned a little and licked his lips. "Because I have a throne. It's in my kingdom, buitl from the ground up by me."

I shrugged.
"You could rebuild Wonderland as well."

He looked confused by the sudden turn - I almost grinned, getting control over the situation again.
"I don't know... "

"Don't tell me you couldn't." What the hell are you doing, Regina? Word more and you could order your own guards to lock you up for treason. "I know what you're like when you care about something. But no, you choose to stay in the shadows and play your games.." My voice trailed off, as I observed the way my wedding ring shone under the bad lighting. My voice was barely louder than a whisper as I spoke again. "If you all wanted me to bow before you, you're the only one for whom I might consider it."

He opened his mouth to reply - and closed them again as the door behind me swung open once more. I didn't have to turn to know it was Lordie - and I didn't have to look at him to know he was still angry at me.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:15 am
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Shady says...

Yamani (Queen of Hearts)

I waited a long moment, staring at the girl.

"My names Blair DeVore, and you look like hammered sh*t."

"F*** you." I sighed, laying my head back. I didn't feel like a million bucks either.

"Can you stand?"

What the f*ck do you think?

She grabbed me by the forearm and jerked me to my feet. The instant weight hit my leg, it collapsed. I fell into her. She put her arm around me and tried to haul me up once more.

"I take that as a no."

No sh*t Sherlock.[/i ]"Why, are you trying to help me?"

"I was passing by, and I came across you, recognized you as the Queen of Hearts, I thought I stop to help." She answered, setting me against a tree.

[i]Yeah. I bet. No one thinks "Hey, that's the Queen of Hearts-- I should help her"...unless they're from the poor districts, and looking for help themselves...
This girl didn't look like she was poor. She looked like a soldier. But whose soldier?

"This'll be a nice place to set you down I'll be over here if you need me, get your bearing while your at it."

I watched as she took a few steps away.

F*ck it. If she's willing to help, I don't care where her alliances lay.


She stopped and looked at me.

"Water." I repeated.

She pulled a canteen out and unstopped it, handing it to me. I put it to my lips and took a long draught of the semi-cool water. I lowered it. I really should pace myself.I took another long drink. I'm going to make myself puke. I drained the last of the water.

"You better hope I find a lake near by, cause you just drank my entire water supply in one sitting."

I lifted a shoulder.

The girl walked a few steps away, just out of hearing distance, and began talking into something. Reporting she's found me. I half-smirked. I didn't care any more. Let her take me to sister dear. Let Miranda finish me off. I honestly didn't give a f*ck what happened at this point.

I kept drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Can you walk now?"

I forced my eyes open to find the girl standing over me, arms crossed. I can barely see you, no further away than you are.

Despite that fact, I struggled. I only pushed myself half-way up before my arm gave out, and I fell, nursing my leg. The girl pulled me on to her back, and I tried to help hold myself on.

"Which way, to Wonderland City?" I breathed. We'll see where she's taking me.

She nodded to the left, not straight ahead.

"We're going to my Head Quarters." I stated weakly.

"Is it close by?"

"Yes, just follow my directions." I murmured. I can always get you killed when we get there, if Haigha don't like the looks of you either. I felt a strange emotion, thinking about Haigha. Why isn't he trying to find me?

I shook my head, trying to clear it of the thought-- but ended up only making myself light headed, so I stopped. "So where you from Blair?"

"Island Kingdom, left just a little over two years ago to travel the world over, came to the woods of Wonderland City after King Lordshire declared it unsafe to go in after it was found that Northen Rebels were spotted in the forest."

"The Northern Rebels, that's what he's calling my army now?" I mused.

"I suppose."

I slumped against her back and let her walk in silence, closing my eyes, feeling myself fading from consciousness. Suddenly the girl tensed, and quickly stepped to the side. I lifted my head, and saw two the my soldiers.

"Don't worry, they're my soldiers they won't hurt us." I said quickly.

The girl peeked around a tree, then shrugged and walked into the opening. The soldiers spotted us instantly and ran towards us, weapons drawn. Idiots...I guess we need to re-learn how you apprehend someone.

"Stop." I ordered as loudly as I could, my voice wavering. "You two, go get Haigha. Now."

They stopped and looked at each other quizzically.

"Now!" I snapped, feeling my body start to tremble once more, my raw throat pained.

The soldiers scramble off. In a few minutes I see Haigha running towards us. He stops just in front of Blair, and looks at her. He doesn't trust her, I can see it in his eyes. He glances up at me, and I see his eyes widen.

"Haigha, so nice to see you." Where the h*ll have you been?

He waved his hand and turned on his heel, back towards the caves. What the h*ll do you think you're--

Before I can finish the thought he changes his mind, quickly scooping me off of Blair's back. I snuggle into his hard chest, closing my eyes as his strong arms curl around me and he begins to jog towards the HQ.

I was relieved to see him, but didn't feel nearly as safe as I'd expected to. I should've. He was a strong warrior. I loved him. He loved me...or does he? He grew up without a family. Does he even know what 'love' means, or is he just playing me, to get...

I didn't care to finish that thought. I closed my eyes and focused on Haigha's steady breathing, trying to match my own to them. He set me on a bed, sent the Rook off, then turned towards me.

"Do you want anything? Food, water?"

God no. I'm barely keeping that water down. I glanced around. We were alone. I fell back into the pillows, feeling like sobbing. I didn't care if Haigha saw me weak. My thoughts drifted back to the darker side. "No." I whimpered.

"I'm sorry."

Are you? You sorry that I got captured, or that I didn't give you a chance to take my army and rescue me? Sorry that you didn't get the credit. I watched him suspiciously. "About what?"

"I failed to protect you. This is all my fault."

I looked away from him. It was his fault. If he'd let me go ahead, like I wanted, he would've gotten conked in the head and I could've fought my way home. No...I would've gone to get him.

I sat quietly for a moment, wishing that I didn't feel that way. I knew in my head that I was wrong, but...I couldn't quite convince myself of it. He wants power...

"Haigha.. What would you say if I said that I didn't want to do this anymore? That I just wanted to get away from Wonderland and live a normal life." I asked, my voice surprising myself. I hadn't planned on interrogating him so soon.

He frowned. That disappointed?

"I'd follow you wherever you go, but I don't want you to give up on your dream because you're scared. Giving up isn't like you."

What do you know about me? That I'm a stupid girl who fell in love with an *ssh*le? "Hm."

I closed my eyes. A moment later I felt Haigha pull a blanket onto me, and pat it down lovingly. I felt a slight pang of guilt for having such nasty thoughts, but drifted to sleep before I could correct my thoughts.

Ow, ow, ow, ow.

"F*ck!" I woke up to a horrid burning and itching sensation that consumed my entire left shoulder, ran most of the way down my arm, and half across my chest. I threw my head, twisting away from the new torture, and was startled as I started to fall. My eyes snapped open as several large, strong hands caught me and gently pulled me onto a something hard.

"Hold her still now..."

The man who'd healed me spoke. I found him, and stared incredulously. "You."

"Shh." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder, making it itch and burn once more.

I cringed. "...Why?"
Last edited by Shady on Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:55 am
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Alvarin says...

Haigha March (The March Hare) - At the Hearts' HQ
My whole body was aching, my head throbbing, the back of my neck itching. For a long time, or maybe just a second, I struggled to understand where I was. Time didn't seem to flow normally. Everything was dark and heavy. Warm too. Yes, uncomfortably warm.

Like that I lay, trying to make sense of my strange existence, until I finally remembered how to open my eyes. The first thing I saw was another pair of eyes. These eyes had the wrong color, so they couldn't be mine.

"You're finally awake." Well, obviously.

I tried to open my mouth to answer, but realized that I couldn't. It was stuck. Besides, talking seemed so oddly unnatural that I probably wasn't supposed to. "Here's your notebook," I felt something in my hand, "and your pen."

Lifting my arms seemed weird, like my muscles weren't used to it. Honestly, everything seemed weird at the moment, like I was seeing everything from behind a twisted window. None the less I managed to write, and my body did it almost by itself. When I was done I just stared at the letters with a frown. I couldn't read them.

"You have a concussion, so you probably feel a bit.. Off, at the moment." That voice again. I looked up into the mans grey eyes. That made sense, that other guy did hit me pretty hard on the head.

I sat up with a start, almost falling back down from the sudden dizziness. "Yamani." I stared at the notepad. I must've written it instinctively. I held it up for Rook to see, my hands actually shaking from the worry. No, not just worry, I told myself. Guilt. Guilt because I failed her. Guilt because it's all my fault. The sudden realization hit me like a fist in the stomach, and I could almost feel the blood drain from my face. She could be dead, or tortured to the point where she wished she was.

"She was taken to the castle. That's all we know."

"How long?" He seemed suddenly uncertain, as if he didn't want me to know. I shook the notepad slightly, to urge him to answer. If only an hour or two had passed then I should still be able to save her, but Rooks hesitation and sad expression made me lose even that last thread of hope. She was gone, and it was all my fault. I hadn't been strong enough to protect her.

"We found you yesterday night. It's around 8am now." I let my notepad and my pen drop, but didn't even hear the slight sounds they should've made when the landed, nor did I hear any of Rook's comforting words.

If she wasn't here then nothing of this mattered anymore. I couldn't live without her. Going through life alone.. It was like falling into a bottomless pit. No light, no peace, nothing. No, I refused to live without her. If she was still alive in the dungeons.. Yes, yes! She was still alive in the dungeons and I had to free her. I had to free her now. It didn't matter if it cost me my own life, I had to at least try, or I didn't deserve to be with her.

I got up on wobbly legs that hurt like h***, just like everything else, and tore the bandages that stopped me from talking off. Sword. Yes, I needed my katana and my guns. Then I could find her. I needed to focus though. The twisted window was still there.

Someone was shaking my shoulder, which made it hurt even worse than my head. I realized Rook was talking to me, so I tried to listen. "You'll just get yourself caught if you go anywhere like this. You need to rest."

I pulled away from him. It didn't matter what he said, I was still going. Nothing could stop me from saving her. Nothing and no one. I finally found my weapons and strapped them on, I found a pair of shoes in the wardrobe, and my jacket was hanging over the back of a chair. Now I could go, finally. She was alive, I just knew she was. She had to be.

On my way out from the cave I was almost knocked over by a guard who came sprinting towards me. "The queen, she's back! She told us to come get you."

She was here, and she was alive. I had to put a hand over my mouth to stop
myself from laughing, or sobbing, I wasn't quite sure what I would rather do. I knew she was smart, but I would never have thought that she'd be able to escape from the dungeons.

My happiness didn't last long though. When I came out I was faced by a woman I didn't recognize. She was carrying what after the first look seemed to be a bloody sack. My heart sank as I realized that sack was my fiancé. That b******. I was going to kill him. Flay him alive and.. The sudden hatred that flared up inside of me almost took me by suprise. Yamani was the only one who could make me feel something that strongly.

"Haigha, so nice to see you," she said as I approached, in a voice that sounded stronger than I had thought it would be. It shouldn't have surprised me. She was strong, and always had been.

I signaled for the woman who was carrying her to follow me inside. At the moment I didn't care if she was a traitor or not, I just needed to get Yamani inside and get a doctor here. In fact it would probably go faster if I carried her myself, so I took her from the woman and started jogging towards Yamani's room. God knows what they did to her in that dungeon. I shoved those images to the side and forced myself to focuse on the now.

When I got to Yamani's room I helped her lie down on the bed. A writing movement with my hand made one of the guards run of to get my notepad and pen. Soon he was back, and I scribbled some words as quickly as I could and held them up to Rook. "Go get the healer from before. The one with the dogs. Ask around in the poor district. Hurry."

After Rook left I chased the guards, and that new woman out of the room and sat down by Yamani's side. The cuts.. I forced myself to look up at her face instead, which had been left unharmed. The way she was looking at me struck me as odd, but I brushed it off. A lot had happened to her, so it was only natural that she wouldn't be acting like herself.

"Do you want anything?" Food, water?"

"No," she said, her voice much weaker this time.

"I'm sorry."

She eyed me suspiciously. Something was definitely wrong. Never had she looked at me like that. "About what?"

"I failed to protect you. This is all my fault." She didn't object, but instead she looked away. That meant she really was angry with me.. No, it was worse than that. She wasn't just angry, she was disappointed and she had lost her trust in me. It pained me to see her look at me like that, but I knew I deserved it.

"Haigha.. What would you say if I said that I didn't want to do this anymore? That I just wanted to get away from Wonderland and live a normal life."

I frowned. I had prayed for that to happen, but at the same time I had known that she would never be able to be truly happy if she didn't get that throne back. More than anything I wanted her to be happy, and I would do whatever it took to see that happen.

"I'd follow you wherever you go, but I don't want you to give up on your dream because you're scared. Giving up isn't like you." I knew that the things she had gone through were something that I most likely would've been to weak to handle, and it was more than understandable that she wanted to quit.. But I doubted she'd be happy in the end if she did that.

"Hm," was all she said before closing her eyes. I carefully put a blanket over her and hoped that Rook wouldn't take too long.

Spoiler! :
I figured Yamani should at least get healed before she sends Haigha away, so that she'll have the strength to hit him properly xD
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:36 pm
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AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
I HAVE RISEN!! *roars*

As I walk down the cobble stone streets of Wonderland, I watched as the moon rose into the sky, shining it's brilliant light down upon this retched city. How the light soothed my aching head and melted the tension in my body. Pulling the cloak down lower on my head, I picked up the pace. With the moon being full in all, my hair always attracted attention. Not very stealthy for an assassin when they're trying to do a mission and they see you coming from a mile away looking like a glowing orb of light. Damnit. As I reach the Tavern, or Lordie's Joint, I pick up a discarded spray paint can and wrote Lordie's small Joint, before heading into the Tavern with a smirk on my face. Undoing the tie and letting the hood of my cloak fall back, I take a seat and wait. The sound of boots thumping against the hard wood floor, making their way over to me before stopping. I looked up at my sister and smiled, noting her now completely snow white hair. "Hey little Sis. What was so important you had to drag my ass out of bed?"

She smirked as she slid an envelope towards me. "Just to f*ck with you, of course. That's what younger siblings are for. Duh."

I stuck my tongue out at her as I opened the envelope and read it. My eyebrows raised and I look at Lini.

"What?" she snatches the letter out of my hand to look over it, the same reaction on her face. "This has to be a joke."


As I walk through the Forrest, I listen to my surroundings. My feet don't make a sound, just as it should be.

Come to the old rusty boat in the harbor. There is something I need you to do, and I'll pay you well.


What the hell kind of message was that? And what the hell did she need me to do? And why did I have to come to this damned harbor? I sighed. Not a good night for me. Not at all. Just as I clear the Forrest, a loud commotion sounds and I take off running.

Spoiler! :
I didn't know what to do for this part, so i'll just skip it :D


I'd only been here a few minutes, and everything had already gone to hell back. I have no idea what the hell actually happened, but I guess it was a good thing I had shown up when I did, or else Miranda's Kids would be dead, maybe worse. As if one cue, She comes busting into the room towards her kids.

"Oh, my babies!" she dove towards them and hugged them hard.

Seeing as how she wasn't paying me any attention, and I was asked to come here, I took my leave.


Since there was nothing better to do, I headed back to the Tavern and spent some quality time my Sister. It had been a while since i'd last seen her, and didn't realize how much i'd missed her until now. "So how have you been?"

She served someone sitting a few seats away before coming to back over."You'd know if you were around more often."

I frowned. "You know that's not fair, Li."

"What not fair is that you're not giving yourself any time down time. You're always on another mission, or out doing only God knows what." she replied.

"What can I say?" I shrug. "You know how antsy I get."

"Bullsh*t," she glared at me. "and you know it."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll take a little time off. Happy?"


"What the f*ck do you want from me?" I snap.

I hated that Lini was the only person who could make me lose my temper so fast. It drove me crazy. Lini leaned across the counter to touch the scar i'd gotten all those years ago with a sad smile. "I want you to be happy, honey."

Any trace of anger faded at the look on her face and I sigh again. "I'm doing just fine."

She pulls her hand back and crosses her arms over her chest. "But that's just it. That's all you are is 'fine'."

"Like I said."

"You shouldn't be just fine, though." Lini says. "You should be happy. You should have someone other than me on your life. Like I have with Gideon."

"And i'm happy you're happy." I say simply.

"But you're not happy for yourself, which is my point." she finally snap.

I smiled inside. We were the only ones who could get each other to lose our tempers like this. I kept my face neutral. "Why are you making such a big about this?"

"Excuse me, Miss?" the Lini had served earlier called and motioned to his drink.

She gave me a stony look before tending to him. I took the time to look around and refamiliarize myself with the place. So much had changed in the past few years.

"I'm making a big deal about it because i'm your sister and I want to see you happy." she said, grabbing my attention back.

"That may never happen." I shrug.

"You don't even sleep around. You've never even had sex." she frowns.

I leaned forward, placing my interlaced hands on the counter, looking into her eyes. "But don't you already know?" I could feel that pent up darkness slither it's way out from between my lips, my voice coming out deathly quiet. "I've been around the block enough to last a life time."

Her nostrils flared and her eyes flickered. The glass of water she'd placed in front of me when I came back went flying to the other side of the room. I'd obviously pissed her off. She turned, and without a word, walked to through the back and disappeared. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. Great. Just f*cking great. Just then, someone steps from the back and I look up. When I see who it is, I look away as he comes to stand in front of me.

"What did you say that upset her so much?" Gideon looks at me.

I look down at my clenched fists. "Just a little squabble. Nothing really"

He crossed his arms over his massive chest and stared me down. "It's not like you to lie, and it certainly isn't like you not to look a person in the eyes."

My fists clenched even tighter as I glared up at him. "Shut up."

He leaned forward. "Make me."

Stood from my stool, never taking my eyes off of his. "Don't test me, Gideon. You are f*cking with the wrong person at the wrong time."

"I've faced worse than you and your sister." he smiled crudely.

I raised an eyebrow. He sighed. "Fine. I haven't. Now what the hell did you say to Lini?"

"Why don't you mind your own damn business?" I snap. "This is none of yours."

"Like hell it isn't when my wife is out in the alley way crying her eyes out, it sure as hell is my business." he grinds through his teeth.

My heart sank. I'd made her cry? The guilt began to sink in. "She's crying?"

"What ever you said really hurt her." he sighed. "She won't talk to me."

I headed for the back when he stepped into my path. "Move."

"I can't let you past, Luna." he shook his head.

I stepped up to his chest, having to crane my neck to look at him because a good head taller then me. "I'll put you on your ass in a hot second, and you know I will."

"Damnit, Luna." he ruffles his chocolate brown curls with a frown. "That last thing I want to do is upset Lini, and this isn't helping."

There you go f*ucking up again, Luna. Way to go! My heart sank even lower as I turned around. "Just tell her i'm sorry, Ok?"

"Luna, wait!." His hand clamps down on my shoulder and I jerk away, turning to push it off of my shoulder.

"Don't you dare touch me!." my voice came out as a hiss. "Never touch me."

"Luna," he stepped forward. "I'm s-"

I was out of the Tavern before he could finish his sentence.

"Are you Luna?" came voice.

It was a man. I kept walking. "Who's asking?"

"The White Queens requests your presence." he answered, and was gone.

I sighed. What the hell did she want now?


As I arrive, the guards escort me to her.

"You're finally here." she says like I kept her waiting

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Thank you, for helping out. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't. I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about my children. They are easy targets for Lordshire and my sister." she said.

"Yea, you're. Wanna tell what was so important I had to come here twice?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

Spoiler! :
I'd like for you to PM your post to me as well. Tell me if I need to change anything.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:32 am
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veeren says...

Lord 'Lordie' Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

I looked out into the gossiping eyes of the public. I saw hope in the eyes of some, glad to see Wonderland go on with another Lordshire generation. I saw the disapproval in others, hoping for a change of throne as quick as the last. I even saw the lust in many; of the women, who'd of course die to be with me, and the men, who I'd have to remember to execute should I ever see them again.

"I don't have much time, everyone, for of course, I'm a father now," I smiled, "But if anyone would like to send us gifts, feel free to leave it at the castle gates. We'll have everything collected at once, and if you leave your address, we'll even send you a thank you card, signed personally by yours truly, and his darling wife."

I left the audience to their murmuring, and made my way back to the castle.

* * *

When I walked into the dungeon, everyone was silent. Hopefully not because I showed up, right? Reggy didn't look at me this time, so I felt obliged to ignore her as well.

"Hello again, I was wondering if you'd mind us having a little chat," I looked to the side, "Alone."

Reggy got the message, but I doubt she was happy that I was trying to order her around. Women.

"What a loving couple." Erillian said.

"Shut up. How do I know you're the real spider king?" I asked.

"How do I know you're the real king of Wonderland?" he asked in return.

"Are you really going to play this game again?"

He shrugged, "I never said I was the great Erillian. You just assumed-"

"Answer the question." I cut him off.

"Hm," spiders began crawling all around him, "Take a guess."

"A simple yes would've done," I watched the little creepy crawlies fill the room, "What made you decide to get yourself sent here again?"

"Just felt like talking to the big man himself is all."

"Well while we're talking, I'd like to offer you anything you'd like for some information."

"Hmmm, depends..."


"On what you wanna know."

"I want to know about the Queens."

"Well in that case-"

"Sir!" A soldier interrupted us.

I glared at him, "Don't you know how to knock?"

"S-sorry," he mumbled, suddenly aware of the bugs surrounding us, "Your presence is being requested outside, t-to oversee the gifts arriving."

I sighed, "I guess it can't be helped," I turned back to Erillian, "Maybe Reggy will come talk to you again." A sudden wave of emotion hit me, "And if anything happens to her-"

"Relax. I'd never hurt the Queen."

Doesn't really put my mind to rest. I made my way up the stairs, but turned back one last time, "By the way. If you ever want to take me up on that checkers offer, I'd be happy to oblige."

With that, I left him smirking to himself.

* * *

I figured there were better things for me to do after an hour of greeting the gift givers.

For the third time this week, I sent for the Bandersnatch and found him waiting for me in my throne room.

"Apologies for the constant disturbances, but these are busy times." I told him.

"Of course." He said.

"The Red Queen has gone free once more. I need her back. Unfortunately, this time I can't tell you where she is. Last I heard, she was on her way to the forest, probably headed back to her HQ. That should help your search."

"And I suppose you want me start looking immediately."

"Actually, this time, I'll be coming with you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want her in the dungeons, I don't want any guards to see her, I want to deal with her myself. No one finds out but me, you, and these walls."

"Then shall we set off immediately?"

"Sir!" A guards voice came.

"Not again." I sighed, turning to the voice.

"Queen Regina is looking for you!" he shouted.

"Yes, yes, of course she is," I turned to Mercury, "You go on ahead. I'll see if I can catch up."

He nodded and was off, leaving me alone with the guard.

"What's your name, son?" I asked him.

"Mackzies, sir!" He called.

"How long ago were you promoted to castle guard?" I asked, walking towards him.

"A few weeks, sir!"

"And no one ever taught you how to knock before entering?"

"No, sir! Only how to break down the doors of disobedient citizens."

"Oh yes, of course."
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:29 am
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crossroads says...


That guy, Spider King, I thought, sitting at the table and listening to drunk conversation of a few men around me. The tavern I've found some weeks ago was surprisingly close to the monument, disguised to look like a relatively poor residence - perhaps to avoid paying taxes or something along the lines - and always filled with people who liked to drink much and to talk much. I've heard more theories in that tavern than talking to a few old friends spying around the town, and no one quite knew who I was.

I watched as Yamani and Haigha talked to that man, wondering if he knew who I was. He's probably seen me - or better said, spiders have - but I doubted I was ever interesting enough to be followed closely. To think of it that way, however, and assume I was invisible to anyone, would be stupid - even though I knew that most people could call me pretentious for assuming I'm anything more than a replaceable assistant.

"Who's that chick?"

I turned to the bartender, woman old enough to be my mother who kept trying to get me stay the night and possibly share it with one of her daughters, and found her grinning at me. She was pointing at Yamani with a large glass of something purplish. I wasn't sure i wanted to know what it was.
I always found it funny how people couldn't see through disguises, or connect a few dots into a bigger picture. But then again, I was close enough to Yamani and Haigha to know them when I see them.

"Just some chick," I said, shrugging. "Unimportant."

To say honestly, it surprised me to find Yamani and Haigha there - after we went back to the HQ, they left together to her rooms, and I had nothing close to an intention to follow them. After that, I got up before dawn to meet with one of my informers, an orphan girl to whom I bought food and found shelters as payment. I never bothered using grown-ups as spies. They were too transparent, asked too many questions and other adults could outwit them. In the eyes of most, children were naive and easy to sway - but I knew better. I knew most adults had no idea of how to speak to children, and children raised on the streets of Wonderland City knew to give their loyalty to those who actually deserved it.

I watched as Yamani and Haigha left, and lost the track of whatever the bartender was telling me as another figure separated from shadows. It was a woman - and not one of the Hearts, otherwise I would've known she was there. Throne? I wasn't sure if they even had women soldiers. White? I haven't yet met any of those, nor have I managed to find their HQ or have anyone find it for me..

"Draw me."

I turned to the sound, almost pouring my drink all over myself. The youngest of the daughters sat on the table, more or less with all her clothes on the floor. Here's what you get for spying in this place.
Taking the money from my pocket, I put in on the table and got up.

"You will have to excuse me," I said, smiling widely at her. Where are they? I saw them leaving the square just a moment ago - did they get in the woods?. I had a bad feeling, though I knew nor she nor Haigha would be particularly happy if they heard I was spying on them as much as on their enemies. The girl seemed devastated, so I quickly kissed her cheek as I passed her on my way out.

It took me long enough to find them in the woods. They walked hugged and seemed happy, and I kept on smiling, feeling somewhat bad for spying on them like that. I thought of turning away, when the first man stepped out of the woods. No, I froze. How could I not notice?

An arrow flew through the air, and Haigha jumped in front of Yamani, pushing her to the ground. I blinked at the knife in the archer's chest. I haven't even noticed the Queen throwing it.
She got up.
"Idiot. That arrow was for me."

Haigha smiled a little - well, if they aren't in love.. - and she took out the arrow, lecturing him about getting himself hurt. I wondered if he was as able to see how much she's actually worried, as I was.
I grinned as he called him big dummy - they were the Queen and her right hand man, but acted like any young couple whenever they were alone. I knew some wouldn't approve of it - I did. I liked knowing they managed to hold to some good moments and not shut up their emotions completely.

"Who sent him? Is this...Lordshire." Yamani spit his name like a curse, followed by so many of them I almost laughed. From that point of view, she truly had quite a vocabulary. Haigha pulled his notebook out, and I got cut off the part of their conversation.

"I know." She drew her sword. He wrote something else."Haigha, no," she said, looking up at his eyes. "No."

I felt something crawling up my leg - looking down, I spotted a caterpillar, and rolled my eyes. I hated spying personally. I was better with words and with getting others to do things for me, I didn't do so well hiding behind a tree and spying on my own allies.

"No." Yamani shook her head and frowned. "Please."
Haigha wrote something else, eventually taking her hand and going first.
I searched the woods, as far as I could see from where I was standing, and found no trace of the other person that followed them from the square. She was either really good at hiding, or she wasn't there anymore.

"Haigha!" Sudden Yamani's call pulled my attention back to them, just in time to see a soldier attacking and the Queen falling down.

"Give up," one of the soldiers said to Haigha, "you have no chance."

I ran my fingers through my hair. Just standing there and not interfering personally was the most cowardly thing one could do - but again, I never provided myself on being brave enough to be stupid. I took out my notebook and the pen, hoping Haigha would be able to hold for long enough.

I payed no attention to what was happening, drawing random Hearts' soldiers who's faces popped in my head. Detailed enough, just detailed enough.. I ended by drawing myself in front of the Thrones. Then I turned another sheet, just in case, and sketched the Throne soldiers running through the woods back to the castle, with myself holding a pen. Sighing, I shoved it in my pocket, and whined a little as I looked up. Haigha was lying down, unconscious, with Yamani nowhere to be seen, and one of the Thrones was doing something over him.

Work. Just please work.

I walked out, and the soldiers took out their swords. Moment long as a year passed - then the branches behind me moved, and the Hearts I drew stumbled out with their weapons ready. They glanced at Haigha, and then glared at me. Oh right. No Queen, no next in command, and they probably don't even quite know what they're doing here.

"Check the woods," I said, making sure I sound authoritative enough. "The Queen must be here somewhere."

One of the Thrones - the leader of the group, I judged - dropped down in front of us, and "my soldiers" immediately pulled out their swords.

"Drop them, or I'll be the last person you'll ever see and your kingdom will fall," the guy said. I blinked at him, and even he seemed a bit surprised by his own words.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Your Queen is captured, but I am not without honor," he said, and I could practically feel the Hearts soldiers tensing as they saw what they did with Haigha. "Gather your troops. She's in Wonderland City by now, being tortured I suppose."

"How do you know this?" I asked, with no idea what else to do. I was the diplomat, words and drawings were my weapons, yet I never acted this..openly. Never liked the spotlight. Spotlight was for people who knew how to wield a sword without hurting themselves more than those around them.

"I was the one who kidnapped her, of course." The guy said.

Just like that, they were gone. Three Hearts men looked at me again.
"Should we follow them?"

I licked my lips. How the hell am I supposed to know? Are you able to win against them? I shook my head - I could never forgive myself if I sent them to their deaths just like that.
"No," I said. "Let's..let's just get him back to the HQ."

"They have Yamani."

"I noticed," I said, this time looking at them, as my voice grew stronger again. "Trust me. They won't kill her in the castle, not right away - there will be time to think of a strategy." All three of them looked like they wanted to say something, but I kept glaring at them until they looked away, one by one. Then two of them picked up Haigha, and handed me his katana. I took it, keeping the straight face. I should really ask him to show me what the hell one does with that, once.

Haigha's face was changing as the time passed. The others have left and then came back again, a few people came in asking me to eat something and how he was, but I just sent them all away. I was just an advisor - why was everyone turning to me all of the sudden? He will live. They both will. Go do your jobs and leave me alone. I haven't left his room, feeling responsible. He looked surprisingly vulnerable and surprisingly young like that - even though we were around the same age - and I was grateful to have remembered to shut his mouth with something. The others told me it wasn't necessary - he was silent for long enough to know better than to suddenly speak, they said - but I knew it was better to make it safe than regret it later. Killing her entire army would hardly help the Red Queen.
I was good in reading faces, but I couldn't tell what was going on in his mind. I was, in fact, rather sure he wasn't aware of it either. I leaned over him to check if he was actually still breathing, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

You just almost gave me a heart attack.
"You're finally awake," I said.
He moved a little, as if he was about to talk, and I couldn't help but give a quick I-told-you-so glance to the guards. Then I handed him his mean of talking. "Here's your notebook," I said, "and your pen."

"Yamani, he wrote, frowning at his own letters as if he couldn't recognize them. I sighed, wondering how he'd react as he got well enough again.

"You have a concussion, so you probably feel a bit.. Off, at the moment." I said, and he met my eyes. He practically jumped up, just to more or less fall back with a strange painful expression on his face. Then he looked at the notebook again, this time showing it to me. His hands were shaking, and I wanted to be somewhere else - Anywhere else. I could tell he was blaming himself, but really, he should've been blaming me.

"She was taken to the castle," I said slowly. "That's all we know."

"How long?", he wrote, and though I wanted to look away, I found it strangely impossible. I let it happen, I almost said, I was there, I stood there and I saw it all and I did nothing - and then I did something, but I could've saved her. If I wasn't such an idiot, I could've drawn something in time to stop them from even taking her away. I could've sent the guards after her. I should've gone after them myself - if there wasn't for you two, who knows where I'd be now. So go ahead and blame me.

"We found you yesterday night," I said instead. "It's around 8am now." His notebook and pen fell from his hands - I caught them before they fell from the bed, but he seemed not to notice it. Oh lord. What have you done, Rook? "She will be alright," I kept saying, more to comfort myself than him. "Remember? I gave you that drawing - things I draw happen, they always do. She's strong, she will survive it and get back."
He got up, looking like he's going to fade but with determination in his eyes. I grabbed his shoulder. "You'll just get yourself caught if you go anywhere like this. You need to rest."

He ignored me - I still wasn't sure if he even noticed anything I've said - and pulled away, grabbing his weapon and shoes. I got up to go after him and try to convince him to stay and think, and I felt dizzy myself. When was the last time you ate something? All I could remember was that alcohol in the bar...

"The queen, she's back! She told us to come get you."

Wait, what? I glared at the place the guard stormed in, long after Haigha and him already ran off. Too many things happened in just one night. How could the Queen be here? It was impossible. Could she ran from the dungeons?

Both from what I've heard, and by the sight of Yamani as they brought her in, I could tell there was no way she left on her own. They let her go. Why would Lordshire let her go?
I looked up at Haigha as he requested his notebook, and it took me a while to sort the thoughts and read what he said.

"Go get the healer from before. The one with the dogs. Ask around in the poor district. Hurry."

I nodded, glancing once more to the Queen - she looked so young and vulnerable, and I couldn't help thinking how messed up this entire throne hunt was. Then I turned and ran off, trying to remember the names of all the kids spying for me in the Poor District.

There was barely a few things one could think of, that weren't on the streets of that place. From lost cats to dead bodies, and sometimes the mix of those. I whistled a short part of a song I once heard somewhere - I could never tell when or where, but for some reason I felt like I loved the person who sang it - and a red headed girl appeared from the corner. She ran to me, and I looked down at the bag she held. It appeared to be filled with dead rats and pigeons. I frowned.

"Aimee," I said, and her eyes widened. "I'm looking for someone. Could you help me?"

"I ain't doin' anything without food," she replied, and I grinned, though my heart almost missed a beat. You should hurry, Rook. I checked my pockets and took out a bag of some sweets. Yeah, feed kids that. I sighed, handing them over along with a few coins. The girl nodded and looked at me quizzically.

"I need a man, a healer. I'm told he lives somewhere near, and keeps a big pack of dogs. It's an emer-- I really need to hurry."

She was silent for a moment, inspecting the bag I gave her.
"He lives there," she pointed. "Straight, and then left. His place is scary, and I was never there, and I heard his dogs eat people."

With that, she ran off, but I didn't need anything else anyway. I turned, following her instructions, and found myself in front of a wreck of a building. I sighed, really hoping he was around.
Then I heard the barking.

Oh great, I thought to myself, tapping my pockets to find a piece of paper. I found the pen - but the notebook stayed in the HQ. I felt more vulnerable than ever. I could do words, I could talk to anyone - but only seeing they can understand me.
I licked my lips as they charged at me, and then glared confusedly as they just stopped. One came closer - it was big enough to serve as a horse to the girl I talked to before - and licked my hand, while another sniffed something around my boot. Eating humans, eh?

I twitched as the door suddenly slammed open, and a man walked out. The dogs moved from me, rushing at, apparently, their master, as he stared at me.

"What even.." He looked like he saw a ghost. He wasn't much older than me, or so it seemed, but there was something strange about him - and the air around smelled funny, as if someone played with chemicals.

"Um. Are you the healer?" I asked. As I took a step towards him, he took a step back. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but your presence is needed.. Urgently." I offered my hand, just in case he wanted to know who I was. "My name is Rook, I-"

"No," he cut. "That's freaking impossible."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:10 pm
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Alvarin says...

Garion Thornbranch

~Nice little space where I will write Thorn's POV on whatever megsug writes.. Feel like I have a lot of these spaces~

A salve against warts. Now, that was a waste of my talents, but the old rich ladies payed well and I had a lot of dogs to feed. I sighed, and the deep inhalation of sharp fumes immediately set of another fit of coughing. Should definitely open a window, before I faint or start seeing things.

Before I had time to even get up from my chair the dogs started barking. Trespasser or someone who needed help. I'd have to check who it was, but I wanted to finish this first. I checked the salve again, and decided that it was thick enough. I removed the pot from the flame and used a spoon to scoop it into small glass jars. I'd charge a fortune for every jar. Not that those creepy old rich ladies would mind. The kind of people who wanted this salve weren't from the poor or middle district.

I tossed the pot into the sink and then opened the door. The dogs had stopped barking, so I assumed that who ever it was had been chased away, but instead they were sniffing him out, wagging their tales like they knew him. I raised my eyes from his boots to his face as the dogs returned to my side.

"What even.." It couldn't be. No, this was an illusion. I had inhaled too much of those fumes, and no my mind was playing tricks on me. I was going to go back to my room, when the illusion suddenly started talking with a voice that I had almost forgotten.

"Um. Are you the healer?" If he was an illusion that why didn't he know who I was? And why were my dogs waging their tails and looking in his direction. He took a step towards me, and I stepped instinctively took a step back. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but your presence is needed.. Urgently." Maybe this was just someone looking for help, and my mind was projecting the image of Rook. But that didn't explain why the dogs seemed to like him. "My name is Rook, I-"

"No," I said quickly. No way. The only two explanations left was that he was either real, which was impossible. I had tried to heal him after he was shot, but not even I couldn't make the dead come back. Then there was one option left. The fumes had made me faint and now I was dreaming.. Or he really was here. "That's freaking impossible," I said, mostly to myself.

He stared at me with a confused expression, and I was pretty sure I looked the same. "Listen, I really need you to come with me."

"And I really need to stop seeing things," I muttered and walked past him. Yes, a walk and some fresh air would do me good.. If I wasn't in fact laying unconscious on the floor in my apartment, 'cause then the salve would catch fire sooner or later and I would die. Well, my life sure had been long enough already, but I wouldn't want to die just because I forgot to open a window. I really had been an idiot lately.

"I wouldn't have come here if this wasn't a matter of life and death." I pulled away when I felt his hand on my shoulder. This dream was freakishly realistic. "Please."

"Leave me alone!" I shouted as he tried to grab my arm. "Go back to where we buried you." My voice was harsh, and he seemed suddenly startled. Well, I'd be happy if he was alive, but he wasn't, and I didn't want to be reminded of that. I had just stopped mourning him, and the feelings that the sight of him stirred weren't welcome. I should probably be grateful that I was the one hallucinating about Rook, and not Knightly. It would break her.

"You knew me before I died?"

"Before you.." I started laughing, and it wasn't a pleasant laugh. Even my dogs whimpered and backed away from me. "Oh, man, this is just too much. Really? My mind is so much of a jackass that I'm gonna have to tell my hallucination of you how you died. I think I'll pass." As if actually seeing it wasn't enough.

When I started walking away I could hear him following me. Maybe if I concentrated real hard he'd turn into a unicorn? Dreams were like that sometimes. "Hey, wait! I'm not an hallucination."

I twirled around to look him in the eyes I knew so well. My dogs read my sudden reaction as anger, so they flashed their teeth and growled at him. He took a few steps back, glancing from me to the dogs. "Really? Then you must be a zombie, and I don't believe in those."

He suddenly seemed to realize something, 'cause he smiled and looked very convinced. "If you knew me then you probably knew about my ability."

I sighed. Really? Was there no way fro me to get away from this? Why was my mind forcing me to go through this? "Yeah, whatever you draws becomes reality. It used to freak the h*** out of me."

Rook looked almost surprised at my answer. What had my mind been expecting? It should know that I hadn't forgotten. "I probably drew something that hadn't happened yet when I died. Like some future event that I wanted to be part in. My powers could make me return to life just to make sure that happened."

He had painted himself, Knightly and their child several times.. I shook my head. I wasn't going to let my mind convince me. Just because I wanted him to be alive didn't mean that he could ever come back. Even his powers should be enough to bring someone back from the dead. "Oh, and because you got shot in the head you now can't remember anything." I turned away from him, not able to look at him anymore or I'd start to cry. I wasn't the type to cry and I wasn't the type to make friends either, but somehow this guy had managed to get past the grumpy exterior I tried to put up. Avoiding to get to know mortals was much simpler than watching them grow old and die.. Or just die, in Rook's case. "Just out of curiosity," I said, still with my back turned to him, "who is it that you want me to heal?"

"The Queen of Hearts."

Wait.. What? Now my mind was just playing around. Rook would never become a soldier or pick a side in such a senseless war.. But if he really had lost his memory then maybe he would.

"Please, come with me and help her. I don't care if you believe I'm really here or not. Just fix her and I'll stop bothering you."

That sounded like something he would say. I turned to look at him again. He had spots of ink on his hands, hair tied up as always, that same stubborn but friendly look in his eyes. Even a small scar where the bullet should've entered his scull. Could my mind really be that accurate? I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. It was solid, warm and felt very very real.

"How the f*** am I supposed to break this to Knightly?" I drew him into a bear hug, squeezing him much tighter than I should've. I was still expecting him to suddenly disappear, just to prove to me what an idiot I really was. "I'm just gonna get my stuff," I mumbled as I let him go and quickly walked back to my apartment.

It was difficult to focus with the fumes and Rook outside.. Mainly because Rook was outside. Rather than trying to sort my own thoughts out I kept thinking of Knightly. Of course she'd be happy that he was alive, just like I was, but it brought painful memories back, and he didn't even remember her.

I had one of those doctor's bags in my room. Old and dusty, since I rarely bothered to bring it with me, but I had a feeling that if on of the throneless queens was desperate enough to send someone for me it had to be pretty bag. I put all kinds of tools, salves and potions into it, as well as a bunch of ingredients in case I needed to make an antidote of some kind.

When I was done I went back outside, and the sight of Rook gave me the same pang of mixed emotions as before. I stopped and stared at him, but then shook my head and followed him. Half of the pack stayed behind to guard the place, and the rest followed behind me, sometimes running up to Rook just so he'd pet them.

As we walked out from the city, he asked a few more questions. "You mentioned someone named Knightly?"

"Yeah," I mumbled and tried not to look at him. "What exactly is wrong with the queen?" I was an obvious attempt to change the subject, but I really didn't want him running of to Knightly at once. I'd need to talk to her first, and prepare her for.. Everything.

"She was tortured by the Thrones. She has some broken bones and a lot of cuts. You should probably heal her right hand man as well. He doesn't have any injuries as serious as the queen though."

I frowned. Torture? Well, I couldn't really feel bad for her, knowing that she probably had done the same thing to others before. What goes around comes around, they say. I had started doubting that when Rook died, but now it seemed more true than ever. "Can't say she didn't have it coming," I muttered.

"She's not that bad."

I frowned again. "And when did you become one of those idiots?"

He didn't look too happy. Well, he had forgotten everything I had told him before, so he wouldn't understand my hatred now, would he? "They took care of me right after I had come back."

"Oh, how nice of them." I didn't say anything more about it, as I didn't want to get into an argument. The situation was difficult enough to cope with as it was.

"You don't like.."

"I hate soldiers, no matter what side they're on. In the end the civilians get hurt and I have to clean up the mess. You knew that once, we talked about it quite a lot."

"How long have we known each other?"

I shrugged. This conversation was so weird, and I kept feeling like he would disappear at any moment. "Four, maybe five years. I met you soon after I moved here. One of my dogs bit you, so I healed it. The dog, I mean. You stabbed it in the neck with a pencil." I smirked when I realized that I still hadn't forgiven him for that. It had been one of my favorite dogs. Old and over protective, but very kind towards me.

"This is it," he said suddenly just as I spotted two guards at the opening of a cave. They approached us, trying to look scary at first, but then they must have recognized Rook 'cause they stopped and let us pass.

I made the dogs stay outside and wait, and told the guards that they should probably feed them, or they would end up as dinner. I thought it was funny, but before I could tell them I was joking they were already on their way to get the dogs a snack. Well, that just meant that I didn't have to.

I was shown to what I assumed was the queen's room. Rook knocked, and we were both let in by a man I hadn't seen before. His worried eyes made me think that the queen was someone dear to him. He let us both in, and I was surprised when I realized that the idiot whose arm I had healed before was actually the queen.

I sighed as I pulled the cover away from her and took a look at her wounds. "That's what you get from playing with fire." I muttered. "Lift her up on that table instead," I instructed and put a hand on her shoulder. Might as well begin while she was unconscious.

Rook and the man helped me to gently lift her up and carried her towards the table, she suddenly started twisting around and cursing, making us almost drop her. Luckily the man caught her before she landed and then finally put her on the table.

"Hold her still now," I muttered. I really didn't want her injuries to get any worse from her falling onto the floor.

She stared at me, and her eyes were just as ungrateful as before. "You."

Who else? "Shh," I said, seriously considering to use a potion to put her to sleep just to shut her up. I put my hand back on her shoulder. Her shattered arm and leg was what I should deal with first, and then I could take the ribs and after that the cuts and burns.


"Why I want you to shut up?" I asked with a frown. "Because you're an idiot, that's why."

Rook seemed surprised at my behavior, which I took as yet another proof of his memory loss, and the man - whose name I should really ask about - looked a bit.. Angry. He probably wanted to defend his lady's honor, and all that. The only one who looked amused was the queen herself.

"This is gonna hurt," I warned before grabbing her arm and pulling it out. I needed to make sure both arms were the same length, or she'd have to live with one arm that was shorter than the other. She simply clenched her teeth, and I had to admit that I was impressed. "I can put you to sleep if you want. I've got plenty of chloroform with me."

"No," she hissed.

"Suit yourself," I muttered.

As time passed I became more and more focused on my work, to the point where I completely forgot about those around me, even Rook. I healed the arm and then the leg. After that I started to feel tired, so I decided to skip the ribs for a while and start cutting and pulling out the stitches instead. The cuts were so resent that they barely left any scars, but the burns did. Burnt skin was difficult to heal without getting any scars. Well, she'd just have to live with it.

After a while I started getting dizzy, and I knew I had to stop or I would pass out. I had healed her cuts anyway, and the ribs would get well if she just rested. I rummaged through my bag until I found a jar with a salve that helped against burns. When I had covered every burn with a thick layer and but bandages on them I simple leaned back on the chair and sighed.

"I think I bloody well deserve a sincere 'thank you' this time."

"Thank you." I blinked and looked at her face. She had actually meant it. Well, wasn't that a surprise?

A glance at her man's head reminded me that I should do something about that as well, just to be sure. "Come here," I said and gestured for him to get closer. I was too tired to get up at the moment. "I should check your head." I pointed at the bruise he had there. Head injuries that seemed fine could turn nasty in a split second.

He just shook his head. Idiot. Trying to act like a though guy. I got up, leaning heavily on the table, and put a hand on his head before he could refuse. "Stupid b******. In a few hours you would've puked, and a while after that you would just have dropped dead." I fixed only what I needed to fix, and then flopped back down on the chair. "Well then. I'm beat, but you two will live. Both of you need to rest, in bed.. Preferably separate ones. Still, I know that you are both idiots, so I assume that you'll be running around killing people as soon as I have turned my back to you." I took a breath before continuing.

"You," I looked at the queen, "should change those bandages once a day and put more of this on, unless you want an infection and horrendous scars." I tossed her the jar with salve. "If you move around too much one of your broken ribs might puncture your lung. You might want to think about that before running of on any new adventures."

"And you," I looked at the man this time. "Try to avoid heavy blows to the head, or you might die."

They all looked at me as if they expected me to say goodbye and leave, but I remained seated. I didn't really have a choice. It took all I had just to stay awake. "Oh, and I'm too tired to move, so unless someone want to carry me back to my place I'll just stay here for now."
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:07 am
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crossroads says...


I left the dungeons, glancing at Erillian one more time before I let the guards close the door behind me. One of them asked me if I needed something, and I only dismissed him, wanting to get to my room as soon as possible.
"My Queen, your highness."

I turned to the guard - he was rather young, and I had no idea what his name was - wondering if I'll manage to get to my room without breaking down in the process. I felt dizzy, my head hurt and my emotions ran wild. I wasn't sure whether to blame the baby, its father or Erillian. He won't tell Lordie of everything we talked about, will he?

"Your have an appointment with your doctor in an hour," the guard reminded me. I nodded, frowning a little.

"Good. You can leave now." I hesitated a bit. "When he's done in the dungeons, tell the King I need to see him."

He bowed, turned and left, and I rushed to get to the safety of my room. Two of my personal guards stayed outside - I slammed the door behind me and fell to the bed, not getting up until I couldn't breathe in the pillow anymore.
What have you done, Reggy?, I asked myself, recalling the talk with Erillian. Why did you tell him that? How could you be so stupid and practically invite him to try and get the throne? What kind of queen does that? What kind of wife does that?
I turned to my back, staring at the ceiling - I also had a mirror there - and I was caught by surprise to find tears on my cheeks. I couldn't recall crying, regardless of what was going through my mind.
What the hell, Regina? How much more pathetic can you get? I wiped off the tears angrily, so hard that my cheeks got burning red. You're here, are you not? It's your throne, not some lost little princess's. Your kid will be the heir of Wonderland, no one can doubt you even if they could before, so stop the f***ing crying already!

I remembered the day when I married. He explained exactly what he wanted from me - he never asked for a queen, he never asked for a wife, he needed a figure to present to people, and there I was. But I knew better. I knew I could get anyone play the game my way, eventually. I was sure I could've acted charming enough to smite every guard and gain more real power than the King wanted me to. And then? What happened to you then?

Knocking pulled me back to reality. Could he be done with Erillian already? I dismissed that thought - it couldn't have been over a few minutes. Oh right, the doctor.

"Send her in," I called.

I shifted, ready to get up, as sudden pain pierced through my stomach again. I bit the pillow so I don't make a sound, curling on the bed and squeezing the sheets. No, stop it, why does it freaking hurt?
I heard fast steps, and my doctor's face appeared over me.

"Regina," she said - apart from Lordie, she was probably the only one to call me by name. "What is it? What's wrong?"

I sat up as the pain ceased, shaking. I've been through too many surprises for one day.

"I'm fine," I said. "I..it hurt really badly for a second." I looked up to meet her dark brown eyes, and I knew I couldn't hide my concern. "What's happening? It isn't supposed to hurt, is it? Why-"

"Calm down." She gently pushed me back to the pillows and started with her usual checking. "He held a press for the public, you know."

Oh great. He could've at least told me. Let alone actually bringing me along.
"Good. People can now be calm about who inherits the throne." Like half of them wouldn't want us both dead.

The doctor smiled a little.
"Nothing is wrong with you, as far as I can see - with either of you." She gave me a strange look. "You should get out of those dresses, though. They're not healthy."

"I like my dresses," I muttered. I was afraid of keeping my clothes tight for a while, but it was more important to keep it hidden until the right moment to tell Lordie - and then, the right moment just never seemed to arrive, until a few days ago. The doctor shook her head.

"The kid likes its space. Give it some. I assure you you'd look gorgeous in loose shirts as well, my lady."

"Hm. I don't think I have any," I confessed, and she grinned.

"Take his then."

I almost laughed. Right, like I don't have enough Lordie issues already.
"I'll have them make some," I said. She didn't seem quite happy, but I didn't really care. "Is there anything else? Are you sure everything is fine?"

"You worry," she nodded. "That's a good thing, it makes me sure you care. Does he worry?"

I hesitated, wondering if I should tell her to mind her own business. But out of everyone in the castle - Lordie included - she was the one who knew me the best, seeing I couldn't have ever acted if I wanted to get my problems fixed.
"He's-- the King has bigger issues at the moment." I got up, surprising her. By now, he should've already ended his conversation with Erillian, one way or the other. "I have some business to attend. I'd appreciate it if you told someone to make me a few of those..other dresses." I hate loose clothes. I wore enough of dresses and shirts too big for me, back when I had to settle with what we had left from the clothes we made for others. I watched as she slowly bowed and left the room. "Thank you."

I sighed as she closed the door behind her, and approached my table in the corner. It didn't take me long to find a proper thin quill - I liked quills, they made me feel more queenly than pens and pencils did - and a small triangular piece of paper. One of my loyalest was supposed to be coming back to the castle, and I had instructions for him. The troublesome part was, no human or spider was supposed to hear those instructions. I checked all around the table and myself, and made sure to shield the paper a bit - and then I wrote in a way that can only be read when put in front of the mirror. Unless the person reading it happened to be used to getting instructions that way. I smiled a little. Read that, little creepers.
I started writing, a note I've thought of over and over.

There's a man named Brae, in the army of the White Queen. I want him here, by any means possible - alive. His abilities might present a problem, so make sure you don't get to touch.
Apart from that, watch the camp of the Queen of Hearts. Take your time, and let me know of anyone who's abilities stand out, who's interesting in some way and accessible enough. Find out that person's name, where to find them and everything possible about them. Then invite them to meet me in the castle - invite, not force, using the most convincing words you find.
Don't get into any fights with either of the Queens - deny any connection to me or the Thrones, do whatever needed to get their loyalty and get close enough to get the tasks done.
Don't get yourself killed.
Don't let the King know.


I folded the paper in the shape of a flower, and turned just in time to see the young guard entering the room. I frowned.
"Can't you knock?"

"Precisely." Lordie walked in after him, looking at me with something I haven't seen in his eyes in years. "I was telling him the same." He turned to the guard. "Well, off you go."

Neither of us said anything until the guards closed the door behind them.
"So," I began, "how did the chat with Spider go?"

"What an interesting thing to ask. You two talked for quite some time before I entered."

I frowned. What are you getting to? What did he tell you? I glanced at his eyes, but he looked away. I bit my lip. You want to play? Fine.
"I told him I'd get the throne myself if I were him," I said. This time, Lordie glared at me.

"You did what?"

I struggled to read the emotion in his eyes. Anger, yes. Something else..guilt? Concern? I couldn't tell.
"We knew each other years ago," I said shortly, smirking a little. "He'd make a far better ruler than either of the Queens."

"I'm not sure if you noticed, the throne is currently occupied," he replied, holding to his cane so strong he'd crush his own head if it wasn't made of diamond. "You could be charged for treason for those words."

"Charge me for treason, then," I said, feeling like something was burning inside of me. He lied to me. He didn't trust me. He didn't care. Why should I - why did I? "What will you do, have me torture myself?"

"There are other people with skills," he noticed. I shrugged.

"Loyal to me."

He stepped closer.
"Are you implying," he hissed, "that being loyal to you doesn't mean being loyal to me?"

"I don't know," I snapped, "what the hell do you think?"

"It's not easy to tell lately," he sounded as mad as I felt. "What was all that with Yamani? Do you think she'd let me go if it was the other way around?"

I didn't know what to say for a moment, just staring at him blankly. It could never be the other way around, I almost said. Promise me. Stay in the castle. Tape yourself to the freaking throne.

"Answer me, Reggy."

"They love each other," I said, finding my voice again and pushing the thoughts away. "If we killed her, he'd not stop until he'd kill us, because that's just how it goes. She's a strong person, Lordie. She was still cursing at me after having more bones broken than I even thought one could break before falling into coma." He twitched a little, but I ignored it. You asked for it, so here you go. "But she's a woman, and a rather young one on top of it. I told her a bit of a story. I told her of all the truth - of how her beloved really only wants her power, of how no queen should trust promises made by people who know them. Of how power is like fire, and those born without it are like flies, attracted to it and eventually ready to do everything for it. I told her I knew how that felt. I told her what a king with the power of voice could to to her beloved Wonderland."
He just stared at me, now seeming to be fighting to keep the angry expression.

"I poked her heart enough to crack, and she's going to break it herself, along with his." I continued. "And when they're separated, when they're desperate and confused, they'll be vulnerable. Perhaps vulnerable enough to give up. Perhaps enough to lose their battles. Perhaps enough to switch sides."

I turned my back to him as I finished, wondering what he'd say. With every word, my plan sounded dumber to me. There was so many things that could've went wrong. She could've died anyway. Erillian could tell her of my plan. Did I just put us in ever greater danger than the one we were in before?

With an unpleasant feeling around my belly again, I took a deep breath and unbuttoned the upper part of the upper dress - it didn't do much, seeing that the layer under was rather tight on its own as well.
"I should've told you," I muttered, not even sure he was still in the room. "But I wanted to be sure she won't remember I said it all - she needs to think her mind did it on its own. It's easier for me to delete the memories if I'm the only person sharing them."

I turned back to him, finding him smiling a little - he deleted that smile from his face as soon as he noticed me looking at him, but it was there anyway. I was so tired of fighting; I was tired of everything.
"What would you say," I asked slowly, "if I asked you to leave the throne?" He opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "To just leave. Go away, disappear. It could be so much easier - no dangers, no worries, no plans.."

"You sound like you want to leave me."
I suppressed the need to hit him, or hell, or cry, or anything. Give me some kind of emotion, damn you. he poked me with his diamond self, and the baby kicked back, almost making me smile. "It's a bit too late for those thoughts now. You had a choice to pick a side five years ago. You want to leave? Why haven't you left already, then? You seem to have friends to take you in."

There you go, Reggy, he's hurt. Happy now? I had no idea what to say. He stood there, looking at me for a moment longer, and then just turned around to leave. I stared at his back blankly, cursing the Queens and the fact they appeared again, more angry at myself than at him.

"I don't..want..to leave," I said silently. He stopped, but didn't turn. How can you ask me for explanations, when you've been lying about how you found me, when you've been keeping things from me for so long? "But I can't live like this anymore." He turned to me this time, seeming somewhat puzzled, and at least as tired as I felt.

"I don't know what more you want," I continued. "I did everything you asked. I changed myself for you, I changed everything I was, I stayed by your side for years! I..will be the mother of your heir, and you still can't even trust me!" I felt like I had temperature, wondering if I influenced my own mind more than I did Yamani's. "I don't want to leave and I don't want you to give up on the throne, but I don't want you dead on it either! And it's not because I want to keep my own title, but because I-"
I shut up, looking away. I had tears in my eyes now, and I didn't care. I didn't even care of what he will say - I just wanted to hear him say something.

Spoiler! :
That was a lot of talking =_= Take it on, Veer ^^


The guy, the healer, seemed either lost or high on something, or a bit of both. His face was pale, even paler than my own skin, and he just kept glaring at me

"Listen,"I said, more confused than I ever was, "I really need you to come with me."

"And I really need to stop seeing things," he muttered, passing next to me. For a moment, I just stood there, feeling like an idiot and glaring into nothing. Then I turned, caught up with him and caught his shoulder - he backed off instantly.

"I wouldn't have come here if this wasn't a matter of life and death." I said, feeling somewhat desperate. They are counting on me. What kind of healer is this guy? "Please."

"Leave me alone!" He yelled. "Go back to where we buried you."

I stopped in the middle of a move, staring at him as my thoughts ran wild What? No one knew of that - not even Yamani or Haigha knew the details - I never talked about it. There was no way this man could've known - unless he knew me before.. I never properly thought of that. I knew more or less what happened, but I never knew why, and I never thought of people from my past life. I smirked on the inside. Past life. Not so past, as it seems.

"You knew me before I died?" That question sounded strange and stupid even to myself.

"Before you.." He laughed hysterically, and I backed off a little. Maybe he was joking - maybe he wasn't telling the truth. Maybe I was talking to the wrong guy and just waisting my time. "Oh, man," he said, "this is just too much. Really? My mind is so much of a jackass that I'm gonna have to tell my hallucination of you how you died. I think I'll pass."

"Hey," I called, following him as he turned away again. "Wait! I'm not an hallucination."

He turned back, and our eyes met. For a moment, I felt dizzy, as some uncatchable memory flashed through my mind. His dogs growled, and I took a step back. Then he spoke again.
"Really? Then you must be a zombie, and I don't believe in those."

The dogs, I thought. I was told they eat people, but they only greeted me - and even though he thought I was a hallucination, his pack obviously didn't agree. For a moment, I smiled. He really did know me. No - we knew each other. Apparently, seeing how he reacted, we knew each other well. I suppressed a grin and all the questions I had. I never met anyone who knew me yet. I never even.. Then I thought of something. Right. That can explain everything to him.
"If you knew me then you probably knew about my ability," I said.

"Yeah," he sighed, "whatever you draws becomes reality. It used to freak the h*** out of me."

He remembers it that well? It's been months, hasn't it? I licked my lips, trying to find proper words to explain as simply as possible.
"I probably drew something that hadn't happened yet when I died," I said, hoping he might be able to tell me what it was. "Like some future event that I wanted to be part in. My powers could make me return to life just to make sure that happened."

He seemed to be considering it for a moment, seeming distant and a bit lost in his memories. I wondered if he gets that I don't have those. Tell me, I thought, finding it hard to be patient. It was the first time I had someone who knew me in front of me - it was my first proof all of it ever even happened.
"Oh," he said, "and because you got shot in the head you now can't remember anything."
He turned away before I got the chance to nod, and I suddenly wondered what it probably felt like for him. I never had anyone close to me die. I never even had anyone close to me. I frowned. Or did I?. "Just out of curiosity," he said, calling me back from my thoughts, "who is it that you want me to heal?"

"The Queen of Hearts," I said distantly, and then shook my head to ouch away all the questions. There was time for that later - right now, Yamani needed his help. "Please, come with me and help her," I said. "I don't care if you believe I'm really here or not. Just fix her and I'll stop bothering you."

He turned back to me, giving me a long look before grabbing my shoulder. I didn't back away, though I couldn't even tell what I felt like. He looked like testing if I was really there. I just kept staring at him.

"How the f*** am I supposed to break this to Knightly?" He suddenly asked, and the next moment I found myself barely breathing of the hug. I froze - I had no idea what to do, no idea what to say. Who the hell is Knightly? I opened my mouth to say something - though I wasn't quite sure what - as he let me go, just as suddenly as he hugged me, muttered something about getting his stuff and then disappeared in his home again.

I thought thinking would be easier when I wasn't looking at him, but I found it impossible to sort my thoughts. He seemed surprised to hear me caring for Yamani. Did he belong to one of the other sides? Was I bringing an enemy to the HQ? I shook my head - I couldn't believe that. This guy seemed real - no, I could feel he was telling the truth. It was almost creepy, and I smiled to myself. I didn't even know his name.

He came out with a big old bag, assumably filled with some medical instruments, and I felt guilty for the look he gave me. Haigha should've sent someone else - someone who wouldn't accidentally mess with this man's mind. I turned and let him follow me, figuring we were upsetting each other equally.
But still.. I couldn't ignore things he said. Out of hundreds of questions buzzing around my head, one didn't want to go away.

"You mentioned someone named Knightly?" I said, and he avoided my eyes.

"Yeah," he muttered. "What exactly is wrong with the queen?"

Well, that's quite a cliche way to avoid a subject. I wondered if I should pursue him with my questions for a moment. Then I reminded myself again that there was time for my catching up - Yamani was dying there while we did our talking.
"She was tortured by the Thrones," I said. "She has some broken bones and a lot of cuts. You should probably heal her right hand man as well. He doesn't have any injuries as serious as the queen though." It's also mostly happening because I was an idiot.

He frowned. "Can't say she didn't have it coming."

I shrugged.
"She's not that bad."

He frowned again. "And when did you become one of those idiots?"

My eyebrows now furred too - what was he talking about? What did he even know of her?
"They took care of me right after I had come back," I said, keeping my voice cold.

"Oh, how nice of them," he remarked, but kept on that.

"You don't like.."

"I hate soldiers," he cut, before I even properly asked the question, "no matter what side they're on. In the end the civilians get hurt and I have to clean up the mess. You knew that once, we talked about it quite a lot."

I nodded a little, but he didn't seem to be noticing. I agreed with that - I even thought of it a lot myself. That girl, the Red Queen, she and her sister were ready to kill each other and take so many people with them, just for a title and some power. I saluted the idea of making Wonderland better - but at what cost?
"How long have we known each other?" I asked, wishing to bring us back to the topic I was more interested in. He shrugged, and I pretended not to notice him being uncomfortable.

"Four, maybe five years," he said. "I met you soon after I moved here. One of my dogs bit you, so I healed it. The dog, I mean. You stabbed it in the neck with a pencil." He smiled, and I couldn't help but grin. Dogs. How lovely.

I stopped before the Hearts' HQ, showing him in.
"This is it." I nodded to the guards to let us pass.

He looked tired before he was even done with Yamani - and then he did to Haigha whatever it was he did, and more fell than sat in the chair. All three of us stared blankly at him.
"Oh, and I'm too tired to move," he said, "so unless someone want to carry me back to my place I'll just stay here for now."

I glanced at Haigha, and he gave me a take-him-somewhere-I-want-to-be-alone-with-her look, so I sighed and approached the chair. He opened his eyes, and I shrugged.

"I have a room," I said. Not that I didn't want to finally sleep myself, but that'll have to wait. He grumbled something, but got up, and I caught him before he fell back down. That tired? At least Yamani thanked him. I gestured a guard to pick up his bag, and guided him to my room. Luckily enough, he was more or less my built, so I could handle navigating him to the bed. I didn't let him object before more or less letting him fall on it.

"Here you go," the guard said, putting the bag on a chair and eying him suspiciously. I nodded as thanks and sent him off, closing the door behind him. Then I opened the bag, and found myself glaring blankly at object I had no idea what to do with.

"Hey," I called, turning to the bed again. "Is there something that can make you less tired?"

"Sleep," he muttered.

"Besides that. Don't you have a potion or something?"

"Mhm. Should be green."

I went through the bag, finding two bottles.
"Eh.. Dark green or light green?" He said nothing, so I repeated my question louder.

"Which one looks healthier?"

I made a face.
"They both look like poison."

He smirked this time, and opened his eyes.
"Dark. Why don't you just let me sleep?"

"I'm mean," I said, handing him the bottle. "And curious. You're the only one I've met so far who knew anything about me." He drank from the bottle, coughing a little, and I dragged the chair to the bed, figuring I can't ignore all the questions anymore. "Tell me."

He squinted at me.
"Of what?"

I shrugged.
"Everything. You can start with your name."

"You know my-- oh right. You called me Thorn."

I nodded, getting my notebook, and he eyed it suspiciously.
"Who is this Knightly person you spoke of? It sounds so..familiar..but.." I shrugged, staring down at my notebook. "It's really frustrating. How well did we know each other? I want to know who you are. What was I doing before? What were the things you saw me draw? What was I like? Do you know what happened? Who-"

He put his hand over my mouth, shushing me.
"Man, Rook. Give me time to at least process what you even asked, let alone answer. You're not the only one confused, you know." He moved his hand, but I stayed silent. "Not like I see my dead friends around all that much."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

Resistance is futile.
— The Borg