
Young Writers Society

The 37th Hunger Games

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Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:37 pm
yubbies21 says...

Angus Weavers - District 5 - Health/100/ Hunger/100/ Thirst/100/

Jessy was counting on me to win. I was counting on me not winning, but I had to win for her, for Harvey, and especially for my mother, who was alone without me. I was dressed and wanting for it to be all over. I hate the games; it’s all just a big show for the snobby Capitol people, and this year I was a part of it. I was crying inside, grinning on the outside, and maintaining a positive air, acting like the games are all a joke.
I won’t kill. I won’t win. I will die very soon. Jessy will cry. Other people will cry for me too, and I will be dead, dead, dead. Gone. Bright lights hit my eyes as I was elevated into the arena and grinned. Just keep smiling. People will sponsor you...hopefully...
I waited for the minute, eyeing the cornucopia, knowing I would die instantly if I were to venture close to it and the mound of treasures inside. Scattered around were items of lesser value, but still priceless to me. I spied a back-pack, a plastic sheet, a small bag of dried fruit, and a flat edged knife all surrounding me.
BONG! I hooked my hand on all of the items around me. I staggered upright, holding the precious good just in time to see a blade slice open my upper leg. Blood trickled down my leg, soaking my sock as I staggered off the field, into the rest of the arena, to my certain death. I reminded myself to smile.
I cut into the edge of the trees, avoiding the center of the forest where I had seen a lethal looking girl enter a few minutes ago. Sorting my pack as I moved forward, I found some useful items, enough to live on for a little while. I jogged lopsidedly towards the mountain base, attempting to staunch to flow of blood seeping from my leg, aware that somebody was trying to kill me, but I was going to keep grinning.

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Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:57 pm
Elinor says...

Emilie Cray - Health 100/Hunger 100/Thirst 100

Emilie took a deep breath as she pulled the brown fleece over her shoulders and stepped onto the pedestal that would take her up to the arena. The doors closed behind her. This was the moment that she had spent her whole life preparing for.

Emilie had thought the last week had been silly and pointless. At the same time however, she had loved her interview dress and her chariot costume-- she wasn't ashamed to admit that. The last week had also given her a chance to scope out her competition and dispel any doubts that she might have had about winning. Most of the playing field were young and weak kids that she would have no problem taking out. Her allies in the career district, none of whom she liked very much, were all strong as well, but she could easily strangle them or bash their skull in with a mace or axe while they were sleeping and the playing field got down to a few competitors.

As she ascended, she could feel her heart pounding. She was going to run as fast as she could once the gong sounded, get all of the supplies she could, and kill anyone who got in her way.

She felt a burst of light and then the details of the arena came into view. It was a varied and beautiful landscape, and the weather was chilly but not terrible. Brisk. Perfect. The countdown began, and Emilie focused on the Cornucopia, where tons of goods lay waiting for her. She only hoped that enough of her weaker foes would be stupid enough to challenge her and the other careers for it so they'd be down to the serious fighters right of the bat.

The gong sounded. Emilie sprinted as fast as she could, picking up a pair of spiked shoes and a bag of some kind of food before she even reached the cornucopia. Once she got there, she had just enough to set her stuff down and grab a silver axe from the row of weapons at the mouth when the stupid kids started to come. She easily took out a young girl - from District 12 - with it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another girl - who she thought was from District 5 - try to escape with an orange backpack. Emilie easily killed her and took the backpack. After that, it started to be mindless. She could feel the adrenaline rushing in her veins as she killed another girl - District 3.

Emilie didn't know how long it lasted. She just tried to apply everything she'd learned her whole life. It came rather easy, especially since the other careers had her back.

After a few minutes, no one else came to the cornucopia. All that remained were the bodies of the small, weak tributes that had died and a plethora of supplies for the careers to share. They would make out very well, at least for a while. As the cannons sounded, Emilie sat down and began to breath deeply. The bloodbath was over. Her nerves could be calmed; she was in the games now. She only wondered what awaited her in the coming weeks.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:07 am
yubbies21 says...

Paja Noir - Head Gamemaker

I marched to the Head Control Room, preparing myself to create the best games ever. Pushing the door open, the noise in the room faded as all the game makers turned to look at me. I ignored their stares and moved to my seat. The bright screens flashed before me and I grinned, reaching up a hand to push back my slick orange hair.
“Are the tributes in the launch rooms?”
“Yes, head game maker; the tributes were placed in the launch rooms nearly thirty minutes ago.” A game maker piped up.
“Thank-you.” I replied. “Send the signal for launch time.” I grinned, flashing my white teeth. A buzzer sounded, red lights flashed, and I leaned forward in my chair, excited for the games to begin. I watched on live screen as the tributes rose out of the ground and took in their surroundings. “Cut around to look at the face of each tribute,” I barked, “then an overhead view of the entire arena, and back to the cornucopia in time for the action!”
Game makers began furiously pushing buttons on their screens. Faces flashed on the screen, a few sticking out in my mind.
A tall, gorgeous girl with wavy brown hair and green eyes from District 2 . A powerful, graceful man with black hair and fair skin from District 1. A thin, tanned, dark haired girl from District 4. A fierce black girl with straight raven tresses from District 11. The rest faded from memory quickly, but these stuck in my memory.
A view of the arena appeared, showing the small ocean with the island on one side, the mountains with tunnels, and the large, thick forest with a huge lake to the other side. The camera’s cut back to the tributes, tensed and ready to go. “Take us to a view of the mouth of the Cornucopia looking out as soon as the gong goes.” A reply was shouted.
BONG! It had begun.

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:42 am
yubbies21 says...

Heather Landon - District 4 Mentor

You can do this. Just keep them alive. I sat in the District 4 Mentor Room, tapping my fingers, ready to begin. I had seen my tributes off, wishing them luck, and telling them that I cared for them, promising to be there for them throughout the next few weeks. My mind back pedalled and I pictured myself escorting them to the hovercraft.
“Get a weapon, shelter, and water.” They were both paying attention, knowing my words could get them out of the arena alive. “If you join the other careers, don’t trust them. Go along with them, but when things get rough, ditch them, kill them, something.” I paused to take a breath. “I will do everything I can to make sure you win. I promise to stay awake for days on end; I’ll take caffeine patches so I can be there with you. When you’re afraid, know that I’ll be there, working to keep you safe.” I watched them board the hover-craft and disappear.
Hot knife blades carved paths in my face as I cried, watching the hover-craft speed out towards this year’s arena.
This year my tributes were smart and well equipped to win. Tanner is laid-back, taking what life throws at him. Fortunately, he can set his mind on any task and accomplish it, so I believe that if he wants to win, he can. Marina can remain un-attached from people, even if they care for her. She can feed herself, run quietly, and swim, so I’m hoping for large bodies of water.
I was tapping my fingers on the table, singing quietly to myself. A signal came over a loudspeaker that it was time for launch. I held my breath, stilled my fingers, and prepared myself to receive the people lined up to sponsor my tributes. I watched on the large screen as the tributes were lifted up. The arena was breath-taking. A small ocean it seemed was on one side and in its center was a small island. A plain surrounded the horn and the mountains peaks to the right were tall and gorgeous. Beyond them was a vast forest with a large lake on one side.
BONG! Tributes were rushing around the horn and I held my breath, praying Marina and Tanner wouldn’t die. I saw a boy get hit in the face with a pot, The District 1 girl kill three tributes, and a couple tributes injured. Marina got her hands on a foldable canoe and made her way to the island. Good Job, girlie.
As soon as the action died down around the cornucopia, several rich capitol ladies rushed in. “I want to sponsor Tanner,” one lady squawked, “Because he’s so good-looking!”
“Well, I think Marina’s going to win” squealed a lady, wearing very little clothing. “She’s smart enough to have made it to the island; no one will be able to touch her!” I smiled, sighed, and began accepting the money they pawed over.

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:52 am
Funkymomo says...

Marina Podd Health 95/Hunger 95/ Thirst 90

The sun was high in the sky, but I worked hard. I wanted to finish she slow, tedious work of making a weapon and fishing line before the audience got bored. I had a plan, I just needed some tools.

I hummed as I worked at attaching the shark teeth and some other shells I'd found to a strong stick. The games weren't really that bad. I was alone on the island, at least for the moment. At the edge of the woods I didn't have to worry about the ominous sounds from the denser forest or the sharks from the sea, but every minute or so I'd scan for tributes or mutts.

Finally, I finished my weapon. It was put together well, and it wouldn't break apart in a fight, but it was still amateur. It was kind of a spear and trident mixed together. There was a sharp tip then a little farther down two other tear sticking out. Even farther down than that were smaller teeth and shells tied on that could cut people if I used it as club. Just in case, I kept one tooth in a sheathe I'd made out of some seaweed and roots.

To test out my new weapon, I ventured farther into the woods. There were other animals watching me, I could feel it. Scared, I backed away to the edge of the trees. three monkeys, the sources of the stares, followed me. I held up my weapon, as a warning, but they just snarled. Their teeth were almost as sharp as the sharks; they must have been mutts. I lunged at one in the front, but it was too quick for me. It screeched and jumped up into a tree while the other two attacked me. I batted them away and speared the other as it jumped down from the tree. Two were dead, but one was bleeding and screeching. I killed it out of mercy. In an act of giddiness, I smeared the monkey blood across my cheeks as a warning to other tributes. Maybe if they saw me they'd think I was crazy or had killed another tribute. Good, that's what I wanted.

I built my fishing pole faster and better than my weapon. I'd done the same thing hundreds of times before back home on the weekend or after school with friends. I bated the line with some raw monkey meat and cast it out to sea. After half an hour of relaxation, I felt a pull and reeled in the line. The fish was larger than most I'd caught at home and had a human like quality to it's teeth and eyes. Great, another mutt. Even the mosquitoes were probably mutts. As it was still light out, I started a fire using a method from home and cooked my fish and some monkey meat. I ate about half and saved the rest in some leaves for tomorrow, when the real games would begin. I had a plan, and now that I had a weapon and food supply I was set. I just needed some water. I new how to get fresh water from the sea, but that would take hours and I wouldn't get much water. Instead, I decided to search the island for something.

I entered the woods again, more cautious and weary of the monkeys, in search of water. After killing a few of the mutts and getting scratched and bruised some, I found a stream. The water looked clean, but there was no way of telling. I kept some anyways by weaving a strong basket out of leaves, which took hours. By the time I'd lugged the water back to camp, it was almost sunset. I got an idea for how to check if the water was clean. I looked around on the light forest floor for a bug of some kind and quickly found a beetle. I picked it up and put it in a little leaf bowl. I poured water in it and waited. I decided if it was still alive in an hour, the water would be good. Until then, I guess I'd just fish more or tend to my small wounds. Life in the arena was just so hard. even with the odds against me, I didn't feel like I was about to die. Then again, I didn't feel like I'd wake up and see my brothers and sisters at the community home either.
Light one candle instead of cursing the darkness.

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:34 am
Jaden G. says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Rema Doornas
Age (12-18): 14
District: 10 (Livestock) Girl
Appearance (as detailed as possible, pics are welcome): Deep, dark skin with gray eyes. Dark hair is plaited down to her shoulders. Short and somewhat stocky build.
Personality( strengths, weaknesses, etc...): Introvert. Mostly took care of sheep in her district so she would be alone for hours at a time. Is not used to speaking with others or really participating when others are present and she would much rather talk with an animal than a human. Strengths: She has a good arm and works well with staffs, spears, and clubs. Weaknesses: Shyness. She doesn't have very good stamina and looks an easy target to pick off.
History: Her family is well known amongst her district, but because of her field with sheep she does not readily socialize with other people. When she went to the reaping, she flinched when they took blood and nearly cried when they called her name.
Do you think you will win( why/why not?): Nope. Rema is the most likely to lose because she won't have the endurance to make it to the end.

Rema- District 10-
Health 100/ Hunger 100/ Thirst 100

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

The gong sounded and for a split second I didn't move as the other kids burst forward, or backward, from their platforms. Ever since the reaping I had imagined I woudln't survive this, but now it was real... and I was scared.

I jumped from the platform and sprinted forward. There was a faint voice in the back of my mind screaming for me to run away, just like my mentor said, but I wasn't listening. If I was going to survive, I would need whatever I could get from the Cornucopia. I glimpsed a familiar looking item among the reddening grass. A spear!

"AAH!" someone screamed as they charged at me with a knife, blood already splattered their front from their last kill.

I couldn't hold the scream I emitted as I rolled away and kicked them in the knee. There was a crack that sent a chill up my spine, but there was no time. No time.

I snatched the spear and some kind of heavy bundle (gear?) and took off down the beach. The sounds of battle and of murder rang in my ears. I just wanted to get away.

For a minute I thought I was home free when a burning-stinging-shattering pain shot from my shoulder through my arm and torso. There was red and wet, but there was no time. Trying to ignore the burning pain in my legs, I forced myself to keep running through the thick sand. My hand clutched my bleeding shoulder and grasped for whatver was sticking out of me. The adrenaline began to die, the urge to live slowly ebbed away as I realized I had been shot.

Spoiler! :
Well it looked longer when I was writing it... but I'll survive. Thank you yubbies for the invite. This looks fun.
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:05 pm
Pencil2paper says...

Cassie- Health 100, Hunger 100, Thirst 100

4, 3, 2, 1. The voice rang out, like the voice of God, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. The gong rang. Without thinking, I began to run. Adrenaline rushed through me as I ran, making me almost unaware of my surroundings. It was all a blur.

I ran in a random direction, towards the forest. I barely registered the fact that I was picking up supplies on the way. I realized faintly that a boy had fallen down beside me, none other than the boy from my district, Hayden.Time seemed to stop, and I knelt down beside him in the midst of the battle. I had never really knew him, but I still felt some loyalty. But then again, this was the Hunger Games. He was dead already anyway. With that thought, I took the spear he held out of his still-warm hand and ran. But at least I had the conscious to whisper, "I'm sorry," as I did so and mean it.

I ran and ran and ran until I could not run anymore. I ran into no one except for a frightened twelve-year old who skittered away the moment she saw me. When I am to exhausted to move any farther, I collapse, my back to a tree. Deciding that this would be a good time, I inspect my supplies. They are small in number but seem useful- all except for one. A loaf of semi-squihed but still edible bread, a pack of dried plums, a spear, extra socks, and, of a things, a canary in its cage. Without thinking, I let the canary fly out. I mean, what was it going to be useful for anyway? Then I realized that I just let a big neon-yellow bird that people saw me carrying out into the sky, right over my head. Why didn't I just shout out, I'm right here if anyone wants to kill me! But no. That ould be too subtle.

As I realize the gravity of what I have done, I find the strength to run once more. As I do, I hear crashing footsteps behind me. Someone's spotted me.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:02 am
znale1 says...

Alexis Winfield - District 6 - Health /100/ Hunger /100/ Thirst /100/
The tributes got whisked away into the arena. We were all standing in our spots with our numbers, I had the number 6. I saw some bread and a few other resources; I was mainly looking for a knife, bow and arrows, some food and water. There was a big bang and every player were gone to get there resources. I ran towards the orange back pack, short sword, plastic sheet, an extendable shovel, and a bundle of dark cloth, sterile bandages and a bag of dried plums I tried going for the other things but sadly I was too slow.
I headed straight towards a big forest I found a really high tree, I put my right leg on the tree and then it slipped back down. I have nowhere to hide in so the only place that I could camouflage or hide in was the bushes there were lots but they were too short. I sat down to see what items were in my orange back pack and I saw sleeping bag, container of peanuts, before I could continue I heard some footsteps I quickly hid behind a medium sized bush, it was that boy from district 6 and the other boy from district 9. I took my knife out and heard them say that they would go on different ways and they would meet at the same spot so I thought an easier way to kill them was when they meet. After a few hours they came back and killed one of them while one of them ran away, I checked who I killed and it was the boy from district 9 boy, I took all his food and his gear. I heard the cannon go for the first time; I was a bit impressed that I got the fourth kill I think.
I moved in deeper and deeper into the forest so that this time I don’t meet up with anyone. I opened my bag one more time and went through the things again there was the sleeping bags, container of peanuts, 10 ft rope, a container of water (full) and a pack of matches. I got back on my feet and went a little bit deeper and found a mocking jay I stepped back and back so I don’t trouble them. I found a good area to sleep but I can’t sleep at all thinking that I would have killed a poor boy.
It started to get dark and so found a really big bush to hide behind and make a camp. I had a bad feeling someone would try to kill me down so I thought to stay awake. I was awake when the anthem put the anthem and showed the people who died.

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:15 pm
Sapi says...

Astra Lee: Health / 97 Hunger / 95 Thirst / 90

I stopped to take a bleak look around me, sizing up the face of the mountain, hoping that I could find some place to shelter for the night. The air was quickly getting darker and darker, and if I didn't find somewhere to rest soon I would be completely exposed to other people, the freezing cold, and the sun in the morning.

I shivered, finally dropping to the ground under a small outcropping in the rock face of the mountain. I had spent the day walking through the forest, finding only a few scraggly roots for food. I limited myself to drinking only half of my water bottle, but at least here if I needed to I could melt the snow. However, the roots were nourishing at least and for once I was very grateful for my small frame. I didn't need as much to survive as others did.

I started to alertness at a small sound from my left. There was an older boy, I don't know what district. I didn't care, really. I only noticed that his face was scared when he first saw me looking at him, but my initial moment of hopefulness quickly faded as his expression hardened with determination. My only warning was a flash of silver before the knife he had thrown found its mark. Sort of. I had ducked to the left as fast as my instincts would allow, but not quite fast enough. The knife nicked my right thigh, and I fell back into the little nook that was my shelter.

Recovering myself quickly in the panic of the moment, I looked up to see that the boy was gone. Wary, I looked around on all sides to make sure he wasn't there before making myself look down at my wound. It wasn't too deep, but already a circle of dark blood surrounded the hole in my pants. My pace quickened. It hurt more than I had ever hurt before, and it wasn't even that bad a wound. Finally I recovered my senses and got to work.

Tearing a piece of cloth from the ankle of one of my pants legs, and using the edge of the ax to cut away the circle of pant around the wound, I held down the bile in my throat looking at the nicked flesh. Quickly, I grabbed a piece of snow and put in on the wound, gritting my teeth at the pain, then wrapped the piece of cloth tightly around it, making a makeshift bandage. It would have to do.

Then, I remembered the knife the boy had thrown. He hadn't picked it up to my knowledge, so it must be out there! I cursed myself for being so thoughtless, then got up and, sure enough, the knife was sitting not ten feet from the opening of my little shelter. I picked it up, wiped it in the snow before I became sick at the sight of my own blood, and hurried back to the shelter to stow the weapon in my backpack.

I was so, so tired. My eyes threatened to close before I was finished readying myself for the night. I stashed all of my things on the inside of the tiny cave, so that they would not be visible from the outside. I took out the extra socks and the sleeping bag. I was completely freezing, and my red fingers didn't want to move, but I forced them to tie the rope across the opening, to serve as extra precaution to trip up anyone who might come rushing in for the kill at night. Finally, I put on the thin gloves from my jacket pockets, and, since my hands were still so cold, pulled the extra socks over them like mittens. I curled up in the sleeping bag, facing outwards but stowing myself completely inside the fabric, so that I could camouflage as rock from the outside view. My thigh throbbed like hell, but the toil of the day brought me to a fitful, uncomfortable sleep soon enough.
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Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:50 pm
Alvarin says...

Jade Silverman, District 1 - Health 100, Hunger 100, Thirst 100
The countdown started, as I quickly assessed the situation. First of all I needed a weapon. I saw a bunch of knives by the cornucopia. Not really throwing knives, but they would work well enough. There was also some bows and small swords. I decided to go for the knives as I couldn't spot any arrows, and then kill as many as I could. When everything had settled down I would take what else I needed. I took a deep breath and prepared for a quick sprint.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

I waited for the boom, and then I ran. I grabbed four knives, threw one in the chest of the girl from district 8, picked up another one and hurried away from the cornucopia before the girl from district 2 had time to attack me. I had made up my mind in the capitol. If there was an alliance then I would join it. It was the best way to go for a careerist.

I heard a pained shout and looked to the right. The boy from district 8 was limping, and he was holding a knife. I tossed another knife, which buried itself in his back. He fell to the ground, but still moved. Deep breath, then I stepped froward, bent down and cut his throat. The sounds he made were awful, but I had to do it. It was him or me, and I wanted to go home.

I pulled the knife out of his pack, and pried another one from his hand. The surroundings had calmed down considerably. I looked around and noticed that the only ones left were the careerists, some of us at least. Everyone was eyeing each other suspiciously.

I ignored them for a bit, picked up a orange backpack and opened it. Instead of looking inside I stuffed a loaf of bread and a pair of sock into it. I saw a pair of shoes that would come in handy if the ground was slippery, so I picked them up as well and tied them to the full backpack. The others were following my example, picking up what they needed, but still kept their distance to one another.

I notices two bags. At first I thought it was sleepingbags, but after a closer look I realized that it was two tents. I picked up one, used the straps on my backpack to tie it underneath it, and then tossed the other one to the girl in district 2. She was glaring at me, and the bloodied ax in her hand made her seem even more dangerous. "We're in an alliance, right?" I said with a shrug. "I don't think the five of us can fit in the same tent."

There was a short sword in the hands of one of the dead contestants, so I picked it up, noticed a bow and empty quiver further away and dropped the sword again. Using my knives I could make my own arrows, if I could catch a bird or find some feathers, and that shouldn't be too hard.

"So, where are we going?" I asked when no one else said anything. I felt numb. The blood on my hands somehow seemed distant.

Spoiler! :
By five, I meant the girl from district 1, Jade, Emilie, the boy from district 2 and Tanner. Correct me if I'm wrong ^^
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:12 am
FermentingFruit says...

Tanner: I almost stepped off of the platform early, but something inside held me back. I'd trained my entire life for this, and I wasn't going to blow it by blowing myself up. The boom sounded, and I was off. I rushed to the cornucopia, grabbing a knife on the way in, waiting for the bloodbath. I rushed in farther, and grabbed a spear off of the ground. I saw death all around me. The district 2 girl killed three like nobody's business, and I saw others, but didn't pay much attention to anybody else. Nobody had even bothered me. I frowned at the thought. I turned around to do some searching when I felt something slam into my eye. I fell on the ground, clutching it. I dropped my spear on the ground and looked up. The district six boy grinned triumphantly at me. He pulled a knife from inside of his jacket and lunged. I kicked him in the gut and he went stumbling backwards. I leaped up and stood him face to face.

He grinned at me and lunged again. I sidestepped, and when his arm was fully extended, I grabbed it with one, and chopped down on his elbow with another. I heard a snap as his arm shattered. He started screaming and dropped the knife. I kneed him in the gut, and lurched over, still screaming. I stood him up straight, and put my knife to his throat. "I don't think you know what I'm capable of," I said grinning. My eye started to throb, but I ignored it. The boy stopped screaming, but he kept moaning, and looking at me.

"Please." he said. "Forgive me." I just looked at him. He started this, so I'm going to end it.

"God forgives. The reaper doesn't." I said as I slit his throat. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his body went slack. I felt the warmth of blood on my hands. I wiped the knife on his coat, and tossed his body on the ground, removing the backpack he had. The cannon boomed, and I walked away, my eye still throbbing. "I am the reaper." I said. I headed over to the other careers, thinking to myself, I am the reaper. You know, I like the sound of that.

Spoiler! :
I know it's short, but I got in what I wanted. You guys decide which eye got punched, I don't really care.
Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:08 pm
Jaden G. says...

Rema- District 10-
Spoiler! :
Health 78/ Hunger 95/ Thirst 86

Cannons boomed in the distance, and I should've felt sorry or sad but the only thing on my mind was pain. Someone shot me!

A few steps back I had turned in towards the forest. Where there was green there was water, right?

I finally stopped and fell back against a tree, my legs crumpling beneath me. My hand scrambled for my shoulder blade, but I could just barely touch the shoot, let alone treat arrow sticking out of my back. I could feintly hearing footsteps running through the brush nearby, but they continued running past me. So far I was safe.

Breathing heavily I craned my neck around and tried to catch a glimpse of my wound, but it was useless. I lugged the pack forward that I dragged with me from the Cornucopia and looked into it. It was climbing gear. Ropes... hooks... pulleys... boots... even a helmet. The mountain was probably my best chance at hiding with this stuff. OUCH!

A shot of pain errupted from my shoulder to my chest. I couldn't snap the arrow. If I left it in then I would bleed to death. If I pulled it out then I would bleed to death faster. I groaned and looked to the mountain.

To the mountain it is.
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:14 am
Elinor says...

Emilie Cray - Health 95/Hunger 100/Thirst 95

Only the careers remained at the cornucopia, surrounded by a plethora of goods and dried blood from fallen tributes. In the distant sky, Emilie could see the grotesquely sized hovercrafts flying away with their corpses. The weakest were gone. There were more than likely a few stragglers who had the sense to run away from the Cornucopia, so Emilie couldn't say the real fun was beginning. Not yet; probably not until tomorrow.

"Let's camp here," Emilie said. "We can take the rest of the afternoon gathering our things, and then when it gets dark I and maybe one other person can go hunt for more tributes."

"That sounds like a plan," the boy from Emilie's district said. She felt bad she didn't know his name. He was only thirteen, so she hadn't ever really seen him around before until they were both chosen. "I'll go with, Emilie."

"I can go with you," the girl from district 1 said. "If you need one more person."

"Are the rest of you okay with staying here after dark?"

They nodded.

"Then let's get together our things," Emilie said. In the back of her mind, she wondered if her family and friends back home were watching her. Rooting for her. Her heart was pounding. She felt like she'd been through a lot already, but the games had barely begun.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

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Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:58 pm
FermentingFruit says...


The bloodbath was over, and I stood with the rest of the careers. "Let's camp here," the district 2 girl said. "We can take the rest of the afternoon gathering our things, and then when it gets dark I and maybe one other person can go hunt for more tributes."

"That sounds like a plan," the boy from 2 said. He was young, I think he was 13, he didn't belong here, there was no way he was a tribute. "I'll go with Emilie."

"I can go with you," the girl from 1 replied. "If you need one more person."

"Are the rest of you okay with staying here after dark?" I nodded, with everyone else.

"Then let's get together our things," the girl from 2 said again. Not feeling like working, I piped up, I chimed in.

"Hey wait, I'm gonna look for a way to get to that damned island, Marina will probably win if we can't get her." I said. I heard a few sighs, but then Emilie spoke.

"If you think you can find a way out there, feel free to try," she said. I smiled, grabbed my spear and knife, and headed off into the bushes. I wasn't looking for a way to reach Marina, not yet at least. I was looking for more tributes. I'd only gotten one in the bloodbath, and I needed more if I were to get sponsors. I cut my way through the jungle for a while, headed towards the mountain. The forest was small, and anyone smart enough would head there. I walked for about five minutes when I heard a large rustling sound in the woods ahead of me.

Without thinking, I hurled my spear into the bushes, and heard a cry of pain followed by gasping breaths. Triumphantly, I sprinted into the bush, and found my target. She was a girl, I wasn't sure of her district. The spear was embedded in her leg, pinning her to the ground. Her shoulder was bloodied, she had already been injured. Her hair was plastered to her forhead, and red with blood. Her head limped at a weird angle, but when I stepped in, her eyes looked up at me, pleading. She tried to speak, but she coughed, and blood came out instead of words, but I got the message. I pulled out my knife, and plunged it into her chest. She gave me a thank you look, and her eyes rolled back into her head. I felt a twinge of sadness, but I quickly pushed it out. I removed my spear from her leg, grabbed the spear that she had, and propped her up against a tree. I removed the backpack she was wearing, closed her eyes gently, and walked away, the boom echoing throughout the stadium.
Spoiler! :
There you go Jaden, feel free to go back and redo that post from her POV whenever.
Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:40 pm
Pencil2paper says...

Cassie Thompson- District 9 Health 90 Hunger 83 Thirst 76

I wirled around as I heard footsteps approaching, holding my spear defensively as my opponant approached. The boy from District 7 walked forward, holding an identical spear. He too seemed inexperienced and wary, but it was clear that he was willing to use it. I wonder if I am too.

Gradually, he edged forward, ready to back me nto a corner, between the two trees and the mouth of a cave. I played along, edging backwards, but gradually turning to my right as I did. But he wasn't stupid. He knew what I was doing right away.

"Don't play games," he sneered, and lunged, jabbing his spear straight at my heart. I dodged it, parrying with the shaft of my own spear, narrowly escaping the blade. He was unrelenting, however, and soon he had me backed up to a large tree trunk. Despite my pride, or maybe because of it- I din't want millions seeing my face, full of terror as he closed in for the kill- I cowered, huddling, my body and face turning towards the tree trunk.

I threw my spear randomly, chucking it away as hard as I could. I heard a loud thunk as I huddled there, now utterly defenseless. He must be playing with me, I think, He's trying to make me believe that he won't, then stick me like a pig. I'm smarter than that though, I know that there is no such thing as mercy in the Hunger Games. As I thought of my family and friends back home, whom I will never see again, minutes ticked by. Soon I realized that the killing blow was never going to come. He was gone. Or, more aptly, on the ground behind me, glazed eyes looking skyward, spear sticking out of the center of his forehead, buried deep into the shaft. A lucky shot.

I am speechless. I close his eyes, thinking to myself how it was because it was the right thing to do. But truthfully, I was just guilty. I ran from the area blindly after stopping to pick up the two spears. As I saw the blood on mine, I retched. I'm not usually squeamish- I've cleaned up a lot of cuts from inexperienced workers mishandling the sythes- but when you pull a weapon out of a person you killed with said weapon, its... different. I keep thinking to myself, he had a family, he had friends, siblings, he had a future, and I took that all away.

I quickly put these thoughts out of my mind. While I don't think I'll win, there's always a chance. And you don't win the Hunger Games without blood on your hands.
Last edited by Pencil2paper on Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Surround yourself with people who are serious about being writers, and who will tell you, ‘Hey—you can do better than this.’ Who will be critical of your work, but also supportive. And who will not be competitive in a negative way.
— Isabel Quintero