
Young Writers Society

Masked Resistance vs Aradian Tyranny (Started/Still Open)

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:37 am
kayfortnight says...


"Be sure not to come near people with stealable elements, my friend. We don't want to have an accident on your account, now do we?"

I watched Morgan leave, smiling faintly. The smile vanished the moment he was out of sight, though. I know, Morgan. All too well. I remember Trista, and I still carry her power. Lifting my hand, I swirled the air with my finger. Oh yes, I know.

Maybe I should go eat; it's getting late. I changed course, heading the opposite direction down the corridor. Luna trotted at my side, panting slightly. Faithful Luna.

Now, should I leave the base? If I'm careful, I can walk the streets. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I don't feel like tearing apart the soldiers right now. I smiled, honest enough with myself to admit the first time they abuse some poor tavern wench, I'll attack them. No, I should stay here, though I've always wondered what Leopold would say if one of us used his trapdoor, since I believe he thinks most of us don't know about it.

I forced myself to wave to some of the men in the storeroom, and grabbed a piece of bread. About to leave, someone grabbed my arm. I whirled around to yell at him, and he shook his head quickly. "It's okay, man. Abnormal, right? I'm a fire. C'mon, sit with us. We can talk of home."

I relaxed a little when he said his element was fire, one of the non-stealable elements, but tensed again when he said we could talk of home. I have no home. Not anymore. I shoved him away and stalked off.
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Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:15 am
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Redfang18 says...

Morgan Darkrai~~~~~~~His forge (Midday)

I chewed on a bit of apple as I sat there behind my anvil, so bored I could've put Mercury to shame. Lunch time started half an hour ago, but I didn't start to eat until now because I had empty my sweat pot in the woods ten minutes earlier. All I could afford to have in my cottage were two loaves of bread, a pound of sausages, and a bushel of recently-ripe apples. I had wild berries from time to time, but those I had to pick in the woods myself during the days I chose not to work. Any of the berries I wanted to save were frozen on the spot when I return to my cottage. Same thing applied to the apples and sausages. The bread was a more difficult thing, so I had to keep it in a food pantry to keep it fresh for when I need it. Nemesis was still the size of a hawk, curled up and napping on my anvil while remaining unseen by anyone else but me. Because I was in command of her, only I could see her without her having to want me to.
Movement from the air caught the corner of my eye.
I turned around and saw a falcon with a scroll in his beak. I knew he had to be sent by Leopold, since he was the only known sorceror I had that can talk to the birds. When the falcon landed on my anvil, I took the scroll from him and gave him some bread as a reward. I unrolled the scroll and I could've sworn my eyes doubled in size. Getting bold with me, aren't you, Sire? If your reason for attacking Versh is to take down some of my men, then you're just daring my anger. Nobody gets bold with a Darkrai and gets away with it. Because I had several back-up strongholds in Versh, it was going to be a mess if the king figured out that the ally country was in secret favor of the Resistance. I took a clean parchment and wrote in light blue ink:
Falcon Without Wings,
Thanks for giving me the notice. It seems to me, although I can only assume you're thinking the same thing, that the king is getting bold with me. He's pushing his luck and I won't allow him to try that again. Alert the Versh allies - and all others who might be intended targets - of the attack. We need to make sure the king doesn't get a grip on any of us, whether we're in Aradia or anywhere else.
The Ninja of Retribution

I rolled the scroll up and gave it to the messenger falcon. "You know where to find the receiver. Don't fail him." Once the falcon flew off with my response, a paper boat landed on my lap.
Nemesis woke up from the sudden change in the breeze. She tilted her head curiously. Who do you suppose it's from, Master?
I shrugged. Let's see. There was a note in the paper vessel, the note I then took out before Nemesis burned Leopold's scroll and the boat. The note was a request for a meeting to join the Resistance, by someone who calls themselves the Raven. It was short and sweet, but left an uneasy feeling in my gut. I had Nemesis burn the note, so no one would know I was the Ninja of Retribution. Nemesis, what do you think? Should I show up or have the Raven stood up?
Nemesis stretched her wings a little, then looked me in the eye. I don't know, Master. It could be a trap from the Crown. Many in the Crown have called the Ninja a menace and the king has quite a price for the Ninja's true indentity's head. Although it's amusing to cause trouble towards the Crown and have your recruit's work cut out for them, you know it's very dangerous. You almost got caught twice before, no doubt the Crown will try and get a hold of you so you won't escape a third time. She lowered her head a little, then folded her wings. However, it's better to know what you're up against than not know at all. Besides, it's your decision, not mine. What you decide, I have little choice but to follow you.
I sighed. I knew dragons were supposedly wise creatures, but I never knew Nemesis would be one of those wise dragons. I decided to go with caution. After finding another fresh parchment, I wrote a response but with red ink.
To the Raven,
Although my resources have little knowledge of you, I will come as requested. However, if I find out that you were setting me up to hand me over to the Crown...well, I'll show you how I live up to my name.
The Red Lion Tavern is too public for me, since castle guards hang around there and it'll be like a rabbit hopping into a den of foxes. I can't take that big of a gamble, so we meet on my terms instead. There's a secluded cabin in the woods that has but one inhabitant by the name of Marcus. Tell him the Ninja sent you and he'll allow you in. I'll come at midnight on the spot. You better be there before I do or else you're stuck where ever you are.
From the Ninja of Retribution

I folded the parchment into a diamond and allowed Nemesis to send it into the wind by watching her flap her wings hard. The parchment diamond went flying away, far from my forge and to where ever the Raven may be.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:20 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

I stood balanced atop one of the many towers in the town looking about studying where the carrion eating birds were swarming. They could sense the death soon coming to the Aradian army and would follow the soldiers to the field of battle and receive their feast in due time. This was probably my favorite tower of all it gave me a perfect sight line of the entire town. A falcon flew over me dropping a note, I grabbed it out of the air reading quickly. It was little more than a confirmation letter I destroyed it with a quick burst of lightening. I looked about and noticed a small white diamond of paper curious to say the least and worth inspecting.

I leapt from my post diving quickly after the paper. It seemed to dance through the wind with a definite intended recipient. I landed on the roof of some of the buildings closer to the castle and ran after it. I was getting closer to dangerous territory the more I chased the paper. I finally arrived at one of the castle walls just as the paper ascended up the wall. Whoever the recipient was they were on top of the castle wall. That's Morgan's folding style for private messages but, we have no one posted this close to the castle.

I climbed up the castle wall slowly looking up to see who had received the message. I spotted a slight girl grabbing the message out of the air. She didn't look like any one in the Resistance i was familiar with. I pulled myself up to get a better view of her. I strolled over slowly towards her, "hi." I waved to her to get her attention, "I'm Leo and I'm afraid there must be some sort of mistake. I believe you've received that um...paper in error." I was feeling nervous I was in deep trouble if she was a loyal servant of the Crown I was dead where I stood.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:24 pm
Veni says...

ooc: sorry I have switched to first person. also I will post Cora going to the cabin in 3 hours.

Cora -Castle walls -afternoon

A mistake? Now could it be a mistake? This is the message the wind had told me was being sent to me by the man who calls himself Ninja. Ignoring the man, I unfolded the diamond slip of paper and scanned it quickly. So he was cautious. At least the leader I was dealing with was a smart man.

I turned to the young man ,who was looking at me anxiously. I smile and reply, " No, there is no mistake. This piece of paper bears a message intended for me. You are the one who is mistaken."

He made no reply, just stood there sizing me up. The silence stretched for several minutes. Well, it wasn't silent for me. The wind was telling me something interesting. This man, with his brown hair pulled back with a ribbon, has just received a message, by falcon, from the Ninja. So he must be another one of the Masked Resistance. I couldn't just let know I had knowledge of this in case the Ninja turned against me. But I had a feeling. Call it intuition or intrigue, I knew he should to know what the message.

He still hadn't spoken again, waiting to see what I would do, whether I would call re-inforcements. Whispering quickly, I gave the wind its instructions. I slowly scrunched up the paper and tossed out over edge. I walked away then, ignoring him completely. Perhaps I would see him later, for the wind would pocket and support the paper do it fell slowly. If this man was as clever as his master and he could really talk to birds then he would send one down to fetch it. Or if he was a wind sorcerer and he commanded the wind to bring it back. I asked the wind to it willing. A purposeful accident.

Now I had work to do. Find a mask, but I knew just where to find the perfect one.
Prodigies can very quickly learn what other people have already figured out; geniuses discover that which no one has ever previously discovered. Prodigies learn; geniuses do.”

― John Green

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:47 am
crossroads says...


Garnet came, announced by clicking of her heels against the stone, saving Anair the trouble of thinking her dark thoughts. Ever since they left the Tunnels, despite the excitement because of the mission she got from Dad, she felt.. Wrong. Exposed, and somewhat vulnerable. She knew her magic is definitely strong enough to take down whoever would come after her, but she wasn't sure she'd actually do anything. Anair knew very well that she stood on thin ice when it came to her magic. With all she knew - especially when she learns the others types of it - she could be more powerful than anyone she's ever met. But using magic led to emotions she wasn't sure she could control - and if the other one took over at the wrong moment, if her father or her sister happened to be around.. No. Anair rather chose to stay away from people and stick to her Tunnels and secret passages of the city and Castle.

Garnet greeted them, sat on the King's right and put her weapon aside. Both of them smiled back at her, and the servants - Anair never bothered to remember how each of their positions was called - brought them the food. She didn't feel like eating much, nor like talking much, while Garnet and Dad chatted about some fighting techniques. Anair didn't fight with weapons, though she was pretty sure she could easily make some if she tried, staying away from the fights whenever she could.
Her big sister and she were the opposites in almost everything, practically from the day she was born. Where Garnet took after her mother, Anair took after their father. Where Garnet trained with her weapons, Anair was conducting her experiments. Where Garnet flow on big metal panels, Anair built tiny mechanisms. Where Garnet traveled the country and led war missions or something, Anair stayed in and under the Castle, barely seeing sunlight in days. The older princess was gold, the one everyone knew of and the one who's name was to be celebrated. The younger princess was silver, the shadow of her own other self, the one who they sometimes whispered about. And still, even seeing everything Anair's mother did against Garnet, the two sisters managed to get along well.

"I haven't seen you in quite a while," Garnet said between the bites, and Anair looked up from her own plate. She wasn't hungry, though she couldn't really remember when she ate the last time. "How've you been doing?"
Anair shrugged.
"Good, I guess. I'm combining all three now, but my last Object died anyway." She held some vegetable on her fork, staring at it, and Garnet grinned.
"You still haven't made yourself a weapon?" Anair shook her head. "You should. It could be useful soon, and we could train together."
"In other words, you'd like to show off," Anair teased. "I don't need weapons, Im safe no matter who comes.. but I'll go training with you if you really think that's a good idea."
The King and the older princess turned serious, and it took her a moment to realize why.
"I didn't mean that," she said then. "The only reason why I don't need weapons is the fact I'm not around to be attacked. Even if I was, I'm not the heir, no one needs to kill the innocent little princess, especially if they claim to be the ones bringing peace and justice."
Her father and sister now just stared at her. They both looked a bit caught by a surprise, but both had little smiles on their lips.
"When did you get so informed?" Her father asked, seeming somewhat relieved as she finally took a bite of her food. Anair was now, to her own surprise, genuinely enjoying being in a room with light and food and people. She and Garnet took a sip of their drinks at the same moment.
"When I wake them up, they talk," Anair said. "Nothing they don't say already before they get sentenced to come to me, though. But still they talk."
"We should take a walk," the King suddenly said, perhaps trying to switch the topic from raising dead and fighting their enemies during lunch. He spotted Anair's face. "Come on. Some air won't kill you, my dear."
"And," Garnet took his side, "people barely ever see us together. We can talk about your experiments if you wish."

Younger princess sighed. All three knew she'll go along with the idea, the moment Jake mentioned it. It was just the way it went, never mind her being eager to start with her job; if she got to pick between being alone and being with them, she'd always choose them. Even though she didn't like being seen, being among people or potentially one of the targets. Yet at the same time, she almost felt something will soon go terribly wrong.
She was pretty sure they'd save her if she got in trouble, but what if there happens to be something that will challenge them all?
You're thinking too much and act paranoid, she said to herself, returning to her food as Garnet and Dad started talking about something again. No one will attack us in the Castle. No one will hurt Garnet or Dad. No one will make me change and turn against them.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:03 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

I looked about for a nearby bird to grab the note for me. The only one close enough was a sparrow, it would have to do. I whistled for the bird to come over my way. The sparrow flitted over to me and looked up at me. I crouched down close,"hey little buddy you see the note down there I really need you to get it for me." The little bird looked at the slowly falling note.

"Well what's in it for me?" I looked at the bird shocked at his question. Well this was unfamiliar territory.

"Um...I'm not sure helping a fellow resident of the sky?" The bird looked at me quizzically sizing me up.

"You don't look like any bird I've ever seen. How about I fetch the note for you and I'll decide my terms after that." The little bird flew after the note quickly giving me little time to think about what he might request. The bird returned quickly with the note for me. The little bird was efficient I had to give him that. "I'll let you read the note and decide on what I want after that."

I read the note quickly and immediately destroyed it afterwards. The note was definitely for the girl but I was shocked. A private meeting with a potential new recruit was uncommon to say the least. I went to talk to the sparrow to find out what he wanted and found him perched on my shoulder, "so have you decided little guy?"

"First off the name is Aero, and yeah I have. I'll be your new companion." I looked at the tiny bird shocked I'd be the laughing stock of the Resistance.

"But, why I mean I live in a small room, spend a good amount of time underground, and I mean people call me the Falcon. I work with falcons and other birds of prey why stay with me." I hoped my little speech would scare the bird off but, he stayed on my shoulder.

Aero pecked at himself and looked at me, "why not I'm bored. Plus if you protect me from those birds of prey I could be a valuable spy. I'm smaller than any falcon and less easily spotted." I considered what Aero was saying a tiny spy bird could prove helpful.

"Fine you're with me from now on stay close and follow me we're going to meet with a friend i have questions for." I leapt off the wall and headed towards Morgan's forge moving quickly to see if Aero the sparrow could keep up. He was close behind impressive he must have had some inherent wind magic to fly that fast. I landed in front of the forge with Aero in tow, "hey Morgan how's work?"
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:59 am
Redfang18 says...

Morgan Darkrai~~~~~~~The Darkrai Forge (Afternoon)

I almost choked on the cider I was drinking when I heard Leopold. It scared Nemesis awake, since she had to headbutt my chest to force the cider down my throat. I coughed a little, then looked hard at Leopold. I scolded, "Don't ever come unannounced like that again. You could've given me a heart attack. I'm getting old, you know."
Nemesis stood on my anvil, glaring daggers at Leopold. One of these days, I'll blow a fireball the size of his head at his back and he'll see why I'm always around.
I glared at Nemesis. Excuse me, my fiery reptile, but Leopold can't see or hear you. Already I have Mercury thinking I'm crazy for having him build a metal dragon. Even though Leopold's family and mine have a history together, that doesn't mean you have the right to use Leopold for target practice.
Nemesis bowed her head, then flew towards me to perch on my shoulder, her size now that of the sparrow that followed Leopold to the forge. I forgot. You and the Falcon have a deep family history behind you.
I returned my gaze to Leopold, my face softening. "As for my work, it was slow. Not much has around and hardly anybody at this day and age would want the weapons I forge. Already, I'm down to my last legs in the terms of food in the cottage and I haven't had a customer in ages." I shook my head, sighing. "Gods, Leopold, it makes me feel older than I already am. Here I am, one of the last few traditional bladesmiths of Aradia and the last descendant of Maximus Darkrai, working in a forge in a time close to where machinery will replace the traditions that the Darkrai line stands for and getting not a damn piece of gold to maintain my own cottage."
Nemesis wrapped her tail around my neck gently.
Leopold offered his hand, which I took gratefully. "I'm sorry, Morgan. Very sorry."
I patted his hand. "Don't be, my beloved friend. It's not every day or night I share a part of myself with someone, but when it comes to a person like you, I'd go to hell and back to bring both our families to justice."
The sound of chirping caught my attention. It was the sparrow that followed Leopold.
I offered my hand to the sparrow, which perched on my palm. "The others back at the stronghold would laugh if they hear the Falcon Without Wings enlisted the companionship of a sparrow." I chuckled lightly, gently stroking the sparrow with a finger. "I say it's a proud accomplishment to have. What better to have the ability to talk to the birds than to have a bird as a companion? A falcon and a sparrow, such a rare combination that could be just as rare as a Water sorceror in command of a fire spirit."
Nemesis chuckled herself. Master, you need to grow up in spite of your age.
I laughed mentally. Nemesis, you know I'm a child at heart. You tell me to grow up, but you know I won't until I get my physical life back in order. I kept my gaze on the sparrow. "So, what's the name of your little friend?"
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:22 pm
Caesar says...

King Jormungandr | Castle Grounds | Midday

The king sighed as they exited the chamber where he and his staff, or family, in rarer occasions, would eat and discuss more sensitive matters. That room was soundproofed, and the angles of the walls prevented sound from carrying properly to prying ears. It would have been wiser to discuss his plans there.

No matter, however. There was a time and a place for everything. Now was, evidently, not that time. He could wait. But not for that long... Jake remembered the hooded messenger. The Consortium awaits.

Jake blinked and focused on the ground he was walking on.

The castle grounds were many. The King and his daughters were walking through a cloistered strip of white stone and tended flowers. Tall, slim-trunked leafy trees offered patches of shade, and a breeze rustled through the grasses, causing a murmuring sound pleasant to the king's ears.

Jake had eaten little at lunch -- he preferred to keep his diet as healthy as could be allowed without offending the pride of the castle chefs, matched only by their corpulence. Heavy meals tended to weigh on his focus, and he needed to be focused at all times.

"Well now," he said, finally. "I will be showing both of you techniques that will be helpful to your chosen interests."

The two, who were speaking in a subdued manner to each other, seemed to perk up at this.

"Anair, what I wish to show you requires proper lab equipment. Come to the Snake later tonight, and I shall show you how to reanimate the dead, and make them serve you, properly." The Snake was a twisting passageway formed almost by accident in the castle nether-floors, between the pipe-work and the basement level.

Anair's eyes widened, and even Garnet looked vaguely intrigued.

"I will also be showing both of you further techniques in dark magic," the king continued. "In your case, Garnet, it will be more combat oriented, of course, and you, Anair, will learn elusive techniques. Unless, of course, you wish to learn offensive magic."

Anair shrugged. Garnet grinned in anticipation.

"Since I believe in learning by doing, I will be demonstrating a practical example. You will both attempt to strike me however. Using your powers, of course."

They stared at him.

"Come on," Garnet grumbled. "Apparently he likes to teach by making people hit him."

Anair grinned.

Scrolling her shoulders back, Garnet tossed a tentative fireball at her father. Jake sidestepped smoothly.

"You can do better than that," he teased.

Garnet shot lightning at the King. Anair slinked sideways, watching. Jake walked through the lightning, grinning as he faded in and out of vision. Garnet's eyes widened.

Jake extended a hand, and Garnet stopped. She tried to move, but couldn't. Her eyes widened.

"Learn to focus, my daughters," the King said. "There is metal everywhere. Including the human body."

He walked, slowly, around Garnet, hand still extended.

"I could stop you from breathing," Jake began, "clog up your veins and make you die of cancer, set you on fire..."

He closed his fist. Garnet gasped, being able to move again.

"Expand your focus, my daughters. I expect you to spend the rest of the day together."

Jake turned and walked off, flying above the walls casually.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:17 am
crossroads says...


The younger princess took a step back as the King demonstrated his power on her sister.
I want to know that.
Anair was excited to hear about the reanimating and the new aspects of Dark magic - though there were types of magic she couldn't nearly handle that good, Dark was her favorite to learn about - but when her father took control over her sister, she had to put in a lot of effort to keep a straight face.
She wasn't happy about the idea of anyone stopping Garnet's heart of setting her on fire, but still she enjoyed imagining herself doing that to someone.

Using her own magic, Anair could manipulate people's minds. She could send in her shadows, strengthen their doubts and fears, make them lost in their own imagination, and make them want to do or become what she'd wish for. She could also raise the dead and command them, and move her metal mechanism without touching them, and recently - which she didn't mention at lunch - she learned how to enter the dreams of some people... but she couldn't control a conscious, live person's body.

"Don't even think of it," Garnet muttered, and Anair blinked to focus again. Her sister didn't seem particularly pleased with what she's just experienced.
"You neither," Anair said, as the older princess's eyes narrowed a little.

Garnet shrugged, and Anair thought of the trick with walking through walls. She had an idea how to try it - but she needed to go back in her Tunnels to do so. Her sister stopped her.
"He just said to stay together."
"Oh, right," Anair nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed to have to put aside her experiments. It was a nice day, and people were passing by, and Anair felt a strange urge to burn someone with her lightning to make them just shut up.
Garnet followed her glare, wearing somewhat bored expression.
"Hey, sis," she said, and Anair turned to her again, "you think you could handle a little practice?"
Anair frowned. Now, here? No. Not while I'm surrounded by people who might make a wrong move. She knew her sister knew of her other self, and she knew Garnet would be smart enough to make sure Anair doesn't get mad or sad or angry, and so she doesn't overdo it. But the other people didn't know, and she didn't want to imagine the possible consequences of her own actions of just one of the, says a word in the wrong moment. She looked back at her sister's eyes, and Garnet sighed.
"Too crowded?" She asked. Anair nodded, feeling guilty.
"I can lend you Septimus, if you wish."
Garnet seemed half way between frowning and laughing.
"What, you grew bored of him?" She asked then, grin appearing on her face. "I thought he was your loved one."
Anair shrugged.
"Well, he is," she said. "But he'd do as I say. And if you kill him, I'll wake him up again."

Garnet wasn't given the chance to answer, as a man dressed as a high-ranked member of the security team (or however they were called, Anair didn't pay attention to titles much) appeared in front of them.
"Princess.. Es." He said, shortly bowing to both. "I was sent to bring the news, but I can't.. Eh.. Access... your father. If I may speak , my ladies, we have spotted a break in close to one of the wall's check points.. It may only be a larger animal," he added quickly, calming them down though neither of them needed to be calmed. Anair was pretty sure Garnet was disappointed - news about an army approaching would probably cheer her up sooner. The Castle's security was thought of in tiniest details, and if an important criminal managed to get in, their father has already knew of it.
The man stood there, waiting for his next commands, obvious in his eyes that he wishes not to be sent to access the King anyway.
Anair felt playful, exchanging a short look with Garnet. Then the both sisters smiled equally dark grins.

"So, sir," Anair said, "would you care to join us in an experiment?" She smiled wider as the guy stared at her. "It could get interesting."
He looked at Garnet, probably hoping she'll tell Anair to shut up. The older princess kept serious this time, and the man gulped. Normally, Anair was sure, he was living to the expectations the Crown had for their staff - but he wasn't trained to be prepared for two young princesses on their good day.
"I.. I apologize for not informing you earlier..."
"What type are you?" Garnet interrupted, and he seemed confused.
"Of magic," Anair explained. "Earth, I'd say?"
He slowly nodded, and she felt somewhat surprised to have guessed just like that. Garnet looked at her and shrugged.
"Won't be needing Septimus, then," she said. "Will you join us?"

Anair didn't join them. She watched the member of the Castle's Guard standing opposed to her sister. Garnet's eyes shined with anticipation, and the man's face told of complete confusion with the whole thing. Anair was pretty sure he was fighting with himself, wondering if it was a trick and if he should use his weapons or his magic to duel with a princess.

Anair smiled for herself. That scenario sounded interesting as well - perhaps she should have said that the looser will have the honor of entering her Labs. I never got a chance to learn Earth magic yet.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:59 am
KingLucifer says...

Garnet - Castle Courtyard

Garnet did not enjoy having her breathing stop for that short amount of time her dad used his metal sorcery on her, I have never thought of using Metal Sorcery like that, but Garnet had something to make up for the unenjoyable experience. The guard probably had no idea what was about to happen, let alone what was at stake for him at least, Garnet picked up her "walking stick" and spun it with her hands, the scythe blades came out with a deadly sharp end.

"One move" Garnet said under her breath.

Garnet sped forward, her training kicking in with the sheer speed she had despite the weight of her weapon. The guard barely blocked in time, blocking her downward diagonal strike with the earth he used from the ground. Garnet used the momentum behind her swing to pull herself around his barrier and used the second jagged end of her weapon to slash at his back, he stumbled forward just before the blade connected against his back. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Anair grinning darkly, Garnet was not the one to displease her sister. The guard was backing off as he was trying to regroup and think of what to do, but Garnet had a grin on her going from ear to ear as she enjoyed hunting this guard despite him being the captain of the security team, he was expendable.

"Milady please stop!" He begged.

But Garnet was listening, she sped forward again, but this time just before she caught the guard in the stomach, she went for something more flashy, she jumped over him, and in a single smooth move, she back sharp end of her scythe entered his back, and a small jagged end came out his stomach. His body slowly rose into the air, being picked up by the weapon Garnet held in her hands, her face was alight with delight as the blood seeped out of him. She threw the body off her scythe and on the ground, the guards body landed on its back as his eyes were wide open with terror and pain, his jaw hung open as if in a scream.

"I swear there's a problem with the men these days Anair." Garnet said as she looked down at the body.

Anair walked over to Garnet and the body, looking down with a dark grin on her face. "What is that?" she asked.

"Not enough stamina to keep us pleased." Garnet said.

Then the two laughed as if they just shared a private joke between each other, the guard was expendable, Garnet felt the thrill of battle, the thrill she enjoyed, and by the look of Anair, she enjoyed it to.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:48 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

Aero started chirping away telling Morgan his name. I looked at him and spoke in the bird speak that would be unintelligible to Morgan. I chirped at him, "Morgan doesn't speak bird Aero he doesn't understand a word your saying so I'll translate." I turned to Morgan and reverted to Aradian, "His name is Aero he did a favor for me and as payment he's under my protection now." I looked at Aero and chirped, "anything else you'd like to say?" Aero shook his head as to say no. "As you can see he and I are inseparable."

Morgan seemed to be holding in a bit of a laugh, "yes I would imagine so. I must admit some curiosity as to why you're visiting though. Not that I'm not glad to see you as I always am but it's rather unusual for you to visit my forge directly. So, it must mean somethings got you bothered."

"Well something has as a matter of fact. You see I met an interesting girl that appeared to have received a note from you." I ran my fingers through my hair look up at the sky before continuing, " what interested me was your request for a private meeting with the girl. She seemed interesting a gifted wind sorcerer and perhaps a gifted archer, she carried a bow, but I could glean little more information."

Morgan looked at me appearing slightly surprised at my contact with the potential new recruit, but pleased with the information. "Well now I can put a skill set to the girl thank you my dear friend Leopold." I made a slight nod of appreciation. "Still there is much to learn perhaps you could try and track her watch her behavior. During the meeting I have with her remain hiding and prepared for any threat she may cause.?
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:45 pm
Redfang18 says...

Morgan Darkrai~~~~~~~~Darkrai Forge (Afternoon)

I could tell Leopold was a little bothered that I would organize a private meeting under the nose of my own comrades. It was about as low as I could stoop without risking my neck, but I've done riskier tasks than that.
Nemesis nuzzled my neck with her head. You worry about your fellow Resistance members almost as much as a real father would his own children. No doubt your recruits are like children to you. Most of them - like Leopold and the electro-metallic sorceror - are orphans and you not only took them in, but also welcomed them into your heart and practically adopted them as your own. They're practically your children, your family, your legacy. That's how I see it, Master. All in the Resistance are your children, you their father.
I let Aero fly off my palm and onto Leopold's shoulder. "You better go before someone sees you. I can't risk getting a bad reputation as a local bladesmith." I went in my money chest and plunged my hand in there until I found the Darkrai family crest. It was a silver phoenix in a circle with Rune symbols engraved on the ring that surrounded the phoenix. The symbols said, 'Rise from the ashes of the shadows, reborn into the flames of light.' It was the motto of all Darkrai members. Some were just Metal sorcerors, but others were born with the elements of metal and fire mixed together. That kind of Darkrai was a rarity in itself, but always possible. I gave the crest to Leopold. "The meeting's in my uncle Marcus' secluded cottage in the woods. He's an Abnormal, so you better be careful not to touch him. When he sees you with the crest, he'll know I sent you. Be at his cottage before midnight tonight. I recommend you come an hour before midnight, that way you can be sure this recruit I'm meeting isn't a threat to me."
Leopold took the crest and nodded. "I'll be there. You can count on me."
I nodded myself. "You know I can. Be careful out there." I watched him leave, then went about my business. I spent two hours creating different replicas of Justice and Karma, using different types of steel to satisfy my creativity and relieve me of the boredom. I made sure to secretly score the metal with Karma so I could recognize my own designs. I had some basic Metal magic on me, so I gave the finished blades a thin coat of regular steel for a good measure. When the second hour ended, I removed the sweat off my body with my Water magic and put the excess sweat in the large vase. I've worked hard, but nobody's been coming to pay me either a friendly visit or for some weapons that I had in store.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:06 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Leopold Thaertus

I began walking back towards the tavern at a leisurely pace acutely aware of Aero flying around my head. Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Aero a slight smile crossing my face, "Aero I need to show you the coolest thing I can do with magic ever." I looked about to make sure we weren't easily in sight. "Okay turn around and when I say 'now' try to find me."

"Fine but if you try to run away I'll find ya', you can bet on that." The little bird flapped his wings and turned around finding a small perch to land on before I said now. As he turned I focused and began accelerating in place, it was complicated to say the least. As I began to speed up I could notice things slowing to almost a stand still.

"Now!" Aero looked about for me confused as to where I could of gone in such a short time. He slowly flew up to try and get a better view, his movement seemed extremely slow to me, but it would do him little good. At this speed it was almost impossible to truly track my movement. He flew around a few times before seeming to give up. Before he finished landing I set out a hand for him to land on and used the other to cover his eyes. In what would have seem like a blink of an eye to Aero we were in my room in the tavern.

Aero looked about shocked, "What happened? One second we're on the streets, next second it gets all dark, and now we're here. Also where is here?" I tapped the glass orbs in my room sending electric currents through them to create light. He looked about the room landed on my desk and stood there for a bit. "Is this where you live?" He said it almost judgmentally.

I grabbed my mask placing it in my pouch and belted my two swords. I briefly looked at my belt of throwing knives before deciding they weren't a necessity. I looked at Aero tilted my head to the side before responding to his remake of my living spaces. "Perhaps you would find the belly of a predatory animal more accommodating." Aero seemed to do the human equivalent of slowing hard and praying I was joking.

I went up stairs, gave Fenny my best, and headed to the cottage. I could see the moon rising higher in the sky the hour grew late and the meeting with the potential new recruit was soon. I arrived at the cottage several hours before midnight and greeted Marcus with a bow being sure to stay at a distance. I found a comfortable seat and sat down; now I was just waiting for the girl to arrive and soon Morgan as well.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:19 pm
crossroads says...


She and Garnet stood over the body of that captain, just glaring at it for a few minutes.
"I could turn it to ashes," Garnet suggested, and Anair shook her head.
"I can use him. Let's take him to the entrance of the Tunnels."

She met her sister's eyes as they left the body on the ground again, in the cave-resembling entrance to her underground. "I didn't think you'll kill him, you know."
Garnet shrugged.
"He wasn't doing his job well. And I did need to practice a little. We can find ourselves a new captain of the Guard, no big deal."
Anair touched one of the walls, sending a spark of lightning through it. Garnet seemed interested as the passages suddenly moved and Septimus appeared in front of them. He was taller than both, dressed in what looked like it could have once belonged to their father - before it got holes and stains of something not quite recognizable. He bowed to both.
"Princess Garnet, mistress Anair.. I apologize for the appearance, I was.. Cleaning."
Anair almost giggled. With a bush of messy hair and blue eyes, he could have passed as the most innocent man. If dressed up differently and if he'd manage to hide the fact that he had no shadow. Anair recalled waking him up, and how she didn't realized that strange shadow fact at first, more worried about him losing most of his powers. He took a long look at the man on the ground.
"Big wound it is," he noticed, turning his eyes to Garnet. "I suppose, your masterpiece?"
She grinned.
"I've had my masterpieces," she said. "She offered to lend you for practicing this one."
He turned back to Anair, who smiled innocently.
"However my lady wishes," he said after a moment, took the body up and disappeared in the changing corridors again. Garnet looked at her sister.
"You like all your lovers act like minions?"
Anair grinned.
"He's my only lover," she said.
"Not only minion, though."
"So, do I get to see your Lab?"
Anair's eyes narrowed, and her smile disappeared.
"I don't think that would be a very good idea."
"Why not? I've seen stuff worse than dead bodies. Idid worse stuff."
But Anair just shook her head. She didn't think Garnet would be scared or shocked - it was just that those were her experiments, and she didn't like anyone seeing them or wandering around her Lab. Not even Dad or big sister.

Leaving the Tunnels and taking a walk should the Castle, Anair thought of the past. In her childhood, she didn't spend much time with father or sister. When Anair was very little, and her sister just starting to learn how to write, they did play together, but those memories were vague in younger princess's mind. Equally vaguely she remembered Jake holding her in his lap and telling her a story. Actually, it was hard to tell for sure if any of it really happened - but Anair was pretty sure not even her mother would deny the King his right to spend time with their child. On the other hand, she could have bugged him with it, hoping he'll love her more than the first princess. One could never tell when it came to Anair's mother.
As the queen started to express her unwelcome feelings towards little Garnet, their father decided to keep the girls apart. Anair was sure he warned her mother not to go too far with her talking, but she was equally sure that her mother didn't care anymore. Anair knew her very well, in all the years the queen taught her her magic types and found her the best teacher out there, and she didn't like to hear someone telling that she resembled her. Garnet was proud and happy whenever Jake would tell her she looked like his first wife. Anair would probably get mad at him if he ever told her that. She was happy to not have the looks of the second wife.
The sisters barely saw each other in years, as Anair talked to shadows and Garnet wielded her weapons, but still her mother held to her beliefs of Anair being the rightful heir. The fact that their father wasn't even the king at the time they were born didn't seem to concern her a bit.

"You're quiet," Garnet said, sitting on the stone platform of a dragon sculpture. Anair shrugged.
"Am I not always quiet?"
"Yeah, but you were cheerful before. What're you thinking about?"
She bit her lip.
"Us," she said, sitting next to her sister and staring up at the stone wings. It would be so cool if it turned alive and flew around. Maybe all that it takes would be a little combination of magic types.. She looked back at Garnet. "And Dad, and the past.. And my mother."
Garnet frowned a little. She never really said that she disliked Jake's second wife, but it was pretty obvious - and she had a good enough reason, after all.
"What about her?"
"She loved Dad," Anair said, playing with some flower growing from the hole in the stone. "She hated the fact that he didn't love her as much."
Garnet was serious.
"Do you miss her?"
"Not really," Anair confessed. "I don't think I'd be happy if she managed in her stupid so-called rebellion." She frowned. "You know that. You know I didn't even go to the funeral, though even Dad did."
Garnet nodded, with a little smile.
"I found you in the garden," she said. "You were creating some little metal creatures and made them move."

Anair was now smiling as well. That was the first moment after a long time that the sisters had together, and though Anair's mother loved her, the younger princess didn't miss her the day she died. She didn't cry, or at least not until she was alone in her Tunnels with Sep.. But even so, ever since they thought of her as of the princess who wants to take over the throne. Anair only hoped her sister and father were smart enough not to believe the whispered rumors.

"Shall we, now?" She asked. "I don't want to leave Dad wait, and I really want to know that people-controlling thing."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:21 pm
KingLucifer says...

Garnet - Afternoon - Castle Courtyard

Thila had been foolish to challenge father to battle, lead a rebellion in an attempt to make Anair the rightful heir, in truth, if dad were to drop dead the very next second, I would be one leading the country, I was rightful heir to the throne. But Thila had her own agenda, I truly believed that she loved dad at one point, and had really brought him back as a man in love. But it only turned out in the end she had just wanted the throne, and used dad's love to get close to the throne. But dad was always one step ahead, I was closest to his information network that kept him well informed, and even then it was impossible to predict his moves.

I had heard the rumers about Anair, taking the place of Thila in her damned rebellion, I prayed to whatever God or gods that Anair didn't have the same lust for power that her mother had. Now, I knew about Riana, Riana could come and go as she pleased, and is mainly why I kept my weapon ready around Anair, I had squared off against Riana before, and the battle was brutal, and Riana had demostrated a lot more than Anair knew. Dad had let me fight Riana on my own, dad couldn't fight her without nearly murdering Anair, after an exsausting battle, I had no choice, I had hit Riana so hard over the head that I thought at one point, I had killed Anair, I could never kill Anair, to me, she was family, and you don't betray family. Dad and me had always kept careful watch on Anair, watching for signs of Riana's resurfacing, tho we haven't seen any reported signs of Riana, we did not faulter in vigelent watch for Riana.

As we entered the castle, We made our way towards the throne room, where Dad had mainly taught me when I was in apprenticeship to him. The throne room was a great place, the room was huge with a statue to the royal family that had been placed here by the atchteics that built the castle. The room was lined with colums that had brazers of bright green flames, two extra near the throne if dad ever needed to draw on the power of Fire. Then silver water that acted as a moat around the throne, another thing in the case we need the power of Water. Then a lush red royal carpet that went though the middle of the room from the door to the main enterance of the castle to the the moat, and then on the otherside of the moat up to the throne. Here in this very room, any metal sorcer was at there strongest, being able to call on Fire, Metal, Water, Lightning, and as dad showed me, the power to control someones blood stream. Which I found a devasating power.

Dad himself was sitting on the throne, looking bored, he was reading a clipboard that had paper on it, but eventually noticed us, he gave the clip board back to the servent and then shooed the servent off with a wave of his hand. He finally stood dusting himself off as he stood, he walked up to the edge of the moat.

"Ah, there you are my daughters," He said "Garnet, I would like to remind you that we have a War Meeting before the end of today, and that you are of heavy importance to this meeting."

"I remember father, I will be in attendence as soon as the meeting is called for." I replied.

"Good, now, I would like you to stick around, I may have you demonstrate for your sister during this session." He said.

"Yes father." I replied.

As soon as I said that, two sevents came though the way we did, carrying the body of the dead guard with them, I looked at it delighted by a well executed masterpiece. Killing was like an art, you always have to be creative with how you go about your killings.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitudes.
— Viktor Frankl