
Young Writers Society

Camp Venire- Accepting (Still A Heap of Spots) *Starting*

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:43 am
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fictionfanatic says...


Shouldering my bag, I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and muttered, "Remember our deal, mom."

She nodded, not looking at me, not speaking. She does that a lot, once saying that she couldn't stand to see the scars that were there because of her.

With a sigh I pushed open my door and climed out. Just before I slammed it shut, I heard a faint, "Love you, Miah."

Smiling, I watched for a moment as she drove away. Spinnign on my heel, I faced a rather large group of people, mostly composed of counselers, but a golden haired boy and a doe-eyed beauty stood off to the side as the counselers rushed at me.

I half listened for a minute, but then continued walking and approached the only other two campers.

"Cody." One said, sticking his hand out towards me, looking me over

Accepting his hand, I shook his hand and said, "So are you the only two here?"

"Yup." Cody said, popping the p.

"What's your name?" I asked the dark haired girl. She didn't respond. Only stared.

After an awkward moment, Cody said, "Her name is Campbell. You?"

Sticking my hands into the pockets of my jeans, I answered, "Jeremiah. So what exaclty are we supposed to do now?"

I had never been to summer camp before, and as I looked around the intimate camp ground seemed peculiar to me. I was sure in for a treat.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:06 am
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KingLucifer says...

Jamie Murilo

Mmm get that military appearance on, there I was in my mothers SUV rolling on in I was enjoying the trip to Camp Venire. The big tires pushing though the graval and crushing it under foot. my mom smiling as she minded the road, moving like no ones buisness as most vans would have trouble gettng though but the SUV powered though.

"Ready to make first impressions hunny?" My mom asked.

"Oh yea, ready and waiting, did you buy me those desert Eagles with blanks? Oh and the special package?" I ask.

"Yes, and yes. The package is in back, use it only in emergencies." My mother warned.

"Right, time to make first impressions." I said.

The SUV rolled to a halt, for a second nothing happened, but on the inside where the windows to the inside were tinted to keep onlookers out. I suited up, the two desert eagles at my hips and concealed, I hit a hidden button on the bottom of the seat, and the the back rest lurched forward opening a secret compartment. I reached in and pulled out a black suitcase.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:37 am
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SassBideAndRawr says...

Skylar Reid

“Come on Skye!” My dad laughs, “Get in the car! You don’t want to be late for your first day at camp!”

I shrug, grabbing a hold of my suitcase and sprinting out the door; he’s right. I really DON’T want to be late.

Luckily for me the camp isn’t all that far away and the drive isn’t particularly long. The Camp is way out of the city though; I’ve never even been anywhere near here before.

The campus is actually really nice and I can instantly tell why my dad instantly agreed when I asked about this place. Suddenly an office comes to view… along with a small group of other people and watching them a shiver runs through me.
What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t fit in at all…?

My father pulls up the car a few metres away and I jump out, trying to seem somewhat fearless (even though I’m far from it) as I grab my suitcase from the back of the car and venture over to the others.

“Um… hello?” I start, attempting a smile, “I’m Skylar... Or Skye. Either’s good really…”

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:15 am
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AlmondEyes says...


I breathed on the fresh air as the air caressed my skin and pushed my hair behind me. I sighed. "It's so good to be back."

"Yea," my sister Lini agrees. "it is."

We were sitting on the dock out by the lake. It was out favorite spot. We's gotten here before almost everyone else and decided to get some piece and quiet before everyone began arriving as they were now. Lini and I had been coming here for the last few years. We loved this place. It was like our home away from home. I stood up.

"Well," I held my hand out. "let's go meet the new meat."
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:18 am
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RedBird says...


I look out of our car's window at the lush vegetation streaming by. I smile to myself. Finally something that I can count as special, not just normal. This camp will be a life changer, I just know it.

"You ready, Micah?" My mom asks, glancing at me.

"More than ready. I can't wait to get there." I grin as I see the camp sign passing our car. We pull up the gravel drive, to where some other cars are parked next to a large group of people.

"Are you still sure about this, hun? You'll be so far from us..." My mom says, doing her last-minute panic routine, as per usual. I roll my eyes.

"Mom, we've been through this: I'm 17, and I'll be going away to college anyway soon. It's about time I had some time away from you guys." I wince when I realize what that sounded like, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that you won't be there for me all the time. I need to learn to deal."

Mom smile, "I get it, honey. Well, why don't you get your stuff out and go meet the crowd?"

I open the door and step out into the humid air. I get my big duffle out of the back of the car and head over to the crowd of people. There's a blond guy, two girls who look similar enough to be sisters, a quiet girl, a very blonde girl, another girl who is packing some serious fire power, and a guy with some noticeable scars. They're all interspersed amongst the counselors. I push my glasses up my nose out of habit and insert myself into the group.

"Hey, all," I say, smiling, "Micah, at your service."
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:35 pm
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LilNinjaBear says...


I stand in the circle as more and more people begin to arrive, trying to memorise the name’s I’m hearing. After a while Uncle Allan clears his throat and curiously I peer up. I see a few others doing the same thing. In his hands he is holding a thin sheet of paper and a plastic bag holding two different coloured badges; blue and red.

Guess it’s time to put us in our teams…
“Okay, Everybody!” He announces, “Could you all please look up here for a moment?” Slowly by steadily everyone begins to turn, quieting down now to pay attention to the “Director”.

Uncle Allan turns to stare down at the sheet- almost as if for the first time- before he begins announcing the names of people and what team that they’ll be put into.

Everyone in “Team A” gets a red badge and everyone in “Team B” gets a blue badge. Patiently I wait among the group, waiting for my name to be called out.
“Jamie Murilo? Team A. Sunny Joule? Team B. Campbell Hope? Team A.”

Things go on like this for a while before Uncle Allan turns to stare at me slightly and announces, “ Cody Lockwood?...” I wait for a minute, though it seems like forever before he announces what team I’m on, “Team A.”

I nod my head grinning, before I step forward to take a red badge.

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:45 pm
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SassBideAndRawr says...


I stand in the group, a little awkwardly for a moment before the man who introduced himself as “Mr A” or “The Director” when I first arrived steps forward and clears his throat.

I turn to face him and a moment later I feel a little relived that I did. We’re getting put into our teams now…

I stand as patiently as I possibly can as Mr A calls out names for both of the teams, handing out badges to just about everyone.

The groups look fairly even and… I’d be happy being on either team really.
My name is one of the last names called out. “Skylar Reid? Team A.”
I look ahead, taking in my other team mates; trying to smile at them as I take a red badge and pin it to my Tee-shirt.

So far there’s the quiet girl who introduced herself as Campbell, The girl with the black briefcase who said her name was Jamie and the blonde haired boy who called himself Cody.

Slowly I stumble over to stand beside my Teammates and wait for everyone else to be put on their teams.

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:06 am
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RedBird says...


I wait eagerly as the self-styled Mr. A begins assigning teams. Of course, I'm the last to be called, after a dark-haired girl named Luna.

"Micah Ross?" I step forward at my name, and Mr. A hands me a blue badge, which I pin to my shirt. I go over to stand with the rest of B, which consists of the dude with the scars, Jeremiah, Luna, a cheerful girl named Sunny, and another, quieter girl named Tanya. I smile at them.

"So, you guys psyched?" I ask.

Sunny nods emphatically, "I can't wait to get into our activities! It's gonna be great."

I laugh, "Let's hope so. Has anyone else been before?" I direct the question to the rest of Team B. Luna nods.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:39 am
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Liv says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Octavius "October" Johnson.

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: October has disheveled, straight, dark brown (nearly black) hair just long enough so that when he runs his hands through it it kind of sticks out in a million directions, in a purposfully messy way. October has pale skin, and eyes such a dark blue you can't really tell they're blue unless you get close - further away they appear somewhat black. October stands at 5'7" with a thin but strong build. His hands are extremely calloused and he tends to wear either black or white, occasionally green or blue. He only has one pair of shoes, however; a black pair of vans that have been worn nearly to death.

Personality: October is a bit of a charmer, a schmoozer of a sort. When he's talking to you he tends you touch you in some way, on the shoulder or something of the sort, because he thinks it gives him a better connection with the person. October is a really friendly, everyone's best friend kind of guy. He has a way of talking that makes it seem like you're the only person in the world, and he is a big flirt. October almost always seems to have a smile on his face, but he has a short temper and you don't want to make him angry because he'll most likely lash out. October tends to act differently depending on what gender he's with. With guys, he's relaxed, goofy, care-free, just one of the guys doing whatever. With girls, he's attentive, smiling, laughing, flirting, trying. Also, October is a BMX fan, which is why he has the callouses on his hands. He doesn't think he's very good at it, but once he gets on a bike he's almost like a different person. In addition, he has a tendancy to draw....on everything and everyone that he can, including himself.

History: October has a pretty plain life, nothing extraordinary or strange has ever happened to him. He grew up in a middle class family with an at-home mother and a father who works with computer software, as well as his two twin 15 year old sisters Aimee and Claudia. October gained an interest in BMX in the fifth grade, and ever since hasn't spent a single day without his bike.

Team: A

Reason they're at camp: His dad said it was either here or summer school, and October was here last year and didn't think it was too bad so he figured it was the better choice.

Other: Up for love. Also, he may flirt with a bunch of girls, but once he's in a relationship he stops: he knows how to be committed. Also, October rarely is known as Octavius, but he doesn't care if you call him that; he just prefers October.


I could hardly believe my parents insisted they bring Claudia and Aimee along to drop me off. We'd spent the entire drive squished in the backseat bickering and fighting, as we always do when forced into confined spaces with each other.

To my relief, the camp wasn't far off; I could see it from here. Before the car even stopped, a said a quick goodbye and jumped out of the car with my black duffel bag in my hand. After hesitating for a moment to allow me to pull my red bike from the roof, my dad continued driving, leaving me at Camp Venire for the summer.


"Octavius Johnson," the director called, "Cabin A."

Accepting my red badge from them, I shoved it into the pocket of my black skinny jeans and approached my new....team mates.

Dropping my bag on the ground, I gave the group a bright smile, taking them all in individually, and offered, "Hey. I'm October."

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:52 am
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SidereaAquila says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry, guys, just got back from vacation. I'm here now!


"So, you guys psyched?" Micah asked the rest of Team B.

I nodded. "I can't wait to get into our activities!" I answered. "It's gonna be great." As Micah turned to talk to the rest of the group, I kept nodding my head a little. I had been listening to Beatles tunes on the way over to the campground, and Eight Days a Week was beginning to turn into an ear worm.

"Has anyone else been here before?" Micah asked the group. I stopped nodding for a moment to shake my head. It seemed like Team B had a lot of newbies--except for Luna, that is. Maybe she'd have some expert advice for us...

I tapped my feet to the beat in my head, enjoying the song while it lasted. I was hoping some time away from home would help me get going on my songwriting--I was having a little writer's block, and the guys were basically depending on me for lyrics. Ian could write sometimes, but he was the only other one--and his songs always ended up being silly, anyway.

"So..." I began, trying to move the conversation forward. "Anyone like music?"
Skittles: Taste the Spectrum


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Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:23 pm
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LilNinjaBear says...

Cody Lockwood

The final names are announced and a boy with dark hair and a BMX bike strolls over. “Hey. I’m October,” he introduces, grinning at everyone.
“"Cody." I say, sticking my hand, when nobody else moves.

After a moment everyone else begins to introduce themselves and out of the corner of my eye I see my uncle step forward again. Looks like we’re not quite done here, after all...

“Okay, now that everyone’s in their teams it’s time to get everything started,” he pauses briefly and then points to the four cabins either side of the field, “On either side of this field there are two cabins.”
He points to the red cabins on the left side, “These are the cabins reserved for Team A,” he gestures towards the blue cabins on the other side, “They’re the cabins reserved for Team B.”

There is a brief pause before he continues, “In a minute each of you can make your way to your cabins and sort you’re stuff out but I want to see you all back here in 15 minutes so that we can begin the day’s activities.”

He turns away and everyone begins to leave, walking off towards the cabins.

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:55 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Jamie Murilo

I was the first to the cabin, I wanted to find a nice bunk bed for myself before the good ones were taken on me. Entering the cabin, it was how I remembered it, I had been on Team A before, and knowing this would be my final year, this cabin looked a little sad to me. Almost like I'd never see it again, I continued on tho, I picked the top left bunk, I grabbed the sign and wrote.

Jamie Murilo: Team Leader

I erased the Team Leader part, I didn't think a lot of the people in Team A would like that, I let it be and laid down, the bed was comfy to say the least. Then came my black suitcase, it would come in handy in emergencies like getting lost or bear family attacks. Tho I doubted any of those would happen but it's better be safe than sorry, It wasn't until a couple minutes later that the door opened again and someone stepped though.

Spoiler! :
It can be anyone who wants to chat with Jamie.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:26 pm
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AlmondEyes says...


I headed over to my cabin first to get get the pick of the litter. Once I picked my bun bed I sat down and waited for everyone else to show up. When everyone did, I stood up and introduced myself.

"Hi," I began. "As you know, My name is Luna, and the reason i'm introduce myself is because i'm your instructor. It's nice to meet you."

Sunny, the blonde girl who always had a smile on her face walked forward and held her hand out. "Hi, my name is Sunny."

One by one they all began to introduce themselves, and then out their things away. I walked over to sunny. "Hey."

She turned with a smile. "Hi."

"I remember you asking if anyone here liked music. I would've answered, but I came to get my bunk. I love listening to music." I smiled.

Her face lit up. "Cool!! What do you like listening to?"

"I listen to anything but country," I laughed. "but there are a few I absolutely love. How about you?"

She ticked off so many different Genres and bands I thought my ears were going to fall off. Just as she finished, Lini wandered into our cabin. I headed over to her with a smile. Everyone stopped to look at us. Sheesh. You would think they'd never seen identical twins sisters before. "Everyone, this is my identical twin sister Lini."

They all said hi and went back to their business. My sister and I headed out to the music hall for a jam session.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:43 pm
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RedBird says...

Micah, team B,

I'm unpacking my bag when Luna introduces herself as our instructor. I nod, and introduce myself along with everyone else. When we're done, I hear Luna and Sunny talking about music and I smile to myself. They both seem pretty great.
I have a lower bunk, and my bunkmate is the older guy, Jeremiah. I nod a greeting to him and he nods back. I get all of my clothes out, along with my fencing uniform. Then I get out my epees and store them under my bed, along with my mask and glove. Lastly, I pull out my well-worn copy of The Passage, my favorite book. I put it on the bed and stand up to see Jeremiah eyeing my swords.

"Nice blades," he says appreciatively, and I nod.

"Do you fence?" I ask.

"Nah," he says, "But it seems pretty sweet."

I grin, "It is. It's the best sport in the world, in my books."
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:14 am
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fictionfanatic says...


A boy by the name of Micah had the bunk below me, which was only natural seeing that I was about a foot taller. It was interesting, really, that we both looked kind of the same; different shades of red, green eyes, lanky build. The only difference was our height and my scars.

He nodded a greeting to me and I returned the gesture. Turning to my duffel bag, I began unpacking my clothes and posessions. They weren't much, but they were mine. Micah began to pull things out of his bag, and a glint caught my eye. Glancing down, I saw....swords.

Looking up at Micah, I realized I'd been caught staring and said, "Nice blades."

"Do you fence?" He asked me.

"Nah, but it seems pretty sweet."

He grinned, saying "It is. It's the best sport in the world, in my books."

Pointing to the scars marking my face, I chuckled, "These are the closest I've gotten to fencing. Other than that, I've only ever boxed."

When Micah actually laughed at the joke I made about my scars, I was a bit surprised. I think I'm going to like this kid.

"I think I'd like to try it out, though." I said with a grin, turning back to my stuff and peeling off my shirt. After being in the car for what seemed like forever, I felt like a change of shirts was necessary.

Rifling through my clothes, I quickly remembered the scars covering my chest and back, from my heart transplant and motorcycle accident.

Quickly, I pulled a black t-shirt over my head and glanced around. I wasn't ashamed of them, but they always resulted in questions which had answers I've had to use for what seemed forever. Luckily, I don't think I'd have to spend the next twenty minutes explaining seeing that no one had been paying attention.
Live, Love, Laugh

I know where the wall goes.
— Creed, the Office