
Young Writers Society

The Ancient | Started *dead*

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:14 pm
gleek456 says...

Sofia Armani | Ugya Streets

"Would you like to change my lady?" Paisley asked. I smiled and nodded, seeing that the dress was nearly choking me to death. Paisley started untying my corset, and later, it dropped. I exhaled and stepped out of the horrid dress. I quickly changed into simple clothes and a dark cloak. Paisley smiled.

"Going to visit the streets?" she asked. I smiled and waved goodbye to her, and quickly walked outside. I ignored my guards and kept walking until I reached the streets of Ugya.

I pulled the hood of my dark cloak up, covering my dark hair. The streets of Ugya made the streets of Mendolia seem... clotty and dirty. I watched as families bought their children food. The children seemed so happy with their mothers and fathers, it just made me miss mother more. Aidrianna... Even her name sounds so wretched! What could father see in her? She's not like mother at all: kind, caring, has good fashion taste, and supports my sponsered silence. I took a deep breath and found out that I made my way in front of a merchant.

"What'll it be, miss?" he asked. I looked at what he had, fruits and vegetables. I've had many of those. I shake my head in response, but for some reason, it infuriates him.

"So you've come 'ere just to reject? Just buy something for heavens' sake!" he yelled. I glared at him and walked away, ignoring the yells from him.

Where did I want to go again? Ah, yes. A new dress for the ball. I walked towards a clerk on the side of the street, and opened the door. The shop was lovely, and it makes you feel at home even if it were a dress shop.

"Hello there Miss! Anything I can help you with?" a bulgy man asked. He seemed more friendly than the merchant. I approached the counter and bit my lip, not knowing how to respond. The man smiled and walked from behind the counter and disappeared into a different room. He came out with a rose colored dress, not one of those fat skirt dresses, a dress that made me look slim. I smiled at the man. Man's a genius. I gave him the coins for the dress, and walked out beaming.

(I hope this is okay! Can someone come from the streets and maybe interact with her please? Thank you! :))

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:57 am
EloquentDragon says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry, this has been a little late in coming, but now that I've set it up, the king is finally ready to start interacting with all your characters. Mwah ha haa! :twisted:

The King:Underneath the Castle/Palace in his SECRET Chamber

The King stood above the shallow pool and stared down into the water. He saw his own reflection on its glassy surface, but nothing more. The only sound was the Ancients even breathing.
“Aldric, it’s been such a long time.” Sasari whispered. “Why haven’t you been to see me these past few years? Could it be that you have begun to fear me?’ The ancient’s voice boomed, then faded away into a soothing tone.
“I have never feared you Sasari.” Aldric replied evenly. There was a growl as the wolf’s name was mentioned.
“You speak with such content. You are full of yourself, human.” The voice had grown low and menacing. Aldric did not take his eyes from the surface of the pool.
“Why did you call me?” he asked. The loudness of his own voice seemed eerie in the empty chamber. There was a moment of silence, then a shadow passed through the light of the crystals. A chill entered the room, and the slightest breeze rippled the water. Sasari appeared in the pool’s reflection. His golden eyes hovered there in the darkness, examining him coldly. There was a hint of some dark emotion hidden there in their golden depths; but when Aldric flicked his gaze over to see what it was, the strange light had vanished.
“I smell something,” the Ancient said. “Another is here…a girl.” Aldric’s eyes widened slightly.
“So you know of her then?”
“I know many things, Aldric. Why did you not seek me council on this matter?” Aldric hesitated before answering.
“I don’t want you to have her.” He said, his brow furrowed. “I want to kill her.”
“So this is the hate I have sensed from you.” The wolf stepped away from the pool and began pacing. “But there is also something else, you are fearful. But why of her”
“She…I know her…” The breathing suddenly stopped.
“That’s impossible.” Sasari’s voice rasped harshly. Aldric said nothing. The wolf returned to the pool’s edge and stared long and hard at Aldric.
“Listen closely to me human, you must not allow anyone, or anything to harm her.” He spoke quickly, his voice rumbling. “Let her do as she pleases, but stay away from her, she must not be harmed.” Sasari curled his lip in a snarl. “She will find me, but in case she doesn’t, you must bring her here. Do you understand?” The king barely seemed to register the ancient’s words.
“And what is I refuse?” he asked.
“I will cause you much suffering, madness is the worst kind of pain.”
“Fine, you really can’t harm me, you need me too much.” Aldric’s words sparked with a sudden fury. “And you know it, don’t you?” the wolf did not answer. “You don’t hold any power over me.” Aldric said foolishly. The wolf turned away.
“Perhaps not, but wouldn’t it be awful if something happened to your son?” An image appeared on the pool’s surface. It was a handsome young man, with sharp fingers and pale skin. He laughed with a young lady by his side. There was no sound, but it was obvious that they were enjoying each other’s company. There was a catch in Aldric’s throat as he looked into the prince’s shining eyes. They were so innocent and promising…the same eyes of his mother.
“Don’t forget,” Sasari hissed, “I can take everything away from you in an instant.” The image on the water faded into the face of the Ancient. “I would strongly suggest seriously considering my request.” The wolf smiled, an altogether cruel thing. “Farewell, we’ll meet again soon.” He laughed and then faded into the shadows. An electric tingling ran down Aldric’s spine, the same feeling he got whenever the wolf brushed his skin. And then, Sasari was gone, and the chamber was once again silent and empty.
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:57 am
EloquentDragon says...

Um, just asking. Is the wolf's name supposed to be Sasari or Sasuri?
Last edited by EloquentDragon on Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:15 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Mircea | Palace - The Sanaz Rooms:

Mircea planted his hands on the windowsill once the woman had left the room. It was incredibly frustrating, trying to sort everything out from so far away. Why was he still here if the palace back in Asyra had just been declared safe? Because the Ugyan king didn't want him leaving yet....and there was also the Ball. He groaned and rested his forehead against the glass. Of course. The Ball. Where every single or eligible woman would want his attention. Mircea felt like drowning himself. Preferably in a nice red wine.

A noise behind him brought his head up. Mircea scowled. Who was disturbing him now? There was a click that sounded like the door closing. Mircea pushed away from the windowsill and turned around slowly, a dark scowl twisting his features. A girl stood just inside the room. Her eyes were closed and she was leaning against the door. Mircea's scowl turned into a frown. He had never seen the girl before. She was probably here for the same thing every other woman seemed to be after. Mircea and his so-called fortune.

The Asyran Prince took a step forward and halted. The girl didn't seem to have even realised he was was there. Mircea's frowned deepened. Who was this girl? "You," he stated. The girl jumped, startled. She blinked at him. "Why are you here? Don't tell me you're another one looking for a quick fortune." He strode towards her but paused when she frowned at him. "Why don't go back to wherever it was you came from?"

Alright, he wasn't so confident in why she was here any more. In fact, more than anything, she looked a little...lost.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:51 pm
SisterItaly says...

Alice | Mircea

Linza was laughing at their current situation, and the man was staring at her oddly. She stood up straight and stared back, making direct eye contact. She clearly wasn't impressed. "Just shut up," she snapped, her teeth clicking together as she spoke, "And that's exactly what I'm trying to do." Linza scowled and muttered something about her lying. Alice dismissed her once again and returned to glaring at the man. "Who do you think you are? Assuming things about me when you don't even know my name."

He blinked and stood a shocked half-step back. Obviously spoiled, but not the person in charge here. "I was just looking for a place to hide and stumbled in here. I thought you had left. You are the last person on Earth I'd even pretend to be interested in. I'd rather be paired off with an ass!" Alice was just adding fuel to the fire, she knew by now her grounds with this man would be shaky, and this constant headache was just making her plain grumpy.

"What the bloody hell?" his eyes didn't move from hers, but they didn't show any coldness--yet. "Are you saying I'm not fit to be a prince?" Alice nodded and gave him a classic 'Uh, ya' look. "Well, that's just insulting. Didn't your parents teach you your manners?" He had calmed down slightly by now, and this just irritated Alice all the more. She clenched her fists and forced an angry looking smile.

"And what are you planning on doing about it? Your highness." She spit the word out like it tasted bad on her tongue, "Are you going to strike me? What a big man that would make you, slapping a small girl who's barely half your size. But you won't, because you don't have the gull to do it. If I were you, I'd give up this silly argument now. It's obvious you can't win."
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:41 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Niewén | Palace - The Sanaz Rooms/Her Room;

Niewén found this place strange. On one side, there was a cliff face. On the other, a frozen river. It was snowing and it was cold, but she seemed unaffected. The scene screamed Winter. And despite how it looked, Niewén felt nothing. A dream, then, she thought and turned around once. The cliff face was scarred and chipped. Someone had drawn a strange creature on it in what looked like white chalk...or was it...no. It was chalk. Niewén frowned.

"What a strange place," she murmured, turning to face the river. She was shocked to find herself shoeless. Barefoot and not cold? She was swiftly finding this odder than her normal dreams. Then again, her normal dreams weren't so...white. Or set outside.

Niewén studied the frozen water, curious. Would it break and collapse on her if she stepped on it? Well, only one way to find out. She took a few hesitant steps towards the river and slowly placed a foot on the ice. She tested her weight on it and sighed when it didn't break. She put her other foot on it and took a wary step forwards. A low growl from somewhere in front of her had Niewén frozen to the spot. What had that been?

"Hello?" she called, the skirt of her nightgown gatehred up in one hand. "Is there anyone there?"

Silence. Nothing--no sounds and no movement. All the whiteness was rather blinding. Niewén closed her eyes for a moment, seeking a break from the blinding whiteness of all the snow and ice. Another growl had her eyes open and searching the area for...well, anything, really. She found nothing at first, but then movement up in front of her had her backing up fast. She couldn't exactly make out what it was in all the white, but by the growling, it probably wasn't all that friendly.

Suddenly, shouting pulled her out of the dream and into reality.

Niewén sat up in bed, panting. What on earth had that dream been about? It was the second one in weeks. And it scared her. She frowned. What had she seen drawn on that wall again? Oh, that was right. It had almost looked liek some kind of cat, only really big...and white. Pure white.

More shouting had her looking towards the door. What on earth was her brother doing? Annoyed, and more than a little curious, Niewén got out of bed, pulled on a warm robe--she felt the cold now--and made her way out into the sitting room, where she found her throwing a plate at the door. What the hell?

"Mircea," she began. "Is there a problem?"

Mircea | Palace - The Sanaz Rooms;

Mircea glared darkly at the girl, still confused. Who was she? She certainly wasn't after his money if her little comment refering to her prefering a mule over him was anything to go by. She was a strange one, he'd give her that.

"I wasn't taught to hit women," he stated, still trying to make out what she meant by her words. She confused him and he didn't think it was good at all. And what was all the shouting about earlier? She certainly hadn't been talking to him at first. "Firstly, because it's not very nice and secondly, because it harming them." He frowned and moved around the table. She moved out of reach. "What are doing here? Since you're clearly not trying to win me over."

She sort-of advoided the question. "I said that earlier! I was looking for a place to hide."

Mircea sighed and leaned against the table. The girl stayed well out of reach. "Well, clearly this isn't a smart place to hide," he said, looking at his fingernails to show her that she wasn't as interesting as she thought she was. Truthfully, though, he foudn he fascinating, and he didn't know why. "Why don't you go find somewhere else to hide? Any other prince wouldn't be as nice as me." He glanced up when she didn't move. "Go on, now. Get out."

When he actually focused on her face, she was giving him an arrogant look. "Why don't you make me?" she said, planting a hand on her hip. Mircea's gaze narrowed. Make her? Oh, he'd make her leave.

"Women," he muttered and pushed away from the table. "Just get the hell out of my sitting room already!" He shouted, snagging a palte from the table adn throwing it in her direction. She dodged it and threw him another arrogant look.

"Such a big man," she said, sarcasim dripping from the words. "Why don't you calm down?" she shouted, then added in lower tone, "Such a big, mighty prince. More like a prince of fools. Him, royalty? Pah. More like a little boy throwing a temper tantrum."

Mircea growled under his breath and stupid, annoying little girls and picked up another plate. He gave the girl a look, like he was considering throwing it at her. The girl rolled her eyes at him. The look she was giving him... it was an "I heard that" look. Mircea threw the next plate at her. She ducked and it hit the wall, breaking into little pieces, much like the first plate had. "Who are you anyway?"

"You're such a coward," she told him, ignoring his question. "Throwing plates when you should probably be throwing fists. Come over here and hit me, it'll make you feel like such a big man."

"Get out!" he shouted and threw another plate at her while she ducked out of the room. Mircea stood there, panting. Rage burned through his veins but it had no where to go. The girl was gone and now he had nothing to throw stuff at. Damn those women who liked to prod at him until he snapped or gave in. He was not marrying any of the women in this damned country.

A sound from behind him caught his attention and he half-turned towards it. "Mircea," said his sister, arching an eyebrow at him. "Is there a problem?"

Mircea just glared at her and stormed out of the room. The gall! The girl had the gall to call him a coward, of all things? If her ever saw her again, he might just hit her, regardless of what he'd been taught. Either way, now he had to go find somewhere to calm down. He couldn't go into the market so furious. He'd scare someone.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:05 pm
SisterItaly says...

Alice | The Hall

Well, he was interesting to say the least. He had --oddly enough--- caught Alice's attention. Even though he had gotten violent with her Alice had chalked this up into her 'win' streak. After all, it had been the reaction she was aiming for. She considered going back in and tormenting him a little more, but Linza didn't approve of that plan in the least and she was ready to voice it. Two low voices that she couldn't make out had slipped their way into her mind in the mean time.

"Linza, do- do you hear that?" Alice's head was beginning to swim again as the hall spun. "Linza, I'm hearing something that's even-" she sputtered slightly and sunk down beside the wall, "Even more annoying than you are." She forced a weak chuckle as the voices began getting louder and louder in her mind. She pressed her fingers hard into her temples and squeezed her eyes shut. "Just shut up! Just shut up all of you!" The voices made no sign of obeying her command, not even Linza. "Just shut up. Shut up shut up shut up shut up." Her words began to slur as tears leaked from her eyes.

"Alice, Alice sweet heart. Calm down. It's alright, just clear your mind and relax."

"Relax? Relax? Linza, you're driving me mad! I can't think or see straight when you start talking, so I need you to listen to me and just shut up!" A flash of black and white passed her vision, before she finally closed her eyes and brought her knees up to her chest.

(If it's not obvious by now, the three ancients being so close is starting to drive Alice and the king crazy.)
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:23 pm
ThePowerOutage says...

Xavier|Palace Stables
Now where could she be? The Sanaz rooms? I know she is trying to make friends with Niewén, but from what I can gather she hasn't been successful. If the rumors are to be believed though, it could well be Mircea she had gone to talk to. Still, it is the only place I can think of.

"Your steed My Lord."

"Thank you. However, I don't need him yet. There is somewhere on the grounds I have to check first."

"Understood Your Highness"

What if she is there? What if the rumors are true? What will it mean for us, for me? Everything I have lived and worked for the past two years of my life will be throw away. I still have to do this though. If I don't and the rumors are true, then I will be forced to live a lie for the rest of my life. It's too late now. I'm too far in. The seeds of suspicion have been planted, and are starting to grow into a tree that is dividing my soul. This must be ended, now!

Xavier|Outside The Sanaz Rooms
"Mircea, Just the person I wanted to see. If your not too busy I could do with talking to you."

"No, it's fine, I was just going somewhere to think. Come in for a little while."

I pushed open the door and looked around the room. There were several plates that looked like they had been throw around the room.

"I didn't know you were into plate spinning Mircea. A new hobby?"

"Very funny Xavier. No, it was a girl. She said she came here to hide"

To hide? Could he be talking about the girl from the beach? I heard she had woken up.There is something strange about her. Could she have something to do with father's nonsensical blabbering?

"I'll see to her later, and the mess can be sorted out by the servant's. Let's go onto the balcony to chat."

The balcony has a magnificent view of the castle grounds. It is bested only by the view from my own room, one so magnificent it has been called one of the most romantic spots in Ugya. Many a time I have spent hours chatting with Zaira with that view as the perfect backdrop.

"So what did you want to discuss about Zaira? Is something bothering you?"

Mircea's voice brought me out of my little day dream. I took a moment to think about Mircea. I had met him once before he moved here, as a child. He has changed so much since then. Now he tries so hard to hide all of his emotions, which, ironically, is the thing that gives him away. He is still struggling to come to terms with what he saw, and is desperately homesick.

"It's just I have heard some unsettling rumors. I have chosen to ignore them up til now but... Zaira seems to be becoming increasingly distant. Mircea, are the rumors true? Does Zaira keep trying to seduce you?"

"Yes. I'm afraid the rumors are true, that what I wanted to tell you about. I felt you had a right to know. And, before you ask, I haven't succumbed to her. I would never betray you after the kindness your family has show us."

"Then it is as I feared. Her love was fake, all of it a mere grab for power... I swear she will regret the day she broke my heart!"
That, that woman! How could someone be so cold? Just breaking up with her is out of the question. I have to humiliate her and bring her family to the ground! Yes, I will carry on as the doting Fiancee, but at the final moment, just as she thinks she has won, I will snatch it all away from her, right at the altar. I will make her the laughing stock she made me!

"Mircea, this conversation never happened understood? Thank you for your assistance in this matter, it wil not go unrewarded. I will begin enquires into securing your homeland. It is obvious you want nothing more than to live there. Now I have to leave. Please never speak of this little chat."

"Understood. Now, if you don't mind, I have to go."

(I hope this is alright Synnoev. It was needed to advance Xavier's character)
Last edited by ThePowerOutage on Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:50 am
EloquentDragon says...

Spoiler! :
terribly sorry for the long post.

The King--Storming Through His Castle
With one swift glance the king confirmed, absolutely, that she was gone. He cursed inwardly and stalked back down the hall. As he rounded a corner a servant nearly collided with him. She was panting and red in the face, and a look of horror came over her face when she saw him. The king moved instantly, grasping her by the throat and pinning her up against the wall.
“Where is she?” he asked through gritted teeth. The servant’s mouth moved up and down, but no words came. The king threw her down. “Where is she?” he demanded again.
“Please sire,” the girl whimpered, “I don’t know. She ran off a while ago, I couldn’t stop her.” The servant trembled. “Please…” But the king was already gone. He increased his pace as he headed toward the west wing. A short time later he had thrown open the door to his son’s room. The prince wasn’t there either. “Why is no one where they should be?” the king growled.
“Xavier!” he yelled as he slammed the door.
“You called for me father?” the prince had been in the hall the whole time.
“What happened to the girl? Have you seen her?” The prince thought a moment before answering. “The last I heard she was near the guest chambers.” He said. The king sighed heavily and pinched his furrowed temple. Gradually the rage faded from his face.
“Xavier, I need to keep that girl close. She is in danger.” Xavier stepped back, suspicious. His father hardly ever spoke to him in this manner. He felt guilty, like he was stealing in on his father’s thoughts.
“And so are you. That girl must be protected, even though I could care less about what happens to her, but she is more important to you than you may realize. Stay away from her, whatever you do.” The king turned away and started down the hall. “Be careful, my son, be very careful.” Xavier stood for a moment, silent, until the king’s footsteps faded. “This could get interesting.” He murmured.

The king checked the library first; if the girl didn’t believe she was being held against her will, she would be exploring. And according to Sasari, she was a naturally curious type. But she wasn’t there, and the king moved on to the guest’s chambers. After briefly checking the halls, he decided to search outside and was about to do so when he heard a commotion coming from one of the inner courtyards. He ran out onto one of its balconies and briefly took stock of the situation.
“Leave me alone!” the girl said. She was surrounded by palace guards, who had lowered their halbreds and were at the present moment leveling them at the girl. “By careful men,” one of the guards said. “Some say she can incinerate a man with a single blink!” the men nervously adjusted their stances at this.
“Let me though!” the girl said, exasperated.
“C-careful m-missy.” One of the men stammered “these things are p-pretty sharp!”
“Yah” said the third.
“Drop your weapons,” she said with her chin high, “or I will blow you to bits.” some of the gurds began to shake.
"Do you think she’s bluffing?” one of them asked.
“I don’t know but someone better tell the king about this." One said just as the king agilely dropped to the ground, unnoticed.
“That won’t be necessary.” He said. The guards whirled around. “You’re h-highness!” stutter said. The men saluted.
“We have successfully captured her.” The leader siad proudly. The king’s gaze slid over them.
“You imbeciles.” With one fluid movement, he had secured on of the men’s halbreds and had dropped all six of them to the floor, cold. “And when you wake up, you’re fired.” The girl, who had seen her chance when the commotion had ensued, had slipped away and was sprinting towards the door. The king raced ahead of her and pulled it shut behind him.
“Don’t stop me!” she said.
“Please, let’s be reasonable, none of us are here to hurt you.”
“Oh no? Is that’s why your guards attacked me?”
“They attacked you because they are idiots.” He said flatly. “I specifically ordered that no one was to harm you.” He stepped towards her, and she stepped back.
“What do you want from me? Why are you keeping me here?” the girl asked
“I need to explain this things to you,” the king said as gently as possible, “There are many things that need to be discussed.” One of the guards moaned. “but somewhere a little more secluded.” The girl glared at him.
“Do you expect me to believe that?” she slapped.
“Please, I don’t want to force you to do anything.” He moved a little closer. The girl slapped him on the side of his face.
“Stay back!” she warned. The king swallowed a curse. He had the sudden urge to kill her, but calmed himself.
“Will you just come with me? This is the last time I’m asking.”
“No!” she backed away. The king had enough of this. He raised his fist, and the girl crouched into a fighting position.
“Wait!” the servant he had nearly strangled a while back burst into the room. She was still panting, and her face was even redder than before. She ran over to the girls side and grasped her hand. “Please,” she pleaded. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” The servant was trembling, but she continued. “will you go with him, if I come with you?” For a moment the girl didn’t move, it was as if she was arguing with herself. Finally however, she relaxed.
“Of course, Sarah, thank you for coming. It was very brave of you.” The servant blushed, her pinks turning even redder, if that were possible. The king smiled.
“Well then,” he said coolly, “this way please. He turned and lead them through the door.
“And as I would hate to use violence,” he said over his shoulder, “I would suggest leaving the candleholder where it was.”
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:24 am
SisterItaly says...

Alice | With the king

"Sarah, you realize that coming along with us is just putting yourself in unnecessary danger?" Alice cocked a brow at the girl as they walked through the halls. The king looked half crazed, which was slightly concerning but Alice didn't doubt that she didn't look much better. Linza was trying to force herself to the surface of Alice's conscious mind, but Alice fought back ten fold.

"Hardly so, I don't plan on harming you unless I must." The king murmured as he lead the girls into the library. Alice's eyes sparkled at the neat rows of books that layered the shelves all along the walls. "Now, Alice. I need you to stay in the castle, there is someone looking for you and I'm not fond of the idea of him finding you right now. You are invited to join the ball in two weeks, seeing that you're not too much of a hassle."

"I'd much rather if you would just return me to where I belong. I don't think our friends are fond of us being so close to one another, and being so close themselves. I'm sure you understand how stubborn my friend can be. You see..." A hint of yellow crossed Alice's eyes for a moment as Linza surfaced, "I'm not very fond of dogs, and in this game my knight piece can move where ever she chooses. She just needs my approval."

If he thought that Alice was going to give into his demands so easily, he was a fool. She knew she needed to get away from this place before things got ugly, but Alice had the feeling she was in for one hell of a ride.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:43 pm
Synnoev says...

Sorry, I was away unexpectedly for a few days; I didn't mean to fall behind!

Zaira | Near the Sanaz Rooms

Snubbed after my conversation with Mircea, I stalked the hallways impatiently. This was dangerous. How could I have let my guard down like that, been so obvious in my advances? If the Prince found out ... I shook my head sharply. No. He would never find out. Even if Mircea had told him already of what I had done, I had to persuade him otherwise. My role had served me well so far. There was no reason it should fail now, at the last hurdle.

"Xavier?" I called out down the corridor, careful to inject just the right amount of concern into my voice. "Xavier, are you there?"

Only silence followed my call, and I exhaled softly. Maybe he wasn't in this stretch of the palace after all. I looked around once, then continued down the corridor quietly, still glancing down each of the side corridors to see if he was there. Finally, I came across him, leaning against the wall with an expression of deep thought on his face.

I let a gentle smile spread across my features, then stepped forward, placing a hand on his arm for a moment before speaking. "Are you okay, Xavier? Didn't you hear me call?"

A frown flickered across his face for an instant, the expression almost unnoticeable. "I suppose I must have missed it," he replied after a long pause, meeting my eyes for a short moment before looking away again. A flash of panic ran through my system. Did he know? This wasn't like his usual doting self.

Pushing away the sensation of worry, I smiled reassuringly at him, looping my arm through his and gently directing him back to the main corridor, where we walked side by side in silence, my head resting against his shoulder as we moved.

"Have you met the Prince Mircea?" I asked delicately, my gaze shifting to watch his face for any signs that he could know.

His jaw tightened, and he nodded, fixing a smile on his face. "Yes." he replied eventually. "He was very well-meaning, if withdrawn. We had an ... enlightening discussion."

I raised my eyebrows at this, fixing an expression of surprise on my face. "Really? I found him to be ... very forward. He made me feel uncomfortable."

Xavier's steps slowed, and his face turned to look at me with concern. "You went to see him?" he asked slowly, and I nodded in reply. Best to keep this as close to the truth as possible. As I said this, Xavier slowed again, coming to a stop in the centre of the passage. "What did you ... talk about?"

I hesitated uncertainly, my eyes flickering to meet his before moving away again. "I don't know if I should tell you." I whispered. "I don't want to make you angry."

His hands gripped my shoulders, and he met my gaze unwaveringly. "You can tell me," he insisted. "I would never be angry with you."

My shoulders slumped, and I nodded, leaning into his space to lay my head against his chest. "He... he said terrible things," I murmured. "about you." I looked up again, staring into my fiancé's eyes searchingly. "He wanted me to stay with him, and ... and he told me that you were in love with someone else, that you don't love me. But-" I made my breath hitch as I spoke, holding myself closer against the Prince, "It's not true, is it?"

The Prince stared back silently, and I tried my best to judge his expression, praying he would believe me, the word of his fiancé, against that of Mircea. Even if the other Prince had told him nothing, It wouldn't hurt to create a rivalry between the two.

I paused again, biting my lip once before speaking quietly, the words barely more than a whisper. "I think he just wants to tear us apart."

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:49 pm
ThePowerOutage says...

Could it be true? But what would Mircea gain? I doubt he's interested in Zaira, he isn't stupid enough to cross our family. No, the rumors must be true. However, this is a perfect situation.

"Yes, that must be it. I'm sorry for doubting you. Have you finished the business you wanted to take care of?"

"Not quite, Mircea slowed me down."

"Right. Well when you have finished your business, we'll go into town. I'll get you a new dress and we'll go to that restaurant you love. We could do with some time together."

"That sounds wonderful Xavier. I have had my eye on a perfect dress for a while now."

"Well, I have business to attend to concerning a certain day to sort out now, but later I'm all yours."

I kissed her softly. Just yesterday that action would have made my heart flip. Now it just hurt. How could someone be so cold?

"I also have to take care of some family matters. It's terribly grim but the anticipation of tonight will pull me though. See you later, My Love."

My Love. It's meaningless when spoken by that witch. Now to get to the bottom of this business with Father.

Xavier|A secluded place in the Gardens
It's been seven years since I found this place. My Mother had described it in one of her diaries, so I spent an entire summer searching for it. I can see why she loved the place. It's so tranquil, and there isn't a building or person in sight. It is the perfect place to think.

So, now, on to the matter at hand, Father. In the past few moths, perhaps even years, he hasn't been the Father I once knew. He pays no attentions to anyone, and disappears for hours at a time. And then their are his mindless babbling about the Ancients and contracts. Could it be possible the myths are true?

Hmm. If I remember correctly, the legend goes that the Ancients are powerful beings, that can live forever by making contracts with humans. Once they have made a contract, the only escape is death. Also, as a second stage, the Ancients can enter a humans body, but only with full consent.

Hmm. Assuming that girl is connected with the Ancients, that would mean that Father has a contract with an Ancient, other wise he wouldn't be able to know that the girl had a contract. My Father wouldn't allow an Ancient to bond with him - it's not his nature, but that girl...

I think it's time I got some answers.
Last edited by ThePowerOutage on Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:35 pm
EloquentDragon says...

The King--Library PLUS.... RE-CAP!!!!

The king folded his fingers together and rested his chin on them. He replayed the scene in his mind: The girl, by now he knew her name was Alice, had obviously not been convinced. Still, the king knew she wouldn’t leave, not yet anyway. It was too soon, she still knew too little about Ugya, and wouldn’t be able to handle being on her own. Or would she? The king frowned, things were getting a lot more complicated than he preferred. Sasari’s and the other ancient’s powers were bashing up against each other, the king wondered when the two would meet. And there was still the problem of the third ancient who was lurking about....things were getting most interesting indeed.

The late morning sun poured in through the library’s tall windows and cast heavy shadows across the king’s face. His brow furrowed even deeper. The pre-wedding ball was only two weeks away, and everyone in the palace was concerned with their own affairs. They had been forced to hire more servants, and even though the king wasn’t involved with such matters, he was constantly annoyed by always being around someone, tripping over their worthless bodies. He growled. Curse that impulsive son of his! Had he finally realized that Zaira didn’t love him? “Perhaps…” the king thought. “he does knows and is going through with the marriage anyway.” he grinned. “Clever boy.” The king got up and treaded through the thick carpet to the window.

There were still the other nobles to be kept under-hand. Mircea and his sister were becoming increasingly restless. The king couldn’t do anything about that, however. He wondered if he should tell them what really happened…no, the matters at hand were too delicate. Mircea and Xavier seemed to be getting along quite well, the king decided to allow their friendship for a little longer.

But no matter how often he turned his mind over, the king couldn’t get that one image out of his mind. It was the girl, he was certain he’d seen her someplace before. But where? And the most curious thing had happened while they had been speaking together, he had seen, for the briefest instant, the head of a serpent reflected in her face. It had stunned him, but then, he had never met another ancient before. But why had the snake been so cold? She had looked upon him with utter hatred. The king was not amused. Still, he was sure he had seen that girl somewhere before….
The king took out his stone and examined it. “What are you thinking, Sasari?” he whispered to it. For a long time, the only thing that could be heard was the ticking of a clock.
“Father,” the silence was shattered by the voice of his son, the king was torn from his thoughts. He turned to face the prince.
“What do you want, Xavier?”
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:43 pm
EloquentDragon says...

What? Why do you say it's dead? Was I the one who killed it? Please don't say it's dead! It can't be dead!
Ahhhhh!!! Don't die, don't die!
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:44 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Check your PMs.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

*gestures in butterfly meme*
— BluesClues