
Young Writers Society

The Virus has Spread, Now Everyone is Dead [STARTING]]

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:20 am
Tabithalillian says...


As I watched from my balcony seat, I heard the stuttered hello and saw an individual struggling to--walk. Yes to walk towards the group that had once been below me. It was time to make myself known. Below me a little further away was one other, digging through the trash. Looking for something to eat? Yes.

"If it's people you are looking for they are over there!" I called beckoning to them. I waved again at him and then jumped, landing hard on my feet. A stupid showy move I admit but I bet it looked wonderful. I dashed past the small group and smiled as I pushed through them towards the trash-picker. "Hello all. Harrison. Charmed I'm sure." I said jauntily.

Then I heard the broken window. Coming from further away but the sound of shattering glass echoed around me. I continued to move in the direction where I knew the unprotected soul was. I would work on the window later.
Living in a tower

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:24 pm
Loller65 says...


More and more people kept showing up and it was kind of starting to annoy me. First it was the two mattractive females that seemd lost, then it was the one I was afraid to talk to, then it was a feral human, and now it was another guy who waved at us. Why couldn't I have just found one person to keep me company?

It would have been so much easier if it had just been me and that other female. Two people can come to a resolution and make decisions easier than what, six? Groups squabble, and a fight is exactly what we need to alert the savages to our presence.

I sighed and steathily flicked the safety of my rifle off as the man who'd so foolishly jumped down and waved brished past us towards a dumpster where a really short little.... thing was digging for some sort of nourishment. As the other guy strutted towrads the thing, I felt my finger squeeze the trigger. Not enough to fire it, mind you, just enough to feel the tension in it and know I was safe because I suddenly felt very nervous around all these new people. How did I know it wasn't some scheme to kill me and take my supplies?

I slowly started backing up so I could have my back against a wall when they attacked me, which I just knew they were going to. Stupid savages, trying to lure me out with pretty women. Ho ho! I wasn't gonna go down that easy, no sir!
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:01 pm
MissPenelopeLane says...

Mary Maybelle

Mary crawled through the streets until she noticed something wonderful. It was a group of people. If she could kill them she would be able to eat like a queen for months. Of course the food might go bad, but she's been eating rotten food for ages.

For a second she stared at them and she realized that someone was looking at her dumpster. That wouldn't do. She growled loudly in warning. No one took her dumpster.

She started walking on all fours towards the man with the rifle, hissing with her teeth bared. Her fingernails had long since grown into claws, and looked rather fearsome.

"No," she hissed. "Mine! MINE!"

She stopped when she was struck in the face with a baseball bat. She fell backwards and landed on her back. Mary looked up, trying to figure out what had just attacked her. The only thing she could see was a brightly colored scarf and a metal bat coming towards her face, knocking her out cold.

Anthony Mercer

Anthony, he heard the voice of Leonard say in his head. You need to find something to eat, you won't last if you stay in here and worry about me. I wouldn't want to be a bother.

"You're not," Anthony whimpered.

Go eat.

Anthony sniffled, but nodded slowly. "Alright, Leonard. Only because I love you."

He walked over to his side of the closet and pulled out some clothes. The first thing he grabbed was a plain black turtleneck with long sleeves; a pair of faded blue-jeans was next. He grabbed socks and put on the steel-toe boots he had snatched from a store. It was against everything he believed in to steal, but there wasn't really anyone running it, and he needed a pair of boots for this. Finally he grabbed a bright orange scarf and wrapped it around his neck.

The thing that finished off his outfit was a metal baseball bat. He picked it up and held it tightly before he headed for the door.

Anthony walked in the city for what felt like hours, jumping at every little sound.

Then he saw the vicious growling creature slinking across the ground. He stared at it oddly. It was quite obvious the thing was paying attention to someone else, meaning this was the perfect chance. Without hesitation he ran up to it and hit it hard in the face with his bat.

The thing hissed as it fell and landed on it's back. He stared down at it and realized that it was a human once, a young girl even. It looked up at him, as if pleading for it's life. It was clear to him that he couldn't kill it, but he couldn't let it wander freely, he hit it on the head, knocking it out cold.

It was at this point he noticed the man with the gun. He blinked a few times, wondering if he was going to die. "Hey there," he said softly. "Either I show you where I've been getting my food, or we take our own paths, and you don't shoot me."
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:47 pm
Tabithalillian says...


There were...so many people. More people than I had seen in days and they were all...gathering here. A man dashed through the crowd and I screamed, swinging the pan wildly. I should be more careful but still, even now they were startling me. Even the man that was with us had backed up against a wall. I was in trouble. I needed to get out of here. The man that had ran through--Harrison. The news. The savage leader, that was what he called his gang. I sucked in a breath and moved towards the man with his back against a wall.

On tiptoes I tried to reach his ear, I was almost there. Stupid stupid small legs. "You said a...safe place? Where is it? That man that ran past us. Is, bad news I think." I whispered. Who else here was part of their gang? If none of them then we should stay together, how many others had weapons? My frying pan hardly counted. "Please, I swear to god I swear on my parents bodies I am not one of them. I just don't want to die." I whimpered, my face turned up towards the gun holding man. "My name's Rampion." I said quietly. My eyes were getting moist, I touched them. Why was I such a baby. I cursed my parents silently for bringing me up the way they did. I could have defended myself, but here I was. Helpless with a frying pan.


I dashed past the group of people and turned the corned, a few more blocks and there was the girl thing. Digging through dumpsters. Poor pathetic thing. Oh, hold up. There came a man, brightly colored scarves... a baseball bat? I laughed out loud and took a step towards them. The girl was now unconscious and the man turned bruskly towards me.

"Greetings friends and neighbors. Oh who am I kidding. No one has neighbors any more, they're all dead!" I said laughing again. Oh boy I just couldn't help myself. "Are you folks in need of some help? I'm looking to gather a small group with me." I said smirking.
Last edited by Tabithalillian on Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Living in a tower

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:50 pm
Iggy says...


April sneered at Alexander, then nodded. He let her go. She took the food and left, snickering into her palm. It was so easy to steal from humans. She pulled out an apple and ate it hungrily, strolling down the street. She heard more voices. Yes! More people to steal from.

April chuckled and approached them. She glanced idly at the man with colourful scarves and the unconscious girl. "Hello! I'm going to make this clear: if any of you are savages, join me." She smiled innocently, but her eyes gleamed evilly.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:06 pm
Tabithalillian says...


A girl spoke behind me. I turned quickly and looked her up and down. I cracked a smile.

"Now this is more like it." I took a step towards her. bending down and picking up her hand I kissed it lightly. Letting it fall back to her side. "The name's Sharpe. Harrison Sharpe." I said in a low voice. It was the woman I had seen before, standing with the other group. She looked nasty, positivity evil. I needed that.

"You're more than welcome to join. By the way. Just wondering about these two...or one. Actually, when the other comes round we'll ask her." I said quietly, turning around for a moment and then turning back to her.

"What did you say your name was? I require a name upon registration." I licked my lips and took a step back from the entire group. Putting a hand lightly to my hip, covered by a light jacket. Beneath, concealed expertly were the pistols. I hated killing a human as they were so rare but if the need came. Scarf boy and his baseball bat may need to be taken out.
Living in a tower

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:53 pm
Iggy says...


"I'm April. Take her with us, let's get somewhere.. safe."
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:48 pm
Loller65 says...


The small blonde girl appraoched me, and I involuntarily felt my finger slip through the trigger guard. She got on her tiptoes to try and reach my ear.

"Please, I swear to god I swear on my parents bodies I am not one of them. I just don't want to die."

Well... she seemed earnest enough... and though I'd never heard of anyone naming their child "Rampion" it seemed legit enough. Then she started to tear up. She slunk back down, probably scared, confused. Frightened. I sighed.

"Fine. Come on. But be quick and quiet about it, understood?"

She nodded solemnly, wiping away the last of her tears with the sleeve of her shirt. I shouldered my weapon and we set off towards my safe house a few streets over. I didn't want to run into that little animal thing or the dude with the hat that seemed pretty rough.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:12 pm
Tabithalillian says...


We began to walk, where I didn't know. I looked back at the two other girls who had found us. They seemed absorbed in conversation. And maybe they weren't as nice as they appeared. They could come along. But it would have to be their choice. I couldn't take care of everyone. I had to focus on myself and it looked like I had found a way off the street for tonight. The very thought of returning to my large empty apartment with the dead bodies of my parents gave me shivers.

I walked with a little bounce in my step but I couldn't help notice the man's hand in the trigger of his gun. If he was worried, shouldn't I be? I touched the leather bag I held again and felt the absence of the knife. All I had was this silly pan. Stupid. I huffed and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. The streets were painfully silent. But perhaps that was best. I crept up by his side. Trying to keep pace.

"You didn't tell me your name..or maybe you don't want to. You don't have to really. I was just wondering." I said quietly. Swinging the pan by my side a little. I let out another huff of breath. I really needed to get better at the whole quiet thing. It's just I had never spoken to many people and the prospect of friends was just too exciting.


I looked at the girl before me. She didn't say much. I eyed the man in the scarves again and bent to pick up the girl on the ground. "Careful with that bat buddy. I'm just trying to help." I said slowly slinging her over my shoulder.

"And darling April. I think I have a place we can. Stay safe for a little. Follow me then." I looked back at the man. "And you to if you want to join our little party. I saw a group of girls back there--" I jerked my thumb behind me, "If you want other company." I said, And with that I turned and made my way down the street again. Towards my own hideout.
Living in a tower

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:41 pm
Iggy says...


April was pleased. Following Harrison, she checked the continents of the bag. "Apples, lettuce, nuts.. No meat. We'll have to hunt a deer or a boar."

"I'll do it when we get there, you can watch the girl."

April nodded. "It's a plan. Let's hurry."
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:22 pm
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Loller65 says...


We began to walk towards the location of my safehouse. Rampion followed along behind me. Then, all of a sudden she piped up.

"You didn't tell me your name..or maybe you don't want to. You don't have to really. I was just wondering."

Nosy little bugger, wasn't she? I idly flicked the safety switch of my rifle on and off as I replied.


She continued to silently follow along beside me for awhile until we reached the building I'd taken residence in. I grabbed the rope leading about five stories up and gave it a good yank to make sure it was secure at the top. I turned to the little blonde behind me.

"Can you climb this thing that high? Or would you rather we took the long way up via the stairs inside the building?"

She spoke softly again, like she seemed intimidated.

"Could we... could we maybe take the long way?"


I dropped the rope and headed to the door. Five flights of stairs later, we were in my humble abode. I propped Sheila against the wall and picked up my cleaning kit. Rampion stood in the center of the room, unsure what to do.

"Well... make yourself at home, I guess."

And with that said I went back to disassembling and cleaning Sheila.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:55 pm
Tabithalillian says...


We arrived at the building and he--Alexander--turned to me.

"Can you climb this thing that high? Or would you rather we took the long way up via the stairs inside the building?" He asked quickly looking back at me. I pursed my lips and shook my head.

"Could we... could we maybe take the long way?" I asked softly re-attaching the frying pan to my belt. If it really was the long way then I liked to have my hands free. I hated carrying heavy things upstairs. He nodded and I followed up up a few flights of stairs.

After the fifth flight we walked down a narrow hallway and he opened a door to an apartment.

"Well... make yourself at home, I guess."

I stood still. Looking around slowly. I settled for a chair that faced a small window. I lowered myself into it slowly and looked out, my face cupped in my hands. The city was so quiet. So empty. No cars moved in the streets and no one shouted below us. So quiet, and so dead. I let out a huff of breath and began humming some thing quietly. A tune from Cinderella I think. It had been so long since I saw it fit to watch any Disney movies.

I watched Alexander from the corner of my eye, cleaning the gun that I both envied and was terribly nervous around. I stopped humming.

"Was this your home before the virus hit, or was it just, safer that your last home?" I asked, taking my hair out of it's braid. It was handy having it all out of my face but the braid whipped across my hips and back as I ran.

"I had an apartment back that way," I jerked my thumb to the left, "It was nice. Quiet. I didn't get out much. And now I guess I'll always be--out." I laughed a little. Still looking at the empty streets below.


"Apples, lettuce, nuts.. No meat. We'll have to hunt a deer or a boar." April read off the content of the bag and I wrinkled my nose. No meat? Dear lord, I lived to protein. And I hated hunting. But I would do it. Because we were back to the prehistoric times and the man always did the hunting. I laughed aloud.

"I'll do it when we get there, you can watch the girl." I said slowly as we walked down the street. We stopped at an old Hilton hotel. Empty. Hardly any dead bodies inside as everyone had gone home (or tried to) and died. And the master suit I preferred, was mercifully clean and empty. I pushed open the door and headed in, looking behind me quickly to see April following.

"We'll have to take the stairs. Elevators out ma'am." I said with a smirk as I started up the many flights. Seven to be exact. I panted slightly, the girl on my shoulder seemed to be bearing down on me and the stairs were a killer. I needed to get back in shape. I stalked down a red carpet lined hall and kicked open suite 302. I dumped the girl on the bed and turned to the other female behind me.

"Welcome home."
Living in a tower

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:35 pm
Loller65 says...


I ran the brush down the rifled barrel, making sure I removed any residue that the gunpowder might have left. Rampion sat in a chair. She was humming and staring out at the city. I reassambled Sheila and pulled out a small bottle of oil to rub down the gun with. She piped up.

"Was this your home before the virus hit, or was it just, safer that your last home? I had an apartment back that way. It was nice. Quiet. I didn't get out much. And now I guess I'll always be--out."

Goodness, I'd kill myself if I had all that hair to put up with. It'd get in the way. After I'd finished zoning out, I responded.

"Nah. I grew up on a farm in Vermont. After granddad died, I came back here to apply for some internship at the UN. 'Course, the virus hit, and that sort of ended that. I found a gun and joined up with..."

My voice trailed off. I'd nearly let it slip I'd been one of them.

"I mean, I found this place and started securing it against the dangers of the world. You know how it is."

She nodded, listening intently. I set Sheila aside and grabbed a can of peaches and a spoon and tossed her the same. I opened it up and reclined, making sure I could get to Sheila in an instant if someone burst through trying to kill me. Well, us.

"So, Rampion, is it? What's your story?"
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:37 pm
Tabithalillian says...


"So, Rampion, is it? What's your story?" I smiled and slouched a little in my hair.

"Yeah. It's Rampion. Kind of a ridiculous name isn't it?" I said smirking. "Well my parents were English majors and they hated people in all honesty and I lived in an apartment with them and a nanny and I never really left. They didn't want any thing to happen to me. A nice thought but--" I stopped pursing my lips before going on. He probably didn't want to hear any of this. It made me seem even more juvenile.

"But you have no idea how boring the same rooms get. Every day, forever. And I turned eighteen five days ago and that was supposed to be my big break and I was going to leave the house and pursue my dreams but as you can see due to the current situation, on my eighteenth birthday I left the house because I couldn't bear the thought of sleeping another night in the same house as my dead parents."

I took a deep breath and scrunched up my face looking at the top of the can of peaches. I slid my thumb under it and pried off the top with some effort. It splashed a little on my lap and I jumped, before furiously rubbing at the spot and then digging into the peaches. I didn't realize how hungry I was, or completely comprehend that it had been a whole day since I had last eaten. Who knew canned food could taste so good.

"D'you think anyone else is on our side? Or do you think they all work for the Harrison man. The savage side?" I shivered. I hated thinking about those people. "They scare me a little--well a lot." I muttered through the food. Flicking a piece of hair out of my face. It suddenly occurred to me that my parents were no longer there to regulate hair length. I could cut it any time I wanted to! I picked up a chunk of hair and looked at it for a moment, then dropped it. I could never do that. They had loved my hair and it would be my--tribute to the. Yes.
Living in a tower

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:14 pm
MissPenelopeLane says...

Anthony Mercer

He straightened his jacket as he looked over the people and the girl-thing he had hit with his bat. A soft sigh escaped his lips. "I'm going to go look for food. You're welcome to come, but I will not sit here waiting for you."

The thing on the ground shifted and whimpered a bit, but there was no doubt that she was out good and would not be waking up any time soon.

"Farewell," he said, walking off.
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

The adjective should reinvent the noun.
— Leslie Norris