
Young Writers Society

The Castaways [full]

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Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:05 pm
gleek456 says...

*Meredith Carlisle*

I noticed a girl trying to stand up, but she didn't really look stable. I bit my lip as I walked towards her.

"Hey, need some help?" I asked her with my American accent. She looked up to me, an I extended my hand. She nodded and took my hand. I pulled her up and put her arm around me so she could walk properly.

"Thanks," she said. I smiled.

"No problem," I said, now with my natural British accent. We began following the woman into the island. Who knows what this island would hold?

(Hope this is okay!)

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Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:40 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

*Arwen* (:'( I could cry. I've been away ALL weekend! You included me! [Warwick's POV] and then ... *sobs*)

"Yes. I was on the cruise." I nodded. Another boy walked up to him, so, a little sadly, I walked off. I waved solemnly at him, before walking sullenly over to a patch of sand near the sea. I pushed my feet in and flicked water into the blue. I sighed. Why hadn't I said hello? I looked over shyly at him, then continued flicking water.
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Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:39 pm
Iggy says...


I grumbled and followed the woman, Bellalyse. She marched ahead of us, her fair locks fluttering in the breeze. I felt a sting of jealously staring at her. She really was lovely. Bellalyse parted some branches and held them open, motioning for the group to walk through. "This way. We have four people I'd like you to meet."

"There's more castaways?" A guy with red hair and a nose ring asked.

"Yes." Bella said without turning around. She walked deeper into the jungle of trees, passing by a poke-berry bush.

"Oh! Poke-berries!" Meredith cried, pointing to them. Bella shot her a stern glare.

"Don't eat those. They're for the birds and monkeys, too keep them away from our plants and gardens. Those berry's will lower your bladder and they're not very filling."

Meredith nodded, slowly lowering her hand.

"There's monkeys's here?" Clea asked, looking up in the trees.

"Yes, but they're hiding. Buggers." Bella chuckled, walking deeper.

They soon came to a camping sight. In a circle were four camps, with a large gaping are between two. One of them was a Indian tepee, one was a hammock with a awning, one was a fancy cabin, and the last was a tent.

Bella motioned to the camps. "The tepee belongs to Suzy the tailor. The hammock belongs to a man named Chef Leroy. The cabin belongs to a woman named Gardener Martha. And the tent belongs to a man, Doctor Cal. As you can obviously tell, the name says their occupations, unless you're stupid. See these blank spots? Your first survival assignment is to build your own huts, cabins, whatever, as long as one is the females, and one is the males. I suggest you wander the island carefully, or just around this site. You can get lost easily. Find wood, or sticks. Leroy will trade you driftwood for three piles of sticks. Driftwood is long planks of wood, essential for making a hut."

"Trade? Why can't he give it to us?" Seb questioned.

Bella raised an eyebrow. "Here, we trade. We all need something, and we all have something that the other person needs. If you want something, you have to pay for it. If you don't like it, find your own driftwood. Fair enough, hmm?"

Seb shrugged and shifted his feet. Bella smiled a dazzling grin at him. How does her teeth stay so white?! Clea grumbled internally.

"Have fun! Let me know if you need anything." She disappeared inside Cal's hut.

It was quiet for a minute. "So.., shall we get started?" Clea asked them.

(Okay, just wander back up the path to the beach. There's a lot of wood and items from the ship wreck that washed up. Please, find broken items like a book, or a compass. No lifeboats or cell phones. Let's be realistic here. Just find broken items the other castaways may find an interest in. Uhm... Seb! Find a map piece ;) Note that only I can tell you when to find the map pieces. Don't find them willy-nilly. *stern look* xD Oh, and make the posts longer, please. Like your's, PrincessOfDarkness. Your's was way too short.)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:56 pm
Sassafras says...

Sebastian Cole (One map piece coming right up.)

I turned and walked away from the girl that started to talk about trading and stuff like that. People were starting to gather and I could feel myself becoming panicked. I don't know how I was supposed to survive here, so far the only people I've talked to was a girl that snapped at me after I tried to help her and an awkward boy with mismatched eyes. I scoff lightly to myself and shove my hands into my pocket, walking away from the group. I'm a good distance away when I spot someone a small distance away from me.

"Speaking of awkward boys..." I could barely make out Hadra's profile against the setting sun. He was walking around with his camera held up to his face, probably taking pictures or something. I continued walking forward but made a turn before the other boy could notice me. He seemed busy with photo taking and all, didn't want to bother him.

I found myself entering the trees and decided to rest against one of them. Man, when I thought about it, I was actually pretty hungry. I dug in the sand idly, wondering who I could ask for food. I was still thinking when my hand brushed against something. Intrigued, I paused in my musing and gripped the thing in the sand. Pulling it out revealed it to be a piece of what looked like a map.

"That girl was talking about trading, maybe I could trade this in for some food..." I stood with the map piece and made my way back to the main part of the island. My stomach grumbled and I frowned. Hopefully this piece of junk would be of interest to someone.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:29 pm
Sins says...

*Logan Sheeran*

We'd been here for a pretty long while now, but everyone was still wandering around with faces that made them look like fricking dead fish. If you asked me, this was brilliant. The weather was incredible, it was nice and warm, and although I didn't give much of a crap about pretty things, the place was a sight for sore eyes. I'd never seen sand so yellow, or an ocean that was such a clear shade of blue. Pfft, I'd roughed it in far worse places than this. Not only that, but we were alive. Out of all of the people on the ship, we were the ones who were fricking alive. I glanced at the folks who surrounded me. Ungrateful twats.

After kicking the sand for a while, I began wandering into the forest. I was supposed to be looking for wood or some shite like that, but I couldn't be bothered. The other lads and lasses could to that. I needed to find something I could have used as a mirror soon. A bit of water would have done nicely. I'd tried to use the ocean, but it was a shite excuse for a mirror; the only thing that allowed me to see was a crab with one of its legs hanging off, and some dark sand. There must have been a small pool or something somewhere near. I had no idea what my hair looked like, and that single fact was worrying me more and more every second.

My eyes were locked onto the trees' branches as I continued strolling along the warm sand, and that was probably why what happened next happened. In my defence, the lad should have been concentrating. Suddenly, I felt my body collide with something firm, and I found myself almost tripping to the ground. When I got my senses back properly, I realised I'd just whacked into someone. It was the good-looking guy.... Hm... He still needed a haircut.

"Watch where you're going." Everything about his face looked agitated. Geez, thanks for asking me if I'm okay, mate. I could be dyin' here.

"Are all gadjos this feckin' moody?" I muttered.


Do all of you house-living twats act like you've been kicked in the face? "Nothing." I narrowed my eyes at something off-coloured poking out between his fingers. "What's that in you're holdin' in yer hand? It looks like bog roll." He probably didn't know what that was, did he? "It looks like an arse wipe."

The lad actually looked like he wanted to break a branch off a tree, sharpen it with a giant boulder, pierce it through my neck until my head snapped off it, and then shove my head on top of the branch. Wow. I'd been here five minutes, and I already had a fan. I struggled to stop myself from laughing at my inner sarcasm.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:17 am
OnigiriChan says...

Hadraneil Mihr "Hadra"

The island was beautiful, really, too beautiful for words and, if I was to ever get off of this place, I'd want pictures of it to prove that I actually had the honor of being here. I put the camera down after snapping a picture of the sunset and turned just in time to see someone retreating into the woods. By the clothes it looked like Sebastian. My face got instantly hot and I turned away from where he was. Shaking my head I returned to taking pictures, but soon my stomach started to bother and I had to return to the beach where everyone else was.

I was just getting back to the beach when the sound of someone laughing draws my attention away. My curiosity takes over and I follow the noise and see some guy standing in front of a annoyed looking Sebastian. I try to back away quietly, not wanting to interrupt whatever it is they're doing, when the laughing one turns my way. I feel my face flush and I stumble back, my head bowed.

"A-ah! I'm s-sorry!" I turn and retreat quickly. I'm running back towards the beach when the sand trips me and I fall flat on my face. I cry out in pain and grab my ankle.

"Crap! Ah!" I squeeze my eyes shut and fight back tears. I've a low tolerance for pain and I think I might have twisted this stupid thing. Still hissing in pain, I pull up my pants leg to examine it. Okay, nothing broken or sprained but it still hurt like hell.

"Are you okay?" I quickly stand, which was a mistake because I just fall back down.

"Now, calm down! Are you okay?" I open my shut eyes and look up towards the person that spoke.

"I'm... I'm fine."
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:58 am
Redfang18 says...

Spoiler! :
*Slow down a little bit. I'm having trouble keeping up.*

Charles Kosey

I grabbed as much wood as my arms could hold. I had some survival skills on me, but I had to gather what I can if I were to survive what could be eternity on this island. My mother once told me that I have to use what nature provided for me. Nature was at the moment against me, but I didn't care. I picked up a compass and a book that I knew too well. The Silence of Solitude, one of my mother's works. I was surprised it survived the wreck. I opened it and began to read it out of pleasure.
Jack stared as he was carried away by his maker, Sarah. He knew he was toast, after all the precautions he took to free himself from being locked away from the world that he truly belonged to. He blinked and sighed as Sarah put him in his coffin and chained him there. He asked, "Why do this to me, dear maker?"
Sarah answered angrily, "You have defied me for the last time, Jack. Every time I go out for a hunt, I find you in a brothel surrounded by women. This time, I'm going to keep you in here where you belong."
Jack protested that he longed for freedom, but the second Sarah closed his coffin and locked it, he knew there was no way of getting out. The chains, like the coffin, were made of bronze, the one metal that renders a vampire helpless. He couldn't get free without the key, which he knew was in Sarah's possession. However, he was nobody's fool. He knew Sarah would have to let him out some time soon. You can't keep a vampire in a bronze coffin long, for the vampire inside would get very hungry and feed off the first living thing thing he saw. With this in mind, Jack slept with a smile on his face.

I closed the book and stashed it away. I always read my mother's work while listening to my father's music. They often called me their Child of the Night, since night was when I was born and seemingly the most active.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:31 am
LittlePrincess says...

Karissa Venner

That awkward boy with the camera practically flung himself in front of me. Everyone had spread out to gather things and I had followed only to get distracted. I stared out at the ocean, I still didn't believe what anyone said, we were going to get off this island. I tried to picture the rescue teams being sent out after us, surely they weren't just going to give up. There were pieces of the wreckage that made me sick, how could the boat have gotten destroyed like that?

Anyway, I was just standing there, staring out at sea, when the boy landed in front of me on the sand, clutching his ankle. I hadn't even seen where he came from but he was clearly in a hurry. "Are you okay?" I asked him nervously as he rolled up his pant leg, wincing.

He didn't say anything but instead tried to stand, I was going to help him but before I could he fell back down again, clearly suffering. I started to get worried, "Now, calm down!," I told him, because if he could relax than I could relax. I hoped he didn't break it or anything, the thought made me queasy. "Are you okay?" I repeated.

"I'm... I'm fine," he said, revealing his oddly colored eyes. He didn't look fine, though, his expression reminded me of a child falling off their bike.

"Um... what hurts?" I asked him. He gestured toward his ankle. Fortunately, it wasn't broken. I was expecting to see bone.

He managed to sit up and lean against a tree. "It's okay, I just need to sit here for a sec," he said, though still wincing.

I nodded and then noticed his camera sitting in the sand. I reached for it and handed it to him, "So... um, you like photography?"

He took it from me and held it up against him possessively. "Mhm," he murmured.

"I'm Karissa," I added, my last attempt to be friendly.

He shrugged, "Hadreneil... or Hadra." I nodded, and looked away. What an odd name... We both fell silent after that. Around us the others were collecting stuff from the beach. One girl already had an armful of sticks. They weren't serious about that whole collecting sticks thing were they? I thought.

One of the others, a tall man, emerged from the woods holding a piece of paper. I noted that he was mildly attractive but then corrected myself, noting his unkempt hair and scruffy face - attractive for a homeless person. Then I realized that at this point we were all homeless and resisted the urge to cry. He glanced at Hadra and I before walking away. Beside me, Hadra shifted uncomfortably, "Do you know him?" I asked.

"Kinda," he said, but he was looking down at his camera.

Spoiler! :
Hope this is okay! :D
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
The Little Prince

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Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:37 pm
Sassafras says...

Sebastian Cole

I'm not an angry person. I'm not a violent person. I'm not even a very motivated person. But this guy made me want to hit him hard in the face.

First he runs into me, which was a big don't in my book. It's called my personal space for a reason, I don't want you in it. And plus physical contact with strangers made my skin crawl. So obviously the first thing I bark out is:

"Watch where you going."

And this bugger has the nerve to look at me as if he was aggravated. The nerve. The nerve of some people.

"Are all gadjos this feckin' moody?" As if I knew what that meant. But okay, whatever, the bumping into each other part could be forgiven. I'm willing to make amends.

"What," I ask, because I honestly want to know what the hell he just said.


And for some reason that pissed me off a bit. If you're going to say stupid stuff be prepared to explain the mess that just came out of your mouth. I narrow my eyes at him and frown. I was starting to like this guy less and less. And he was still too close to me. I take a step back, a small one, but he walks forward again so casually I don't even think he noticed his movements. No, he didn't, he's too bust talking.

"What's that in you're holdin' in yer hand? It looks like bog roll."

What the hell is a bog roll? Okay, so he was really making me mad. I glare to get the point across but he just doesn't get it. And he's still standing too close to me. I take a step back. He takes one forward. No, he doesn't notice. I can feel my breath quicken, even if just slightly, and I can feel an anxiety attack coming on. Why does he keep doing that? Why does he keep walking forward. I'm sure the panic is clear on my face but I glare harder to cover it up. And the bugger keeps talking.

"It looks like an arse wipe."

Another step back. Another subconscious one forward. Maybe he doesn't notice he's pressing. Maybe it's just a thing of his. He does look like a cocky one. Maybe it's just his nature. I glare harder to cover my fear. Calm down, Sebastian.

"Listen, boy, I don't know what you want, and I don't know who you are, but you're making me..." Making me what? Could I tell him that he was making me uncomfortable? Making me afraid and nervous? Could I say that? I look back up, having turned away in my musing, to find the boy looking away also. I follow his gaze to see that kid, Hadra, standing a small ways away. He mumbles something before storming off.

"What's up with him," the boy asks.

I ignore him and quickly start off again, making my way to the beach. Once I'm facing away from the boy I take a few deep breaths and wipe away some sweat forming on my brow.

There were too many people here.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:11 am
Iggy says...


Clea strolled along the coast, looking for a book or something. I'd kill for a classic, or a survival book. Clea foot bumped a movie. Gillian's Island. Oh, the irony.

Clea walked to the left, towards that guy, the one who dragged her across the beach like a doll. "Hey, I'm sorry for snapping at you early. I had a massive headache, which I still have."

He looked annoyed. "Yeah, okay." He was fidling with what looked like a brown soggy lump.

"What's that?" She questioned.

He shoved it in his pocket. "Nothing, it's just paper!"

She looked down. "Sorry."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, I was sick of people asking."

Clea said nothing. She kicked the sand. Something glittered in the sun, catching her eye. She dropped down and brushed the sand, unveiling it. It was a golden necklace, with a music note charm.

"Hey, you okay?" Seb shook her shoulder. She didn't realize she'd stop breathing until he touched her, making her gasp. Her eyes filled with tears.

"This is the necklace my family boughy me." Clea whispered, tears falling down her cheeks.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:14 am
OnigiriChan says...

Hadraneil Mihr "Hadra"

I coughed lightly to cover the blush spreading over my cheeks. What is it about him that makes me nervous... I barely even know him and from what I gathered in our short conversation he doesn't like me.

"Thank you, Karissa." I turn and smile softly at her. She smiles back and I fiddle with my camera nervously before holding it up. "Would you... Would you mind? I'm kind of making memories here. Just in case we ever leave this place."

She started a bit but smiled anyway. I think it was because she was just trying to be nice.

"A picture of me?" I shrugged and smiled again.

"Why not?" She stood and helped me up too. The pain was fading away and I was actually a bit embarrassed about how I reacted to it. I really don't pain well, though. Pain was very painful. I brought the camera up to my face and adjusted a few settings so she looked her absolute best - everyone looked their absolute best in my photographs.

"Now... smile." She did and I snapped the picture. I pulled back and checked the picture on the screen before showing it to her. "There, beautiful." She looked down at the picture and smiled.

"Thank you." A sudden wave of embarrassment washed over me and I pulled the camera back and hung it on my neck by the strap.

"Y-you're welcome. It's not much I just... Bye." I turned and quickly walked off. As I was walking my stomach grumbled again. I sunk down onto the ground and covered my face with my hands.

I didn't have anything to trade for food except my camera and there was no way in hell I could trade that. Not my camera. Maybe my glasses, but what use would that be.

"I can get sticks and rocks. Shells... Maybe fish..." I groaned and lay back in the sand with my arm covering my eyes. "I'm so hungry..."
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:41 pm
Incognito says...


Well this was awkward.

Warwick held three big logs of driftwood under his arm, standing by the tree line, balefully watching every one. The Sebastian kid obviously found something because he seemed quite captivated by it. He also noticed that everyone was drawn to this fellow. Warwick couldn't identify why that was so, the guy seemed stuck-up. A part of him was slightly jealous though. He had never felt so out of it before.

It wasn't as bad as he thought this island would be. There were other people and plenty to live off of. It was almost like a small paradise. Except for the grueling company of course. They probably weren't that bad, but it still got on his nerves that they were all so secular.

Warwick's stomach growled sharply then, his stomach seemed to be gnawing with hunger. He decided he would see just what he could get for these pieces of water stained wood. Cautiously, he turned around and stepped into the forest, heading the direction he thought camp was.
'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:30 pm
Sassafras says...

Sebastian Cole (I can get Charles in :) )

The girl started crying and I felt that I should do something, anything to comfort her, but I was never really good at consoling people. Whenever Sarah was sad all I needed to do was be quiet and hug her. I never had to say anything, being there was enough, but I wasn't going to just hug this girl and let her cry on my shoulder. No, she's not Sarah.

"I'm sorry for your, umm, loss." She looked back up at me, tears in her eyes, and I ran a hand nervously through my hair. "Well, feel better..." I looked away from her and down the beach. I didn't want her to cry, I'm sorry she was sad, but I don't know what to say. "Well... see ya."

I turn and walk away, my hands deep in my pockets and still clutching the map piece. I was looking for that girl, Bellalyse, and found her by the huts - or whatever. I walk up to her and when she turns around, smiling bright as ever, I take out the map piece and thrust it towards her.

"Here. Is this worth anything, preferably some food." She smiles wider, a feat I didn't think possible, and takes the map piece away.

"You found a map piece! Good job! Of course this is worth some food!" She speeds off and I'm left waiting for her. Soon I get bored and sit down in the sand.

Soon, someone with red hair walks up to me and I quickly stand and fold my arms across my chest. I haven't seen this guy before, I'm sure I'd remember that hair.

"What," I ask. He looks around and sighs.

"I got these sticks here," he gestures to a pile by his feet, "and was wondering where I could trade them off. Getting kind of hungry here."

"Yeah," I reply, "I think everyone is. Just give them to that girl."

"The one that just ran off?" I nod and put my hands back in my pockets, relaxing slightly since this guy wasn't pushing or suspicious.

"Yeah, Bellalyse, or something." The boy with the red hair smiles and nods.

"Thanks. By the way I'm Charles." He puts out his hand to shake but I only stare at it blankly before looking back up at him, completely ignoring it.

"Sebastian." He drops the hand quickly, when he realizes I'm not going to shake it, and bends to pick up his sticks.

"Well, thank's Sebastian. When's she coming back?" I shrug and lean back to look behind the boy, Charles, who was not making me entirely uncomfortable. I guess the only person who really annoyed me today was that one bugger with the weird accent and funny words. That Clea girl was on my list but she apologized and I still felt bad for her crying. Last was that Hadra guy. I suppose I didn't have a problem with him, the picture taking just put me off a bit. I'd have to get back to him on that one.

"I'm back," a voice trills, pulling me out of my thoughts. The native girl, Bellalyse, is running up holding a black sack. She jogs up to me and hands me the bag which is full of food, fruits and the like. I smile wide and throw the bag over my shoulder.

"Ah, there she is," I tell Charles while backing away. He nods and turns to the girl to make his trade. I, however, make my away away from the beach to find away to eat. I'm passing the main beach when I see Clea, still looking sad and holding the thing she found. Feeling bad for not helping I walked by her and left a few fruit beside her. I didn't want to stick around to see what she said, she did have a history at snapping at me when I was trying to help her, so I just kept walking.

I'm walking down the island when I see someone laying in the sand. The camera lying in the sand tells me that it's that Hadra guy from earlier. I give up, he's everywhere. Might as well give him his one chance to not piss me off. Sighing I walk over and sit a few feet away from him. He looks up and blushes instantly, stuttering and mumbling incomprehensible things. I roll my eyes and reach into the bag, pulling out a few fruit I roll them over to him.

"Just be quiet and eat," I say blankly. "I'm trying to be nice so don't kill it." With that I reach back into my bag for something to eat and stare off into the distance, nothing particular on my mind except how I was going to get off of this stupid island.

(Hope this is okay. I hope Charles isn't too out of character.)
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:41 am
OnigiriChan says...

Hadraneil Mihr "Hadra"

I'm laying down in the sand, in agony, when I suddenly hear someone approaching and then sitting down. I sit up quickly and blush instantly at seeing Sebastian, his unruly curly hair highlighted by the rising sun. My mouth opens and what I meant to be a simple hello turns into a string of incoherent babble, which only makes me blush harder.

Sebastian rolls his eyes and reaches into a black bag on his shoulder. He pulls out a few fruits and rolls them over to me. I grab an apple and quickly bite into it, the sweet juices fill my mouth and I smile shyly.

"Just be quiet and eat," he says then. I start at the comment but comply happily. "I'm trying to be nice so don't kill it." He reaches into his bag again and stares into the distance eating an apple. I smile the whole time while eating and once I finish my second apple I saw the other two for later. Seb's still starring off so I watch him quietly. Getting an idea I run my finger along the edges of my camera before pulling it up to my face slowly.

"Umm, I don't mean to bother you," I start. Seb turns towards me lazily and flicks his hair out of his face before giving me a blank stare that makes my cheeks hot. What is wrong with me today? "But, umm, do you mind if I take a picture?"

"Why," he asks dully.

"Well, b-because I'm just making memories of this trip. I want to have something to look back on if I ever got back home... Please?" He shrugs and is looking like he's about to mind his own business again when he stops and narrows his eyes at me.

"Why do you blush so much?"

This only makes me blush harder.

"I-I don't k-know." I swallow and lower my eyes. Sebastian seems satisfied with my answer though and turns back away.

I snap a few shots of him and soon I'm in photographer mode. I'm circling around him, testing different angles, trying to compare his right and his left side. He just continues to ignore me, which is fine. I learned a few things about Sebastian during my little shoot. He was okay except when I got too close. When I tried to get a close up of his face he stood quickly, but cooly, and asked me - told me - to back up a bit. I had to use the zoom but the picture came out fine.

Finally I stopped and got up from where I was kneeling down in the sand. I smile at Sebastian, really happy, and give him a small bow.

"Thank you."

I've gotten accustomed to his silence so I just sit back down and scroll through my pictures, perfectly content with the silence.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:48 am
Iggy says...

(Head back and set up the huts, guys. Find Leroy. He's French so he has an accent xD)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

Maybe what most people wanted wasn't immortality and fame, but the reassurance that their existence had meant something. No matter how long... or how brief. Maybe being eternal meant becoming a story worth telling.
— Roshani Chokshi, Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality