
Young Writers Society

The Hunt [in action]

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:42 am
carbonCore says...

//o_o how does Arose know that there is someone worth hunting in the inn?//

It was early.

A creaky window shutter moved to the wind, filling the lower rooms of the inn with an annoying noise. There was no sun yet. The warm meal and the warm place coddled Elene, especially after just escaping from the predatory frost on the streets - she woke up groggy and eager to return to sleep. Like the last time, she didn't know why she woke up. Unlike the last time, there was no letter.

There were, however, footsteps. They were made by someone who often sought the embrace of darkness, it appeared; whether merely a coincidence or skill, the footsteps were made in tact to the rhythmical creaking of the shutter. But they were definitely there.

Her guest was approaching through the main door. Elene really didn't like guests; they loved to look. Whenever Baron Kelvin came to their mansion, he looked and laughed and looked. His children looked, too. They'd fish her out of whatever corner Elene happened to be hiding in - children have such an annoying intuition - and pester her with questions and games. And they looked.

There was a chance that this individual was not here for Elene, but she just hated taking chances. She shed the rags that served as her bed and top clothing - they were fortuitously positioned in such a way as to make no distinguishable noise when unravelled - and lowered herself to the ground underneath the wine barrel. Her skin did not touch the warm stone underneath - in one movement, she slid beneath the barrel and was now in the gap next to the one where she used to sleep.

The intruder was moving slowly, but far too confidently to be searching for anything - they knew exactly where they wanted to be. Perhaps while in her sleep, Elene turned and gave herself away -- or could it have been Alberide that sold her out? Her heart hastened with that realization - but then slowed back down. Would it not be easier to drop a poison or a sedative in her food? No, it was probably not him. Whatever the case was, whoever this individual was, she wanted them to see the rags. In her hand she held a wood chip; when the intruder entered her sleeping place, she would throw it behind them to make it seem as if she moved behind them towards the exit. But was this individual aware of her ability yet?...

A gamble. Elene so hated taking chances.

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:30 pm
Searria H. says...


"Don't stare at my gills. I need them to breathe."
How could he not stare? Gills weren't exactly something everyone had. Nor did they have such stringy, greenish hair. The woman rose from the pavement and turned to walk away, but stumbled and fell in a puddle to the ground. She paused, grimacing. She shot Querp a frown and snarled, "I'll help you if you help me."
Hmm. Deals like that were tricky. Querp raised a skeptical eyebrow and shifted his hat on his head.
"I don't got nothin' to give ya," he snapped. She replied with an attempt at a sweet smile.
"Oh, don't be so sure."
Querp chewed on his upper lip, glaring. He had seen her kind before: sly, tricky things trying to take advantage of a poor imp such as himself. And she had gills. He scratched at the hairs on the back of his thigh. The woman failed to hide her expression of disgust. The same troublesome nail dislodged itself from his fingertip, twirling to the ground like a falling pine needle.
"Oh, cripes! Derned thing," he growled, stomping his bony feet. He knelt down, but the woman gracefully plucked the nail from the ground, blew it off daintily and handed it back to the imp with a suspicious smile. Querp snatched his claw and jabbed it back in place.
"Surely we can come to some sort of arrangement," she cooed.
As if in agreement with her, the wind picked up and stung him, kicking up his vest and drilling into the skin underneath. He held onto his hat desperately until the breeze weakened. Shivering, knobby arms crossed, he met the dazzling green eyes.
"What'd ya have in mind?"
'Let's eat Grandma!' or, 'Let's eat, Grandma!' Punctuation saves lives.

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Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:17 am
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TheAlphaBunny says...

As Lilin strode through the twin gilded doors that led into the throne room, the silence assaulted him. Elsewhere in the entry halls of the palace, the noise had been so constant and monotone that he could block it out, but entering the expansive room, normally hollow and echoing with its gleaming green marble floors and vaulted ceiling, the still quiet was jolting. The doors swung back into place with a resounding bang behind him, and he advanced toward the opposite side of the room to where the King sat in this throne, surrounded by men still and grimacing like stone gargoyls, the Queen, and personal servants kneeling around the perimeter of distinguished individuals. His boot heels clacked in steady rythm as he crossed the room, yet no one looked up at him.

With his dark eyes sweeping over the heads of the kneeling, the huddled, the silent people, Lilin paused a few feet behind the ring of servants, adjusting his gaze to directly face the King sitting on his throne, chin in hand.

"My Lord," he spoke clearly, confidently, and his voice rang like the toll of a bell. The King looked up over his men to meet Lilin's gaze with eyes like winter. Lilin bowed low, a palm pressed over his heart. When he straightened, the entirety of the King's satellites were staring at him with shadowed, suspicious gazes. The Queen alone seemed unperterbed and continued look at her husband with honeyed eyes ringed in red.

The King himself was imposing enough without the horde of followers surrounding him like moths to a flame. Tall, straight backed and with a face chisled as if from the same gleaming marble as his palace, King Akadr of the ancient Fretamori clan exuded the power and grace of an earthbound god. His hair, the color of bone, was pulled away from his fierce face in intricate, overlapping braids that fell about his shoulders like Medusa's snakes, and his silks though muted in color, gleamed with silver embroidery and layers of pearls. Not even Queen Oni with her auburn waves and milky skin compared to the royal-born man. But despite all this, Lilin did not hesitate at the the feet of the King.

"My Lord," he repeated. "I am here to make a report, though it would seem that whatever uneventful account I could provide would have little weight over the current situation. Pray tell, what has happened here?"

With a wave of a hand, the King bid the others to fall back from the throne while the Queen remained firmly at his side. Akadr made a sound like a sigh but with the withered crackling of old paper. Despite his youthful appearance, the King was significantly older than one would think. The hearts of Witches provided him and countless royals before him a taste of immortality, but what the magical jewels could do to improve one's physical being, they could do little in taking ages off one's soul.

"Lilin Lohsael," the King breathed. "You know how I trust you, correct?"

"Of course, my Lord," he answered obediently.

The King nodded, momentarily lost in his thoughts. "My daughter," he finally began. "Is gone. And whether she has been taken or has left of her own volition, we do not know. What we do know, however, is that she was here this morning, disappearing only hours ago."

"That is very strange, my Lord," Lilin replied, looking toward the darkness outside the twelve-paned windows along the wall to his left. "Has any suspicious activity been spotted around the palace perimeter?"

"None whatsoever."

Lilin nodded. "And would you have any reason to assume your daughter left on her own?" He glanced over in time to see the King purse his thin lips and the Queen squeeze his hand. Though they remained silent, this was answer enough.

Princess Amerine, Lilin knew her well. Years younger physically than he, the princess had fancied Lilin as they grew uo together, a long time before Lilin would take his role as the leader of the Akadr's witch-hunting forces, and for a time he entertained her attraction, though by birth they were related. Queen Oni was Akadr's fifth wife, the others cold in their graves, and through this match, Lilin, a cousin of the queen's had become a part of the royal family. Nevertheless, he knew Amerine, knew how she enjoyed toying with authority...and above all, knew what she thought about her father's policies on Witches.

Though Lilin was slowly formulating a plan of action to find this runaway princess who had, with little doubt, sidled off with some gang of heathens, he figured placating his King was the best way to handle the current situation. Subtlety was key with something so delicate. And besides, if he was able to locate Amerine and whatever band she was running with, then more jewels for the taking, to hell with the royal stock.

With a breezy sigh, Lilin replied, "This is simple, really. Princess Amerine has always been a little rebellious, so surely this is just a thoughtless act of defiance. Give her a few days, my Lord, and I am sure she will come home."

"Yes, yes," the King muttered, his narrow gray eyes clouding. "I only hope you are correct. But no matter; we will send out search parties. She is my only daughter afterall."

"Of course, your Highness," Lilin said with another bow. "If that is all, I shall be leaving. Good evening to you all."

With that, Lilin Lohsael turned on his heel and headed toward the door, feeling the eyes of the King's men on his back, and he felt that should he turn, he would see Queen Oni's following him with the most heat. The King was content to turn a blind eye to unpleasant matters, to allow those beneath him to deal with the blood and muck, but Oni, she saw right through Lilin and always had.

He grimaced, passing through the double doors and back into the chaos. Now to hunt down the princess.

Spoiler! :
Redfang, I wasn't quite able to make it to Dana in this post, so if you'd like, just post where Lilin doesn't chase after him or wait until I can get to him. ^^'
"I can have oodles of charm when I want to." --Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:04 pm
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emoticon220 says...

"I don't got nothing to give ya!" Said the little thing to Rio. She just needed water. She was on the verge of choking but decided to try another human emotion.
She smiled nicely, "Oh, dont be so sure."
He bit his lip and stared at her thoughtfully. He then began to scratch the back of his thigh. Disgusting. She thought. His fingernail fell off and floated to the ground.
"Oh cripes!" He stomped his feet. He glared at her but she picked up the nail anyway and handed it back to him and smiled awkwardly.
"Surely we can come to some sort of arrangement," she said, her breathing going shallow. The poor thing began to shiver from cold.
"What'd ya have in mind?" He said. She smiled again, surely looking more like a grimace.
"As you can tell, I am a Watermaiden. And my gills show when I need water, like now. I cant get back to the water on my own...I can hardly stand. If you can somehow help me get back to the water, I'll help you get some warmer clothing."
The little thing seemed to consider. His face twisting in an emotion Rio couldnt quite remember.
"I'm Rio, by the way."
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:38 pm
WrittenInStone says...

//In all honesty she didn't until she entered - she heard the owner of the inn speaking to himself about someone sleeping in the inn while he was out -- and she wondered if she would find someone with .... talent.//

Arose abruptly halted her advance, the sand leaking from her fingers was stopped as she tightened her hand into a fist. Her ears strained to hear any movement but there was nothing; nothing she could hear nor see. She leaned back onto her heels, balancing a moment before she placed the sand back within the pouch at her belt. The sand gleamed like sunlight had slanted to touch it but it was still a few hours until dawn. She should have waited until later to come, but she was sure she'd have been caught.

She stooped low to etch a small symbole within the darkness of the sand and immediately the shadows fled; instead a small light blooming within - a natural light that granted her vision permission to see. An idea bloomed within her mind and she drywashed her hands on the front of her dress before standing stone-still.

"You must be frightened, dear," she began, her heart thudding painfully against her ribcage. Had she underestimated this person who lay hidden in wait?

"I mean no harm, I simply must talk with you; if you are even here. My name is Arose Gadrielle," she said, knowing that should she be right about this young woman or young man or perhaps even child, they would know of her name; they would know what she was.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:19 am
Searria H. says...


The offer was tempting, and Querp had never been one to resist temptation with any sort of success. But he had never heard of a Watermaiden; how could he be sure she wasn't lying. She could be a witch for all he knew. And if he was caught helping a witch - Querp shuddered at the thought of Lilin Lohsael tracking him. He would be dead within minutes.
But witches didn't have gills, did they? Tormented, Querp tugged on his ears and hopped sideways from foot to foot as if trying to avoid stepping on a writhing snake. Rio. That wasn't a witch name, was it? She did look awfully sick. And she had already promised him payment for his trouble. All she wanted was some water. Well, she could think again if she though he was going to go down to the waterfront in this weather. Besides, a small imp would surely be eaten alive by whatever slimy creatures dwelled there. But if he didn't get warm clothes soon, he might as well be dead anyway.
Rio watched him as he pranced about, arguing (audibly at times) with himself. Finally, he sighed and pulled his cap off, sliding it off like a large slug, and rubbed the fleas out of the sparse sprigs of red hair.
"Fine. But my toes'd better be so warm I can feel 'em."
She looked like she was reaching somewhat near desperation. "Yes. You have my word."
Querp grinned, with a sudden air of trust and fervor. "Right, then. So what - I just get a bucket and dump water on ya?"
"No, I need more than that." She was gasping for air, now. Querp didn't know why; there seemed to be plenty of air around if you asked him.
"Well, that's just as well. 'Caus I don't got no bucket."
She didn't respond but simply laid back down as if she had given up entirely on the little green man.
"If I can't take water to ya, I guess we'll be havin' tuh take you to the water." She lifted her head doubtfully, and he puffed out his chest with pride in his ingenuity.
"And how do you propose to do that? Carry me?"
Querp giggled like the clear tinkling of falling glass. "Naw, I couldn't do that. You'd break all me arms - all two of 'em that is." He held out his arms as if to prove that they would snap under her weight. "I got me a wagon. It ain't mine, per say, but I know where it is, and I got me a donkey. He is mine. Don't see'm much - he's a free spirit - but I can find'm in a zip."
"Godspeed, my friend."
Querp tore off down the street, rolling in and out of the crowd's legs, seemingly ignorant to the nipping wind.
The cart was where he had found it: behind the Three Fools Inn. Past closing time, the inn still whispered with life. Ears dropped back, Querp hastily tugged on the cart to free it, uneasy about who might be causing the noise in the dark tavern. The cart rolled forward with a monstrous crash. The door a few yards away began to open. Querp squeaked and bolted in the opposite direction, struggling to keep the cart with him. He ignored the shouts calling him back.
He found the donkey near the horse stalls, mooching off of government hay. He hid under the donkey's legs, catching his breath and calming his nerves, before hitching his friend to the cart.
"Time to go rescue a damsel in distress, Tipsy," he whispered into the donkey's long ear. With the imp on his back, the donkey rocked his head and started down the cobblestones.

Rio hadn't moved. No one else had stopped to help her. Perhaps they presumes she had already passed.
"All right, Miss Rio." Querp patted her cheek, looking at his palm when it came back slightly wet. Green eyes glazed over, Rio rolled her head over to look at the imp. He tied a rope around her waste, hooked it through the slats of the cart and pulled from the other side to lift her unsteadily to her feet. Leaning on the cart, she inched her way to the back and shakily climbed in. With the rope he secured her to the wagon so as not to risk her sliding off. She watched him intently as he treaded, looped, and knotted the ropes.
"You seem to know a lot about all that," she croaked. Querp shrugged.
"I worked on a ship 'bout a hundred years ago. The cabin boy taught me everythin' he knew. He was - " Querp finished the last knot and looked up at the sky, unwilling to continue.
"We'd better get you in the water." He clambered over the edge of the cart onto his black-and-white donkey.
"What can I call you?" Her crackling voice was barely heard.
"Well, I only got one name, so you can call me by it, I guess. Call me Querp."

Spoiler! :
I don't know if any of you guys in the inn want to do anything with that, but be my guest if you do. :)
I hope I'm writing to your liking, emoticon220. :D
'Let's eat Grandma!' or, 'Let's eat, Grandma!' Punctuation saves lives.

Reviews? You know you want one. :)


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Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:06 pm
TheAlphaBunny says...

Lilin, more than most, more than the men he commanded, more than the King himself, knew the way Cela Fretamori worked. He could see past the glamor of the Capital, past the rolling green hills of the outlying lands, beyond the finery of pretty women and the men with their rings and into the heart of the country. He understood darkness, and because of this, he could play the board like no one else. Tactics. Success relied on a set of moves, manipulation of every game piece, a lack of fear for consequences.

As the man passed through the pre-dawn crowd of citizens, people out to procure fresh goods before the rush, he pondered on the turn of events, his mind burried in his thoughts while he nestled into the collar of his coat. Where to first? he wondered. Surely if the princess had left with a party, someone would have seen her; he had already ruled out base kidnapping, for Amerine was just a ticking bomb, waiting for the opportunity to blow the scene, and the idea that she had left alone was outrageous, for a pampered doll like her wouldn't survive a day in this winter weather without help. But of someone had seen her, who would it be?

Even in the fog of his head, Lilin sensed a disturbance in the crowd, a heightening of energy, a being out of synch with the flow. He looked up from the cobble stones to see a figure hurrying away, skirts flowing back. Lilin's eyes narrowed, and he paused, standing still as the city moved around him. Farther, the woman fled. The corner of his mouth twitched, amused. Whom else would she be fleeing but him? Senses peaking, his heart gaining momentum, Lilin imagined the scent of charring flesh, the faint simmer of burning blood. Keeping the fleeing Witch within his sights, Lilin pursued, and his hands trembled in his pockets, not from injury but from the thrill of the hunt.

This is ridiculous, Lilin thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Looking up into the tree, his view a nest of layered skirts and branches, his lips pressed into a hard line.

"Reaper," he called up at Dana Darkrai who sat perched on a high branch, his booted feet dangling below the women's attire. When Lilin had flown into pursuit, he hadn't counted on the Witch not only not being a witch but being a man and The Reaper at that. However disappointing this first had been, Lilin figured the situation could still work in his favor. "Get the hell out of that tree so we may have a word."

"A word?" a masculine voice called back. "You, Lilin Lohsael, pursue me to only have 'a word?' Your underestimation of me is offensive."

Lilin rolled his eyes. "You think I mean to kill you?"

"Of course you mean to! I am The Reaper after all--"

"Quiet, man! You're worth more to me at the moment alive than dead. I mean only to question you."

A pause. Dana replied slowly, "Question me about what?"

"About a certain missing person. I need to know if you have been near the palace within the past 24 hours," Lilin said calmly, hoping to weed out information from the cross-dressing wraith.

"Why should I tell you anything?" Dana shot back, peering down at Lilin from over the billow of fabric.

Lilin pursed his lips then answered, "You are the one in the tree, not I."

A longer pause. "Who is this missing person?"

"A lady-in-waiting," Lilin lied. "A servant of Queen Oni. She has gone missing, and the King has requested I look into her discovery."

"You're lying," Dana scoffed. "As if the Witch Hunter himself would be interested in a maid. Tell me the truth or I tell you nothing."

Lilin bowed his head, taking a long draught of cold air to cool his annoyance. This wasn't worth the time he was wasting. He had to ensure that he found the princess before the King sent out search parties, and this obstacle did nothing to improve the situation. Think, could he even know? Had he even been near the palace? Just drag the bastard out of the tree, kill him, move on to a more helpful source, Lilin considered. It sounded like a perfect course of action, complete with an outlet for his frustration...but no. He couldn't kill him yet. He had to manipulate the board.

"Alright, Darkrai," he muttered. Louder, he called up, "While I'm no longer in need of your help, I shall not kill you. However, you know well that should I desire it, I could hunt you down without fault. Now, my proposition is this. I'll let you do as you like, but I require that when we next meet, you will have for me a list."

"A list?" Dana replied. "I am no errand boy."

"Would you rather I scatter your entrails about this tree for the wolves?"

"A list of what?"

"Witches," Lilin breathed. "Compile a list of witches for me. This should be easy enough for you to accomplish."
"I can have oodles of charm when I want to." --Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:12 pm
Redfang18 says...

"Witches, you say," Dana asked lowly. Although he was a resident in town for the past six months, he wasn't a stranger to the presense of witches and people of Lilin's ilk. Melliana had witch hunters and witchs all over the land. Dana was not willing to do what Lilin proposed, at least not yet. Thanks to his father, Dana had to do anything and everything on his own terms, which may have some things that he didn't see coming while the getting is good.
Lilin answered, "Yes. Witches. You dress like a woman, so you should fit right into their ranks and make the list."
Dana had a feeling that Lilin's terms would not be good for him. He said, "Listen here, Witch Hunter. I don't go on anyone's terms but my own. You know why I'm far away from my real home, right?"
"Yes. You've been accused of committing patricide by using a dagger of some sort."
"My father was unfaithful to my mother. He deserved it, since he tried to lock me in the house until I die. Now before you come and drag me out of the tree, I have my own terms to tell you."
Lilin was quiet suddenly, but Dana smiled to himself. He had his hunter's attention.
"My terms are these: I go free while you pretend you never heard of me and I'll give you the names of five witches for you to hunt down. The reason why I say so is because I have nothing better to do. I do it my way or no way at all, that's the rule. I'm not coming down this tree until I'm sure you agree to my terms. So, do we have a deal?"
Last edited by Redfang18 on Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:25 pm
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emoticon220 says...

The little imp seemed to be arguie with himself for a while, but decided to help her. He ran off to get a donkey and a cart. Rio sat on the pavement trying to warm herself so she could breathe a little longer. She thought about the countless times she had gotten out of the water in the cold like this and not suffered quite so badly. She came to the conclusion that she had stood in the same place too long talking to Goody Darkrai in the forest. The little imp came back with a rope, a wagon and a donkey. He hitched the rope around her waist and pullled her onto the cart.
"You seem to know a lot about all that," She said as he tied the ropes in an intracate series of knots. Her voice was choked and quiet. She found intrest in the knot tying. Intrest, being another emotion she had almost mastered.
"I worked on a ship 'bout a hundred years ago. The cabin boy taught me everythin' he knew. He was - "
Rio stared at him, trying to understand his facial expression, he looked to the sky.
"We'd better get you in the water." He climbed up onto the cart. He was and intresting character, the little imp. He seemed nervous and a bit jumpy but he helped her anyway. Rio sat in the back, gasping for air and trying to stay awake.
"What can I call you?" She breathed, trying to keep her eyes open long enough to get to the water.
"Well, I only got one name, so you can call me by it, I guess. Call me Querp." Querp? Rio decided this must be completely normal on land.
They got to the waters edge and Rio dove in taking a deep breath, then another. Querp must of thought she abandon her end of the deal so she poped up again, looking quite like a seamonster. Querp yelped. She swam back to land and pushed herself up. Her dress was soaked. She walked to a rock and pushed it aside, beneath was her hiding place. She dug through until she found a small coin purse.
"How much will ou be needing?" She asked Querp who was giving her another strange look. She had entered her human form when she stepped out of the water, the change was nearly unnoticible to her but must have been strange to a little imp who had never seen a watermaiden.
"Please stop staring at me." She asked him for the second time today.
Spoiler! :
Searria H., You did fine, thank you!
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:03 pm
TheAlphaBunny says...

Lilin moved about his jaw, looking up at the man in the tree and digesting his counter with distaste. He didn't enjoy making deals, compromising in any way, but the situation called for it. Whatever, Lilin thought morosely. Five witches should suffice. His right hand spasmed within his pocket, and with some effort, he clenched it into a fist, his nails digging into his palm. He didn't want to admit it, but at this point, he was growing desperate for some relief, and with his focus on the missing princess, he didn't have time to waltz around the country looking for the Witches scattered few and far between. He'd already used his year's pay of hearts from the King within a few months of receiving them, and without their healing capabilities, he was rendered nearly crippled from the tremors, from the pain...

"Fine," he ground out. "You give me the names of these Witches of yours, and I'll let you free. But, if I discover that any of the women whose names you give me are not Witches, I will gut you like a fish. Are we understood, Goody Darkrai?"
"I can have oodles of charm when I want to." --Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:58 pm
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Searria H. says...


A great monster rose from the water. Querp gave a small squeak, feeling his legs begin to collapse at the knee. He began sputtering as the sea monster gracefully swam back to the shore. The tentacles shrank back into her body as Rio melted back into the appearance Querp had first seen but without the gills. She passed him, ignoring his gurgles of fright. His eyes, which had subconsciously widened, were beginning to sting with the salty sea air.
"How much will you be needing?" she asked, digging around in the pouch she had retrieved from a hiding place under a rock.
He started to form a word with his lips, as if preparing to blow the seeds from a dandelion. "W-witch," he uttered, though she could not hear him.
"Please stop staring at me." She pulled a few coins from the purse.
Surely this be a witch, Querp thought. Having never seen a witch, he assumed this must be what they look like: giant sea creatures disguised as humans. Hadn't he heard someone talking in the streets about a water witch burning that day? And here he had helped one. His eyebrows shot up under his hat, his eyes bulging with terror. What will Mr. Lohsael do to poor Querp when he finds out? He'll burn me alive, cut my throat, skin me, hang my head on his door, string up my teeth and wear them around one of them ponytails of his! Querp stuffed his fingers in his mouth, chewing them nervously.
"Will this be enough?" Rio had approached him, now standing not five feet away with palm outstretched.
Accepting money from a witch would only further condemn him, though four silver coins and one copper was a disgustingly hefty sum for an imp. Lilin would never have to find out...
But no one kept secrets from Lilin Lohsael. If Querp walked away and acted like nothing ever happened - no. Why live in fear of Mr. Lohsael, when he could live in his favour? Revealing a witch to the Witch Hunter would more than please him. And leading him right to her even better. Querp would be forever safe from Lilin Lohsael's cunning stare. Yes...
Fingers still between teeth, Querp rolled his eyes slowly up to look at Rio and grinned. Wiping his saliva-coated fingers on his tattered vest, the imp held out his bony hand.
"Yes, that is more than generous." He accepted the coins greedily. Rio thanked him, and turned to leave.
"Wait! Don't go just yet. I, erm - " Sucking on his upper lip, Querp struggled to think of a story.
Rio raised an eyebrow in wait.
"Me donkey. Yes, me donkey. He ain't used to walkin' so far carryin' such heavy loads - "
"Heavy loads?" Rio glared.
"The cart, I mean." Querp gave what he hoped was a convincing smile. "He needs to rest, and if I don't get warmer clothes on me back soon, I'll be frozen by nightfall. Do you think you could stay with 'im a bit? See nothin' happens to 'im?"
Rio studied him for a moment, eyes narrowed. "Only until nightfall," she said slowly. Querp clasped his hands and bowed, as was the custom of his people.
"I'll be back sooner than that, Miss."
He plodded off towards the town, feet swinging like oars, propelling him further. He headed towards the palace, expecting to find the Witch Hunter there. By sheer luck he caught side of Mr. Lohsael standing next to a tree, neck craned to look into the upper branches. The imp followed his gaze, baffled to see a woman sitting in the branches like a coon hiding from a hound, apparently in a rather foul mood.Breathless, Querp ran to him, tugging on his coat.
"Sir!" he panted. Reluctantly removing his attention from his treed prey, Lilin Lohsael glowered at the imp.
"I'm in the middle of something, vermin. I will take care of you later."
"Aye, but sir! I done found a witch! I swears it." Lilin's eyes flashed, his attention captured.
"Where?" he hissed.
"Follow Querp. I'll show you," he said eagerly.
Lilin Lohsael looked back at the woman in the tree. "I believe we have a deal, Goody Darkai."
Querp slipped his hand into the Witch Hunter's, much to the latter's distaste, and hobbled on his remaining three limbs back the way he came. Mr. Lohsael jerked his hand away, wiping it off on a pocket kerchief.
"I am perfectly capable of following without you grasping my hand."
Querp pouted, but he knew better than to cross the man. Randomly switching from sprinting on two legs to galloping on all fours, the imp led the way. Mr. Lohsael kept the pace, one of his strides equaling four of his guides. Querp smiled to himself; his encounter with Rio had worked quite to his advantage. The imp brought Mr. Lohsael to the beach. Hesitating to get sand on his shoes, Lilin followed the small green man to an empty cart that had been artfully hitched to a donkey through a series of intricate knots.
Querp paused, looking frantically around, ears flattening in fearful dread. Rio the sea witch was gone.
Spoiler! :
Feel free to do whatever you please to me, Bunny. :twisted: And emoticon220: you can call me Sea, if you like. :)
'Let's eat Grandma!' or, 'Let's eat, Grandma!' Punctuation saves lives.

Reviews? You know you want one. :)


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Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:33 am
Redfang18 says...

Dana watched Lilin follow an imp away from the tree. When he was sure Lilin was gone, Dana climbed down the tree and took a different route back to his cottage. Once there, he assumed his true self and left the cottage for a little walk. He knew he was making a very risky move, but he didn't really care. He was getting fed up with life on the run, but he knew he still in hot water. Because he made a deal on his own terms with Lilin, Dana has to uphold his end of the bargain if he wants to have the freedom he was robbed from back at Melliana. He sat on a boulder close to the shoreline of the beach, letting the wind play with his long hair. Eying the beach with his wild eyes, he saw a Watermaiden emerge from the water. He sighed contentedly. It was Rio, that Watermaiden who only knew him as Goody Darkrai. Dana whistled, beckoning Rio's attention.
Rio looked at Dana in the eye when she heard him whistle.
Dana got off the boulder and went towards Rio, his heart fluttering with pleasure. He said, "Hello, there." He got a little closer to her. "I saw you come out of the water, so I told myself I would go and have a little heart-to-heart with you. It's not everyday a man like me gets to see a Watermaiden as beautiful as you."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:04 pm
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emoticon220 says...

Rio wasn't particularly insulted when Querp suggested she was a "heavy load" so she agreed to watch his donkey. It confused her why he had to leave so suddenly. She shrugged it off and went over to the animal.
"Hello, animal." she said petting the donkeys face and ears. It was taking Querp a while to get back and the donkey seemed content. Rio dove into the lake, dress and all. She took a deep breath of water and swam to her cave home at the bottom. It wasn't so much a house but a place for privacy. She sat and relaxed for a bit. She realised that she was one of the very few watermaidens who hadn't spawned and the only one that still left the water. Her peoples were so few now. She sighed. She didn't want to stay in the water her whole life, laying eggs over and over. She wanted to explore and be free. She swam out of her cave. She didn't know what she was going to do on land, bur she was going to go anyway. She stepped out of the water and began to ring out her dress and hair. She heard a whistle and looked up. A man was sitting on a rock, his long hair moving with the wind. He walked over.
"Hello there." He said as he approached her. Rio hadn't seen this man before but he seemed happy to see her.
"I saw you come out of the water, so I told myself I would go and have a little heart-to-heart with you. It's not everyday a man like me gets to see a Watermaiden as beautiful as you." Rio eyed him.
"Hello, sir. I don't believe we've met." She outstretched her hand which like the rest of her was cold and wet. He took her hand.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:10 pm
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WrittenInStone says...

[Alrightt, since my end is gone, I'll have to start anew.]

Arose marched dutifully down the streets, her long tangle of flaming red hair draped around her neck like a scarf. She had recently changed her long gown to a pair of trousers and a blouse, the red belt in the middle cinched tightly so as to not let the fabric billow too far from her flesh. Upon her head she sported a black hat, tipped low as to cover her eyes. Her eyes darted about the city streets but no one was out to walk this evening; so the chill she felt seemed not at all out of place.

It could be, perhaps, that Lilin Lohsael has caught another of my kind,the thought entered her mind swiftly, but it receeded just as fast like the waves upon shore. It would not be so, unless he had deemed a bounty on our heads; even then only innocents would die.

Arose felt her nails bite into the flesh of her palm, and abruptly she turned around at a sound of someone walking about. She turned her head to glance around, and saw that it was none other than a lone woman marching about in a cloak as dark as a sun. The cloak's colour was a magnificent ivory, it gleamed even in the ever-dimming light of the evening.

The woman questioned herself for a moment, the cape seemed awefully familiar, it's ivory color and the small hem of golden lace at the bottom seemed to beckon her forward. Then, in a spark of recognition, she remembered. The King's daughter wore such a thing, he had once brought his family to a procession throughout the village, and now; why was the princess darting about the village without a thought of where she was going?

Arose Gadrielle swallowed thickly, wondering if this were some kind of trick before she quickly chased after her.

"Your majesty, wait!" she called, her legs moving quickly to catch up to the snake-like woman.

"Oh," the simple exclamation of surprise escaped the woman's lips as she hurried all the faster to escape.

"No, no, I'm no threat m'am." she answered the gasp, and then she did something that she knew would cost her greatly.

Arose extended one hand, muttered an incantion and instantly the woman collapsed to the ground in a state of paralysis. She hurried forward, her feet barely brushing the ground as she came to terms with what she'd done. She knew, however, that the King would not be seeing his daughter until late tomorrow evening; and during that time she must face the truth that should Lilin Lohsael be looking for her, then she would be as good as dead.

She hoisted the woman up on her shoulders and began the slow trek back to her home. This evening had gone on far too long.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:39 pm
Redfang18 says...

Dana took Rio's hand and dared to take a step towards her. He said calmly, "My name is Dana, just a lonely man from another country. I've seen Watermen in my birth country, but seeing a Watermaiden like you has truly made my day."
Rio stared at him with a look all too familiar to him. She looked like she was nervous.
Dana knew how this was. From his experience with Watermen, the maidens were hard to flirt with at first. He decided to take the friendly approach. He said, "Perhaps you and I can be friends. I don't hurt people like you. Heavens, no. A Watermaiden like you should be treated with utmost respect. Not all men are like me, you know."
Rio took her hand back and said, "Sir, don't take me rude, but you're starting to scare me." Her gills were starting to show.
Dana frowned, then started to walk away. He decided to just leave Rio to herself, since he had no personal experience on flirting with women. He blew that chance when he laid with a prostitute two years ago. As he left the beach, he saw Arose carrying a young maiden over her shoulders. Arose, of all the grown women around the land, scared Dana to pieces. He was about to sneak away from her when she spotted him.
She looked at him straight in the eye and screamed, "Reaper!"
Dana ran away as his legs could carry him, but the second he tripped on a stone he knew he was in trouble.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

We all share half a braincell that bounces like a windows screensaver
— WeepingWisteria