
Young Writers Society

No Redemption

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Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:48 pm
fictionfanatic says...

I don't mean to burst your bubble, but we've already established that we have to many females, especially criminals, as it is.

*I know I shouldn't be posting this here because it's OOC, but I just wanted to make sure she saw it. Sorry*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:00 am
Array says...


I automatically opened the door to my employers office, and threw down everything that he had asked me to find about this guy. I then proceeded to cross my arms, and look at him while he went threw it silently. After standing for a while and watching, the guy then proceeded to reach below his desk and pull out pouch of money. He then dropped it in front of him, and looked at me. "Nice job.', was what I heard before I stepped out of his office.

I took my time walking down the street, just because I had no where else to go. Plus, it was a nice feeling to have money weighing down in my pocket. I walked caustically, making sure not to draw attention to myself. When you were in my type of profession, you had to be careful. Guards would be on the look out and if there was something off about you, they would come and investigate. I glanced around and noticed a gaurd looking at me kind of funny. Oh, great., I thought to myself.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:54 am
eldEr says...

Yes, I am aware that I did Marroe and Red in third and Naela in first.


Marroe leaned back against the tree, musing at the height of the palace garden wall. He could scale it with ease... if he had the proper equipment- such as boots that weren't apart. Unfortunately for him, such was the case. He crossed his arms, pondering his options.

"You feel up to a little pick-pocketing, Bobo?" he asked, staring up at the limbs above him. The monkey chattered, words that Marroe couldn't ever hope to understand. "You always feel up to it, don't you?" He held up an arm, smiling coyly as his fluffy little friend climbed onto his arm. A few specific orders later, Bobo was up and over the wall, hopefully seeking out his next victim. Assuming there was anybody in the gardens at this point...

Sometimes he got lucky, and other times he just didn't. Nobels, royals, even the palace gardeners; they all had items of interest on them. Whether those items were worth much or not was always the question. That and whether or not Bobo would be able to find any of them.

If the guards passed, he'd dart. The monkey knew where to go if the master wasn't standing there when he came back over the wall, and his reward of a few stale biscuits and any rum that Marroe could find... well, those were always a welcome reward for the little guy.

Shanaela Marz

That man... there were so many words that could be used, and not any pleasant ones that I could think of at the moment. He was a blooming idiot, which, in all honesty, only worked to my advantage. "Coincidentaly," a certain most-wanted criminal shared my name. Coincidentaly, the mute red-head he assumed to be entirely inoccent of any crime was that most-wanted criminal.

I always had wondered how long it would take him to figure it out... not that we had known each other for a particularly long time. If I was lucky, he would never find out- choosing to, for a reason that I couldn't fathom, think of me as a dear friend. In return, I would give him the grace of treating him as a valuable and convenient aquantance. It always helped to have people on the inside.

I continued walking, one hand on the hilt of my dagger. Marcus was an Elite- an enemy, whether he knew it or not- and there were more of him creeping about the city now. Being out was risky... not that this side of the city was very busy, anyways. Still, I was getting far too careless for my likings.

I glanced over my shoulder, staring at a fairly distant Marcus. He knew where I was staying... a small house, surrounded by abandoned or burnt homes. He had questioned me about it once or twice, and I had offered no real answer other than a shrug and a written-out, People don't bother me here. At least he had accepted it. Unfortunately for me, if he ever discovered how moronic he was, I was in danger. I shook my head and began to walk more quickly. I needed to get back to the security of my little hole.


Taylor... Taylor was female. There was something irking about this fact... very irking indeed. Not that Redward would ever say anything about it. The woman would more than likely decapitate him, and he liked his head where it was, thank you very much.

He let out a slight huff, picking up a few documents on his way out. The typical documents- he knew what would be on them, and he'd have to read them in the confinement and security of his quarters. He could think there- something that was entirely necessary in a situation such as this. He'd also have to think about how to hide his... problem... with having a woman Elite hovering over him every second of the day.

Not that he had anything against her, oh no, he'd just much rather work with a male comrad. They were much less distracting, and far less ornary. In his opinion, anyways.

His pace quickened- he didn't want to talk to Taylor now. If they came across each other, he knew that he'd have to, and he just didn't feel like socializing. His thinking required solitude. People watching him scheme asked questions, and questions disrupted the flow.

No, that would not be a good thing. Not a good thing at all.

got trans?

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:49 am
phantom of the potter says...


Alexander nodded briefly to himself as the king concluded his briefing of the elite soldiers. He waited for a moment for the crowd in the hallway to thin before walking to take his assignments. Alexander briefly scanned over the list of names he was to track down, and noted with some satisfaction that there were a few more infamous names on his list. As to the others, Alexander thought very little. But in order for there to be infamous criminals, there must be petty ones. In the end, one thief off the streets would make Sarla safer, and Alexander would and could not afford to pick and choose his enemies.

Which brought Alexander to his partner: Marcus Wright. The name was not completely unfamiliar to Alexander, but Alexander knew very little about the man himself. Alexander looked around at the thinning crowd, but saw no one fitting Wright's description. Sighing, Alexander adjusted his sword and made his own way out of the castle. It seems Wright had other matters to attend to, more important than finding his future partner. Which was fine with Alexander, as long as the work was worthy.

Alexander walked out of the castle gates and onto the streets of Sarla. He sighed; even in this busy market district, the fear of crime dampened the once lively atmosphere. Alexander rested his elbow on the hilt of his sword as he looked around the square, wondering where to begin looking for Wright.

Not far, apparently, as Alexander spotted him peering down one of the streets leading deeper into the city. Alexander smiled pleasantly as he walked up to Wright. "Afternoon," said Alexander lightly as he walked to stand beside the man. "I believe we've been assigned to work together to scourge the city of its pestilence?"


James watched the groups of soldiers trickling out of the castle, peering at them coyly as he bent down under the pretense of trimming a large topiary in the king's gardens. James couldn't help but crack a small smile at their faces. Some were boyishly optimistic, some grim and detemined, some even a bit frightened. The latter, James thought, would be the more prudent of the bunch, but James wouldn't judge any of them prematurely.

"If you'll pardon the expression, sirs," murmured James as he bent down to clip a twig. "Let the games begin." James dropped his sissors and ducked behind the topiary as the overwhelming urge to chuckle consumed him.

Without warning, James found himself squinting in the bright afternoon sunlight. He reached up to feel his head, and noticed that his large straw hat had - quite alarmingly - gone missing. James looked upward just quickly enough to spot the fuzzy end of a tail dart out of sight and over the castle wall. James paused for a moment, before it struck him: Monkey.

"Ah," James said quietly. Slightly weary now that a large part of his disguise had gone missing, James straightened himself slowly. He began to creep as unnoticably as he could toward the gate. James's back ached slightly: a warning for James not to push himself. In a moment, James had managed to carefully ease himself out of the castle walls and into relative safety. Out of sight of the guards, James tenderly rubbed the scar tissue, shook himself, and meandered over to a tree where a very exhasperated young man was staring at a large straw hat in his lap.

"Mine, I think," said James softly. Marroe glanced up sharply. James touched his temple in greeting. "Nice to see I'm not the only one showing interest in the king's activities today, no?"

**Hope this is okay. If not, let me know and I will edit. :)
"The grasshopper!... Mind the grasshopper!... A grasshopper not only turns, it hops!... It hops!... And it hops jolly high!" ~Erik, The Phantom of the Opera

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:53 am
ForsakenAngel says...


I lingered a great distance from the castle walls, listening to Marroe and James's conversation. Bobo hopped around aimlessly from limb to limb, looking for something else to steal. I needed over that wall and they were in my way. Of course I could have just walked right past them, ignored them and hopped over the wall like usual. I knew them enough that they would probably tell me hello and let me on my way.

But today I wasn't up to seeing either one of them. Not when I had all of these jewels in my pouch. They didn't know I had them though and if I hurried up and got past them, maybe they wouldn't have time to even say hello. I knew they were people I could trust, but even thieves steal from other thieves. And I needed these. I grabbed my pouch with my left hand and held it to my side as if it were my lifeline--which it probably would be--and walked closer casually.

"Hey boys," I greeted, nodding to them both. My heart raced, what if that little monkey got a hold of my pouch? Surely I couldn't fight off the small devil. He had teeth and I heard monkeys carried diseases that were incurable. But I was a thief, a killer, I didn't have time to fret about monkeys and thieves.

Scaling the walls weren't hard for me. I was young and strong and able to pull myself up over the stones of the castle walls. It was easy, one step at a time, put your foot here and pull up. I knew how to climb over a wall of any size and this might have been the easiest. Once to the top, I threw myself over, ignoring the questions from the other two below.

Leda was sitting there on a bench by a bush of roses, like she'd been waiting for me to show up. A warm smile crossed her face when she saw me and she stood.

~Princess Leda Rose~

Savannah looked so pretty, even covered in dirt. Often I envied her. Even if I had people who made me look good, there was nothing like natural beauty. But I had nothing to envy, she was my best friend, one of my only ones.

I wondered what jewels she had for me today. What food she wanted for them. This was how it was. I traded her food for whatever riches she wanted me to watch. I kept them for however long she wanted me to, gave her food every day that I had them, until she wanted them back. The food was enough to feed all of the thieves if they rationed it out right. It could hold them all for a day--bread, water, and even some of the finer foods such as wine and beef depending on what condition the riches were in.

"What do you have today?" I asked casually. She smiled at me as if it was too casual. But it was, we did this at least once a week and for so long it seems to be routine. She took her pouch off of her shoulders and handed it to me. The contents were shiny, some gold, most silver.

"I think you'll like it," she replied, motioning with her hands to the pouch. "I got them from the upper side of the kingdom, nothing someone would miss. Oh you should have seen some of the things they had, Leda! Great things that you might have. They had so much gold, but they were greedy people. People that didn't deserve things like this."

"I don't deserve the things I have either, Savannah. But the people that deserve it the least have the most," I said, rummaging through the rest of the bag. "I think this deserves finer things for you and your friends, don't you?"

"You deserve them as much as anyone," she whispered. "And I agree! Wine and beef?" I couldn't help but laugh at how her mood changed at the sound of a great meal.

I gave her everything I could think someone might want to feast on. I gave her roast and bread, wine and vegetables, fruits and cakes. I knew she would bring a little to all of her friends and they would dine well tonight, knowing starvation wasn't what they had to think about. And that made me feel happier than any jewel ever could.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:27 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Casimir| Palace Gardens:

My sister was talking to one of the help when I passed through the gardens. I ignored her for the moment. There were other, more important matters to attend to, namely the 'purging' father wanted to put Sarla through. I sighed, glancing at the name listed next to mine. Only father would put me with a recently promoted soldier, and only father would expect me to help with his little plan. Typical. Now, where was I supposed to find this Aarin Basir? He hadn't been in the meeting, had he?

Shaking my head, I swept past my mother and out the gate, eyes downcast and focused on my little piece of parchment. Below my name, and that of Basir’s, there was a list of criminals; some infamous, others not so much. Our list included the Barea couple. I frowned. Father expected me and the boy to capture them? Impossible. No one had heard of them for at least a decade now.

Well, the least I could do was to try and make my father proud. I would be inheriting the kingdom either way, not that it mattered to me. I just wanted a challenge....and the Barea couple gave me that challenge. Now, if only I could find the boy I'd been paired with....

((Now, unless a certain pair of criminals want to get caught, they had better move....))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:53 pm
gleek456 says...

Penelope Hart

I step outside the back door of a house that I just recently stole from carefully. If any gaurds/ soldiers see me, I am sure to be taken away and sent to jail. I sit on the steps and examine my goods. The people who lived here were gone for today, it seemed. I sort through jewels and coins. Beautiful jewels they had, I guess it'll be enough for a meal tonight. I stand up, shove the pouches in my pockets, then walked towards a trading stall.

"What do you have for me today?" the trader asked. I take out the pouches in my pockets and hand the jewels to him. He inspects each one very carefully.

"Ah, I never get any of this!" he exclaimed. I stood there, waiting for the coins.

"Alright, here's your loot," he said jokingly. I smile, even though I thought it was something that shouldn't be said.

"Thanks, I'll come back another time," I said, taking the coins. I step outside to see a girl, who has a gaurd beside her looking at her in a weird way, possibly suspecting her as a thief. I quickly walk over to her and grab her arm.

"What're you-" I cut her off.

"Sister, please stop roaming the streets alone!" I excalimed. I look to the gaurd.

"Please excuse my dear sister, always running off without me," I said with a sweet smile. Luckily the gaurd bought it and let her go.

(I hope I did okay! If you didn't want me to do what I did with Ruka, please let me know!)

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:27 pm
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Liv says...

*Will finish...eventually XD*

Name: William Anders

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: William has a dark shade of brown hair and even darker brown eyes. He stands at five feet five inches, is pretty muscular, and has a strong jawline. He's stocky, but in no way fat. He has a strong, muscular build. He has a scar going from his shoulder to his elbow, and he

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Soldier



Weaknesses: Relatively near sighted. Can't for the life of him use a bow and arrow (near sighted, duh!). He has no sense of direction either. *those okay weaknesses?*


Up for love: I guess...?

Other: Nuffin!

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:22 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Raven Angela- Sarla
I stepped out of the way of several soldiers some of which examined me curiously and I dropped my eyes feigning being demure. I watched through my eyelashes as they passed me by breathing a barely audible sigh of relief. "So they've started already in that case let the hunt begin." I murmured sarcastically to myself walking once again Gavin close behind me. I touched the white streak in my hair realizing that eventually I was going to have to hide it as it was one of the only things that identified me as Raven not as Angel and Gavin was going to need to learn to walk along side of me like many of the dogs within the city. I knew he was going to hate it as much as I would hate doing it to him. I snapped my fingers and he dropped closer beside me not as close as the other dogs but it was a start. I wondered carefully through Sarla looking for a familiar face. I let my hands run over a few of the carts holding goods conspicously slipping several coins left behind by careless buyers into my sleeve it was small but it was something. "May I help you miss?" I heard a masculine voice behind me say. I swore silently then fixed my face into the most demure and shy expression that I could manage. I turned around to face a soldier but from the looks of it he was new to the city and was just told to check out anyone who looked suspicious. "No sir I was just looking to buy." I said quietly dropping my eyes. "Oh you were?" I heard him say and from his tone he didn't believe me. "Yes sir that's right." I replied still quietly meeting his eyes. He looked at me skeptically and I bit my inner lip my mind racing trying to find a way to get away. "Alright well I'll see you around." He said suddenly surprising me. I exhaled another sigh of relief letting my shoulders sag then I straightened my posture out of habit. I walked away quickly but not so fast as to draw attention. I rested my back against one of the castle walls closing my eyes breathing easier then I heard the words " Nice to see I'm not the only one showing interest in the king's activities today, no?" I flicked my eyes over and saw a 2 young men and a monkey. I stared for a few seconds then walked over calmly and slowly so as not to draw attention to myself or to them. "Hello boys." I said calmly and they both stopped talking and looked at me one sharply and one vaguely amused. "No need to worry about me." I said calmly settling my back against the wall ignoring the glares from both of them. I looked at them and smiled cockily. "The names Raven Angela 5th or 6th wanted criminal in Sarla." I said loud enough so only they would hear.
*Hope this ok I just randomly brought myself in if this screws people up tell me and I will try to change it*
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:21 am
ForsakenAngel says...

King Cornelius

The criminal issue was getting way out of hand. Cornelius knew that no matter how many elites he sent out, there were always going to be a couple that had hid out until it was over. Which led to the question, would he ever completely rid Sarla of its criminals? He worried for his people, but he worried for his family more. If anything happened to them he'd never forgive himself. Of course there were hundreds of guards surrounding the castle, but there were blind spots everywhere, places unguarded. He knew there was only one thing to do to protect everyone, but his wife had talked him out of it several times, saying to save that plan for when they absolutely needed it.

"I want guards at every corner of the castle. No one gets in without me knowing, and no one leaves without me knowing," Cornelius told the head elite. He didn't have his wife with him to object now, did he?

"Yes sir." The elite left the room quickly to set the kings plans into motion. He'd now be monitoring everything in the castle, with or without his wife's permission. Deep inside he knew he should feel guilty, making decisions without his wife, but he couldn't bring himself to feel anything but accomplished.

*Yes, I did put it in third person. ;) Sorry it's short. I hope this is ok with you Ishy, I knew we needed a king post and this just came from the top of my head xD*
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:36 am
Synnoev says...


"I believe we've been assigned to work together to scourge the city of its pestilence?"

I gave a distracted nod, peering over the man's shoulder at the rapidly disappearing Naela, before blinking back for a moment. "Yes. I'm Marcus, and you're ... Alexander, right?"

The other man nodded, opening his mouth to reply before I gestured in Naela's direction. "I was actually just in the middle of talking with someone, so..." I hesitated for a moment, then made a decision. "Why don't you come? She's just this way." As I spoke, my gaze trailed back to where Naela had been last. Naturally, she was gone by now, and it took several seconds of scanning the crowds before I managed to spy her again, her lithe figure concealed at the edge of the street. Glancing back to check that Alexander was following, I set off at a brisk pace to catch up with her, nudging her arm as I eventually caught up.

Meeting her surprised expression with a wide grin, I pointed to Alexander by means of introduction. "This is my new partner, Alexander. Alexander, meet Naela." At her sharp dig of an elbow into my ribs, I corrected myself quickly. "Shanaela."

An expression of confusion flitted across his face. "The Shanaela? What are you talking about?"

I blinked once, grin falling for an instant before being promptly replaced. "Don't be ridiculous. This is my Nae- Shanaela. Right?" Seeing her unimpressed glare, I withdrew the arm I had been attempting to wrap around her in a hug and instead opted for an only-slightly-awkward swing of my arms, bouncing slightly on my feet where I stood.

Well. As introductions go, I think that went well.

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Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:26 pm
eldEr says...


Marroe arched an eyebrow, already grinning to himself. Raven Angela... strange name, but she was decent looking. Very decent looking. "Mar-" something in his peripheriel caught his attention. (Not to mention the monkey having a mental breakdown on his shoulder)

His head turned sharply, both eyebrows raised. "I do believe that's my cue to get the hell out of here," he muttered, eyeing the prince for a moment longer. What were the chances he had something good on him? Princes wore jewels, didn't they? If not that, he had to have some money in those dressed-up little pockets of his.

Bobo was already on it, much to Marroe's amusement. Marroe spun around, grabbing James' hat along the way. "Thought I'd keep it!" Now, the trick was to run quickly enough as to not get caught.

Have fun with that, Marroe.

Oh, he would. And if he did get caught by an angry James, there was always those handy back-up daggers... wonderful little inventions, really. And, even if it meant hurting his pride, he'd give up the hat if he had no choice. It held more sentimental value at the moment than anything else... just the thrill of the moment, and that didn't last forever. The hat was partable. Maybe. Partable didn't mean he'd hand it over easily. What fun was that?

Shanaela Marz

Bloody... I sucked in a lungful of air, glaring at the side of Marcus' face. My Shanaela. Since when had he become possessive? About ten minutes ago. Right.

I forced a polite smile at the other soldier, trying to remember how to breathe. What were the chances that he wasn't half as moronic as Marcus? Somebody who actually did his homework and knew that, yes indeed, the Shanaela that they were after was standing right in front of him? I was, as far as I knew, the only mute red-head in Sarla. The only mute at all, really.

I pulled out my notebook, quickly scrawling a message to Marcus. Would have been easier, had my hands not been trembling.

I have to go make supper. If you must come, at least leave your friend behind.

I ripped out the page and shoved it at Marcus before turning on my heel and making a quick, hopefully graceful exit. Please, dear Lord, smite that man with a severe case of mental insanity, Amen. Marcus' friend, not Marcus. As irritating and dim-witted as he was, he was convenient. Keep the soldiers off my back for enough time to allow me a quick escape route, and then he could find out who I really was and die for all I cared.

Perhaps that was harsh, but honestly. Some people never learn.

It was probably time to find a new hide-away, too. Wonderful. Bloody wonderful. This time, I was hiding in a secluded hut in the forest. Or underground... that would be nice, too.


Redward stared at the papers, frowning to himself. Such a lack of information! Names of dozens of criminals- the general description of some, what they'd done and how much they'd be paid for each ones' capture. The price got lower as the list neared its end, and even the low prices were... high. High enough, anyways.

Three names were chosen at random- ones that Redward planned to start with. James Tiggin, for starters. Raven Angela, and... let's see here, who else had a name that sparked interest? Shanaela Marz. Why not challenge himself a little? Trapping number one would prove to be an extreme accomplishment, make him wealthy, and, not to mention, give him some competition. There were sure to be others after the Marz girl, all wanting the big prize. Let them do the work, and then snatch her out from under their noses. Sleezey, maybe, but affective.

Redward rolled the parchment back up, stuffed it into a satchel and rose from his desk chair. Time to find Miss. Taylor and let her know that he had already planned everything out. Or, nearly everything, that was. Oh yes, and to tell her not to get in the way. Research would have to be done quickly and efficiently; he couldn't have the woman getting in the way of things.

Why couldn't he have been paired with somebody male, anyways? Aarin, even the slightly dim-witted Marcus would have been preferable. At least Marcus would have stayed out of the way until the research had been completed.

Of course, wishing wouldn't change things. If all didn't go well with Taylor, Redward would simply ask for a new partner, simple as that.

got trans?

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Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:33 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Princess Leda Rose

I couldn't help but feel alone after Savannah left. I had no one else to talk to, nowhere to go now. The day was growing late and soon the sun would be going down. I hoped Savannah and all of her friends were safe tonight and they enjoyed the food. One day I would have to get her to take me away from the castle, maybe some dark night when no one would miss me. I desperately wanted to go somewhere, to be dangerous like her. But I doubted I’d be doing anything like that anytime soon.

I sat in the garden for a long while, thinking about what it would be like to walk around outside the castle walls without hundreds of guards parading me around. Of course it must be amazing, being free to do as you wish without having to ask the permission of my father and mother. But I couldn’t help but wonder what it was like for Savannah and the others. It must not be so amazing for them. They didn’t get to go home to promised food and a warm bed. I wished I could change that. I wished I could give them everything they ever wanted.

But maybe they had everything they ever wanted. Of course they didn’t have what I had, but maybe they didn’t want that, maybe they had everything they wanted. But if they had everything they wanted then they wouldn’t be stealing from people. I would never really understand everything about thieves. So I just dropped it.

(Sorry this doesn't really get us anywhere, but I don't really have time to come up with a plot for my posts. I'll be off YWS for a little while, but I'll try to keep active as much as I can. Please keep this from dieing! I'll try to post for the king and Savannah sometime soon. If someone could just mention her in their post I could possibly work off of that? Thanks.)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:02 am
ScarlettFire says...

Casimir | The Market:

I stared after the man with the hat who ran off as soon as I passed through the gates. That was...odd. I frowned and shook my head, turning my attention back to the parchment in my hand. It was going to take me weeks to hunt down all these criminals. I sighed, shook my head and made my way down to the markets. This Aarin had to be around somewhere. I might as well start there instead of searching half the city and the entire palace for him.

After a few moments, I saw a young, dark haired boy standing outside the bakery. Hmm. Time to find out who Aarin Basir was and why I'd been sent to work with him on rounding up criminals.

Aarin Basir | Markets:

The markets were...slow today. Besides, the King had called a meeting, and I hadn't gone to it. I supposed he'd send people looking for me soon. Not to mention punish me for disobeying the order to attend. I snorted and turned away. Like I mattered to him. I was just a soldier. Not important enough for much more than guarding the palace walls. Royalty. They were like that.

I sighed, shifting my footing and then wincing when my scar pulled. Wonderful. Not only was I stuck watching the market, but I was also stuck standing. Did my superiors not understand the fact that because of my leg, I might not be able to stand up for long periods of time? I'd already been out here half the day! Where was my replacement?

"Aarin Basir?"

I started and spun around only to find myself face to face with the prince. I swiftly dipped into an awkward bow. "Your highness," I murmured and straightened up. The man had a dark look on his face. I thought it looked like a grimace of disgust, perhaps? As soon as he noticed me looking, he shook his head and a mask descended, hiding everything bar slight confusion and emotionless.

"We are to work together on this," he said and handed me a piece of parchment. I took the paper with a frown. He backed up a step and half-turned away, gaze sliding over the crowded marketplace. Shaking my head, I looked down at the paper and froze. There, below my name and his, someone had written my parents' name. I lowered my now-shaking hand and looked up at him.

"It will take us decades to find the Barea couple, my prince," I said, inclining my head when he looked at me. "They will be hardest to track down." Or not so hard, since I knew most of their old hiding places. "Are you sure we are meant to track them? Your father could have assigned it as a pointless task or perhaps a challenge..." I trailed off as he gave me a withering look.

"Yes," the prince replied. "He could have. And besides, it is a challenge I gladly accept." He raised an eyebrow when I flinched. "Do you fear challenge, Basir? Are you afraid of the criminals we are to hunt down....or do you know something I don't?"

I lowered my head, focusing my gaze on the prince's shoes. "No, my prince. Nothing like that."

He chuckled. "Then I suppose we should get started," he murmured. "Let's see if we can find this one," he added, gesturing to a name half-way down the list. I nodded in agreement and watched as he turned and strode off across the marketplace, the crowd parting before him like a field of corn before a storm.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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82 Reviews

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Points: 1850
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Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:28 pm
gleek456 says...

Penelope Hart

After that little scene with the girl, I started to walk around to kill time. I was finished stealing for today, and decided to wait for anything interesting to happen. Someone else stealing and getting caught for example. I just sat on the steps of a house which I just picked by random.

Later, I turn my attention to a dark haired man with a scar running down one side of his face. I smirk. What would the prince be doing here? He also had someone with him. Was he here to capture criminals? I quickly stand up, and try my best to casually walk past him. Hopefully, he wouldn't notice me, even though I'm feeling suspicious of myself.

One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.
— Aldous Huxley, Brave New World