
Young Writers Society

Angels Vs. Demons *Not Started/Accepting*

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Tue May 17, 2011 11:57 am
Thegirlwholived says...


We stood, locked in position. I narrowed my eyes and looked at the odds.
She had a sword. One sword. I had a sheath full of arrows. She was a fast flier, but odds were I was faster. She was a demon, not made to fly.
However, she did look rather strong. She could easily snap one of my bones like a twig.
I lowered my bow and looked over at everyone. Tae had a satisfied look on her face, still waving her sword around. The Demons all seemed to relax, and that's when I made my move. I quickly loaded my bow and whipped around to face Nia. I aimed just beside her arm and shot. The arrowhead grazed her flesh, and I saw a drop of golden blood.
I yanked her into the air and onto the roof, just as all the demons landed in a pile where she once stood. Angel blood drove demons into a frenzy.
My bow notched, loaded, and aimed, I stood at the edge of the roof. The demons managed to get themselves up and dust off. I could tell that Tae knew the tables had turned by the scowl on her face.
"I think we all know how it will end if one of you try something. I can reload this in half a second flat. We can discuss this calmly and quietly, or we can wait for one of you to commit suicide."
Tae glared at me, and I smirked. She knew she'd lost this one.
"Get used to it, hun." That really set her off. She acted like she was about to make a move, so I pointed my bow at her. She hesitated, then stepped back, her face turning red with rage.
"Now, which choice would we go with. Discussion? ... Good."
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Tue May 17, 2011 12:13 pm
SisterItaly says...


Damn those angels, damn them to the holy place that angels came from and back. This wasn't over, no. It was far from over. I didn't negotiate with Angel Scum. Ever. I could feel the rage building up in my throat as my feathers ruffled at the mere sight of those angels being alive and breathing.

And taunting me.

I fluffed out my wings and pushed off the ground. With a few great flaps I was level with the angels, and with one swift movement my sword was unsheathed. She fired an arrow at me, which I easily deflected. I swooped in and grabbed her by the upper arm, (I was aiming for the neck, but this would do) and yanked her up into the air. She flapped pathetically as she balanced herself out. I took this time to dive at her, but again she counter-acted my move.

We dove at each other over and over, in a game of 'who can knock who out of the sky the fastest'. My sword grazed her cheek, but nothing good enough to cause any serious injury. Heck it hardly even drew blood. I had to admit, she was better then any air demon I had battled before. I had underestimated her, and that was my first mistake.

Rule one, never underestimate your enemy.

She kicked my ribs and sent me back a few good meters, I made the mistake of opening my wings to slow myself down. I felt a sharp pain in my wing as agony glazed over my eyes. I looked at the arrow in my wing as my wings stopped flapping. Moving them caused intense pain. There wasn't enough wind up here to keep me flying. I fell towards the ground and landed with a sharp thump, then moments later she towered over me.

I coughed and sputtered as I looked up to her, "You h-agh have proved to be a tough adversary, but I submit to my fate. For the sake of wandering eyes make it quick." I scowled as I glared up at her.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue May 17, 2011 12:42 pm
Redfang18 says...

Sorry if I call in late.

Name: John Celebi
Species: Angel
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Element: Water
Ability: Healing and aquakinetics
Appearance: Six-foot-four, bronze skin, silver hair (born with it), and blue eyes.
Personality: John is extremely kind to those who are wounded, but his pride can get the best of him when in battle. Half the time, he's out and about like a gypsy soul with no sense of direction. He loves to read a multitude of books and listen to classic music by different composers. His greatest weakness, which ultimately lead to his memory loss, is his compassion towards orphan children. He's known by other angels as the Golden-hearted One for his heart of gold towards different humans.
Weapon of choice: He has a dagger hidden in his clothes, but always switches the hiding places around for protection.
History: Before his memory loss, John was the guardian angel of a nine-year-old girl whose parent were abusive. His compassion towards orphans was born when the girl's parents were murdered and she was sent to an orphanage. After that, he spread his heart to all orphans who need a home. He often helped childless parents reach the orphanage to adopt his human friends and was successful into finding his most closest friend- the girl he was the guardian angel for- a new home and a fresh start in life. Three days prior to his memory loss, he was chasing a demon who was using an orphan to commit crimes. After his memory loss, he still was compassionate to the orphans and has the same heart of gold he had before his memory loss. He was hit on the head with something hard, knocking him out and wiping his mind.
Up for love: Yes, if some girl can catch him.
Other: He's a little playful for an angel his age. Sometimes, you have to catch him if you want to talk to him.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue May 17, 2011 9:32 pm
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Thegirlwholived says...


I landed on the ground with a small thud and aimed my bow at Tae. It only took one shot.... Just one, and she would be gone. She would be out of our hair and those Demons wouldn't be so scared. One less of them we'd have to deal with.
I set my bow down and walked up to her.
"You will not harm ANYONE. If you do, I WILL take your life. I have shown you mercy once. Now you are in my debt."
I turned to the barn as Dontese flew in and settled on my shoulder.
I felt the eyes of all four creatures on me as I disappeared into the barn.
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:04 pm
Synnoev says...


As the initial bloodlust faded, I tore myself away from the rabble, wiping a hand across my face in an attempt to lessen the effect that the scent had on me. It was weak enough to resist right now, but still nagging at my senses to destroy. My gaze flickered from Tae to Fawn indecisively. If I could get away from here before Tae noticed and decided to track my scent, maybe I wouldn't have to get involved in this ridiculous fight.

But then she'd hunt me down eventually. I might be safer for now, but in the long-term... she would get me for sure. I watched tentatively as she flew up into the air, engaged in a furious battle with Fawn, their limbs and wings moving almost too fast to see clearly.

If there was any time to escape, this was it.

I was one moment away from grabbing the nearest angel and high-tailing it out of there, when I saw something I never thought I'd ever see. Tae falling to the ground, the angel close behind. I could see the two speaking to each other, expressions twisted with fury, but couldn't make out the words. The angel Fawn walked away, picking up her discarded bow from the ground as she returned to the barn.

I should have left right then.

Instead, I found myself making my way to Tae's side, watching her tentatively as she picked herself off of the floor, trying to regain her composure. She glanced up for a moment, an irritable expression on her face, but didn't meet my eyes.

"Your vessel needs healing." I said quietly, hoping she wouldn't slaughter me just for pointing that out.

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:04 pm
Synnoev says...

EDIT: double post, sorry.
Last edited by Synnoev on Sat May 21, 2011 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:17 pm
SisterItaly says...


I snarled at the stupid demon, but quickly silenced myself. He was showing me kindness... and he was one of my own. It wasn't the authorized voice that I was used to hearing, but an actual ... almost concerned voice. That irked me. Demons were meant to be merciless killing machines, who destroyed angels. Not helpful little nurses. I moved my arm, and twitched. My wing nerves were connected to my arm nerves, which allowed me to react faster in battle and move more swiftly in a chase. This also meant any damage done to my wings hurt my arms as well.

"I've n-noticed. If it's not obvious, my wing is bleeding and I can't move it. This means I can't fly, and I can't destroy those Vermin." I spat in the direction of the angels. Damn those angels, damn them to hell. I snarled mentally. I poked the tender rip in my wing and hissed in pain. "Well Cadet, are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me?" I asked with a raised brow.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:40 pm
eldEr says...


I watched the two from a distance, jaw twitching. Did I walk over, or just stay put? Maybe I should have gone after the brunette angel... but I couldn't take my eyes off of that other he-demon and Tae. Why that was, I didn't even want to think about. An abomination of a feeling had taken root in my gut, and I blasted knew it.


Of what, pray tell? Of what's-his-face? Luke? Luke and Tae? I swore at myself mentally, and then cursed myself out loud as Luke helped her up. Carefully... gently, dare I say it. Instinct told me to remain where I was, cold and uncaring... but that abominable Jealousy was demanding I intervene. I swore again, louder this time. It earned me an arched eyebrow that I refused to awknoledge.

I could walk in there right now and swipe that ugly little head right off of his shoulders... And then be accused of having massive rage issues. But, then again, didn't all demons have rage issues? It would be normal, wouldn't it? And then I'd have to tell Tae that I was jealous... and I didn't even know why I was jealous. My plan had been to kill her slowly, hadn't it been? Last time I checked, I was going to mess around with her head the same way I messed with anybody else's, and then break her trust and let her die.

Besides, decapitating Luke would be far too bloody.

I cursed and swore at myself a couple dozen more times under my breath and started towards them, forcing a collected look onto my face. Ever so subtley, I nudged my way between Tae and Luke, swears still wheeling around in my head.

"Is she okay?" I muttered, hating to ask Luke but knowing that Tae probably wouldn't answer. She-demon hadn't said a word to me yet. And for some odd reason, that made me mad.

Jealousy had never been a natural feeling for me... maybe I was finally losing it.

got trans?

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:59 pm
Redfang18 says...

Anybody going to bring in my water angel? I'm starting to get a little anxious here.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun May 22, 2011 7:17 pm
Synnoev says...

@ redfang: the angels and demons are kind of splitting up now so maybe he could bump into the other angels :)


I glanced up at the taller demon, frowning slightly. "She needs healing," I murmured. The arrow was still stuck in her wing, obviously causing her significant pain, and I met her eyes before gesturing to it as I turned to the other demon. "This needs to be taken out... if you hold her wing, I'll pull it, okay?"

Even though the question had been directed at Acoraan, I still looked to Tae for her approval before grabbing onto the arrow and tugging as hard as I could. A pained gasp came from Tae as it pulled out, and she hissed, inhaling deeply in the few seconds after. Both I stayed mute, watching her reaction tentatively and getting ready to flee if this was the wrong decision, but then she glanced up with an impatient glare, and Acoraan let go of her wing, frowning ever so slightly.

"It needs to be bandaged up," he said after a pause.

I nodded, shrugging my jacket off in a movement. "Yes. This should rip easily enou-"

"No," Acoraan interrupted sharply, "we can use mine."

Both Tae and I turned to him curiously, and I flickered my gaze up and down. "You don't have a jacket." I stated simply, getting more than slightly confused, and Acoraan's gaze flickered away, his expression shifting.

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Wed May 25, 2011 9:59 pm
SisterItaly says...


"Just put some freaking pressure on it or something." I snarled through my teeth at the stupid demons. That angel would pay. She would pay with her life. I would pluck each feather out and roast her over the fire demon's flames. I cringed as the demon tore up his over coat and wrapped it tightly against my tender wing.

"That should just about do it." the demon mumbled as he stepped back and wiped his hands on his trousers. The look on his face clearly showed that he was prepared to flee if the chase arose. I didn't blame him, with the mood I was in I was ready to kill him for merely breathing.

I felt my lips twitch as I stared up at the pathetic angel on the roof, watching us. She looked horrified. This was one of our enemy? I shook my head, and reminded myself to never underestimate my enemy again. She could have killed you. a voice echoed in the back of my head. No, stupid voice. I was just too cocky.

"I need medical attention, but you three demons are still healthy. I outrank all of you, so I shall take charge of this operation until more qualified superiors arrive. Those who disagree with this change of events are welcome to try and rebel, but even with my broken wing I can still kill you. Now, it seems we... I have underestimated the enemy. This mission will not go under on my watch, take no prisoners." I ordered.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:24 pm
gleek456 says...

Name: (Both first and last. Demons don't have last names, but Angels do.) : Lyndsy Cross

Species: (Human, Angel or Demon): Human

Age:(18 ) 20

Gender: (Male or Female, Duh) Female

Element: (Earth, Fire, Water, Air. Human's don't have an element.): None, she's human.

Ability: (Even Humans have abilities, but no matter what you are it's ONE ability. None of this immortality stuff for the Angels and Demons.) She might not seem like it, but she specializes in many types of combat, such as karate, katana, etc.

Appearence: (no Scene characters, but Anime is allowed)
Spoiler! :
Lyndsy Cross
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Personality: Lyndsy is not the most talkative person, and she is known for being rude. Despite that, she can be kind and gentle when it comes to animals and children. She can co-operate well when it comes to fighting and listens well. Lyndsy loves classical music and songs that actually have a meaning. She likes to be alone, but still wants people supporting her.

Weapon of choice: (Nothing too... extravagant. Maybe a sword at the most)
Spoiler! :
The attachment pocket-gun.jpg is no longer available

Lyndsy always a carries a pocket gun, but uses her combat skills. She only uses it when neccessary, like if she's hurt and can't fight well.

History: (None of this 'Can't remember' stuff. What happened to them before they lost their memories? That's if they did lose their memories.) Before she lost her memory, she has been living a life like a boy. Her father always wanted a boy, and when her mother gave birth to her, he decided to raise her like a boy. He decided to teach her how to fight and defend herself. Her mother did not support this, and ignored Lyndsy and her father most of the time. Being sick of this, Lyndsy ran away when she was 13 and ended up in an orphanage and taken in by a woman. That woman taught her how to be a "lady" and helped Lyndsy become a girl. The cause of her memory loss was by a fatal car crash, where Lyndsy and her gaurdian were in.

Up for love: (Yes or no) She may not seem like it, but she is.

Theme song: (Optional) Shattered by Trading Yesterday

Other: (For whatever we've forgotten) Lyndsy used to have blonde hair when she was living with her parents, but when she was adopted, her gaurdian dyed her hair reddish-orangish so in case they run into her parents, they can't recognize her.

Note: Sorry for interrupting the storybook!

Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away.
— Carl Sandburg