
Young Writers Society

Rousseau's Academy for Vampire Hunters 2

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:15 am
SmylinG says...

Rory | Just After Midnight, Southern Fringes of Upper East side, Near the Modern Art Museum:

I guess I'd miscalculated my timing a little. I wondered what my punishment for this would be, or if I'd even see hell for it at all. My best guess was I would.

As I slithered my way back amongst the others, it was pretty apparant my absence was most obvious. Alec glared down into me with little force. Something more must have happened than just me leaving to set him off. But I definitely hadn't helped any by breaking off from the group. Would he want an excuse or wouldn't he?

"Rory," he weakly acknowledged. I nodded self consciously. "And where may I ask were you all this time?"

I felt so low answering. The others would most clearly hear, and I'd soon be viewed as the thirsty animal of us all. I answered anyway, conscious of the thought. They deserved that much -to know.

"To. . . feed."

He gave a gruesome chuckle. "To feed."

I caught some of the others glares. I guess there was no making light of the situation. I made a mistake. Alec had no issue pointing this out. He could be a bit harsh, but I couldn't blame him. It's just the way he was.

I had to learn to feed more frequently if I wanted to keep back the cravings long enough to last a measly night of hunting.
Paul is my little, evil, yellow bundle of joy.

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:14 am
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PhoenixBishop says...

Seth~ Upper east side

Seth rolled his eyes and looked away from the vampire to Alec with a withering glare . He looked over at the human Cherelle her aura was still shining and pulsating near Seth's own aura. She was attracted to him, this of course was not a surprise. But her need to take on the vampire to impress him made her aura dingy looking and very unattractive. Without even a glance towards her or the vampire he walked back to the group at a leisurely pace.

"Don't presume to patronize me Alec, I'm quite capable of going off on my own. You seem to forget I'm much older than you and have dealt with much more in that time. And for that matter I separated because you and your merry band of misfit toys seemed to not notice a vampire watching us over there." He pointed several feet behind him where he had just come from.

There were few things that made Seth angry. Being talked down to as if he were a child was one of those rarities. He refused to be talked to in such a way by a puppy such as Alec. Werewolves were so predictable with their Alpha wolf complex. As if everyone had to listen to them. "Next time there is a vampire out of the range of your little doggy nose I'll be sure to allow it to sneak up on you and rip your throat out."

Seth glanced at Rory. "Don't mind Alec, there is no reason to be embarrassed. You can't help if you have a rumble your tumbly. He patted the other boy on the shoulder and smiled at him. "Oh wait, you're a girl. I couldn't even tell. My bad."
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:40 am
Tigersprite says...

Name: Zaria Janson

Age: 17 years

Gender: Female

Race: Dhampir

Skills: Skilled at hand-to-hand combat (often uses her speed to augment the power of blows).

Magical or Non-magical: Non-magical.

Appearance: Pale-skinned, with long black hair. Her eyes are dark brown, and she has a brown birthmark on the left side of her neck. She's quite tall, around 6"2, and favours hoodies and skinny jeans. Wears a blue bracelet that is really a piece of blue string with a plastic star attached to it (but it holds a special significance to her).

Spoiler! :
faa051000425.jpg (34.66 KiB) Viewed 286 times

Personality: In most situations, she's quiet and shy (which hides the fact that she is a capable, and very violent fighter). However, being raised poor (living with her human mother) her personality changes when it comes to money. She's slightly obsessed with it, and never forgets to collect her money after loaning it (even charging interest if it's paid too late). She also gets angry very, very quickly when anyone refers to her mother negatively, or her father favourably.

When in crowds, she stays silent (and therefore largely unnoticed) unless a topic is raised that interests her (refer to likes) enough that she voices her opinion on it. Otherwise she wouldn't speak because of the discomfort she feels with being around people mainly far older than her. Alone, she can normally be found painting or on the phone with her long-distance girlfriend. She usually gets embarrassed when asked about this relationship.

Likes/Dislikes: She likes sunlight, although as a result of her heritage (vampiric father, human mother with distant werewolf ancestry) it makes her feel sleepy to be in the sun for too long. She also has a sweet spot for jelly and honey--the latter of which she can often be found consuming without any other food.

Dislikes strongly negative opinions of her mother, and positive opinions of her father. Also dislikes people who don't pay her money back on time, and doesn't like being interrupted.

Flaw/s: Overreacts to a mention of her father. This can be as extreme as assaulting the talker or (when she's hungry) attempting to bite them. Also, she often forgets to feed until it is too late, and sometimes drains the blood from other students' pets and other small animals.

History: She is the daughter of a vampire father and a human mother. Her mother was raped, and then she was raised by the depressed woman, a state of living which ended with her mother's suicide when Zaria was fifteen. Zaria kept her bracelet, as a reminder of her mother. Soon after her mother's death she set out to find her father, and she eventually did, discovering him deep in the Russian forests. She did not reveal their relation, instead training under him as an apprentice for two years (thus she learned hand-to-hand combat). He detested her, though, due to her preference to drink animal blood or steal human blood stored in hospitals rather than kill humans (something she was reluctant to do due to her mother). It was when she mistakenly told him that she was his daughter (revealing she was a dhampir, instead of the vampire he thought she was) that this hatred spilled over. He attempted to kill her for deceiving him and wasting his time, and she was able to escape, eventually reaching Rousseau's.

Up for love? Despite her girlfriend, yes, and she's gay.

Other: N/A
"A superman ... is, on account of certain superior qualities inherent in him, exempted from the ordinary laws which govern men. He is not liable for anything he may do."
Nathan Leopold

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:43 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Hey there, first I would like to ask you to bring in my character, PLEASE!!!!

And second, I just wanted to say, before I forget, that I won't be able to come on here on Friday because it's The Day of Silence.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:24 am
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Octave says...


Holy crap, was he getting bored, and fast.

Noah stood on one leg, scratching it with his other foot. He looked around restlessly. God, were they ever going to do anything? A little scuffle between a vampire and a human - big surprise - was turning out to be the highlight of the night, and Noah simply wasn't getting enough adrealine from this excursion.

"How long are we going to stand here doing nothing?" Noah demanded. "Cause, you know, some of us really do have limited lives, and we don't mind if you let us sit down and wait for it to end. Really. We're perfectly happy like this." His trademark cheeky grin came out, and he aimed it at Alec.

Alec, because Alec was weird and Noah always got the feeling Alec disliked him for no particular reason.

As expected, it coined a reaction from Alec. "Don't push it, Samuels."

"Or what? You gonna beat me up?" Noah's smile never left his face.

Alec growled. "One more and -"

"Come on," Alec said, bending his knees and leaning forward, beckoning Alec. "Hit me."

Katie Blue, possibly Noah's only almost-close-friend-and-not-just-an-acquaintance, continued to smile in that eerie way she always did, but Noah knew she was enjoying this. Two werewolves in a fight? This was amazing. Noah vaguely wondered if werewolves got into it whenever the beta questioned the alpha's leadership.

Alec wound his fist back up, and Noah bristled, finally ready for a burst of adrenaline when both wolves paused and tensed. A soft rustling, inaudible to all but the werewolves' and vampires' sensitive ears, came from behind Katie. Katie turned behind her as Alec and Noah both looked in the direction.

"Katie," Noah said, pulling her towards him, "there's something -"

She wrenched her arm away from her grip. "I can take care of myself, Noah."

At this, Noah stepped in front of her wordlessly, and he knew she was mad, he was sure of it, but she wouldn't say anything, and he wasn't going to let her get hurt.

The bush rustled again. Noah tensed.

"Noah," the elf began. "Don't do anything -"

Too late. Noah dove into the bush, and with a yelp, was flung aside by something strong and absolutely inhuman. He swore.


No, not just a vampire.

A really old vampire.

Christ, this was brilliant. Pain flashed through his eyes as he crashed into the trunk of a tree and by the time he came to, a whole murder of vampires was utterly destroying most of the team, with the others barely defending themselves.

Alec was already beginning to transform. Noah hesitated. He should.

Oh well. Here went nothing.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:14 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Alec West | Nearing One AM, Southern Fringes of Upper East side, Near the Modern Art Museum:

He finished his transformation and shook off the dregs of it, growling at the vampire standing before him. It stared back at him. Alec studied it as much as he could while he was still thinking like a man. The vampire was male, tall. He judged it to be maybe six feet tall. He was deceptively skinny....and had the same eyes as Amber.

Alec lost himself to the animal and flung himself forwards, right at the vampire. And the vampire didn't even bother to move. Hissing and catching the werewolf by the throat, completely off guard. "Stop," the vampire commanded, holding Alec off the ground.

Amber Sullivan | Just After One AM, Greenwich Village:

I stared at the empty doorway for a moment, then glanced towards Isidor. He shrugged. "I guess that means come in?" I muttered, stepping through the doorway and into the house. Isidor followed me like a silent shadow--which, ironically, was what he was... At the moment anyway.

Isidor was silent behind me as I approached a door on the left. I glanced towards him again, but he was staring at the door intently. We reached it and he knocked. There was a moment of silence before the door knob turned and the door swung open a little.

"Come in."
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:55 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Katie Blue - a little ofter one:

The crazed vampire grabbed Alec by his now wolf throat and hissed, "Stop."

He lifted Alec off of the ground and Noah was thrown off to the side.

Alec's eyes showed panic and he squirmed, even letting out a small whimper as the vampire tightened his grip on his throat, his eyes burning with adreniline.

With a smile on my face, I wondered why the ancient vampire was more focused on Alec than he was me, a human.

Quietly, I crept behind him and my hand reached for my twin swords. A few steps behind the vampire, I unsheathed the swords and brought them infront of me.

When I went to stab the vampire with the dual blade sword, he suddenly dropped Alec to the ground and turned on me, swiftly grabbing the sword from my hand and throwing it away from us.

He bared his teeth at me and hissed, getting into a stance that was either meant to eat or to fight, I wasn't really sure.

Gripping my other sword tightly, I brought it infront of me in defense, a smile still on my lips. In a swift motion, I thrust the sword at him but he quickly dodged and reached out, his claw-like nails gouging out the skin of my arm.

I surpressed a scream that built in my throat and forced the smile to stay on my face. The vampire eyes my bloody arm hungrily and when he moved again he moved not at me, but behind me.

He grabbed me from behind and I quickly turned my sword around in my hands to face him.

I felt his breath on my skin I I positioned my sword, watching Alec carefully as he eyed me and struggled to get up.

I felt my face and neck begin to burn and slowly spread to the rest of my body. Though I'd been expecting it, I coldn't help but gasp through my smile.

With a great effort, I thrust my sword backwards in the position I had calculated his heart to be. His bite loosened. I knew the vampire would leave me alone now and may die, but I didn't even turn to face him as I ran over to Noah, leaving my sword stuck in the vampire for the moment, seeing that my friend was more important.

When I reached Noah I got on my knees. He was human again and he slowly opened his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips when he saw me with my smile.

His eyes widened when he saw the bite and blood all over my arm. Placing my hand beneath his chin, I pushed his head up so he wouldn't see the bite.

"I'm fine Noah" I said quickly, then added as I heard Alec come up behind me, "Are you alright?"

*Hope this is alright! If I need to change it just say so*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:29 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Seth~ Just before the attack.

Seth simply stood watching the two werewolves as they bickered. The little pup of a wolf known Noah has spunk. Seth liked spunk, but there was a fine line between spunk and blind idiocy. Seth noticed several bright light moving in their direction. They were too far out for anyone to notice with normal senses especially since the people with the highest level of senses were occupied. To Seth however like before they aura made them easy to spot for miles. He made a quick count of about eight. All of their aura were bright red and tinged with the subtle tinge of grey that all vampire auras had. They were being ambushed.

Seth of course did not say anything as he had warned Alec the next time he would simply allow the attack to happen. He put his hand on his dagger subtly and waited patiently for the fight to start. He nudged Rory with his elbow and whispered so only she could hear. “If I were you I’d get ready for a fight. Nearly a dozen vampires are moving on us now. Seth did not bother to see the girls reaction as at that moment the vampires burst forward attacking the young hunters. Seth found a pretty looking girl with blonde hair and blood red eyes and threw his knife at her. She caught it with deft hands and in a second was next to him. His reflexes were fast but hers were faster. She stabbed him in the side with the dagger.

The pain was was horrible as she tilted it to scrape bone, but he had a goal. He through his hand forward and caught her by the neck. He felt for his own aura and shifted it to a dark pink color. He pushed it into the vampire and her eyes went wide. She let go of him and her face had completely changed to blind devotion. He had shot her up with so much of his altered aura that she was now completely and utterly in love with him. He pulled the dagger from his ribs.
“I’m sorry the vampire,” said.

Seth cringed. He laced his one dagger with poison and it was starting to take effect. His vision was starting to blur. His plan had worked but he failed to account for how the poison would affect him. He focused and spoke to the vampire.
“Serve me well and I’ll reward you with a kiss.” Seth said. Her eyes widened with hope and she barred her teeth and barreled into the fray of fighting.

Seth held his side. He looked around the battlefield and saw Katie running over to Noah after taking down her vampire. Everyone seemed to have their hands full. He saw Rory battling with a large vampire with tattoos across his face. While she was in the middle of her battle he saw another vampire sneaking behind her. Seth hurled his blood tipped knife and it dug into the vampires neck. It swiveled around and charged at Seth. He ducked to the side, but it caught his fist caught Seth in the gut and he was sent flying into a tree.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:09 pm
April says...


I hung back as the other vampires fought viciously with the hunters. Savages. I began to walk past the fight. I figured these people were no longer a threat and didn't need to be watched. They were too busy with the other vampires. I shivered slightly and pulled my jacket closed. Yes, even vampires get cold.

There was a snarl as one of the wolves noticed me. I curled my nose and hissed at it. Werewolves had a distinct smell that I didn't like, but didn't hate either. The vampire under it tried to take the advantage, but the werewolf quickly turned it's attention back to it.

I simply rolled my eyes and continued walking. By the time he noticed I was gone I'd be far enough away to make a break for it and return to the abandoned warehouse.

Before I realized I was distracted, I was pinned down. I wasn't sure who it was, or what it was, but I wasn't going down without a fight. I squirmed beneath it and swung my fist upwards.
Don't make me bite you.


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Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:17 pm
SmylinG says...

Rory | The attack - One AM:

I was quick to react as Seth hummed his cool warning in my ear. Not seconds after a riot of at least eight vamps came emerging from the depths of the darkness in full on attack. It was odd how no one else had even suspected as much as their dangerous presence. I mean, that's what we were trained for after all.

There was no time to coordinate. We were all quickly thrown into action with so little as a few second warning. I would have to remind myself to thank Seth for this one later. I respected such sharp senses and the awareness he had of his surroundings. How low I felt for not picking up on such a thing myself. After just feeding, too.

These creatures were old, and strong. For once in a long time I felt my own strength being compromised with every blow I gave and every one received. The vamp I was fighting towered at least three feet over me, and was scarred horrendously with tattoos.

So far, evenly matched. But I could feel my control slipping. I could sense another cold blooded fiend charging in my direction. I kept my attention on the burly one who was incessantly keeping every square inch of me in fight mode. Then suddenly I heard a hiss. The bloody fiend I sensed charging my way had found a new area of target. The cold blooded monster I had in my grip sent a white hot thrust into my side. It sent me hurling backwards defensively. One of the others intercepted a second blow to my face. I didn't turn to see who had been so quick to my defense. I had shot feet away in seconds to others' defenses in the same moment.

It was then, whilst I was free for that small margin of time, I heard a loud rustling crash amongst the trees. A few warm, distinct sweet smells were in the air. Bleeders.

My senses teased at me. Katie was hurt. As well as... -Oh, the smell. I gritted my teeth and headed for the trees. Seth was thrown out of battle. Fiercely by the looks. Curling down into his ribcage where fresh blood seeped through the clothing. In seconds I was kneeling down in front of him.

"Seth?" He gave no answer. His vision, quickly slipping.
Paul is my little, evil, yellow bundle of joy.

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:37 pm
Tigersprite says...

Zaria Janson~Upper East Side

I didn't know what was happening. I'd kept quiet, so quiet that the others had barely noticed me. And then out of nowhere a vampire showed up. I could smell him, a vile, foul smell that made my nostrils flare. That he was old and powerful was clear, unlike his reason for being here. A few years ago, I would have fled at the sight of him. But I was a hunter now, and as my allies flew at the Aged One and his lackeys, I bared my fangs and joined the fight.

A vampire flung itself at me; I sidestepped and lunged at him before he could recover his footing. We went down, and somewhere in-between the furious blows we exchanged I forced his head to the cold earth and twisted it, snapping his neck. One down, but I got lucky. If he hadn't been at a disadvantage his strength would have overcome me.

I jumped in and out of the fight from then, distracting vampires with bites and blows. When I was done helping one person, I moved to the next, and it after doing this for the third time that I caught sight of an escapist. Some vampire was walking away, fast. To find their next victim? I didn't think so.

I bounded after them, and drove them to the ground with a flying tackle. It, or rather, she, responded with a sharp uppercut which threw me off her. She snarled at me, but when we were standing again she didn't attack immediately. She wasn't one for fighting, this one, and as I studied the rare intelligence in her eyes I wondered if I shouldn't let her go. But...she was a vampire. Damn my stupid conscience.

She lunged at me and we met head-on; her nails dug into the flesh of my cheek. As we turned to face each other I thought I saw a friend approaching, out of the corner of my eye.
"A superman ... is, on account of certain superior qualities inherent in him, exempted from the ordinary laws which govern men. He is not liable for anything he may do."
Nathan Leopold

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:28 am
Camulaeus says...

Hey I'm sorry but I can't do his anymore: got a bad term grade and parents are cracking down on my schooling.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:47 am
Octave says...

Noah | The Attack; Upper East Side

Noah groaned. Damn if he could remember much. Luckily, Katie came by, and she seemed all right. She was smiling, as usual. Was it over? "Did I miss it?" Noah murmured, smiling a bit.

Wait, was that blood on her? Was she hurt? Alarmed, Noah sat up straight, but Katie tilted his chin up so he couldn't see the wound. Yeah, nice try, darling.

"You call that fine?" Noah asked incredulously. "That's not fine at all, Katie. That's what I'd call badly hurt." He would have tended her wounds, but Alec was coming up to them, and Noah knew what was coming next. He shut his eyes in preparation for the fall out.

It was a howl, loud and piercing, and Alec in wolf form was certainly a beast to behold. He wasn't too happy a beast either. The order was clear: attack the vampires tearing apart the rest of the team.

Noah disagreed. "You're mad. You're going to kill us all. You can smell how old they are, Alec. They're already ripping us to bits, and we're going to die if we stay out here." Noah's fists were balled up, quivering, and he was furious. Absolutely so. Alec was sentencing them to death, and knowing Alec, he wouldn't listen to Noah's perfectly sane advice.

All because he wanted to prove himself to his alpha, probably. Stupid pack wolves. They were always trying to prove themselves fiercer than their comrades to gain the favors of their alphas.

The night smelled of blood, sweat, and rotten corpses. Alec picked Katie up by the collar and flung her back to the thick of the fight.

"Katie!" Noah's reaction was instantaneous, but perhaps not the one Alec expected.

Alec probably expected a transformed Noah to jump into the fray to save Katie. He got the first part right; he managed to make the impulsive boy transform despite the knowledge that his wolfish self would not differentiate between friend and foe.

What Alec didn't expect was for the wolf to head straight for him first. He should have figured; he was the last one to tick the wolf off.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:19 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Katie - The attack:

Unexpectedly, Alec grabbed me by my collar and swept me off of my feet. With a flick of his neck, he threw me right into the middle of the fight. I landed hard on the ground, landing right on my ankle, which twisted.

I let out a groan through my smile. Then I realized - my swords! They were both over with that other vampire I killed.

"You idiot!" I screamed through my smile, even though Alec wouldn't hear me.

I watched Noah turn back into his wolf form, just what Alec had wanted. But then rather than attacking vampires, he lunged at Noah.

I scrambled up, but fell back to the ground when I tried to stand on my ankle. A tear slid down my cheek, but I forced the smile to stay on my face.

Slowly, I stood and took small steps, trying to reach my swords. I felt a cold hand grab me by the neck, their nails digging into my flesh. I couldn't help but let out a high pitched scream. I felt the blood start to trickle down my neck and down my back and arms, staining the white and gray shirt I was wearing.

The vampire flung me to the ground and I heard something crack, and another scream escaped from my smiling lips.

In my moments of pain, the vampire took advantage and grabbed my by my wrist, pulling me up quickly and painfully.

The vampire pushed back my black curls and bit my neck on the opposite side of the scar I recieved years ago.

I let out a scream and struggled under the vampire's bite, trying to push him away, my smile faltering with the more blood he took from me.

Then, suddenly, I remembered my dagger. Quickly, I pulled it out and plunged it into the vampire's stomach. The vampire let go of his hold on my neck and let out a shriek, then hissed at me.

When the vampire released me, during his shriek, I fell to the ground, my dagger coming with me in my tight grip. The smell of my blood and feel of it pooling around me and trickling down my skin made my stomach churn. I swallowed my urge to throw up as the vampire reached towards me, grabbing the knife from my hand.

With both disgust and pleasure as the vampire stuck my dagger into my stomach, where I had stabbed him.

Satisfied, the vampire disappeared.

Using as much effort as I could, I kept my smile on my face. My hands went to the dagger in my stomach. Luckily, in his anger, the vampire had failed to realize that the dagger hadn't gone all the way in and was only about an inch. With a groan, I pulled the dagger from my stomach.

Holding tightly onto the dagger, I called out, "Noah."

I called his name about ten times, each time growing louder, hoping he'd snap out of it and come help me, despite Alec's orders that we needed to fight.

*Someone can take it away*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:59 pm
SmylinG says...

Rory | The Attack; Upper East Side

I could hear cries for help among the gruesome fighting that was still busy taking place. I had to be quick to return to it all. I couldn't stay by Seth to make sure he was okay. He was safer among the trees in the dark anyway. I darted back to the intense battle scene.

Both Noah and Alec, probably our largest and most wild fighters, had their hands full. Noah with two riding his neck. The two elementals, Fira and Sorren were just as equally occupied in fights of their own. Paige, the female werewolf, was now heading to Noah's side to assist with the two hostile vamps giving him a tough time.

Among the mess, the smell grew sweeter. More blood? This wasn't good at all. I wasn't sure why we were still out here. It was proving to be nothing more than a suicide mission so far. Katie, the human girl, was struggling to remove a knife from her gut. She was calling out weakly to Noah for help. Noah couldn't help. Noah needed help himself.

I was the quickest to reach her. When I did, I took no time hesitating to remove the bloody sheathe. She made no sound of pain as I did so.

"Thanks," she calmly muttered with a grin.

An odd human she was, really. Smiling? At a time like this? I paid no mind to it. She was bleeding badly. So much so in fact she was beginning to attract the wrong kind of attention.

A wild looking vampire snapped its head to us with no hesitation. I bared my teeth at it and sent out a warning hiss. Nothing had proven helpful in warring them off so far. Why would my own wild, vampiristic nature prove any different?

I pushed Katie off to the side as the hungry fiend came at us. I wasn't going to give it the chance to fight. I was done with fighting tonight. There were too many hurt. And those wounded were quickly finding themselves slowly compromised by this ancient coven of vampires.

At the exact time the vamp had charged for my neck, my hands went for it's. A sudden snap became music to my ears. The beast went down, and most satisfying to me to know it wasn't getting back up. Beside me kneeling on the ground, was still Katie. I knew we couldn't have her fighting anymore. She needed to be back at Rousseau's. Many of us needed to. Would Alec ever let up!?

"Come on," I told her, gripping my arm around her tiny waste.

"Wait, where are you taking me?" she questioned.

We were nearly there before she had time to take her next breath. It felt odd, running a human to safety. She was light and featherweight. I helped seat her against a tree before leaving her to return to the others to assist; giving her my sweatshirt to help soak up some of the blood. I left her with Seth. Better to have them together and away from the madness. If Katie was smart - which I had no doubt of - she wouldn't try and be a hero tonight, fighting wounded.
Paul is my little, evil, yellow bundle of joy.

It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable.
— Mr Collins, Pride and Prejudice