
Young Writers Society

Metal Hearts (starting, not accepting)

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:59 pm
Dragonette says...


I snapped my wings open and pushed off. I was happy there was another kid like me, ya know, someone who could "fly".

When I got to the boy's level, I smiled. "Hey, my name is..." it was then that I realized that I didn't have a name. I rubbed my arm and looked around, embarrassed. Suddenly I remembered a special feature on my shoulder. Peaking under my fingers, I made out the number "6". Now I remembered not having a name because...what was it again?...we were only numbers to the people we worked for...yeah, that sounded right. I wonder what my brain will reveal to me next.

I suddenly remembered the boy and I turned back to him. He was looking down at the piles of junk, "big junkyard," he muttered.

I nodded, "huge." I strained my vision and saw that the junk stopped abruptly about a mile away. On the road, past the yard's fence, I watched as a lone truck drove by. Squinting, I saw that it read "Catering" --how did I know how to read anyways?--.
"Catering," I said out loud, smiling.

"What?" the boy asked.

"Catering, call me Caterin..." wait, I didn't want an 'ing' at the end of my name, I'm not Chinese, "er...Kaiter." I smiled again, I liked my new name.


I used my piece of metal to cut open another box. An unconscious body fell out. I layed her gently on the ground and pressed my ear to her chest. Still as a rock. I sighed, "Another dead one."

"This is depressing," I heard a boy with brown hair say. I nodded, but I wouldn't give up! What if there was some more live people in these stacks of boxes? We had to save them! I clenched my metal "knife" in determination and moved on to the next box.
Last edited by Dragonette on Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:02 am, edited 5 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:07 pm
fictionfanatic says...


My eyes snapped open and I looked around frantically.

Where am I!? I thought to myself.

I heard a rip and I started banging against the walls surrounding me.

All of the sudden, I heard voices, and I saw a bright light.

Screaming, I shot upwards and started swinging. Everyone jumped out of the way before they could get hit, and I stopped swinging when I realized my shirt was falling off.

I reached my hand to my back and felt metal layers sticking up. They slowly began to lower.

Holding my shirt to my chest, I looked around for a shirt or something to cover myself. After a minute, I noticed a dead half robot guy laying on the ground wearing a black leather jacket. Feeling a little depressed, I leaned down and pulled it off of him and slid it on, zipping the jacket up and pulling the torn shirt out from underneath. This would have to do for now.

Looking around, I kind of scowled at the people. They looked kind of familiar, but I wasn't exactly sure about who they were, so there was no way I was going to trust them.


I heard a ticking in my head as my eyes slowly opened up. It was very dark and I was practically dying of thirst.

Stretching out my arms, I pushed against the walls and they busted open.

My arms and legs went flying, taking up the extra room now given to me. I stretched out like a cat, sore from the cramped - was I in a box? What the heck?

I saw a bunch of people, people with metal parts, standing there. The girl with a half metal face was scowling at everyone.

"Um, hello everyone." I said, the words feeling strange on my tongue.

I felt like I should have a name. I can't remember though. But I remember always being called a number.

"I'm 89."

My eyes scanned the place we were standing - a junkyard?

"Cool. Junkyard." I said, slowly nodding.

I felt a sudden urge to go swimming or something.

I caught a glimpse of an old paper, most of the ink worn off. It looked like a six year old had written it, but there was a name in the upper right corner.

Plucking it up, I quickly read the name.

"My name is Enzo." Thinking for a second, I nodded and continued "Yeah, that sounds like a cool name."

The girl with a half metal face glimpsed down at a Vogue fashion magazine. A picture of a woman was on it.

The girl read the name underneath and said "I'm number three. But now my name is Gia." She smiled, seeming pleased with her new name."
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:04 pm
Eniarrol says...

Gretal Errr major block so yeah...

I groggily became awake, the darkness seemed to drown me. I went to stretch out my arms only to hit the walls painfully, quickly I changed into a five year old. This was much more comfortable.

Crash, bang, boom. What was going on out there?
I tried punching at the walls of the box but it was no good, my puny five year old arms did nothing to the box.
"Help!" I called out, I think someone must of heard me because a few seconds later, a blade cut through the box to reveal piercing sunlight. After the sunlight cleared, I saw who was my savior. It was a girl about my age at the moment with long blond hair.

"Hello, I'm Adrian" She said brightly.
"I'm uh number 24" I walked along with her to the rest of the group, there were bodies scattered all about the place. It was too much for my five year old body to handle. I laughed at the groups sharp intakes of breath as I changed into a sixteen year old. Though I stopped suddenly when I realized my top of slipping off, there are some things that morphing into future and past versions of yourself can't change, and one of those are clothing.

I pulled a dress off of a dead girl about my age and another from a younger one, just in case. I only just realized then how we all knew eachother. We had been dumped, now that no one wanted us and the sick scientists didn't care that we were once full humans, they didn't care one bit.
A hero isn’t defined by winning. Loads of heroes die in the effort. Most of them never get any recognition. No, a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.

~Previously SweetMoments

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:18 pm
AllyGrLxOX says...


I felt as if I had no air, like all the life was slowly being squeezed out of me. I gasped for breathe as I realized that I was trapped in something, the walls felt cool and hard. I grimaced and decided that I needed to take initative of the situation, breaking out of the box. I didn't pay attention to the aching in my arms as I pushed on the walls of the structure, all I knew was that they needed to come down.


A burst of cool air swept against my face as the walls slammed into the ground with a thud. Sunlight creeped into my eyes as I noticed a tall boy standing over me. I also noticed other kids emerging from boxes, all similiar to mine. All of the kids looked dazed and confused, which was how I probably looked too. That was when I realized that I had no idea who I was, except for the fact that my name was Bree and that I am number seventy nine. However that information seemed irrelevant to me, why should I care about a number?

Suddenly I felt a jolt in my legs as I looked down in horror to see them completley covered in metal. The way the sun reflected ont the metal almost hurt my eyes. This was unnatural, I took a deep breath as I tried to make eye contact with some of the other kids.

"Hi," I said confidently, "I'm Bree."
Yeah you! :D

You should check out my latest novel "Part of the Night!"

Why haven't you clicked on the link yet!

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:07 am
Cspr says...



Darkness wasn't really a pleasant thing to wake up to. It made your eyes hurt and your whole body feel awkward. I reached forward and felt something rough beneath my fingers.
I kicked out a leg and my foot went through the slightly wet material. A few more minutes of clawing and I was out...falling into some sort of puddle.
It smelled like antifreeze. Ugh.

I coughed, thoroughly drenched, and looked around. Everything seemed odd, even if I couldn't tell why. Words like 'junkyard' and 'broken doll' and 'microwave' shot through my brain, but the words had little meaning. I saw other things, moving things.
I blinked and moved to my feet, then towards them--without a thought. I was in their midst seconds later. They all looked odd, too. I couldn't pinpoint it. Their differing features were confusing, though.
But I couldn't say why.

My brain hurt. I knew that.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:55 pm
DaSpetsnaz says...

Inside the box was a horror. It was a person, I think. She was young, about 8, but she was messed up. Her eyes were rolled back in her head and her arms were twisted and broken. I shake her and start yelling, but she won't wake up. A boy comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder. "She's dead, they didn't all make it, and by the way, the name's Eden. Thanks for asking." I hear him say. I note the sarcasm in his voice.

"Nice to meet you, the name's Eli," I say. "So what do we do with the dead ones?" Suddenly, I have an extreme pain in my head, and I grab my head with a hand and a barrel. I could see myself floating away from the world, back in time. I look around me, and I'm in a strange lab. I see two men, and hey! There's Bree! What are they doing? I see them reach in her back and pull out some kind of chip. They through her in a box and move to the next one. I yell some bad words at them, but they don't seem to hear me. They go back to work. After about 10 more times of this, I see myself getting unplugged. Suddenly, I'm going away from there, floating back to my body. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground, Eden staring at me strangely.

"Are you okay?" he asks, he looks scared.

"Yeah, why?" I grimace through the pain now throbbing in my head.

"Um, I don't know? You just threw both hands on your head, yelled some language I didn't like hearing, and then fell over. And you act like none of it happened."

"Oh, just a headache," I say, he doesn't sound convinced.

"Well, just get back to work, there might be survivors in any of these boxes," he said.

I pick up my shard and get back to work, the sun beating down on me. After a while, I have no success, so I decide to go target shooting. That always cools me off from frustration, doesn't it? I don't know, but I go anyway. I put holes in fridges, cars, and even an old chair. I'm about to take out a bird flying by, but that's when I hear the scream.

Fixed first post, just sayin'.
Last edited by DaSpetsnaz on Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:31 pm
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Dragonette says...

>DaSnaz, could you put your character's name at the top of your post? Thanx. (See? I told you I was picky. Lol).<

By the time we got everyone out of the boxes, it was late afternoon and we were all sweating. Out of the fifty-some people, only twelve had survived. It was sad, but I didn't let that slow me down. We needed...well a lot of things. Clothes, shelter, a reason to why we were here and an answer to all of the rest of questions. And, besides, who exactly was "we"?

I looked around at the survivors. Some of them looked really familiar, while others didn't; yet when I looked again, I wasn't so sure. Ugh! This memory losing stuff was getting annoying!

I cleared my throat, "Hey guys?" they turned to look at me. "So, I'm not really sure who you all are, but I get a feeling that we're all kinda...connected." I looked around at everyone's mechanical parts and I guessed that we were all pretty similar. I continued, "So, I'm thinking we're all from the same place: some messed up lab where a bunch of f--" I glanced at a nearby little girl and quickly changed my language, "f--really bad scientists used us as experiments."

The little girl that I had looked at suddenly matured, like, actually became a sixteen-year-old before my eyes. She crossed her arms, "I think I can handle the language."

I blinked, that's not something you see every day. "Oh, uh...sorry. So, anyways, if anyone one has some formation on why we're here, please share it...I kinda...kinda don't remember." I was unsure about telling everyone that I had lost my memory, what would they think?


"Come on, guys!" I called over my shoulder to Lily and Adrian. I paused on another mountain of trash and waited for my new friends to catch up. When the older kids had started talking, we went off to go explore our new...place (I didn't know if it would be considered a home yet).

So far we'd found a bunch of cool stuff. I found a little car with a missing wheel, and a broken robot; Adrain found a coloring book that had already been used in, on most of the pages, and box of markers that was missing the red one; and Lily found a bunch of beads that she planned on stringing together to make a necklace.

When I looked down to the next hill, I saw that it was a big pile of garbage sacks stuffed with..."Clothes!" Lily called, running down the hill as fast as she could with out tripping on the junk.

"Cool!" I said and followed her, it would be fun to get to wear something that had color, unlike the white, cotton lab clothes we had to wear everyday. When I reached the sacks, I ripped one open and pulled out an over-sized long-sleeved shirt. I tied the sleeves around my neck, "I'm super man!" I called, posing.

Adrian giggled, "You mean, Super Cyber."

I smiled.
Last edited by Dragonette on Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:06 am
Eniarrol says...

Gretal I apologize for this being so long :) and also this fairytale is from http://ivyjoy.com/fables/hansel.html

Everyone was combing the junk yeard trying to find anything that would keep us entertained. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a bunch of books stuffed in a crate, I've heard of this! I thought excitedly as I pulled open a fairytale book with pictures of beatiful princess' and princes covering the pages, without noticing I had changed into the five year old from. Just as well,I thought, I would look mental in my sixteen year old self.

Once upon a time a very poor woodcutter lived in a tiny cottage in the forest with his two children, Hansel and Gretel. His second wife often ill-treated the children and was forever nagging the woodcutter.
"There is not enough food in the house for us all. There are too many mouths to feed! We must get rid of the two brats," she declared. And she kept on trying to persuade her husband to abandon his children in the forest.
"Take them miles from home, so far that they can never find their way back! Maybe someone will find them and give them a home." The downcast woodcutter didn't know what to do. Hansel who, one evening, had overheard his parents' conversation, comforted Gretel.
"Don't worry! If they do leave us in the forest, we'll find the way home," he said. And slipping out of the house he filled his pockets with little white pebbles, then went back to bed.
All night long, the woodcutter's wife harped on and on at her husband till, at dawn, he led Hansel and Gretel away into the forest. But as they went into the depths of the trees, Hansel dropped a little white pebble here and there on the mossy green ground. At a certain point, the two children found they really were alone: the woodcutter had plucked up enough courage to desert
them, had mumbled an excuse and was gone.
Night fell but the woodcutter did not return. Gretel began to sob bitterly. Hansel too felt scared but he tried to hide his feelings and comfort his sister.
"Don't cry, trust me! I swear I'll take you home even if Father doesn't come back for us!" Luckily the moon was full that night and Hansel waited till its cold light filtered through the trees.
"Now give me your hand!" he said. "We'll get home safely, you'll see!" The tiny white pebbles gleamed in the moonlight, and the children found their way home. They crept through a half open window, without wakening their parents. Cold, tired but thankful to be home again, they slipped into bed.
Next day, when their stepmother discovered that Hansel and Gretel had returned, she went into a rage. Stifling her anger in front of the children, she locked her bedroom door, reproaching her husband for failing to carry out her orders. The weak woodcutter protested, torn as he was between shame and fear of disobeying his cruel wife. The wicked stepmother kept Hansel and Gretel under lock and key all day with nothing for supper but a sip of water and some hard bread. All night, husband and wife quarreled, and when dawn came, the woodcutter led the children out into the forest.
Hansel, however, had not eaten his bread, and as he walked through the trees, he left a trail of crumbs behind him to mark the way. But the little boy had forgotten about the hungry birds that lived in the forest. When they saw him, they flew along behind and in no time at all, had eaten all the crumbs. Again, with a lame excuse, the woodcutter left his two children by
"I've left a trail, like last time!" Hansel whispered to Gretel, consolingly. But when night fell, they saw to their horror, that all the crumbs had gone.
"I'm frightened!" wept Gretel bitterly. "I'm cold and hungry and I want to go home!"
"Don't be afraid. I'm here to look after you!" Hansel tried to encourage his sister, but he too shivered when he glimpsed frightening shadows and evil eyes around them in the darkness. All night the two children huddled together for warmth at the foot of a large tree.
When dawn broke, they started to wander about the forest, seeking a path, but all hope soon faded. They were well and truly lost. On they walked and walked, till suddenly they came upon a strange cottage in the middle of a glade.
"This is chocolate!" gasped Hansel as he broke a lump of plaster from the wall.
"And this is icing!" exclaimed Gretel, putting another piece of wall in her mouth. Starving but delighted, the children began to eat pieces of candy broken off the cottage.
"Isn't this delicious?" said Gretel, with her mouth full. She had never tasted anything so nice.
"We'll stay here," Hansel declared, munching a bit of nougat. They were just about to try a piece of the biscuit door when it quietly swung open.
"Well, well!" said an old woman, peering out with a crafty look. "And haven't you children a sweet tooth?"
"Come in! Come in, you've nothing to fear!" went on the old woman. Unluckily for Hansel and Gretel, however, the sugar candy cottage belonged to an old witch, her trap for catching unwary victims. The two children had come to a really nasty place.
"You're nothing but skin and bones!" said the witch, locking Hansel into a cage. I shall fatten you up and eat you!"
"You can do the housework," she told Gretel grimly, "then I'll make a meal of you too!" As luck would have it, the witch had very bad eyesight, an when Gretel smeared butter on her glasses, she could see even less.
"Let me feel your finger!" said the witch to Hansel every day to check if he was getting any fatter. Now, Gretel had brought her brother a chicken bone, and when the witch went to touch his finger, Hansel held out the bone.
"You're still much too thin!" she complained. When will you become plump?" One day the witch grew tired of waiting.
"Light the oven," she told Gretel. "We're going to have a tasty roasted boy today!" A little later, hungry and impatient, she went on: "Run and see if the oven is hot enough." Gretel returned, whimpering: "I can't tell if it is hot enough or not." Angrily, the witch screamed at the little girl: "Useless child! All right, I'll see for myself." But when the witch bent down to peer inside the oven and check the heat, Gretel gave her a tremendous push and slammed the oven door shut. The witch had come to a fit and proper end. Gretel ran to set her brother free and they made quite sure that the oven door was tightly shut behind the witch. Indeed, just to be on the safe side, they fastened it firmly with a large padlock. Then they stayed for several days to
eat some more of the house, till they discovered amongst the witch's belongings, a huge chocolate egg. Inside lay a casket of gold coins.
"The witch is now burnt to a cinder," said Hansel, "so we'll take this treasure with us." They filled a large basket with food and set off into the forest to search for the way home. This time, luck was with them, and on the second day, they saw their father come out of the house towards them, weeping.
"Your stepmother is dead. Come home with me now, my dear children!" The two children hugged the woodcutter.
"Promise you'll never ever desert us again," said Gretel, throwing her arms round her father's neck. Hansel opened the casket.
"Look, Father! We're rich now . . . You'll never have to chop wood again."
And they all lived happily together ever after.

I wish my life was like a fairytale, always living happily ever after. From now on I am going to be called Gretal.
A hero isn’t defined by winning. Loads of heroes die in the effort. Most of them never get any recognition. No, a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.

~Previously SweetMoments

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:28 am
Undertaker says...


I started to look around while the older people talked. I had tried to listen in the beginning but then I got bored and distracted by looking around. Suddenly I heard someone whisper my name, it was Cy and Lily. As soon as I looked them they mentioned for me to follow them.

When we were far enough they told me that they wanted to explore the junkyard, to see what interesting things that they could find. After wondering around for a few minutes we all found something. I found this really cool coloring book that had some pictures left in it and a box of markers. It was missing the red one, but that's okay.

We hiked up a junk hill when next thing I know, Lily screamed something about clothes and took off down the hill; Cy was down after her in a heartbeat. I ran down after them and looked though the clothes, to see if anything would fit me. Cy pulled up a long sleeve shirt and tied it around his neck and stated that he was Superman. I giggled, but corrected him. He was Super Cyber. He smiled and then we all began laughing.

I continued digging through the pile when I found a button up white shirt. Sure there were a couple stains and it was a little too big, but it worked. “I'll be right back.” I said to them as I walked behind a pile junk. I change out of my old shirt and then put on the other one. Perfect. I walked back around and smiled at them. “Come on, let's keep looking around!” Lily said. We all nodded happily and then took off and a random direction.

I never remember having this much fun...ever.
"Show me a "first rate laugh"."

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:15 pm
DaSpetsnaz says...

As soon as I hear the scream I'm going up the hill. My legs are moving as fast as I can, which is kind of hard considering one of my legs is bent. By the time I get to the top of the hill I survey my surroundings. I look until I find what the commotion is about. A few of the survivors, I still don't know their names, are crouched over something. I run to where they are, my heart pounding. When I finally reach them, I realize that it was a scream of joy. Because no-one's hurt. They're crouched over a bag of clothes! I reach in and grab the first thing I find, an old, slightly ripped, tee-shirt. I slip off my rag I'm wearing and slip it on.

I realize that it's way too big. The sleeves go to my elbow and the bottom goes to my knee. I hear some laughs and I laugh too. I slip it off and throw it to the side. I reach back in and grab one more my size. A little big, but it will do. I find a pair of old jeans and grab them. "Stay here," I say as I run behind a fridge. I quickly change and run back. We regroup and we head up the hill. At the top is the rest of the survivors, I count 12. Not that many, but enough. I see Bree and I smile. All of a sudden I hear a voice start to talk.

"Hey guys?" I hear her say. "So, I'm not really sure who you all are, but I get a feeling that we're all kinda...connected." I loo around and see all the metal parts and I have to agree with her. She explains how she thinks we came from the lab and she ends by asking, "Oh, uh...sorry. So, anyways, if anyone has some information on why we're here, please share it...I kinda...kinda don't remember."

I think to my flashback and I speak up. "Earlier today I had a major flashback," I say, looking over at Eden. "I saw that we did come from a lab, and I saw them, there were two of them, reach into all of our backs and take out some kind of chip. I'm not sure if that's why we lost our memory, but that's all I know." I walk over and sit next to Bree, the only open spot left, since the girls wings took my spot. I almost forgot to mention this to them. I raise my voice over the talking. "Oh, and by the way, my name's Eli."
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:00 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Lily I'm a bit lost...

"Hey, look at this! maybe it'll fit you, Adrian." I said, gently removing an old-fashioned poodle skirt with a bleach spot from a dead girl. She grabbed it from me. I held the empty water bottle tightly in my other hand.

"It's so pretty!" She exclaimed.

"We should go back up, to make sure they don't leave without us." Cy says. I nodded, grabbing their hands and rushing up the big hill.

"Oh, and by the way, my name's Eli." I hear a boy say. He glanced over at me, no doubt at the rags on my ragged body. "Grab some clothes." He commanded. I rushed to the crowded pile, finding a gray, boring, worn out dress.

"Thank you." I said to the boy, Eli.

"We're all a team, now. Who are you?"

"Lily. This is Cy, and Adrian." I explained to him. he nodded.

"Get some clothes for... Cy, too." When was seeming to establish himself as a leader. Whatever, I would follow him. Cy grabbed an old shirt and shorts.

I left from sight to change. When I returned, Everyone was talking again.

"So here is about what happened, from what I can tell- we were controlled by scientists, thrown out, and we were the only ones who lived." Someone else said.

"I think so, Gretal." Eli admitted.

I glanced around with frightened eyes. "But now what?" I asked quietly, hoping someone heard me.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:32 pm
Cspr says...



"Shouldn't we go back?" I asked, glancing sideways at the thing beside me. I think it was called a girl. "To the scientists?" I shivered and scooted over a bit more. "I mean..." Something about me felt wrong. I think the term was short-circuiting. Yeah. That was it. "They said if I got lost to go back."

((Poor guy. He doesn't understand. Ha ha. >:p ))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:42 pm
AllyGrLxOX says...


I looked around at everyone that was gathered around the box of clothes sketptically. Some of them I thought I'd met before, but something was blocking all my memories. I scowled as I tried to remain calm and asked, "Could we possibly share everything we know? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's having a total brain freeze and quite frankly I don't like it."

Someone said something about some wacked scientists, then another kid suggested that we go back to them. I stood up frusterated as I looked at everyone.

"Go back to them?" I tried to hold back a laugh, "No. We can not go back to them, I mean I'm pretty sure those creepy scientists were the ones that did this to us." I pointed to my leg, "I may not remember much, but this...this metal on my leg is not natural!" I took a second to point to my head, "I also can't remember anything! That's also not supposed to happen!"

The boy who had been seated next to me, Eli, stood up and tried to calm me down as he began to say, "Why don't we all just suggest ideas and claim some clothes? I'm sure everyone would love to get out of these rags if you haven't already."

I sighed and slumped to the ground, shortly afterward everyone was in a new thing of clothes and was ready to talk.
Yeah you! :D

You should check out my latest novel "Part of the Night!"

Why haven't you clicked on the link yet!

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:21 pm
Apple says...

First day of senior school yesterday, sorry I didn't post. Anywho...here I am! You've guys have been busy so I hope this works. I don't exactly know what is happening so I didn't move it along much. I know, I am horrible.

EDIT: You know, I'm gonna move it along a little. Just a tad. :D


Slinging headphones over my shoulders, I glanced at dirt specked mirror in front of me. It was horrible, I looked young, like I had a baby face! Leaning in closer, I squinted heavily so that lines suddenly nested around my olive green eyes. Instantly I looked a few years old. It didn't help that I was short either. Maybe...I grabbed at the lose peice of material I had been tugging after me and slung it over my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I glanced up to see Kaiter staring at me. Oh right, she was the other one that could fly.

"Nothing..." I trailed away, my cheeks turning pinkish. Well what would you do? An attractive girl finds you placing a dirty looking sheet over your shoulders so you can look tall. I don't know about you, but if I wasn't in such a predicament, I'd let the rockets in my boots take over and fly as far away as possible!

Pulling the sheet more over my metal booted legs, might as well finish what I started, I let my feet leave the ground so that I now towereed over Kaiter.

"Are you sure, because it doesn't look like nothing, Eden's Pharamacy!" she said with a laugh. "Now are you coming to see the others, you've been searching through the trash for forever!"

Eden's Pharmacy?! She must've sensed my confusion because she immediatly pointed to the large, orange sheet covering my shoulders. I glanced down to see blurry red letters all joining to say that exact word. Naturally I gasped and flung it off thought not before realising I was still hovering a foot off of the ground.

"We can call you Eden!" she suggested, her blonde hair jumping in the wind. "Or Pharamacy, what ever that is?"


The sun was blistering hot. I don't see how the others were coping because I was practically using everyone's hands just to keep me cool. For the seventh time in one minute, Kaiter pulled her hand out of my grip as I tried to fan myself with it. Grabbing at Bree, who was also the unfortunate person to sit next to me, I didn't even get close to fanning myself becayse she had already pulled her hand away.

With a groan I flopped back onto the dirt mounded ground and pushed a blonde lock out of my eyes.

"C'mon Eden, you're the only that hasn't placed any input in." I glanced up to see Eli staring at me, his face flustered with red blotches.

Alright, someone other then me was also hot! He just showed managed to show a little more restraint and kept it to himself. Wasn't he a macho-man?! I grinned at him nonetheless and shrugged. Lucky...person...so...tall!!!

"Well, we could try and build a shelter. You guys are worrying about some scientists but what about us? Did you guys already build one or am I behind the times? Because, if you haven't, I think I got the perfect place!" I said, rocking onto my back, I lunged to my feet.
I spy!

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30 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1713
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Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:03 pm
Dragonette says...

>Sorry it's so long<

I searched through the pile of clothes for something to wear. Finally, I found a garbage bag that seemed to be contained of clothes my size. I rummaged through some of it, but none of it seemed to fit my style. Im normally not picky, but I draw a line at pink and sparkly. So I moved on to another pile. After digging some more, I spotted some stuff that was my size and grabbed it.

Looking around for a place to change, I spotted Cy behind an old basketball hoop backboard. He was struggling to pull a polo shirt over his head. I smiled and walked over. With a quick yank I had the striped shirt over his blond head. "Thanks," he said, with a smile that lit up the place. That smile...it seemed so familure. I felt like I had a special connection to this kid and I vowed to watch over him and protect him from now on.

With Cy out, I slipped behind the backboard and pulled on my clothes. When I came back around, I was wearing a black tanktop, baggy tan pants (I think they were boys) and camo boots that were a little to big, but they worked. I grabbed an old bandana and tied it around my stringy blond hair, and then tied a belt around my waist. Perfect. Now to fix my wings. I grabbed a broken piece of glass and walked up to Gia. Turning my back to her, I lifted up my hair and said, "Hey, do you think you could cut a hole in my shirt for my wings?"

I was about to hand her the glass but she held up her hand as a pocket knife grew out of her finger, "I've got it covered," she said. I shrugged and let her do her work.

When everyone had finished getting dressed, we sat around in a circle and gave our oppinions on what to do. "Well, we could try and build a shelter," Eden said. I nodded, it sounded like a good plan, and something to keep our minds off of the heat. Eden continued, "You guys are worrying about some scientists but what about us? Did you guys already build one or am I behind the times? Because, if you haven't, I think I got the perfect place!"

Eden raced off and I stood up to go after him, "He's got a point. I think we should follow." I said to the rest. So we all took after him. When we finally caught up to him (I think he forgot that not everyone as super powered legs), I saw that he was right, he did have a perfect spot.

There was a flat, cleared off area that looked like it would be a perfect spot to build a house. I nodded, "Ok guys, this does look like a good place to start, so we might as well start building it while there's day light." I looked around, everybody was nodding their heads and seeming to agree. "Ok, Eden, you and me can fly about the junk yard to look for things that my be needed. Boards, wide, flat palates for walls, bedding, and stuff like that. Bree and Eli, could you guys help us get the suplies back here after we've located it? Achillies and Gia, I need you guys to stay here to help set everything up and put it together."

"What about us?" Cy called standing next to Lily and Adrian.

"Lily can stay with Gia and Achillies to help set up. You and Adrian can search the ground for smaller things that we might need inside the house. Flashlights and lamps, bowls and silverwear, blankets, cabnets and stuff like that. Enzo will help you and aprove of the things you find." I glanced at Enzo and he nodded. "Does that sound good to everybody? Good." I looked at Eden, "Ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded and we shot into the air. But before I left I heard someone say, "Who put her in charge?" I turned around to see who had said that, and thought I saw Eli look guilty, but I couldn't be sure.
>I hope I got everybody<
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

Adventure is worthwhile.
— Aesop