
Young Writers Society

The Rangers of Evandor

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:45 am
Soup6647 says...


Giun took a deep breath. He sat on a large flat stone, his legs tucked underneath his short muscular frame. His hands rested in his lap, and he slowly let out a calming breath. Then he stretched out with his senses, letting his magic flow from him like water. He allowed it to spill out from him, flowing over the ground and going out from all around.

He could feel every stone. The thousands of tiny pebbles that spread out from him. Every blade of grass and ant which crawled along its surface. All of these things affected the earth, they sent vibrations through the ground. He could also feel the camp nearby. Hundreds of soldiers and horses moved to and fro, their feet sending rumblings through the earth that were like giant flares to the old dwarf.

Boom The sound was almost soft, none obtrusive, but the old Dwarf paused at it still the same. It was a deep noise, heavy and solid, as if a hundred beings moved as one. Boom The sound came again. Echoing through the earth.

So they come a soft voice said in his head. Guin didn't move, he remained in his mediative stance. The air also sings the smooth voice said again, Wings beat in the air.

Guin sighed and slowly opened his one good eye and turned his head toward Nhara. The dark griffin was eying him carefully, her gaze alert and watchful. "Is it not as I said?" Guin asked, "I told them the Orcs would come again. The first attack was just a test, they were feeling out our defenses, and yet our leaders call it a victory." He paused, considering his words before slowly admitting, "Yet they were not totally foolish and were ready for this attack."

With a disgusted snort the old dwarf slowly stood to his feet. He reached to his back and pulled out the poleaxe, flipping it around in his hand. Then he slowly placed the handle on the ground and watched with an amused grin as the orc forces swept forward. A sudden shriek pierced the air and giant black dragon swept down from above, billows of smoke pouring out of its nostrils. His one good eye could see the dragon clearly, while his other eye could see the magic surrounding the beast. It pulsed with heat and flames.

Here they come old man, Nhara said, What should we do?

"Watch," Guin replied, "Lets see what the young ones do and go from there." It didn't surprise him that it didn't take long for the younger rangers to join the battle. Dragons fell from the sky, and the smell of smoke and burning flesh filled the air. Griffins and Rangers also fell. Guin watched one Ranger and her Griffin take on a large black dragon. As Guin watched them battle he sensed the end before it even came. Seconds later the Griffin and rider fell to the ground, a trail of smoking following their fall.

"A Royal Dragon," Guin spat as he watched the large beast retreat higher into the skies.

Its hiding amongst the clouds Nhara commented.

"Its trying to draw out more Rangers, get them to come to it so it can finish them off," Guin muttered, "I just hope none take the bait."

Should have kept your mouth shut Nhara muttered as a young looking Griffin and rider suddenly shot up towards the clouds after the Royal Dragon.

"Damn these young Rangers," Guin growled, "What are they thinking!" He turned to Nhara who was already on her feet. "Lets go after them, if there is anything a Dwarf knows it is a dragon."

Nhara let out a screech as she hopped over to Guin and allowed the Dwarf, with some trouble, to get on her back. Your not going to be able to do this soon old man she said with a slightly mocking air.

"Just shut up, I know I am old," Guin snapped as he righted himself, "Now lets get going." The old dwarf nearly fell of as Nhara took off. She may be a lot of things, but she was easily one of the fastest Griffins around. She shot forward, magic spiraling from her wings, allowing her to go faster. Guin just gritted his teeth, he hated flying.

They soared into the air, weaving and waving, their eyes alert for the royal dragon and its pursuers. It didn't take them long to find them. The young griffin and its rider were struggling to dodge as the Royal Dragon spat out large gouts of flame. They need help, and fast Nhara said.

"I can see that," Guin growled, "Just get us closer." He swore under his breath as the Royal Dragon swooped down, its giant teeth lashing out. The young Griffin barley managed to dodge, just avoiding the sharp teeth and swooping out of the way. A sudden shriek echoed through the sky and a Griffin went soaring by, its sharp talons raked across the Dragon's face, tearing a gaping hole in its skin.

Alden! Guin heard Nhara gasp, but he wasn't listening. As she flew by he got ready to leap. Now was a good time to die he figured, better sooner then later.

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:12 am
Loller65 says...

Alistair ducked low and lay flat against Alejandro's back to keep from getting fried from another blast of flame.

"Yow! Couldn't you duck a little lower a little sooner?"

Oh, but sir. That would take the excitement out of it.

Alistair sighed and sat back up, simultaneously pulling his axe from its sheath on Alejandro's harness. He gripped the slender axe near the bottom of the handle and readied it for their next pass. Alejandro blasted away another cloud and the dragon rushed towards them, fire issuing from its mouth. Alejandro rolled under it and turned at a nearly ninety-degree angle in mid-air and Alistair lobbed the axe through the air. It embedded itself near the base of the thing's wing. It took no notice. Swearing, he steered Alejandro away from the dragon.

"We need a better strategy."

The dragon returned to a massive cloud bank, and the gryphon and his rider circled through the air, a few thousand feet above the ground.

Do you see him, sir?

Alistair sighed.


They continued to circle about, the wind blowing softly across their faces. Suddenly, they heard a massive bellow and from below came the dragon. It rocketed towards them, mouth open, revealing row upon row of viciously sharp teeth. Alejandro banked hard to the left, narrowly missing the creature's massive bite.

Sir, I think he's decided to take the offensive.

"You think?!?!"

Alistair pointed Alejandro towards the earth and broke into a steep dive to avoid the dragon. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Alden. He thanked his various deities and swooped around to join him in taking down the dragon.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:47 pm
Sunshine says...


"What now?" I ask Vlor as he swoops lower and lower.

Um, let me think. More fighting?

I roll my eyes. I loved Vlor but he could seriously get on my nerves sometimes. Ok, so ALL the time.

"I know that. I mean where should we go?"

Vlorine looks around, his hawk like eyes scanning the grounds.


I peer over in the direction of Vlorine's eyes. Orcs were marching, dozens after dozens of them. I whistle.

"Who would have thought? I thought we knocked out enough over at Trinity but..."

It's a shock.

I nod breathlessly. I'm not sure if my lack of air was from fear or excitment. Vlorine could read my mind easily and sometimes it was eerie. He knew what I meant and I know, despite his cookiness, he agreed. Vlorine jerks up, flying slightly over the orcs. I pull out my bow shooting one after another.

You ready to go down?

I sigh, grasping the saddle.

"If you must."

'Corse I do.

He swoops down, attacking the orc's with his beak. I grasp on, fear and adrenaline rushing through me. This was the worst part of the battle, when Vlorine had to prove himself. He was apparently the best beak fighter in the reigon, but that could be a bost. Beak fighting was scary. I was so close to the orc's I could feel their foul stench on my cheek. I felt myself begin to sway, and I hold on tight aganist the saddle's jerks. Suddenly I saw a dragon sway above our fighting, two griffins and riders chasing after it. My adreniline shoots up and I nudge Vlor.

"Look at that dragon!"

It was brighter and more regal looking than the others. I wonder if...Vlor shoots up and we rocket after the dragon in a whirl.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:14 am
Soup6647 says...


Giun let out a soft chuckle as he braced himself. "Ready Nhara." The Griffin merely snorted in reply. "Glad you here to support me," Giun answered with a rich laugh.

Nhara didn't answer. As Alden swept around the Dragon turned to follow. With a shriek it opened its mouth and spewed out a large stream of fire. Alden turned and flipped, narrowly avoiding the burst of flames as he suddenly dived down, the dragon following close behind. Giun watched the movements, allowing his body to sway in rhythm with the dragon as it followed Alden.

"There," he whispered, and without even a moments hesitation he leapt into the air.

For a second it didn't seem like anything happened. He was merely floating in mid air. His body was weightless. And then he was falling. With a grunt Giun flipped himself around and dived, plummeting down as Alden streaked by underneath him, the great dragon following close behind. "Ancestors," Giun whispered in a silent prayer...

He slammed into the dragons back. Giun was almost catapulted up as the great beast let out a roar, its body shaking as it tried to dislodge the small being. With a grunt Giun grabbed a hold of the dragons back, its sharp scales dug into his hands, causing little rivets of blood to roll down his arm. Raising his poleaxe with one hand he brought the blade part down hard, slicing through the dragons scales and lodging into its flesh.

The beast let out a roar, and momentarily distracted, Alden used the moment to quickly vanish into the clouds. Then the dragon flipped. It rolled, trying to shake off the annoying little pest. Giun merely clung onto the handle of his weapon, thanking the ancestors it was lodged in so well. The dragon shook again, diving low and spinning in an effort to loose him. Grunting from the effort Giun just held on tighter, his blood wet hands nearly slipped a couple of times but he clung on for dear life.

A sudden shriek shook the air, and the young Griffin and its rider - Alistair and Alejandro - came hurtling down from above. The Griffin went for the dragons underbelly when it was flipping. Raking alongside its stomach with its claws as the young man swung his axe hard, sending a gout of blood streaming into the air. The dragon turned to fight them, a bellow of rage echoing from its mouth as it snapped at the attackers with its teeth.

"Good job kids," Giun muttered as he stood up and yanked his blade from the dragons flesh. He quickly took off at a run, speeding up along the dragons back and heading for the base of its neck. It payed little attention to him as it was mainly focused on the young griffin at its rider. As he neared the base of the dragons neck he hefted his poleaxe and brought it down hard again and again.

With a painful cry the Royal dragon shuddered, momentarily loosing altitude as its wing slumped a bit. Giun struck again, hitting the base of the creatures neck, going for the nerves that ran along the entire body. He was so focused he missed the Dragon's head turning around, its sharp teeth struck out at him, and he barley managed to leap to the side, barely missing the main attack and only being dealt a glancing blow.

Still he felt a couple of the Dragon's teeth sink through his armor and into his flesh. "Maybe I am getting to old for this," He muttered as he tried to stand. The Dragon however flipped again, and with nothing to hold onto Giun fell.

He didn't fall far however. Alejandro and Alistair were close by. The Griffin swooped in, one of its claws closed around Giun's arm, holding him just long enough for Nhara to catch up. As Alejandro let go Giun fell back onto Nhara's back. He gave a nod of thanks to the young Rangers as they turned toward the great dragon who was trying to fly away, obviously severely wounded.

"Let's finish this!" Alistair cried with a whoop. Giun only smiled. Oh to be young again.

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Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:05 am
Griffinkeeper says...

It had taken a little more time than she had liked, but the platoon finally began to advance. Ria charged ahead to where Fae was.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Fae said casually, firing another arrow. Ria ignored it.

"Have you seen any sign of the chieftain?"

"Nothing so far; otherwise he would be dead."

"I'll try and flush him out. Let me know if Xander spots him," Ria said quietly. Then she turned to Lt. Jensen.

"Assign a squad to protect Fae, the rest are with me," Ria said. Then, she advanced towards the Orcs. They saw her and advanced, but Ria wasn't afraid. Designed to cut through dragon skin, the Ranger blade had been enchanted to cut through even the hardest of materials. Cutting through an orc sword, armor, and finally flesh, was no harder than moving a hot knife through butter.

At first the orcs came charging at her; but as she continued to easily cut them down, they began to run away from her. When they shot arrows at her, she would form an air shield and hide behind that. Then Xander would come and blast them with air magic, so that Ria could continue advancing. Eventually, only one orc came to challenge her; the chieftain.

Their blades clashed, but the Chieftains blade was likewise enchanted. The battle would be fought on even terms.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:41 am
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PhoenixBishop says...


The Phoenix stood by her window now dressed in the common Ranger attire. She did not much like the feeling of clothing on her borrowed skin and would have liked something a little more airy, but appearances had to maintained even if it were uncomfortable. The door to her chamber burst open and Knox strolled in looking more annoyed then usual.

‘My lady, I implore you to reconsider your choice. Bella is just as plain and has twice the maturity of Veriladine.

“Do not question my choices Knox. Now kindly let her in.”

Knox bowed with a small scowl still on his face. “You may come in now and see her.”

The young gryhon pranced in looking around with wide eyes. “Where is she?”

“I am here,” the Phoenix said approaching Veriladine.

Veriladine looked skeptical. “Prove it!”

“The Phoenix is not some show pony doing tricks you insolent little. . .”

“Silence Knox,” The Phoenix said emphasizing her words with a burst of fire that surrounded her. “I do not have much time to give you exact details, but for the time being I must pass off as a Ranger. You will be my gryphon and you will call me Dalia. No one else is to know about who I really am. Is that clear?

Veriladine nodded.

“Good,” the Phoenix said.

Knox cleared his throat. “It would seem the battling has not come to an end as we first believed. I suggest the new Rider enter the fray of battle. While in battle you can choose those you think would be vital for the mission.”

The Phoenix nodded at Knox’s logic.

“The that is what we shall do. Veriladine I hoped you have been practicing n combat. We are about to enter the thick of things
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:24 pm
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MilkNCookies says...

Diane(Is the Phoenix and Diane going to be able to communicate mentally eventually?)

"I'm not the best, but I've been practicing." I admitted. "But I am the best flier."

She sighed. "That will have to suffice." She cautiously climbed onto my back. "The fighting is due north from here.Good bye, Knox. Wish me luck." She reminded me.

"I know, I know-Dalia." I caught myself before saying Phoenix. I pushed off from the ground, streaming against the wind.

"It might take a little while. The wind is strong- but I'll go the best I can." I said to her. She put her head down to get away from the strong winds. I glanced back at her- she seemed to be enjoying it. For the fun of it, I spiraled down and gently floated back up. I didn't bother looking back at her. Her laughter showed me she was having the time of her life.

"Can you see if?" She asked, looking into the distance.

"No, but I can smell the fighting even from here. They're not doing so good. I think there's a royal dragon there."

"Oy. We're going to have to help."

"Phe-Dalia! I can't fight one of those. I'm not that good. He'll have me in an instant."

"Well, then, I guess Knox was right. I though I got a griffin, not a cat." She admitted casual. I closed my claws tightly.

"I'm not a scardy-cat, but I'm not about to put your life in danger." I replied.

"Then why don't we just go back, so I can get another griffin?" She asked me. I shook my head. I flew even faster.

It took me a minute to understand what she did. "Curses." I grumbled. Now, even I could see the fighting. It was only a half of a mile away. I waited for her commands.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:10 am
untameabletiger says...

(Could someone possibly bring me in? )

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:21 am
Griffinkeeper says...

(OOC: Tiger, check your PM's.)
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:23 am
Loller65 says...

Alistair shot past Giun, who was prodding at the wound on his arm. He grabbed the shield off his back and slid his sword from its sheath.

Well, sir? What do we do?

Alistair thought for a moment, before receiving a flash of inspiration.

"Can you use wind magic to boost us up ahead of the dragon?"

Alejandro nodded grimly before blasting forward at a breakneck speed. They gained slowly on the fleeing dragon before getting several hundred feet ahead of it, at which point Alejandro banked sharply and barreled headfirst towards the dragon. It roared and fired a blast of bright orange flame at the two, who veered up and narrowly avoided it. Then, Alistair leaped off of Alejandro and plunged towards the dragon's head, intent to stab it through the skull. It jerked its head towards him as he came near and knocked him aside. He was falling.

The chute, sir! The chute!

Alistair pulled a cord near his midsection and felt himself jerk upwards as the parachute deployed. Alejandro flew up beside him and glided around him. Alistair reached out and grabbed the gryphon's saddle and pulled himself aboard before using magic to re-pack his chute.

"Alright, let's try that again..."

And with that, the duo shot skyward once more.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:28 am
ScarlettFire says...

Lóriel & Súlion - Hovering Over The Battlefield:

Súlion's steep climb eventually levelled out and I got a good look at the battle below us. It was chaos. Young Rangers were falling every second and I saw the reason why. There was a very large dragon here. I swallowed, looking down at my Griffin. "Súlion?"

Yes, Lóriel? Súlion's mental voice was full of curiousity as he kept us hovering almost in the clouds. I sighed, looking towards where I'd last seen the dragon. It was gone now. I looked around frantically. Where was it? Lóriel? Are you alright? You seem startled... The Griffin's voice trailed off as another Rider flew past. It was quickly followed by a large dragon, and another Rider--this time the Rider was a Dwarf. I blinked, startled.

Súlion! He twisted into a dive then leveled out about a few miles below the dragon and the two riders. "Was that a Royal Dragon?" I panted, holding onto the saddle tightly. "Please tell me it wasn't..."

There was a slight pause as my Griffin caught his bearings and turned to watch the fight. I'm afraid you are correct, Lóriel.... That is a Royal Dragon. I swore, drawing another arrow and notching it in my bow. Wonderful. Just what we needed. Shaking my head, I looked down just in time to see Lady Ria engage in combat with the Orc Cheiftain. Oh, gods.

"Súlion," I called. "Do you see this? Lady Ria found the Orc Cheiftain." Súlion didn't answer at first, dropping us further down, towards the battle on the ground. Yes, it was Lady Ria. I sighed. I see this. Súlion finally rumbled in reply. Shall we help her? I frowned, watching the other Ranger for a moment and then drew back on my bow. A moment later and I loosed the arrow. It struck the Cheiftain in the back, high up in the shoulder. "I don't see why not..." I muttered, drawing and notching another arrow. Súlion didn't wait for the command--he just dived.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:16 pm
Redfang18 says...

Name: Zandrew "Archangel" Secreta
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Elf
Appearance: Bronze skin, golden eyes, red hair, athelic body build, and black clothes.
Weapons: Dagger, sais, and pendant(the latter is under the shirt, for protection).
Personality: Reservitive, but empathatic to those who are wounded and often crazy at the worst of situations.
History: Zandrew was actually a twin who lost his sibling- and his sanity- at the age of five. Highly skilled in healing and offensive water magic, Zandrew knows no boundries in battle. Half the time since his twin brother's death, Zandrew kept quite about his sorrow and could be seen doing something absolutely crazy; the other half was used for healing anyone who is and was wounded. He learned how to use sais and daggers from his mother three days after his twin's untimely death, but was given a pendant and griffen egg on his sixth birthday by a total stranger who claimed to have a way to resurrect his twin and regain his sanity. He wears a reserve to protect his true expression and hide his mad(crazy) face.

Name: Silver Mirroreye
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Silver wings, golden head, black fur, blue eyes, and yellow beak.
Skills: Telepthic communication, look around using reflective surfaces, and whirlwinds.
Personality:Sensitive towards her master and protective of his well-being.
History: Since her birth, Silver was devoted to Zandrew and treated him like he was a fellow griffen. Despite being born mute, she communicates with Zandrew without breaking the silence like she was his twin. Aware of her master's insanity, she vowed to his mother that Zandrew would remain alive to keep the memory of his deceased twin running. Silver also keeps count of the years she and her master have been paired, but little is known to both of them of why they were paired up in the first place. She keeps a weather-eye on her master during battle, since that is where he throws away his safety and does something crazy enough to- most likely- kill somebody. So far, it's been twelve years since they left the village to pursue the stranger that brought them together and Zandrew hasn't lost his sanity. Yet.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:59 pm
Pundit says...

You're new, but this is a bad idea. The last post was Feb 10. This is a dead storybook. Plus, if they have alredy started, it is a good to ask if it's okay to join.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:23 pm
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Griffinkeeper says...

1) The storybook isn't considered dead if it is in this forum. Dead storybooks are in the Storybook Archives.

2) You are absolutely welcome to join and bring new life into the story. I'll write with you, even if we're the only two writing.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:09 am
PhoenixBishop says...

I suppose we can try to revive this. I'll send everyone a pm.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


"Be yourself" is not advice. It's an existential crisis waiting to happen.
— Hank Green