
Young Writers Society

The Hunger Games 2 - Accepting

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:10 pm
Calligraphy says...

Unless I missed something this looks good!

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:49 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Name: Denzo

Age: 16

Gender: One girl/guy per district. Guy

District: 8

Appearance/Picture: He looks much like his sister with fire red hair that is shoulder length and perfectly smooth. He has a very light complexion from not going outside much. He is actually very muscular from his daily workout routine of hundreds of pushups and lifting heavy boxes while helping out around the shop.

History: Denzo has always been very close to his younger sister, always wanting to protect her at all costs. In fact, his need to protect her actually was the reason why he's in the games. She was picked by chance, while he volunteered to replace the guy tribute from the district. He never wanted to be in the games, but now that he is, he will do anything to make sure Clara makes it to the end and wins.

At home, he always preferred to be the heavy lifter in the family and did all the grunt work of the family. From doing this, he ended up getting very muscular, even though he never really went outside much. In the training, he was good with any weapon that called for extreme strength. Problem is, he wasn't good at anything else.

Skills: Massive strength. Brutal with any weapon that requires huge amounts of strength to weild.

Weaknesses: Not much endurance. No survival skills. Slow.

Personality: He is 100% loyal to his sister and his sister only. Everyone else is a threat to her life, and thus an enemy to him. He is very nice to Clara, he even can be very caring and tender with her. With anyone else, he is a big ball of anger and unstoppable muscle.

Up For Alliances?: Only with sister. Will take some convincing with anyone else.

Your Symbol: A piece of fabric given to him by Clara.

How much are you willing to post 1-10 (10 being once a week 1 being a few times a day): 1-2

Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:15 pm
Calligraphy says...

We are starting. Please, post about the reaping (this isn't just a please it is kind of required.) You can post about training if you wish. But, by your first post you should be in the arena. So the first posts will be kind of long. Right now I am making a post of who will die first. Later I will add computer characters. In the beging you can kill computer characters, but not overly.

Thanks for being awesome,

A. S>

P.S. the list of who will die is always at the bottom of my first post. The one where I explain everything.

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:39 pm
ultraviolet says...

Ilaina Mick

Everyone was silent as we stood in groups on reaping day. Roped off by age, kids of all sizes stood unnaturally still, trembling, and some were bawling. But for the most part we just stood.

The smell of saltwater was in the air, like it always was. The sun was shining and a cool breeze floated through the air. It would have been perfect if it was any other day. But that was the point; it wasn't any other day.

I was afraid, terrified. Not just for me, but for Fessa, my little brother. He was the only one besides me who was still living at home.

As I stood, shivering, thoughts of Derek entered my mind. I remembered sitting with him every day, never talking, yet never having the silence awkward. Now I sit alone.

Tension ripples through the crowd as a lady by the name of Sielee steps forward to two glass balls. Up until I've been ignoring every sound that meets my ears. But as she reaches into the little glass ball of the girls I strain my ears, not wanting to miss a word.

The only sound that could be heard was the sharp intake of breath. Then Sielee spoke in a cold, ringing, indifferent voice.

"Ilaina Mick."

My heart fell to my stomach and I felt like puking. Slowly, so slowly, I stepped forward, little step after little step. I could feel eyes bore into me, but I resisted the urge to look. I just stared straight ahead as I walked forward. WIth great effort I steadied my shallow breathing and forced my face into a form as indifferent as Sielee's. It wasn't easy. But I think I pulled it off.

Sielee asked, "Is there anyone who would like to volunteer in place of Ilaina?"

No one spoke. No one moved. No one dared breathe a heavy breathe. The only sound ws a mother trying to hush her crying baby.

After that she called the name of my boy counterpart in these games; Sean Baxter.

I didn't know him. I didn't care. But as he walked up, I couldn't help replace his face with Derek's.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:38 am
Junglelover says...

Sean Baxter

"Sean Baxter." I heard my name. I looked over at my dad who gave me a look like he was happy. I tried to give him the most pitiful look so he might perhaps bribe another boy to take my place. But he just smiled and gave me the hand motion to walk. I ran my hands through my hair, and tried to smile and look like I was happy. But I wasn't at all. How could my father do this to me!? I was his only son!
I walked right past a good looking girl, but I was to mad to notice her much. I went up and stood by this Ilaina girl. I flashed a fake smile, hoping it would convince them that I was glad to be here.

*I'm not going to do any more because I need to make an alliance with some one*
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:41 am
MathisSiddel says...


I woke with a start. A warning call of a bird always woke me. It was like the mountain's built in alarm system. I grabbed my bow and sling and looked around. My flock was safe in the makeshift pen I had made months ago. We where high in the mountains were the best grass grew. I knew the special spots where the grass was the greenest and best for my flock. A few months ago when I was herding the sheep looking for new spot I had found this patch of woods. I have been using it for shelter the last few months.

I saw a fox dash away in the dawn light. Today I had to make my way down to town for the reaping that was tomorrow. It would be a long journey and I would have to start soon. I threw some branches on my dieing coals. I would make a quick breakfast that would have to last until I got home. No time to stop.

I woke in my bed. It was not one I used often at all. I thought I had not slept a wink. Then I realized that I had just woke. The reaping. Anyone could be chosen. Any of the twelve year-olds or any of the eighteen year-olds. You could never tell. I had a strange feeling. It was if I knew I would be chosen. The same feeling I got about many dangers. I could tell if there was a wolf around the bolder, or a crevice hidden by leaves. It was just a strange feeling in my neck at first. Then I came to have a dream like knowing about something. Very few times had it failed me. That is why I was so sick with fear on the way to the reaping. Sick with fear. Sick.

It did help me in a way though. I "knew" I was going to be picked. Or I thought I knew I was going to be picked. That gave it time for it to sink in to me. I had a strategy planned out. I would be a stone. I would appear as though a ton of bricks falling on me would not leave a dent. I know that some of the tributes act happy, some sexy, some smart, and some funny. I was going to be a stone. A impenetrable stone. Nothing could scratch me, let alone kill me in the arena.

Everyone looked so nervous. They were all shaking and most sweating even thought it was almost chilly out. I was just reassigned to it all. The hand went into the bowl. The paper was unfolded. I saw the lips forming a "D". I knew I was going to fight. I knew I was going to kill. I knew I was going to have to be numb to it until it was over. I knew who I was. I was untouchable. "Dunemac"

Sweat dripped off my brow. I was so tense I could not believe the pain I was putting my muscles threw. I was not even moving. Just at a sprinting stance. Very tense. I looked at the ground for just a second. I was on my starting spot. The games would soon beginning. My life would soon become unrecognizable. Just for the entertainment of the capital.
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:18 am
Yuriiko says...


Dominic ran his fingers through his shaggy brown hair as he sat up on his untidy bed. The sun's rays penetrated his windows that gave slight warmth around his room. Pressing down his feet against the cold hard floor, he stretched a little and yawned. Today would surely be a memorable moment in his life. He never ever wanted this.


A sweat crawled down his neck that transmitted a chill down his spine. Looking around, he saw different facial expressions and majority of those gave a frown and nervous faces. The bow and arrow holder bag had slung around his shoulder. The atmosphere was getting uncomfortable, even though he has this support from his unhealthy father. His father wanted this, not even dared to ask if Dominic was in favor or not. Dominic sighed, well, at least his forced participation would be the last thing he could give to his father.

A woman about her twenties reached down a paper with her right hand into the glass bowl and called out a name after she got it. The girl who was called and only a few feet from Dominic, gave out an indifferent and anxious appearance. The air was flowing with nervousness and sweat that contributed to the tense feeling Dominic had and much more when his name got called and no one volunteered to replace him. His hands trembled and could feel the thumping sound of his heart against his sweating chest. And plus, he could feel a few stares directing to him and small murmurs swaying around both of his ears. During that intense moment, Dominic had that confident sentiment that his father was by now smiling at his back.

And who would ever dare to replace him? No one has the brave soul to do it because it's their life that is going to be threatened. A brutal and merciless game, that is.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:27 pm
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MilkNCookies says...


]Some were crying. some talked. But as it seemed, none were quiet.

"Quiet!" Someone bellowed. It got everyone's attention but the screaming babes.

"Dunmac!" The lady, who selected a paper, screamed. "Does anyone volunteer for him?" Dead silence. Even from the babies. Muffled crying came after as he as lined up with the others.

"Jessica, district 5!" She yelled. My heart sank. She called my best friend. She slowly walked through the crowd, apparently about to cry. "Does anyone volunteer for her?" She asked. I don't know why.

But I did.
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:13 pm
kidashka says...


A terrified silence covered the town centre as we stood staring up to the platform in the district centre. All of my family was there, Denzo holding me protectively from behind. He's afraid, I thought, and shivered, glancing around anxiously at the rest of my brothers and sisters. Today was the first reaping of Erla, my younger sister, and her fear was evident on her face, her slight frame huddled against our parents. I closed my eyes tightly as the name of the female tribute was pulled from the bowl. Please not Erla, please not-

"Clara Chetwing."

My breath caught in my throat and I felt Denzo's arms tense around me. A nervous pause, fill of a desperate hope that someone would call out, that someone would take my place and save me. But no. I turned around for a moment, holding my family tight around me, then had to pull away, making my way through the crowds numbly without a second glance. If I turned to look at them again I knew ... I knew I wouldn't be able to do this. Once on the stage, I continued to stare blankly at the ground, waiting for the next tribute to be called.

"Hirt Blackwood."

Someone I hadn't heard of before. Maybe that would make it easier when -

"No!" My glance shot up as I heard the familiar voice shout out. "No! I volunteer!" I watched as Denzo pushed his way forward, determination in his eyes, and my heart sank. As he made his way onto the platform, I met his eyes, my head shaking ever so slightly, begging him to go back and change his mind. "Don't..." I whispered, but I could already see what that he'd made his decision.

We were going in together.
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:40 pm
TheGreatIthy says...


It was reaping day yet again. Every year, I always think I will get picked, but every year I am able to make it through without having to be put through the games. Unfortunately, the chances of me making it through based on luck gets slimmer and slimmer as my name is put in more times for my age, or for more money that my family always desperately needs.

I walked up to the town centre where the names were to be called, and after a few more minutes of waiting, it started. I didn't pay attention to the opening that was given, it never was really important to me, but I perked up when they started to call the names. They were starting with the men.

"Elson Alderin!" They called.

My heart sank. Yet, somehow I knew it was going to happen. I walked up to the front in silence. People stared at me. I wanted to yell at them, but I couldn't find my voice. I was reaped.

"Fawn Trell!" They called.

A small girl with brown hair walked up beside me. We looked at each other. I knew her, of course. She was a hunter like me, but I never really had a chance to really get to know her. I always wanted to, but something always stopped me. Like I was a coward or something. She must have seen the look of worry in my face, because she leaned over and whispered to me, "Don't worry. We'll stick together, okay?"

She was offering an alliance straight off the bat. What better terms for an alliance, though as we were both from the same district and knew we wouldn't betray each other if only because we would have to live with each others families for the rest of our lives. I looked her in the eyes, and nodded my approval.


My entire life shattered when I heard my sisters name being called. I wanted to hold her back. Make another girl take her place, but I couldn't. Besides, I was the brother, I had to protect her. I volunteered for the male tribute without hesitation and walked up to my sister without so much as a glance at anyone else. If I was going to protect her, I was going to do it in the games, then willingly give up my life so that she can continue hers. I would do so without hesitation like I did when I volunteered.

I looked at Clara hoping to see some thankfullness in her glance. All I got was a glare. She didn't agree with me, that was for sure. I shrugged, and she looked away. Even she knew that there was no going back. We were in together now.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:04 pm
MathisSiddel says...

DragonWriterFanatic... I name is Dunemac. Also remember to put the name of your character and the beginning of your post.
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:36 am
Blueskysummer says...

Fawn Trell

Some tributes claimed to have a sort of revelation when they were picked. In previous years, I had seen some fall to the ground in a defeated manner or try to run away, only to be dragged onstage by peacekeepers. But I had none of that. When my name was called, after the small game hunter that I knew through name and gossip alone, I felt none of that. My mother let out a strangled cry, and that sort of summed up my feelings about it. Because I understood the cry; the cry of knowing she would loose another child. She didn't expect me to win. I didn't expect me to win. But I was okay with that. I knew that I was a pawn in the capitol's sick entertainment, but it was better me than some twelve year old who'd die right off the bat.

But as I made my way to the stage, I came to terms with my planned death. It was okay. I'd play their game.

Just as long as I could take some of those damn careers with me.

Plans started building as I climbed the stairs. I'd aim for careers first, and try to kill any younger or higher district tributes quickly. I'd stay alone, not trust any alliance. I'd get as far as I could, but not drag myself along if I became poisoned or horribly mangled.

But when I saw the nervous face of Elson, my fellow district-mate, that all crumbled. My feeling of numbness and content burned into anger. It was tributes like Elson, the ones with families who were barely getting along as it was, the ones who were the middle of the pack, who never got sponsors for being career or being pitiful, those were the ones who made me hate the stupid capitol. Against my better judgment and previous planning, I leaned across the stage and whispered my alliance to him. And my mind started a new plan. Wherever he was, I'd be. I'd make sure he'd win, whatever the cost.

Through our capitol training sessions, we met a third member of the group. Elson was the one to suggest her. And though I didn't trust the girl as far as I could throw her, I agreed to the alliance. There was strength in numbers.

The training ran by, much too fast... and then we were standing in the arena, poised on their starting platforms. My quick, hunters eyes surveyed the cornicopia. We had thirty seconds. My muscles tensed, and I got ready to sprint. Out of the corner of my eye, Elson and Ilaina did the same. I wondered if any of us would die in the first battle. Maybe we would. That was all part of the game. Even the strongest could go at any time. Maybe they'd get lucky. Hopefully they'd get lucky.

Bring it on.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:59 am
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Calligraphy says...

keep them coming guys :D

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:57 pm
MathisSiddel says...

We pretty much need everyone to post before starting the games....... bump
███████████████!!Story Booker Here!!███████████████

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Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:25 pm
Junglelover says...

Your going to have to kill me, I don't think I can handle this now. I feel really, really bad.
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

As the notifications drift in I stop and wonder. Why do they take so long? Do they have adventures we don't know about? I bet they do. When they come I will ask myself. What amazing adventure has this straggling notification been on? How far did it travel, and why didn't it take me?
— TypoWithoutCoffee