
Young Writers Society

Blood Type (Open to all!)

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:37 am
jok101 says...

Nick Brown

"So first killing, Annie Holmes, we think same profile as the other killings ,met online, young girl, right blood type and sucked dry through the jugular. Latest Killing Terry Handsome, first male victim, could just be a copycat" My partner, Joey straight, rattled away at the federal officer over too inspect the inner workings of the VMS.

"Any leads?" The federal officer asked when Joey had finished, he shook Joeys hand but made an effort to pretend to look for something in his pocket so he didn't have to shake mine.

"no, Guy uses internet cafes makes a new username, email and history sometimes he uses his vampire status to lure girls in sometimes just charm. Makes him impossible to track with are resources" I said making it clear in my voice that I was bored of talking to this a**h***.

"what do you mean?" The fed asked.

"do you know how many people get murdered by vampires in a week, just in this state, 82 and rising it was 22 when I started this gig. Do you know why it's rising no well I do, vampires kill Humans, humans close down blood banks in anger more vampires kill people so on and so forth. Out of all these murders do you know how many of the 82 this squad deals with, 62, the rest of the police only take 20 of the vamp murders in the state" I finished my rant leaving the fed looking board.

"maybe we should just burn them" The Fed said to Joey looking away from me.

"maybe WE should burn you" Joey said leaving the office full of case files.

"what an asshole" Joey said as we walked out the boss walked out of his office and shouted over too us.

"Hey Brown got some rare blood needs delivering over to the Von rays" The fat old man shouted in a ruff accent.

"I got better things to do boss" I said and continued toward the door.

"Hey your gonna do it, Von ray asked pecificly for a detective to deliver the blood and your the only one that's not out doing something already." I sighed and turned around to face the boss I was tempted to give him the finger again but I enjoyed my pay check so thought better of it.

"just cause I'm Vamp hu" I said as the boss handed be the small briefcase full of packaged of blood.

"makes me hungry" I said

"yeah for a cheeseburger" Joey said in dumb voice.

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:39 am
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jok101 says...

John Ryder

"So first killing, Annie Holmes, we think same profile as the other killings ,met online, young girl, right blood type and sucked dry through the jugular. Latest Killing Terry Handsome, first male victim, could just be a copycat" My partner, Joey straight, rattled away at the federal officer over too inspect the inner workings of the VMS.

"Any leads?" The federal officer asked when Joey had finished, he shook Joeys hand but made an effort to pretend to look for something in his pocket so he didn't have to shake mine.

"no, Guy uses internet cafes makes a new username, email and history sometimes he uses his vampire status to lure girls in sometimes just charm. Makes him impossible to track with are resources" I said making it clear in my voice that I was bored of talking to this a**h***.

"what do you mean?" The fed asked.

"do you know how many people get murdered by vampires in a week, just in this state, 82 and rising it was 22 when I started this gig. Do you know why it's rising no well I do, vampires kill Humans, humans close down blood banks in anger more vampires kill people so on and so forth. Out of all these murders do you know how many of the 82 this squad deals with, 62, the rest of the police only take 20 of the vamp murders in the state" I finished my rant leaving the fed looking board.

"maybe we should just burn them" The Fed said to Joey looking away from me.

"maybe WE should burn you" Joey said leaving the office full of case files.

"what an asshole" Joey said as we walked out the boss walked out of his office and shouted over too us.

"Hey Ryder got some rare blood needs delivering over to the Von rays" The fat old man shouted in a ruff accent.

"I got better things to do boss" I said and continued toward the door.

"Hey your gonna do it, Von ray asked pecificly for a detective to deliver the blood and your the only one that's not out doing something already." I sighed and turned around to face the boss I was tempted to give him the finger again but I enjoyed my pay check so thought better of it.

"just cause I'm Vamp hu" I said as the boss handed be the small briefcase full of packaged of blood.

"makes me hungry" I said

"yeah for a cheeseburger" Joey said in dumb voice.
Last edited by jok101 on Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:59 am
seeminglymeaningless says...


"How much money have we got this week for your groceries?" Cherry asked Coahl, rummaging around in her purse for spare change.

Coahl sighed and leaned against the worn kitchen bench, his actions speaking louder than any words could have.

Cherry started to sweat, "This is the fifth time this has happened. We can't keep doing this. We'll get caught." She distracted herself by checking the fridge again, as if it would have magically restocked while she wasn't looking.

Her twin brother shrugged, "It's no big deal. We get better every time."

"It is a big deal!" Cherry snapped, "I leave one trace, a hair, a drop of blood, and they're onto us. Immediately. They know all the vampires, Coahl! They're only waiting for me to do something beyond petty theft, and then they'd make me disappear."

"This is always about you, isn't it?" His eyes narrowed, "You think I'm happy having to watch over you all the time, even though you're the older one? Do you think it's fair that I had to follow you from foster home to foster home because I knew that if I didn't, you'd probably turn into what our mother hated?"

"You don't understand what it's like!" Bitterness laced her voice as she spoke, "I don't want to have to ask for help from you, but I've got no choice! If I register at a blood bank that's still operational, then they'll know where we live. I can't just feed on anyone - it's so easy to get caught." Cherry closed her eyes, "I'm sorry, Coahl, but you're my only life-line."
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:15 am
Light_Devil! says...


Coahl rolled his eyes at her, "Stop being such a drama queen."

"You don't know how much I have to think about everything! So closely, I have to check and check and check, just to make sure we don't get caught. I have to. Not you, Coahl. You're so lucky you're human," Cherry was on the verge of a breakdown as she once again looked in the fridge - just in case.

Coahl smiled at her, his anger gone completely - calmed by her frantic movements which he thought adorable, "Calm down. We're both hungry. I can just sneak a little fast food from our job on our shifts tonight. Everything will be fine, okay?"

Cherry took a deep breath, "Okay, just... just don't get caught. If you were gone I'd die... or worse."

Coahl laughed a little, not entirely a humorous laugh, more one of irony, "I think you'd die. I can't see you turning into a murderer. You're too.." he paused trying of think of the right word, "too..."

"Human?" Cherry supplied, the word tumbling bitterly off her tongue.

Coahl grinned, this time his smile bright and cheerful, "You see, this is why people think we're telepathic," There was silence for a moment as they both mulled their twin-ship over, before he continued, "Now, I know you're hungry, but you've told me before my blood isn't half as filling when I'm not properly nourished. So, after I eat tonight, you can. Sounds good?"

She smiled one of her rare smiles and the worry slid off her face, "Sure," she grabbed his hand, squeezed and then began to pull on it, "Come on or we'll be late for our shift. And then where we would be?"

Coahl chuckled, his unique humour finding this a wonderful time to pop out, "Prison."
Dynamic Duo AWAY!!!

A computer once beat me at chess. It was no match for me at kick boxing.

"I wish Homer was my father," - Ned's son.
"And I wish you didn't have Satan's curly red hair," - Ned Flanders.

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:27 pm
Lauren2010 says...

Tom Gray and Peter Harving

Tom slammed his fist into the locked door. 'You're gonna pay for this, Alice!" he shouted. "You know how Pete gets when he hasn't fed!"

Peter grabbed Tom by the shoulder and pulled him back. "It's not a big deal, Tom," he said. "The blood bank on fifth is still going, I'll just swing by there on the way home."

"My shift starts in ten," Tom said, giving the door another good kick.

"I don't need you to babysit me," Peter said.

Tom raised an eyebrow. "Fine, then. But take Clare with you." He leaned up against the door. "Clare, you're taking Pete here to the blood bank on fifth." He shoved his hands in his pockets and sauntered down the hall, disappearing into the stairwell.

Peter sighed and leaned back against the wall beside the door. His throat burned and his stomach twisted into knots. He really needed to get some blood and fast.
Got YWS?

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:20 pm
kidashka says...

@DWF: Is Alice the older sister then?


I sighed, giving Alice a disapproving look. "You shouldn't have done that. Now I have to escort Peter to the blood bank before he flips out or whatever. I'll see you in a bit, okay?" I asked, grabbing my scarf from where I'd hung it up only moments ago.

Alice pouted. "What about me? You're just gonna leave me here all alone?"

A glare from me shut her up for a moment. "I think you can manage, Alice. Start making dinner or something, 'kay?"

"I hate cooking. Something to do with the fact that there's no point."

"I hate blood donations, but-"

A pained groan from outside made the two of us stop arguing, and Alice rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Fine, off you go. Just don't get eaten on the way home, alright?"

"Whatever you say, ma frangine... I'll be fine. See you later." With that, I opened our door, still fairly warily in case Tom was still there to tear our heads off. A quick glance around the hallway told me that he wasn't there. Peter, however, was leant against the wall, expression twisted into one of severe pain. I hesitated. Would he last all the way to the blood bank? It wasn't only his health I was concerned about; if he got out of control and I was the nearest one there, I wouldn't stand a chance.

As he saw me, Peter straightened up slightly. "Shall we go?" he asked, voice with a falsely calm tone to it. He was probably trying to play down how bad he was, but I'd lived with Alice long enough to know when a vampire was getting too weak to cope. "Wait here a moment," I murmured, before slipping back into the flat.

Alice raised an eyebrow as she saw me come back in and head to the fridge. "Back already?" she commented, and I shook my head distractedly.

"No... do you mind if I take some blood for Peter? He doesn't look like he's going to manage the whole way to-"

"That's fine," Alice interrupted nonchalantly. "We've got enough for now." I gave her a doubtful look, but took some anyway. Not much at all, just enough so that, hopefully, he would last the journey. Alice waved me off again as I rushed back out to the hallway.

Peter raised his head as I arrived back, his expression of confusion fading as he realised what I was holding. "What - oh. Are you sure?" he asked weakly, even as he reached out for the container.

"It's not much, but it should be enough for now. Come on, I want to get back before it's too late. The steets aren't that safe anymore."

Nodding in agreement, Peter straightened up fully, the effects of the blood already seeming to settle in and his pained expression settling as we made our way down the stairs.

... Super long post ... >.<

EDIT: Oh dear... i got the names mixed up >.<
Last edited by kidashka on Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:23 pm
Esther Sylvester says...

Christopher Loch

The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread filled the small diner. Christopher tapped his fingers absently on the old wooden table that sat in the corner of the place, piecing together a puzzle in his mind. He reached under the table and pulled out an old briefcase, its leather soft from age, but still quite durable. He opened it and pulled out a handful of pictures. He placed the pictures on the table.

"What do you have there?" a waitress asked, standing ready at the table with an order pad in her hand.

"Nothing, Sal," Chris answered. He gave the young woman his signature innocent smile. "Just picking out some of these to put in my photo album."

"Is that your son?" the waitress asked, pointing to a picture of a small, pale boy with a large white smile. The child had pointed canines.

Chris shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"My son...passed away."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine, Sal. At least, it will be. I'll take the usual."

The waitress left and Christopher looked at his pictures. It was not a coincidence that all of the people in the pictures had fangs; they were all vampires. Some of the pictures were marked with red X's, to show the ones that he had cleaned the Earth of. He had taken care of many, but not the ones that had taken his son. But now he had a hunch. His finger strayed to a picture of the oldest looking vampire in the pile of pictures.

"It's him, I know it."

Christopher took a sip at his newly arrived coffee and took a look at the bloodbank outside the window corner. It was one of the few now opporational. The blood bank on Fifth Street. A small smile crossed Christopher's lips.

The vampire would be there. And he would be waiting.
Last edited by Esther Sylvester on Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's writing prompt week on my blog a very random pickle!:

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:43 pm
*coco says...

Dmitri Collins

Dmitri shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Alexander was looking at him suspiciously and he knew it. That kid could always see through him. Dmitri quickly glanced down at his plate and felt the sudden urge to vomit. There was no way he could stomach the steak and potatoes. He could still feel the serum flowing through his veins and digesting human food would do little to help the process. On top of that he was still fuming over his latest failure at creating a human blood-alternative.

“Eat your food,” his step-father whispered.

Dmitri could sense the irritation his voice. His step-father didn’t even want to come to this dinner in the first place. Although he and Mr. Von Ray were good friends as well as business partners, Dmitri’s step-father had never approved of the Von Ray’s approach to their children’s condition. The Von Ray’s open acceptance of their children’s vampirism disgusted him, and it was only to save their business relationship that Dmitri’s step-father kept his feelings to himself.

“The steak is lovely,” Dmitri's step-father said to Mrs. Von Ray, in an attempt to mask his current discomfort at the amount of blood Alexander was consuming in front of him.

Mrs. Von Ray smiled warmly. “I’m glad you like them, Walter. Please, help yourself to some more.”

“Yes, Walter,” Mr. Von Ray encouraged, cheerfully. “We need to celebrate the success of your latest venture.”

Our latest venture,” Dmitri’s step-father pressed, raising his glass into the air for a toast. “Silverman pharmaceuticals would be nothing without...”

The conversation didn’t reach Dmitri’s ears. He was still trying to work out what could have gone wrong with his blood-alternative. Regardless of the failure, he did feel it work for a few seconds, meaning he was slowly heading towards the right direction. All he needed to do was re-work the formula and-

Suddenly he caught the confused glare of Isabella. It was only after she raised a brow, did Dmitri realise that while all these thoughts were running inside his head, he had been staring towards her direction. He felt his ears suddenly turn red as he quickly lowered his gaze and picked the food on his plate. He was well aware of Alexander’s protectiveness of his sister, and he had more important things to do tonight than deal with his anger. According to the latest statistics from the VMS, a total of 82 humans have been killed so far by vampires, not to mention the disturbing rumours of a growing number of humans tying to take the problem into their own hands...

Dmitri needed to create a viable blood-alternative, and he needed to create one fast.
Last edited by *coco on Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:51 pm
Sassafras says...


The servants picked up the mess of the dessert. My stomach was full to the point of hurting. I'd eaten so much!

"The food was great," I said to the head chef. He smiled and thanked me before walking away.

"I hope to have another get together like this again," mom was saying to the Mrs.Collin.

"Of course," she replied. "Right, honey?" Mr.Collin grunted a 'yes' but didn't seem all that enthusiastic. I raised my eyebrows a bit at him but let it drop. He was probably just tired.

"Well, goodbye," father called out as they were exiting.

"Another time," I called out, waving happily. And then they were gone.

- - -

"I don't like him," Alexander grumbled, shutting down his laptop and grabbing his shoes from the floor.

"Oh, shush," I told him. "You don't like anyone." I was sitting up in my bed, knitting a blanket.

"There was something about him," he continued, ignoring me completely. "His stepdad too!"

"Maybe they just had a long night. Why are you putting on shoes?"

"I'm going out, he said simply." Alexander stood and brushed off his shirt.

"Going out where," I inquired, already getting out of bed.

"Nowhere, but you stay!"

"I want to go," I retorted, frowning a bit as he made his way to the door.

"You need to stay in bed, Bella." His voice held the slight hint of desperation. Frowning even deeper, I stood and grabbed the dress I wore at dinner, meaning to change into it.

"I have not been out of this house in forever," I objected, pulling my dress over my silk night gown. "I'm coming."

"But, sister-"

"I'm coming!" He sighed, giving up.

"At least put on a jacket," he begged. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a black leather jacket from the corner and slipped it on after strapping my heels.

"Happy?" I asked. He nodded and walked over to hook his arm through mine.

"Great, lets go."

- - -

"Where is this place?" Alexander hushed me quickly, walking slowly up to the window of the small one story house. "What are you doing," I hissed. He shushed me violently again and told me to be silent. Soundlessly, he opened the window and climbed in. The next few minutes happened in a blur. There was screaming, that's most of all I can remember. A harsh shrill of terror that lasted only a few seconds but still rang vibrantly in my ears. Lights flipped on inside the room and then there was yelling. Someone screaming 'Get out! Get out!' There was a crash and what sounded like glass shattering. I sunk down to the ground and covered my ears. I don't want to hear this. I don't want to know! There was more screaming. More yelling. A sound of something hard hitting the floor with a hollow thud. Tears streamed down my face and I didn't even bother to wipe them off.

"Father! No!" I dug my nails into the soft skin of my face, trying to distract myself from the screams. More shrills of agony. That of a small child. Another softer thud of something hitting the floor. More tears on my part; they just wouldn't stop. There was silence. I didn't even look up when I heard Alexander crawling back through the window, nor did I look up when I heard three bodies hit the soft grass.

"I got an O-, Bell," he said happily, running over to me and lifting me up by my upper arms. His smile vanished as soon as he saw my tear stained face.

"How could you," I asked silently.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:54 pm
MilkNCookies says...

@ kidasha: yea, she's 21

Clare may be human, but she still has that bossy 'air' about her. Past the blood, several fruits, a whole chicken(Why is that there?), a bottle of red wine, and the peas you heat in a bag were hidden. I shrugged and took them all out. I defrosted the chicken and boiled it. Clare was still gone when I was finished with the food, and it was on the table piping-hot. I took a sip of wine (for health- i'm pretty much sober) and a gulp of blood. Tom wouldn't let anything happen to her... right?
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:19 pm
Twitchy says...


I stepped back from her and gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"Why would you do that," she whispered again, tears flowling from her eyes once again.

"I did that for you!" I yelled at her. Her eyes narrowed and her face grew darker.

"That a six year old girl over there!" Her whole body was shaking as she screamed at me. "What could she have possibly done to make you... make you... How could you kill her?" Little rippled traveled down the length of her dress as her whole frame shook.

"Sister, please, calm down." She flicked her hair out of her face and advanced on me, grabbing the front of my shirt with her thin, pale fingers.

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

"I told you not to come," I yelled back at her. "Things get messy sometimes! I didn't want to kill the girl, I just wanted the woman. For you! I wanted to help you!" She tugged on the front of my shirt, pulling me down a few centimeters so I was face to face with her.

"There are other ways to get the help I need! I'm fine!" She staggered a bit but still stood upright. She was shaking harder now.

"Isabella, please calm yourself."

"I can muster on my own! I'm not some...I'm not some child that needs..." She swayed to the left and her legs fell from under her. I barely caught her before she hit her head.

"Dammit," I grumbled, lifting her into my arms. Quickly, I walked over to the woman and pulled out a syringe. Carefully, I inserted into the vein in her neck and extracted the blood. I did this until I had at least ten cartriges full of my sisters blood tpye. Shoving the viles back into my pocket, I started off down the road.
Life's to short to waste time thinking about tomorrow. Live for today and deal when the consequences when they get here!

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:55 am
seeminglymeaningless says...


"Coahl," she whispered, nudging him with her elbow as she picked up a few dirty plates from an empty table, "Check out the guy eating at table six. Looks like death."

Her brother finished wiping down the table before glancing over. The man was smiling a grim smile around his cup of coffee, and clutching the briefcase with his other hand. He looked muscular, and his posture was impeccible. He was clean shaven, with strong, square features. He wore dark sunglasses even though he was inside. Coahl grinned, "What's his story?"

Cherry balanced her heavy load and headed for the kitchen, her twin brother right behind with his tray, "Hmm, lawyer? Just lost a major case. And now his wife wants a divorce."

"You know, normally I'd agree with you, but I think he's more than that."

The teenager scraped the food off the plates before stacking them near the sink for the dishpig to wash, "A spy, eh? Special Ops." She wriggled her eyebrows at Coahl suggestively.

"I was thinking more Private Detective, hunting down murderers." Her brother suddenly shivered, "Or maybe he's a murderer himself."

Sally, the waitress that seemed to have worked at the diner her whole life, came into the kitchen and dropped a handful of change into the tip jar that got split between the waitresses at the end of the night.

"Hey Sal," Cherry asked, "What's the story of the guy at table six?"
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:19 am
Light_Devil! says...


Coahl smiled as his sister asked the waitress who had served the "potential-murderer". Sal had been the one who had convinced the manage to hire the both of them even though they only really had a position open for one. That being said Sally was the hardest Senior Waitress in the diner, though wasn't unfair.

Coahl glanced at the man, wondering why he would wear sunglasses inside and secretly admiring the man's muscle. He gazed weakly down at his own lacking body and frowned. This man must've been a professional athlete or something to have a body like that, because Coahl wasn't that unfit. Coahl had it half in his mind to ask the man where he went to the gym when the man got up and began to leave.

Coahl briefly over-heard what Sal was explaining to Cherry, "He comes in here everyday to have the same. He has an album with his family in it and I think many are dead. I asked him today about a picture of a small boy and if it was his son. Poor thing's son was already dead. I've never seen him come in here with anyone else. Must be alone in life."

Coahl watched the man leave as Cherry exclaimed, "Ha! I told you, he's nothing like what you said."

"How can you be so sure?" Coahl asked, as the diner door's bell chimed as they closed behind him.

"Sally just said-"

"You wanna follow him to make sure you're right?" Coahl asked, already taking off his apron.

"Don't be silly, we've gotta finish our shift and-" Cherry started, but was cut off by Sally.

"Go ahead, you've only got a few more minutes anyway. Besides, he's always got me worrying about him. I'd like to know a regular is going good in life. Go on."

Coahl grinned, "Come on, Cherry, it's not everyday you get to stalk a murderer. Let's go-ooo."

"Fine." She conceded, knowing that Coahl would only whine until she did so anyway. She stripped off her apron and placed it on the hook. Then giving Sally an appreciative look she followed Coahl who was practically bouncing out the door with excitement.

She frowned as her stomach gurgled. Coahl had forgotten to eat. And so had she.
Dynamic Duo AWAY!!!

A computer once beat me at chess. It was no match for me at kick boxing.

"I wish Homer was my father," - Ned's son.
"And I wish you didn't have Satan's curly red hair," - Ned Flanders.

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:29 am
Moriah Leila says...

Anita Montague

Anita rinsed her toothbrush off, before returning it to the medicine cabinet. In the other room she could hear her boyfriend growling at the evening news. Anita pulled her auburn red hair into a ponytail and flicked off the bathroom light.
"Can you believe this crap?" Mark gestured at the TV. "Another killing. Those vampires have become homicidal maniacs."
Anita knew he didn't require a response but the words tumbled out anyways. "There wouldn't be so many killings if the blood banks weren't being closed down."
"Are you kidding me?" Mark was off the couch in an instant. Anita tried to ignore his menacing stance as she grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry. "Why should we take care of these freaks? They're animals! And they should be treated like animals."
Anita shook her head, grabbing her purse. "I don't know. I've had friends that were vampires, they seemed pretty human to me."
"Anita." Mark had used his muscular body to back her into a corner. One of his arms kept her pinned there, while the other grabbed her roughly by the chin. "Don't ever let me catch you hanging out with those, those vampires. Do you understand?"
Anita flinched, praying that he wouldn't hit her today. She had to go to work soon and she didn't want her co-workers asking about any fresh bruises.
"Do you understand?" Mark screamed in her face.
Anita nodded, masterfully keeping her tears at bay. When had their relationship deteriorated to this sad state? She used to dream of spending her whole life with Mark. Now she only hoped she could make it out the front door as soon as possible.
"Do you have your gun?"
"Mark, you know I don't like carrying that thing." Anita was deathly afraid of the .22.
"I don't give a rip. With all these vampires loose, you shouldn't be without protection."
Submissively, Anita slipped the gun into her purse, making sure the safety was on. She gave Mark a quick peck on the cheek before heading out the door. Anita wished she would meet a vampire. And she wouldn't use the gun.
I am not addicted to reading, I can quit as soon as I finish one more chapter.

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:32 am
Sassafras says...

Isabella Von Ray

I woke up surrounded in soft cotton; the subtle smell of vanilla filling my nose. I inhaled deeply and sighed into the sheets that enveloped me. How I got into my room? Well, is that important?

"You're awake," a small voice called from the corner. Startled, I sprang up and cluthced the sheets to my nightgown clad chest. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see Alexander sitting in a chair at the foot of my bed. The filtered sun light coming in from my window hitting his face, highlighting his features and making his bueatiful eyes seem even more so. He still had on the same suit and tie from... From when? I can't remember.

"Yeah," I replied, my voice cracking. I cleared my throat and tried again. "W-what happened?"

"You fainted," he said somberly. I gave him a confused look.

"Why would I do that," I asked.

"You burned off all the energy from your blood yelling at me."

"Now, why would I be yelling at-" I cut off as the memories of last night flooded my mind. The house. The screaming. The thuds. The bodies, slipping out of the window and landed on the soft dew covered grass. And the child. ""You.."

"Sister," he pleaded, getting up from his spot on the chair and rushing over to grasp my hands. "Please don't get angry." I sighed and pulled my hands out of his, laying back down slowly.

"I've not the time nor the energy to be mad at you, Alexander." He sighed and sank to his knees by my bedside. "Right now, sleep is more appealing than anything I can do awake." He nodded and put his head on my matress.

"I'll wake you when it's time to drink," he mumbled. Without answering him, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. There was no need to tell him that waking me wouldn't be necessary. I was going to show all of them I was not some child that needed to be sheltered. For god's sake, I'm a twenty-one year old woman! And they will all soon realize that. I'm going to prove to them I can function on my own. As soon as night fell, and everyone was asleep, I was going out.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own.
— Albus Dumbledore